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■WITH    LISTS    OF    THE 


AND    OTHER  ■  . 

V  ? 

USEFUL  INFORMAtlOjVf.  J  /  ^ 


.       1£3C. 



The  irregularity  in  the  numbering  of  many  of  the 
streets  in  this  city,  and  others  not  being  numbered  at  all, 
having  given  rise  to  much  complaint,  the  publisher  of 
the  Boston  Directory  respectfully  suggests,  that  if  one  or 
two  intelligent  persons  in  each  unnumbered  street  would 
interest  themselves  in  the  subject,  and  apply  to  the 
Mayor  and  Aldermen,  the  defect  might  be  easily  reme- 
died, and  the  public  convenience  essentially  promoted — 
the  City  authorities  being  always  ready  to  number  streets, 
when  application  is  properly  made  to  them. 

Much  inconvenience  is  also  experienced  from  the 
frequent  changes  which  occur  in  the  names  of  wharves, 
in  consequence  of  the  custom  of  calling  them  by  the 
names  of  their  proprietors.  This  might  easily  be  avoid- 
ed, by  the  adoption  of  specific  names,  as  in  the  case  of 
Long,  India,  Battery,  and  other  wharves. 

The  similar  names  of  different  streets,  courts,  lanes, 
&c.  also  cause  much  inconvenience  to  the  public.  There 
are  several  streets,  &c.  in  the  city,  of  which  there  are 
two  or  more  of  the  same  name;  several  courts,  having 
the  same  name  vnth  streets,  &c.  All  this  causes  much 
embarrassment  and  difficulty  in  giving  directions  to  the 
residences  or  places  of  business  of  persons  in  those  courts. 
There  is  an  Alden  lane  and  Alden  court ;  Avery  street 
and  Avery  place ;  Bedford  street,  Bedford  place  and 
Bedford  avenue  ;  two  Bennet  streets  and  a  place  of  the 
same  name  ;  Blossom  street,  Blossom  court  and  Blossom 
place ;  Bowdoin  street,  Bowdoin  place  and  Bowdoin 
sq. ;  Boylston  pi.,  Boylston  sq.  and  Boylston  St.,  and  many 
others.  In  fixing  upon  a  name  for  a  new  court  or  street, 
it  would  be  well  for  the  person  naming  it  to  examine  the 
list  of  streets,  &.c.  in  the  Directory,  and  see  that  there  is 
no  other  of  a  similar  name  to  that  they  propose  to  use. 


City  Register  :  " 

United  States  Qfficers           -         -         -         .         .  5 

Custom  House  Officers 5 

Consuls  and  Consular  Agents  residing  in  Boston  7 

Commonwealth  Officers 8 

County  Officers 9 

Municipal  Court  -         -         -         -~-         -9 

Court  of  Common  Pleas 9 

Police  Court  for  the  City  of  Boston      ...  9 

City  Officers -         -  10 

Constables '-        -        -12 

Undertakers 13 

Fire  Department           -         -         -         -         -         -  13 

Banks  in  Boston       --         -         -         -         -  13 

Insurance  Offices         -         -    '     -         -        -         -  20 

Provident  Institution  for  Savings       -         -         -  26 

Savings  Bank  for  Seamen             -         -         -         -  26 

Massachusetts  General  Hospital        -         -         -  27 

Boston  Dispensary  for  Medical  Relief  of  the  Poor  28 

N.  E.  Institution  for  the  Education  of  the  Blind  29 

Charitable  Societies 29 

Churches  and  Ministers    -----  29 

Physicians  and  Surgeons 31 

Arrival  and  Departure  of  Stages        -         -         -  32 

Baggage  Waggons 36 

Divisions  ofthe  Wards 37 

Public  Buildings,  Societies,  Newspapers,  &c.       -  39 

Hotels,  Taverns,  &c.        -----  42 
Nurses          -----..-44 

Streets,  Courts  and  Places         -         .         -         -  44 

Wharves              56 

Directory  : 

Names,  Occupation,  &c.  ofthe  Inhabitants       -  58 

Colored  Persons 391 

Omissions,  Removals,  &c.      -        .        -        .        396 

Abbreviations  made  use  of  in  this  Directory. 

n.  for  near.  c.  and  cor.  for  corner,  h.  for  house,  r. 
for  rear.  ct.  for  court.  pi.  for  place,  wf.  for  wharf, 
eq.  for  square.  I.  for  lane.  c.  r.  for  counting  room. 
op.  for  opposite,  b'ds  for  boards. — The  word  street  is 
left  out  as  superfluous. 

1832.  1833,  1834.  1835. 

Names  in  the  Directory,  12,697  I  12,933  (  13,773  I  14,613 
Increase  -     -     -     :     -  236  |       840  |       840  |       257 

Total  -     -    -     -  12,933  |  13,773  |  14,613  1  14,870 

Names  expunged  this  year  (1836)     -     -     3,490 

"        added 3,747 

Removals,  &c.      -     - -     3,988 

.  Whole  number  of  alterations  -     -     -     1 1 ,225 



President  U.  S.  Andrew  Jackson. 

Vice  Presidejit,  Martin  Van  Buren. 

Secretary  of  State,  John  Forsyth. 

Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  Levi  Woodbury. 

Secretary  of  War,  Lewis  Cass. 

Secretary  of  the  JYavy,  Mahlon  Dickerson. 

Post  Master  General,  Amos  Kendall.  , 

Attorney  General,  Benjamin  F.  Butler. 

Chief  Justice,  Roger  B.  Taney. 


District  Judge,  Hon.  John  Davis. 
District  Attorney,  John  Mills,  office  Barrister's  Hall. 
District  Clerk,  Francis  Bassett,  office  Barrister's  Hall. 
Marshal  of  the  Dist.  Jonas  L.  Sibley,  off.  Barrister's  HalL 
Deputy  Marshals,  Horatio  Bass  and  Henry  Harris. 
Navy  Agent,  Daniel  D.  Brodhead,  head  of  S.  Market  st. 
Army  Paymaster,  D.  S.  Townsend,  office  80  Pleasant  st. 
Assistant  Quarter  Master  U.  S.  A.  Capt.  H.  W.  Fitzhugh.. 
U.  S.  Arsenal  at  Watertown.    Major  Craig,  Com. 
Pension  Agent,  J.  K.  Simpson,  Commonwealth  Bank. 



The  Custom  House  opens  in  the  Summer  season  at  9 
o'clock,  A.  M.  and  shuts  at  2  o'clock,  P.  M.  In  the 
Winter  it  opens  at  10  o'clock,  A.  M.  and  shuts  at  2 
o'clock,  P.  M.  On  Saturday  afiernoons,  it  opens  one 
hour  for  the  clearance  of  coasters.  Office,  Custom- 
house street. 

Collector'*s  Office. 


John  Bingham,  Duty-Bond  Accountant. 

Rufus  M.  Gay,  Principal  Debenture  Clerk. 

Ebenezer  Hathorne,  Debent.  Account,  and  Book-Keeper. 



Deputy  Collector's  Department. 
Adams  Bailey,  Deputy  Collector. 
Edward  W.  Parker,   Cashier  and  Book-Keeper. 
John  T.  Prince,  B.  Clerk  and  S.  Book-Keeper. 
Samuel  Draper,  Assistant  S.  Clerk. 
William  Alline,  Import  Clerk. 
Henry  D.  Clary,  Impost  Book-Keeper. 

Foreign  Clearance  and  Coasting  Department. 
William  A.  Wellman,  Chief  Clerk. 
William  Rowson,  Marine  Clerk. 
George  B.  Wellman,  Coastioise  Clerk. 
William  Palfrey,  Assistant  Clearance  Clerk. 

JVaval  Office. 
Isaac  O.  Barnes,  Naval  Officer. 
Edward  F.  Bunnell,  Deputy  Naval  Officer. 
E.  A.  Clary,  Clerk. 

Surveyor's  Office. 
John  McNiel,  Surveyor.         Hugh  Jameson,  Deputy  do. 

George  Gillpatrick,  Clerk. 
Keeper  of  the  Custom  House  and  Messenger ,  Nath'l  Paine, 

Inspectors  for  the  District  of  Boston  and 
Joseph  W.  Homer  Lewis  Lerow  John  Banchor 

Darius  Boardman,  Josiah  Newhall       Francis  McKenna 

and  Store  Keep er^QX\']Vi\mn  WhippleEzra  Mudge 
of  Spirits  S/"  Wines  Samuel  Jones  George  Wardwell 

R.  B.  Hewes  Nahum  Ball  N.  K."  Seaton 

Joseph  Stevens       John  D.  Dyer  Herman  Atwill 

Ebenez.  Clapp,  jr.  William  Winn        Luther  Hamilton, 
John  Muzzy  John  Kendall  Temp'y  Ins. 

Thomas  Pitts  E.  M.  Cunningham 

Jedediah  Lincoln,  Hingham.     L.  Souther,  Cohasset. 
W.  B.  Duggan,  Dorchester  and  Qidncy. 

Weighers  and  Gangers,  Boston  and  Charlestown. 
Joseph  Loring         J.  M.  Fiske  Theodore  Dexter 

J.  L.  C.  Amee        A.  H.  Ward  James  Estabrooks 

Nathaniel  Tracy 

Measurers  of  Salt  and  Coal. 
Thaddeus  Page       Joseph  N.  Howe    VV.  P.  Loring 
Joseph  Grafton       Andrew  Green 


S.  A.  Allen,  Public  Store  Keeper.  John  Lee,  Clerk. 
Darius  J3oardman,  Store  Keeper  of  Spirits  and  Wines. 
George  Kuhn,  Marker  and  Prover  of  Spirits  and  Wines. 

Public  ^ppraisei^s^  Office. 
John  Crovvninshicltl,  Levi  R.  Lincoln,  Prin.  Jipjrraisers. 
Samuel  Evelelh,  C  J.  L  Allen,  £ssist.  do. 
William  H.  Burbeck,  Clerk. 

Appraisers'  Office,  opposite  Custom  House. 

F.  VV.  Baker,  J.  L.  Stone,  Square  Yard  Measurers. 

G.  M.  Halliburton,  Invoice  Clerk. 
George  Carpenter,  Messenger. 

John  Redding,  Jacob  Tarr,  Kent,  Laborers  in 

Jippraiscrs^  Store. 

Boarding  Officer  of  the  Customs  and  Capt.  Rev.  Barge, 
Joseph  VV.  Homer.     Office  at  the  end  of  Long  \vf, 

Bargemen  to  Cus.  House  Barge. — Wiswell  Wadsvvorth, 
Coxsicain ;  James  Kettell,  Anthony  Cline,  H.  B. 
Moffit,  Bargemen. 

Commander  of  Revenue  Cutter,  Lewis  Girdler. 

'[st  Lieutenant,  S.  P.  Scott.     2d  do.  Thomas  Stoddard. 



British — George  Manners,  48  India  street. 
Brit.  Vice  Consul— Kohexi  C.  Manners,  48  India  street. 
French  Commar.  .figcnt — Max,  Isnard,  4  Crescent  place 
Spanish  Consul — Antonio  G.  Vega,  81  Washington  st. 
Consul  for  the  Netherlands — Thos.  Dixon,  41  India  wf. 
Swedish  and  JVoricegian — C.  Edward  Habicht,  6  Park  st. 
Hamburg  Vice  Consul — C.  Knorre,  70  State  street. 
Portuguese  Vice  Consul — Antonio  G.  Vega,  81  Wash.  st. 
Colombian  Vice  Con. — Jas.  Andrews,  office  8  Central  wf. 
Brazilian  Vice  Con. — Archibald  Foster,  at  Granite  Bank. 
Vice  Consul  of  the  Kingdom  of  Sardinia — Louis  A.  Caze- 

nove,  13  S.  Market  street. 
Mexican  Vice  Consul — Edward  Cabot,  49  State  street. 
Russian  Consul — A.  P.  Kielchen,  Hancock  street. 




His  Excellency  Edward  Everett,  LL.D.  Governor. 
His  Honor  George  Hull,  Lteutenmit  Governor. 

Council. — Hon.  David  Wilder,  Jonathan  Hartwell, 
Asa  W.  Wildes,  Benjamin  Russell,  Nathaniel  Austin, 
Benjamin  Rodman,  Zenas  Crane,  Warren  Lovering, 
Edward  F.  Jacobs. 

John  P.  Bigelow,  Secretary  of  the  Commonwealth. 
William  Tufts,  Chief  Clerk.     Charles  W.  Lovett,  Clerk. 
Hezekiah  Barnard,   Treasurer  and  Receiver  General  of 
the  Commomvealth.     Joseph   Foster,    ^st  Clerk.     J. 
I.  Linzee,  2d  Clerk.     Offices  in  State  House. 
Hon.  Horace  Mann,  President  of  the  Senate. 


Hon.  Horace  Mann  Hon.  William  Sturgis 

Hon.  Nathan  (iurney  Hon.  Phineas  Sprague 

Hon  Stephen  Fairbanks        Hon.  John  C.  Gray 


Joseph  T.  Adams,  Richard  Austin,  William  Barni- 
coat,  James  Barry,  Levi  Bartlett,  George  Blake,  Abner 
Bourne,  James  Boyd,  Benajah  Brigham,  W^illiam  Brig- 
ham,  Lemuel  Capen,  James  Clark,  Zebedee  Cook,  jr., 
John  L.  Dimmock,  Benjamin  Dodd,  Thomas  Edraands, 
Frederick  Emerson,  Joseph  Eveleth,  Thomas  G.  Fes- 
senden,  Benjamin  Fiske,  David  Francis,  Francis  C. 
Gray,  Henry  D.  Gray,  John  Green,  jr.,  James  Harris, 
Samuel  D.  Harris,  Leach  Harris,  Eliphalet  P.  Hartshorn, 
George  E.  Head,  Daniel  Henchman,  Zachariah  Hicks, 
George  S,  Hillard,  Enoch  Hobart,  Prentiss  Hobbs,  Cran- 
ston Howe,  Thomas  Hunting,  Zachariah  Jellison,  Henry 
W.  Kinsman,  John  Knapp,  William  Lawrence,  Joseph 
M.  Leavitt,  Charles  Leighton,  Charles  Lincoln,  Jared 
Lincoln,  Ebenezer  H.  Little,  Edward  G.  Loring,  James 
Means,  Daniel  Messinger,  Hugh  Montgomery,  John  C. 
Park,  Oliver  W.  B.  Peabody,  Abel  Phelps,  John  L.  Phil- 
lips, Solomon  Piper,  Henry  G.  Rice,  Jeffrey  Richardson, 
James  Ridgway,  Daniel  Safford,  John  O.  bargent,  Eben- 
ezer Scott,  Thomas  J.  Shelton,  Alvan  Simonds,  Asa 
Swallow,  Samuel  H.  Walley,  jr.,  Lynde  M.  Walter, 
Isaac  Waters,  John  B.  Wells,  William  Willett,  Henry 
Williams,  Robert  C.  Winthrop. 



Judge  of  Probate — John  Heard. 

Register  of  Probate — Oliver  W.  B.  Peabody. 

Sheriff  of  the  County — Charles  P.  Sumner. 

Deputy  Sheriffs — Henry  H.  Huggeford,  Prince  Snow, 

Daniel  Parkrnan,  Thomas  Stephenson. 
County  Jailer — Thomas  Stephenson. 
Coroners — Prince  Snow,  Ebenezer  Shute,  Mace  Smith. 

Probate  Courts  for  this  County  are  holden  every  Mon- 
day in  the  year,  excepting  the  first  Monday  in  each 
month,  at  the  Probate  Office  in  the  County  Court  House. 

A'otarics  Public. — William  Stevenson,  51  State  street; 
Stephen  Codman,  Howard  street;  Charles  Hay  ward,  49 
State  ;  John  J.  Loring,  South  Bank  ;  Thomas  A.  Dexter, 
G  City  Hall ;  Robert  Rogers,  7  Congress  street;  Henry 
Clark,  Congress  street;  Hugh  Montgomery,  S.  Boston. 
Register  of  Deeds. — Henry  Alline,  Office  County  Ct.  H. 
County  Treasurer. — Richard  D.  Harris,  office  City  Hall. 
Joint  Clerks  of  the  Supreme  Judicial  Court  and  Court  of 
Common  Pleas  for  the  County. — Charles  A.  Parker, 
George  C.  Wilde.     Office  County  Court  House. 


Hon.  Peter  O.  Thacher,  Judge. 

Samuel  D.  Parker,  ^^ttorney. 

Thomas  W.  Phillips,  Clerk. 

Henry  Homer,  Crier. 
The  Municipal  Court  is  holden  the   first  Monday  in 

each  month.  — 

Hon.  Artemas  Ward,  Chief  Justice. 
Hon.  Solomon  Strong,  Leominster,  ) 
Hon.  John  M.  Williams,  Taunton,  y.^ssociate  Justices. 
Hon.  David  Cummins,  Salem,  ) 



William  Simmons,  ) 
John  G.  Rogers,      >  Justices. 
James  C.  Merrill,    ) 
Thomas  Power,  Clerk. 
William  Knapp,  Assistant  Clerk. 



The  Police  Court  sits  every  day,  forenoon  and  after- 
noon, commencing  at  9  o'clock,  A.  M. 

The  Justices  Court  for  the  County  of  Suffolk,  which 
is  liie  Court  for  the  trial  of  Civil  Actions,  under  $20,  sits 
on  Wednesdays  and  Saturdays,  at  9  o'clock,  A.  M.  in 
the  Court  House,  Court  street. 

Board  of  Accounts  for  the  County  of  Suffolk. 

Judge  of  Probate  Court,  Judge   of  Municipal   Court, 
and  Justices  of  the  Police  Court,  members  ex-officio. 
William  Knapp,  Secretary. 

The  Board  meets  the  first  and  last  Mondays  in  each 
month,  and  once  in  three  months  to  inspect  the  jail,  and 
other  places  of  imprisonment,  by  direction  of  law. 

CITir    OFnOBRS. 

SAMUEL   T.   ARMSTRONG,   Mayor. 


Winslow  Lewis      Nathan  Gurney       Thomas  Hunting 
John  B.  McCleary  Samuel  Greele        Samuel  Q,-uincy 
Josiah  Dunham       Jos.  H.  Hayward 

Common  Council. 
JosiAH  Q,uiNcy,  Jr.  President. 

Ward  JYo.l.  Ward  JYo.  4. 

Enoch  H.  SnellinglMoses  Grant 

Ward  Mo.  7. 
Josiah  Q,uincy,  ir. 

Joseph  Bassett  Geo.  W.  Gordon    William  T.  Eustis 

Gilbert  Nurse  Benajah  Brigham   James  T.Hobart 

William  Eaton  Henry  Lincoln        Henry  Edwards 
Ward  No.  2.  Ward  No.  5.  Ward  JYo.  8. 

Lewis  Josselyn  Abr.  W.  BlanchardDaniel  L.  Gibbens 

Nathan  Carruth  John  C.  Park  Benj.  A.  Gould 

T.  R.  Raymond  Geo.  W.  Edmands  James  Harris 

Thomas  Moulton   Ebenezer  Ellis 

Ward  JVo.  3.  Ward  No.  C. 

John  Boles  Isaac  Waters 

Benjamin  Kimball  Amos  Wood 
Jason  D.  Battles     Jona.  Chapman 
Asa  B.  Snow  Henry  Upham 

Thos.  C.  Amory 
Ward  No.  9. 
Eliphalet  Williams 
Horace  Dupee 
William  G.  Eaton 
Aaron  Breed 


Ward  JYo.  10.  Ward  JVo.  1 1 .  Ward  JV«.  12. 

Solomon  Piper        IMiilip  Miirett  Alplieiis  Stetson 

Benjamin  Ycaton    Elias  li.  Thayer  Stephen  Chikl 

Jedediah  Tuttle      John  Tliompson  George  Savage 

Elbridge  G.  AustinBenj.  M.  Nevers  Solon  Jenkins 

Samuel  F.  M'CIeary,  City  Clerk. 

Richard  G.  Wait,  Clerk  of  the  Common  Council. 

Richard  D.  Flarris,  City  and  County  Treasurer. 

William  Hayden,  jr.  jJuditor  of  Jiccounts. 

John  Pickering,  City  Solicitor. 

Benjamin  Pollard,  City  Marshal. 

("harles  B.  Wells,  Hezekiah  Earl,  Dep.  City  Marshals. 

Jerome  V.  C.  Smith,  Resident  Physician. 

John  Minot,  Keeper  of  Hospital  Island. 

George  P.  Tewksbury,  Captain  of  the  Quarantine  Boat. 

Samuel  H.  Hewes,  Superimendent  of  Burial  Grounds. 

Zephaniah  Sampson,  Superinteyident  of  Streets. 

Daniel  Rhodes,  Cleric  of  Faneuil  Hall  Market. 

Flavel  Case,  Capt.  Watch  and  Superintendent  of  Lamps. 

Johnson  Colby,  Messenger. 

Consulting  Physicians. 
Drs.  John  C.  Warren,  Benjamin  ShurtlefF,  George  Hay- 
ward,  John  Randall,  George  C.  Shattuck. 

Overseers  of  the  Poor. 
Ward  No.  1.  Joseph  Lewis. Ward  No.  7.  Isaac  Means. 
No.  2.  Joseph  Harlt.  No.  8.  John  B.  Russell. 

No.  3.  Jonathan  Ingalls.        No.  9.  Ambrose  Seaton. 
No.  4.  Julias  A.  Palmer.      No.  10.  Rich'd  A.  Newell. 
No.  5.  Daniel  Henchman.     No.  11.  Perez  Gill. 
No.  6.  Thomas  A.  Davis.     No.  12.  Ebenez.  Stevens. 

School  Committee. 

Samuel  T.  Armstrong,  Mayor,  Chairman. 

Josiah  Quincy,  Jr.  Esq.  President  of  Common  Council. 

Ward  J^o.  1.  Ward  JYo.  3.  Ward  JVo.  5. 

John  M.  Fiske         Ezra  Palmer,  jr.      Frederick  Emerson 
John  Gordon  Rev.  C.  Robbins.    George  Bartlett 

Ward  JYo.  2-  Ward  JYo.  4.  Wa^rd  .N'o.  6. 

Ch.  A,  Macomber  Joseph  Eveleth       William  Minot 
J.  Cullen  Ayer        S.  H.  Walley,  jr.    Henry  B.  Rogers 

I'Z  .  REGISTER.     • 

fVard  jYo.  7.  Ward  Xo.  9.  Ward  Ko.  11 . 

Samuel  Barrett       Zabdiel  B.  Adams  Marshall  S.  Terry 
Sam'l  K.  Lotlu-op  Francis  O.  Walts    George  Gay 

Ward  J\'o.  8.  Ward  M).  10.  Ward  Xo.  12. 

Dr.  C  Robbins        Alexander  Young  Benj.  Whittemore 
Isaac  McLellan,  jr.lvers  J.  Austin        Henry  Hatch 
Samuel  F.  McCleary,  Secretary. 

Directors  of  the  House  of  Industry. 
(Elected    May,    1835.)      Richards    Child,    Aaron    P. 
Cleaveland,    Joseph     Lewis,    Moses    Wheeler,    Daniel 
Henchman,   Alvan  Simonds,   Josiah  Pierce,  Charles  F. 

Artemas  Simonds,  Superintcndtnt. 

Overseers  of  the  House  of  Correction. 
Luther  Faulkner,  George  Darr:.cott,  Daniel  Hastings, 
William  T.  Andrews,  Billino-s  Brii^gs. 

Chas.  Robbins,  Master.     Chas   Cleaveland,  C^ojaZain. 

Directors   of  the  House  of  Reformation  for 
Juvenile   Offenders. 

John  Rayner,   Henry  F.  Baker,   George  B.  Emerson, 
Zachariah  Jellison.  Edward  Bjooks,  John  L.  Dimmock, 
Larra  Crane,  John  D.  Fisher,  Ebenezer  Bailey. 
Francis  C.  Whiston,  Superintendent. 

Samuel  Norwood,  Henry  Bass,  Thomas  Jackson. 

F^lisha  Copeland,  Jonathan  Prescott,  Thomas  Holden, 
George  Reed,  Josiali  Baldwin,  Horatio  Bass,  Ebenezer 
Trescott,  Elisha  V.  Glover,  Ebmezer  Shute,  George 
Robinson,  Janies  Pierce,  Michael  Riley,  J(>hn  Henry, 
Abraham  Lansing,  Willard  Clough,  Deraslus  Clapp, 
John  Reed,  Matthias  Ellis,  Richard  Hosea,  Benjamin 
Brown,  jr.,  William  Loring,  JNathaniel  Coolidge. 

Superintendent  of  Public  Lands. — Abner  Bourne. 
Surveyor  General  of  Lvmbe? . — George  W.  Otis. 
Sealer  of  Boats  and  Lighters. — Caleb  Loring,  jr. 
Crier. — James  Wilson. 

Hay  Weigfiers. — John  R.  Bradford,  Ebenezer  Clougii. 
Sealer  of  Weights  and  Measures. — Amos  Stevens. 


Fence  Vietcers. — Ronianus  Emerson,  Roliin  Harts- 
horn, Abel  Hevvins. 

Cullers  of  Dry  Fish. — Benjamin  Clark,  Benjamin 
Ltickis,  Charles  L.  I'ooU. 

Cullers  of  Hoops  and  Staves. — James  Brown,  Benja- 
min Chirk,  Charles  L.  Pook. 

Inspectors  of  Lime. — Francis  James,  Samuel  Sprague. 

Jlssay  Master. — Louis  A.  Lauriat. 

Hogrecves,  Haywards  and  Field  Drivers. — John  B. 
Braid,  John  Mead. 

Pound  Keeper. — John  Mead. 

Surveyors  of  Hemp. —  Benjamin  Rich,  Sam'l  Emmons. 

Measurers  of  Wood  brought  by  Land,. — John  R.  Brad- 
ford, James  VVilson,  William  Shaliuck,  Moses  Hadley, 
William  Fisk. 

Measurers  of  Wood  brought  by  Water. — Warren  Bovv- 
ker,  Daniel  A.  Rogers,  Josiah  HaskeU. 

Undertahers. — Samuel  Winslow,  Martin  Smith,  Henry- 
Davis,  Joseph  Wilcntt,  Thomas  ftlurray,  John  Deluce, 
Cyrus  Babbit,  Thomas  Haskell,  John  B.  Braid,  Stephen 
S.  Andrews,  Joseph  Wilcutt,  jr.,  Thomas  Andrews,  Ed- 
ward Barrington,  Jonathan  Atherton,  Francis  Dillaway, 
C.  G.  Carlborg,  W.  A.  Brabiner,  Runey  Gove,  C.  I.  Pratt. 


William  Barnicoat,  CI)ief  Engineer. 

James  Barry  John  Green,  jr. 

Henry  Fowie,  jr.  Peter  C.  Jones 

Thomas  A.  Williams  George  W.  Wilkins 

Lewis  Dennis 

Basics    ZM    BOST02S-. 

Oflicers  elected  in  October  annually, 

ATLANTIC  BANK  -8  Kilby. 

Capital  $500,000. 

Directors.  — VViuy  Cutler  (President),  Henry  F.  Baker, 

Jeremiah  Hill,  James  Johnson,  William  F.  Oils,  William 

G.  Lambert,  Francis  Fisher,  Montgomery  Newell,  James 

Pickens,  S.  Philbrick,  B.  B.  Whitney,  Amasa  Walker. 


Cashier,  Beuj.Dodd.  Te/Zer,  Richard  Ward.  Book^ 
Keeper,  Thomas  Drown.     Messenger,  James  Adams. 

AMERICAN  BANK.— 70  Slate. 

Capital  $.500,000. 

Directors. — Benj.  Fiske  (President),  John  S.  Wright, 

Levi   Brigliam,    Paul   Farnum,    Arthur  French,    W.  II. 

Gardiner,  B    B.  Grant,  George  Odiorne,  W.  F.  Whitney. 

Cashier,  W.  H.  Odiorne.      Teller,  Thomas  E  Fearing. 

/)Oo/£-/ifef//cr,  James  Steele.   Col.  C/er^,  Thos.  J.  Bayley. 

ATLAS  BANK  —65  State. 
Capital  $500,000. 
Directors. — Edward  Eldredge  (President),  George  P. 
Bangs,  William  Hales,  Henry  Lee,  Josiah  Nickerson. 

Cashier,  Joseph  White.     Book  Keeper,  James  Russell. 
Col.  Clerk,  William  Beck.     Solicitor,  Theoph.  Parsons. 
Discount  daily. 

BOSTON  BANK— 87  Stale. 
Capital  $000,000. 
Directors. — Phineas  Upham  (President),  Nathan  Ap- 
pleton,    Daniel    C.    Bacon,   Josiah   Bradlee,   Samuel   P. 
Blake,   Samuel   Cabot,  Thomas   B.   Curtis,  William  J. 
Loring,  Robert  G.  Shaw,  Wm.  Sullivan,  Henry  Upham. 
Cashier,  James  C.  Wild.     Solicitor,   Wm.  Sullivan. 
Teller,  Robert  Lash.     Book-Kcejier,  Charles  Hamniatt. 
Messenger,  George  Breckenridge. 

Discount  every  day. 

COLUMBIAN  BANK.— 34  State. 

Capital  $500,000. 

Directors. — Joseph    Tilden    (President),    Patrick   T. 

Jackson,  George  W.  Lyman,  Thomas  Motley,   John  G. 

Torrey,    Samuel   Appleton,   Wiiliam   Amory,   John   T. 

CooliJge,  John  Pickering. 

Cashier,  William  Coffin.  Teller,  Thos.  Swan.  Book- 
Keeper,  George  Cushing.  Messenger,  James  Keen.  So- 
licitor, John  Pickering. 

Discount  every  day. 

Capital  $500,000. 
Directors. — John    K.    Simi)son    (President),    Adams 
Bailey,  John   Mills,   Oliver    Fletcher,   John   Henshaw, 

BANKS.  15 

Ilall  J.  How,  William  Freeman,  [Elislia  Parks,  Samuel 
S.  Lewis,  F.  S.  Carrntli,  Otis  Rich,  Charles  Hood. 

Cashier,  Cliarles  Hood,  ist  Teller,  William  Blaney. 
2d  Teller,  F.  W.  Bridge.  Book-Keeper,  J.  N.  Farrar. 
Discount  Clerk,  Albert  Fitz.  Messenger,  Edward  Barry. 
Porter,  Lewis  Jones. 

Discount  days,  Mondays  and  Thursdays. 
Pension  Department,  L.  M.  Stone,  Clerk. 

CITY  BANK.— 61  Stale. 
Capital  $1,000,000. 

Directors. — George  Brinley  (President),  Isaac  Bangs, 
Thomas  Cordis,  Luther  Faulkner,  Jesse  Putnam,  Samuel 
K.  Williams,  William  T.  Andrews,  Henderson  Inches, 
jr.,  Francis  J.  Oliver. 

Cashier,  Eliphalet  Williams.  Teller,  C.  F.  Blanchard, 
Book-Keepcr,  Charles  W.  Taylor.  Discount  Clerk,  C. 
W.  Holbrook.  Messenger,  Andrew  Johonnot.  PorteTf 
Augustus  Baird.     Discount  every  day. 

COMMERC^IAL  BANK.~91  State. 

Capital  $500,000.. 

DircrJ.ors. — Parker  H.  Pierce   (President),  John  Al- 

bree,  William  Graves,  Israel  Lombard,  Isaac  Livermore, 

I.  Scholfield,  jr.,  Phineas  Sprague,  Isaac  P.  Townsend, 

A.  B.  Weston,  John  H.  Pearson,  William  Perkins. 

Cashier,  Joseph  Andrews.  Teller,  Timothy  Bryant. 
Book-Keeper,  Jonas  Bennett.     Messenger,  Joseph  Curtis. 

EAGLE  BAJNK.— 61  State. 
C\vn\L  $500,000. 
Directors. — Titus  Welles  (President),  William  Almy, 
C.  W.  Cartwright,  Benjamin  French,  Andrew  Cunning- 
ham, Elijah  Loring,  Francis  Skinner,  William  B.  Swett, 
.John  Skiriner,  Benjamin  L.  Thompson,  John  Williams, 
John  D.  Bates. 

Cashier,  John  J.  Fisk.  Teller,  Henry  B.  Odiorne. 
Book-Keeper,  Joshua  P.  Blanchard.  Messenger,  Ebene- 
zer  Sampson. 

Discount  days,  Wednesdays  and  Saturdays. 

FRANKLIN  BANK— South  Boston. 
Capital  $150,000. 
Directors. — Thomas   Richardson   (President),  Josiah 
Dunham,  Thomas  R.  Dascomb^  Hughr  Montgomery,  Eb- 


enozer  Stevens,  John  Mears,  Eben.  Hayward,   Prentiss 
Hobbs,  S.  S.  Ridgevvay,  Isaac  Waldron,  Heman  Holmes. 
Cashier,  Benjamin  F.  Hathorne. 

Discount  days,  Tuesdays  and  Fridays. 

FULTON  BANK— 31  State. 
Capital  $500,000. 
Directors. — Charles  Henshaw  (President),  Samuel  J. 
Bridge,  John  M.  Fiske,  John  C.  Hayden,  Nestor  Hough- 
ton, Joseph  Mariner,  John  Mellen,  John  K.  Simpson,  jr., 
Peter  Harvey,  Lewis  Mills,  William  Ward. 

Cashier,  Joseph  C.  Brodhead.  Teller,  Charles  Harts- 
horn. Book-Keeper,  i.  D.  A(\i\ms.  Jl/esseno-er,  Addison 
Ware.     Discount  days,  Wednesdays  and  Saturdays. 

GLOBE  BANK.— 22  State. 

Capital  $1,000,000. 

Directors. — James    Read    (President),    Abel    Adams, 

Stephen  Fairbanks,  Henry  Hall,   John  Lamson,  Payson 

Perrin,  Isaac  C.  Pray,  John  F.  Priest,  Ignatius  Sargent, 

Benjamin  Seaver,  Enoch  Siisby. 

Cashier,  Charles  Sprague.  \st  Teller,  Calvin  Whiting. 
2d  Teller,  Alfred  Skelton.  Book-Keeper,  Oliver  Cole. 
Discount  Clerk,  John  Adams.  Assistant  Clerk,  Freder- 
ick Nichols.  Messenger,  William  S.  Nichols.  Porter, 
Chauncey  Peck.     Solicitor,  Charles  P.  Curtis. 

Discount  days,  Mondays  and  Thursdays. 

GRANITE  BANK.— Commercial  Wharf. 
Capital  $.500,000. 
Directors. — John  Binney  (President),  Benson  Leavitt, 
J.  Kettell,   S.  H.   Rich,   J.  B.  Tremere,    B.  Dodd,   F. 
Gould,  J.  V.  Bacon,  F.  G.  Shaw,  Geo.  Denny,  J.  McGre- 
gor, N.  Faxon. 

Cashier,  Archibald  Foster.  Book-Keeper,  A.  B.  Hall. 
Teller,  S.  Kneeland.     Messenger,  Barnabas  Binney. 

HAMILTON  BANK.— 53  State. 

Capital  $-500,000. 

Directors. — Daniel  Denny   (President),  Henry  Cabot, 

James   Gushing,    Ebenezer   Francis,   George  H.   Kuhn, 

William  Phipps,  Willard  Sayles,  Thomas  Wigglesworth, 

Marshall  P.  Wilder,  Samuel  W.  Swett. 

Cashier,  Joseph  Hall,  jr.     Teller,  Otis  Turner.     Book- 

UANKS.  17 

Keeper,    Joseph  L.  Hammond.-      Assistant    Clerk   and 
Messenger,  Henry  IIoo})er.     Porter,  Horace  L.  Temple. 

HANCOCK  BANK.— Merchants  Row. 
Capital  $500,000. 
Directors. — Daniel  D.  Brodliead  (President),  Richard 
Cobb,  James  C.  Dunn,  Rufiis  Kendrick,  Geo.  W.  Lewis, 
Richard  Soule,  :?tephen  White,  James  W.  Smith. 

Cashier,  Edward  S.  Erving.      Teller,  Samuel  B.  Dyer, 
Booh-Keeper,  Ellis  B.  Green.     Messenger,  B.  H.  Barnes. 
Discount  days,  Tuesdays  and  Saturdays. 

MARKET  BANK.— City  Wharf. 

Capital  $500,000. 

Directors. — William  B.  Reynolds  (President),  Josiah 

Stickney,  C.  O.  Whitmore,  W.  H.  Delano,  D.  R.  Griggs, 

John  A.  McGaw,   A.   H.,    Benjamin   Sewall, 

Samuel  H.  Walley,  jr.,  S.  Robinson. 

Cashier,  Samuel  O.  Mead.  Teller,  Samuel  P.  Oliver. 
Book-Keeper,  Jonathan  Brown,  jr.  Messenger  and  Por- 
ter,  Charles  S.  Evans. 

Capital  $800,000. 
Directors. — William  Parsons  (President),  Jos.  Head, 
John  L.  Gardner,  John  Parker,  jr.,  Jonathan  Phillips, 
William  D.   Sohier,  Samuel  Torrey,  Edward  Tucker- 
man,  Isaac  Winslow. 

Cashier,  Samuel  Payson.  Teller,  Edv^ard  Sharp. 
Book-Keeper,  James  Dcjdd.  Discount  Clerk,  John  H. 
Bowes.     Messenger,  Thomas  Hooper. 

Discount  days,  Mondays  and  Thursdays. 

MERCHANTS'  BANK.— G5  State. 

Capital  $1,500,000. 

Directors. — Mark    Healey    (President),    Nat,haniel   F. 

Cunningham,  Charles  Ellis, "Luke  Fay,  Samuel  Henshaw, 

John  B.  Jones,  Cushing  Mitchell,  John  C.  Proctor,  Jonas 

L.  Sibley,  William  Tuckerman,  Edmund  Winchester. 

Cashier,  Franklin  Haven.  Ast  Teller,  T.  W.  Hooper. 
2d  Teller,  J.  B.  Wetherbee.  Discount  Clerk,  Charles 
H.  Eldredge.  Collection  Clerk,  John  Chor'ley.  1st 
Book-Keeper,  E.  H.  Severance.  2rf  Book-Keeper,  Geo. 
M.  Norwood.     Messenger,  Chester  Sessions. 

Discount  days,  Mondays  and  Thursdays. 


NEW  ENGLAND  BANK.— 67  State. 
Capital  $1,000,000. 
Directors. — Philip  Marett,  (President),   Samuel  Dorr, 
Henry  Gassett,  Nathaniel  Goddard,  Mace  Tisdale,  John 
D.  Williams,  William  Worlhington,  Dudley  Hall. 

Cashier,  E.  P.  Clark.     \st  Teller,  Charles  Nichols.    2d 
Teller,  S.  T.  Thompson.    'Book-Keeper,  John  G.  Nazro, 
Messenger  and  Porter,  George  Gibson. 
Discount  daily. 

NORTH  BANK.— 26  North  Market. 
Capital  $750,000. 
Directf)rs.—]o\\n  W.  Trull  (President),  Isaiah  Bangs, 
James  Davis,  Oliver  Eldredge,  A.  H.  Fiske,  H.  B.  Hum- 
phrey, John  T.  Heaid,  Calvin  Washburn,    E.  Williams, 
jr.,  Henry  D.  Gray,  James  Weld. 

Cashier,  Gurdion  Steel.     Teller,  P.  H.  White.     Booli- 
Keeper,  VViliiam  M.  Pray.     Messenger,  Jos.  W.  Newell, 
Discount  days,  Mondays  and  Thursdays. 

ORIENTAL  BANK— 88  State. 
Capital  $750,000. 
Directors. — Geo.  W.  Pratt  (President),  Josiah  Pierce, 
Edvv^ard  Crehore,  Thatcher  Magoun,  jr.,  F.  E.  White,  J. 
M.  Brovs^n,  Wm.  T.  Eustis,  E.  H.  Little,  Ch.  Leighton. 

Cashier,  Marcus  Whiting.  \st  Teller,  Geo.  F.  Cook. 
Book-Keeper,  William  W.  Willard.  Messenger,  William 
Raymond,  2d. 


Capital  $500,000. 
Directors. — Enoch  Baldwin  (President),  Joseph  Whit- 
ney, C.  Newhall,  J.  Forbush,  J.  Cheever,  J.  Southwick, 
J.  M.  Jones,  J.  W.  Thayer,  B.  C.  Harris,  Isaac  Williams, 
Luke  Brooks,  E   C.  Emerson. 

SOUTH  BANK.— 40  State. 
Capital  $.500,000. 
Directors. — John  Preston  (President),  Benj.  C.  Clark, 
Samuel  Dana,  Francis  Peabody,  William  P.  Winchester. 
C«.<f/i/er,  John  J.  Loring.      '/e^Ze?-,  S.  G.  Davis.     Book- 
Keeper,  Joshua  Child.     Messenger,  Wm.  H.  Wheeler. 

STATE  BANK.— 53  State. 
Capital  $1,800,000. 
Directors. — E.  A.  Bourne  (President),  Samuel  Austin, 

BANKS.  19 

jr.,  Benjamin  Bangs,  Levi  Bartlett,  David  Ellis,  Jacob 
Hall,  Thos.  Thacher,  Thos.  P.  Cashing,  S.  H.  Babcock. 
Cashier,  Geo.  Homer.  \st  Teller,  Lucian  Skinner.  2rf 
Teller,  Henry  L.  Jaques.  \st  Book-Keeper^  Wm.  E.  Vin- 
cent. '2d  Book-Kceper,  Henry  Pierce.  Discount  Clerk, 
Jonathan  Call.  Messenger,  3 Simcs  H.  Foster,  jr.  Por- 
ter, John  White.     Solicitor,  James  T.  Austin. 

Discount  days,  Mondays  and  Thursdays. 

SUFFOLK  BANK.— 65  State. 
Capital  $750,000. 

Directors. — Henry  B.  Stone  (President),  Joseph  Baker, 
John  Belknap,  George  Bond,  Ebenezer  Breed,  Samuel 
Hubbard,  Wm.  Lawrence,  John  A.  Lowell,  Jas.  Means, 
Benjamin  R.  Nichols,  JeftVey  Richardson,  Nathaniel  P. 
Russell,  Henry  B.  Stone. 

Cashier,  Matthew  S.  Parker.  Paying  Teller,  Henry 
Jaques.  Receiving  Teller,  Henry  Burroughs.  Book- 
Keeper,  Isaac  C.  Brewer.  Discount  Clerk,  Charles  Em- 
erson. J3ssistant  Clerks,  A.  K.  Hunt,  Henry  L.  Jaques, 
Cyrus  Smith.     Porter,  Rand  Lord. 

Foreign  Monexj  Clerks. — William  Grubb,  jr.,  D.  H. 
Belknap,  J.  Grubb,  John  Lakeman. 

Discount  days,  Wednesdays  and  Saturday.s. 

TRADERS'  BANK.— 9  India. 
Capital  $500,000. 
Directors. — David  Dndley  (President),  Benj.  F.  Cope- 
land,   Joshua  Crane,   Jabez  Fisher,  2d,   Prince  Hawes, 
Jabez  C.  Howe,  Doming  Jarvis,  Thomas  Lord,  J.  Colla- 
raore,  jr.,  Geo.  Seaver,  Zachariah  Jeliison,  Henry  Smith. 
Cashier,  Ephraim  L.  Frothingham.     Teller,  Thomas 
Browne,  jr.     jBoo/c-iiTee/^er,  Jeremiah  Gore,  jr.     Messen- 
ger, Thomas  O.  Brackett.     Solicitor,  Francis  O.  Watts. 

TREMONT  BANK.— 41  State. 
Capital  $500,000. 
Directors. — Samuel  T.  Armstrong  (President),  E.  T. 
Andrews,  Caleb  Curtis,   A.  T.  Hall,   E.  Train,  H.  H. 
Fuller,  George  A.  Goddard,  Isaac  Stevens,  G.  Wheelock. 
Cashier,  James  Dalton.      Teller,   Amos  T.  Frothing- 
ham.    Book-Keeper,  Nathaniel  Clapp.     Messenger  and 
Porter,  Charles  Stearns.     Discount  every  day. 


UNION  BANK— 40  State. 
Capital  $800,000. 

Directors.— Samuel  Fales  (President),  Luke  Carter, 
P.  R.  Dalton,  Jeremiah  Fitch,  Ozias  Goodwin,  Giles 
Lodge,  Thaddeus  Nichols,  jr.,  John  Stearns,  Thomas  B. 
Wales,  Moses  Wheeler. 

Ca5/<icr,  Chester  Adams.  TeZ/er,  Sam'l  Parker.  Book- 
Keeper,  Nathaniel  Emmons  Discount  Clerk,  Reuben 
Swan,  jr.  Jissistant  Clerk,  A.Tro\\hx\i\gfi.  Messenger 
and  Porter,  Oliver  Jaqnith.     Discount  daily. 

WASHINGTON  BANK.— 471  Washington. 
Capital  $500,000. 
Directors.— Aaron  Baldwin  (President),  Thos.  Brew- 
er,  J.  P.  Cooke,   Charles  Davis,  Windsor  Fay,   Francis 
Jackson,  Josi.  Stedman,  John  Thompson,  Mos.  Williams. 
Cashier,  D.  A.  Sigourney-     Teller,  J.  J.  Soren.    Book- 
Keeper,  J.  A.  Richards.     Messenger,  S.  IL  Champney. 

J.l!¥BUB.ILI>SCIl    omens. 

Jlmerican  Insurance  Company. 
State.— Capital  $300,000.— Dividends  Jan.  and  July. 
Directors. — J.   Ingersoll  Bowditch   (President),   Na- 
than Appleton,   Samuel  Appleton,   Benjamin  A.  Gould, 
John  Heard,  jr.,  Caleb  Loring,   Samuel  May,    F.  J.  Oli- 
ver, P.  P.  Pope,  Benjamin  Rich,   Robert  G.  Shaw,   Ho- 
race Gray,  Henry  Oxnard,  Isaac  Winslovv. 
Secretary,  J.  S.  Barbour. 

Jltlas  Insurance  Company. 

31  State.— Capital  $300,000.— Div.  Jan.  and  July. 

Directors. — Samuel  .\.  Wells  (President),  Jolin  Bor- 
land, George  B.  Blake,  George  Brinley,  Edward  Cruft, 
Ric^hard  Devens,  Thomas  Dennie,  Edward  Eldredge, 
John  Harris,  James  Harris,  Joseph  W.  Lewis,  W.  W. 
Parrott,   R.  D.  Shepherd,  IMiineas  Sprague,  Jer.  Kahler. 

Sec'ry,  Andrew  C.  Dorr,  jr.  Messenger,  W.  L.  Barnes. 

Atlantic  Insurance  Company. 
29  State.— Capital  $250,000.— Div'ds  Jan.  and  July. 
Directors. — Francis  Watts  (President),   S.  D.  Brad- 
ford, Charles  Brown,  Joseph  V.  Bacon,  Darning  Jarvis, 


Jabez  How,  Zachariah  Jellison,  Tliaddeus  Nichols,  jr., 
Henry  Oxnard. 

Secretary,  Robert  Farley. 

Boston  Marine  Insurance  Company. 
52  State.— Capital  $300,000.— Dividends  June  and  Dec. 

Directors. — Daniel  Sargent  (President),  Henry  F. 
Baker,  Edtnund  Baylies,  Geo.  B.  Gary,  Thomas  B.  Cur- 
tis, John  L.  Gardner,  Robert  C  Hooper,  Robert  C. 
Mackay,  Thomas  Parsons,  Joshua  Thomas  Stevenson, 
Thomas  W.  Ward,  Stephen  White. 

Secretary,  Joseph  May.     Messenger,  Moody  Merrill. 

Boston  Insurance  Company. 

56  State.— Capital  $300,000.— Div'ds  March  and  Sept. 

Directors. — Lemuel  Pope  (President),  John  Bryant, 

Nathaniel  Goddard,  Giles  Lod.i^e,  John  F.  Loring,  Wm. 

Lawrence,  Geo.  Pratt,  Moses  VVheeler,  Jos.  H.  Wolcott. 

Secretary,  Peter  W.  Freeman. 

Boylston  Fire  and  Marine  Insurance  Company. 
475  Washing.— Capital  $300,000.— Div.  April  and  Oct. 
Directors. — Aaron  Baldwin  (President),  Thos.  Brew- 
er, J.  P.  Cooke,  Richards  Child,  Charles  Davis,  Windsor 
Fay,  Josiah  Stedman,  John  Thompson,  J.  P.  Townsend, 
Francis  Jackson,  Daniel  Weld,  Moses  Williams. 
Secretary,  B.  F.  Willard. 

Columbian  Insurance  Company. 
43 .State.— Capital  $300,000 —Divid.  June  and  Decern. 
Directors. — Charles  Bradbury  (President),  R.  Hoop- 
er, jr.,  Samuel  Hooper,  A.  E.  Belknap,  William  Savage, 
Wm.  Sawyer,  Henry  Sigourney,  Thomas  B.  Wales, 
Theodore  Chase. 

Secretary,  Edward  P.  Meriam. 

Commonwealth  Insurance  Company. 
19  State.— Capital  $300,000.— Dividends  April  and  Oct. 
Directors. — John  K.  Simpson  (President),  Adams 
Bailey,  D.  D.  Brodhead,  Larra  Crane,  Scotto  Clark,  Na- 
thaniel Faxon,  William  Freeman,  Henry  Hatch,  Hall  J. 
How,  David  Henshaw,  Charles  Henshaw,  Charles  Hood, 
Samuel  S.  Lewis,  William  Parmenter,  Eugene  A.  Ho- 


mer,  Jonas  L.  Sibley,  Daniel  Taylor,  Nathaniel  Thayer, 
jr.j  William  F.  Whitney,  Thomas  J.  Whittemore. 
Secretary,  J.  Stevens. 

Firemen's  Insurance  Company. 
20  State.— Capital  $300,000.— Div.  January  and  July. 
Directors. — Thomas  C.  Amory  (President),  Joseph 
P.  Bradlee,  John  Collamore,  jr.,  Joshua  Crane,  Josiah 
Daniell,  John  S.  Ellery,  William  G.  Eaton,  Thaddeus 
Nichols,  jr.,  Edward  G.  Prescott,  Benjamin  Seaver,  Ig- 
natius Sargent,  Benjamin  Yeaton. 

Secretary,  S.  G.  Rogers,  jr. 

Fishing  Insurance  Company. 
20  Commerc'h— Capital  $100,000.— Div.  Jan.  and  July. 
Directors. — Benjamin  Sewall  (President),  Benjamin 
Abrahams,  John  F.  Banister,  Robert  Ripley,  George 
Thatcher,  Israel  Lombard,  William  V.  Kent,  Benjamin 
Dodd,  James  A.  Smith,  John  Snelling,  C.  Cole,  C.  F. 
Eaton,  Otis  Drury. 

Secretary,  Moses  Sewall.  « 

Franhlin  Insurance  Company. 
44  State.— Capital  $300,000.— Div.  January  and  July. 

Directors. — Francis  Welsh  (President),  Samuel  L. 
Abbot,  F.  H.  Bradlee,  Lemuel  Crackbon,  John  Lamson, 
Thatcher  Magoun,  jr.,  James  Read,  Enoch  Train,  Eli- 
phalet  Williams. 

Secretary,  Wm.  M.  Byrnes.     Clerk,  Ambrose  Stanley. 

Globe  Fire  and  Marine  Insurance  Company. 
C3  State.— Capital  $200,000.— Div.  January  and  July. 

Directors. — William  Hales  ('President),  Atkins  Ad- 
ams, Francis  Fisher,  Samuel  C.  Gray,  Henry  Lunt,  H. 
C.  Mackay,  C.  C.  Parsons,  Wm.  Davis,  jr  ,  Wm.  Tucker. 

Secretary,  James  H.  Lunt.    Messenger,  S.  Withington. 

Hope  Insurance  Company. 
15  State.— Capital  $200,000.— Div'ds  April  and  Oct. 
Directors. — Nehemiah  Parsons  ('President),  B.  A. 
Gould,  George  W.  Pratt,  Epes  Sargent,  R.  D.  C.  Merry, 
William  Parsons,  jr.,  John  P.  Rice,  Philip  Ammidon, 
Thomas  Lord,  Bela  Hunting,  John  W.  Trull. 
Secretary,  Charles  Brintnall. 


Manufacturers''  Insurance  Company. 
59  State.— Capital  $300,000.— Div.  April  and  October. 
Directors. — C.  VV.  Caitwriglit  (President),  Ebenezer 
T.  Andrews,  John  Bunistead,  William  Parker,  E.  A. 
Bourne,  Jolin  Leuiist,  Edmund  JMunroe,  George  Pratt, 
Amos  Binney,  Robert  Rogerson,  Wni.  Shimmiu,  S.  C. 
Thvving.  Secretary,  Samuel  Hunt. 

Massachusetts  Fire  and  Marine  Insurance  Co. 
45  State. — Capital  $300,000. — Div.  March  and  Septem. 
Directors. — Nathaniel  G.  Snelling  (President),  N.  F. 
Cunningham,  David  Ellis,  S.  E.  Greene,  Abraham  How- 
ard, W.  F.  Otis,  James  Savage,  C.  C.  C.  Tucker,  B.  M. 
Watson,  Enoch  Silsby.     Secretary,  John  Center. 

Massachusetts  Hospital  Life  Insurance  Co. 

50  State.— Capital  $500,000.— Dividend  in  January. 

William  Prescott,  President. 

Vice  Presidents. — Sam'l  Appleton,  Peter  C.  Brooks, 
Joseph  Head,  Samuel  Hubbard,  Charles  Jackson,  John 
Lowell,  John  Parker,  Joseph  Peabody,  Thomas  H. 
Perkins,  William  Pratt,  Josiah  Quincy,  David  Sears, 
Nathaniel  Silsbee,  Joseph  Tilden,  Titus  Welles. 

Directors. — Nathan  Appleton,  John  Belknap,  Na- 
thaniel Bowditch,  John  Bryant,  Ebenezer  Chadwick, 
Henry  Codman,  Patrick  T.  Jackson,  Amos  Lawrence, 
John  A.  Lowell,  Thomas  Motley,  Benjamin  R.  Nichols, 
Daniel  P.  Parker,  Thomas  Wigglesworth. 

Nath'l  Bowditch,  Actuary. — Moses  L.  Hale,  Sec'y. 
Receiver,  George  F.  Flint. — Messenger,  John  P.  Adams. 

Massachusetts  Mutual  Fire  Insurance  Com'panij. 
No.  17  State. 
Directors. — Charles  Wells  (President),  Ebenezer  T. 
Andrews,  Joseph  Austin,  Geo  Bartlett,  Edward  Brooks, 
Charles  P.  Curtis,  Ebenezer  Francis,  John  A.  Lowell, 
William  Lawrence,  Joseph  Lovering,  Turner  Phillips, 
Samuel  May,  John  D.  Williams. 

Secretary,  William  Tufts. 

Mercantile  Marine  Insurance  Company. 
62  State.— Capital  $300,000.— Div'ds  May  and  Novem. 
Directors. — Nathaniel  Meriam  (President), Benjamia 


Bangs,  John   G.  Low,  Samuel  Fales,  Jeremiah  Fitch, 
James  Johnson,  Henry  Lee,   George  A.  Goddard,   Geo. 
F.  Williams,  ElijaJi  Loring,  Edward  Wigglesworth. 
Secretary,  William  B.  Coffin. 

Merchants'*  Insurance  Compamj. 
38  State.— Capital  $400,00U.— Div'ds  April   and  Oct. 

Directors. — Joseph  Balch  (President),  Abbott  Law- 
rence, Henry  Hall,  Arthur  French,  Nathaniel  Curtis, 
Taskcr  H.  Swett,  Benjamin  L.  Thompson,  Sam'l  Whit- 
well,  Robert  Hooper,  jr.,  W^illiam  Rollins,  John  Wil- 
liams, Ebenezer  Chadwick,  William  B.  Swett. 

Assistant  President,  Samuel  Tenney.  Secretary,  Geo. 
Homer.     Clerk,  Edward  Siearns. 

JVational  Insurance  Company. 
24  State.— Capital  $1,000,000.— Div'ds  April  and  Oct, 
Directors. — Samuel  W.  Swett  (President),  William 
Appleton,  Daniel  Denny,  Isaiah  Bangs,  J.  W.  Edmunds, 
Samuel  Hubbard,  John  A.  Lowell,  Dudley  L.  Pickman, 
Francis  Skinner,  Ebenezer  Francis,  Daniel  Kimball, 
John  Hooper,  Isaac  Livermore,  Isaac  Parker,  George 
Searle,  George  Howe,  Stephen  Fairbanks,  William  H. 
Gardiner,  George  H.  Kuhn,  James  K.  Mills,  Thomas 
W^igglesworth,  Wiliard  Sayles,  Marshall  P.  Wilder, 
Thomas  Gray.     Secretary,  L.  G.  Russell. 

J^eptune  Insurance  Company. 

Capital  $200,000. — Dividends  January  and  July. 

Directors. — C.  Curtis  (President),  David  Devens, 
Horace  Scudder,  T.  C.  Smith,  J.  P.  Thorndike,  Timo- 
thy Walker,  Gilinan  Stanley,  Samuel  Quincy,  Andrew 
T.  Hall.     Secretary,  J.  H.  Gardner. 

JS'ew  England  Marine  Insurance  Company. 
30  State.— Capital  $300,000.— Dividends  June  and  Dec. 

Directors. — James  Hall  (President),  Peter  C.  Brooks, 
Josiah  Bradlee,  Joseph  Tilden,  Richard  D.  Tucker, 
William  Appleton,  Ozias  Goodwin,  Andrew  Cunning- 
ham, Edmund  Baylies,  John  Pickering,  Stephen  H.  Per- 
kins, James  Parker. 

Secretary  J  John  Waters.    Messenger,  Geo.  Golding. 


Ocean  Insurance  Company. 
53  State.— Capital  $'200,000.— Dividends  Jan.  and  July. 
Directors. — Joseph  H.  Adams  (President),  Benjamin 
Burgess,  Henry  'J'itnniins,  William  V.  Wincliester,  Mark 
Heaiey,  Ferdinand  E.  While,  Jas.  Weld,  Dixey  Wildes, 
John  Preston,  P.  J.  Farnham,  C.  B.  Fessenden,  Jabez 
Fisher,  2d.  Secretary,  John  Preston. 

Protection  Insurance  Company. 

23  State.— Capital  $200,0<OU.— Dividends  April  and  Oct. 

DiRECVOKS. — John    Clark    (President j,   Benjamin    C 

Clark,  Edward  D.  Clark,   Gcor^^e  Callender,  Thomas  R. 

Dascomb,  Nathaniel  Knight,  Theodore  D.  Parker,  Benj. 

F.  Copeland,  A.  W.  Thaxter,  jr. 

Secretary,  Samuel  Wheeler. 

Snjfolk  Insurance  Company. 

State,  corner  Congress.— Capital  $300,000. 

Dividends  April  and  October. 

Directors. — Samuel  G.  Perkins  (President),  Samuel 

Austin,  jr.,  Henry  F.  Baker,   Benjamin  C.  Clark,  Thos. 

G.  Cary,  Charles  Cunningham,  Thomas  Dixon,  George 
W.  Lyman,  James  K.  Mills,  William  Oliver,  Robert  B. 
Forbes,  Henry  Wainwright.  ^ 

Secy,  P.  W.  Hayward.    'Messenger,  N.  Wright. 

Tremont  Fire  and  Ma7'ine  Insurance  Company. 
Commer.  vvf.— Capital  f 200,000.— Div.  May  and  Nov. 
Directors. — John  Binnev  (President),  D.  C.  Bacon, 
D.  D.  Brodhead,  J.  C.  Dunn,  B.  Fiske,  J.  A.  McGaw, 
J.  Hart,  John  Kettell,  A.  C.  Lombard,  S.  S.  Lewis,  H. 
OxiTurd,  A.  L.  Richardson,  R.  Soule,  F.  G.  Shaw,  P. 
S.  Shelton,  E.  Train,  S.  White,  Charles  Wilkins. 
Secretary,  J.  C.  Biiiney. 

United  States  Insurance  Company. 
95  State.— Capital  $200,000.— Div'ds  Jan.  and  July. 
Directors. — I'arker  H.  Pieice  (President),  Benjamin 
Fiske,   Benjamin  Humphrey,   Ainmi  C.  Lombard,   Jolin 
H.  Pearson,  Alfred  Riciiardson,  William  Perkins,  Isaac 
Scholfield,  jr.,  John  Smith,  Ezra  Weston, 
i'ccrcfar?/,  Robert  Hale,  jr. 


Warren  Insurance  Company. 

13  State.— Capital  $100,000. 

Directors. — John  L.  Dimmock  (President),  William 
Bramhall,  Elisha  Howes,  Jairus  B.  Lincoln,  Aaron  Rice, 
Benjamin  T.  Reed,  Gilman  Stanley,  George  Thacher, 
John  Tyler,  E.  F.  Bradlee,  Thomas  N.  French,  Samuel 
Wheelwright,  jr. 

Secy,  A.  S.  Whiting.      Solicitor,  Theoph.  Parsons. 

Washington  Insurance  Company. 
42  State.— Capital  $200,000.— Div'ds  April  and  Oct. 
Directors. — Thomas  Lamb  (President),  Samuel  T. 
Armstrong,  Daniel  C.  Bacon,  J.  T.  Coolidge,  Samuel 
Doir,  Wm.  B.  Reynolds,  John  Skinner,  M.  li.  Simpson, 
Francis  Bacon. 

Secretary,  Isaac  Sweetser. 


Office  in  Tremont  street.     Open  every  day  from  9  till 
1  o'clock. 

President. — Jonathan  Phillips. 

Vice  Presidents. — Thomas  L.  Winthrop,  Joseph 
Tilden,  John  D.  Williams,  Andrew  Ritchie,  Edward 
Tuckerman,  Samuel  Snelling,  Samuel  May,  James  T 
Austin,  Amos  Lawrence,  John  Dorr,  Peter  O.  Thacher 
Daniel  P.  Parker. 

Trustees. — Gideon  Snow,  James  Savage,  Abiel  Chand 
ler,  Robert  Waterston,  Benjamin  Guild,  John  A.  Low- 
ell, Nathaniel  G.  Snelling,  Edward  Brooks,  Samue 
Dorr,  John  C.  Gray,  Francis  J.  Oliver,  Thomas  P.  Cush 
ing,  Charles  Wells,  Ebentzer  Chadwick,  Robert  G 
Shaw,  C.  C.  Parsons,  Edward  Cruft,  Thomas  B.  Wales 
Henry  Gassett,  William  P.  Mason,  Samuel  Bradlee 
Thomas  Wigglesworth,  William  Lawrence,  Samuel 
Austin,  jr. 

James  Savage,  Treasurer. 

Robert  Charles  Winthrop,  Secretary. 

City  Wharf. 
President. — Pliny  Cutler. 
Vice  i'reszde/ii.— Daniel  C.  Bacon. 


Secretary. — Thomas  K.  Davis. 

Treasurer. — Samuel  H.  Walleyjr. 

Managers. — George  Bond,  Alfred  Richardson,  Thom- 
as Lamb,  N.  A.  Barrett,  C.  W.  Cartwright,  Thomas 
Vose,  John  A.  McGaw,  George  VV.  Crockett,  D.  D. 
Brodhead,  Benjamin  Seaver,  James  Means,  W.  S. 
Rogers,  William  Slurgis,  Phineas  Sprague,  Benjamin 
Rich,Peleii  Churchill,  Charles  Brown,  William  B.  Rey- 
nolds, William  W.  Stone,  William  Worthington,  J.  W. 
Blake,  Charles  Scudder,  George  A.  Goddard,  Samuel 
Lawrence,  Henry  Edwards. 


President. — Ebenezer  Francis. 

Vice  President. — Samuel  Appleton. 

Treasurer. —  Henry  Andrews. 


Trustees. — Charles  Amory,  George  Bond,  Thomas  B. 
Curtis,  Henry  Edwards,  Samijel  A.  Eliot,  Francis  C. 
Gray,  Samuel  Lawrence,  Charles  G.  Loring,  Josiah 
Quincy,  jr.,  Robert  G.Shaw,  John  P.  Thorndike,  Ed- 
ward Tuckerman. 

Super intendent  of  the  Hospital,  Gamaliel  Bradford, 
M.  D. 

Physician  and  Superintendent  of  the  .Bsylum,  Thomas 
G.  Lee,  M.  D. 

Steivard,  Columbus  Tyler, 

Matron,  Mrs.  Tyler. 
-Assistant  and  Apothecary,  Edward  Rowland. 

Male  Supervisor,  Homer  Goodhue. 

Female  Supervisor,  Mrs.  Lewis. 

All  applications  for  admission  must  be  made  at  the 
HOSPITAL,  jmcn  Street,  between  the  hours  of  8  and 
9  on  the  mornings  of  Monday,  Wednesday  and  Friday. 

Applicants  who  cannot  attend  in  person  will  be  visit- 
ed by  a  Physician  connected  with  the  Hospital,  and  no 
one  can  be  admitted  without  his  certificate,  except  in 
case  of  injury  from  accident,  or  of  sudden  illness. 

All  applications  from  the  country  must  be  accompani- 
ed by  a  description  of  the  case,  in  writing,  by  the  at- 
tending Physician  of  the  patient,  and  addressed  to 

J.  B.  S.  JAC|CSON,  M.  D. 


niT'  If  a  free  bed  he  desired,  tlie  peruniary  circum- 
stances of  the  applicant  must  he  stated.     Maij  ],  ]83(). 

Every  application  for  admission  to  the  ASYLUM 
must  he  in  writing,  and  accomi)anied  with 

1.  A  certificate  tluit  the  candidate  is  insane,  and  Uca 
from  contagious  disease. 

2.  A  certificate  of  his  or.  her  property,  and  of  any 
friends  liable  for  his  or  her  maintenance. 

3.  A  certificate  of  the  ability  of  ilrc  persons  proposed 
ns  principal  and  surety  in  the  obligation  fi)r  payment  of 

4.  A  history  of  the  case  from  its  "commencement,  and 
the  medical  treatment. 

No  visitors  are  admitted  on  any  part  of  the  Lord's  day. 
No  boarders  can  be  visited  except  by  near  relatives,  or 
by  others  at  their  request  in  writing. 


Jicting  Surgeon,  John  C  Warren,  M.D. 
Junloi-  Surgeon,  George  Hayward,  M.D. 
Physicians,   James   Jackson,    M.D.,    Walter  Channing, 

M.D.  and  John  Ware,  M.D. 
Assistant  Physician,  John  B.  S.  Jackson,  M.D. 
Superintendent,  Gan)aliel  Bradford,  M.D. 

rOR    THE    MEDICAL     RELIEF    OF    THE    POOR. 

Mmiagcrs. — Edward  Tuckerman  {Chairrnan),  Samuel 
H.  Walley,  Isaac  Winslow,  Samuel  May,  Jonathan  Phil- 
lips, Gideon  F.  Thayer,  Nathaniel  L.  Froihingham, 
Thomas  B.  Wales,  Nathaniel  I*.  Russell,  Pliny  Cutler, 
Edmund  Munroe,  George  II.  Snelling  {Secretary). 

Treasurer. — Gideon  Snow.  ' 

Consulting  Physicians. — John  Randall,  M.D.,  Solo- 
mon D.  Tovvnscnd,  M.D. 

Visiting  Physicians. 
William  G.  Hanaford,  M.D.    District  of  Wards  1  and  3. 
Henry  G.  Chirk,  M.D-  ''  Ward  2. 

Francis  H.  Gray.  M.D.  "  Ward  4. 

Edward  Warren,  M.D.  "  Wards  5,  G  &  7. 

Edward  L.  Cunningham,  M.D.       Broad  st.  District. 
Henry  I.  Bovvditch,  M.D.  FortJ>Hill  District. 

William  Young,  M.D.  District  uf  Ward  10. 


John  Odin,  jr.  M.D.  District  of  Ward  11. 

William  A.  Foster,  M.D.  ''  Ward  12. 

Whitney,  M.D.  District  of  South  Boston. 

Joseph  M.  Smith,  138  Washington  street. 

M'S'W    E2Q"0IiiLE?D    I2fSTITXTTI02Sr 


19  Pearl  street. 

President,  Jonathan  PhiUips. 

Vice  President,  T.  II.  Perkins. 

Treasurer,  Richard  D.  Tucker. 

Secretary,  Samuel  G.  Howe. 

Trustees. — T.  G.  Gary,  Edward  Brooks,  Ozias  Good- 
win, John  D.  Fisher,  John   Homans,   Samuel   P.  Loud, 
Robert  C.  Winthrop,  Horace  Mann,  J.  A.  Lowell,  Wil- 
liam H.  Prescott,  Robert  Rantoul,  Samuel  May, 
Director,  Samuel  G.  Howe. 

Boston  Asylum  and  Farm  School.     Edw.  S.  Rand,  Sec. 

Boston  Lying-in  Hospital.     James  Savage,  President. 

^British  Society.     William   S.  Skinner,  President. 

Charitable  Association  of  the  Boston  Fire  Department. 
Thomas  C.  Amory,  President. 

Franklin  Typographical  Society.     Alfred  Mudge,  Pres. 

Howard  Benevolent  Society.     Moses  Grant,  Prts.     Cal- 
vin Whiting,  Treasurer. 

Irish  Society.     James  Boyd,  President. 

Mass.  Char.  Fire  Society.     Jolm  Heard,  President. 

Mass.  Char.  Mecli.  Assoc.     Stephen  Fairbanks,  Pres. 

Mass.  Humane  Society.     Benj.  Rich,  President. 

Mass.  Char.  Society.     William  C.  Hunneman,  President. 

Port  Soc.  of  Boston  and  Vicinity.     Henry  Cabot,  Pres. 

Scottish  Society.     James  Kelt,  President. 

Seamen's  Friend  Society.     Tho'sD.  Quincy,  Treasurer. 

Widow's  Society.     Mrs.  Jonathan  Amory,  President. 

A.  V.  GrisiDold,  d.  d.  Bishop  Eastern  Diocese,  resides  in 



First  Church,  Channcey  phic e,  A''athamel  L.  Frothingham. 

Second  Church,  Hanover  street.  Chandler  Robhins. 

First  Baptist  Church,  Hanover  street,  William  Hague. 

Old  South  Church,  Washington  street. 

King's  Chapel,  School  street,  F.  W.  P.  Greemcood. 

Church  in  Brattle  street,  Sarnucl  K.  Lothrop. 

New  N.  Church,  Hanover  st.  Francis  Parkman,  d.  d. 

New  South  Church,  Summer  street,  Alexander  Young. 

Christ  Church  (Episcopal),  Salem  st.  Wdlia,m  Croswell. 

Church  in  Hollis  street,  John  Picrpont. 

Church  in  Federal  street,  JV.  E.   Channing,  v.  v.  and  E. 

S.  Gannett. 
Trinity  Church   (Episcopal),  Summer  street,  Jonathan 

M.  JVaiTuaright,  d.  d.  John  L.  IP'atson,  ass.  minister. 
West  Church,  Lynde  street,  Charles  Loioell,  d.  d. 
Second  Baptist  Church,  Salem  street,  Baron  Stoic. 
Universalist  Ciiurch,  N.  Bennet  st.  Sebastian  Streeter. 
Church  of  the  Holy  Cross  (Roman   Catholic),   Franklin 

street,  Rt.  Rev.  B.  Femvick,  JVilliani  Tijler,  Michael 

Hcalij,  John  Curtin,  Win.  Wiley,  James  Conumy. 
First  Meth.  Epis.  Church,  N.  Bennet  st.  Daniel  Filmore. 
Second  Meth.  Ep.  Church,  Bromfield  st.  J.  Hamilton. 
Bethel  Church,  North  square,  E.  T.  Taylor. 
African  Baptist  Church,  Belknap  street. 
Charles  street  Baptist  Church,  Daniel  Sliarj),  d.  d. 
Park  street  Church. 

Second  Universalist  Church,  School  st.  Hosea  Ballon. 
St.  Matthew's  Church  (Epis.),  S.  Bos.  Horace  L.  Conelly. 
St.  Paul's  Church  (Epis.),  Tremont  at.  John  S.  Stone. 

St.  Augustine's,  (R.o.  Cath.),  S.  Boston, McLynch. 

Mariner's  Church,  Purchase  street,  Daniel  M.  Lord. 

Union  Cliurch,  Essex  street,  JVehcmiah  Adams. 

Pond  street,  (Roman  Cath.) 

Central  Universalist  Society,  Bulfinch  street,  Paul  Dean. 

Twelfth  Con^.  Soc.  Chamhers  street,  Samuel  Barrett. 

Epis.  City  Mission  Chapel,  46  Wash.  st.  Asa  Eaton,  d.  d. 

Church  in  Green  street,  William  Jenks,  ij.  d. 

Church  in  Purchase  street,  George  Ripley. 

Grace  Church  (Epis.),  Temple  street. 

Church  in  Bowdoin  street,  Hubbard  Winsloio. 

Christian  Society,  Summer  st.  cor.  Sea,  Joshua  V.  Himcs. 

Church,  South  Boston,  Lemuel  Capen. 

Phillips  Church  Society,  S.  Boston,  Joy  H.  Fairchild. 

Federal  street  Baptist  Church,  George  B.  Ide. 

New  Jerusalem  Church,  Phillips  place,  Thos.  Worcester. 



Baptist  Church,  South  Boston. 
Church  in  Salem  street,  George  W.  BUigden. 
Soutli  CoMjr.  Soc.    VVash.ingtnn  sWeeA,  1.  Motte. 
African  Methodist  Chapel,  Samuel  Snotqden. 
Churcii  in  Pine  street,  Jirtemas  Boies. 
Universalist  Society,  South  Boston,  Benj.  Whitteviore. 
Friends  Society,  Milton  place. 

Third- Meth.  Ep.  Church,  Ciiurch  street,  Mel  Stevens. 
Franklin  street   Church,  cor.  Federal  and  Franklin  sts. 
JF.  M.  Rogers. 
9:5"  Those  Societies  not  otherwise  designated,  are  Congrega- 



Arranged  according  to  the  time  of  their  Admittance. 

James  Jackson 
Benjamin  ShurtlefF 
John  C.   Warren 
John  Randall 
George  C.  Shattuck 
John  B.  Brown 
Walter  Channing 
Jacob  Bigelow 
George  Hayward 
George  Parkman 
Williams  Bradford 
Abner  Phelps 
Zahdiel  B.  Adams 
Solomon  D.  Townsend 
John  Ware 
David  Osgood 
Samuel  A.  ShurtlefF 
Enoch  Hale 
Samuel  i\dams 
Edward  Reynolds,  jr. 
Woodbridge  Strong 
John  Jeffries 

T.  W.  Parsons,  surg. -dentist 
J.  F.  Flagg,  surg.-dentist 
George  B.  Doane 
Chandler  Robbins 

Jerome  V.  C.  Smith 
George  W.  Otis,  jr. 
Edwin  Adams 
Samuel  Morrill 
Winslow  Levvis,  jr. 
Charles  T.  Hildreth 
D.  Humphreys  Storer 
Joshua  B.  Flint 
Jolm  Flint 
John  C.  Hayden 
Jonas  H.  Lane 
Joseph  W.  McKean 
JMarlin  Gay 
Alexander  Thomas 
John  D.  Fishor 
N.  C.  Keep,  surg.-dentist 
Frederick  A.  Sumner,  jr. 
John  B.  Stebbins 
Charles  Choate 
William  Grigg 
Benjamin  T.  Prescott 
Giles  H.  Lodge 
Charles  T.  Jackson 
Daniel  T.  Coit 
Thomas  Gray,  jr. 
John  B.  S.  Jackson 


John  Homans 
Edward  J.  Davenport 
Henry  Dyer 

D.  Harwood,  surg. -dentist 
Augustus  A.  Gould 
Calvin  Ellis 
Marshall  S.  Perry 
Abraham  A.  Watson 
Thomas  H.  Thompson 
Levi  B.  Gale 
George  Barllett 
Edward  Warren 
Benjamin  F.  Wing 
Ambrose  Seaton 
James  W^ood 
William  G.  Hanaford 
Paul  Stimpson,  jr. 
Ezra  Palmer,  jr. 
Joseph  lloby 
Howard  Sargent 
Edward  L.  Cunningham 
Caleb  S.  Whitman 
Asa  B.  Snow 
Jesse  Chickering 
William  E.  Foster 
Henry  A.  Ward 

Charles  G.  Putnam 

Alphcus  Proctor 

James  B.  Gregcrson 

Josiah  Kittredge 

John  Odin,  jr. 

W.  W.  D  wight 

N.  B.  Shurtleff 

Francis  H.  Gray 

Joseph  D.  Fales 

H.  D.  Bowditch 

J.  Moriarty 

H.  G.  Clark 

Abner  B.f  Wheeler 

J.  Mason  W^irren 

Lewis  Joseph  Glover 

Solomon  Keep 

G.  C.  Shattuck,  jr. 

E.  W.  Leach 

Andrew  Alexander 

Henry  A.  Dewar,  surg.-dcnf, 

Robert  William  Hooper 

J.  Cullen  Ayer 

Oliver  Wendell  Holmes 

Albert  T.  Smith 

John  W.  Warren,  jr. 

William  Ingalls,  jr. 

LIST    QT   ST^G-ES. 

The  hours  at  which  they  start  from  and  arrive  at  Boston. 

Fiom  Messrs.  Badger  and  Porter's  last  "  Stage  Register." 

Albany  Accom.  7   Elm   st.   Mon.  Wed.  and  Fri.  at  2 
a  m,  and  arrives  in  Boston  the  following  days  at  6  pm. 

Albany,  via  Braltleborough,  Vt.  daily,  from   3G  Hano- 
ver St.  at  2  a  m. 

Albany  Daily,  via    Springfield,  7  Elm  st.  at  2  a  m, 
arrives  7  p  m. 

Albany  Mail,  via  Northampton,  7  Elm  st.  Mon.  Wed. 
and  Fri.  at  2  a  m,  and  arrives  next  days  at  7  p  m. 

Amherst,  Windsor,  aod  Burlington   Mail,  via  Lowell, 
every  morning. 

Andover,  leaves  City  Tavern  every  day,  Sundays  ox. 
at  3  p  m,  and  arrives  at  10. 

Barre,  7  Elm  st.  Tues.  Th.  and  Sat.  at  8  a  m,  arrives 
the  following  evenings  at  5  p  m. 

STAGES.  33 

Biidgcwnter  and  Randolph,  VVnshington  Coffee  II. 
and  City  Tavern,  every  day  except  Sunday,  at  12  1-2  rri, 
and  1  p  m,-  arrives  10  1-2  a-m. 

Bristol,  R.  I.  ]\iail,  via  'J'aunton,  leaves  Marlboro'  Ho- 
tel every  day  except  Sun.  at  half  jjast  7  a  ni. 

Brookline,  leaves  Norfolk  avenue  every  day  except 
Sunday,  at  8  and  10  a  m,  and  6  p  in. 

Beverly,  leaves  City  Tavern  every  day  except  Sun.  at 
4  p  m,  and  arrives  at  10  a  m. 

Brattleboro'  Mail  leaves  11  Elm  st.  every  day  except 
Saturday,  at  Sam. 

Concord  and  Nashua,  N.  H.  via  Lowell,  every  day. 

Concord,  via  Andover,  leaves  9  Elm  st.  Tu.  Th.  and 
Sat.  returns  the  following  days. 

Concord  Accom.  leaves  36  Hanover  st.  Mon.  Wed. 
and  Sat.  at  3  p  m,  and  arrives  at  9  a  m. 

Charlestown  Hourly,  leaves  51  Brattle  st. 

Cambridge  Houily,  leaves  .51  Brattle  st.  . 

Cambridgeport  Hourly,  leaves  51  Brattle  street. 

Canton,  leaves  Jennings's,  9  Elm  st.  Mon.  Tues. 
Thurs.  and  Sat.  at  4  p  m. 

Dover,  N.  H.  leaves  85  Ann  st.  every  morning  except 
Sunday  at  8,  and  arrives  at  4  p  m. 

Dorchester  and  South  Boston,  leaves  153  Washington 
St.  at  9  a  m,  2  and  6  p  m. 

Dorchester  and  Milton,  leaves  11  Elm  st.  everyday 
Sun.  ex.  at  half  past  12  and  5  p  m. 

Duxbury  Mail,  leaves  City  Tavern  every  day  except 
Sunday  at  9  a  m. 

Dudley,  via  Worcester  Rail  Road,  Tu.  Th.  and  Sat. 

Fitchburgh,  Fitzvvilliani  and  Brattleboro'  Mail,  leaves 
11  Elm  St.  every  day. 

Fitchburgli,  Keene,  N.  H.  and  Rutland,  Vt.  leaves  11 
Elm  St.  every  day  except  Saturday  at  4  a  m. 

Gloucester  Mail,  City  Tavern,  every  day  except  Sun. 
at  1 1 . 

Groton  Accom.  36  Hanover  st.  Tu.  Th.  and  Sat.  at  9 
a  m,  and  Mon.  Wed.  and  Saturdays  at  10  a  m. 

Haverhill,  Ms.  and  Concord,  N.  H.  11  Elm  st.  Mon. 
Wed.  and  Friday,  at  7,  and  arrives  every  other  day,  at 
6  p  m. 

Hyannis  Mail,  leaves  City  Tavern,  Mon.  "Wed.  and  Fri. 
nt  3  a  m. 


Hopkinton,  N.  H.  leaves  U  Elm  st.  Tu.  Tliu.  and  Sat. 
at  7  a  m,  and  arrives  Mon.  Wed.  and  Fri.  at  (5  p  in. 

Haverhill  and  Andover  Accom.  leaves  Wilde's,  Elm 
St.  Mon.  Wed.  and  Fri.  at  half  past  2  p  m,  and  arrives  at 
half  past  12. 

Hingham,  leaves  9  Elm  st.  every  day  except  Sunday 
at  4  p  m,  and  arrives  at  9  a  m. 

Jamaica  Plains  leaves  Post  Office,  9  and  12  a  m,  and 
5  pm. 

Keene,  N.  H.  Mail,  36  Hanover  st.  every  morning  at 
5,  and  ariives  same  evening. 

Keene,  N.  H.,  via  Lowell  Ptail.Road,  Tu.  Th.  and 
Saturday  morning. 

Lowell  Rai!  Road  Depot,  Leveret  3t.  cor.  Barton  st. 

Lowell,  11  Elm  st.  every  day  except  Sunday,  at  7 
a  m,  and  2  p  m. 

Lexington,  City  Tavern,  Mon.  Wed.  Thurs.  and  Sat. 
at  8  a  m. 

Lancaster  and  Fitchburg  Accom.  leaves  City  Tavern 
every  morning  at  8. 

Lynn  leaves  11  Elm  st.  daily,  at  4  p  m. 

Medtield,  Medway,  and  Mendon,  leaves  158  Washing- 
ton St.  and  11  Elm  st.  Mon.  Wed.  and  Fri.  at  6  a  m,  and 
arrives  next  days  at  5  p  m. 

Methuen,  leaves  City  Tavern  daily,  at  3  p  m. 

Medford,  leaves  Wilde's,  11  Elm  st.  every  day  except 
Sun.  at  half  past  12  and  6  p  m. 

Montreal,  leaves  Boston  Mon.  Wed.  and  Fri.  mornings. 

Marshfield,  leaves  Cit>  Tav.  Tu.  Th.  and  Sat.  at  9  a  m. 

Marblehead,  leaves  City  Tavern  every  day  except  Sun. 
at  half  past  4  pm,  and  arrives  at  10  a  m. 

New  Bedford  Accom.  leaves  City  Tavern  Mon.  Wed. 
and  Fri.  and  Marlboro'  Hotel  Tues.  Wed.  and  Sat.  at 
half  past  8  am,  and  arrives  next  days. 

New  Bedford  Mail  via  Taunton,  leaves  Marlboro'  Ho- 
tel Tu.  Th.  and  Sat.  at  7  a  m,  and  arrives  Mon.  Wed. 
and  Fri.  evenings. 

Newport  Mail,  leaves  Marlborough  Hotel  every  day, 
Sunday  excepted,  at  7  a  m,  and  arrives  p  m. 

Newburyport,  Exeter  and  Dover,  N.  H.  Accom.  leaves 
85  Ann  st.  every  morning  except  Sun.  at  half  past  7,  and 
arrives  at  6  p  m. 

Newton  Lower  Falls  and  Brighton,  leaves  7  Elm  st. 
every  day  at  4  p  m. 

STAGES.  35 

Nevvburyport  and  Amcsbury,  leaves  85  Ann  st.  every 
day  except  Sun.  at  1  p  m,  and  arrives  at  1pm. 

New  Bedford  Mail,  City  Tavern,  Mon.  Wed.  and  Fri. 
at  half  past  8  a  tn,  arrives  in  Boston  same  afternoon. 

New  York  Mail,  7  Elm  st.  every  day  at  10  p  m,  ar- 
rives every  day  at  12  m. 

Plymouth  Accorn.  leaves  City  Tavern  Tu.  Th.  and  Sat. 
at  10  a  m,  and  half  past  12  p  m. 

Plymouth,  Sandwich,  and  Barnstable  Mail,  City  Tav- 
ern every  morninsj  except  Sun.  at  4  a  m,  arrives  p  m, 

Portland,  Me.  Mail,  leaves  Eastern  Stage  House  every 
day  at  half  past  4  p  m,  and  arrives  at  6  a  m. 

Portland,  via  Portsmouth,  leaves  84  Ann  st.  every 
morning  except  Sun.  at  8,  and  arrives  at  5  p  m. 

Peterborough,  N.  H.,  leaves  Elm  st.  Tu.  Th.  and  Sat. 
mornings  at  7,  and  arrives  Mon.  Wed.  and  Fri.  at  4  p.  m. 

Providence  Mail,  Marlborough  Hotel  every  mornir-g 
at  9,  except  Sun.  arrives  at  1  p  m. 

Providence  Rail  Road  Depot,  bottom  of  the  Common. 

Portsmouth  Accom  leaves  84  Ann  st.  every  morning 
except  Sunday  at  half  past  7,  and  arrives  at  5  p  m. 

Portsmouth,  City  Tavern  and  New  England  Coffee 
House,  Tu.  Th.  and  Sat.  at  8  a  m. 

Quincy,  leaves  Jennings's,  Elm  st.  every  day  except 
Sunday  at  4  p  m,  and  arrives  at  half  past  S  a  m. 

Royalton,  11  Elm  st.  every  day  except  Sat. 

Roxbury  hourly,  from  Norfolk  avenue. 

Salem,  leaves  City  Tavern  and  Marlboro'  Hotel  daily, 
except  Sunday,  at  9  and  11  a  m,  and  3,  4,  5  and  6  p  m. 

Salem,  leaves  9  and  11  Elm  st.  every  day,  except  Sun- 
day, at  3  and  half  past  3  p  m. 

Sterling  and  Princeton,  11  Elm  st.  Mon.  Wed.  and  Fri. 
at  8  a  m. 

Stow,  Bolton,  and  -Lancaster,  11  Elm  st.  Mon.  Wed. 
and  Fri.  at  7  a  m. 

South  Boston,  leaves  Mansion  House,  Milk  st.  at  9 
and  11  a  m,  and  1,  3,  5  and  7  p  m. 

South  Reading,  leaves  9  Elm  st.  daily,  except  Sun- 
day, at  4  p  m,  arrives  at  9  a  m. 

Taunton,  leaves  Marlborough  Hotel  every  day  except 
Sunday,  at  12  m,  and  2  p  m.     Mail  leaves  at  5  a  ni. 

Westminster  and  Gardner,  11  Elm  st.  Mon.  Wed.  atid 
Fii.  at  6  a  m. 

Woburn,  leaves  Jenning's,  9  Elm  st.  Mon.  Wed.  and 
Sat.  at  4  p  m,  arrives  same  days  at  9  a  m. 


Worcester  Rail  Road  Depot,  617  Washington  st. 

Worcester  Accom.  7  Elm  st.  Mon.  Wed.  and  Fri.  at 
10  a  m,  and  arrives  Tu.  Th.  and  Sat.  at  1  p  m. 

Woonsocket  Falls,  R.  I.,  leaves  Washington  Coffee  H. 
Tu.  Til.  and  Sat.  at  11  a  m,  arrives  next  days  at  1  p  m. 

Waltham  and  Watertown  Mail,  11  Elm  st.  every  day 
except  Sunday,  arrives  at  9  a  m. 

Middlesex  Canal  Packet  Boat,  leaves  the  landing, 
Charlestovvn,  Tu.  Th.  and  Sat.  at  8  a  m.  A  stage  leaves 
9  Eltrt  St.  at  half  past  7  a  m,  to  convey  passengers  to  the 

Hingham  Steam  Boat,  Liverpool  Wharf  daily  except 
Sunday,  at  4  p  ra. 

Steam  boat  for  Portland  and  Bangor,  leaves  Eastern 
Steamboat  Wharf 

Fall  River  and  Newport,  arrives  every  Wed.  and  Sat. 
in  the  morning,  and  leaves  in  the  afternoon  of  the  same 
days.     Order  box  at  City  Tavern. 

Greenfield  order  box  at  City  Tavern. 

Hubbardstovvn  order  box  at  52  N.  Market. 

Haverhill.  Andover,  and  Boston  Baggage  Waggon,  ar- 
rives Tu.  and  Fri.  and  leaves  the  same  days.  Order  box 
at  84  Ann  street. 

Lynn,  arrives  and  leaves  every  day.  Order  box  at  52 
North  Market  street. 

Methuen  pnd  Boston,  leaves  Tu.  and  Friday.  Order 
box  22  South  Market  street. 

New  Bedford,  arrives  every  Wed.  and  Fri.  and  leaves 
every  Th.  and  Sat.     Order  box  at  City  Tavern. 

Northtimptnn,  leaves  everv  otiier  Mon.  Order  box  at 
Bryant's,  17  Union   street. 

Providence,  arrives  and  leaves  every  week  day.  Or- 
der box  at  City  Tavern. 

Salem,  arrives  and  leaves  every  day,  Sundays  except- 
ed.    Order  box  at  Leavitt's  and  City  Tavern. 

Salem  and  Marblehead,  arrives  and  leaves  everyday; 
also  leaves  for  Newburyport  through  Ipswich  and  Row- 
ley, Wed.  and  Sat.     Order  box  atl3  Merchant's  Row. 

South-Reading  order  box  at  52  N.  Market. 

Taunton  and  Bristol  arrives  and  leaves  every  week 
day.     Order  box  at  City  Tavern. 

Wareham,  arrives  Fri.  and  leaves  Sat.  Order  box  at 
City  Tavern. 

WARDS.  ^         37 


No.  ]. — From  Winnosimit  Ferry,  westerly  .side  of 
M;iiiover  to  Prince  street,  tlie  northerly  side  of  Prince  to 
Tliaclicr  street,  the  northerly  side  of  ThacJier  and  Med- 
ford  streets  to  the  sea. 

No.  ^Z. — From  Winnesimit  Ferry,  the  easterly  side  of 
Hanover  street,  to  Cross  street,  the  northerly  side  of 
Cross  street,  east  to  the  sea. 

No.  3. — Southerly  side  of  IMedford,  Thaclier  and 
Prince  streets  to  Hanover  street,  westerly  side  of  Hanover 
street  to  Cro^s  street,  southerly  side  of  Cross  street,  east 
to  the  sea,  thence  to  North  Market  street,  and  through 
Market  square  to  Union  street,  the  northerly  side  of  Union 
to  Hanover  st.  the  westerly  side  of  Hanover  to  Friend 
St.  the  northerly  side  of  Friend  st.  to  Charles  river. 

No.  4. — Southerly  side  of  Friend  to  Hanover  street, 
the  easterly  side  of  Hanover  to  Union  street,  the  south- 
erly side  of  Union  street  through  Market  square  and 
North  Market  street,  thence  to  the  end  of  Long  wharf- 
including  the  islands  in  the  harbor — north  side  of  State 
street  from  the  head  of  Long  wharf  through  Court  street, 
Bowdoin  square  and  Cambridge  street,  to  Staniford  street, 
through  Staniford  street  on  the  easterly  side  to  Leveret 
place,  through  Leveret  place  on  the  northerly  side  to 
Prospect  street,  from  thence  on  the  easterly  side  of  Pros- 
pect street  to  Causeway  street,  on  the  northwesterly  side 
of  Causeway  street  to  Friend  street. 

No.  5. — From  the  southwestern  end  of  Causeway  st. 
through  Prospect  street,  to  Leveret  place,  on  the  south- 
erly side  of  Leveret  .place,  to  Staniford  street,  thence 
through  Staniford  street  on  the  westerly  side  to  Cam- 
bridge street,  thence  through  Cambridge  street  on  the 
northerly  side,  to  West  fioston  Bridge,  thence  by  the 
river  to  Causeway  street. 

No.  G. —  From  VV^est  Boston  Bridge,  south  side  of  Cam- 
bridge, to  South  Russell  street,  westerly  side  of  South 
Russell  to  Myrtle  street,  southerly  side  of  Myrtle  to  Bel- 
knap street,  westerly  side  of  Belknap  to  Beacon  street, 
thence  through  Beacon  street,  westerly  to  Charles  river, 
thence  by  the  river  to  West  Boston  Bridge. 

No.  7. — From  Beacon,  the  easterly  side  of  Belknap  to 


Myrtle  street,  tlie  northerly  side  of  Myrtle  to  South  Rus- 
sell, t!ie  easterly  side  of  South  Russell  to  Cambridge 
street,  the  southerly  side  of  Cambridge  street,  Bovvdoin 
square  and  Court  street,  to  Washington  street,  the  wes- 
terly side  of  Washington  street  to  West  street,  northerly 
side  of  West  to  Tremont  street,  northerly  by  the  easterly 
side  of  Tremont  street  to  Park  street,  north  side  of  Park 
to  Beacon  street, -the  northerly  side  of  Beacon  to  Belknap 

No.  8. — Washington  street,  on  the  easterly  side,  to 
Bedford  street,  through  Bedford  and  Summer  streets,  on 
the  northerly  side,  to  the  sea,  thence  to  Russia  wharf, 
thence  through  Atkinson  street,  on  the  westerly  side,  to 
Milk  street,  through  ftlilk  to  Kilby  street,  on  the  north- 
erly side,  through  Kilby,  on  the  westerly  side,  to  State 
street,  through  State  street,  on  the  southerly  side,  to 
Washington  street. 

No.  9. — From  tlie  northerly  end  of  India  street,  the 
southerly  side  of  State,  to  Kilby  street,  the  easterly  side 
of  Kilby  to  Milk  street,  the  southerly  side  of  Milk  to  At- 
kinson street,  the  easterly  side  of  Atkinson  street  to  the 
sea,  thence  by  the  sea  to  the  northerly  end  of  India  st. 

No.  10. — From  the  southwest  side  of  Bull's  wharf,  the 
southerly  side  of  Bedford  and  West  streets,  to  Tremont 
street,  through  Tremont  to  Boylston  street,  the  northerly 
side  of  Boylston  and  Essex  streets  to  Front  street,  easter- 
ly side  of  Front  st.  to  the  sea,  by  the  sea  lo  Bull's  wf 

No.  11. — The  westerly  side  of  Front  street  to  Essex 
street,  the  southerly  side  of  Essex  and  Boylston  streets, 
through  Charles  street  to  the  Mill  Dam,  thence  by 
Charles  river  to  Pleasant  street,  acioss  Pleasant  to  Elliot 
street,  the  northerly  side  of  Elliot  to  Warren  street,  the 
easterly  side  of  Warren  to  Washington  street,  the  west-  . 
eriy  side  of  Washington  street  to  Pine  street,  the  north- 
erly side  of  Pine  street  to  the  sea,  thence  by  the  sea  to 
Front  street. 

No.  12. — The  southerly  side  of  Pine,  across  Washing- 
ton street,  to  W^•lrren  street,  the  westerly  side  of  Warren 
to  Elliot  street,  the  southerly  side  of  Elliot,  across  Plea- 
sant street,  to  Charles  river,  and  all  southerly  of  the 
above,  including  South  Boston. 



Adjutant  and  Q,uarter  Master  General's  Oilice,  State  H. 

Aldermen's  Room,  City  Hall 

American  Acad,  of  Arts  and  Sciences'  Library,  50  State 

American  Baptist  Magazine,  41  Washington 

American  Board  of  Com.  for  For.  Mis.  28  Cornhill 

American  JMagazine,  47  Court 

American  Education  Society,  room  15  Cornliill 

American  Institute,  1  School 

American  Ladies'  Magazine,  362  Washington 

American  Monthly  Magazine,  147  Washington 

American  Traveller,  office  47  Court 

Amory  Hall,  323  Washington,  corner  of  West 

Annals  of  Education,  over  135  Wash,  corner  of  School 

Appraisers  of  Customs,  Custom-house  street 

Apprentices'  Library,  43  Washington 

Aqueduct  Office,  8  City  Hall,  shop  Front,  near  the  bridge 

Assessors'  Room,  Faneuil  Hall 

Asylum  for  Female  Orphans,  Essex 

Auditor's  Office,  City  Hall 

Baptist  JMissionary  Rooms,  16,  17  and  18  Joy's  building 

Boston  Athenaeum,  Pearl 

Boston  Bewick  Company,  47  Court 

Boston  Courier,  22  Congress 

Boston  and  Concord  Boating  Company — landing,  Pond, 

near  Charlestown  bridge 
Boston  Daily  Advertiser  and  Patriot,  6  &  8  Congress 
Boston  Daily  Atlas,  18  State 
Boston  Daily  Herald,  32  Congress 
Boston  Daily  Times,  office  72  Washington 
Boston  Dispensary,  138  Washington 
Boston  Dyeing  and  Printing  Company,  23  Doane 
Boston  Com.  Gazette,  34  Congress 
Boston  Iron  Company,  8  Commercial  wharf 
Boston  Hemp  Manufacturing  Co.  7  Commercial  wharf 
Boston  Beer  Company,  6  Lindall 

Boston  Pearl  and  Literary  Gazette,  Water  C.Washington 
Boston  Pearl  Manufacturing  Co.  Williams  court 
Boston  Chemical  Company,  70  Congress 
Boston  India  Rubber  Factory,  8  State 
Boston  Library,  over  the  Arch,  Franklin  place 
Boston  Medical  and  Surgical  Journal,  184  Washington 
Boston  Morning  Post,  daily  paper,  19  and  21  Water 
Boston  Medical  Library,  in  the  Athenaeum,  Pearl 


Boston  and  Sandwich  Glass  Company,  103  Milk 

Boston  Recorder,  9  Cornhill 

Boston  Reformer,  1  Norfolk  avenue 

Boston  Pilot  Otlice,  11  Devonshire 

Boston  Soapstone  Manufactory,  Cross  cor.  Ciiarlestown 

Boston  Statesman,  office  1!)  and  21  Water 

Boston  Society  of  Nat.  History,  Savings  Bank  building 

Boston  Type  and  Stereotype  Foundry,  39  Congress 

Boston  and  Providence  Rail  Road  office,  3  Joy's  building 

Boston  and  Worcester  Rail  Road  office,  8  Joy's  building 

Boston  Investigator,  6  Congress  square 

Boston  Young  Men's  Society's  room,  1C5  Tremont 

Boylston  Hall,  over  Boylston  Market 

Boylston  Market,  Washington,  corner  Boylston 

Christian  Witness,  31  Cornhill 

Christian  Examiner,  141  Washington 

Christian  Register,  19  Water,  c.  room  151  Washington 

Christian  Watchman,  Wilson's  lane 

City  and  County  Treasurer's  Office,  City  Hall 

City  Clerk's  OtBce,  City  Hall 

City  Land  Office,  773  Washington 

City  Market,  between  Brattle  and  Elm  streets 

City  Marshal's  Otiice,  City  Hall 

City  Pound,  Charles  street 

City  Scales,  Merrimac,  corner  Canal 

City  Scales  (South),  rear  Charles  and  Pleasant  streets 

Columbian  Centinel,  34  Congress 

Common  Council  Room,  City  Hall 

Constables'  Office,  2  Eranklin  avenue 

County  Court  House,  School 

County  Jail,  1(5  Leveret 

Court  of  Common  Pleas,  County  Court  House 

Custom  House,  Custom-house  street 

District  Clerk's  Office,  Barrister's  Hall 

Daily  Advocate  and  Free  Press,  65  Congress 

Daily  Centinel  and  Gazette,  34  Congress 

Daily  Evening  Transcript,  10  Exchange 

Directors  of  House  of  Industry,  Faneuil  Hall 

Directors  of  Inst,  for  Education  of  the  Blind,  Pearl 

Employment  for  Female  Poor,  80  Federal 

Evening  Gazette,  14  Congress 

Eye  and  Ear  Infirmary,  (i  Summer 

Faneuil  Hall,  Market  square,  corner  Merchant's  Row 

Female  Refuge,  12  Charter 


Franklin  Cordage  Manufactory,  Northampton 
Franklin  Hemp  and  Flax  Manufacturing  Co.  Plymouth 
Gas   Works,  Commercial,   near   Charlestown   Bridge, 

Counting  room  185  Washington 
Health  Office,  City  HpJI 
Illuminator,  Court  corner  Howard 
Institution  for  the  Blind,  19  Pearl 
Inspection  Office,  Butter  and  Lard,  3  Distil-house  sq. 
Inspec.  Pot  and  Pearl  Ash,  off.  Haverhill,  cor.  Causeway 
Lahoratory  of  State,  Pleasant 
Lawrence  Manufacturing  Company,  79  Milk. 
Land  Office,  State  House 
Liberator,  31  Cornhill 
Lion  Theatre,  359  Washington 
Lying-in  Hospital,  718  Washington 
Lynn  Printing  Company,  office  83  Cornhill 
Marine  Railway,  Commercial 
Masonic  Temple,  Tremont  street 
Mass.  Historical  Soc.  Library  over  Arch,  Franklin  pi. 
Massachusetts  Arsenal,  Pleasant 
Mass.  Historical  Soc.'s  room,  Savings  Bank  building 
Massachusetts  Horticultural  Society  room,  81  Cornhill 
Massachusetts  Anti-Slavery  office,  46  Washington 
Massachusetts  General  Hospital,  Allen 
Mass.  Register  and  U.  S.  Calendar,  132  Washington 
Mayor's  Office,  City  Hall 
Medical  College,  Mason 
Mercantile  Journal,  26  State 
Mercantile  Library,  53  Washington 
Mechanics'  Exchange  and  Reading  Room,  Wilson  lane 
Missionary  Herald,  47  Washington 
Miss.  Rooms  of  the  Am.  Board  of  For.  Miss.  28  Cornhill 
Nashua  Manufacturing  Company,  79  Milk 
Navy  Agent  Office,  43  Chatham 
New  England  Bank  Note   Company's  Office,  rear  204 

New  England  Farmer,  52  North  Market 
New  England  Palladium,  34  Congress 
New  England  Glass  Co.'s  Warehouse,  140  Washington 
New  England  Museum,  75  Court 
New  England  Silk  Co.  70  Congress 
New  England  Spectator,  Court  c.  Howard 
New  Jerusalem  Magazine,  11  School 


New  England  Galaxy,  32  Congress 

North  American  Review,  ]41  Washington 

Northern  Baptist  Education  Soc.  room,  13  Joy's  building 

Overseers  of  the  Poor,  office  Faneuil  Hall 

Pantheon  Hall,  441  Washington 

Parley's  Magazine,  128  Washington 

Phrenological  Society,  over  the  Arch,  Franklin  place 

Pilot's  Office,  237  Ann 

Post  Office,  City  Hall 

Probate  Office,  County  Court  House 

Provident  Institution  for  Savings,  Tremont  street 

Roxbury  India  Rubber  Company,  109  State 

Reading  Room,  City  Hall 

Register  of  Deeds,  Office  County  Court  House 

Revere  Copper  Co.  James  Davis,  jr.  agent,  22  Union 

Religious  Magazine,  9  Cornhill 

Scriptural  Interpreter,  147  Washington 

Secretary  of  State's  Office,  State  House,  Beacon 

S.  Boston  Iron  Co.  c.  r.  2  Central  wf  foundry  S.  Boston 

Seamen's  Bethel  Reading  Room,  Sun  court 

South  Cove  Co.'s  office,  27  State,  c.  room  Front 

State  Treasurer's  Office,  State  House,  Beacon 

Suffolk  Manufacturing  Company,  79  Milk 

Theological  Library,  under  Church  in  Chauncey  place 

Tremont  Theatre,  Tremont  Street,  near  School 

Tremont  Mills  Company,  79  Milk 

Trumpet  office,  40  Cornhill 

Universalist  and  Ladies'  Repository,  32  Cornhill 

Visiters  of  the  Poor,  room  Savings  Bank  building 

Weekly  Messenger,  6  Congress 

Warren  Theatre,  Portland,  corner  Travers 

Western  Rail  Road,  office  10  Joy's  Building 

Zion's  Herald,  19  Washington 


American  House,  42  Hanover 

Blackstone  House,  95  Hanover 

Black  Horse  Tavern,  17  Union 

Bromfield  House,  Bromfield  street 

Boylston  Hotel,  38  School 

Boston  Hotel,  Brattle,  corner  Brattle  square 

Boiton  Coffee  Hous»,  38  Milk 

HOTELS,    TAVERNS,    ETC.  43 

Bite  Tavern,  8  Market  square 

City  Hotel,  Elm 

City  Tavern,  Brattle 

Commercial  Coffee  House,  Milk,  corner  Liberty  square 

Eairlc  Coffee  House,  Commercial 
Exchange  Coffee  House,  Congress  square 
Eastern  Stage  House,  84  Ann 
Earl  Coffee  House,  36  Hanover 
Elm  Street  Hotel,  9  Elm 

Federal  Street  Coffee  House,  7  Federal 
Fire  Department  Hotel,  Old  Road 
Franklin  Hotel,  49  North  Market 
Fulton  House,  Cross,  corner  Fulton 

German  Coffee  House,  155  Pleasant 
Globe  Hotel,  Hanover,  corner  Commercial 

Hanover  House,  172  Hanover 

Howard  Street  House,  opposite  8  Howard 

Kilburn's  Coffee  House,  Howard 

Lafayette  Hotel,  392  Washington,  op.  Boylston  market 
Lamb  Tavern,  369  ]-2  Washington 

Marlborough  Hotel,  229  Washington 
Massachusetts  Hotel,  33  Fond 

New  England  Coffee  House,  Clinton 
Northern  House,  97  Hanover 
Northern  Mansion  House,  226  Ann 

Old  Province  Coffee  House,  rear  165  Washington 

Park  House,  corner  of  Boylston  and  Tremont 

Patterson  House,  11  Elm 

Pearl  Street  House,  corner  Pearl  and  Milk  streets 

Pond  Street  House,  Pond,  corner  Cross 

Rail  Road  Hotel,  63  Pond 

Suffolk  House,  12  Elm 

South  Boston  India  Rubber  Company,  5th  street 

Tremont  House,  Tremont  street,  near  School 

Union  House,  29  Union  '     - 

Warren  Hotel,  Friend,  corner  Merrimac 

Washington  Coffee  House,  158  Washington 

Washington  Hotel,  835  Washington 



Mary  Turner 
Hannah  Boyd 
Sally  Gf:  Smith 
Susanna  Rotch 
Nancy  Rice 
Mary  Ross 
Eliza  Stevens 
Eliza  Piquot 
Susan  Howe 
Earbary  Patch 
Fanny  Gray 
Abigail  Fuller 
Rachael  Felt 
Eliza  Chadwick 
Sarah  GofF 
Esther  Tarbox 
Mary  Dillaway 
Eliza  Cotton 
Lucy  Thissell 
Sally  Newhall 
Caroline  Fell 
Susan  WharfF 
Sarah  Draper 
Catharine  Bowlan 
Sarah  Norris 
Ann  Parsons 
Hep.  Waymouth 
Adeline  Park 

Ruth  Shaw 
Elizabeth  Tufts 
Rachael  Tolman 
Eliza  Hancock 
Abigail  Bell 
Sarah  Cobb 
Julia  Goodenow 
Sarah  Munroo 
Mary  Pearson 
Rebecca  Wilton 
Joanna  Dudley 
Sarah  Hearsay 
Hannah  Miller 
Frances  Davis 
Margaret  Lang 
Eliza  M.  Hope 
Mary  Barnes 
Mary  Child 
Joanna  Lord 
Mary  Hardy 
Abby  Ann  Allen 
Susan  Williams 
Lydia  Pomroy 
Rebecca  Green 
Abigail  C.  Clark 
Sarah  Miller 
ilannah  Babcock 

Mary  Anderton 
Margaret  Johnson 
Hannah  Blake 
Mary  Ann  Thaxter 
Fanny  M'Gilvreay 
Elizabeth  Johnson 
Hannah  Redding 
Eliza,  Wainwriglit 
Susan  Wyinun 
Hannah  Melzar 
Jane  Williams 
Sophia  Cullen 
Eliza.  Thorndike 
Ann  Hunter 
Reb.  Barker,  wid. 
Susan  Holbrook 
Mary  Boswell 
Abigail  Whitcomb 
Nancy  Goodridge 
Hannah  Dexter 
Hannah  Dinsniore 
Sally  Blake 
Betsey  B.  Crane 
Betsey  Clisby 
Sarah  C.  Seavy 
Sally  Ayers 
Mary  AnnWiswell 


A  STREET,  South  Boston,  from  Dorchester  Turnpike 

across  4thj  to  Glass  works 
Acorn  street,  opens  in  the  rear  of  39  Chesnut  Street,  and 

extends  to  West  Cedar  street 
Alden  lane,  from  139  Court  street  to  Sudbury  street 
Alden  court,  opens  on  west  side  Alden  lane 
Allen  street,  from  Chambers  street  to  Brighton 
Ann  street,  northeast  from  Market  sq.  to  Commercial  st. 
Ann  street  court,  opens  from  330  Ann  street 
Arch  street,  from  Franklin  place  to  Summer  street 
Arnold  street,  is  the  first  street  north  from  Roxbury,  and 

leads  from  Washington  to  Suffolk  street 
Ash  street,  from  Oak  street  to  South  Bennct  street 



Atkinson  street,  from  Milk  street  to  Russia  wharf 
Avery  street,  from  387  Washington  street  to  Mason  st. 
Avery  place,  opens  north  side  of  Avery  street 
Avon  place,  opens  at  264  Washington  street 
B   STREET,  from  Dorchester  Turnpike  across  Broad- 
way, to  Glass  works 
Baldwin  place,  opens  70  Salem  street 
Ballard  place,  opens  on  the  south  side  Bromfield  street 
Barrister's  Hall,  Court  square,  School  street 
Barre  place,  opens  on  north  side  of  Elliot,  near  Tremont 
Barrett  street,  from  83  x\nn  street  to  Fulton  street 
Barton  street,  nortiieast  from  Leveret,  opposite  Second 
Bartlett  street,  from  187  Hanover  street  to  30G  Ann  st. 
Bath  street,  from  Milk,  opposite  Pearl,  to  Water  street 
Batterman  place,  south  side  Essex,  opposite  Lincoln  st. 
Battery  street,  from  344  Ann  to  203  Hanover  street 
Batterymarch  street,  from  Liberty  square  to  Broad  street 
Bay  street,  at  43  Fayette 

Beach  street,  from  410  Washington  to  Front  street 
Beacon  street,  from  King's  Chapel  to  Western  avenue 
Bedford  street,  from  290  Washington  to  Summer  street 
Bedford  place,  north  side  Bedford  street 
Bedford  avenue,  southwest  side  of  Bedford  street,  near 

Rowe  place 
Belcher  lane,  from  Forthill  gun  house  to  Purchase  street 
Belknap  street,  from  Beacon  to  Cambridge  street 
Bennet  street  (South),  from  Washington  to  Front  street 
Bennet  street  (North),  from  206  Hanover  to  Salem  street 
Bennet  place,  south  side  INorth  Bennet  street 
Berry  street,  from  the   Meetinghouse  in  Federal  street  to 

Atkinson  street 
Beverley  street,  from  Causeway  to  Charlestown  street 
Blackstone   street,   from    Clinton   street   to  junction  of 

Cross  and  Charlestown  streets 
Blake's  court,  opens  at  740  W^ashington  street 
Blossom  place,  opens  at  15  Blossom  street 
Blossom  street,   north   from   Cambridge  street,  opposite 

Garden  street,  to  Allen  street 
Blossom  court,  opens  E.  from  7  Blossom  st.  n.  Cambridge 
Board  alley,  from  73  Charter  to  Commercial  street 
Boston  and  Piovidence  Rail  Road  opens  in  Pleasant  st. 

opposite  the  bead  of  Elliot  street 
Boston  and  Worcester  Rail  Road,  opens  617  Washington 
Bowdoin  street,  from  Cambridge  to  Beacon  street 
Bowdoin  place,  south  end  Bowdoin  street 


Bowdoin  square,  between  Cambridge  and  Court  streets 
Boylston  street,  from  Boylston  market  to  Pleasant  street 
Boylston  place,  Boylston  street,  opposite  burying  ground 
Boylston  square,  south  side  Boylston  market 
Bradford  place,  opens  from  Mason  street,  south  side 
Brattle  street,  from  Dock  square  to  77  Court  street 
Brattle  square,  from  Meetinghouse  to  Elm  street 
Bread  street,  from  88  Broad  street  to  38  India  street 
Bridge  street,  north  from  Cambiidge  st.  to  the  Hospital 
Bridge  street  court,  opens  at  20  Bridge  street 
Bridge  court,  opens  at  2  George,  near  Cambridge 
Bridge  street  avenue,  from  11  Bridge  street 
Brighton  street,  from  west  end  Leveret  to  Allen  street 
Brighton  street  (North),  from  76  Leveret  to  the  Flats 
Brimmer's  T,  opens  from  Long  wharf 
Broadway,  from  Free  Bridge  to  Dorchester  street 
Broad  street,  from  State  street  to  the  Free  Bridge 
Bromfield  street,  from  209  Washington  to  Tremont  st. 
Bromfield  place,  from  north  side  Bromfield  street 
Brookline  street,  from  773  Washington  to  Tremont  st. 
,  Bulfinch  street,  south  from  Bowdoin  sq.  to  Somerset  pi. 
Bulfinch  place,  between  Bulfinch  and  Bowdoin  streets 
Burastead  place,  Tremont  street,  near  Bromfield  street 
Bumstead  court,  opposite  west  end  Boylston  market 
Butler  square,  opposite  24  Chatham 
Butolph  street,  fi-om  Cambridge  street  to  Myrtle  street 
C  STREET,  from  Dorchester  Turnpike  across  Broad- 
way to  the  Beach 
Cambridge  st.  from  Bowdoin  sq.  to  West  Boston  bridge 
Camden  street,  from  805  Washington  to  Tremont  street 
Canal  street,  from  Union  st.  southerly  side  of  the  Canal 

to  Causeway  street 
Canton  street,  opens  next  south  of  761  Washington,  and 

leads  to  Tremont  street 
Carnes  court,  on  south  side  from  15  Hawkins  street 
Carney  place,  opens  at  679  Washington  street 
Carver  street,  from  Pleasant  st.  north  across  Elliot  street 

to  the  burial  ground 
Carroll  place,  opens  at  ^Qi  Salem 
Castle  street,  across  Washington  st.  at  629,  from  Fayette 

to  Front  street 
Causeway  street,  from  Leveret  st.  to  Charlestown  bridge 
Cedar  lane,  from  Chesnut  street  to  Pinckney  street 
Cedar  street  (South),  from  Pleasant  street,  1st  north  of 
Fayette  street 


Cedar  street  court,  east  from  South  Cedar  street 
Central  street,  from  Kilby  street  to  5  India  street 
Central  court,  from  242  Washington  to  Avon  place 
Centre  street  (West),  from  Cambridge  street  near  the 

bridge  to  Pinckney  street 
Centre  street  (North),  from  85  Hanover  street  to  Ann  st. 
Chambers  street,  from  41  Cambridge  st.  to  57  Leveret  st. 
Chambers  street  court,  opeas  at  22  Chambers  street 
Champney  pi.  on  westerly  side  W.  Centre,  near  May  st. 
Chardon  street,  from  Bowdoin  square  to  Hawkins  street 
Charles  street,  from  Boylston  st.  to  West  Boston  bridge 
Charlestown  street,  from  Union  st.  to  Causeway  street 
Charter  street,  from  230  Hanover  to  Commercial  street 
Chauncey  place,  front  of  First  Church,  Summer  street 
Chatham  street,  from  21  Merchants  row  to  4  Commercial 
Chesnut  street,  from  Walnut  street  to, Charles  street 
i/hurch  street,  from  west  side  of  South  Cedar  street 
Claflen  place,  opens  at  40  Pleasant  street 
Clark  street,  from  185  Hanover  to  294  Ann  street 
Clark  alie}^,  from  125  Hanover  to  148  Ann  street 
Clinton  street,  from  Merchants  row  to  Commercial  street 
Columbia  street,  from  Bedford  street  to  Essex  street 
Commercial  st.  from  12  Long  wf  to  Charlestown  bridge 
Commercial  court,  from  Commercial  near  Fulton  street 
Commercial  avenue,  from  281  Ann  st.  to  Union  wharf 
Congress  street,  from  31  State  street  to  Milk  street 
Congress  square,  the  buildings  erected  on  the  site  of  the 

Exchange  Coffee  House,  Congress  street 
Congress  court,  rear  20  Congress  street 
Cottage  place,  at  684,  cast  side  Washington  street 
Cook  court,  back  of  Latin  School  house,  34  School  street 
Cooper  street,  from  Charlestown    across  Pond  and  North 

Margin  street,  by  the  gun  house,  to  Salem  place 
Corn  court,  south  side  Faneuil  Hall 
Cornhill,  from  23  Washington  street  to  65  Court  street 
Cornhiil  court,  back  of  81  Washington  street 
Court  street,  from  City  Hall  to  Bowdoin  square 
Court  square,  front  of  County  Court  House,  School  st. 
Cotting  place,  opens  at  14  (/hambers  street 
Cotton  place,  frotn  Purchase  street  to  Broad  street 
Creek  street,  from  2  Clinton  street 
Creek  square,  back  of  Union  and  Ann  streets 
Crescent  place.  5  Green  street 

Cross  street,  from  the  Canal,  across  Hanover  and  Ann, 
to  Commercial  street 



Custom-house  street,  from  70  Broad  st.  to  32  India  street 
DEACON  street,  froru  Porlland  street  to  Friend  street 
Dnarborn  avenue,  from  7  Federal  street  to  Theatre  alley 
Dedham  street,  frtjm  720  Washington  street,  crosses  Suf- 
folk to  Tremont  street 
Derne  street,  from  Bovvdoin  street  to  Hancock  street 
Devonshire  street,  from  25  State  to  Milk  street 
Distil-hduse  square,  from  the  bf)ttom  of  Sudbury  street, 

northwest  to  Hawkins  street 
Distil-house  street,  from  550  Washington  st.  to  Front  st. 
Doane  street,  from  Kilby  street  to  9  Broad  street 
Dock  square,  from  Elm  street  southward   tc»  Washington 
street,  and    eastward    to    the    corner    opposite    the 
west  end  of  Faneuil  Hall 
Dorchester  st.  from  (catholic  S.  B.  Church  to  ship  yard 
Dover  street,  from  G91  Washington  st.  to  Tremont  street 
EAST  street,  from  Sea  street  to  South  street 
Eaton  street,  from  North  Russell  to  Chambers  street 
Elliot  street,  from  481  Washington  to  Pleasant  street 
Elliot  court,  south  side  of  Elliot  street 
Elm  street,  from  Dock  square  to  29  Hanover  street 
Essex  street,  from  378  Washington  to  South  strei^t 
Essex  court,  in  Essex  street,  opposite  to  Front  street 
Essex  place,  opens  between  53  and  55  Essex  place 
Exchange  street,  from  30  State  street  to  36  Dock  square 
FAYETTE  street,  from  80  Pleasant,  opposite  Carver 
Fayette  place,  Tremont  street,  front  of  the  Mall 
Fayette  court,  opens  at  403  Washmgton  street 
Federal  street,  from  Milk  st.  past  the  Theatre  to  High 
Federal  court,  betweer)  43  and  45  Federal  street 
Federal  court  (North),  opens  at  78  Hanover  street 
Fifth  street,  5th  from  Free  Bridge  to  Dorchester  street 
First  street,  the  first  from  Free  Bridge,  runs  east  and  west 
Flagg  alley,  from  liO  State  street  to  Market  square 
Fleet  street,  from  173  Hanover  to  Snow's  wharf 
Foster  place  (S  ),  on  the  west  side  of  Tremont  street,  be- 
tween Boylston  and  Elliot  streets 
Foster  street,  from  Charter  to  30  Commercial  street 
Foster  place,  opens  at  6  Foster  street 
Fourth  street,  4th  from  Free  Bridge  to  Dorchester  street 
Franklin  street,  from  184  Washington  st.  to  Franklin  pi. 
Franklin  place,  from  Hawley  street  to  the  Tijeatre 
Franklin  avenue,  from  Court  street  to  36  Cornhill 
Friend  street,  from  62  Hanover  street  to  Causeway  street 


iFri end. street  place,  opens  westerly  from  Friend  street, 

near  Causeway  street 
Friend  street  court,  opens  at  C  Friend  street 
Front  street,  from  Essex  street  to  South  Boston  bridge 
Fruit   street,   near  the   Hospital,   from   Blossom  across 

Bridge  street 
Fruit  street  «^ourf,  from  Fruit  street,  near  the  Hospital 
Fulton  street,    from   Clinton,   back   of  Commercial,  to 

Richmond  street 
Fulton  court,  from  Fulton  street 
GARDEN  street,  from  Cambridge  to  Myrtle  street 
Garden  court  street,  west  side  of  North  sq.  to  Fleet  street 
Garland  place,  opens  at  683  Washington  street 
George  St.,  from  Canib.  st.  n.  the  bridge  to  Pinckney  st. 
Gibbs  lane,  from  Washington  place  to  Forthill  wharf 
Gorham  place,  opens  at  725  Washington  street 
Gouch  street,  from  11  Green  street  to  Merrimac  street 
Giiman  p'ace,  west  side  of  Friend,  near  Travers  street 
Graphic  c(jurt,  opens  219  Washington  street 
Green  street,  from  Bowdoin  square  to  Chambers  street 
Greenough  lane,  from  25  Charter  to  6  Commercial  street 
Gridley  street,  from  High  to  Purchase  street 
Grove  street,  from  Catnbridge  to  Pinckney  street 
Grove  St.  (N.),  from  125  Cambriilge  st.  to  the  Hospital 
HAMILTON  pi.  Tremont  st.  opposite  Park  st.  Church 
Hamilton  st.  from  Balterymarch  st.  to  Washington  pi. 
Hamilton  alley,  Hamilton  st.  near  Balterymarch  street 
Hamilton  court,  opens  north  side  of  Hamilton  street 
Hancock  street,  from  Mt.  Ternon  to  Cambridge  street 
Hancock  row,  from  Marshall  street  to  Creek  square 
Hancock  avenue,  from  Beacon  St.  to  Mt.  Vernon  street, 

near  the  State  House 
Hanover  st.  from  Court  street  to  Winnessimit  ferry  way 
Hanover  court,  opens  at  64  Hanov(!r  street 
Hanover  place  opens  at  140  Hanover  street 
Hanover  avenue,  from  191  Hanover  to  316  Ann  street 
Harlaem  place,  opens  at  345  Washington  street 
Hfirtford  place,  south  side  High  street,  near  Forthill 
Harvard  court,  opens  from  south  side  of  Harvard  street 
Harvard  street,  from  448  Washington  to  Front  street 
Harvard  place,  Washington  St.  opposite  the  Old  South 
Haskin's  buildings,  Court  cor.  Tremont 
Haverhill  street,  from  Warren  bridge  to  Charlestown  St. 
Hawkins  street,  from  Sudbury  to  Ivers  street 
Hawley  street,  from  Trinity  Church  to  Milk  street 


Hawley  place,  opens  at  170  Washington  street 
Haymarket  place,  south  side  of  Avery  street 
Hayward  place,  opens  at  350  Washington  street 
Henchman  lane,  from  35  Charter  to  Commercial  street 
High  street,  from  Summer  street  to  Washington  place 
High  St.  pi.  on  the  west  side  of  High  st.  n,  Atkinson  st. 
Holden  place,  opens  at  21  and  23  Belknap  street 
Hollis  street,  from  517  Washington  to  Tremont  street 
Howard  street,  from  Court  to  Bulfinch  street 
Hull  street,  from  Christ  Church  by  the  Burial  Ground  to 

Commercial  street 
Humphrey  place,  on  east  side  of  Hamilton  st.  n.  Forthili 
INDIA  street,  from  Long  wharf  to  India  wharf 
Ivers  street,  from  Hawkins  to  Merrimac  street 
JACKSON  place,  opens  at  16  Winter  street 
Jackson  court,  in  the  rear  of  Gun  house  N.  Margin  et. 
Jefferson  place,  near  east  end  South  Bennet  street 
Jefferson  street,  runs  east  from  Fayette  street  to  Tremont 
Jenkins  place.  Commercial,  opposite  Stetson's  wharf 
Joy's  Building,  81  Washington 

Joy  place,  Belknap,  between  Beacon  and  Mt.  Vernon  sts. 
KENNARD'S  avenue,  from  32  Poplar  to  51  Allen 
Kilby  street,  from  State  street  to  Milk  street 
Kingston  street,  from  52  Summer  to  Bedford  street 
Kneeland  place, opens  on  the  south  side  of  Kneeland  st. 
Kneeland  street,  from  426  AVashington  to  Front  street 
Knox  street,  rear  25  Fayette 
Kuhn  place,  at  74  Tremont  street 

LA   FAYETTE  avenue,  from  80  Prince  to  Pond  street 
La  Grange  place,  opens  at  451  Washington  street 
Lancaster  street,  from  Merrimac  st.  to  Millpond  wharf 
Lane  place,  opens  from  Gibbs  lane,  between  Purchase 

street  and  Washington  place 
Langdon  place,  opens  at  179  Ann  street 
Lathrop  place,  opens  at  155  Hanover 
Lenox  street,  south  from  807  Washington,  and  leads  to 

Suffolk  street 
Leveret  street,  from  25  Green  street  to  Central  bridge 
Leveret  lane,  opens  at  32  Leveret  street 
Leveret  court,  north  side  26  Leveret  street 
Lyman  place,  from  10  Leveret  street  to  17  Green  street 
Liberty  square,  the  junction  of  Kilby,  Water  and  Batte- 

rymarch  streets 
Lime  alley,  from  Charter  street,  opposite  burying  ground 

to  Commercial  street 


Lincoln  street,  from  Summer  to  Essex  street 
Lincoln  court,  from  23  Fayette  street 
Lindali  street,  from  Congress  to  Kilby  street 
Louisburgh  sq.  between  79  Pinckney  and  62  Mt.  Vernon 
Lovett  place,  opens  at  34  Poplar  street 
Lowell  place,  on  the  south  side  of  Boylston  street 
Lynde  street,  from  Cambridge  to  22  Green  street 
Lynn  street,  now  called  Commercial 
Lucas  place,  opens  at  661  Washington  street 
MADISON  place,  opens  from  146  Pleasant  street 
Maiden  street,  opens  next  south  of  742  Washington  st. 
Margaret  alley,  from  Margaret  street  to  Snowhill  street 
Margaret  street,  from  27  Prince  to  Sheafe  street 
Margin  st.  (N.),  from  52  Salem,  acrossThacher  to  Pond  st. 
Margin  street  (South),  from  Pills  to  Prospect  street 
Market  square,  S.  W.  and  North  sides  Faneuil  Hall 
Market  street  (North),  north  side  of  the  new  market 
Market  street  (South),  south  side  of  the  new  market 
Market  street,  from  Portland  to  Charlestown  street 
Market  place,  opens  415  Washington  street 
Marlborough  place,  opens  166  Washington  street 
Marion  st.  from  98  Pleasant  to  Church  street 
Marshall  street,  from  24  Union  to  Hanover  street 
Marsh  lane,  from  Union  street  to  Creek  square 
Marston  place,  opens  from  71  Chambers  street 
Mason  street,  from  West  street  to  Avery  street 
May  street  (^outh),  opens  at  706  Washington  street 
May  street,  from  South  Russell  to  Charles  street 
May  court,  on  the  west  side  of  Belknap  street 
May  place,  rear  of  12  Oak  street 

McLean  street,  from  Chambers  street  to  Blossom  street 
McLean  court,  opens  at  8  McLean  street 
Mechanic  place,  opens  at  603  Washington  street 
Mechanic  street,  from  115  Hanover  to  142  Ann  street 
Medf()rd  street,  from  Charlestown  st.  to  Causeway  street 
Merchants  row,  from  State  street  by  the  Market  house 

to  Ann  street 
Merrimac  st.  from  north  end  of  Union  to  Causeway  St. 
Middlesex  place,  opens  at  308  Washington  s\reet 
Middlesex  street,  from  Castte  street,  south 
Milk  street,  from  the  Old  South  to  India  street 
Milton  place,  from  Federal  street  to  Federal  court 
Milton  street,  from  Spring  to  Brighton  street 
Minot  street,  northeasterly  from  44  Leveret  street 
Montgomery  place,  opens  at  168  Treraont 


Moon  street,  from  North  square  to  Fleet  street 
Morton  place,  from  Milk  street,  near  Hawley  street 
Mount  Vernon  street,  from  Beacon  st.  to  Charles  street 
Mount  Vernon  place,  from  Hancock  av.  to  Belknap  st. 
Mulberry  place,  opens  at  25  Portland  street 
Murray  place,  opens  38  Prince  street 
Myrtle  street,  from  Hancock  to  Centre  street 
Myrtle  court,  west  end  of  Myrtle  street 
NASSAU  court,  west  side  of  Tremont  street 
Nassau  street,  from  Front  to  Ash  street 
Newbern  place,  opens  at  47  Carver  street 
Newbury  place,  opens  at  364  Washington  street 
Newton  place,  opens  from  5  Beach  siieet 
Norfolk  avenue,  opens  at  185  Wasfiington  street 
Norfolk  place,  opens  at  330  Washington  street 
Northampton  street,  801,  south  end  Washington  street 
North  Hanover  court,  opens  at  152  Hanover  street 
North  square,  between  Hanover,  Fleet  and  Ann  streets 
Noyes  place,  opens  74  Salem  street 
OAK  place,  on  the  south  side  of  Oak  st.  opposite  Ash 
Oak  street,  opens  514  Washington  street 
Old  Road,  from  Hawes  place  Church  to  the  Point 
Oliver  street,  from  Milk  street  to  Washington  place 
Oliver  place,  south  side  Essex  street 
Orange  street,  opens  at  625  Washington  street 
Orange  ct.  opens  from  Washing,  next  south  of  Elliot  st. 
Orange  lane,  from  Washington,  opposite  Orange  street 
Otis  place,  Summer  street,  opposite  Kingston  street 
PARK  street,  from  head  of  Mall  to  State  House 
Park  place,  on  west  side  of  Hanover,  near  Board  alley 
Parkrrian's  place,  opens  at  144  Hanover  street 
Pearl  street,  from  Milk  to  Purchase  street 
Pearl  place,  on  east  side  Pearl  street 

Peck  lane,  from  Essex  street  to wharf 

Phillips's  Buildings,  on  Kilby  and  Water  streets 
Phillips  place,  opposite  the  Chapel,  Tremont  street 
Phipps  place,  opens  opposite  57  Charter,  near  Foster  st. 
Piedmont  street,  from  Pleasant,  2d  north  Fayette  street 
Pinckney  lane,  from  Pinckney  to  Mt.  Vernon  street 
Pinckney  street,  from  Belknap  to  Charles  street 
Pine  street,  from  520  Washington  to  48  Front  street 
Pitts  place,  from  6  Pitts  street 
Pitts  street,  from  1  Green  to  Merrimac  street 
Pitts  court,  on  the  west  side  of  Pitts  street 
Pleasant  street,  from  Boylston  to  Washington  street 


Pleasant  st.  ct.  west  from  140  Pleasant  st.  to  Church  st. 
Plymouth  street,  south  end  of  Washington  street 
Plymouth  place,  westerly  side  Front,  near  Beach  street 
Pond  street,  from  Hanover  and  Salem  streets  to  Charles- 
town  bridge 
Pond  street  place,  opens  at  75  Pond 
Poplar  street,  from  GO  Chambers  street  to  Charles  river 
Portland  street,  from  48  Hanover  to  Causeway  street 
Portland  place,  opens  19  Portland  street 
Prince  street,  from  North  square  to  Charlestown  bridge 
Prince  street  avenue,  from  39  Prince  to  North  Bennet 
Prospect  street,  from  Lyman  place  to  Merrimac  street 
Province  street,  from  30  School  to  Bromfield  street 
Province  house  court,  through  the  arch  at  165  Washing- 
ton street  to  Province  street 
Purchase  street,  from  Summer  street  to  Broad  street 
Purchase  pi.  opens  nearly  oppos.  the  Church,  Purchase  st. 
QUINCY  place,  on  north  side  High  st.  near  Wash.  pi. 
RICHARDSON  place,  from  short  street 
Richmond  street,  from  49  Salem,  across  Hanover  and 

Ann  to  Commercial  street 
Richmond  avenue,  opens  at  56  Salem 
Ridgeway  lane,  from  Cambridge  to  Derne  street 
Rowe  place,  opens  south  side  of  Bedford  street 
Robinson  lane,  from  220  Hanover  to  9  Unity  street 
Rogers's  buildings,  Congress  street 
Russell  street  (North),  from  Cambridge  to  Eaton  street 
Russell  street  (South),  from  Cambridge  to  Myrtle  street 
Rutland  street,  from  785  Washington  st.  to  Tremont  st. 
SALEM  place,  from  62  Salem  street  to  Cooper  street 
Salem  st.  north  from  Hanover  and  Pond,  to  Charter  st. 
Salt  lane,  from  29  Union  street  to  Creek  square 
Salter  place,  opens  at  56  Prince  street 
Salutation  street,  from  195  Hanover  to  336  Ann  street 
School  street,  from  137  Washington  to  the  Stone  Chapel 
Scollay's  buildings,  between  Court  and  Tremont  streets 
Scott  court,  opens  between  8  and  9  Union  street 
Scott  alley,  from  Creek  square  to  Ann  street 
Sea  street  (now  Broad  street,  but  as  the  old  numbering  of 
Sea  St.  is  still  retained,  reference  is  made  in  the  Di- 
rectory to  Sea  St.),  from  Summer  st.  to  Free  Bridge 
Second  st.  (West),  from  67  Leveret  to  Brighton  street 
Second  street  court,  from  the  southerly  side  of  W.  Second 
Second  street,  is  the  2d  street  from  Free  Bridge,  South 
Boston,  and  runs  east  from  Turnpike  street 


Sewall  place,  from  Milk  street,  opposite  Morton  place 

Silver  street,  from  Turnpike  street,  South  Boston 

Sister  street,  from  Williams  to  Berry  street 

Shavvmut  street,  from  IIG  IMeasant  st.  to  Church  street 

Shecife  street,  from  Salem  to  Snovvhill  street 

Sliort  street,  from  Bedford  street  to  the  water 

Short  street  court,  rear  Short  street 

Short  lane,  from  ]3  North  Bennetto  Tileston  street 

Snovvhill  street,  from  21  Prince  street  to  Hull  street 

Somerset  street,  from  Beacon  to  Howard  street 

Somerset  place,  from  Somerset  to  Bowdoin  street 

Somerset  court,  near  south  end  of  Somerset  street 

South  street,  from  Summer  street,  opposite  High  street 

South  street  court,  east  side  of  South  street 

South  street  place,  west  side  of  South  street 

South  Bridge  st.  from  Washington  st.  to  S.  Boston  bridge 

Soulhac  court,  west  end  of  Southac  street 

Southac  street,  from  Butulph  across  Garden  to  George  st. 

Spear  alley,  from  Purchase  street,  near  the  Church 

Spring  lane,  from  134  Washington  st.  to  Devonshire  st. 

Spring  street,  from  59  Leveret  to  45  Allen  street 

Spring  street  court,  opens  from  59  Spring  street 

Spring  street  place,  opens  from  18  Spring  street 

Spruce  street,  from  Chesnut  to  Beacon  street 

State  street,  from  Washington  street  to  Long  wharf 

Staniford  street,  from  Cambridge  to  24  Green  street 

Staniford  place,  opens  at  11  Staniford  street 

Stillman  place,  from  west  side  Stillman  st.  to  Cooper  st. 

Stillman  street,  from  46  Salem  st.  to  Charlestown  street 

Stoddard  street,  from  Howard  to  Court  street 

Strong  place,  opens  at  126  Cambridge  street 

Sturgis  place,  opens  at  7  Pearl  street 

Sudbury  street,  from  Court  to  Portland  street 

Sudbury  square,  north  end  Sudbury  street 

Suffolk  street,  rear  725  Washington,  from  Castle  street 

Suffolk  place,  opens  at  302  Washington  street 

Sullivan  place,  in  Federal  street,  between  Franklin  street 

and  Federal  court 
Summer  street,  from  226  Washington  st.  to  Sea  street 
Sun  court  street,  from  North  square  to  218  Ann  street 
Sweetser  court,  opens  at  342  Washington  street 
TEMPLE  street,  from  Cambridge  to  Mt.  Vernon  street 
Temple  place,  opens  at  Masonic  Temple,  Tremont  st. 
Temple  avenue,  at  307  Washington 
Thacher  street,  from  71  Prince  to  Charlestown  street 


Thacher  street  court,  on  east  side  Thacher  street- 
Thaxter  place,  from  Front  street,  opposite  Harvard  st. 
Theatre  alley,  from  Milk  street  to  rear  of  the  Odeon 
Third  street  (3d),  from  Free  Bridge,  South  Boston,  runs 

easterly  from  2d  street 
Tileston  street,  from  214  Hanover  to  93  Salem  street 
Travers  street,  from  Portland  to  Charlestown  street 
Tremont  st.  from  Court  to  Washington  st.  by  the  Mall 
Tremont  pi.  opens  on  Beacon  st.  near  Somerset  street 
Tudor's  Building,  20  Court  street 

Turnpike  st.  from  Free  Br.  S.  Bos.  to  Dorchester  Turnp. 
UNION  street,  from  Market  square  to  Merrimac  street 
Unity  court,  opens  at  2  Unity  street 
Unity  street,  from  Charter  to  14  Tileston  street 
VERNON  St.  runs  N.  E.  from  Leveret  st.  op.  Spring  st. 
Vernon  place,  opens  at  23  Charter  street 
Village  pi.  from  the  lower  end  of  Castle  st.  to  Orange  st. 
Vine  St.  from  N.  Russell  across  Blossom  and  Bridge  sts. 
WALNUT  street,  from  Beacon  to  Mt.  Vernon  street 
Warren  street,  from  581  Washington  to  Elliot  street 
Warren  place,  opens  at  69  Pleasant  street 
Washington   place,  includes  all  the  buildings  round  the 

vi^alk  on  Fort  Hill 
Washington  Mechanic  place,  opens  at  409  Washing,  st. 
Washington  aven.  from  E.  end  of  Purchase  to  Wash.  pi. 
Washington  street,  from  Roxbury  to  Dock  square 
Water  street,  from  123  Washington  to  37  Broad  street 
Waverley  place,  opens  at  18  South  street 
Well  St.  from  Cus.  House  st.  across  Bread  to  Wharf  st. 
Wendell  street,  from  Oliver  street  to  Hamilton  street 
Wesfcy  place,  opens  at  192  Hanover 
West  street,  from  333  Washington  street  to  the  Mall 
W.  Cedar  street,  from  Pinckney  to  Chesnut  street 
Wharf  street,  from  100  Broad  street  to  43  India  street 
Wheeler's  court,  opens  at  44  Pleasant  street 
Williams  court,  through  the  Arch  at  103  Washington  st. 
Williams  street,  from  Federal  to  Atkinson  street 
Willovi^  street,  from  Chesnut  to  Mount  Vernon  street 
Wilson  lane,  from  26  State  street  to  32  Dock  square 
Winter  place,  opens  at  20  Winter  street 
Winter  street,  from  271  Washington  street  to  the  Mall 
Winthrop  place,  opposite  Church  Green,  Summer  street 


Bowdoin  square,  between  Cambridge  and  Court  streets 
Boylston  street,  from  Boylston  market  to  Pleasant  street 
Boylston  place,  Boylston  street,  opposite  burying  ground 
Boylston  square,  south  side  Boylston  market 
Bradford  place,  opens  from  Mason  street,  south  side 
Brattle  street,  from  Dock  square  to  77  Court  street 
Brattle  square,  from  Meetinghouse  to  Elm  street 
Bread  street,  from  88  Broad  street  to  38  India  street 
Bridge  street,  north  from  Cambridge  st.  to  the  Hospital 
Bridge  street  court,  opens  at  20  Bridge  street 
Bridge  court,  opens  at  2  George,  near  Cambridge 
Bridge  street  avenue,  from  11  Bridge  street 
Brighton  street,  from  west  end  Leveret  to  Allen  street 
Brighton  street  (North),  from  76  Leveret  to  the  Flats 
Brimmer's  T,  opens  from  Long  wharf 
Broadway,  from  Free  Bridge  to  Dorchester  street 
Broad  street,  from  State  street  to  the  Free  Bridge 
Bromfield  street,  from  209  Washington  to  Tremont  st. 
Bromfield  place,  from  north  side  Bromfield  street 
Brookline  street,  from  773  Washington  to  Tremont  st. 
Bulfinch  street,  south  from  Bowdoin  sq.  to  Somerset  pi. 
Bulfinch  place,  between  Bulfinch  and  Bowdoin  streets 
Burastead  place,  Tremont  street,  near  Bromfield  street 
Bumstead  court,  opposite  west  end  Boylston  market 
Butler  square,  opposite  24  Chatham 
Butolph  street,  from  Cambridge  street  to  Myrtle  street 
C  STREET,  from  Dorchester  Turnpike  across   Broad- 
way to  the  Beach 
Cambridge  st.  from  Bowdoin  sq.  to  West  Boston  bridge 
Camden  street,  from  805  Washington  to  Tremont  street 
Canal  street,  from  Union  st.  southerly  side  of  the  Canal 

to  Causeway  street 
Canton  street,  opens  next  south  of  761  Washington,  and 

leads  to  Tremont  street 
Carnes  court,  on  south  side  from  15  Hawkins  street 
Carney  place,  opens  at  679  Washington  street 
Carver  street,  from  Pleasant  st.  north  across  Elliot  street 

to  the  burial  ground 
Carroll  place,  opens  at  66  Salem 
Castle  street,  across  Washington  st.  at  629,  from  Fayette 

to  Front  street 
Causeway  street,  from  Leveret  st.  to  Charlestown  bridge 
Cedar  lane,  from  Chesnut  street  to  Pinckney  street 
Cedar  street  (South),  from  Pleasant  street,  1st  north  of 
Fayette  street 


Cedar  street  court,  east  from  South  Cedar  street 
Central  street,  from  Kilby  street  to  5  India  street 
Central  court,  from  242  Washington  to  Avon  place 
Centre  street  (West),  from  Cambridge  street  near  the 

bridge  to  Pinckney  street 
Centre  street  (North),  from  85  Hanover  street  to  Ann  st. 
Chambers  street,  from  41  Cambridge  sf.  to  57  Leveret  st. 
Chambers  street  court,  opens  at  22  Chambers  street 
Champney  pi.  on  westerly  side  W.  Centre,  near  May  st. 
Chardon  street,  from  Bowdoin  square  to  Hawkins  street 
Charles  street,  from  Boylston  st.  to  West  Boston  bridge 
Charlestown  street,  from  Union  st.  to  Causeway  street 
Charier  street,  from  230  Hanover  to  Commercial  street 
Chauncey  place,  front  of  First  Church,  Summer  street 
Chatham  street,  from  21  Merchants  row  to  4  Commercial 
Chesnut  street,  from  Walnut  street  to. Charles  street 
i/hurch  street,  from  west  side  of  South  Cedar  street 
Claflen  place,  opens  at  40  Pleasant  street 
Clark  street,  from  185  Hanover  to  294  Ann  street 
Clark  alley,  from  125  Hanover  to  148  Ann  street 
Clinton  street,  from  Merchants  row  to  Commercial  street 
Columbia  street,  from  Bedford  street  to  Essex  street 
Commercial  st.  from  12  Long  vvf  to  Charlestown  bridge 
Commercial  court,  from  Commercial  near  Fulton  street 
Commercial  avenue,  from  281  Ann  st.  to  Union  wharf 
Congress  street,  from  31  State  street  to  Milk  street 
Congress  square,  the  buildings  erected  on  the  site  of  the 

Exchange  Coffee  House,  Congress  street 
Congress  court,  rear  20  Congress  street 
Cottage  place,  at  684,  east  side  Washington  street 
Cook  court,  back  of  Latin  School  house,  34  School  street 
Cooper  street,  from  Charlestown    across  Pond  and  North 

Margin  street,  by  the  gun  house,  to  Salem  place 
Corn  court,  south  side  Faneuil  Hall 
Cornhill,  from  23  Washington  street  to  65  Court  street 
Cornhill  court,  back  of  81  Washington  street 
Court  street,  from  City  H&ll  to  Bowdoin  square 
Court  square,  front  of  County  Court  House,  School  st. 
Cotling  place,  opens  at  14  (chambers  street 
Cotton  place,  from  Purchase  street  to  Broad  street 
Creek  street,  from  2  Clinton  street 
Creek  square,  back  of  Union  and  Ann  streets 
Crescent  place,  5  Green  street 

Cross  street,  from  the  Canal,  across  Hanover  and  Ann, 
to  Commercial  street 



ABBOT  ANDREW,  mason,  35  Poplar 

Abbot  Appleton,  porter,  B  street 

Abbot  Benjamin,  cooper.  Pond 

Abbot  George  VV.  (S.  L.  Mhot  S^  Co.),  h.  64  Poplar 

Abbot  Jacob  C.  clerk,  65  Leveret 

Abbot  Josepii  H.  school,  27  Mt.  Vernon 

Abbot  Richard  W.  truckman,  93  Ann 

Abbot  Reuben,  rear  39  Prince 

Abbot  Samuel  L.  &  Co.  {Geo.  W.  ^&5o<),  merchants,  21 

Central  wharf,  house  79  Bedford 
Abbot  Theodore,  bookbinder,  8  School,  house  Brighton] 
Abbot  {Timothy)  &  Howard  {J.  F.),  wharfingers, Tump. 

Abbot's  house  A  street 
Abbot  William,  shipwright,  house  Broadway- 
Abbott  (Geo.  fV.)  &  Shackford  {Wm.  B.),  raer.  tailors, 

46  Washington 
Abbott  John  C.     See  Hood  &  A. 
Abbott  John.     See  Richardson  &  A. 
Abbott  Joseph  {Davis  &  ^.),  boards  107  Charles 

Abell  Joseph,  cooper,  house  98  Warren 

Abell  Levi,  housewright,  house  5  Carver 

Aborn  Henry  M.  house  689  Washington 

Aborn  Mary,  house  23  Allen 

Abrahams  Ben.  cooper,  house  Fleet 

Abrahams  Marcy  R.  234  Hanover 

Abrams  Joseph,  house  65  Salem 

Abrams  Mariah,  house  14  Second 

Abrams  William,  house  71  Prince 

Ackerman  Benj.  stone  cutter,  rear  Broadway 

Ackers  John,  cabinetmaker,  boards  43  Warren 

Acres  George,  rigger,  Margaret 

Acres  George  T.  tinplateworker,  rear  12  Boylston 

Adams  Aaron,  jr.  leather,  10  Clinton 

Adams  Abraham  D.  cordwainer,  house  Fourth  street 

Adams  Abel  {Barnard,  A.  y  Co.),  h.  2  Winthrop  place 

Adams  Albert,  32  Central  wharf 

Adams  Alvin,  23  Elm,  house  head  of  Bulfinch 


Adams  Asa,  broker,  house  34  Orange 
Adams  Ashur,  broker,  Mechanics  Reading  Room 
Adams  Augustus,  truckman,  rear  730  VViishingfon 
Adams  Barllett,  pianoforte  maker,  354  Washington,  h. 

6  Tremont,  near  Pleasant 
Adams  Benj.  binder,  Cornhill,  house  52  Cambridge 
Adams  Benj.  house  6  Alt.  Vernon,  opposite  Hancock 
Adams  Betsey  M.,  fancy  goods,  282  Washington 
Adams  Charles,  stair  builder,  13  Bridge 
Adams  Charles,  patent  bedstead  maker,  422  Washington 
Adams  C.  B.  F,  {Hancock,  Hulden  &  .^.),  h.  422  Wash. 
Adams  Charles  F.  couns.  23  Court,  h.  3  Hancock  av. 
Adams  {Charles  Fred.),  Homer  {P.  T.)  &  Co.  {Sidney 

Homer),  importers,  25  Doane.     A.'s  h.  26  Chesnut 
Adams  Charles  J.  house  1  Orange  court 
Adams  Chester,  cashier  Union  Bank 
Adams  Daniel,  pumpmaker,  house  21  Washington  av. 
AdaiTis  David,  tinplater,  house  3  Kennard  avenue 

Adams ,  corset  maker.  Washing,  cor.  West 

Adams  Edwin,  physician,  24  School 

Adams  Elijah,  capt.,  house  Distil-hcuse  square 

Adams  Elizabeth,  widow,  Batierymarch 

Adams  George,  importer  hard  ware,  75  Commercial 

Adams  George,  clerk,  house  rear  6  Elliot 

Adams  George  W.  attorney,  63  Court 

Adams  George  W.  coachman,  h.  Bumstead  court 

Adams  George  W.  bookbinder,  boards  45  Federal 

Adams  Gideon,  tobacconist,  house  Lancaster 

Adams  G.  W.  house  Causeway 

Adams  Henrietta,  primary  school,  6  Lyman  place 

Adams  Hiram,  printer,  house  4  Fayette  court 

Adams  Isaac,  teamster,  rear  337  VVashington 

Adams  Isaac,  trunkmaker,  80  A^nn 

Adams  Isaac,  44  Fan.  Hall  market,  h  20  Lyman  place 

Adams  Isaac,  machinist,  h.  Sea,  near  the  bridge 

Adams  {Isaac,  jr.)  &  Thorndike  {James  F.),  dry  goods, 

81  Kilby.     A.'s  house  Lyman  place 
Adams  James,  housewright,  h.  28  South  Margin 
Adams  James,  messenger  Atlantic  Bank 
Adams  James,  jr.  house  56  High 
Adams  {James  M.)  &  Seaver  {JYath'l),  stable,  Fulton 
Adams  James  M.  house  2  N.  Centre 
Adams  Miriam,  widow  of  Jeremiah,  rear  667  Wash. 
Adams  John,  clerk  Globe  Bank 
Adams  John  P.  boards  3  South 


Adams  (John)  &  Bollard  (Leonard),  grocers,  32  Brattle. 

B.'s  house  25  Charles 
Adams  John  J.  brush  man.  1-5  Exchange,  h.  3  Stoddard 
Adams  John,  shoe  store,  126,  house  21b  Hanover 
Adams  John  Q,.  printer,  6  Congress  sq.  h.  12  Oak 
Adams  Joseph,  cabinetmaker,  2  Castle,  boards  south  794 

Adams  Joseph,  shoes,  218  Hanover,  house  ditto 
Adams  Joseph  D.  clerk  Fulton  Bank 
Adams  Joseph  H.  pres.  Ocean  Ins.  Co.  h.  Lewisburgh  sq- 
Adams  Joseph  T.,  34  Congress,  boards  at  Maverick  H. 
Adams  Julia  and  Sarah,  teachers,  room  1  Odeon 
Adams  Laban,  innholder.  Lamb  tavern,  369  1-2  Wash. 
Adams  Lydia  K.  school,  6  Cross,  near  Pond 
Adams  Lucy,  widow  of  Abijah,13  Pinckney 
Adams  Lydia,  dressmaker,  house  2  Newbury  place 
Adams  Mark,  laborer,  64  Belknap 
Adams  Martin,  mariner,  Gibbs  lane 
Adams  Mary  A.  10  Oliver 
Adams  Nathaniel  L.  variety  store,  69  Hanover 
Adams  Nathaniel  M.  bookseller,  69  Hanover,  h.  Suffolk, 

n.  Lucas  pi. 
Adams  Nehemiah,  Rev.  h.  4  Boylston  place 
Adams  Oliver.     See  Corey  &  Adams 
Adams  Paul,  furniture,  5  Water,  h.  128  Charles 
Adams  Philip,  house  rear  57  Salem 
Adams  R.  P.  school,  36  Hancock,  h.  17  Hay  ward  pi. 
Adams  Samuel,  physician,  34  School 
Adams  Sam.  wirewoiker  and  intell.  off.  12  Federal,  h.  do. 
Adams  Sam.  G.  housewright,  30  Tremont,  n.  Washing. 
Adams  Sam.  S.  tinplate-worker,  house  18  Fleet 

Adams  (Sam' I  P.)  &  Wait  (Thomas  C),  masons,  h.  3 
Champney  pi. 

Adams  Samuel  T.  wireworker,  house  Spring  lane 

Adams  Seth,  machinist,  S.  Boston 

Adams  (Sam'l   S.)  &  Sullivan  (James  V.)  tinplate- work- 
ers, 61  Commercial 

Adams  Simeon  P.  grocer,  120  Court,  house  6  Prospect 

Adams  Sumner,  bar-room,  34  Brattle 

Adams  Thomas,  1  Faneuil  Hall  market 

Adams    (Thomas)    &   Ripley    (Wm.    L.)    hat   store,   3 
Wash,  house  107  Chambers 

Adams  Thomas,  watchman,  h.  S.  Cedar,  near  Church 

Adams  (Willard)  &  Shumway  (Willurd  A.),  dry  goods, 
281  Washington 


Adams's  (Wm.  &  G.  W.)  &  Hammond  (j2rtemas),h\ 

smiths,  Cross,  c.  Fulton.     W.  A.'s  h.  30  Temple 
Adams  William,  watchmaker,  iSpring  lane 
Adams  William,  house  C  North  Bennet 
Adams  William  D.  liousevvriglit,  Dorchester 
Adams  {William  D.)  tfeTorrey  {J.  Gr.)?  printers,  31  Corn- 
hill.     Adams's  liouse  44  Federal 
'Adams  Zabdiel  B.  physician,  21  Pearl 
Adan  John  R.  counsellor,  11  Court,  li.  14  Summer 
Adgate  Abigail,  widow,  h.  Southac,  cor.  Grove 
Adiington  Benj.  W.  housewright,  h.  11  Spring 
Adolphus  Edward,  accountant,  h.  18  Hamilton 
Agin  Ann,  widow,  74  Warren 
Agin  Daniel,  laborer,  74  Warren 
Agin  John,  laborer,  rear  88  Warren 
Agin  Wm.  laborer,  rear  101  Broad 
Aglar  Francis,  rigger,  house  24  Hamilton 
Aiken  Barney,  mason,  rear  24  Pleasant 
Aiken  Calvin  and  William,  wood  wf.  South,  h.  59  South 
Aiken  James,  house  3d  rear  12  South  Margin 
Aiken  John,  harness  maker,  Merrimac 
Aiken  Jonathan,  laborer,  Travers 
Aiken  Lemuel  G.  38  Friend 
Aiken  Mary,  14  Avery 

Aiken  William  (C.  &  W.  Aiken),  house  30  Short- 
Aiken  William,  mason,  C  street 
Ainsworth  Almun,  housewright,  h.  108  Cambridge 
Akarman  Ann  B.  widow,  2  Suffolk  place 
Akarman  Margaret,  milliner,  278  Wash.  h.  10  Avery 
Akerman  Benjamin,  cabinetmaker,  h.  rear  3  Charles 
Albee  John,  W.  I.  goods,  Commercial,  h.  8  Sheafe 
Albert  John  M.  baker,  Hollis,  near  Washington 
Albert  Joseph,  rigger,  Wilkinson's  wf.  h.  Lathrop  place 
Albree  John,  mer.  34  Commercial,  h.  3  Kneeland 
Alcott  A.  B.  school,  7  Mas.  Tem.  h.  26  Front 
Alden  Betsey,  widow,  5  Elliot  court 
Alden  James  F.  boards  Kilburn's  Coffee  H. 
Alden  James,  hat  store,  83  Commercial,  h.  60  Prince 
Alden  J.  W.  house  9  Stillman 
Alden  John,  house  23  Tileston 
Alden  John,  laborer.  Piedmont,  near  Church 
Alden  Joseph  W.  salesman,  19  Kilby,  h.  9  Stillman 
Alden  Maria  {Blanchard  &r  '^■),  'j-  247  Washington 
Alden  Paul  (£.  Baker  &  Co),  h.  9  Hayward  place 
Alden  Wm.  V.  (G.  Vinton  S^  Co.),  h.  7  Kneelaad  place 


Alden  Robert  T.  &  Co.  (IV.  Wright),  sailmakers,  8  City 

wharf,  house  3  Hawley 
Aldrich  Aaron,  82  F.  H.  market,  house  9  Pitts 
Aldrich  Alpheus,  machinist,  Haverhill,  h.  17  Pitts 
Alexander  Ebenezer,  house  South  Margin 
Alexander  Edward,  mastmaker,  Sea,  house  rear  47  Sea 
Alexander  Emery,  41  F.  H.  market,  h.  74  Leveret 
Alexander  Francis,  portrait  painter,  rear  Savings  Bank 
Alexander  Henry  F.  house  F  street  near  4th 
Alexander  Jeanette,  midwife,  10  Federal  court 
Alexander  Lucretia,  boarding,  28  Hancock 
Alexander  W.  J,  physician,  Turnpike  cor.  Fourth 
Alexander  Wm.  rigger,  house  Spear  alley 
Alger  Cyrus,  iron  founder,  2  Central  wf  h.  Fourth 
Alger  Francis,  2  Central  wf  house  2  Fourth 
Alker  (Thomas)  &  Jones  (Ivory  H.),  livery  stable,  119, 

house  95  Charles 
Allan  George  W.  housewright,  h.  655  Washington 
AUardice  Ann,  widow  of  Archibald,  h.  11  Allen 
Allbee  (Henry  K)  &  Godfrey  (P.),  W.I.g'ds,64  Union 
Allbee  Lovett  S.  housewright.  Leveret 
Allbee  Stephen,  mariner,  house  Langdon  place 
Allen  Abby  Ann^  widow,  nurse,  South  street  court 
Allen  (Mston)   &  Morrison  (fF/n.  £.),  dry  goods,  321 

Washington.     A.'s  house  4  Kneeland  place 
Allen  Amos  S.  innkeeper,  Park  House,  cor.  Boylston  and 

Allen  Andrew,  tailor,  91  Washington 
Allen  Andrew  J.  &  Co.  (Jeremiah),  stationers,  72  State, 

house  7  Sullivan  place 
Allen  Ann,  widow,  137  Tremont 

Allen  Ann  M.  dry  goods,  214  Wash.  h.  5  Suffolk  place 
Allen  Asa  V.  barber,  29  Clinton 
Allen  Calvin,  carver,  house  and  shop  6  Carver 
Allen  Calvin  P.  mason,  h.  21  Myrtle 
Allen  Charles  J.  F.  assist,  appraiser,  Custom  H.,  h.  B  st. 
Allen  Ebenezer  K.  printer,  h.  op.  27  Tremont  n.  Wash. 
Allen  Ethan,  teamster,  rear  730  Washington 
Allen  (Ezra),  Pigeon  (Henry)  &Pool  (Be?ijamin),mast- 

makers.  Com.  n.  Railway.     A.'s  h.  Com.  n.  Foster 
Allen  Ezra,  dry  goods,  71  Hanover,  h.  Friend 
Allen  Frederick,  physician  Lying-in-Hospital, 718  Wash. 
Allen  Frederick  D.  (Fotcle  fy  ^.),  boards  2  Berry 
Allen  Freeman  (J.  Whitney  ^  Co.),  h.  Hamilton  place 
Allen  Francis,  housewright,  Southac,  h.  2  Champney  pi. 


Allen  Gaius  W.  watchman,  14  Stillman 

Allen  George,  jr.  usher  Adams  school,  Mason 

Allen  Harriet  (Moody  (^  A.),  h.  7  Spring 

Allen  Hannah,  widow  of  James,  32  Atkinson 

Allen  Hannah,  widow  of  Robert,  3  Kneeland  place 

Allen  {Hezekiah  R.)   <fc  Mann   (JV.    H.),  dry  goods,  47 

Hanover.     Allen's  h.  33  Temple 
Allen  Jabez,  house  1  Dedham 
Allen  James,  cabinetmaker,  h.  Carver 
Allen  James  M.  auct.  Milk"  cor.  Congress,  h.  32  High 
Allen  Jared,  27  F.  H.  market,  h.  5  Distil-house  square 
Allen  Jeremiah  {J.  J.  Allen  S^  Co.),  h.  7  Sullivan  place 
Allen  Jesse,  coachmaker,  h.  52  Friend 
Allen  (John)  &  Place  {John  £.),  housewrights,  19  Blos- 
som.    Allen's  h.  3  Leveret 
Allen  Joseph,  grocery,  S.  Margin,  h.  58  Portland 
Allen  Josiah,  baker,  house  rear  600  Washington 
Allen  Samuel  A.  store  keeper  Custom  H.,  h.  1  Poplar 
Allen  Samuel  P.     See  Manson  <fc  A. 
Allen  Samuel  R.  110  Milk,  boards  18  Pearl 
Allen  Sarah,  sempstress,  41  Boylston 
Allen  Silas,  jr.  pianofortemaker,  cor.  Washington   and 

Essex,  h.  40  Warren 
Allen  Sidney,  pianofortemaker,  h.  64  Elliot 
Allen  Thaddeus,  schoolmaster,  h.  1  Harvard  court 
Allen  Theodore,  housewright,  h.  2d,  rear  12  S.  Margin 
Allen  Thomas,  printer,  boards  38  Union 
Allen  Thomas,  snuff  store,  back  33  Washington 
Alien  Thomas,  laborer,  h.  Cedar  lane 
Allen  William,  13  Boylston  market,  h.  71  Elliot 
Allen  William,  blacksmith,  h.  1st  st.  S.  Boston 
Allen  Wm.  G.  provis.  Grove  c.  Southac,  h.  1  Southac  ct. 
Allen  Wm.  H.  English  g'ds,  214  Wash.  h.  5  Suffolk  pi. 
Allen  Wm.  T.  chair  painter,  30  N.  Market,  h.  8  Howard 
Allen  Wm.  W.  (S.  TV.  Leeds  S^  Co.),  h.  rear  13  Friend 
Alleyne  J.  S.  B.  1  Joy's  building,  h.  1  La  Grange  place 
Alley  Charles  R.  house  102  Washington 
Alline  Henry,  reg.  of  deeds.  County  Court  House 
Aliine  H.  &  H.  academy,  81  Chambers 
Alline  William,  clerk  Custom  House,  h.  81  Chambers 
Allison  Amy,  widow,  rear  6  Charter 
Allyn  Edwin,  laborer,  h.  Suffolk  cor.  Canton 
Almy  (Wm.),  Blake  (George  B.)  &  Co.  (Joseph  W.Pat- 
terson), dry  goods.  Milk  opposite  Kilby 
Amee  Jacob,  sailmaker,  48  India,  h.  18  Purchase 

64    -  DIRECTORY. 

Amee  Josiah  L.  C.  weigh.  &^uag.  Cust.  H.  h.  Broadway 
Ames  Asa,  grocer,  120  Cambridge,  h.  18  Bridge 
Ames  Azel,  housewright,  shop  98  Ann,  h.  31  Brattle 
Ames  Charles,  blacksmith,  4tli  street 
Ames  Eleanor,  widow,  8  Newton  place 
Ames  Israel,  41  Salem 

Ames  Catharine,  confectioner,  13,  h.  15  Essex 
Ames  Nathaniel  F.  {Cushing  &/■  ^^.),  h.  103  Purchase 
Ames  Samuel,  musician,  h.  Pinckncy  near  Charles 
Ames  Willard,  moulder.  Turnpike  cor.  Broadway 
Ammidon  Philip,  merchant,  house  27  Mount  Vernon 
Amory  Hannah,  widow  of  Tliomas  C.  21  Franklin  place 
Amory  Thomas  C,  President  Firemen's  Insurance  Co. 

house  5  Franklin  place 
Amory  Thomas  C.  jr.  attorney,  Court,  h.  4  Temple  place 
Amory  William,  70  State,  house  42  Beacon 
Amsden  Joel,  cordwaincr,  13  Mt.  Vernon,  h.  62  Union 
Anderling  Sophia,  widow,  rear  8  Sudbury 
Anderson  Anders,  boarding,  4  Bread 
Anderson  Benjamin,  mariner,  266  Ann 
Anderson  Charles  F.  stevedore.  North  square 
Anderson  Dorcas,  widow,  13  Essex  place 
Anderson  Frances,  dressmaker,  324  VVushington 
Anderson  Fred,  sailmaker,  Clark 
Anderson  J.  B.  whip  factory,  2  Elm 
Anderson  James,  clerk,  li.  16  Chambers 
Anderson  John  W.  mariner,  199  Hanover 
Anderson  Joanna,  widow,  159  Court 
Anderson  Lewis,  laborer,  Washington  arvenue 
Anderson  Robert,  mariner,  h.  rear  245  Ann 
Anderson  Rufus,  Rev.,  Sec.  A.  B.  C.  F.  M.  28  Cornhill 
Anderson  William,  waterman,  Broadway 
Anderton  Mary,  nurse,  40  Charter 
Andre  Charles,  tailor,  108  Commercial 
Andrew  Aaron,  physician,  8  N.  square,  h.  Salter  place 
Andrews  Abraham,  mariner,  Battery 
Andrews  Alfred  A.  dry  g'ds,  141  VVash.  h.  9  Sturgis  pi. 
Andrews  Benjamin  H.  {JDerbij  &  Ji.),  h.  159  Tremont 
Andrews  &  Co.  {Caleb  Jl.  ^  Daniel  K.  C/zace),  India  and 

French  silks,  20  Kilby,  h.  23  Chesnut 
Andrews  Ebenezer  T.  15  Winter 
Andrews  (£.  T.)  &  Marsh  {Scth  JV.),  stable,  Causeway, 

h.  Leveret  court 
Andrews  Eleanor,  milliner,  4th  street 
Andrews  Elizabeth,  widow,  rear  34  Charter 


Andrews  Elizabeth  L.  widow,  100  Pleasant 

Andrews  Ezekiel  O.  P.  turner,  h.  1  Ivers 

Andrews  E.  A.  principal  Mt.  Vernon  S.  h.  26  Beacon 

Andrews  George,  124  Fnneuil  Hall  market,  h.  30  Cross 

Andrews  George  H.  comedian,  55  Belknap 

Andrews  Henry,  silversmith,  rear  34  Charter 

Andrews  Henry,  grocer,  Hanover  cor.  Clark 

Andrews  Henry,  broker,  40  State,  h.  18  Mt.  Vernon 

Andrews  Isaac,  h.  J 7  Province  House  court 

Andrews  (James,  Colombian  ViccConsul)  &  Son  (J.  W.)^ 

merchants,  8  Central  wf.  h.  159  Tremont 
Andrews  John  L.  clerk,  Fulton  court 
Andrews  Catharine  N.  widow  of  John  B.,  24  Purchase 
Andrews  Joseph,  cash.  Commer.  Bank,  h.  40  Pinckney 
Andrews  Joseph,  printer,  h.  216  Ann 
Andrews  James,  cordwainer,  71  Pond 
Andrews  Justin,  grocer,  648,  h.  rear  682  W^ashington 
Andrews  Lama,  fisherman,  Commercial,  near  Hanover 
Andrews  Mary,  6  Norfolk  place 
Andrews  Mary,  rear  Henchman  lane 
Andrews  R.  School,  h.  61  Spring 
Andrews  Samuel,  druggist,  11  Broad,  h.  74  Summer 
Andrews  Samuel,  house  ISTileston 
Andrews  (Samuel)  &  Horne  (IVm.),  72  F.  Hall  market. 

Andrews's  h.  680  Washington 
Andrews   Stephen  S.  refreshments,  Bromfield,  house  5 

Ballard  place 
Andrews  Susan,  widow,  29  Cross 
Andrews  Thomas,  sexton,  1  Bartlett 
Andrews  William,  constable,  4lh  street 
Andrews  William,  fisherman.  Creek  square 
Andrews  Wm.  T.  (JV.  Jcwett  &  Co.),  h.  10  Central  ct. 
Anisly  Andrew,  brewer,  h.  2d  ^treet 
Anguera  Joseph,  musician,  h.  Castle,  near  Suffolk 
Angus  Mary,  v/idow,  rear  11  Short 

Annable  (Davis)  &   Lothrop  (H.),  housewrights,  Com- 
mercial, h.  65  Charter 
Annable  Eliza,  widow,  h.  10  Blossom 
Annable  Joseph  D.  1  McLean  ct. 
Annin  W.  B.  engraver,  3  State,  h.  Province  House 
Annis  William,  cooper,  Tileston 
Appleton  Benjamin  B.  h.  15  Avon  place 
Appleton  B.  B.,  jr.  h.  15  Avon  place 
Appleton  Charles,  sailmaker,  h.  11  Prince 
Appleton  Charles  A.  sailmaker,  Murray  place 


Appleton  H.  K.  &  J.  W.,  Eng.  goods  and  merchant  tai- 
lors, 3G3  Washington,  h.  20  Essex 
Appleton  Hannah,  boarding,  33  Milk 
Appleton  Isaac  II.  surgeon  dentist,  11  Winter 
Appleton  John,  mason,  8  Short 
Appleton  John  G.  bookbinder,  h.  6  Unity  court 
Appleton  Joseph  W   house  20  Essex 
Appleton  Mary,  widow,  20  Essex 
Appleton  Nathan  (J.  IV.  Paige  &  Co.),  h.  39  Beacon 
Appleton  Nathaniel  VV.  22  State,  h.  46  Mt.  Vernon 
Appleton  Robert  &  Co.  {M.  JVeioelt),  commis.    mer.  G9 

Water.     A.'s  h.  Temple  place 
Appleton  Samuel,  merchant,  house  36  Beacon 
Appleton  S.  A.  (J.  W.  Paige  4"  Co.),  h.  6  Beacon 
Appleton  Thomas,  organ  builder,  Parkman  market,  h. 

63  Hancock 
Appleton  William,  h.  51  Beacon 
Aplin  Eliza,  widow,  North  Hanover  court 
Applin  Benjamin  &  Wesson,  housewrights,  Beverly 
Apthorp  Charles  Wentworth,  9  West  Cedar 
Archbald  Alexander,  laborer,  Prince 
Archbald  George,  cabinetmaker,  695  Wash.  h.  1  Dover 
Archbald  Henry,  676  Washington 
Archer  James,  engraver,  228  Washington 
Arkison  William,  ropemaker,  south  752  Washington 
Arkison  William,  jr.  ropemaker,  h.  rear  Northampton 
Armington  Henry,  housevvright,  h.  16  Boylston  square 
Arlin  Sarah,  boarding,  39  Pond 
Arlin  Stephen  N.  painter,  h.  6  Unity  court 
Armour  Thomas,  prof,  music,  h.  8  Boylston  square 
Armsby  John,  laborer,  rear  673  Washington 
Armsby  William,  mason,  h.  2  Cedar  street  court 
Armstrong  David,  shipwright,  rear  3d  street 
Armstrong  John  M.  tatmer,  h.  Arnold 
Armstrong  Samuel  T.  mayor  of  the  city,  h.  Beacon 
Armstrong  Thomas,  laborer,  h.  rear  26  Congress 
Armstrong  Washington,  sailmakei,  11  Tileston 
Armstrong  Wm.  J.  Rev.,  Sec.  A.  B.  C.  F.  M.  28  Cornhill 
Armstrong  William,  coppersmith,  9  Tileston 
Arnold  Charles,  dry  goods,  42  Kilby,  h.  184  Hanover 
Arnold  Eliphaz,  printer,  h.  18  Washington  place 
Arnold  George,  housewright,  op.  8  Norfolk  pi. 
Arnold  Harriot,  widow  of  Joel  H.  16  South  Bennet 
Arnold  (James)  Sc  Fisher  (Pitts),  truckmen,  108  State, 
h.  462  Washington 


Arnold  John,  laborer,  Canton  rear  Suffolk 

Arnold  John,  h.  23  Myrtle 

Arnold  John,  mariner,  Canal 

Arnold  Joseph,  truckman,  14  East 

Arnold  Joseph,  turner,  h.  15  Carver 

Arnold  Rebecca,  lailoress,  Bedford  avenue 

Arnold  Sam.  S.  leather  and  hides,  31  Broad,  h.  103  Salem 

Arnold  Willard,  w^atchman,  h.  Commercial 

Arther  James  P.  captain,  h.  rear  of  C 

Arthur  Anna  S.  widow,  rear  Mason,  near  Avery 

Ashcroft  Thomas,  millwright,  Sea,  h.  rear  89  do. 

Ashcroft  William,  millwright,  h.  Turnpike  near  4th  st. 

Ashley  Luke  (Van  Wormer  &.  A.),  h.  219  Hanover 

Ashley  Timothy,  printer,  228  Hanover 

Ashman  George,  saddle-tree  maker,  h.  Carney  place 

Ashton  Elisha  V.  fancy  g'ds,  117  Wash.  h.  Bromfield  H. 

Ashton  Francis  P.  hairdresser,  28  Cong.  h.  81  Mt.Vernon 

Ashton  John  &  Co.  {E.  H.  Wade),  umbrellas,  197  Wash. 

Ashton  Mary,  widow  of  William,  h.  10  Myrtle 

Ashton  Sarah,  widow  of  John,  1  Spring  lane 

Aspinwall  Augustus,  merchant,  68  Broad 

Aspinwell  Sam.  mastmak.  Commer.  n.  Hanov.  h.  4  Foster 

Atherton  Alpheus,  baker,  h.  19  Tremont 

Atherton  Jonathan,  house  opposite  15  Ash 

Atherton  S.  B.  barkeeper  N.  E.  Coifee  House 

Atkins  Benjamin  (Hay  &  Jl.),  h.  3  Kingston 

Atkins  Elisha,  raerch.  13  Rowe's  wf  h.  Spring  c.  Milton 

Atkins  Ephraim,  captain,  h.  54  Salem 

Atkins  Henry  {Viles  &  Ji.),  h.  5  Oak  place 

Atkins  Isaiah,  crock,  ware,  7  Merch.  row,  h.  86  Federal 

Atkins  John,  boarding,  rear  150  Ann 

Atkins  Joshua,  capt..  Spring  corner  Milton 

Atkins  Thomas  G.  dry  g'ds,  143  W^ash.  h.  12  Richmond 

Atkinson  (Amos)  &  Rollins  (Wm.),  merchants,  38  India 

Atkinson  Thomas,  carpenter,  boards  26  Charter 

Atkinson  William  D.  painter,  h.  North  Margin 

Atkinson  William,  painter,  Blackstone  n.  Hanover 

Atwell  Ann,  widow,  boarding,  5  Hanover 

Atwell  Charles  R.  dry  goods,  61  Hanover 

Atwell  Pickering  (Simonds  &  A.),  boards  102  Washing. 

Atwill  Ebenezer,  housewright,  Leveret  lane 

Atwill  Herman,  inspector  C.  H.,  h.  83  Mt.  Vernon 

Atwood  Charles,  counsellor,  1  Barrister's   Hall,  h.  Pem- 

berton  hill 
Atwood  David,  oysters,  Devonshire 



Atwood  John,  oysters,  88  Cambridge 
•  Atwood  Jf>shua,  oysters,  Bromfield 
Atwood  Mary,  widow,  h.  South  street  court 
Atwood  Samuel,  cordwairier,  rear  5  Mason 
Atwood  William  N.,  oysters,  29  School 
Atwood  M.  W.  teamster,  h.  Commercial,  near  Charter 
Augustus  John,  boot  fact.  5  Franklin  av.  h.  r.  58  Poplar 
Austin  Arthur  VV.  counsellor,  10  Court 
Austin  Eibridge  G.  attorney,  17  Court,  h.  J41  Tremont 
Austin  Hannah,  widow,  h.  North  Grove 
Austin  Ivers  J.  counsellor,  81  Wash.  h.  141  Tremont 
Austin  Ichabod  M.  truckman,  12  Long  wf.  h.  7  Belknap 
Austin  James  T.  counsellor  and   attorney  general,   81 

Washington,  h.  141  Tremont 
Austin  Jared,  mustard  fict.  15  Marshall,  h.  24  Chambers 
Austin  Josepli,  68  Prince 

Austin  Joseph,  jr.  tinplaler,  236  Ann,  h.  Garden  court 
Austin  John,  h.  Clark 
Austin  Matthew,  grocer,  186  Ann 
Austin  (Richard)  &,  Ellis  (Roioland),  flour,  18  Conamer- 

cial,  h.  11  Fleet 
Austin  Samuel,  h.  57  Beacon 
Austin  Samuel,  jr.  mer.  34  India  wf.  h.  57  Beacon 
Austin  Thomas,  laborer,  87  Broad 
Austin  Thomas,  bricklayer,  h.  Nassau  court 
Austin  William  R.     See  Downer,  A.  &  Co, 
Auty  Benjamin,  weaver,  15  Charter 
Averill  Elizabeth,  Worcester  Rail  Road  H.  617  Wash. 
Averill  Hiram,  boarding,  25  Merrirnac 
Avery  Addison  (Luke  Brooks  &  Co.),  h.  61  Pinckney 
Aves  Thomas,  watchman,  at  State  H.,  h.  21  Pinckney 
Avos  Thomas,  jr.  {Templcton  4-  •^•),  h.  21  Pinckney 
Avis  James  K.  housejoiner,  h.20  La  Grange  place 
Ayer  (Geo.)  &  Conant  (Fred.  P.),  housewrights,   Bull's 

wf.     Ayer's  h.  9  Columbia 
Ayer  J.  Cullen,  physician,  173  Hanover 
Ayer  Obadiah,  housewright,  10  Blossom 
Ayer  Thomas,  housewright,  Bulfinch,  h.  r.  59  Poplar 
Ayers  Alvin,  cabinetmaker,  boards  14  La  Grange  place 
Ayers  Charles  W.  architect,  boards  Wash.  Coffee  House 
Ayers  Daniel  H.  mastmaker,  boards  Leveret  court 
Ayers  Edward  J.  housewright,  4  Stillman  place 
Ayers  Ira,  hairdresser,  op.  25  Batterymarch 
Ayers  Josiah,  branch  pilot,  28  Cross 
Ayers  Lemuel,  branch  pilot,  rear  202  Hanover 


Ayers  Sally,  nurse,  North  Hanover  court 
Ayers  Sarah,  milliner,  G2  Hanover 
Ayers  William,  housewright,  rear  Battery 
Ayling  Charles  H.  (H.  A.  &  Son),  h.  131  Pleasant 
AyliriiT  {Henry)  &  Son  (C.  H),  tnrrers,  cor.  Elliot  and 

Tremont.     H.  A.'s  house  27  Warren 
Aylini;  Isaac,  jeweller,  43  Wabiiinj^ton,  h.  27  Warren  , 
Aylvvin  {William  C.)  &.  Paine  {Charles  C),  counsellors, 

17  Court.     A.'s  h.  28  Chesnut 

BARB  LOIS,  widow,  house  20  Lincoln 

Babbct  Cyrus,  undertaker,  h.  10  Purchase 

Babbidg-e  Mary,  widow,  92  Broad 

Babbit  Alvin,  housewright,  h.  38  Prince 

Babbit  Benajah,  laborer.  Turnpike  near  4th  street 

Babbit  Isaac,  machinist,  h.  4th  street 

Babbitt  James,  carpenter,  25  Stillman 

Babbit  Winthrop  G.  constable,  h.  Ivers  cor.  Menimac 

Babbit  Willard,  painter,  Marlboro'  pi.  h.  2  Sturgis  place 

Babcock  Amos,  miller,  h.  Suffolk,  near  Lucas  pi. 

Babcock  Abel.  25  F.  H.  market,  h.  44  Myrtle 

Babcock  Archibald  D.  {Dretv  &  B.),  b.  1  Somerset  ct. 

Babcock  {Dex.)  &  Coolidge  {A.),\Y.  I.  g'ds, 9  Market sq. 

Babcock  Dexter,  house  121  Pleasant 

Babcock  Hannah,  nurse,  Carver,  op.  Newbern  pi. 

Babcock  James,  housewright,  h   N.  Grove 

Babcock  Martha,  widow,  4  Franklin  place 

Babcock  Nancy,  wid.  of  Abraham,  175  1-2  Hanover 

Babcock  S.  H.{Freeman  Fisher  &  Co.),  h.  13  Franklin  pi. 

Babcock  Samuel,  h.  Battery 

Babcock  William,  cabinetmaker,  house  Dedham 

Bacall  Thomas,  silversmith,  b'ds  18  Pleasant  st.  ct. 

Bacall  William  K.  cabinetmaker.  Beacon,  h.l20  Charles 

Bachi  Pietro,  prof  Harvard  University,  h.  47  Brattle 

Bachelder  Joshua,  goldbeater,  rear  795  Wash.  h.  711  do. 

Bachelder  Jesse,  cooper.  Front,  h.  2d  street 

Bachelder  John,  blacksmith,  h.  4th  street 

Bacheler  James  S.  machinist,  h.  rear  660  Washington 

Bachelor  William  C.  handcart.  Pem.  hill,  h.  5  Tremont 

Bacon  Alice,  7  Suffolk  place 

Bacon  Ann,  widow,  5  Norfolk  place 

Bacon  Brigham  N.,  clerk,  at  Exchange  Coffee  House 

Bacon  Daniel  C.  merchant,  47  Commercial 

Bacon  Francis  A.  collector,  h.  88  Tremont,  cor.  Elliot 

Bacon  Francis  B.  house  15  Tremont 


Bacon  Eliza,  corner  Warren  and  Washington 

Bacon  Henry  S.  furniture,  Batterymarch,  h.  16  Hawkins 

Bacon  Henry,  h.  113  Cambridge 

Bacon  Hiram,  mason,  h.  Broadway 

Bacon  James,  mariner,  92  Broad 

Bacon  J.  G.  clerk,  h.  5  IVIilk 

Bacon  John,  druggist,  40  Court,  h.  Crescent  place 

Bacon  Joseph  V.  merchant,  32  Central  wf.  h.  2  Derne 

Bacon  Judah,  3  Hancock  row 

Bacon  Leonard,  blacksmith,  h.  Garden  cor.  Southae 

Bacon  Lucy  Ann,  widow  of  William,  Gibbs  lane 

Bacon  Louis,  mariner,  rear  18  South  Bennet 

Bacon  (L.  B.)  &  Motley  (T.jr.y,  dry  goods,  63  Water] 

Bacon  Reuben,  blacksmith,  h.  18  Fayette 

Bacon  Richard,  joiner,  h.  opposite  13  Pleasant 

Bacon  (Ruhert)  «fc  Sons  {Thomas  C.  &  Joh?i),  hat  store, 
Ann  corner  Union 

Bacon  Susan,  school,  Berry,  corner  Sister 

Bacon  Thomas  C.  139  Hanover 

Bacon  Thompson,  h.  23  Temple 

Bacon  William,  fishmarket,  33  School 

Badger  Ann,  widow,  45  Myrtle 

Badger  Alfred  N.  carpenter,  h.  Beverly  near  Travers 

Badger  Daniel  B.  tailor,  151  Broad,  and  shipping  broker, 
12  Custom-house  street,  h.  121  Purchase 

Badger  Daniel  D.  {Wadleigh  S^  B.),  h.  8  Salem  place 

Badger  David  N.  13  Thacher 

Badsjer  John  B.  trunk  and  harness  maker,  Turnpike 

Badger  Joseph,  Milk  corner  Federal,  h.  15  Hamilton 

Badger  Joseph  W.  Milk  cor.  Federal,  b'ds  15  Hamilton 

Badger  Marfha,  widow,  7  Charter 

Badger  Paine  D.,  Thomsonian  Infirmary,  554  Wash. 

Badger  Rebecca,  widow,  h.  13  North  Bennet 

Badger  Robert  S.  &  David  N.  grocers,  71  Prince 

Badger  Susan,  widow,  28  North  RuSsell 

Badger  Thomas,  portrait  painter,  h.  7  Federal  court 

Badger  Walter,  teacher  penmanship,  25  Joy's  building 

Badger  (TVUlard)  &  Porter  (Royal  L.),  publishers  of 

American  Traveller,  47  Court 
Badger  William,  brassfounder,  rear  Henchman  lane 
Badger  William,  jr.  {Grover  &  B.),  h.  57  Charter 
Badlam  Ezra,  chaisemaker,  rear  409  Washington 
Badlam  Stephen,  house  17  Warren 
Bagley  Cornelius,  mariner,  Broad  near  Purchase 
Bagley  Currier  F.  dry  g'ds,  66  Hanover,  h.  r.21  Portland 


Bagley  Mattliovv,  house  Fruit  street  court 

Bagley  Pliilip,  housevvriglit,  16  Distil-house  square 

Bagline  Michael,  hiborer,  rear  Dedharn 

Bagnall  Thos.   pump  maker,  Broad  op.  Arch  wharf,  h. 

5  Purchase  place 
Bail  William  V.  housewrighl,  h.  Broadway  near  I  street 
Bailey  Adams,  dep.  col.  Custom  11.,  h.  2  Hay  ward  placo 
Bailey  Barnabas,  Pond 

Bailey  Benjamin,  W.  I.  goods,  Friend  c.  Merriraac 
Bailey  B.  engraver,  over  123  Wash,  house  8  Derne 
Bailey  Calvin,  house  28  Purchase 
Bailey  Gushing,  coachmaker,  1).  31  Myrtle 
Bailey  Ebenezer,  Young  Ladies'  High  sch.  8  Mas.  Tem. 
Bailey  Hart  {Bates  &  B.),  house  119  Purchase 
Bailey  Henry,  hat  store,  17  Court,  h.  24  Thacher 
Bailey  Isaiah,  mason,  house  Spring  near  Poplar 
Bailey  Joanna,  v\'idovv,  rear  13  South  Margin 
Bailey  John  A.     See  Hayes  &  B. 
Bailey  Lucy  B.  widow,  33  Chambers 
Bailey  William,  Suffolk  iioar  Canton 
Bailey  Wm.  (Dayton  &  B.),  house  Harvard  place 
Bailey.     See  Bayley 

Baird  Augustus,  porter  City  Bank,  house  56  Alien 
Baird    {George)    &  Fessenden  (Ahijah),   engineers,  83 

Cambridge.     B.'s  house  4  Grove 
Baker  Abel,  bootmaker,  41  Congress,  h.  13  West 
Baker  Abel  P.  house  3  Province  House  court 
Baker  Barker,  house  Thacher  cor.  Pond 
Baker  Benjamin,  oysters,  98  Milk,  house  1  Stillman 
Baker  Christian,  widow,  405  Washington 
Baker  David,  machinist,  liouse  60  Elliot 
Baker  Eliphalet  &  Co.  {Paul  Alden,  Wm.  Jones  S/  John 

Munroe),  dry  goods,  44  Water,  h.  84  Federal 
Baker  Ephraim  L.  innkeeper,  Sun  Tavern,  Batterymarch 
Baker  Francis,  W.  I.  goods,  24  Long  wf.  h.  21  Hancock 
Baker  George,  teamster,  house  Commercial 
Baker  Henry  F.  (J.  B.  &  Son),  house  8  Chesnut 
Baker  Hiram,  housewright,  Thacher  street  court 
Baker  Horace  {Ball,  B.  &  Co.),  \\.  11  Hayward  place 
Baker  J.  K.  boardinghouse,  9  Brattle 
Baker  Isaiah,  jr.  &  Benj.  oysters,  Commercial  CofF.  H. 

h.  Fulton  court 
Baker  James,  18  North  Market 

Baker  J.  Y.  &  I.  oysters,  Fan.  Hall  Mar.  h.  3  Fulton  ct. 
Baker  John,  jr.  agent  G.    H.  Holbrook's  bell  factory,  8 

Long  wf  house  306  Washington 


Baker  John  B.  saddler,  2  Elm 

Baker  Joseph  &  Son  (Henry  F.),  mer.  40  Central  wharf 

Baker  Joseph,  house  IG  Franklin  place 

Baker  Judah  P.  captain,  house  F  street 

Baker  Martin,  clerk,  rear  45  Prince 

Baker  Mary,  25  Pleasant 

Baker  Mary,  widow,  house  Butolph 

Baker  Richard,  sailmaker,  house  11  Tileston 

Baker  Rebecca,  house  3  Pitts 

Baker  Ruel,  painter,  410  Washington,  h.  2  Nassau 

Baker  Samuel,  dentist,  103  Court 

Baker  Samuel,  captain,  house  30  Orange 

Baker  Simeon   (A.  &  H.  A.  Holhrook  S^  Co.),  h.  Sun 

court  street 
Baker  Simeon,  fish  stall,  Fancuil  Hall  market 
Baker  Theodore,  dry  goods,  223  Wash.  h.  W.  Cedar 
Baker  T.  M.  auctioneer,  46  Washington,  h.  Broadway 
Baker  William,  painter,  Sargent's  wharf,  h.  85  Charter 
Baker  William,  marble  cutter,  168  Hanover 
Baker  Wm.  H.  plumber  and  glazier,  house  Sun  court 
Bakewell  Henry,  brassfounder,  house  12  May 
Balch  Benjamin,  Secretary  Suffolk  Insurance  Co. 
Balch  Joseph,  Pres.  Merchants'  Insurance  Co.  State,  h. 

12  La  Grange  place 
Balch  N.  &  A.  school,  op.  1  Orange  court,  h.  4  Orange 
Balch  Susan,  widow  of  Nathaniel,  rear  505  Washington 
Balch  Vistus,  engraver,  house  25  Orange 
Balcom  Jonas,  house  Temple  place 
Baldrey  Samuel,  shipkeeper,  h.  Langdon  place 
Baldwin    Aaron,    President   Washington   Bank    and  of 

Boylston  Insurance  Co.  house  12  Essex 
Baldwin  Abel,  housewright,  h.  Barrett 
Baldwin  {Benj.  D.)  &  Gay  (Leiois  H.),  11  F.  H.  market 
Baldwin  Benjamin  D.  house  1  Wesley  place 
Baldwin  David,  accountant,  house  1  May  place 
Baldwin  Edward,  dry  goods,  38  &  40  Water 
Baldwin  Henry,  chaise  and  harness  mak.  h.  2  Lovett  pi. 
Baldwin  James  F.  engineer.  Leveret,  h.  163  Tremont 
Baldwin  James  W.  74  Fan.  Hall  market,  h.  21  Hancock 
Baldwin  Jane,  widow,  house  rear  39  Charter 
Baldwin  Josiah,  constable,  38  Court,  h.  98  Pleasant 
Baldwin  Lucy,  dry  goods,  21  Leveret 
Baldwin  Luke,  merchant,  8  Merchants  row 
Baldwin  Margaret  D.  wid.  of  Rev.  Thomas,  37  Portland 
Baldwin  Richard,  laborer,  186  Ann 


Baldwin  T.  W.  &  Co.  {Samuel  Stillman),  dry  goods,  40 

Kilby,  h.  W.  Cedar,  n.  Mount  Vernon 
Baldwin  William  &  Charles,  dyers,  19  Brattle 
Balford  George,  gardener,  153  Broad 
Ball  Benjamin  Franklin,  house  rear  57  Elliot 
Ball  Daniel  G.  cooper,  13  Custom-h.  st.  h.  Batterymarch 
Ball  David,  tailor,  house  23  Washington  avenue 
Ball  {Gardner),  Baker  {Horace)  &  Co.  {B.  L.  Whitneij), 

dry  goods,  89  Kilby.     Ball's  house  in  Roxbury 
Ball  Hannah,  boarding,  16  Province  House  court 
Ball  Job  F.  tailor,  house  154  Washington 
Ball  John,  70  Kilby,  boards  at  Bromfield  House 
Ball  John  {Catc  &  B.),  boards  14  Batterymarch 
Ball  John  M.  cooper,  h.  Commercial  near  Hanover 
Ball  Joseph,  house  12  Butolph 
Ball  Lucy  M.  infant  school,  Theatre  alley 
Ball  Mary,  widow,  17  South  Russell 
Ball  Nahuni,  inspector  Custom  House 
Ball  Samuel  {Jones,  Loios  S^  Ball),  boards  22  Beacon 
Ball  William  L.     See  Waters  &l  B. 
Ballard  Daniel,  jr.  shipwright,  263  Ann  , 

Ballard  Eliza,  widow,  Essex  corner  Oliver  place 
Ballard  George,  tailor,  h.  Bartlett 

Ballard  H.  S.  (./.  H.  Bradford  &  Co.),  b'ds  Tremont  H. 
Ballard  John,  house  49  Federal 
Ballard  &  Prince  {Joseph  Ballard,   Charles  A.  Prince  &. 

IVm.  Ballard),  carpet  warehouse,  168  Washington 
Ballard  Joseph,  house  480  Washington 
Ballard  Joseph  A.  house  22  Orange 
Ballard  Marjory,  widow,  rear  45  Pleasant 
Ballard  William,  house  480  Washington 
Ballister  Joseph.     See  McLellan  &  B. 
Ballord  Albert.     Sec  Bullard  &  B. 
Ballou  Hosea,  Rev.  house  24  Myrtle 
Ballou  Ira,  W.  I.  goods.  Milk,  h.  Sister  near  Berry 
Balls  James,  captain,  house  3d  street 
Bamford  John,  laborer,  rear  321  Ann 
Bampton  Wm.  silk  weaver,  house  5  Lucas  place 
Banchor  John,  inspector  customs,  house  66  Warren 
Bancroft  Aaron,  merchant,  22  Broad,  house  5  Oliver 
Bancroft  Abigail,  widow  of  John,  rear  132  Hanover 
Bancroft  Charles,  boards  36  Hanover 
Bancroft  Hannah  P.  boarding,  2  Central  court 
Bancroft  Jacob,  Amer.  goods,  43  Hanover,  h.  28  Portland 
Bancroft  Thomas,  truckman,  22  Broad,  house  5  Wendell 


Banks  Cyrus,  blacksmith,  house  20  Sudbury 
Bang  {Jacob  JV.)  &,  Cole  (Seth),  pointers,  over  44  Ann 
Bangs  Barnabas,  innkeeper,  1  Atkinson  cor.  Milk 
Bangs  Benjamin,  mer.  49  Central  wf.  h.  56  Mt.  Vernon 
Bangs  G.  «fc  W.  &  Co.  (Isaac  and   George  P.  Bangs), 

merchants,  86  Water 
Bangs  George  P.  house  32  Mount  Vernon 
Bangs  Isaac,  house  48  Beacon 
Bangs  Isaiah,  15  Long  wharf 
Bangs  Martin,  mason,  house  60  Fayette 
Bangs  W.  H.     See  Lombard  &  B. 
Banister  John  F.  cooper  and  inspector  of  fish,  152  Sea, 

house  88  Federal 
Banister  David  C.  tinplater,  house  3  Jefferson 
Bannon  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  67  Elliot 
Barber  Abigail,  widow,  Ridgeway  lane 
Barber  Erastus  «&  Co.  {Mvah  Cummings),  mer.  tailors, 

172,  house  266  Washington 
Barber  James  L.  blacksmith.  Snow's  wharf,  h.  276  Ann 
Barber  Mary,  widow  of  Samuel,  house  276  Ann 
Barbour  Elizabeth,  widow,  34  Prince 
Barbour  James  S.,  Sec.  American  Ins.  Co. 
Barbour  John  N.     See  Sullivan  &  Co. 
Bargery  Thomas,  trader,  664  Washington 
Baries  George,  tobacconist,  house  Williams  court 
Barker  Frederick  W.  measurer  Custom  H. 
Barker  George,  furniture,  13  Milk,  h.  9  Nassau 
Barker  Harriet,  widow,  house  13  Blossom 
Barker  James,  innholder.  Marl,  hotel,  229  Washing. 
Barker  Jed.  cordwainer,  Bromfield,  h.  10  Prov.  H.  court 
Baker  Josiah  H.  house wright,  1st  street 
Barker  Nath'l,  W.  I.  goods,  105  Ann,  boards  S.  Lang's 
Barker  Rebecca,  widow,  nurse,  house  16  Bridge 
Barker  Ruth,  widow  of  Moses,  Pinckney  corner  Charles 
Barker  Sarah,  widow  of  John,  house  31  Spring 
Barker  Sewalt,  grocer,  head  Rowe's  wharf,  h.  rear  Sister 
Barker  Susanna,  widow.  Sister  cor.  Williams 
Barker  Susan  B.  dressmaker.  Sister  cor.  Williams 
Barlow  H.  S.     See  Wetherell,  Fowle  &  B. 
Barnage  John,  laborer,  h.  8  Atkinson 
Barnage  Patrick,  laborer,  h.  8  Atkinson 
Barnard  Charles  F.,  Rev.  house  Warren  street  Chapel 
Barnard  (Charles),  Adams  (Mel)  &  Co.  (G.  M.  Barnard) f 

merch.  41  Commercial  wf     B.'s  h.  12  South 
Barnard  Cloe,  widow  of  Nathan,  rear  22  Ann 


Barnard  David,  distiller,  6G  Prince,  h.  91  Salem 
Barnard  Eb£n.  broker,  2  Rogers'   buildings,  boards  Old 

Province  Coffee  House 
Barnard  Franklin,  carpenter,  27  Salem 
Barnard  George  M.  (B.,  Adams  ^  Co.),  house  12  South 
Barnard  Henry,  shoemaker,  house  rear 22  Ann 
Barnard  Hezekiah,  Treas.  Commonwealth,  h.  22  Beacon 
Barnard  James  {Edgerly,  VinaL  &  Co.),  h.  49  Portland 
Barnard  John,  fancy  painter,  33  Friend 
Barnard  John  (Cottons  S^  B.),  boards  100  Pleasant 
Barnard  {John  M.)  &  Trull  (Jo/m),  distillers,  Distil-h.  sq. 
Barnard  John  M.  house  10  Hawkins 
Barnard  Mary,  house  Broadway 

Barnard  Moses,  bookkeeper,  boards  484  Washington 
Barnard  Robert  M.  ammunition,  1  City  wf.  h.  5  Leveret 
Barnard  Tristram,  28  Green 
Barnard  Wm.  P.  clerk,  boards  11  Williams 
Barnard  William  K.  27  Kilby,  house  Broadway 
Barnes  Abraham,  housewright,  house  25  Hamilton 
Barnes  Ann,  widow,  Butolph,  near  Cambridge 
Barnes  D.  W.  &  S.  H.  ship  chandlery,  3  Commercial 
Barnes  David  P.  mariner,  house  61  Sea 
Barnes  Deborah,  widow,  rear  14  Stillman 
Barnes  Edwin,  tailor,  13  Brattle,  h.  35  Myrtle 
Barnes  Gillum,  house  25  Allen 

Barnes  Isaac  O.  naval  officer.  Custom  H.,  h.  83  Mt.  Vern, 
Barnes  J.  Q,  A.  trunkmaker,  boards  rear  Hull 
Barnes  James,  4  Barton 
Barnes  John,  sexton,  house  62  Myrtle 
Barnes  Joseph,  furniture  dealer,  house  32  Cross 
Barnes  Joseph  W.  furniture,  Merrimac,  house  32  Cross 
Barnes  Martha,  widow,  house  15  Tileston 
Barnes  Martha  Ann,  milliner,  296  Washington 
Barnes  Martin,  boardinghouse,  Ann  cor.  Langdon  place 
Barnes  Mary,  nurse,  house  22  South  Cedar 
Barnes  Parker,  W.  I.  goods,  424  Wash.  h.  2  Pleasant 
Barnes  Sally,  widow  of  Andrew,  h.  7  Brattle  sq. 
Barnes  Samuel  G.  grocer,  23  Salem 
Barnes  Samuel  H.  housewright,  rear  59  Poplar 
Barnes  Silas  P.  {Emerson  &  B.),  h.  Sea  near  the  bridge 
Barnes  Susan,  widow,  rear  660  Washington 
Barnes  Thomas,  dentist,  25  Howard 
Barnes  Thomas  P.  hardware,  28  Dock  square,  h.  Sheafe 
Barnes  Wm.  H,  hardware,  5  Union,  h.  cor.  Wesley  pi. 
Barnes  William,  printer,  house  rear  45  Congress 


Barnett  Robert  {Grant,  Seaver  &r  Co.),  h.  34  Boylston 

Barnett  Wm.  G.  lace  man.  10  Merrimac,'h.  12  Hawkins 

Barney  Christopher  C.  G  Piedmont 

Barney  Jonathan,  housewriglit,  1  South  Margin 

Barney  Jas.  S.     See  Williams  &.  B 

Barnicoat  Edward,  carpenter,  192  Hanover  court 

Barnicoat  Wm.  chief  en.  fire  dep.  City  H.  h.  79  Charter 

Barr  Michael,  laborer,  14  Stilhnan 

Barr  Nathaniel,  Boylston  Hotel 

Barr  Thomas,  restorator,  Tudor's  building,  r.  20  Court 

Barrell  George,  clerk,  boards  95  Summer 

Barrell  Joseph,  clerk,  15  India  wf.  li.  Wash.  Coffee  H. 

Barrell  Samuel  B.  counsellor,  10  Court,  house  6  Park 

Barrett  Aaron,  clerk,  house  165  Court 

Barrett  Andrew,  laborer,  24  Stillman 

Barrett  Ann,  widow,  house  1  George 

Barrett  George,  domestic  goods,  89  Milk,  h.  15  Pearl  pi. 

Barrett  George,  wireworker,  h.  26  Carver 

Barrett  George,  Tremont  Theatre,  b'ds  17  Franklin  pi. 

Barrett  I.  Fay,  20  Court 

Barrett  John,  house  72  Chambers 

Barrett  Mary,  widow  of  John  W.  house  4  Grove 

Barrett  Nathaniel  A.  merchant,  State,  h.  8  Rowe  place 

Barrett  S.  W.  &,  J.  tailors,  356  Washing,  h.  George 

Barrett  Samuel,  Rev.  26  Hancock 

Barrett  Samuel,  principal  Adams  school.  Mason 

Barrett  Sumner  F.  machinist,  house  199  Hanover 

Barrett  Thomas,  printer,  house  23  Allen 

Barrett  Varnum  ( C.  Buttrich  S^  Co.),  h.  2  Cooper 

Barretts  ifc  Co.  woollen  and  silk  dyers,  35  Cornhill 

Barrett  William,  captain,  2  Battery 

Barrington  Edward,  undertaker,  house  South  Margin 

Barron  Abiram,  stone  cutter,  rear  3d  street 

Barron  Rebecca,  widow,  2  Newbury  place 

Barron  John,  mariner,  rear  27  Williams 

Barron  Thon-Kis  S.  tinplater,  91  Essex,  h.  do. 

Barrows  E.  stove  factory,  553  Washington 

Barrus  Rufus,  physician,  1  North  Bennet 

Barry  Charles,  house  23  Fayette 

Barry  Charles  C.  clerk,  house  51  Carver 

Barry  David,  truckman,  house  Butolph 

Barry  Edward,  messenger  Common.  Bank,  h.  690  Wash. 

Barry  George,  clerk,  97  State,  h.  22  Allen 

Barry  Henry  '(Pollard  &  B.),  h.  13  Green 

Barry  James,  stevedore,  rear  101  Broad 

Barry  James,  insp.  offish,  T  wharf,  h.  690  Washington 


Barry  John,  sawyer,  rear  75  Sea 

Barry  Lydia,  widow  of  Thomas,  jr.  h.  Barry's  wharf 

Barry  Mary  A.  rear  110  Sea 

Barry  Samuel  F.  dry  goods,  61  Water 

Barry  Thomas,  manager  Tremont  Theatre,  h.  34  Elliot 

Barry  Thomas,  surveyor  of  lumber,  72  Essex 

Barry  William,  hat  store,  58  Washington,  h.  13  Green 

Barry  William,  laborer,  h.  Brighton  near  Leveret 

Barrymore  William,  house  3G  Boylston 

Barstow  Sally,  widow,  13  Tileston 

Bartemas  Wm.  hairdresser,  Bromfield,  h.  2  Newbury  pi. 

Bartholomew  Erastus,  machinist,  Harlaem  pi.  boards  484 

Bartlett  Amos  G.  74  State,  h.  13  Beacon 
Bartlett  Brewer,  h.  8  Pearl 
Bartlett  Daniel,  dry  goods,  14  Central 
Bartlett  Daniel,  jr.  house  Moon 
Bartlett  Hozea,  housewright,  4  Centre,  h.  S.  Cedar 
Bartlett  George,  physician,  33  Green 
Bartlett  James,  druggist,  211  Ann 
Bartlett  James,  Barilett's  wharf 
Bartlett  John,  musician,  19  Garden 
Bartlett  John,  tailor,  h.  opposite  145  Purchase 
Bartlett  John  H.     See  Lawrence  &  B. 
Bartlett  John  S.  physician,  11  Atkinson 
Bartlett  Joseph  H.   &  Co.   (Otis  Minot),  near  Warren 

bridge,  house  Commercial 
Bartlett  Levi  &  Co.   {E.  T.  Farrington),  W.  L  goods,  7 

Long  wharf,  h.  4  Howard 
Bartlett   (Letcis)    &    Richards    (Leonard),    provisions, 

Bromfield.     B.'s  h.  1  Jackson  place 
Bartlett  Mary,  widow,  h.  Fruit  street  court 
Bartlett  Nelson,  handcartman.  Canal 
Bartlett  Samuel,  house  Commercial  near  Hull 
Bartlett  Sidney,  counsellor,  16  Court,  h.  71  Beacon 
Bartlett  Theodore,  housewright,  h.  11  Myrtle 
Bartlett  Thomas,  house  155  Tremont 
Bartlett  William  S.  cabinetmaker,  10  Henchman  lane 
BartoU  Samuel  F.  painter,  Portland  cor.  Market 
Barton  Henry  H.  saddler  and  trunkm.  213,  h.  215  Wash. 
Barton  Seth  W.  sailmaker,  h.  4  Prospect 
Barrett  Hiram,  laborer.  Court 

Bascom  Henry  L.  innkeeper  Boylston  Hotel,  38  School 
Bascom  J.  D.,  Boylston  Hotel,  38  School 
Bascom  Wm.  inst.  Frankl.  school,  b'ds6  Trem't  n.  Pleas't 


Bass  Abigail,  widow,  h.  rear  5  Belknap 

Bass  Ann,  opposite  15  Front 

Bass  David,  mariner,  Clark 

Bass  George,  hatter,  9  Faneuil  Hall,  h.  127  Hanover 

Bass  Henry,  assessor,  house  14  Orange 

Bass  Horatio,  U.  S.  deputy  marshal,  20  Court,  h.  G  Eliiol 

Bass  Moses,  clerk  City  Treasury,  h.22  Sudbury 

Bass  Sfeth,  librarian  Athenaium,  Pearl 

Bass  Stephen  G.  (JVycth  &.  B.),  h.  16  Orange 

Bassett  Cushman,  30  North  Market,  h.  13  Franklin 

Bassett  Fran.  Dist.  clerk,  Barrist.  Hall,  h   1  Hancock  av. 

Bassett  Joanna,  556  Washington 

Bassett  Joseph,  43  Charter 

Bassett  Sam'l,  jr.  sailmak.  Arch  wf.  h.  Coiumer.  n.  Foster 

Bassett  Zephaniah,  blacksmith,  head  Hancock's  wharf, 

house  Unity  court 
Bassford  Jesse  P.  rigger,  h.  Greenough  lane 
Bastilla  Lydia,  h.  South  Russell 

Baston  Andrew,  grain  dealer,  h.  East  rear  engine  house 
Batchelder  Francis,  lumber.  Front,  h.  32  Orange 
Batchelder  Sewall,  h.  rear  83  Pond 
Batclieldor  Sally,  boarding,  31  Brattle 
Bates  Alexander,  mason,  boards  2  Friend 
Bates  Benj.  E.  (Davis,  B.  &:  Turner),  b'ds  Pear!  st.  House 
Bates  Benjamin,  cordwainer,  rear  160  Washington 
Bates  Charles  (Pierce  &  B.),  h.  5  Court  square 
Bates  (Daniel)  &  Wiswell  (Jeremiah),  housew'ts,  George 
Bates  Daniel,  stoves,  32  Union,  h.  50  Temple 
Bates  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Caleb,  rear  10  Prince 
Bates  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Daniel,  56  Essex 
Bates  Ezekiel,  housewright,  Causeway,  h.  10  Lyman  pi. 
Bates  George,  physician,  h.  12  Franklin  place 
Bates  James,  cordwainer,  h.  rear  39  Sea 
Bates  John,  painter,  Bromfield,  house  31  Pinckney 
Bates  John,  stable  keeper,  Hanover,  h.  8  Stillman 
Bates  John  A.  purser,  house  44  Spring 
Bates  (John  D.)  «&.  Co.  (Ji.  W.  Thazter,jr.),  merchants, 

55  Commercial  wharf,  h.  59  Mt.  Vernon 
Bates  Jonathan,  cordwainer,  h.  38  Portland 
Bates  Joseph  L.  musical  instrument  maker,  6  Court 
Bates  Joshua  C.  (Thayer  &  B.),  boards  Curnhill  court 
Bates  Levi,  mason,  Southac  near  W.  Centre 
Bates  Martin,  hatter,  10  Ann,  house  22  Sheafe 
Bates  Mary,  dressmaker,  164  Hanover 
Bates  Mary,  widow,  13  Tileston 


Bates  Mercy  and  Sarah|^  tailoresses,  Washington  avenue 

Balf3s  Minot  F.  housewright,  h.  17  Portland 

Bates  (jYalhatucl  JV.)  &  Bailey  (Hart),  house  and  ship 

joiners,  Atkinson.     Bates's  house  9  Columbia 
Bates  Rr.chael,  wjdovv,  15  Washington  place 
Bates  Samuel,  W.  1.  goods,  35  Central  wf.  h.  13  Williams 
Bates  Samuel,  jr.  (Leavitt  &.  B.),  h.  rear  26  Chambers 
Bates  Samuel  D.  painter,  54,  h.  50  Cambridge 
Bates  Seth,  cabinetmaker,  Dorchester 
Bates  Sophia,  boarding  house,  20  Atkinson 
Bates  Stephen,  house  56  Essex 

Bates  TJiomas,  housewright,  h.  Church  near  S.  Cedar 
Bates  Thomas,  house  50  Front 
Bates  Thomas  L.  housewright,  h.  9  Fayette 
Bates  William,  house  56  Essex 

Bates  William,  painter,  82  Commercial,  h.  5  Leveret  ct. 
Bates  William,  jr.  painter,  h.  6  Unity 
Batey  William,  hairdresser,  house  10  Hamilton 
Battelle  Leonard,  laborer,  h.  rear  671  Washington 
Batterman  Margaret  C.  widow,  house  105  Essex 
Battest  Anthony,  boatman,  Bartlett 
Battles  Jason  D.  grocer,  145  Hanover,  h.  60  Salem 
Baury  Mary,  widow,  4  Waverlcy  place 
Baxter  Albert  G.  broker,  4  Exchange,  h.  16  Hancock 
Baxter  Ann,  widow,  rear  Battery 

Baxter  Benj.  D.,  W.  I.  goods,  713  Wash,  b'ds  r.  612  do. 
Baxter  Charles  F.     See  W.  &  S.  Phipps  &  Co. 
Baxter  Daniel,  house  77  Front 
Baxter  Daniel,  jr.  boards  79  Front 
Baxter  Elizabeth,  widow,  bo  Bowdoin 
Baxter  (Enos  K.)   &  Dutton   {Benj.),  W.  L  goods,  34 

Central  wharf.     B.  boards  Oliver 
Baxter  Esther,  v/idov/  of  Rufus,  h.  12  Tileston 
Baxter  Frederick,  clerk,  boards  107  Purchase 
Baxter  James,  jr.  {Farnsioorth  &-  B.),  b'ds  at  Kilburn's 
Baxter  John  W.  cooper,  h.  Henchman  lane 
Baxter  Jonathan,  cordwainer,  20  Richmond 
Baxter  Joseph  G.  clothing  store,  73  Ann,  h.  21  Leveret 
Baxter  Mary  J.  corset  maker,  Hayward  place  cor.  Wash. 
Baxter  Nancy,  widow,  3  Columbia 
Baxter  Samuel  D.  P.  dry  goods,  203  Washington 
Baxter  Sheming,  harnessmaker,  64  Hanover,  h.  S.  Russell 
Baxter  Thompson,  house  E  street 
Baxter  William  B.  grocer,  76  Leveret  cor.  Brighton 
Bayley  Benjamin,  housewright,  14  Butolph 


Bayley  (Rich.  JV.),  Voor  {Henry)  &  Richardson  ( fVm.  H), 

dry  goods,  28  Kilby.     Bayley's  h.  14  Avon  place 
Bayley  Samuel  K.  aiict'r,  Milk  c.  Devonshire,  h.  4  Pitts 
Bayley  Thomas  J.  mes.  American  Bank,  h.  22  Allen 
Baylies  Edmund,  mer.  18  Central  wf.  h.  49  Mt.  Vernon 
Bazin  George  W.  printer,  40  Cornhill,  h.  40  Myrtle 
Bazin  Mary,  wid.  of  Abraham,  op.  31  Tremont  n.  Wash. 
Bazin  William  C.  clerk  in  post  office,  h.  15  Spring 
Beal  Bela,  mason,  house  Beach 
Beal  Benjamin  {John  G.  Loring  &  Co.),  h.  41  Allen 
Beal  Christopher  ife  Co.  {Thos.  Hoice.)  grocers,  Derne. 

Beal's  house  May 
Beal  David,  W.  I.  goods,  38  Belknap 
Beal  Hannah,  widow,  rear  18  South  Bennet 
Beal  Henry,  house  55  Hanover 
Beal  Jonathan,  grocer,  Chailes,  house  Southac 
Beal  Levi,  paperhanger,  h.  rear  171  Washington 
Beal  Levi,  jr.  saddle  &  harness  raak.  h.  Butolph  c.  Camb. 
Bea'  Madison,  grocer,  Southac  c.  W.  Centre,  h.  W.  Centre 
Beal  Martin,  housewright,  h.  22  Chambers 
Beal  Samuel  &  Sons  {H.  &  W.  L.),  furniture,  31  Hano- 
ver, h.  8  Howard 
Beal  Thacher,  mason,  house  5  South  Bennet 
Beal  Wilder,  grocery,  29  Belknap 
Beals  Henry,  house  rear  26  ^Vinter 
Beals  Henry,  housewright,  h.  45  Cambridge 
Beals  Lewis  H.  overseer  stone  dep.  H.  Corr.  h,  Broadway 
Beals  Mary,  widow,  house  Derne 
Beals  Samuel,  hou^P  16  Friend 

Beals  (fVm.)  &  Greene  (Charles  G.),  proprietors  Morn- 
ing Post,  19  Water.     Beals's  house  7  Bulfiuch 
Bean  Aaron,  h.  Washington  cor  Oak 
Bean  Charles,  stonecutter,  house  14  Second 
Bean  Edward,  laborer,  opposite  8  Atkinson 
Bean  Elias,  house  13  Beacon 
Bean  John,  laborer,  h.  9  Brighton 
Bean  Richard,  grocer.  Grove  cor.  Southac,  h.  May 
Bean  Mary,  widow,  445  Washington 
Bean  Sarah,  widow,  rear  352  Washington 
Bean  William  G.  h.  3  Tremont  near  Washington 
Beatey  Robert,  musician,  boards  96  Cambridge 
Beath  John,  housewright,  h.  Broadway  cor.  E  street 
Beath  Lydia,  ladies'  trussmaker,  36  Elliot 
Beath  Sarah,  boarding  house,  9  Suffolk  place 
Bealley  Ehzabeth,  widow,  324  Ann 


Beatley  Spencer  (/.  Foiole  ^  Co.),  h.  324  Ann 

Beck  Andrew,  mariner,  10  North  square 

Beck  George  VV.  princ.  Pestalozzian  sch.,  room  2  Odeon 

Beck  Lewis,  cooper,  h.  97  Purchase 

Beck  Saiah  H.  B.  widow  of  Frederick,  h.  64  Warren 

Beck  William,  messenger  Atlas  Bank,  h.  9  Exchange 

Beckett  John,  cooper,  h.  Sea  near  the  Bridge 

Bedford  Jimes,  jeweller,  91  Washington,  h.  101  Essex 

Bedel  S.  L.  artificial  flowers,  244  Washington 

Bedlington  Timothy,  bookstore,  62  Cornhill,  h.  F  street 

Beebe  J.  M.  dry  goods,  90  Hanover 

Beeclier  Laban  S.  carver,  8  North  Market 

Beeton  John,  house  Lyman  place 

Belcher  John  H.  house  46  Spring 

Belcher  Joseph,  jr.  painter.  Water,  h.  Theatre  alley 

Belcher  J.  Henshaw,  teacher,  Chauncey  pi.  h.  Castle 

Belcher  Nancy,  boarding,  69  Pleasant 

Belcher  Susan,  widow,  4  Fayette  court 

Belding  Harvey,  house  rear  5  Belknap 

Belding  Samuel,  h.  71  Elliot 

Belding  Samuel,  jr.  Boylstoij  market,  h.  71  Elliot 

Belknap. A.  E.  boards  at  Tremont  House 

Belknap  Jolm,  merchant,  34  State,  h.  2  Mt.  Vernon 

Belknap  William,  mason,  May 

Bell  Abigail,  widow,  nurse,  rear  660  Washington 

Bell  Amory,  stall,  1  Boylston  market 

Bell  Edward,  mason,  Commercial  near  Hull 

Bell  Eliza,  12  Tileston 

Bell  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Samuel,  211  Hanover 

Bell  George  M.  mason,  A^  Prince,  h.  Margaret 

Bell  Isaac,  merchant,  Fayette,  opposite  Jcfterson 

Bell  James,  211  Hanover 

Bell  John,  laborer,  Battery 

Bell  John,  Salter  place 

Bell  Mary  E.  shirt  establishment,  121  Charles 

Bell  Mary  Ann,  sempstress,  48  Warren 

Bell  Mary,  widow  of  William,  h.  6  Portland 

Bell  Samuel,  housewright,  6  Foster 

Bell  Thomas,  physician,  h.  45  S.  Russell 

Bell   {Thomas   C.)   &  Cowley   (Caleb   C),  sailmakers, 

Prentice's  wharf     Bell's  h.  128  Purchase 
Bell  William,  watch  glass  manufacturer,  1  Lindal!,  h.  do. 
Bell  William,  jr.  coach  trimmer,  Bromtield,  h.  Nassau  ct. 
Bel!  William  D.  grocer,  223  Ann,  h.  Stillman  c.  Salem 
Bellamy  William,  fancy  goods,  139  Court,  h.  20  Brighton 


Bellows  William  {Moore  &  B.),  h.  28  Blossom 

Belser  Frederick,  housewright,  h.  P  st.  S.  Boston  point 

Belser  Godfrey  F.,  P  street 

Bement  Edward,  broker,  57  Stale,  b'ds  at  Maverick  H. 

Bemis  Darius.     See  James  Littletield  &  Co. 

Bemis  Daniel  W.  mariner,  rear  153  Ann 

Bemis  T.  W.     See  James  Littlefield  &  Co. 

Bemis  Leonard,  8  Boylston  market,  h.  8  Friend  st.  place 

Bemis  Mary,  wid.  of  Leonard,  8  Friend  st.  place 

Bemis  Samuel  A.  dentist,  32  School,  b'ds  Tremont  H. 

Bernard  Sarah,  widow,  Clark 

Bender  Jacob,  broker,  5  City  Hall,  h.  28  Green 

Benellick  James,  mariner,  24  Washin|!?ton  avenue 

Benjamin  Asher,  architect.  Court,  c.  Trem.  h.  W.  Cedar 

Benjamin  James,  counsellor,  39  Court 

Benjamin  Park,  4  Court,  h.  Temple  place 

Bennet  Benjamin,  bread  store  and  h.  11  Myrtle 

Bennet  Hannah,  widow  of  Joseph,  2  Vine 

Bennet  John,  blacksmith,  h.  and  shop  op.  13  Pleasant 

Bennet  Martin,  housewright,  h.  30  Carver 

Bennet  Rebecca,  rear  10  Prince 

Bennet  Mary,  widow  of  William,  rear  67  Elliot 

Bennett  Bezaleel,  blacksmith,  h.  36  Short 

Bennett  James,  laborer,  house  9  Brighton 

Bennett  James  H.,  W.  L  g'ds,  93  Commer.  h.  89  Salem 

Bennett  John,  provisions,  116  Court,  h.  19  Temple 

Bennett  John,  cabinetmaker,  Commercial 

Bense  Frederick,  shoemaker,  87  Pleasant,  h.  Warren  pi. 

Bense  George  S.  printer,  Warren  place 

Bense  Peter,  confectioner,  h.  Piedmont  cor.  Church 

Benson  Fred.  A.  (J.  Benson  &  Son),  boards  3  Howard 

Benson  John,  laborer,  Sweetser  court 

Benson  John  &  Son  (f.  A.),  merchants,  18  City  wf  coal 

168  Sea,  h.  Berry  cor.  Federal 
Benson  Joshua,  housewright,  1  Sweetser  court 
Benson  Seth  E.  merchant,  42  Commercial 
Benson  T.  Constant,  housewright.  Commercial  n.  Foster 
Bent  Adam,  Old  Road,  South  Boston 
Bent  Albert  A.  48  Long  wharf,  h.  3  Suffolk  place 
Bent  Ann,  h.  216  Washington  ' 
Bent  George  B.  chaisemaker,  Comey's  wharf 
Bent  George  E.  clerk,  h.  3  Suffolk  place 
Bent  John  P.  (Whitcomb  &  B.),  h.  2  Myrtle  court 
Bent  Samuel  W.  dry  goods,  225  Wash.,  h.  CO  Hanover 
Bentley  Samuel,  shipwright,  Commercial  near  Ann 


Bertody  Francis,  captain,  h.  6  Suffolk  place 

Berry  Abigail,  widow,  35  Poplar 

Berry  Edward  H.  hackman,  opposite  7  Columbia 

Berry  Mary,  widow,  h.  rear  103  Pleasant 

Berry  Mary  Ann,  widow,  5  Sweetser  court 

Berry  Mary  Ann,  widow  of  Stephen  H.,  rear  60  Elliot 

Berry  Nehemiah.     See  H.  Chase  &  Co. 

Berry  Samuel  H.  painter,  h.  C  street 

Berry  Theophilus,  48  I'ond 

Berry  Wilham,  rigger.  Prince 

Bertram  Louis,  boarding  house,  32  Cross 

Berdgc  Wm.  H.  dry  goods,  h.  Clark 

Besent  Joseph,  typefounder,  Hull 

Bettis  Harriet,  widow.  Theatre  alley 

Betteley  Andrew,  mason,  138  Hanover 

Betton  Ninian  C.  counsellor,  31  Court,  h.  60  Chambers 

Beverly  Jas.  B.  clerk  Bos.  Ind.  Rub.  Co.,  h.  4th  st.  n.  D 

Bickford  Ebenezer,  captain,  h.  Wheeler's  ct. 

Bickford  Ichabod,  laborer,  rear  4th  street 

Bickford  (.¥.  ^.),  Norris  (P.  R.)  &  Co.  millinery,  309 

Bickford  Rufus,  laborer,  360  Commercial 
Bicknell  Hannah,  boarding  house,  10  Atkinson 
Bignell  Mary  Ann,  h.  4  Myrtle  court 
Bickum  John  K.  housewright,  h.  49  Fayette 
Bigello  Isaac,  blacksmith,  h.  41  Portland 
Bigelow  Alanson  (J.  Bigeloio  &  Co.),  h.  10  Pinckney 
Bigelow  Elijah  {Smith  &.B.),  h.  18  Bulfinch 
Bigelow  Francis  R.  {Mansfield  &  B.),  boards  12  Howard 
Bigelow  George  Tyler,  coun.  10  Court 
Bigelow  Jabez,  wireworker,  544  Washington 
Bigelow  Jacob,  physician,  37  Summer 
Bigelow  John  &  Co.  {Jl,  Bi^c/ozc),  jewellers,  62  Wash- 
ington, h.  10  Pinckney 
Bigelow  John  P.  Secretary  State,  h.  664  Washington 
Bigelow  Josiah.     See  Trott  &  Bigelow 
Bigelow  Nancy,  dry  goods,  436  Washington 
Bigelow  Rufus,  stage  driver,  house  8  Norfolk  place 
Bigelow  Samuel,  leather  and  shoes,  19  Broad 
Bigelow  Theodore,  h.  4  Derne 

Biglow  Charles,  tailor,  350  Wash.  h.  rear  52  Tremont 
Bigsbee  Luther,  counting  room,  32  Commercial 
Billings  {Ehen.)  &  Marsh  {Jos.  M.),  W.  I.  g'ds,  5  India 
Billings  Ebenezer,  house  136  Purchase 
Billings  Ebenezer,  jr.  clerk,  house  rear  75  Elliot 


Billings  John  E.  clerk,  h.  2  Mulberry  place 

Billings  Merrick  P.  paperhanger,  h.  Bumstead  court 

Billings  Mary  Ann,  milliner,  52  Hano.,  h.  2.  Mulber.  pi. 

Billings  Nancy,  widow,  26  Orange 

Billings  William  G.  {Thacher  Sl  B.),h  497  Washington 

Bingham  C.  R.  h.  14  Blossom 

Bingham  Daniel    &  Co.   {Amos  P.    Tapley),  shoes   and 

leather,  24  Broad.     B.  b'ds  Franklin  House 
Bingham  John,  bond  accountant,  Cus.  H.,  h.  4  Bowdoin 
Bingham  Rebecca,  widow,  rear  Broadway 
Binney  Amos,  counting  room,  5G  State 
Binney  Barnabas,  messenger  Granite  Bank 
Binney  Charles  J.  F.  1  Commercial  wf.  h.  53  Allen 
Binney  John  A.  h.  17  Mount  Vernon 
Binney  John,  1  Commercial  wharf,  h.  29  Green 
Binney  John  C.  1  Commercial  wharf,  h.  29  Green 
Binney  John,  housewright,  64  Salem 
Binney    (Mattheiv)    &   Ellis   (JVathaniel,  jr.),   umbrella 

makers,  77  Court.     B.'s  h.  46  Allen 
Binney  Nancy,  widow  of  James,  h.  7  Stillman 
Birch  George,  upholsterer,  h.  1  Hawley 
Birch  Peter,  laborer,  h    Spear  alley 
Birch  Wm.  blacking  maker,  h.  rear  Lenox 
Bird  Abraham  B.  h.  36  Elliot 

Bird  Abraham  H.  lumber  wf.,  70  Front,  h.  25  Harvard 
Bird  Cornelius,  64  F.  H.  market,  h.  27  Vernon 
Bird  Elisba  B.  (Thurston  &  B.),  h.  7  Leveret 
Bird  George,  carpenter,  2  Bartlett 
Bird  George  W.  harness  maker,  h.  17  Nassau 
Bird  Harrison,  27  Vernon 
Bird  Hannah,  widow,  17  Nassau 
Bird  James,  laborer,  h.  rear  324  Ann 
Bird  Jesse  &  Harrison,  38  F.  H.  market,  h.  7  Leveret 
Bird  Margaret,  wid.  of  James,  h.  21  Blossom  place 
Bird  Matthew,  h.  16  South  Margin 
Bird  Robert  L.  h.  Nassau  court 
Bird  Samuel  J.  (Gaij  &  B.),  h.  10  Kneeland 
Bird  William  S.     See  John  H.  Bradford  &  Co. 
Bird  William,  dry  goods,  207  Wash.  h.  Tremont 
Bisbee  Albert,  h.  Commercial  near  Hull 
Bisbee  (A.)  &  Edwards  (Hugh),  machinists,  Commer- 
cial near  Prince 
Bisbee  Franklin,  blacksmith,  Old  Road 
Bishop  Charles  C.  book  keeper,  h.  34  Orange 


Bishop  Henry  C.  sex.  Trinity  Church,  h.  rear  St.  Paul's 

Church,  Tremont 
Bishop  Joseph  D.  mason,  h.  rear  19  Charter 
Bishop  Win.  P.. captain,  18  Pleasant  street  court 
Bishop  William,  gunsmith,  32  Exchange,  h.  c.  Washing- 
ton and  Northampton 
Bittle  William,  gilder,  66  Court,  h.  Essex  court 
Bittner  Elizabeth  G.  widow,  silk  dyer,  560  Washington 
Bixby  Philip  W.  32  Commercial,  h.  55  Poplar 
Black  Peter,  rigger,  115  Broad 
Black  William,  teamster,  rear  42  Congress 
Blackburn  George  (Parks,  B.  &  Co.),  h.  35  Wash.  pi. 
Blackburn  John,  tailor,  boards  8  Centre 
Blackmer  Thomas,  laborer,  h.  Clark  alley 
Blackmer  Holland.     See  Gould  &  B. 
Blackstock  William,  house  62  High 
Blagden  George  W.  Rev.,^1  Sheafe 
Blair  Mary  Ann,  widow,  71  Prince 
Blair  Mary,  widow,  15  Gouch 

Blair  Phineas,  counsellor,  17  Court,  h.  13  Franklin 
Blaisdell  Lewis,  grocer,  37  Leveret,  h.  91  Chambers 
Blaisdell  Samuel,^ fruit,  Blackstone,  h.  rear  95  Chambers 
Blaisdell  William,  housewright,  h.  3  Carnes  ct. 
Blake  Ann,  milliner,  cor.  Washington  and  Harvard 
Blake  Benjamin,  comedian,  boards  Union  House 
Blake  Charles  (Kittredge  &  Blakes),  h.  14  Essex 
Blake  Charles  S.  painter,  rear  120  Sea 
Blake  Cyrus  (Cragin,  Cleaveland  &  Co.),  b'ds  Brom.  H. 
Blake  Don  Carlos,  stonecutter,  h.  Thacher  st.  court 
Blake  Edward,  coun.  39  Court,  h.  7  Bowdoin  sq. 
Blake  Eliza,  boarding  house,  12  Avery 
Blake  George,  counsellor,  17  Court,  h.  34  Summer 
Blake  George  B.     See  Almy,  B.  &  Co. 
Blake  George  W.  mason,  house  10  Hamilton 
Blake  Hannah,  widow,  nurse,  14  Piedmont 
Blake  Henry,  surveyor  of  lumber,  h.  52  Pleasant 
Blake  Henry,  cordwainer,  h.  4  Chambers  st.  court 
Blake  Henry  L  printer,  house  4  Piedmont 
Blake  J.  Quincy,  jewelry  and  fancy  goods,  196  Washing- 
ton, h.  16  Short 
Blake  James,  house  14  Essex 
Blake  (James)  &  Co.  (Thomas  Blake),  tallow  chandlers, 

Blake's  court,  coun.  room  31  S.  Market 
Blake  James,  house  736  Washington 
Blake  James,  laborer.  Beach  corner  Front 


Blake  James,  jr.  {Kittredge  &  Blakes),  h.  14  Essex 
Blake  James  H.  {Southgate,  B.  «fe  Co.),  h.  48  Chesnut 
Blake  John  H.     See  Everett  &  B. 
Blake  Joseph,  bookbinder,  h.  4  Chambers  st.  court 
Blake  Joshua,  merchant,  19  Central  wf.  h.  Winthrop  pi. 
Blake  Josiah  W.  h.  9  Gouch 
Blake  Lemuel,  70  Congress,  boards  29  High 
Blake  Mary,  widow,  h.  28  South  Russell 
Blake  Nathaniel,  innholder,  226  Ann 
Blake  Robert  H.  umbrella  and  music  store,  417  Wash- 
ington, h.  rear  52.  Essex 
Blake  Robert,  painter,  house  81  Elliot 
Blake  Robert,  jr.  painter  and  glazier,  h.  81  Elliot 
Blake  Sally,  nurse,  98  Salem 

Blake  Samuel,  salt  store,  48  Long  wf.  h.  S.  Bost.  point 
Blake  Samuel  P.  {Dyer  &/■  B.),  h.  1  Somerset  place 
Blake  Sarah,  widow  of  Edward,  7  Bowdoin  square 
Blake  Sarah,  widow  of  Edward,  36  Pleasant 
Blake  Sarah,  widow  of  James,  132  Pleasant 
Blake  Sarah  A.  boarding,  19  Hanover 
Blake  Susannah,  wid.  of  Thomas,  Chambers  st.  court 
Blake  Thomas,  painter,  h.  53  Temple 
Blake  Thomas,  carpenter,  22  Haverill,  h.  Stillman 
Blake  Thomas  {James  B.  &  Co.),  h.  740  Washington 
Blake  William,  grocer.  Federal  corner  the  Odeon 
Blake  William,  cordwainer,  18  Franklirr,  h.  16  Short 
Blake  William  {H.  N.  Hooper  ^/-  Co.),  h.  9  Lyman  pi. 
Blake  William  {Shaiv,  Patterson  &.  Co.),  h.  21  Williams 
Blake  William  O.  printer,  Second  st. 
Blakemore  William,  japanner,  2,  h.  5  Graphic  court 
Blanchard  Abraham  W.  {Parker  &  B.),  h.  2  Lynde 
Blanchard  Andrew,  merchant,  h.  6  Garden  court 
Blanchard  Asa,  refreshments,  108  Commercial 
Blanchard  Benjamin,  h.  Carroll  place 
Blanchard  Daniel  B.  distiller,  h.  Mechanic  place 
Blanchard  Edward,  Mt.  Vernon,  cor.  Temple. 
Blanchard  Edward,  jr.  Mt.  Vernon  cor.  Temple 
Blanchard  Elias  P.  {Haley  &  B.),  h.  30  Cambridge 
Blanchard  Fidelia  {Jacobs  &  B.),  36  Milk 
Blanchard  F.  H.  {Smith  &  B.),  h.  Pearl 
Blanchard  Hannah,  widow,  436  Washington 
Blanchard  Hezekiah,  mer.  4  Central  wharf 
Blanchard  Jedediah,  grocer,  15  Elm,  h.  2  Arch 
Blanchard  {John  Ji.)  &,  Blodget  {John  W.),  dry  goods,  59 
Kilby.     Blanchard's  h.  14  Pearl  place 



Blanchard  John,  housewright,  h.  261  Washington 
Blanchard  John  W,  furniture,  cor.  Milk  and  Federal,  h. 

Blanchard  Huldah,  wid.  of  Josepli,  h.  3  Newton  pi. 
Blanchard  Joshua  P.  book  keeper,  Eagle  Bank,  at  Miss 

Cotton's,  Pearl 
Blanchard  Lydia,  wid.  of  Gilbert,  h.  rear  24  N.  Russell 
Blanchard  (M.  JV.)  &  Alden  (Maria),  milliners,  232,  h. 

247  Washington 
Blanchard  Mary,  boarding,  h.  1  Lynde 
Blanchard  Mary,  widow  of  Nathaniel,  Battery 
Blanchard  Nath'l,  shoe  cutter,  95  Water,  h.  26  Vernon 
Blanchard  Nathaniel,  jr.  printer,  h.  rear  205  Hanover 
Blanchard  Noah  (JY.  Faxon  &  Co.),  h.  2  Centre 
Blanchard  Otis,  teamster,  h.  18  South  Bennet 
Blanchard  Richard,  hatter,  h.  Warren  place 
Blanchard  Samuel,  Warren  place 
Blanchard  Sarah,  widow,  h.  May  corner  Butolph 
Blanchard  Susan,  widow  of  Joseph  T.,  Battery 
Blanchard  Washington,  min.  painJ;.,  School,  h.  66  Trem. 
Blanchard  William  W.,  jr.     See  Vinal  &  B. 
Blanchard  Wm.  E.  dry  g'ds,  26  Water,  h.  34  Boylston 
Blaney  Ambrose,  tinman,  81  Cambridge,  h.  18  Charles 
Blaney  Benj.  gratemaker,  100  Court,  h.  19  Tremont 
Blaney  Henry,  mason,  house  234  Washington 
Blaney  Hannah,  rear  34  Prince 
Blaney  Hannah,  widow  of  Charles,  house  7  George 
Blaney  James  M.  wharfinger,  28  Central  wf  h.23  South 
Blaney  S.  R.  sailmaker,  8  Long  wf  h.  2  Unity  court 
Blaney  Thomas  R.  house  31  Brattle 
Blaney  William,  teller  Common.  Bank,  h.  Sudbury 
Blasdell  Sally,  North  Hanover  court 
Blasland  Mary,  widow  of  William,  h.  rear  12  Front 
Blasland  Mary  Ann,  widow  of  Gideon  B.  rear  12  Front 
Blasland  Samuel,  sailmaker,  B  street 
Blasland  Thomas,  housewright,  house  ll7  Essex 
Blasland  Thomas,  jr.  apothecary,  61  Sea,  h.  B  street 
Blish  Timothy,  ^V.  I.  goods,  43  Commercial 
Bliss  A.  M.  confectionary,  Turnpike,  Frank,  market 
Bliss  Betsy,  widow,  cor.  Otis  and  Winthrop  place 
Bliss  James,  W.  I.  goods.  Broad,  head  of  Prentice's  wf. 
Bliss  Levi,  W.  I.  goods,  25,  house  27  Sea 
Bliss  Seth^  Rev.  5  Cornhill,  house  27  Somerset 
Block  Haas,  mariner,  1  Cedar  street  court 
Blodget  John  W.  (Blanchard  &  B.),  b'ds  1  Montgom.  pi. 


BlodgGlt  Ann,  widow  of  Eber,  house  12  Howard 
Blodgett  (George  B.)  &  Burns  (Robert),  W.  I.  goods,  7 

N.  Market 
Blodgett  Henry,  jr.  housewright,  h.  4  Harvard  court 
Blodgett  Luther,  grain  dealer,  27  Foster's  wf.  h.  4  Nassau 
Blom  Nelson,  painter,  h.  Spear  alley 
Blood  Aaron,  house  11   George 

Blood  Enoch,  wharf  builder,  boards  444  Washington 
Blood  (F.  F.)  &  Shumway  (Aelsmt),  W.  I.  goods,  G91 

Washington.     B.  boards  Broadway 
Blood  Nathan,  43  India,  h.  27  South 
Blood  William,  housewright,  h.  May  near  Grove 
Blossom  Earl,  lastmaker,  h.  Newbern  place 
Blunt  Esther,  widow  of  John  S.  near  18  Ash 
Blunt  Phineas,  soapstone  worker,  house  78  Pond 
Bluxome  Joseph,  tailor,  3  Brattle,  h.  22  North  Russell 
BIy  Cornelius,  cooper,  53  Prince 
Boardman  Benjamin  G.  &  Co.  agents  Boston  Dyeing  and 

Printing  Co.  23  Doane,  h.  9G  Chambers 
Boardman  Benjamin  G.jr.  (Denni.e  &  B.),  h. 96  Chambers 
Boardman  Darius,  Custom  H.  officer,  h.  10  Riflimond 
Boardman  E.  A.  (Meriam,  B.  &  Co.),  h.  6  Williams 
Boardman  Ebenezer,  housewright,  Fifth  street 
Boardman  Elizabeth,  milliner,  254  Washington 
Boardman  Wm.  house  29  Hancock 
Boden  {John  S.)  &  Blaney  {Thomas  R),  sailmakers,  33 

Commercial  wharf     Boden's  iiouse  Gibbs  lane 
Bodge  Charlotte,  widow  of  Benjamin,  rear  Dedham 
Bodge  Henry,  housewright,  h.  8  Madison  place 
Bodge  Noah,  provisions,  Pleasant  cor.  Carver,  h.  op.  96 

Bodge  {JYoah)  &  Sweetser  (George),  provisions, Myrtle 
Bodge  Samuel  G.  house  14  Spring 
Bodwell  Isaac  R.  mason,  house  Spring  street  place 
Bogardus  John,  captain,  19  Washington  place 
Bogman  Parley,  widow,  59  Pond 
Bogue  James,  tailor,  house  rear  5  Sister 
Bogue  Thomas  (Dudley  &  B.),  house  Jackson  place 
Boies  Artemas,  Rev.  house  3  Oak  place 
Boies  James,  saddler,  house  Theatre  alley 
Boies  Jeremiah  S.  4  Otis  place 
Bole  Thomas,  carpenter,  house  rear  324  Ann 
Boles  John,  housewright,  Friend,  h.  11  Salem  place 
Boles  Warren,  housewright,  Sudbury,  h.  60  Myrtle 
Bolles  Charles  {Freeman  &  JB.),  house  28  Vernon 


Bolles  George,  housewright,  house  48  Myrtle 

Bolles  John,  housewright.  Friend,  house  11  Salem  place 

TJoIles  John  A.  counsellor,  10  Court 

Bolles  Lucius,  Rev.  Cor.  Secretary  B.  B.  F.  M.  17  Joy's 

building,  house  97  Charles 
Bolles  Matthew,  jr.  59  State,  h.  68  Mt.  Vernon 
Bolman  William,  cabinetmaker,  Wheeler's  court 
Bolton  Leonard,  laborer,  Batterman  place 
Bolton  William,  housewright,  Battery 
Bond  Anna,  widow,  5  Orange  lane 
Bond  Benjamin,  printer,  house  120  Washington 
Bond  Charles,  watchmaker,  37  Washington,  h.  8  Pearl 
Bond  Charles  D.  house  13  Hamilton 
Bond  Edmund,  laborer,  South  Margin 
Bond  George  (Whitwell,  B.  &  Co.),  h.  Winthrop  place 
Bond  George  Wm.  {Whitiocll,  B.  &  Co.),  h.  8  Central  ct. 
Bond  Joseph,  blacksmith,  house  76  Summer 
Bond  Phineas,  housewright,  house  11  Leveret 
Bond  Richard,  architect,  Flagg  alley  rear  60  State 
Bond  Simon  E.  clerk,  house  rear  16  South  Russell 
Bond  Sewell  B.  groceries,  Charles,  h.  99  do. 
Bond  Wm.  &  Son  {Wm.  C),  watchmakers,  8  Cong.  sq. 
Bonfield  John,  stone  mason,  house  2d  street 
Bonney  Edward,  housewright,  h.  7  Second 
Bonney  Hen.  T.  groceries,  621  &  623  Wash,  b'ds  Castle 
Bonney  Libbeas,  housewright,  Orange  lane,  h.  Castle 
Bonney  Pelham,  housewright,  81  Portland,  h.  6  Vine 
Booker  William,  pearl  manufacturer,  h.  rear  10  Tileston 
Boot  John  W.,  James  and  William,  h.  10  Bowdoin  sq. 
Boot  Mary,  widow  of  Kirk,  10  Bowdoin  square 
Boothby  John,  laborer,  Richmond 
Boomer  Mary,  widow,  h.  South  Russell 
Bortion  Michael,  h.  Southac  near  Grove 
Bordman  John,  consiauiv.,  u.  r>„^.,^  ^^  Rowe's  wf. 
Bordman  Mary  E.  widow.  Broad  op.  Rowe  s  wi. 
Bordman  Wm.  H.  merchant,  37  India  wf.  h.  Trem.  H. 
Borland  John,  mer.  68  State,  h.  130  Tremont 
Borrowscale  John,  slater,  h.  Piedmont  near  Church 
Borrowscale  Joseph,  slater,  rear  13  Essex,  h.  rear  52  do. 
Borrowscale  Joseph,  jr.  slater,  h.  Bay  near  Fayette 
Bose  John,  laborer,  h.  Fleet  near  Commercial 
Boss  (Isaac)  &,  Gerry  (Thomas),  sailmakers,  Battery  wf. 
Bossuet  James  B.  engiueev,  h.  Travers 
Boswell  Mary,  nurse,  house  May  near  Grove 
Bosworth  Benjamin,  housewright,  h.  47  Fayette 


Bosworlh  Geo.  housewright,  May 

Bosvvorth  Hiram,  house  43  Poplar 

Bosworth  Joshua,  housewright,  h.  47  Fayette 

Bourguin  James,  Fourth  str(3et 

Bourn  Ehas,  housewright,  house  12  Chambers 

Bourne  Abner,  c.  room  70  State,  h.  1  Kingston 

Bourne  E.  A.  President  State  Banl^,  h.  1  Hancock  av. 

Bourne  I.  W.  85  Milk,  h.  9  Bulfinch 

Bourne  James  T.,  Ind.  rub.  g'ds,  5  State,  h.  49  Pinckney 

Bourne  James,  bar-room,  10  Commercial,  h.  45  South 

Bourne  Wm.  ship  carpenter,  rear  2d  street 

Bouton  Richard  M.  civil  engineer,  h.  96  Mt.  Vernon 

Bouve  Eph.  O.  cabinetmaker,  Richmond,  h.  37  Salem 

Bowdlear  Samuel,  blacksmith,  op.  10  West,  h.  Cedar  lane 

Bowden  Arthur,  laborer,  rear  28  Pleasant 

Bowden  Elizabeth,  groceries,  3d  street 

Bowden  Samuel,  stevedore,  39  Prince 

Bowden  William,  Ann  street  court 

Bowditch  Azell,  confectioner,  273  Washington,  h.  do. 

Bowditch  Horace,  cordwainer,  h.  South  Russell 

Bowditch  Hen.  I.  physician,  op.  10  Bedford,  h.  8  Otis  pi. 

Bowditch   {Jonathan,  jr.)  &  Cummings  (Jlmos),  W.  I. 

goods,  376  Wash.  cor.  Essex,  h.  2  S.  Bennet 
Bowditch  J.  I.,  President  American  Insurance  Co. 
Bowditch  Maria,  widow  of  Atherton  T.  87  Pleasant 
Bowditch  Nathaniel,  Actuary  of  M.  H.  Life  Ins.  Comp. 

State,  h.  8  Otis  place 
Bowditch  Nathaniel  I.  counsel.  60  State,  h.  23  Somerset 
Bowdlear  Samuel,  whitesmith,  h.  3  Cedar  lane 
Bowen  Abel,  engraver  and  print.  47  Court 
Bowen  Ann,  house  13  Franklin 
Bowen  Betsey,  laundress,  6  Lucas  place 
Bowen  Charles,  housewright,  1>.  38  Merrimac 
Bowen  Charles,  publisher   i/ii  w„.Mwgion 

n iicijiy,  printer,  h.  47  Court 

Bowen  James,.slater,  Rus.  wf  &,  40  Bedford,  h.  62  Trem. 

Bowen  John  (Gould  &  B.),  h.  12  Pitts 

Bowen  Lorenzo,  printer,  h.  2  Leveret 

Bowen  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  13  Hawkins 

Bowen  Philip  L.  housewright,  h.  10  Friend  street  place 

Bowen  Richard,  laborer.  Battery 

Bowen  Sarah,  widow,  rear  88  Warren 

Bower  George,  boarding  and  lodging,  6  Fleet 

Bowers  Augustus,  house  2  Friend 

Bowers  Charles,  dry  goods,  41  Court,  h.  5  Eaton 


Bowers  C.  E.  merchant,  54  Commercial 

Bowers  Isaac,  intelligence  office,  Avery,  h.  Mason 

Bowers  John,  comb  maker,  house  op.  17  May 

Bowers  Levi,  dry  goods,  135  Court,  h.  42  Spring 

Bowes  James  H.  house  12  Hawkins 

Bowes  John  H.  clerk  Mass.  Bank,  boards  15  Hancock 

Bowker  Albert,  school,  house  8  Howard 

Bowker  Charles,  provisions,  76,  house  74  Essex 

Bowker  Edmund,  Cross  c.  Fulton,  h.  N.  Margin 

Bowker  Horatio  N.  housewright,  76  Charles 

Bowker  {Joel,  jr.)   &    Wheeler   (Jesse),   dry  goods,  17 

Central.     B.'s  house  47  High 
Bowker  John  H.  marble  worker,  h.  40  Poplar 
Bowker  Lazarus,  mason,  h.  19  Myrtle 
Bowker  Theodore  P.  housewright,  house  40  Poplar 
Bowker  Warren,  surveyor,  h.  N.  Margin 
Bowles  Leonard  C.  h.  VVinter  place 
Bowlan  Catharine,  widow,  nurse,  IMedmont  n.  Church 
Bowlend  George,  boards  11  Beacon 
Bowman  Abner  H.  distiller,  Distil-house  square 
Bowman  (Charles   C.)  &  Eaton  {John  J.),  W.  L  goods, 

47  Long  wharf 
Bowman  Esther,  widow,  rear  61  South 
Bowman  Isaac,  40  Commercial,  house  Strong  place 
Bowman  John,  cooper,  114  Milk,  house  head  of  Pearl 
Bowman  Joseph  H.  {Holbrook,  B.  &  Co.).  h.  124  Trern. 
Bowman  William,  handcartman,  55  Prince 
Bowthorpe  Samuel,  laborer,  h.  S.  B.  Point 
Boyd  Hannah,  nurse,  14  Short 

Boyd  James,  saddler,  27  Merchants  row,  h.  7  Pearl  pi. 
Boyd  John  W^,  W.  I.  goods,  4  India  wf.  b'ds  144  Purchase 
Boyd  Thomas,  housewright.  Commercial 
Boyden  Ashel,  druggist,  42  Hancock 
Boyden  Daniel,  chaisemaker,  h.  Tremont  cor.  Elliot 
Boyden  Dwigbt,  innholder,  Tremont  cor.  Beacon 
Boyden  Elijah  {Crosby  &,  B.),  h.  8  Howard  * 

Boyden  Samuel,  pianoforte  maker,  house  33  Warren 
Boyenton  Nathan,  13  Charter 
Boyle  Ann,  widow,  rear  63  Elliot 
Boyle  Bartholomew,  laborer,  88  Broad 
Boyle  Edward,  laborer,  Barrett 
Boyle  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Col.  John,  18  Harvard 
Boyle  Isaac,  Rev.  18  Harvard 
Boyle  James,  laborer,  rear  63  Elliot 
Boyle  James,  house  18  Harvard 


Boyle  John,  house  rear  63  ElUot 

Boyle  Mary,  widow  of  Jatnes,  18  Water 

Boyle  Thomas,  laborer,  h.  12  Cross 

Boyles  James,  shoemaker,  rear  83  Sea 

Boyles  Mary,  boarding,  48  Federal 

Boynlon  Amos,  housewright,  h.  rear  83  Sea 

Boyiiton  David  A.  house  Greenough  lane 

Boynton  G.  W.  engraver,  4  State,  h.  26  Spring 

Boynton  Hazen,  housewright,  h.  42  Poplar 

Boynton  (Edmund)  &  Swasey  (J.  H.),  W.  I.  goods,  21 

S.  Market.     B.'s  h.  4  Brattle  sq. 
Boynton  J.  (Gary,  B.  &  Co.),  h.  39  Portland 
Boynton  John,  painter,  3  Unity  court 
Boynton  Moses,  housewright,  h.  42  Poplar 
Boynton  Nathaniel,  silk  dyer,  Mechanic  place 
Boynton  Perkins,  stable,  Charlestown,  h.  Cooper 
Boynton  Samuel,  housewright,  h.  42  Poplar 
Boynton  (Sam'l)  &  Davis  {Joseph),  truckmen,  Commer. 
Boynton  Samuel,  truckman,  h.  Greenough  lane 
Boynton  Stephen,  soda  room,  Friend 
Boynton  William,  housewright,  h.  42  Poplar 
Boyson  Ann  M.  sempstress,  opposite  65  Sea 
Boyson  Michael,  laborer,  opposite  102  Warren 
Brabiner  William  A.  auct'r  &  undertaker,  h.  Broadway 
Brabrook  Charles,  chairmaker,  h.  33  Warren 
Brackenbridge  George,  messenger  Boston  Bank 
Brackett  Catharkne  M.  dressmaker,  17  Temple 
Brackett  Charles,  pianofortemaker,  boards  64  Elliot 
Brackett  George  P.  clerk,  h.  S.  Cedapnear  Church 
Brackett  Henry,  h.  4  Brattle  square 
Brackett  Josiah,  leather  dealer,  20  Exchange 
Brackett  Maria,  dressmaker,  h.  23  Hancock 
Brackett  Richard,  cordwainer,  173  Hanover 
Brackett  Rufus  &  Son  (Henry),  leather,  38  N.  Market 
Brackett  Samuel  E.  &  James,  dry  goods,  95  Washington 
Brackett  Samuel  E.  h.  97  Pleasant 
Brackett  Thomas  O.  messenger  Traders'  Bank 
Brackett  William  W.  leather,  17  Exchange,  h.  3  S.  Cedar 
Bradbury  Catharine,  widow,  h.  32  Charles 
Bradbury  Charles,  Pres.  Col.  Ins.  Co.  h.  5  Hamilton  pi. 
Bradbury  Charles  W.  5  Hamilton  place 
Bradfield  Thomas,  laborer,  137  Broad 
Bradford  Alden,  47  Court,  h.  76  Chesnut 
Bradford  Bathsheba,  widow,  Broadway 
Bradford  BenJ.  W.  cabinetmaker,  rear  602  Washington 


Bradford   (Charles)    &   Clinkard   (M.   L.),    riggers,   32 

Bradford  Daniel,  housewright,  Broadway 

Bradford  {George)   &   Burckes    (Martin),    sliipwrights, 
Lincoln's  wf     Bradford's  h.  36  Charter 

Bradford  G.  P.  school,  Masonic  Temple 

Bradford  George,  jr.  printer,  h.  Bro.ul  op.  Rovve's  wharf 

Bradford  Granville  W.  painter,  East  n.  Sea,  h.  49 Prince 

Bradford  Isaac,  cnplnin,  house  5  Bradford  place 

Bradford  James  M.,  Broadway  cor.  D  street 

Bradford  John,  hardware,  21  Duck  square 

Bradford  (John  //.)  &  Co.   (Samuel  D.   B.,    William  S. 
Bird  &,  H.  S.  Ballard),  dry  goods,  25  Broad 

Bradford  John  R.  city  weigherj^  Merrimac,  h.  31  Brattle 

Bradford  Joseph,  cordwainer,  3d  street 

Bradford  Le  Baron,  house  57  Federal 

Bradford  Lewis  H.  druggist,  Washington  cor.  Pleasant 

Bradford  Robert,  merchant,  40  India,  h.  35  Bridge 

Bradford  Samuel  D.     See  John  H.  B.  &  Co. 
Bradford  Rufus,  machinist,  Broadway  near  D  street 
Bradford  William  B.  &  Co.  (John  P.   Whiton),  W.  I. 

goods,  24  Broad,  h.  49  High 
Bradford  Wm.  J.  A.  attorney,  20  Court,  h.  76  Chesnut 
Bradford  Williams,  physician,  Broadway 
Bradish  L.  J.  dry  goods,  305  Wash,  boards  14  Williams 
Bradlee  Ann,  widow  of  David  W.  h.  2  Washington  pi. 
Bradlee  Ann,  widow,  6  Elliot  court 
Bradlee  Charles,  music  publisher,  2  Sweetser  court 
Bradlee  David  F.  house  65  Prince 
Bradlee  Frederick  H.  (J.  B.  &,  Co.),  h.  3  Milton  place 
Bradlee  James  B.  (J.  B.  <St  Co.),  house^20  Pearl 
Bradlee  John  R.  hardware,  3  Dock  sq.  h.  2  Kneeland  pi. 
Bradlee  John  W.  house  Essex  near  Front 
Bradlee  Joseph  P.  &  Sons  (Joseph  &  E.   F.),  oil,  50 

Chatham,  house  22  Franklin  place 
Bradlee  Josiah  &  Co.  (G.   B.  Gary  &  F.  H.  &.  J.  B. 

Bradlee),  merchants,  34  India,  house  20  Pearl 
Bradlee  Ann,  widow  of  Nathaniel,  93  Pleasant 
Bradlee  P.  F.  weigher,  9  Central  wharf,  h.  29  Atkinson 
Bradlee  Margaret  A.  widow,  93  Pleasant 
Bradlee  Samuel,  hardware,  142  Washing,  h.  1  Avon  pi. 
Bradlee  Thomas  D.  house  6  Franklin  place 
Bradley  Benjamin,  bookbinder,  69  Washing,  h.  12  Vine 
Bradley  Charles,  36  Water 

Bradley  Edward  W.  wines  and  spirits,  rear  134  State 


Bradley  Edwin,  grocer,  193,  h.  rear  195  Hanover 
Bradley  William,  blacksmith.  Front,  rear  730  Washington 
Bradshavv  Hannah,  widow,  h.  rear  50  Boylston 
Bradshaw  Jesse,  confectioner,  9  Marshall,  h.  101  Wash. 
Bradsliaw  Ruth,  widow,  12  Distil-ljouse  square 
Bradshaw  Hamuel  C.  112  Faneuil  H.  Mark.  h.  32  Prince 
Bradshaw  Samuel  C.  jr.  grocer,  Blackstone  n.  Hanover 
Bradshaw  Tamar,  widow  of  Simon,  h.  rear  10  Blossom 
Bradslreet  Elizabeth,  20  Bulfinch 
Bradstreet  Joseph  P.  clothing,  44  Court 
Brady  James,  grocer,  106  Ann 
Brady  James,  h.  14  Disiil-house'square 
Brady  James,  laborer,  3d  street 
Brady  John,  laborer,  18  Water 
Brady  Patrick,  slater,  house  rear  Merrimac 
Bragden  William,  Southac  opposite *Southac  court 
Bragg  Alfred  {F.  &  A.  Bragg),  house  May 
Bragg  Benson,  carpenter,  h.  4  Madison  place 
Bragg  Fowler  &  Alfred,  shoes  and  leather,  25  Broad, 
house  2  May 

Bragg  John,  housewright,  A  street 

Bragg  William,  captain,  house  39  Portland 

Bragg  William  W.  housewright,  b'ds  r.  247  Washington 

Braid  John  B.  liousewright  and  undertaker,  r.  Broadway 

Brainan  Daniel,  laborer,  20  Carver 

Brainan  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  46  Pleasant 

Brainard  Michael,  h.  Southac  near  Grove 

Braman  Jarvis,  swimming  school,  bottom  of  Chesnut 

Bramhall  Cornelius  (Manley  &  B.),  boards  51  Elliot 

Bramhall  Ruth,  widow  of  Sylvanus,  h.  43  Myrtle 

Bramhall  ( fVtn.)  &  Howe  (r/to5.),  W.  I.  g'ds,  34  Long  wf. 

Bramhall  William,  house  2  Federal  couit 

Brandenberg  John  C.  laborer.  Fleet 

Brassel  Petet,  laborer,  h.  rear  123  Broad 

Bray  Sarah,  widow  of  John,  house  92  Salem 

Braynard  Preston,  iron  founder,  h.  Turnpike  n.  4th  st. 

Braynard  Selden,  broker,  46  Congress 

Brazer  Benjamin,  plane  maker,  Charlestown,  h.  SBartlett 

Brazer  Margaret,  widow,  14  Short 

Bree  Michael,  house  Merrimac 

Breck  Martin  B.  dry  goods,  55  Hanover 

Breed  Aaron,  mathemat,  inst.  2  Rowe's  wf.  h.  140  Purch. 

Breed  Ebenezer,  11  Dock  square 

Breed  Henry  A.  merchant,  24  Long  wharf 

Breed  Horace  A.  (Haven  &  B.),  house  2  Front 


Breeden  Abner,  shoes,  15  Elm,  li.  30  Bridge 

Breiting  C.  baker,  G79  Washington 

Brett  C.  &.  J.  suspendernialsers,  7  Court,  h.  4  Prince 

Brewer  Abigail,  widow,  12  Fayette 

Brewer  Charles,  snuff  &  tobacco  rnatiufac.l4  S.  Market, 
house  250  Hanover 

Brewer  Clark,  tobacco,  14  S.  Market,  h.  250  Hanover 

Brewer  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Nathaniel,  107  Purchase 

Brewer  Fanny,  63  Belknap  cor.  Myrtle 

Brewer  Gardner,  distillery,  548  Washington,  c.  room  10 
Central,  h.  10  Rowe  place 

Brewer  G.  Alexander  (Foiclc  &  B.),  h.  8  Federal  court 

Brewer  George,  pianofortemaker,  boards  12  Avery 

Brewer  Harriet,  widow,  1(J2  Purciiase 

Brewer  Henry  A.  {Jackson  &  B.),  h.  11  North  Russell 

Brewer  Isaac  C.  clerk  Suffolk  Bank,  h.  12  Fayette 

Brewer  James  H.  merchant,  48  India  wharf 

Brewer  Jane,  88  Summer 

Brewer  Nathaniel,  90  Washington 

Brewer  Nathaniel,  merchant,  h.  107  Purchase 

Brewer  Otis,  printer,  14  Congress,  h.  47  Portland 

Brewer  Samuel  N.  &  Brothers  {Natlil   &    William  A.), 
druggists,  90  &  92  Washington.     See  advertisement 

Brewer  Thomas,  dry  goods,  414  Washington 

Brewer  Thomas,  clerk,  h.  Pleasant  st.  court  n.  Church 

Brewer  William  A.  5  Dover 

Brewster  Henry,  mariner.  Commercial 

Brewster  Henry  B.  printer,  Court  cor.  Howard,  h.  9  Bal- 
lard place 
Brewster  John.     See  Williams  &  B. 
Brewster  Osmyn  (  Crocker  &  /?.>,  h.  Pitts  near  Green 
Briard  Oliver,  jr.  house  6  Kneeland  place 
Bride  James,  innkeeper  La  Fayette  Hotel,  302  Washing. 
Bridge  F.  W.  teller  Commimwealth  Bank,  h.  42  Green 
Bridge  Henry  A.  h.  1  Bridge  street  court 
Bridge    {Isaac)   &    Marshall    {Leonard)^    provisions,  69 

Cambridge.     B.'s  h.  52  Bridge 
Bridge   {James)   &   Wellington   {E.    G.),  W.    I.    goods, 

29  Commercial 
Bridge  {James),  Wellington  {A.)   &  Co.  {Lewis  Taylor)^ 

grocers,  22  &  23  Elm.     B.'s  h    19  Atkinson 
Bridge  {John  D.)  &.  Stevens  {Edw.  L.),  10  Central  wharf 
Bridge  John  D.  boards  16  Somerset 
Bridge  Joseph,  house  42  Green 
Bridge  Maria,  school,  Hanover  cor.  Charter 


Bridge  Margaret,  boarding  house,  37  Purchase 

Bridge  Nathan  W.  coal,  Fiske's  wharf,  b'ds  37  Purchase 

Bridge  Samuel  J.  75  Commercial,  h.  37  Purchase 

Bridge  William,  blacksmith,  16,  house  45  Sea 

Bridge  William  S.  {Fiske  &  B.),  house  49  Chambers 

Bridgham  Lewis  H,  stereotype  founder,  h.  Church  cor.   v 

South  Cedar 
Bridgham  Samuel  W.  mer.  13  Doane,  h.  1  Hancock  av. 
Brigden  Timothy,  blacksmith,  h.  rear  Broadway 
Briggs  Billings,  housewright,  h.  5  Myrtle  court 
Briggs  Cornelius,  cabinetmaker,  GOi),  h.  611  Washington 
Briggs  Ed  w.  T.  Mechanics'  Exch.  Wilson  la.  h.  Lyman  pi. 
Briggs  Enos,  Mechanics'  Exchange,  h.  Lyman  place 
Briggs  Enos,  jr.  (R.  S^  E.  Briggs)^  h.  2  Lyman  place 
Briggs  Charles,  Mechanics'  Exchange  and  Reading  room, 

Wilson  lane 
Briggs  Charles  M.  (Gulliver  &  B.),  h.  9  Cambridge 
Briggs  Charles,  Rev.,  Sec.  Am.  U.  Asso.  h.  2  Cottage  pi. 
Briggs  James,  housewright,  60  Pinckney 
Briggs  Jeremiah,  liouse  7  Lincoln 
Briggs  John,  shipwright,  F  street 
Briggs  John  C.     See  Shaw,  B.  &  Crafts 
Briggs  Mary  R.  widow,  16  Fayette 

Briggs  R.  &  E.  (Enos  B.  jr.),  earthen  ware,  12  Chatham 
Briggs  Ruth,  widow,  78  Prince 
Biiggs  Setli,  cabinetmaker,  h.  1.32  Hanover 
Briggs  William,  shipwright,  h.  r.  Old  Road  &  Broadway 
Brigiiam  Aaron  <fe  Son  (IV.  B.),  W.  I.  goods,  26  Long 

wharf,  h.  11  Pinckney 
Brigham  Benajah,  W.  L  goods,  29  Elm,  h.  3  Hawkins 
Brigham  Charles  L.  &.  Co.  (Robert  Slade),  wheelv/iightBj 

12  Hawley  place,  house  5  Norfolk  avenue 
Brigham  Elijah,  17  Union 

Brigham  Elijah  D      See  Chandler,  Howard  &  Co. 
Brigham  I.  &  W.  P.  dry  goods,  56  Hanover,  b'ds  35  Elm 
Brigham  James  M.  boarding  house,  3  Bumstead  place 
Brigham  John  &  Wm.  P.  dry  goods,  56  Hanover 
Brigham  Joseph  L.     See  Z.  Jellison  &  Co. 
Brigham  Levi  (Merriam,  B.  &  Co.),  house  17  Milk 
Brigham  Nahum,  wood,  Barry's  wharf,  h.  37  South 
Brigham  N.  H.  shoes,  N.  Market 
Brigham  Nicholas  H.  house  19  Hancock 
Brigham  (Otis)  &  Thompson  (Cyrus),  blacksmiths,  140 

Brigham  Perry  (Piper  &  J5.),  house  36  Sea 


Bridgham  Samuel  W.  merchant,  Hancock  avenue 
Bri^'ham  I'eter  B.  oysters,  1  Hanover 
Brigham  Ruth,  vi^idow,  10  Siiort 
Brigham  Susan  H.  bonnet  store,  Court  cor.  Howard 
Brigham  Thomas  J.  wheelwright,  'A6  South  Margin 
Brigham  Tilly,  druggist,  8  Ann,  house  10  Sudbury  square 
Brigham  William,  counsellor,  33  Court,  li.  19  Hancock 
Brigham  William,  h.  May  cor.  W.  Centre 
Brigham  William  A.  h.  l*inckney  cor.  Cedar  lane 
Brigham  Wm.  P.  (/.  &  IV.),  house  1  Howard 
Brimhall  Samuel,  grocer,  98  Cambridge  corner  Garden 
Brimmer  George  W.  mer.  9  Brimmer's  T,  h.  45  Beacon 
Brimmer  Martin  &  Co.    (//.   Inches,  jr.),  merchants,  2 

Brimmer's  T,  house  45  Beacon 
Brine  Robert,  tailor,  house  30  Stilhnan 
Brinley  Edward.     See  W.  C.  Stimpson  &  Co. 
Brinley  George,  house  128  Tremont 
Brinnick  Kennedy,  laborer,  Broad  cor.  Cotton  place 
Brintnall  Charles,  clerk,  house  13  North  Bennet 
Brintnall  Charlotte,  widow,  G7  Charter 
Brisco  John,  painter,  4th  street 
Britton  Deborah  H.  tailoress,  Elliot  near  Tremont 
Britton  J.  milliner,  121  Court 
Broad  Keziah,  widow,  house  446  Washington 
Broaders  Edward  11.  (Otis,  B.  &  Co.),  h.  2  Fayette 
Brobson  Daniel,  painter,  house  rear  Broadway 
Brobston  Henry,  painter,  h.  rear  Broadway 
Brodhead  Daniel  D.  navy  agent,  43  Chatham. 
Brodhead  Joseph  C.  cashier  Fulton  Bank,  h.  45  Chesnut 
Bromall  Sam.  glass  cut.  and  engr.  Front,  h.  r.  795  Wash. 
Brookhouse  John  H.  tailor,  boards  54  Union 
Brookings  Samuel,  stevedore,  205  Hanover 
Brooks  Alfred,  stone  cutter,  h.  23  Friend 
Brooks  (Charles)  &  Co.  (Wm.  G.),  hardware,  6 Dock  sq. 
Brooks  Charles,  house  4  Milton  place 
Brooks  Edward,  counsellor,  10  Court,  h.  31  Chesnut 
Brooks  (Franklin)  &  Saunders  (Edio.    W.),  leather,  27 

North  Market 
Brooks  Franklin,  h.  Pitts 
Brooks  Gershom  B.  tailor,  30  Cornhill 
Brooks  Job,  stage  agent,  11  Elm,  house  2  Portland 
Brooks  John,  laborer,  110  Broad 
Brooks  John,  teamster,  boards  34  Federal 
Brooks  Jonathan,  102  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Brooks  Lemuel  A.  painter,  rear  351  Washington 


Brooks  Luke  &  Co.  {R.  M.  Connel  &  A.  Jlvery),  leather, 

12  Elm 
Brooks  Noah,  shipwright,  bot.  F  street,  h.  Broadway 
Brooks  Pardon,  tailor,  h.  May  near  Centre 
Brooks  Pardon  A,  tailor,  h.  May  2d  door  from  W.  Centre 
Brooks  Peter  C,  c.  room,  10  Court,  h.  cor.  Pearl  &  High 
Brooks  Peter  C.  jr.  GO  Commercial  wharf 
Brooks  &  Co.  {Kufus  F.  Brooks  &  Cornelius  DriscoU), 

tailors,  14  Court.     Brooks'  h.  46  Pinckney 
Brooks  Sally,  widow,  2  Elliot  court 
Brooks  W.  C.     See  Smith  &  B. 

Brooks  William  G.  (C.  Brooks  &  Co.),  house  56  High 
Brooks  William  P.  B.  &  A.  B.  furniture,  32  Union 
Brooks  William,  house  42  Pond 
Brooksby  Bridget,  widow,  rear  58  Elliot 
Broomaid  Abraham,  sail  maker,  house  Clark  alley 
Brophy  Thomas,  laborer,  99  Broad 
Brown  Abigail,  widow,  Spear  alley 
Brown  Albert  H.  ( Whitneij,  B.  *&  Co.),  b.  5  Wesley  pi. 
Brown  Amelia,  boarding,  61  Temple 
Brown  Andrew,  baker,  h.  24  N.  Russell 
Brown  Arthur,  boatman,  house  125  Broad 
Brown  Bartholomew,  baker,  39  Essex 
Brown  Benjamin,  truckman,  43  Prince 
Brown  Benjamin,  gunsm.  52  India  wf  h.  2  Humphrey  pi. 
Brown  Benjamin,  painter,  City  market.  Brattle 
Brown  Benjamin,  housewright,  48  Allen 
Brown  Benjamin  B.  h.  5  Tremont  near  Pleasant 
Brown  Benjamin  H.  {Cushing  &,  B.),  h.  Spear  alley 
Brown  Catharine,  widow,  Essex  cor.  South 
Brown  Charles  (Hitliard,  Gray  &  Co.),b.  1  Franklin  pi. 
Brown  Charles,  wharfinger,  25  India  wharf,  h.  39  High 
Brown  Charles,  grocer,  128,  house  108  Charles 
Brown  Charles  S.  fruit,  30  Dock  sq.  h.  City  Tavern 
Brown  {Chas.  IV.)  ifc  Holmes  {Henry  I>.^,  housewrights, 

Brown  Daniel,  collector,  Blossom  corner  Fruit 
Brown  Daniel  H.  clerk  Savings  Bank 
Brown  David,  barkeeper.  Union  House' 
Brown  David,  pianoforte  maker,  house  2  Castle 
Brown  David  L.  drawing  academy,  664  Washington 
Brown  {Edioin)    &  Hallet  {Russell),  pianofortemakers, 

cor.  Essex  and  Wash.  B.'s  h.  3  Shawm ut 
Brown  Elbridge,  hat  store,  12  Ann,  h.  46  Allen 
Brown  Eli,  11  State,  h.  10  Hanover 


Brown  Eliab,  34  Allen 

Brown  Eliphalet,  boardinghouse,  6  Hayward  place 

Brown  Emery  {Taylor,  Gove  &  Co.),  h.  52  Allen 

Brown  Francis,  furniture,  Blackstone,  h.  iQ  Leveret 

Brown  Frederick,  druggist,  631  Wash.  h.  Castle 

Brown  (leorge  H.  mason,  house  110  Warren 

Brown  George  L.  artist,  h.  rear  090  Washington 

Brown  George  W.  C.  clothing,  77,  house  78  Broad 

Brown  Hannah,  widow,  2  Church 

Brown  Henry,  tean)ster,  rear  671  Washington 

Brown  Henry,  blacksmith,  house  rear  12  Front 

Brown  Horace  W.  laborer,  Clark 

Brown  Jacob  C.  house  24  Hamilton 

Brown  James  G.  clerk,  204  Washington 

Brown  James  S.  house  rear  North  Margin 

Brown  James  {Hilliard,  Gray  &■  Co.),  h.6  Wash,  place 

Brown  James,  agent,  cooperage.  Spear's  wf.  h.  79Purch. 

Brown  (Jeremiah)  &■  Farwcll  (Geo.),  wood  wharf,  Sea 

near  the  bridge.     B.'s  h.  40  Sea 
Brown  Jesse,  fishmonger,  house  rear  19  Cross 
Brown  John,  Commercial  n«ar  Gray's  wharf 
Brown  John,  provisions,  Derne 
Brown  John  &  Co.  (Richard  Soule  and  I.  SchoIfield,jr.)f 

mer.  19  Commercial  wharf 
Brown  John,  clerk,  house  North  Hanover  court 
Brown  John,  baker,  h.  Merrimac  c.  Travers 
Brown  John  B.  physician,  2  Montgomery  place 
Brown  John  C.  broker,  57  State,  h.  6  Bowdoin  sq. 
Brown  John  D.  &  Co.  (j9.  Harris),  junk  store,  h«ad 

Lewis's  wharf,  h.  Salem  place 
Brown  John  G.  painter,  21  Exchange,  h.  125  Charlei 
Brown  John  I.  druggist,  425  Wash.  h.  32  Elliot 
Brown  John  J.  watchmaker,  boards  837  Wash. 
Brown  Jonathan,  carpenter,  boards  54  Hanover 
Brown  Jonathan,  bookkeeper.  Market  Bank 
Brown  Joseph,  philosophical  inst.  mak.  57  Wash. 
Brown  Joseph,  boardinghouse,  69  Congress 
Brown  Joseph  E.  housewright.  Church,  h.  9  Madison  pi. 
Brown  Joseph  M.  25  Commercial  wf  h.  44  Chesnut 
Brown  Joseph  M.  house  and  ship  joiner,  head  Otis's  wf. 
Brown  Josepli  T.  druggist,  292  Wash.  cor.  Bedford 
Brown  (Josiah)  &,  Emerson  (Rich.),  housewrights,  Pond 
Brown  Josiah,  house  73  Pond 
Brovvn  Justin  M.  painter.  City  market 
Brown   Lydia  &  Hannah,   instructresses  pianoforte,   6 

Hayward  place 


Brown    {Lemuel   L.)    &l   Ide    (Edunn),  dry  goods,  373 

Wash.     Brown  boards  14  La  Grange  place 
Brown  Lemuel  P.  houf?ewriglit,  65  Leveret 
Brown  Levi,  grocer,  71  Salem 
Brown  Loring,  houscwright,  h.  Mechanic  place 
Brown  Luke,  housewright,  Wilson  lane,  h.  1  Stanifordpl. 
Brown  Martha,  widow,  S.  Russell  cor.  Cambfidge 
Brown  Martha,  widow  of  Francis,  h.  Hartnarket  place 
Brown  Mary,  widow,  house  rear  31  Allen 
Brown  Mary,  widow,  h.  13  Pleasant  street  court 
Brown  Mary,  widow,  15  Gibbs  lane 
Brown  Mary,  widow.  Piedmont  near  Pleasant 
Brown  Mary  &  Ellen,  4  Orange -*•% 
Brown  Nancy,  widow  of  R.  J.  house  126  Charles 
Brown  Nathan,  captain,  Foster 

Brown  Nathan,  housewright,  Church,  h.  10  Madison  pi. 
Brown  Nathaniel,  house  and  ship  joiner,  h.  2  Purchase 
Brown  Nathaniel,  mastmaker,  22  Tileston 
Brown  Nathaniel,  chair  painter,  17  Commercial 
Brown  Newell,  46  Faneuil  Hall,  h.  Chardon  c.  Hawkins 
Brown  Oakes  P.  housewright,  h.  rear  732  Wash. 
Brown  Philip,  blacksmith,  house  rear  302  Ann 
Brown  Phineas,  oysters,  80  Camb.  fi.  Kennard's  avenue 
Brown  Prentiss,  boards  41  Warren 
Brown  Robert  J.  {Watson  <^  B.),  h.  126  Charles 
Brown  Sam'l,  mastmaker,  Commer.  n.  railway,  h.  Prince 
Brown  Sam'l,  jr.  sailmaker,  52  Commercial,  h.  r.  Foster 
Brown  Samuel  N.  house  6  Blossom  court 
Brown  Sarah  A.  milliner,  6  Avery 
Brown  S.  H.     See  Ellingwood  &  B. 
Brown  Scott  K.  housewright,  Harvard  pi.  h.  Pitts  court 
Brown  Stephen,  broker,  Exchange,  h.  69  Prince 
Brown  Susan,  widow,  14  Bedford 
Brown  Thomas  {Wyse  if  B.),  rear  81  Warren 
Brown  Thomas,  grocer,  32  Pond 
Brown  Tiiomas  P.  stage  agent,  h.  Gorhani  place 
Brown  Thomas  W.  caulker  and  graver,  h.  Salutation 
Brown  Thomas,  jr.  teller  Traders'  Bank 
Brown  Timothy,  housewright,  48  Allen 
Brown  Tryphena,  schoolmistress,  33  Pleasant 
Brown  Vernon,  house  12  Prince 

Blown  William,  druggist,  481  Washington  cor.  Elliot 
Brown  William,  caulker,  177  Hanover 
Brown  William,  laborer,  Ann  street  court 
Brown  William,  mariner,  rear  4th  street 

DIRECTORY.  *  101 

Brown  William  C.  clerk,  house  7  Stillman 
Brown  William  E.  turner,  Beverly,  h.  2  Shawmut 
Brown  William  P.  clerk,  h.  Castle  cor    Suftolk 
-^  Browne  {Charles  A.)   &  Wight  (D.   F.),  druggists,   16 

Commercial.     B.'s  house  14  Front 
Browne  Daniel  I.  engineer,  house  1  Somerset  court 
Browne  George,  31  Commercial,  h.  op.  13  Front 
Browne  J.  Vincent  &  Co.  {W.  Lang),  W.   I.   goods,  11 

North  Market,  h.  11  Beacon 
Brownell  Gilbert,  dry  g'ds,  100  Washing,  h.  ISStaniford 
Brownell  Zebedee  G.  gilder,  h.  Travers 
Browning  Eunice  W.  h.  280  Cambridge 
Bruce  Benjamin,  33  Commercial  wf.  boards  11  Beacon 
Bruce  {Benjamin)  &  Richards  {J.  L.),mer.  33  Com.  wf. 
Bruce  Calvin,  W.  1.  gds,  13  India,  h.  QQ  Belknap 
Bruce  Cyrus,  harness  maker,  h.  rear  13  South  Margin 
Bruce  Henry,  U.  S.  Navy,  house  5  Orange 
Bruce  James  S.  merchant,  34  (/cntral  wf.  b'ds  18  Pearl 
Bruce  Jonathan,  pilot,  h.  Noyes  place 
Bruce  Lyman,  boatman,  h.  Noyes  place 
Bruce  Lyscom,  soda  manufacturer,  173  Tremont,  boards 

158  Washington 
Bruce  Mary,  h.  Grove 

Bruce  Rufus  L.  watchm.  and  jewel.  242,  h.  r.  1«8  Wash. 
Bruerton  Simeon,  whipmaker,  19  Dock  sq.  h.r.  59  Poplar 
Brummet  John,  fruit.  Long  wf  h.  rear  6  Hollis 
Brummet  William,  sailmaker,  h.  3  Lancaster 
Brush  Sarah,  widow,  45  High 
Bryan  Jeremiah,  laborer,  h.  Creek  square 
Bryant  Anna,  widow,  h.  rear  411  Washington 
Bryant  David,  housewright,  h.  rear  115  Ann 
Bryant  Eleanor,  boarding  house,  9  Province  House  ct. 
Bryant  Gridley,  stone  contractor,  h.  Broadway 
Bryant  Harrison  C.  {Fisk,  Rice  &.  Co.),  h.  Vernon 
Bryant  John,  innholder,  La  Grange  House,  17  Union 
Bryant  John,  ropemaker,  C  street 
Bryant  {John),  Sturgis  {IVm.)  &  Co.  {Sam'l  Hooper,  ^^  J. 

B.jr.),  mer.  58  Commer.  wf.     B.'s  h.  61  Beacon 
Bryant  Louisa,  widow,  h.  rear  30  North  Russell 
Bryant  Nath.  cabinetmaker,  Harlaem  pi.,  h.  347  Wash. 
Bryant  Oliver  H.  5  Vernon 

Bryant  Seth  (Mitchell  &  5.),  h.  Bulfinch  cor.  Court 
Bryant  Southworth,  chair  painter,  33  Exchange 
Bryant  Timothy,  teller  Commercial  Bank 
Bryant  Thomas,  grocer,  Leveret,  h.  3  1-2  Spring 


Bryant  Wra.  H.  confectioner,  boards  53  Fayette 

Bryarty  Philip,  laborer,  rear  Church  near  the  railroad 

Bryden  James,  pianofortemaker,  7  Bridge 

Brydee  Abigail,  widow,  h.  11  Charter 

Bryent  (Walter)  &  Herman   (Leopold),  sto\cs,  27  Milk. 

B.'s  house  81  Essex 
Bubier  Joseph,  sailmaker,  130  Sea,  h.  rear  89  Sea 
Buchanan  Alexander,  housewright,  h.  22  Hamilton 
Buckingham  Joseph  T.  ed.  Boston  Courier,  22  Congress 
Buckingham  Joseph  H.  editor  B.  Courier,  h.  Cook  ci. 
Buckley  Daniel,  sawyer,  rear  gun  house,  Forlhill 
Buckley  James,  brassfounder,  Bromf.  pi.  h.  r.  2  Province 
Buckley  Matthew,  Lion  Theatre,  boards  6  Sewall  place 
Buckmar  John,  captain,  9  Hartford  place 
Buckman  Elihu,  h.  rear  9  Brighton 
Buckman  J.  C.     See  Sparhawk  &  Buckman 
Bucknam  Jesse.     See  Russell  &  B. 
Budd  Nathaniel,  baker,  191  Hanover 
Buell  Loveman,  distiller,  h.  Warren  st.  chapel 
BufEnton  John,  saddler,  h.  rear  165  Washington 
Bugard  B.  F.  instructer  French  language.  Masonic  Tem. 
Bugbee  Edward,  hairdresser,  601  Washington,  h.  do. 
Bugbee  Elizabeth,  wid.  of  Morris,  h.  59  Myrtle 
Bugbee  Leander,  shoes,  61  Cambridge,  h.  9  Centre 
Bugbee  William,  housewright,  h.  rear  89  Sea 
Bugbee  Willard,  h.  25  Second 
Bugnon  Charlotte,  widow,  h.  57  Myrtle 
Buhler  Joseph,  laborer,  rear  100  Warren 
Bulfinch  Charles,  h.  3  Bumstead  place 
,Bulfinch  George  S.  counsellor,  5  Court 
Bulfinch  Thomas,  62  Kilby,  h.  3  Bumstead  place 
Bulger  James,  laborer,  3d  street 
Bulger  Patrick,  h.  44  Pond 

Bull  Ephraim  W.  gold  beater,  54  Cornhill,  h.  7  Fayette 
Ball  George,  crockery,  47]  Wash.  h.  Mechanic  place 
BuUard  Caroline,  house  496  Washington 
Bullard  Calvin  &  Francis,  lumber  wf  Front,  h.  16  Oak 
Bullard  Charles,  70  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Bullard  Charles  (Otis  B.  &  Co.),  h.  8  Fayette 
Bullard  Charles,  ornamental  painter,  r.  843  Washington 
Bullard  Eleazer,  h.  rear  156  Hanover 
Bullard  Francis,  house  16  Oak 
Bullard  Isaac,  70  Pond 

Bullard  Jabez,  h.  512  Washington  cor.  of  Oak 
Bullard  Jas  ,  grocer,  Causeway,  c.  Lancas.,  h.  14  Bridge 


Bullard  Leonard  {Adams  &  B.)j  h,  20  Chambers 
Bullard  Lewis,  painter,  Essex  cor.  Short,  h.  7  Beach 
Bullard  {Leicis)  &  Ballord  {Albert),  iron  store,  19  Com. 
Bullard  Otis  &  Co.  {Charles  Bullard),  lumber  wf.  Front 
Bullard  Mary  Ann,  widow  of  Silas,  h.  4  Pearl  place 
Bullard  Warner,  sexton,  li.  8  Hartford  place 
Bullock  Jabez,  mason,  rear  7  Milton 
Bullock  Luther,  mason,  h.  52  Orange 
Bumford  Robert,  soapstone  cutter,  h.  Carroll  place 
Bumstead  Jeremiah,  h.  22  Bowdoin 
Bumstead  John  {Trott  &  B.),  h.  2  Bumstead  place 
Bumstead  Joseph,  bookseller,  5  Milk,  h.  rear 
Bumstead  {Josiah)  &  Son   {Josiah  F.),  paper  hangings, 

133  Washington,  h.  22  Bowdoin 
Bumstead  Josiah  F.  h.  G2  Beacon 
Bumstead  Sarah,  widow,  rear  417  Washington 
Bumstead  Sarah,  rear  409  Washington 
Bundy  Francis,  mason,  h.  83  Elliot 
Bunnell  Edwin  F.  dep.  naval  officer,  Custom  House,  h. 

83  Mount  Vernon 
Buntin  Robert,  housewright,  61  Pond,  h.  8  N.  Margin 
Buoncore  Levina,  school,  Masonic  Temple,  h.  35  Sea 
Buoncore  Lewis,  fruit,  etc.  1  Washington,  h.  35  Sea 
Burbank  Aaron,  handcartman,  Canal 
Burbank  Paul  D.  stage  driver,  h.  13  Hamilton 
Burbeck  Edward,  cooper,  2  Hull 
Burbeck  Henry,  painter,  house  rear  65  Charter 
Burbeck  Thomas,  sailmaker,  h.  Merrimac 
Burbeck  Wm.  H.  clerk  Custom  H.  b'ds  at  Heman  Fay's 
Burchmore  Francis,  h.  Fruit 
Burchstead  Benjamin  B.  sailmaker,  h.  26  Short 
Burchsted  {Benj.),  Leavitt  {David)  &  Co,  {John  A.  Phil- 
lips), shipw'ts,  N.  side  Otis's  wf.  B.'s  h.  Gibbs  lane 
Burchsted  Nancy,  widow,  rear  108  Purchase 
Burckes  Lewis,  cabinetmaker, 29,  h.  108  Salem 
Burckes  Martin.     See  Bradford  &  B. 
Burdett  S.  bookstore,  18  Court.     See  advertisement 
Burditt  Benj.  A.  musician,  h.  Southac  cor.  W.  Centre 
Burditt  {Henry)  &  Lewis  {David),  saddlery  hardware,  3^ 

Kilby.     B.'s  h.  Winter  place 
Burditt  James  W  bookseller,  27  Court 
Burditt  Nathan,  saddler,  h.  9  West 
Burges  Joshua,  housewright,  h.  5  Piedmont 
Burgess  Benj.  &  Son  (JVathan  B.  Gibbs) ,  mer.  24  India 
wf.  h.  High  corner  Summer 

104        "  DIRECTORY. 

Burgess  {Charles  S.)  &  Waldron  {Horatio  G.),  painters, 

346  Washington,  h.  5  Norfolk  place 
Burgess  Janjes  C.  founder,  Silver  street 
Burgess  John,  stevedore,  South  cor.  Essex 
Burgess  Josiah,  carpenter,  rear  3d  street 
Burgess  William  G.,  W.  I.  g'ds,  123  Broad,  h.  Oliver 
Burk  Walter,  laborer,  rear  Lenox 
Burke  Catherine,  widow,  house  Avery- 
Burke  John,  laborer,  Humphrey  place 
Burke  Pascal  B.  grocer,  126,  h.  145  Court 
Burke  Richard,  baker,  rear  George 
Burke  Walter,  housewright,  h.  rear  Gridley 
Burke  William,  house  Butolph 
Burleigh  Benjamin,  truckman,  Robinson  lane 
Burleigh  Ezra,  housewright,  Tileston's  wf.  h.  r.  83  Sea 
Burleigh  (Stevens)  tSi.  Dyer  {Tkos.  D.),  distillers,   Front. 

B.'s  house  8  13each 
Burley  David  R.  innholder,  Wash.  Hotel,  835  Washing. 
Burnham  Arthur,  housewright,  113  Chambers 
Burnham  Benjamin  M.  67  Hanover,  h.  Salem 
Burnham  C.  bookseller,  58  Cornhill 
Burnham  Edward,  clerk,  boards  6  Hay  ward  place 
Burnham  Samuel  M.  leather,  B  street 
Burnham  Thomas,  bookstore,  58  Cornhill 
Burnham  (JVillard)  ♦&  Dow  (Jas.  G.),  dry  g'ds,  21  Kilby 
Burnett  Warren,  provis.  505  Wash.   h.  r.  2  Plymouth  pi. 
Burnet  Henry, Jaborer,  58  Prince 
Burnet  I.  F.  houscl2    Hanover 
Burnett  William,  laborer.  Commercial 
Burns  Daniel,  IMechanic 
Burns  George,  laborer,  Batterymarch 
Burns  James,  laborer,  78  Purchase 
Burns  John,  marble  yard,  Haverhill 
Burns  John,  laborer,  137  Broad 
Burns  Joseph,  h.  Carroll  place 
Burns  Mary,  milliner,  68  Salem 

Burns  Michael,  book  agent,  112  Wash.  h.4th  st.  See  adv. 
Burns  Owen,  laborer,  house  rear  3  Mason 
JBurns  Robert.     See  Blodgett  &  B. 
Burns  Terence,  laborer,  86  Broad 
Burr  A.  milliner,  4  Beacon 
Burr  Henry  S.  housewright,  h.  24  Atkinson 
Burr  Laban,  stageman,  16  Green 
Burr  Martin,  tailor,  78  Hanover,  h.  4  Beacon 
Burr  Robert,  trunks,  3  Hanover 


Burr  Theophilus,  housevvright,  Brighton  corner  Allen,  h. 

rear  15  Poplar 
Burrage  William,  currier,  22  North  Market 
Burrill  Azariah  S.  house  51  Temple 
Burrill  Eunice,  widow,  h.  rear  427  Washington 
Burrill  John,  gratemaker,  Charlestown 
Burrill  John,  jeweller,  73  Cornhil!,h.  194  Tremont 
Burrill  John,  innholder,  112  Cambridge 
Burrill  Maria,  principal  of  Havve's  Institute,  Broadway 
Burrill  Martha,  widow,  house  Moon 

Burrill  (Lyman)  &,  Slow  (JVm.),  dry  goods,  88  Hanover 
Burrill  Nathan,  clerk  in  Post  Office,  h.  20  N.  Russell 
Burrison  Gustavus,  waterman,  h.  Battery 
Burroughs  George,  house  3  Hollis 
Burroughs  Henry,  teller  Suffolk  Bank,  h.  3  Hollis 
Burroughs  William,  rear  Cross 

Burrows  Benjamin,  grocer,  277  Ann,  h.  11  Commercial 
Burrows  (Jcme)  Sl  Learned  (Hajinah),  milliners, 64  Hanov. 
Burrows  John  B.  housewright,  h.  Charlestown 
Burrows  Richard,  mason,  rear  Henchman  lane 
Burt  James  {Gerry  ^^  B.),  house  Williams 
Burt  John,  pianoforlemaker,  h.  54  Essex 
Burt  John  S.  machinist,  h.  10  Grove 
Burt  Margaret,  widow  of  William,  h.  2  Lowell  place 
Burton  Hazen  J.  {Ehen.  Collins  dy-  Co.),  h.  7  Central  ct. 
Burton  John,  engineer,  D  street 
Burton  Sarah,  boarding  house,  2  Friend 
Bush  Alice,  5  South  May 
Bush  Benjamin  W.  house  1  Harvard 
Bush  Frederick  T.  {Merritt  S^  B.),  h.  Temple  place 
Bush  Jotham,  chair  dealer,  G  N.  Market,  h.  14  Spring 
Bush  Samuel  L.  (Stone,  Seaver  ^  B.),  h.  Temple  place 
Buss  Asaph  E.,  W.  I.  goods,  8  Boylston 
Buss  Sarah,  boarding  house,  1  Bromfield 
Buswel  Jacob,  housewright,  Church  near  South  Cedar 
Butler-Abel,  housewright.  Commercial 
Butler  Abigail,  widow,  7  Salem  place 
Butler  B.  F.  (Sandborn  &  B.),  h.  East  Boston 
Butler  Elizabeth,  widow,  Essex  cor.  Oliver  place 
Butler  James,  merchant,  32  India  wf.  h.  7  Chambers 
Butler  Julia,  widow,  rear  12  Washington  place 
Butler  Matihew,  victualler,  Lindall,  h.  Harvard  place 
Butler  Michat;!,  laborer,  h.  rear  76  Charles 
Butler  Nathaniel,  mason,  rear  3  East 
Butler  Richard,  laborer,  257  Ann 


Butler  Thomas,  ropemaker,  Grove 

Butman  Edward,  housevvright,  12  Piedmont  cor.  Church 

Butmaii  Eliza,  widow,  Theatre  alley 

Butman  Lucy  W.  boarding  house,  I  Nassau 

Butman  Mehitable,  widow,  14  Batterymarch 

Butterfield  Aaron,  housewright,  h.  15  Spring 

Butterfield  Ahnira,  widow,  rear  42  Salem 

Butterfield  Isaac,  housewright,  3  Thacher 

Butterfield  John,  grocer,  cor.  Canton  and  Suflblk,  h.  do. 

Butterfield  Sewall,  cooper,  Churchill's  wharf,   boards  2 

South  Bennet 
Butterfield  Simeon,  fish  and  oil,  38  Long  wharf 
Butterfield  (S.)  &  Winn  (Charles  J),  93  F.  H.  market 
Buttrick  (Miel)  &  Patch  {Abijah),  truck,  c.  r.  118  State 
Buttrick  Abiel,  house  7  Sheafe 
Buttrick  Cyrus,  truckman,  h.  9  Lowell  place 
Butts  Isaac  R.  printer,  2  School,  h.  85  Prince 
Buzel  Solomon  C.  3  Central  wf  boards  9  Morton  place 
Byers  Joseph,  printer,  b.  1  West 
Byles  Catharine,  Nassau  Green,  46  Tremonl 
Byram  Robert  J.  lock  maker,  719  Wash.  h.  2  Suffolk 
Byrne  Martin,  h.  Spring  lane 
Byrne  Martin,  h.  opposite  5  Lindall 
Byrne  Margaret,  widow,  381  Washington 
Byrnes  William  M.,  Secretary  Franklin  Insurance  Co. 

CABOT  EDWARD,  shin  brok.  49  State,  b'ds  637  Wash! 

Cabot  George  D.  16  Hayward  place 

Cabot  Henry,  house  32  Summer 

Cabot  Henry,  sign  painter,  Blackstone,  h.  35  Chambers 

Cabot  Joseph,  gilder.  Union,  h.  rear  142  Hanover 

Cabot  J.  L.  &.  G.  D.  15  Rowe's  wf  h.  8  Somerset  place 

Cabot  Lucy,  h.  16  Hayward  place 

Cabot  Richard  C.  9  Tudor's  building,  boards  4  Pearl 

Cabot  Samuel  {Perkins  &  Co.),  h.  Temple  place 

Cadogan  John,  boarding,  6  Wharf 

Caffray  James,  grocer,  111  Ann 

Cahagen  James,  grocer,  163  Ann 

Cahill  Alice,  widow,  Piedmont  near  Church 

Cahill  Thomas,  h.  Hamilton  alley 

Cain  Elizabeth,  clothing,  100  Broad,  h.  10  Wharf 

Cain  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  Front  opposite  Beach 

Cains  Thomas,  glass  manufacturer,  h.  2d  street 

Calder  N.  H.  106  Faneuil  Hall  market 

Calder  William,  type  founder,  18  Hull 


Caldwell  Enoch,  provisions,  48  Pond,  li.  29  Thacher 
Caldwell  Jonathan  P.  dry  goods,  21  Court 
Caldwell  Daniel,  housewr't,  Battery  wf.  h.  Greenough  la. 
Caldwell  John  P.  apothecary,  cor.  4th  st.  and  Turnpike 
Calef  {Hiram)  &  Downing  {E.  P.),  W.  I.  g'ds,   Charles- 
town  cor.  Cooper 
('alfe  N.  S.  &,  J.  liv.  stable,  Tileston's  wf.  h.  85  Summer 
Calhoun  Charles,  Clerk  of  the  Senate,  h.  78  Federal 
Call  Abraham  &  Co.  {John  M.),  tailors,  29  Court,  house 

13  Fayette 
Callahan  Francis,  laborer,  19  Hamilton 
Callahan  Humphrey,  laborer,  143  Broad 
Callahan  John,  teamster,  12  Stillman 
Callahan  Mary,  11  Lincoln 
Callahan  Patrick,  laborer,  Spring  lane 
Callender  Benj.  {W.  T.  Eustis  &  Co.),  h.  101  Pleasant 
Cailender  Charles,  circulating  library  and  h.  25  School 
Callender  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Joseph,  12  Front 
Callender  George,  merch.  42  Central  wf  h.  5  Kingston 
Callender  John  B.  grocer,  166  Washington,  h.  4  Mason 
Callender  Richard  B.,  W.  I.  g'ds,  22  India,  h.  5  Kingston 
Callender  William,  turner,  52  Prince 
Callender  William  B.  grocer,  54  Court,  h.  5  Green 
Callow  Jared,  printer,  68  Charter 
Calhim  Ebenezer,  baker,  h.  5  Stillman  place 
Calrow  Joseph,  7  Congress  square,  h.  Henchman  lane 
Calrow  Wm.  H.  pocket  book  manufac.  5  Cornhill  square, 
house  Henchman  lane 

Cambell  Andrew,  Blackstone 

Cambell  Daniel  G.  h.  22  Fulton 

Cambell  David,  boarding,  23  Brattle 

Cambridge  Frederick,  liarnessmaker,  92,  h.  90  Cambridge 

Cambridge  Julia,  widow,  143  Broad 

Campbell  Daniel  W.  tailor,  over  44  Ann 

Campbell  Duncan,  h.  10  Bridge  street  court 

Can:;pbell  Eliza,  widow,  Wlieeler  court 

Campbell  Jane,  widow  of  John,  99  Pond 

Campbell  Jere.  victualler,  46  N.  Market,  h.  18  Richmond 

Campbell  John,  rigger,  3  Battery 

Campbell  John,  115  Faneuil  Hall  market,  h.  Cooper 

Campbell  John,  laborer,  rear  59  Ann 

Campbell  John,  laborer,  58  Prince 

Campbell  John.     See^mith&C. 

Campbell  John,  jeweller,  28  Washington,  h.  17  Portland 

Campbell  John  M.  clothing  store,  37  and  39,  h.  41  Ann 


Campbell  John,  jr.  paperhanger,  Pond  near  Htmover 
Campbell  Susan,  widow,  Battery 
Campbell  William  H.  painter,  h.  105  Milk 
Caneday  Bera,  cordwainer,  Myrtle  cor.  S.  Russell 
Caneday  V.  cordwainer,  16  Myrtle 
Canfield  Nelson  H.  cabinetmaker,  h.  41  Poplar 
Cannahan  Robert,  plumber,  h.  Robinson  lane 
Cannon  Cornelius,  handcartraan,  2  Scott  court 
Canny  John,  grocer,  144  Ann 

Canterbury  Ira,  cabinetmaker,  h.  rear  667  Washington 
Canterbury  Jacob,  h.  5  Portland 
Capen  Abby,  fancy  goods,  1  Bovvdoin  square 
Capen  Andrew,  40  Essex 

Capen  (Josiuh)  &  Lyon  {Charles)^  coachmakers,   Haw- 
ley.     C.'s  h.  Jackson  place 
Capen  Josiah  W.  laborer,  2d  street 
Capen  Lemuel,  Rev.,  Old  Road,  South  Boston 
Capen  Margaret  F.  widow,  op.  75  Bedford 
Capen  Nahum  {Marsh,  Capen  &  Lyon),  h.  40  Essex 
Capen  Phineas,  clerk  Probate  office,  h.  9  Derne 
Capen  Stoddard,  instructerj  house  op.  75  Bedford 
Capen  William,  leather,  29  Broad,  h.  71  Bedford 
Capewell  William  P.  victualler,  52  N.  Market,  h.  2  Salt  la. 
Carberry  Patrick,  grocer,  81  Broad 
Carey  Charles,  stone  mason,  rear  4th  street 
Carey  Daniel,  laborer,  2d  street 
Cargill  Daniel,  housewright,  h.  9  Friend  street  place 
Cargill  James,  printer,  h.  8  Boylston  square 
Cargill  Thomas  M.  J.  printer,  h.  Cooper 
Carlborg  Charles  Gustavus,  sexton,  boards  4  Elliot  court 
Carlen  Andrew,  pedlar,  4  Wharf 
Carlen  Barney,  laborer,  Well  cor.  Bread 
Carlen  John,  victualler,  5  Wharf 
Carleton  Guy,  jr.  shoes  and  leather,  33  N.  Market 
Carleton  Hannah,  widow  of  Jonathan,  h.  Tremont 
Carleton  James,  laborer,  664  Washington 
(!)arleton  John  K.  cooper,  Richmond 
Carleton  Moses  &  Co.  paper  store,  116  State 
Carleton  Wm.  manufacturer,  rear  12  Beach,  h.  2  Kneeland 
Carlisle  J.  boarding,  30  Cross 
Carlton  (John)  &  Tainter  {JV.  C),  cellar,  5  Market  sq. 

Carlton's  house  rear  13  Atkinson 
Carlton  Joseph,  housewright,  house  4  South  street  place 
Carlton  Sarah  P.  widow,  2  Hawley 
Carmichael  Archibald,  laborer,  rear  42  Congress 


Carnes  Edward  &  Son  (Edward,  jr.),  riggers,  Cross  cor. 

Fulton,  house  U  Hull 
Carnes  Henry,  clothing,  14  Ann,  house  Prince 
Carnes  Joshua  A.  clothing  store,  47  Ann,  h,  17  Prince 
Carnes  Rachael,  widow,  3  Hull 

Carnes  Wnrj.  R.  cabinetmaker,  2  Pond,  h.  175  Hanover 
Carnes  (JV/ji.  R.)  &  Brown  (Francis),  furniture  dealers, 

cor.  Blackstone  and  Ann 
Carney  Andrew,  clothes,  40  Ann 
Carney  Daniel,  laborer,  4G  Front 
Carney  Edward,  laborer,  rear  83  Broad 
Carney  James,  laborer,  rear  East  near  Sea 
Carney  John,  laborer,  rear  Friend  near  Portland 
Carney  Mary,  widow,  rear  93  Warren 
Carney  Nathaniel  B.  boards  2  La  Grange  place 
Carney  William,  laborer,  3  Bread 
Carpenter  Abijah  B.  sawyer,  rear  5  Suffolk 
Carpenter  Alfred,  coppersmith,  7  Rowe's  wharf,  house 

164  Purchase 
Carpenter  Ann,  confectionary,  284  Washington 
Carpenter  Ann,  widow.  Piper's  wharf 
Carpenter  Geo.  mes.  Appraiser's  dep.  C.  H.  h.  63  Charter 
Carpenter  Margaret,  widow,  rear  4{i  Pleasant 
Carpenter  Orsmus,  laborer.  Leveret  court 
Carpenter  Oren,  clerk,  525  Washington 
Carpenter  Ruggles,  laborer,  rear  200  Washington 
Carpenter  Thomas,  shoemaker,  h.  rear  80  Tremont 
Carr  Catharine,  widow,  rear  81  Sea 
Carr  John,  laborer,  rear  675  Washington 
Carr  Joseph,  refresh.  Cornhill  ct.  h.  6  Pleasant  st.  ct. 
Carr  Julia  Ann,  h.  5  Bridge  street  court 
Carr  Moses,  housewright,  house  and  shop  15  Piedmont 
Carrol  Dennis,  laborer,  Front  near  Castle 
Carrol  James,  laborer,  J 04  Sea 
Carrol  James,  Harnilton  alley 
Carrol  John,  laborer,  rear  Fourth 
Carrol  Robert,  fruit  cellar,  335  1-2  Washington 
Carrol  Thomas,  glass  dealer,  house  rear  22  Federal 
Carrol  Thomas  H.  laborer,  Avery 
Carroll  John,  grocer,  106  Broad 
Carroll   (John  F.)    &  Yendley  (Joseph),  manufac.  paper 

hangings,  93  Water.     C.'s  h.  Hamilton 
Carruth  F.  S.  &  Nalh.  druggists,  4  Long  wharf 
Carruth  Nathan,  house  179  Hanover 
Carsen  Thomas,  mariner,  1  Henchman  lane 


Carson  Barney,  laborer,  rear  16  South  Bennet 

Carson  John,  laborer,  325  Broad 

Carson  William  D.  hiborer,  rear  110  Sea 

Carter  Ann,  school,  58  Tremont 

Carter  Artemas,  40  Central,  h.  9  Bulfinch 

Carter  David  &  Co.  {James  Hendley  (^  Collins  Stevens)^ 

lasts,  45  North  Market 
Carter  Ehenezer,  innholder,  Suffolk  House,  Elm 
Carter  Eiisha,  teamster,  h.  491  Washington 
Carter  George  T.  confectioner,  Hanover  cor.  Union 
Carter  H.  W.  millinery  and  dressmaking,  491  Wash. 
Carter  Henry  {H.  M.  Holbrook  .^  Co.),  b'ds  Kilburn's 
Carter  Henry.     See  Holbrook,  Bow-^man  &.  Co. 
Carter  H.  W.  instructer,  165  Tremont,  h.  9  Bulfinch 
Carter  Isaac  S.  cabinetmaker,  593,  boards  484  Wash. 
Carter  James,  merchant,  Liverpool  vvf.  h.  65  Summer 
Carter  James  W.,  W.  I.  goods,  Bromfield,  h.  4  Winter 
Carter  John,  58  Tremont 
Carter  John,  slater,  house  rear  11  Short 
Carter  John  H.  coppersmith,  12  Marshall,  h.  30  Myrtle 
Carter  Lucy  and  Louisa,  1  Province 
Carter  {Luke),  Coolidge  {C.  L.)  &,  Co.  (L.   C.  Childs), 

dry  goods,  46  Kilby.     Carter's  house  3  Vernon 
Carter  Mary,  widow,  rear  gun  house,  Fort  hill 
Carter  Oliver,  clerk,  house  598  Washington 
Carter  Richard  B.     See  Wilkins  &  Co. 
Carter  Sewall,  house  33  Cambridge 
Carter  Thomas,  h.  454  Washing. 
Carter  Thomas,  housewright,  foot  of  Richmond 
Carter  Timothy,  stable  and  house  opposite  22  Federal 
Carter  T.  H.  counting  room,  over  135  Washington 
Cartret  Samuel,  painter,  house  7  Blossom 
Cartwright  Charles  W.,  Pres.  Manufacturers'  Ins.  Co. 

house  11  Hartford  place 
Cartwright  John,  painter,  rear  Leveret  court 
Cartwright  {John  W.)  &,  Thayer  ( C.  L),  merch's,  32  India 
Carver  Charles,  cordwainer,  h.  Nassau  court  c.  Tremont 
Carver  David,  jr.  tailor,  8  Court,  house  Barton 
Carver  George,  cordwainer,  6  Sweetser  court 
Carver  Maria,  widow  of  William,  h.  op.  40  Front 
Carver  Reuben,  bath  house,  Prince,  h.  29  Leveret 
Carver  Thomas,  shoemaker,  house  Essex  court 
Cary  Adeline  E.  widow,  4  Piedmont 
Cary  Alpheus,  stonecutter.  Front,  h.  2  Newton  place 
Cary  Betsey,  widow,  Orange  lano 

'      DIRECTORY.  1  1 1 

Gary  George  B.  (J.  Bradlee  ^  Co.),  h.  3  Bowdoin  place 
Gary  (G.  S.)  &  Spring  (/.  H.),  combs  and  fancy  goods, 

52  Kilby 
Gary  Isaac,  copperplate  printer,  204  Wash.  h.  29  Orange 
Gary  (Isaac  H),  Boynton  (J.)  &  Woodford  (P.  i^.)  Jew- 
ellers and  comb  makers,  54  Washington 
Gary  Jane,  vidow  of  Elijah,  rear  110  Sea 
Gary  Joseph,  baker,  15  South  Russell 
Gary  Peter,  laborer,  rear  8S  Warren 
Gary  Phineas,  stone  mason,  22  South  Russell 
Gary  Thomas  G.  (Perkins  S^  Co.),  h.  Temple  place 
Garyl  Ruth,  house  107  Pleasant 
Garyl  Simeon,  laborer,  house  Gharlestown 
Gase  Flavel,capt.  of  the  watch,  off.  G.  H.  h.  r.TGolumbia 
Gase  John  M.,  F  street 

Gasey  Edward,  victualler,  3  Water,  house  Spring  lane 
Gasey  Jeremiah,  laborer,  Humphrey  place 
Gasey  William,  laborer,  house  Glark 
Gashen  John,  slater,  Gentre 
Gashman  Edmund,  laborer,  house  14  Avery 
Gashraan  John,  pedlar,  112  Broad 
Gasmay  John,  laborer,  Bumstead  court 
Gsss  John,  house  2  Ghambers  street  court 
Gass  John  A.  machinist,  h.  Turnpike 
Gass  Samuel,  h.  21  Salem  cor.  Gross 
Gassady  Edwin,  painter,  h.  rear  253  Wasli. 
Gassady  John,  sawyer,  rear  Ghurch,  near  the  rail  road 
Gassell  Edmund  D.  painter,  66  Gornhill,  h.  8  Vine 
Gasson  Henry,  laborer,  Gommercial  near  Prince 
Gastalow  Thomas,  house  2  Lyman  place 
Castolo  Dennis,  laborer,  h.  19  Hamilton 
Gastolo  William,  laborer,  19  Hamilton 
Gastle  Andrew,  laborer,  h.  Suffolk,  rear  Lucas  place 
Gaswell  Ghester,  teamster,  h.  rear  61  South 
Gaswell  Elizabeth,  widow,  6-55  Washington 
Gaswell  Richard,  ropemaker,  h.  31  Allen 
Gaswell  William,  laborer,  6  Boylston  square 
Gate  Ammon  (Snoio  S^  C),  h.  5  Prince 
Gate  James,  housewright,  h.  79  Essex 
Gate  John,  baker,  h.  rear  730  Washington 
Gate  Joseph,  housewright,  h.  3  Hamilton  court 
Gale  Nancy,  milliner,  599  Washington 
Gate  Samuel,  carpenter,  h.  448  Washington 
Gate  (S.)  &  Ball  (John),  coopers,  113  Milk  and 79  Comm. 
Gate's  house  3  Hamilton  court 


Gate  Wm  H.  block  maker,  h.  Commercial 

Caten  John,  laborer,  46  Front 

Caton  James,  glass  blower,  li.  Broadway 

Cavana  Dennis,  mariner,  rear  gun  house  Fort  hill 

Cavenaugh  Ellen,  laundress,  I'eck  lane 

Cavenaugh  John,  blacksmith,  h.  Carney  pi.  cor.  Wash. 

Cavenaugh  Michael,  laborer,  Dedham 

Cavenaugh  William,  carpenter,  2  Bay 

Caverly  Charles,  house  4  Wheeler's  court 

Cazenove  Louis  A.  13  S.  Market,  h.  40  High 

Cazneau  Isaac,  7  North  Bennet 

Cazneau  Margaret,  widow  of  Andrew,  14  Carver 

Ceeley  Hiram,  blacksmith,  4th  street 

Center  George,  tinplate  worker,  boards  11  Ash 

Center  Joseph  If.  machinist,  h.  4t)  Orange,  shop  rear 

Center  John,  46  Carver 

Center  John  S.  broker,  5  Exchange,  h.  Front  near  Essex 

Center  John,  212  Hanover 

Center  Sylvester,  broker,  h.  Front  near  Essex 

Cermenati  Paul,  tailor,  4  Congress  sq.  h.  Cooper 

Chace  (Caleb)  &  Grew  (Henry),  dry  g'ds,  C  &  8  Central 

('hace  Caleb,  house  3  Joy  place 

Chace  Daniel  K.  (Jlndreics  4'  C'o.),  h.  Tremont  House 

Chace  Joshua,  housewright,  b'ds  Cambridge  n.  the  bridge 

Chadbourn  (Humphry)  &  Libbey  (J.   B.),   wood  yard, 

Commercial.     C.'s  h.  29  Charter 
Chadbourn  Isaac,  cabinetmaker,  17  North  Russell 
Chadbourn  Seth,  blacksmith,  14  Hawley,h.  5  Sturgis  pi. 
Chadwell  Martha  Ann,  widow,  rear  57  Elliot 
Chadwick  Cynthia,  boardinghouse,  3d  street 
Chadwick  Ebenezer,merch.  70  State,  h.  17  Mt.  Vernon 
Chadwick  Eliza,  jiurse,  109  Chambers 
Chadwick  Isaac,  mariner,  h.  5  Lancaster 
Chadwick  John,  clerk,  h.  128  Charles 
Chadwick  Mehitabel,  widow,  h.  3  Avery  place 
Chafee  Jonathan,  mason,  h.  May 
Chaffee  Ezra,  captain,  1  Minot 

Chaffee  George  A.,  VV.  I.  goods,  24  Pinckney,  h.  May 
Chaffin  Darwin,  fancy  goods,  80  Wash,  b'ds  Hanover  H. 
Chaffin  John,  housewright,  h.  1  N.  Margin 
Chaffin  Moses  A.  house  133  Court 
Chalk  Wm.  blacksmith,  house  Ivers  near  Merrimac 
Chantberlain  Abigail,  dressmaker,  289  Washington 
Chamberlain  Ambrose.     See  C.  Valentine  &  Co. 
Chamberlain  Benjamin  P.     See  J.  D.  Gardner  &  Co. 


Chamberlain  A.  L.  grocer,  2  Pond 
Chamberlain  Edward,  house  Thacher  near  Pond 
Chamberlain  H.  P.  clothes,  86  Ann,  h.  21  Salem 
Chamberlain  Nathan  B.  phil.  apparatus,  9  School,  h.  May 
Chamberlain  Thomas  {Hill  &  Co.),  h.  Salem 
Chamberlain  William  H.  house  9  S.  Bennet 
Chamberlin  Carlos,  clerk,  305  Washington 
Chamberlin  Carmi  D.  blacksmith,  3  Cornhill  square 
Chamberlin  {Cephas  C.)   &  Mower  (S.  F.),   80  Faneuil 

Hall  market,  h.  29  Charter 
Chamberlin  Charles  C.  clerk,  boards  1  Bromfield 
Chamberlin  Charles  P.  45  F.  H.  market,  h.  13  Poplar 
Chamberlin  David,  grocer,  h.  and  shop  Essex  c.  Columbia 
Chamberlin  Daniel  {Hill,  C.  &/■  Co.),  h.  4Tremont  place 
Chamberlin  Edw.  crock.  Hano.  c.  Blackstone,  h.  Thacher 
Chamberlin  Edward,  36  Prince 
Chamberlin  {Eleazcr  D.)  &  Folsom  (/.  L.),  commission 

merchants,  62  Kilby 
Chamberlin  Ezra,  house  13  Gouch 
Chamberlin  Lyman,  smith,  Tileston's  wf.  h.  79  Essex 
Champney  Edward  W.  {Horr  &.  C.),h.3  Brattle  sq. 
Champney  Erastus,  cabinetmaker,  Boylston  place 
Champney  Eunice,  widow,  4  Pleasant  street  court 
Champney  James  H.  mess.  Wash.  Bank,  b'ds  2  Beach 
Champney  John,  jr.  grocer,  10  Sumner 
Champney  Joseph^  cooper,  h.  10  Piedmont 
Champney  Lydia,  widow  of  John  Y.  h.  5  Grove 
Champney  Mary,  widow,  62  Leveret 
Champney  Sam.  D.  groc.  c.  Elliot  and  Trem.  h.  10  Piedm. 
Champney  William  L.  housewright,  h.  Canton 
Chandler  {Miel),   Howard   {Benj.)  &  Co.  {E.  D.  Brig- 
ham), mer.  16  Central  wf.     C.'s  h.  118  Tremont 
Chandler  {Mexander  S.)  &  Reed  (T/towas),  caulker  and 

gravers.  Commercial  near  Hull 
Chandler  Andrew  J.  watchman,  16  South  Margin 
Chandler  Bradford,  painter.  Pond  near  Hanover 
Chandler  Benjamin,  housewright,  h.  6  Clark 
Chandler  Benjamin,  housewright.  North  Margin 
Chandler  Charles  N.  fruit,  cor.  Congress  and  Water,  h.  2 

High  St.  place 
Chandler  Ebenezer,  house  38  Merrimac 
Chandler  Henry,  laborer,  Clark  alley 
Chandler  Isaac,  house  10  Poplar 
Chandler  John,  merchant,  house  6  Arch 


Chandler  {John)  &  Greenleaf  {Richard  C),  dry  goods, 

325  Washington.     C.'s  h.  8  Pearl 
Chandler  {John  G.j,  Wright  {Edward)  &  Mallory  (7?ic/t- 

ard  P.),  engravers,  School 
Chandler  Jonathan,  turner,  Moon 

Chandler  Joseph,  pianofortemaker,  h.  south  794  Wash. 
Chandler  J.  S.  P.  {Kemp  &  C),  house  9  Brattle 
Chandler  Mary,  widow,  1  bridge  st.  avenue 
Chandler  Mary,  widow,  boarding  house,  8  Cross 
Chandler  Oliver,  biacksmilh,  W.  &  Pratt's  wf.  h.  7  Hull 
Chandler  Samuel,  painter,  house  G  Clark 
Chandler  William  D.  shipwright,  h.  129  Pleasant 
Chaney  Joseph,  housewright,  h.  20  Hamilton 
Chanley  Michael,  grocer,  93  Essex,  house  Essex  place 
Channing  George  G.  alcohol  laboratory.  Short 
Channing  Walter,  physician,  17C  Tremont  cor.  School 
Channing  William  E.  Rev.  49  Mount  Vernon 
Chapin  David  {Prcscott  &  C),  house  89  Front 
Chapin  L.  W.  widow  of  Aaron,  house  837  Washington 
Chapin  Martha  D.  bonnets,  311  Washington     • 
Chapin  C.  H.  G.,  W.  I.  goods,  Commercial 
Chapin  M.  J.  house  29  Prince 
Chapin  Orris  T.  tailor,  house  107  Hanover 
Chaplin  Lydia,  dressmaker,  6  Summer 
Chapman  Elizabeth,  widow,  3  Hanover  court 
Chapman  George  A.  printer,  house  3  North  Margin 
Chapman  George  H.  merchant,  70  State 
Chapman  Henry   &  Co.   {fJ.  G.  Chapman),  merchants, 

29  Central  wharf 
Chapman  Henry,  house  4  Chauncey  place 
Chapman  Henry  Grafton,  house  11  VVest 
Chapman  John,  provisions,  C  Pinckney 
Chapman  Jonathan,  20  Court,  house  52  Chesnut 
Chapman  Margaret,  widow  of  Jonathan,  h.  39  Chesnut 
Chapman  Samuel  B.  boarding,  1  Orange 
Charbonnel  John,  confectioner,  124  Cambridge 
Charlton  Patrick,  laborer,  Turnpike 
Chapman  Samuel  B.  boarding,  1  Orange 
Charter  Daniel,  laborer,  rear  732  Washington 
Charter  John  &  Co.  (James  Flagg),']\iu\<i   shop,   Chat- 
ham, h.  3  Cooper 
Charter  Htjnry  A.  barkeeper,  at  Exchange  Cofl'oe  Housf> 
Chase  Benjamin  W.  5  Exchange,  h.  Hollis  n.  Tremont 
Chase  Benjamin  W.  mariner.  Fleet 
Chase  Chauncey,  housew't,  Hobbs's  wf  h.  4  Sturgis  ph 

DIRECTORY.  1  15 

Cha?e  Elizabeth,  widow,  rear  81  Trcmont 
Cliase  IIezi;kiali  &,  Co.  (JY.  Berry),  mer.  24  Long  vvf. 
Clinsc  He7.ok.  S.  {Webster,  C.  &  Co.),  h.  5  Pearl  place 
Cliase  James,  mariner,  Greenougii  lane 
Chase  Josepli,  honsewriglit,  h.  4  Bath 
Chase  John,  li.  101  Chambers 
CJiase  Martiia,  widow,  h.  rear  22  S.  Russell 
Chase  Mary  Ann,  widow,  rear  52  Federal 
Chase  N.  G.  counting  room,  Bartlett's  wharf 
Chase  Plube,  widow,  rear  18  S.  Bennet 
Chase  Rowland,  hemp  manufacturer,  h.  9  Plymoulh 
Chase  Theodore,  h.  44  Beacon 

Ciiase  Tiiomas  C.  laborer,  h.  Commercial  near  Ann 
Cliase  Thomas  F.  dry  g'ds,  341  Wash,  b'ds  4  Sturgis  pi. 
Chase  Thorndike,  cordwainer,  Garden  court 
Chase  William  G.  hairdresser,  Cornhill  court 
Cheney  Alfred,  liackman,  8  Haymarket  pi. 
Cheney  J.  engraver,  rear  Suffolk  Bank,  CO  State 
Cheney  I.  H.  merchant,  43  India,  h.  6  Province  H.  ct. 
Cheney  Joseph,  harnessmaker,  548,  h.  rear  599  Wash. 
Cheney  Samuel,  optician,  h.  rear  132  Hanover 
Cheney  Timo.  bag.  mast.  B.  and  P.  Rail  R.,  b'ds  Church 
Cheevcr  Abigail,  widow,  1  Lowell  place 
Cheever  Daniel  S.  shoe  store,  Blackstone  n6ar  Ann 
Cheevcr  James,  leather,  35  N.  Market,  h.  28  Somerset 
Cheever  John,  h.  Blackstone 

Cheever  John,  housewright,  4  Bridge  street  court 
Cheever  Joshua,  house  60  Warren 
Clicever  Mary  Ann,  widow  of  Thomas,  65  Pleasant 
Cheever  William,  housewright,  h.  7  Pitts 
Cheever  William,  cordwainer,  South  Russell 
Chenelette  Victory,  boarding  house,  11  1-2  Atkinson 
Clierrington  Edmund,  upholsterer,  122  Court 
Cliesman  Loring,  rigger.  Unity 
Che,=!suian  Mosea,  laborer,  Batterman  place 
Chessman  Samuel,  W.  1.  goods,  h.  170  Hanover 
Chester  John,  h.5  Travers 

Chevalier  Francis,  musician,  h.  12"Pleasant  street  court 
Chick  Ala-ira,  widow,  h.  1  Blossom 
CJiickering  Deborali  D.  F.  widow,  14  Hay  ward  place 
Chickering  Horatio  {Grl<rgs  &  C),  h.  14  Hay  ward  pi. 
Chickering  Jesse,  physician,  1  Beach  cor.  Washington 
Chickering  Jonas,  pianoforte  maker,  416,  h.  502  Wash. 
Chickey  Francis  t^fe  Co.  {N.  M.  &  P.  A.),  plaster  figures, 
13  School 

116    '  DIRECTORY. 

Child  Daniel  F.  c.  room,  over  719,  h.  734  Washington 
Child  David,  81  Washin^'ton,  h.  27  Federal 
Child  Edward  H.  hairdresser,  422  Washing,  h.  Essex  ct. 
Child  George  H.  h.  2  Champney  place 
Child  Isaac,  house  734  Washington 
Child  John,  sailmaker,  13  Commercial,  h.  Unity 
Child  {Joseph)  &  Crocker  {R.  J.),  sailmakers,  2  N.  Mar- 
ket.    C.'s  h.  161  Hanover 
Child  Joshua,  bookkeeper  South  Bank 
Child  Mary,  nurse,  G  Boylston  square 
Child  Mary  F.  widow,  45  Pleasant 
Child  Moses,  laborer,  Claflen  place 
Child  Nehemiah,  laborer,  12  Hoilis 
Child  Richards,  h.  Hoilis,  cor.  Washington 
Child  Simeon,  school,  Hoilis,  house  19  Carver 
Child  Stephen,  wood  and  coal.  Front,  h.  598  Washington' 
Child  Thomas  (JV.  F.  Cunningham  8^  Co.),  h.  8  Pearl 
Child  Thomas,  weigher  and  ganger,  12  Long  wf. 
Childs  Abner,  jr.  iron  store,  98  Front,  h.  598  Washing, 
Childs  Luke  C.     See  Carter,  Coolidge  &  Co. 
Childs  Noah,  fruit,  5  Dock  sq.  h.  2  Spring  st.  court 
Childrens  Henry,  wool  stapler,  h.  18  Milton 
Chipman  Charles,  mason,  h.41  Bridge 
Chipman  Nathaniel,  oysters,  4th  street,  Franklin  market 
Chisole  Emanuel,  housewright,  8  Gouch 
Chittenden  Charles  J.  (Proiitij  &  C),  h.  Broadway 
Choate  Charles,  physician,  27  Howard 
Choate  Dudley,  blacksmith,  F  street 
Choate  Rufus,  attorney,  4  Court,  h.  23  Bedford 
Choristed  James,  nailer,  Turnpike 
Chorley  John,  clerk  Mer.  Bank,  h.  rear  Savings  Bank 
Christian  John,  stone  mason,  h.  Hamilton  alley 
Christian  Paul,  musician,  h.  15  Province  House  ct. 
Christian  Richard,  mason,  77  Warren 
Christianson  Andrew  A,  sailmaker,  4th  st. 
Christie  James,  boarding  house,  224  Ann 
Christy  Roland,  23  Richmond 

Christy  Thomas,  saddler,  12  Court,  h.  rear  26  Chambers. 
Chubbuck  Anthony,  caulker,  h.  3d  st.  cor.  I  sl;reet 
Chubbuck  Elizabeth,  widow,  opposite  20  Avery 
Church  Susan,  widow.  111  Cambridge 
Church  Truman,  mason,  h.  South  st.  place 
Churchill  Francis,  housewright,  7  1-2  Prince 
Churchill  Ivory,  housewright,  3d  street 
Churchill  Peleg,  fish  packer,  T  wf.  h.  45  Carver 


Chiircliil!  William.     Sec  J.  Collamorc,  jr.  &,  Co. 

Churoliill  William  F.  3  S.  Maririn 

Chute  Ellen,  widow,  Theatre  alley 

Cliute  Nichols,  laborer,  Theatre  alley 

Chute  Mary,  widow,  74  Warren 

Clafien  James  S.  painfer,  Sprini;:  lane,  h.  Claflen  p!ac«» 

Claflen  Margaret,  widow,  52  Fayette 

Claflen  Otis,  truckman,  h.  Claflen  place 

Clansey  John,  laborer,  h.  A  st. 

Clap  Plinoy,  truckman,  Go  Broad,  h.  5  Pitts 

Clapp  Asahnl,  \G  India 

Clapp  Artemas,  confectioner,  rear  10  Lynde 

Clapp  Alex.  H.  cordvvainer,  h.  5  Pinckney 

Clapp  (Benj.)  tfc  Goddard  (E.  fV.),  coopers,  Richmond 

Ciapp  Benjamin,  h.  North  Bonnet 

Clapp  David,  jr.  book  and  job  print,  and  pub.  Med.  Journ. 

184  Washington 
Clapp  Derastus,  constable,  3  Franklin  av.  h.  r.  427  Wash. 
Clapp  Ebenezer,  jr.  inspector  Custom 
Clapp  Frederick,  h.  Baldwin  place 
Clapp  Galen,  handcartman,  rear  93  Warren 
Clapp  George  P.  tailor,  house  59  Myrtle 
Clapp  Herjry,  jr.  clerk,  20  India,  boards  27  Somerset 
Clapp  Isaac,  broker,  6S  Broad 

Clapp  Isaac  P.  nier.  tailor,  7  Cong.  sq.  h.  4  Central  ct. 
Ciapp  I.  B.  clerk,  h.  17  Piovince  House  ct. 
Clapp  James,  mason,  h.  50  Chambers 
Clapp  James,  captain,  78  Pond 
Clapp  John  (LfAcis  &  C),  boards  C  Carver 
Clapp  Mdry,  widow  of  Elisha,  h.  18  Winthrop  place 
Clapp  Nathaniel,  boarding  house,  G  Sufl'olk  place 
Clapp  Otis,  Ciro.  Library,  11  School,  h.  4  Federal  ct. 
Clapp  Pliney,  truckman,  32  Friend 
Clapp  Sally,  Williams  court 

Clapp  Samuel,  jr.  W.  I.  goods,  747,  h.  745  Washington 
Clapp  Sarah,  80  Pinckney 

Ciapp  Stephen  R.  pianoforte  maker,  h.  19  Orange 
Clapp  Wm.  W.  ed.  Ev.  Gaz.  14  Congress,  h.  Temple  pi. 
Clapp  Washington,  printer,  h.  lOG  Pond 
Clark  {MkinsJi.)  &  Kellogg  {Theodore),  harness  makers, 

7  Ilawley  place 
Clark  Abigail  C.  nurse,  13  Hawkins 
Clark  Alexander,  house  57  Merrimac 
Clark  Alvan,  miniature  painter,  15  Franklin  cor.  Wash. 
Clark  Alexander,  boarding,  1  Phillips  place 


Clark  Alexander,  carpenter,  rear  8  Fayette 

Clark  Alexander,  waggoner,  corner  A  and  3d  streets 

Clark  Augustus,  boards  11  Beacon 

Clark  Amos,  upholsterer,  2  Leveret 

Clark  Benjamin,  housewright,  h.  rear  66  Warren 

Clark  Benj.  cooper,  Commercial,  h.  op.  189  Hanover 

Clark  Benj.  wine  store,  9  North  Market 

Clark  Benj    C.  &  Co.   (C.   G.  JVazro),  merchants,   G3 

Commercial  wf.  h.  35  Beacon 
Clark  Bradley  M.  painter,  71  Broad 
Clark  Calvin  W.  (S.  May  8,"  Co.),  h.  7  Elliot 
Clark  Charles  S.  merchant,  26  India  wharf 
Clark  Daniel,  housewright,  13  Hawkins 
Clark  Elisha  W.     See  Hall  &  C. 
Clark  Elijah  &  Co.  (£.  Clark,  jr.  and  JYoah  Perrin),  W. 

I.  goods,  5  Cliatham,  h.  23  Hamilton 
Clark  E.  jr.  (£.  Clark  &  Co.),  h.  44  Federal 
Clark  Enoch  W.  &  Brother  (Jo^e;?/*  W.),  brokers,  6 City 

Hall,  h.  14  Bulfinch 
Clark  Eleanor  R.  widow,  74  Purchase 
Clark  E.  P.  cashier  N.  E.  Bank,  h.  3  Bumsteadpl. 
Clark  Eunice,  widow  of  Joseph,  rear  Broadway 
Clark  Frank,  laborer,  rear  Church  near  the  Rail  Road 
Clark  Geo.  ink  manufac,  52,  h.  south  794  Washington 
Clark  George  &  Co.  (Levi  Ingols),  9  Brimmer's  T,  h.  35 

Clark  George,  silversmith,  rear  81  Washington 
Clark  H.  G.  physician,  near  173  Hanover 
Clark  Henry,  painter,  boards  rear  18  South  Bennet 
Clark  Henry  F.  67  Water,  h.  48  Spring 
Clark  HeTry,  cabinetmaker,  h.  .547  Washington 
Clark  Henry,  notary  pub.,  8  Congress,  h.  202  1-2  Hano. 
Clark  Henry,  stevedore,  h.  rear  324  Ann 
Clark  Isaac,  5'^  Washington,  h.  Haymarket  place 
Clark  James,  pumpmaker,  135  Ann,  h.  Parkman  place 
Clark  {James  W.),  White  (JVm.)  &  Kimball  {^.  P.),  do- 
mestic goods,  28  Central.     C.  b'ds  1  Boylston  pi. 
Clark  James,  stone  cutter,  h.  44  Pond 
Clark  James  B.  machinist,  h.  Broadway 
Clark  John,  Pres.  Protection  Ins.  Co.  h.  19  Louisburgsq. 
Clark  &  Gray,  housewrights,  Haverhill 
Clark  John,  plumber,  Court  square,  h.  2  Acorn 
Clark  John,  tobacconist,  50  N.  Market 
Clark  John,  jr.  tobacco  dealer,  30  Long  wf  h.  62  Pederal 
Clark  Jonathan  C.  grocer,  20  Vine,  h.  3  Blossom  ct. 


Clark  Joseph,  blockmaker,  Cross  c.  Fulton,  h.  4  Sheafe 

Clark  Joseph,  jeweller,  rear  87  Wash,  h.  12  Prov.  H.  ct. 

Clark  Jos.  VV.  (E.  W.  Clark  &  Brother),  h.  63  Pinckney 

Clark  Josiah,  commis.  merchant,  24  Long  wharf 

Clark  Judith,  widow,  h.  26  Prince 

Clark  Lemuel,  musician,  house  53  Fayette 

Clark  Louisa,  boarding,  7  Brattle 

Clark  Lydia,  widow,  Batterman  place  ^ 

Clark  Lot  {Means  &  C),  house  75  Purchase 

Clark  Luther,  physician,  h.  12  W.  Cedar 

Clark  M.  B.  silversmith,  Harvard  pi.  h.  Lynde  place 

Clark  Mary,  dressmaker,  80  Federal 

Clark  Mary,  h.  6  East 

Clark  Martha  J.  tailoress,  64  Elliot 

Clark  Matthew,  pattern  designer,  79  Milk,  h.  7  Green 

Clark  Matthew,  tanner,  h.  53  Essex 

Clark  Meshach,  mason,  23  South  Russell 

Clark  Michael,  moulder,  A  st. 

Clark  Moses,  grain.  Front  cor.  S.  Bridge,  h.  41  Tremont 

Clark  Nathan  B.  mason,  h.  4  Grove 

Clark  (JValhaniel),  Homer  (J.)  &  Lillie  (T.  J.),  printers, 

6  Congress.     C.'s  h.  Spring  st.  court 
Clark  Noah  M.  confectioner,  176  Hanover,  h.  28  Ann 
Clark  Orren,  boarding,  80  Broad 
Clark  Robert,  lobslerman,  op.  4  Lowell  place 
Clark  Ruth,  schoolmistress,  Broadway  corner  D 
Clark  Sally,  rear  N.  Margin 
Clark  Scotto,  merchant,  26  India  wharf 
Clark  Stephen,  housewright,  15  Atkinson,  h.  5  do. 
Clark  Stephen,  moulder,  h.  Silver 
Clark  Theron  E.  chairs,  36  Commercial 
Clark  Thomas  J.  grocer,  276  Ann,  h.  1  Snowhill 
Clark  Thomas  P.  baker,  Murray  place 
Clark  U.  J.  broker,  3  Brattle  square 
Clark  Watson,  h.  9  Richmond 

Clark  Wm.  botanic  phy.  Thorn.  Infirmary,  23  Harvard 
Clark  William,  stage  driver,  h.  rear  344  Washington 
Clark  William,  laborer,  h.  3d  street 
Clark  William  F.  2  Merchants  row,  h.  107  Salem 
Clark  William,  fancy  painter,  h.  May  between  Centre 

and  Grove 
Clark  Wood.     See  Rogers  &  C. 
Clark  William  F.  captain,  house  12  Hull 
Clark  Wm.  &  Co.  (Perez  Sinith),  provisions,  City  market. 

C.'s  h.  4  Staniford  placo 


Clarke  Acenith,  widow,  24  Charter 

Clarke  Edward  &  Co.  {E.  L.  Pcnniman  &  Sam'l  Ciitler), 

Go  Milk,  h.  21  ChesTiut 
Clarke  James  C.  printer,  h.  Svveetser  court 
Clarke  James,  painter,  88  Comnieixial 
Clarke  John,  plumber  and  engineer,  h..2  Acorn 
Clarke  Nathan,  mariner,  7  Clark 
Clary  Ethan  A.  clerk  Custom  H.,  h.  19  Pinckney 
Clary  Henry  D.  clerk  Custom  House,  h.  19  Pinckney 
Classen  Joanna,  widow.  Front,  near  Castle 
Classen  William  W.   h.  240  Hanover 
Clay  Jonathan,  shipwright,  rear  GG7  Washington 
Clay  Joseph  H.  shipwright,  h.  6  Suffolk 
Clay  Nelson,  shipwright,  h.  SulFolk  near  Dover 
Clay  Robert,  carpenter,  house  Battery 
Claxton  (Timo.)  &  Wightman    (Jos.   M.),  philosophical 

ins.  makers,  33  Cornhill.     C.'s  h.  33  Warren 
Cleasby  Joseph,  clerk,  h.  Chambers,  corner  Green 
Cleaves  Charles,  maciiinist,  h.  rear  44  Essex 
Cleaves  John  T.  com.  mer.  3  Long  wf.,  b'ds  2  Wendell 
Cleaves  Thaddeus,  h.  rear  83  Pond 
Clement  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Thomas,  9  Sea 
Clement  Rodney,  mechanic,  h.  rear  C5  Charter 
Clements  Jacob,  blacksmith,  h.  rear  92  Federal 
Clemensen  Peter,  engineer,  4th  street 
Cleveland  Aaron  P.  mercliant,  h.  55  Federal 
Cleveland  Charles,  ciiaplain  House  Correctiorj 
Cleveland  Henry  R.  school,  16  Franklin 
Cleveland  Stephen  II.  {Criig/.a,  C.  &.  Co.),  h.  Trem.  H. 
Clifford  John,  h.  4  Prospect 
Clillbrd  S.  Lawrence,  stevedore,  rear  4th  st. 
-Clifford  Thomas,  grocer,  80  Elliot 
Cline  Anthony,  house  Pitts 
Cline  Peter,  liborer.  Salutation 

Clinkaid  Martin  L.  {Bradford  &  C),  h.  Salutation 
Clinton  Ann,  widow,  rear  GO  Elliot 
Clinton  William  D.  hou.sewright,  h.  3  Pitts 
Clisby  Betsey,  nurse,  3d  near  Dorchester 
Cli)nay  Thomas,  laborer,  oppr)site  154  Purchase 
Cloues  Aaron  R.  grocer,  Com.  n.  Hull,  h.  205  Hanover 
Clones  Phebe,  dry  goods,  203,  h.  205  Hanover 
Cloues  Samuel  L.  grocer,  203  Hanover 
Clough  Eben'r,  city  weigher,  r.  Charhjsj  h.  Greenough  la. 
Cloiigh  Willard,  constable,  h.  97  Tremont 
Clouston  John  C.  housewright,  house  G  Grove 


Clouston  Robert,  housewright,  h.  1  Blossom  ct. 
Clouston  Robert  II.  housewright,  George,  h.  32  Charles 
Cloutman  Abigail,  widow,  3  Bath 

Cloutman  Johri  !S.  painter,  U)0  Wash.  h.  r.  104  Tremont 
Cloy d {John)  &  Hanson  {Anlliony),  housewrights,  rear  13 

Sea.     C.'s  h.  South  st.  court 
ClufTJMary,  widow,  rear  18  Ash 
Coates  Hiram,  housewright,  3  Pond  st.  pi. 
Coates  John  H.     See  Peirce  &  C. 
Coates  Perez  P.  housewright,  rear  Pond 
Cobb  Baxter,  leather,  boots  and  shoos,  13,  b'ds  11  Elm 
Cobb  Bailey,  clerk,  h.  4  Newton  place 
Cobb   Elijah  &  Co.   {Elisha  D.  Winsloio),  W.  I.   goods, 

10  India,  h.  24  xMcLean 
Cobb  Ethan,  cordwainer,  20  Prince,  h.  Thacher  st.  ct. 
Cobb  Henry  &  Co.  (7*.  B.  Mackai)),commh.  merchants, 

5  Broad.     C.'s  house  l(i  Bedford 
Cobb  Martha,  widow,  Sutiulk  cor.  Canton 
Cobb  Nathaniel,  housewright,  Suffolk  near  Canton 
Cobb  Kichard,. house  Beacon  corner  Park 
Cobb  Sarah,  widow,  h.  120  Tremont 
Cobb  Sarah,  nurse,  rear  133  Pleasant 
Coburn  Caleb,  \V.  I.  g'ds,  3  Rovve's  wf.  h.  17  Wash.  pL' 
Cochlan  David,   lOG  Commercial 

Cochran  A.  P.,  W.  I.  g'ds,  22  Cent.  wf.  h.  3G  Wash.  pi. 
Cochran  Daniel,  laborer,  Washington  avenue 
Cochran  L.  H.  M.  leather,  17  Exchange,  h.  GO  Tremont 
Cochran  Richard,  laborer,  8  Atkinson 
Cochran  Samuel  Q,.  wine  dealer,  Congress  cor.  Lindall, 

boards  at  Boston  CotTee  House 
Cockayne  Abigail  H.,  W.  Centre  corner  Myrtle 
Cocklin  James,  laborer,  114  Broad 
Cockran  Patrick,  laborer,  Atkinson  near  Milk 
Cocklin  Michael,  laborer,  3  Bread 
Coddington  Edward,  printer,  h.  rear  337  W^ashlngton 
Codding  Simeon,  housewright,  boards  B  st. 
Codman  Charles  R.  merchant,  29  Chesnut 
Codman  Edward,  wines,  31  Congress,  h.  83  Bedford 
Codman  Francis,  house  G  Walnut 

Codman  Henry,  counsellor,  40  State,  J).  119  Tremont 
Codinan  John,  counsellor,  4  Court,  h.  41  Chesnut 
Ct)dman  John,  machin.  &  locksmith,  186  Tremont,  h.  do. 
Codman  Sarah  W.  h.  rear  32  Pleasant 
Codman  Stephen,  jr.  merchant,  21   Commercial 
Codman  Susan,  widow,  h.  41  Chesnut 


Codman  Willard,  silversmith,  h.  2  Norfolk  place 

Cody  James,  laborer,  196  Ann 

Cody  Thomas,  victualler,  G5  India  wharf 

Cody  ThoniJis  K.  laborer,  opposite  7  Columbia 

Coe  Stephen,  boards  19  Lyman  place 

Coftee  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  83  Sea 

Coffee  Roger,  painter,  2d  street 

Coffin  Aaron,  housewright,  h.  46  Fayette 

Coffin  Charles,  laborer,  h.  Hanover  avenue 

Coffin  George  W.  land  agent.  State  House,  h.  7Rowepl. 

Coffin  Langdon,  bookseller,  h.  6  Ilaitford  place 

Coffin  Margaret,  h.  45  Summer 

Coffin  Mary,  widow,  274  Washington 

Coffin  Peter,  merchant,  6  Central  wf.  h.  7  Atkinson 

Coffin  Presbury,  housewright,  h.  40  Orange 

Coffin  Thomas  B.  housewright,  h.  17  May 

Coffin  William,  cashier  Col.  Bank,  h.  cor.  Essex  place 

Coffin  William  E.  shoes,  195  Washing,  h.  6  Hartford  pi. 

Coffin  William  B.  Sec.  Mer.  Marine  Insurance  Co. 

Coffy  Andrew,  laborer,  h.  Williams  court 

Cofran  James,  wood  yard.  Canal,  h.  S.  Margin  c.  Gouch 

Cofren  Samuel,  stable.  Arch,  h.  Harvard  place 

Cogswell  James,  cabinetmaker,  h.  May 

Cogswell  Wm.,  Rev.  Sec.  A.  E.  Society,  15  Cornhill,  h. 

3  Boylston  place 
Coiffard  J.,  Court  square 

Coit  Daniel  T.  physician,  12  High  near  Summer 
Colbath  A.  P.  cartman,  h.  76  Prmce 
Colbert  (iarret,  laborer,  Hamilton  alley 
Colburn  Cephas,  cordwainer,  20  Prmce 
Colburn  Charles,  book  keeper,  h.  2  Sewall  place 
Colburn  Elisha  T.  umbrellas,  13  Court,  h.  355  Wash. 
Colburn  E.  widow  of  James  L.  h.  107  Hanover 
Colburn  George  W.  370  Washington,  b'ds  2  Sewall  pK 
Colburn  Joseph  (Stetson  &  C),  h.  2d  street 
Colburn  Joseph,  mason,  h.  2  Kennard  avenue 
Colburn  J.  M.  accountant,  h.  2  Sewall  place 
Colburn  Joshua,  dry  goods,  Kilby,  h.  2  Sewall  place 
Colburn  Josiah,  h.  8  Howard 
Colburn  Luke,  combmaker,  h.  81  Warren 
Colby    (Daniel)   &,  Lothrop  (Jarvis),  wood  and  coal, 

Forthill  wharf 
Colby  Gardner  &  Josiah,  dry  g'ds,  19- Kilby,  h.  32  Tem. 
Colby  James,  mariner,  rear  Hull 
Colby  John,  house  rear  10  Hanover 


Colby  (John)  &  Kenniston  (John),  W.  I.  g'ds,  10  Hanov. 

Colby  Johnson,  messenger  to  City  Council,  li.  6  Milton 

Colby  Joseph,  carpenter,  h.  Castle  near  Suffolk 

Colby  Josiah.     See  Gardner  &  Josiah  C. 

Colby  Nathaniel  B.  housewright,  h.  132  Hanover 

Colby  Sarah,  boarding  house,  9  Batterymarch 

Colby  William  H.  carpenter,  h.  Mechanic  place 

Cole  Ambr.  W.  cop.  pi.  print.  87  Wash,  h.  r.  104  Trem't 

Cole  Charles,  housewright,  h.  C  Lucas  place 

Cole  Charles,  jr.  Arch  wf.  h.  142  Pleasant 

Cole  Elbridge  G.  silversmith,  h.  47  Leveret 

Cole  Fanny,  widow,  rear  104  Tremont 

Cole  Isaac  D.  housewright,  D  street 

Cole  James,  housewright,  4th  street 

Cole  Joseph,  portrait  painter,  1  Graphic  court 

Cole  John,  cordwainer,  h.  rear  22  S.  Russell 

Cole  John  J.  laborer,  h.  11  S.  Russell 

Cole  Josiah,  housewright,  h,  rear  15  Gouch 

Cole  Oliver,  book  keeper.  Globe  Bank 

Cole  Seth  (Bang  &  C.j,  h.  123  Pleasant 

Cole  Sell),  housewright,  4th  street 

Coles  A.  L.  dressmaker.  Prince  near  Hanover 

Colesworthy  Nathaniel,  printer,  17  Blossom 

Colford  Philip,  cooper,  rear  53  South 

Collamore  John,  jr.  &  (./O.  (IVm.   Churchill  &  J.  Curtis, 

jr.),  crockeryware,  186  Wash.  h.  1  Hayward  pi 
Collar  Mary,  37  Bedford  near  Short 
Coller  Aaron,  housewright,  Lancaster,  h.  45  Merrimac 
Collier  David  J.  house  over  47  Cor^gress 
Collier  Isaac,  cordwainer,  house  11  Short 
Collier  Isaac,  jr.  cordwainer,  house  and  shop  op.  38  South 
Collier  Joseph  II.  mariner,  rear  28  Pleasant 
Collier  William,  Rev.  house  62  Belknap 
Collier  William  &  Son  (David  J.),  tailors,  47  Congress^ 

house  rear  7  Tileston 
Collier  William  R.  house  62  Belknap 
Collier  William,  3d,  cordwainer,  house  11  Short 
Collins  Ebenezer  &  Co.  (Hazen  J.  Burton)  dry  goods, 

30  Central,  house  9  Oak 
Collins  Ebenezer  W.  painter,  103  Cambridge 
Collins  Edward,  laborer,  rear  Sweetser  court 
Collins  James,  gardener,  4  Harvard  pi. 
Collins  James,  laborer,  Langdon  place 
Collins  James  M.  silversmith,  h.5  Barre  place 
Collins  John.    See  Withington  &.  Co. 


Collins  Maria,  boarding,  72  Ann 

Collins  ]\Iary,  laundress,  Devonshire 

Collins  Matthias,  laborer,  opposite  '20  Avery 

Collins  Micliael,  laborer,  105  Broad 

Collins  Patrick,  grocer,  Ann  cor.  Clark 

Collins  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  Brookline  near  Suffolk 

Collins  Patrick,  laborer,  south  71)4  Washington 

Collins  Thomas,  waiter  Treniont  House,  h.  Province 

Collins  Timothy,  laborer,  rear  75  iSea 

Colman  Dennis,  tailor,  140  Ann 

Colnian  Erastus,  New  England  Coffee  House 

Colman  Jeremiah,  mason,  h.  10  Oliver 

Colman  John,  housevvright,  h.  2  Bradford  place 

Colman  John  U.  boards  2  Bradford  place 

Colman  Luther,  machinist,  liouse  444  Washington 

Colman  RIary  E.  widow,  17  Sea 

Colman  Michael,  laborer,  rear  17  Sea 

Colman  Patrick,  mariner,  roar  C  street 

Colman  Patrick,  tailor,  l^G  Ann  -.  , 

Colman  Samuel,  121  Washington,  house  64  Chesnut 

Colman  Thomas,  painter,  rear  5th  street 

Colson  Joseph,  \V.  I.  g'ds,  head  Otis's  wf  h.  15  Gibbsla. 

Colson  Martha  T.  widow,  I  Orange  court 

Colston  Wm.  pianoforte  tuner,  416  Wasli.  h.  98  Warren 

Colton  Hiram,  h.  Noyes  place 

Colvin  Caleb,  machinist,  h.  south  794  Washington 

Comer  T.  inusician  Trem.  Theatre,  boards  3()  Boylston 

Comerford  Patrick,  chemist,  house  794  Washington 

Ccmey  Benj.  wharfin.  Comey's  wf  h.  Commer.  n.  Foster 

Comins  P.  B.  tailor,  3  Washington 

Comsctt  Moses,  laborer,  house  18  South  Russell 

Conant  A.  W.- 54  Kilby,  boards  "34  Boylston 

Conant  (C.  C.)  Thayer  ( IV.  JV.)  &  Co.  {JV.  H.  Conant), 

woollen  goods,  55  Wash.     C.'s  h.  12  Somerset  pi. 
Conant  Daniel,  99  Charter 
Conant  Frederick  P.     See  Ayer  &  C. 
Conant  James,  captain,  318  Washington 
Conant  Joel,  oysters,  78  Cambridge 
Conant  Josiah  F.  4  Faneuil  Hall,  h.  80  Te.mple 
Conant  Levi,  teacher  Elliot  school,  h.  15  Sheafe 
Conant  Levi  (Cook  &  C),  house  Phillips  place 
Conant  Nathan,  teamster,  house  Pond 
Conant  Sophronia,  2  Newbury  place 

Conant  Thaddeus,  domes,  g'ds,  62  Kilbv,  li.  13  Chambers  * 
Conant  William  H.  (C.  C.&  W.  H.  C.)\  h.  18  Green 

DIRECTORY.       ,  125 

Conaty  Hugh,  mason,  119  Broad 

Condon  Samuel,  printer,  32  Congress,  b'ds  115  Purchase 

Condron  Eliza,  widow,  rear  32  Pleasant 

Conery  David,  mason,  li.  51  Fayette 

Conery  Daniel,  slioemaker,  rear  10  Oliver 

Conery  Patrick,  laborer,  Tremont  near  Pleasant 

Conery  Thomas,  laborer,  rear  89  Sea 

Conkey  J.  Q,.  A.  crockery,  11  Wash.  h.  88  Mt.  Vernon 

Conlan  Patrick,  laborer,  2  Wharf 

Conley  Bethiah,  298  Ann 

Conley  Bridget  M.  widow,  CO  Broad 

Conley  Charles  C.  {Wadlcij  &  C),  h.  D  street 

Conley  Patrick,  laborer,  house  Mechanic 

Conlin  Patrick,  laborer,  house  3  Cross 

Connall  Michael,  grocer,  C6  Pleasant 

Connel  R.  M.     See  L.  Brooks  &  Co. 

Connelly  Christopher,  laborer,  Dedham 

Connelly  Jeremiah,  laborer,  rear  13  Sea 

Connelly  Jeremiah,  laborer,  2  Wharf 

Connelly  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  664  Washington 

Connelly  Thomas,  laborer,  rear  664  Washington 

Conners  Barnard,  laborer,  rear  46  Pleasant 

Conners  Christopher,  laborer,  rear  Broadway 

Conners  John,  stevedore,  87  Broad 

Conners  Patrick,  laborer,  60  Elliot 

Conners  Patrick,  tailor,  house  Theatre  alley 

Conners  Timothy,  laborer,  112  Broad 

Conning  Henry,  h.  257  Washington 

Connoly  Thomas,  hatter,  B  street 

Connor  Ann,  laundress,  6  Bath 

Connor  John,  laborer,  Ann 

Connor  Peter,  laborer,  rear  16  South  Bennet 

Connor  Peter,  laborer,  88  Broad 

Connoway  John,  laborer,  3  Humphrey  place 

Conolly  H.  L.,  Rev.  h.  B  street 

Conolly  Patrick,  grocer,  118  Ann 

Conroy  Michael,  h.  rear  Friend  n.  Causeway 

Constant  Victor,  captain,  87  Summer 

Converse  Benjamin,  11  Boylston  market,  h.  39  Front 

Converse  James  C.  {Farrington  &  C),  h.  37  High 

Converse  James  W.  (Field  &  C),  h.  head  of  Pearl 

Conway  Edward,  razor  grinder,  Creek  square 

Conway  James,  Rev.  cor.  Federal  and  Franklin  place 

Cook  (Arnold)  &  Conant  (Levi),  62  Fan.  Hall  market 

Cook  Benjamin,  boarding  house,  35  Ann 


Cook  Charles,  si^perintendent  Odeon,  h.  rear  do. 

Cook  Charles  {John  C.  &  Charles),  h.  3  Columbia 

Cook  Eiiz;\beth,  widow,  452  Washington 

Cook  Elizabotu,  widow  ef  FJlis,  Commercial  near  Ann 

Cook  George  T.  laborer,  28  Portland 

Cook  Hiram,  shoes,  449  Wash.  h.  11  Shavvmut 

Cook  Isaac,  brewer,  21  Broad  and  48  Central 

Cook  James  M.  machinist,  house  134  Pleasant 

C(iok  James,  W.  I.  goods,  3d  street  corner  Dorchester 

Cook  James,  laborer,  rear  143  Broad 

Cook  Jer.  11.  plumber,  r.  48  Congress,  h.  10  Sturgis  place 

Cook  John  (Stephen  Jcnney  &  Co.),  h.  B  street 

Cook  John  C.  &  Charles,  paperhangings,  220  Washing. 

house  6  Jackson  place 
Cook  John  C.  mariner,  house  9G  Charles 
Cook  John  V.  laborer,  house  rear  9  W.  Centre 
Cook  Jothani,  ropemaker,  h.  547  Washington 
Cook  Manuel,  printer,  house  12  Bovvdoin 
Cook  Moody  D.  mariner,  Batterman  place 
Cook  Moses  (fValcutt  &  C),  h.  rear  55  Warren 
Cook  Nancy,  widow  of  Corey,  Broad  op.  Rowe's  wf*. 
Cook  Nancy.,  laundress,  Brookiine 
Cook  Priscilla,  widow  of  Levi,  h.  45  Allen 
Cook  Russell,  tailor,  C  Clinton,  h.  7  Sturgis  place 
Cook  Timothy,  laborer,  22  South  Cedar 
Cook  Wm.  housewright,  Charlestown,  h.  2  Prospect 
Cook  William,  tailor,  house  26  Myrtle 
Cook  William  li.  h.  2  Tremont  south  of  Pleasant 
Cook  Zebedee,  jr.  insur.  broker,  4  Court,  house  Pearl 
Cooke  Josiah  P.  counsellor,  9  State,  h.  17  Winthrop  pi. 
Pooke  M-  Manuel.     See  Roberts,  C.  &  Walton. 
Cooley  Aaron,  truckman,  Broad,  h.  29  Charles 
Cooley  Levi,  laborer,  house  19  Second 
Cooley  William,  plane  maker,  house  33  Chambers 
Cooledge  Nalh'l,  constable,  2  Franklin  av.  h.  37  Leveret 
Coolidge  Amos  (Dabcock  4^  C),  house  24  Warren 
Coolidge   Charles  &.  T.  provisions,  corner  Temple  and 

Derne,  iiouse  2  Newton  place 
(yoolidgo  Charles  D.  broker,  49  State,  h.  14  Hancock 
Coolidge  Charles  L.  (Cartel-  &,  C),  h.  10  Montgom.  pi. 
Coolidge  Cornelius,  build,  cont.  3  State,  h.  4  Joy  place 
Coolidge  Flavel,  brushmaker,  22  Exchange 
Coolidge  Frances,  widow  of  James,  h.' Suffolk  n.  Dover 
Coolidge  George,  manuf  lemon  syrup,  h.  2  Garden 
Coolidge  Isaac  A.  turnkey,  h.  19  Lyman  place 


Cooiidge  John,  painter,  house  rear  59  Warren 
Coolidgo  J.  T.  21  Union  wf.  house  40  Bowdoin 
Coolidge  Jonas,  house  12  Poplar 
Coolidge  Joseph,  3  Bowdoin  square 
Coohdge  Josepli,  housewright,  32  Catnhridgo 
Coolidge  Joseph  B.  laborer,  boards  14  Battery marcli 
Coolidge  Joseph,  jr.  h.  Bowdoin  c.  Cambridge 
Coolidge  Lem'i  A,,  VV.  I.  g'ds,  519  Wash.  h.  11  Piedm't 
Coolidge  Nathan,  painter.  3  Lowell  place 
Coolidge  (Samuel  F.)  &  Haskell    (EHsha),  auctioneers, 

G7  and  G9  Kilby.     Coolidge's  h.  38  Chesnut 
Coolidge  Tliacher  (C  &  T.  Coolidge),  h.  12  Derne 
Coolidge  Wui.  D.  (Madge  &  C  ),  h.  99  Pleasant 
Coonjbs  Eliza,  laundress,  rear  600  Washington 
Coombs  Isaac  B.  baker.  Grove 
Coombs  John,  rigger,  house  rear  18  South  Bennet 
Coombs  Reuben,  brancli  pilot,  5  Fleet 
Coombs  Warren,  mariner,  6  Salter  place 
Coombs  William  R.  niariner,  house  rear  4  Hull 
Cooper  David,  soapboiler,  house  5th  street 
Cooper  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Samuel,  13  Warren 
Cooper  George  D.  mariner,  80  Pond 
Cooper  John,  laborer,  INlarsh  lane 
Cooper  William  H.  physician,  house  17  Blossom 
Copeland  Amasa  U.  captain,  rear  149  Hanover 
Copeland  (Benjamin  F.  ^'-  Charles)  &  Lovering  (JY.  P  ), 

merchants,  35  India 
Copeland  Benjamin,  mason,  house  50  Myrtle 
Copeland  Daniel,  mason,  57  Spring 
Copeland  Elisha,  constable,  32  Pleasant 
Copeland  Elisha,  jr.  mercii.  ()5  Broad,  h.  40  Pleasant 
Copeland  John,  Commercial  near  Foster 
Copeland  Nancy,  widow.  Commercial  near  Foster 
Copeland  R.  M.  bookbinder,  02  Cornhill,  h.  3  Barton 
Copeland  Sarah,  boarding,  48  Union 
Copeland  Seth,  mason,  house  5  Avery  place 
Copeland  Thomas,  housewright,  2  Blake's  court 
Copland  Seth,  housewright,  Somerset  pi.  h.  36  Blossom 
Copp  John,  tinman,  147  1-2,  boards  43  Hanover 
Copp  (Joslma)  &  Dudley  (S)7iit/i  G.),  shoes,  4  Brattle  sq. 

house  1  Trayers 
Copp  Ruth,  widow,  3  Mason 
Corbelt  David,  mason,  house  36  Orange 
Cordis  Thomas  F.  (Scuddcr,  C.  ^  Co.),  h.  43  Beacon 
Cordis  Thomas,  house  43  Beacon 


Cordwell  Harriet,  widow  of  William,  7  Fleet 

Corey  {Nathan)  &  Adams  (Olir.),  grain  deal.  60  Long  wf. 

Corey  Timothy,  96  Faneuil  Hall  market 

Corey  Walter  &  Co.  (/.  C.  Glazier),  clmir  dealers,  28 

Corlew  Elijah  J.  S.,  Suffolk  Bank,  h.  N.  Allen 

Cormerais  Sarah,  widow,  20  Fayette 

Cornell  {E.  K.)  <fe  Hurlbert  {Truman  R.),  iron  foundry, 
36  Bridge.     C.'s  h.  48  Temple 

Cornell  John,  housewright,  house  109  Chambers 

Cornell  Thomas  I.  hatter,  house  47  Merrimac 

Corr  James,  grocer.  Prince 

Corrigan  Anthony,  corkcutter,  Bei^erly 

Corruih  Theophilus,  house  6  North  Russell 

Corthell  {Hosea)  &  Davies  (Z)anie/),  housewrights,  Port- 
land.    C.'s  house  3  Leveret 

Cotterell  J.  H.  shipping  office,  4  Clinton 

Cotting  Amos,  2  Joy's  building,  h.  Pinckney 

Cotting  Cha's  C,  W.  L  g'ds,  73  Cambridge,  h.  28  Charles 

Cotting  T.  widow  of  Uriah,  2  Orange 

Cotton  Dudley  P.  boards  469  Washington 

Cotton  Eliza,  nurse,  house  68  Cambridge 

Cotton  Jeremiah,  fisherman,  1st  street 

Cottons  {John  &  Joseph)  &  Barnard  {John),  booksellers 
and  stationers,  184  Washington 

Cotton  John,  house  39  Purchase 

Cotton  John,  blacksmith,  rear  63  Elliot 

Cotton  {Joseph),  Hill  {Samuel)  &  Co.  {J.  H.  Cotton),  46 
Cent,  wf  chain  cable  manufactory  South  Boston 

Cotton  Joseph,  house  18  South 

Cotton  Joseph  H.  {Cotton,  Hill  8^  Co.),  h.  5  Waverley  pi. 

Cotton  Mary,  head  of  Pearl 

Cotton  Nath'l,  surveyor  of  lumber,  house  40  Friend 

Coitrell  Ellen,  widow,  rear  63  Elliot 

Couch  George,  tailor,  house  rear  Gridley 

Couillard  Samuel,  machinist,  h.  5  Lancaster 

County  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  81  Sea 

Court  Edward,  teamster,  house  83  Sea 

Courtain  Thomas,  laborer,  house  106  Commercial 

Courtis  Stacy  (C,  Pickering  &  Co.),  b'ds  8  Milton  place 

Courtis  {William),  Pickering  {Arthur)  &  Co.  (S.  Courtis)^ 
dry  goods,  59  Water.     C.  boards  8  Milton  pi. 

Courtney  Abram  V.  house  36  South  Margin 

Courtney  Jerusha,  fancy  goods,  123  Court 

Courtney  Sylvanus,  laborer,  1  Norfolk  place 


Courtney  Timothy,  laborer,  5  Lucas  place 

Couthony  Joseph  V.  captain,  h.  3  Barton 

Covell  Charles  {Jeicett  &  C),  h.  Hanover  H. 

CoveJl  Reuben,  mariner,  rear  39  Prince 

Covell  Thomas  K.  housewright,  h.  Newbern  place 

Coverly  Edward  {IV.  S^  E.  Coverly),  h.  31  Portland 

Coverly  Samuel,  13  Hancock 

Coverly  Samuel,  jr.  13  Hancock 

Coverly  Wells  &  Ed.  hatslore,  32  Dock  sq.  h.  38  Hancock 

Covington  Elam,  boards  17  Franklin  place 

Cowden  Asa  P.  laborer,  h.  Wheeler's  court 

Cowden  Betsey,  widow,  Canton  near  Suffolk 

Cowdin  Abbi,  widow,  15  Nassau 

Cowdin  Jeptha  R.  laborer,  house  Broadway 

Cowdin   John,   soapstone   worker,  Charlestown,  h.   23 

Cowdin  Robert  (Guild  &  C  J,  h.  15  Nassau 
Cowdin  Zabiah,  widow,  rear  612  Washington 
Cowen  Robert,  house  5  1-2  Hawkins 
Cowley  Caleb  C.  (Bell  &  C),  h.  rear  47  Sea 
Cox  Lemuel,  painter,  h.  Warren  place 
Cox  Mary  Ann,  widow,  2  Lincoln  court 
Cox  Rufus,  coachman,  house  154  Washington 
Coye  (Horace  C.)  &  Page  (A.  R.),  truckmen,  91  Com- 
mercial.    C.'s  h.  Carrol  place 
Coye  Rebecca  L.  widow,  house  17  North  Bennet 
Coyle  Patrick,  laborer,  29  Sea 

Crackbon  Lemuel,  23  Commercial  wf.  h.  15  Purchase 
Craft  Charles,  house  rear  15  Hanover 
Crafts  Ann,  widow,  20  Carver 
Crafts  F.  D.     See  Shaw,  Briggs  &  C. 
Crafts  George,  messenger  Market  Bank,  1  City  wharf 
Crafts  Henry,  provision  dealer,  h.  4th  street 
Crafts  John,  rigger,  house  rear  gun  house,  Fort  hill 
Cragier  Henry,  rigger,  house  127  Broad 
Cragin  Nathan  &  Daniel,  grocers,  Broad  cor.  Gibbs  lane. 

N.  C.  boards  45  Sister 
Cragin  (Lorenzo  S.),  Cleveland  (Stephen  H.)&Co.  (Cy- 
rus Blake),  importers,  25  &  27  Water.     Cragin's 
house  6  High 
Cram  Geo.  W.  housew't,  Front  n.  Oak,  h.  r.  41  Pleasant 
Crane  Betsey  B.  nurse,  3  Leveret 
Crane  Elizabeth,  widow,  h.  9  Blossom 
Crane  G.  B.  (G.  B.  Thurston  &  Co •)» house  Commercial 
near  Foster 


Crane  Horatio  N.  clerk,  house  9  Distil  house  square 

Crane  Joshua,  iron  dealer,  IG  Long  wf.  h.  18  Lincoln 

Crane  Larra,  24  Poplar 

Crane  Margaret,  widow,  90  Sea 

Crangle  Richard,  stone  cutter,  house  18  Myrtle 

Crawford  Ira,  stairbuilder,  24  Fayette 

Crawford  James  E.  cook,  13  Merchants  ro\v 

Crawford  Jolui,  housewright,  77  Prince 

Crawford  Samuel  M.  stairbuilder,  h.  Canton  rear  Suffolk 

Crawley  Hannah,  hoarding  house,  North  square 

Crease  William,  mason,  house  7  Norfolk  place 

Creech  A.  A.  hairdress.  5  Ci)ngress  sq,  b'ds  South  st.  pi. 

Creech  Sam'l  W.  hairdress.  9  Trem.  li.  h.  3  South  st.  pi. 

Creech  Susannah,  widow,  South  street  place 

Creed William,  machinist,  rear  671  Washington 

Crego  Hiram,  laborer,  108  Sea 

Crehore  Daniel  S.  cabinetmaker,  841,  h.  837  Wash. 

Crehore  Edward  &   Co.    (/.    Crehore),    card    manufac- 
turers, 6  Long  wharf 

Crehore  Hannah,  boarding  house,  463  Washington 

Crehore  Tliomas,  3  Waverloy  place 

Crehore  William,  housewright,  7  Carver 

Crehore  William  B.  painter,  J  Hawley  pi.  h.  463  Wash. 

(/remar  Casper,  clerk,  house  6  Boylston  square 

Cressy  Franklin  B.  30  Washington 

Crew  William,  laborer,  rear  3  Pitts 

Crighton  James,  clicmist,  h.  756  Washington.     See  adv. 
Crisp  Antonio,  clothing,  2.52  and  254  Ann 
Crispin  Elizabeth,  laundress,  37  Bedford  near  Short 
Crispy  Jan'ies,  laborer,  rear  83  Broad 
Croak  Sophia,  widow,  opposite  4  Essex  place 
Crocker  Benjamin,  ship  caipenter,  rear  3d  street 
Crocker  D.  L.  dressmaker,  house  rear  19  Allen 
Crocker  Elisha,  meichant,  h.  i5S  Leveret 
Crocker  J.  D.  hatter,  6  Ann 
Crocker  Joseph,  shoemaker,  house  228  Ann 
Crocker  Richard  J.  (Child  &  C),  house  200  Hanover 
Crocker  (Uriel)  &  Brewster  ( O^-m?/ /t),  printers  and  book- 
sellers, 47  Wash.     Crocker's  h.  23  Lyndc 
Crockett  A.  K.  captain,  boards  69  Congress 
Crockett  Andrew,  handcartman,  h.  Haymarket  place 
Crockett  Ephraim,  furniture  carver,  15  Second 
Crockett  George  W.  merch.  37  India,  h.  7  Mt.  Vernon 
Crockett  Susan,  milliner,  312  W^ashington,  h.  91  Salem 
Crockett  Wm.  handcartman,  h.  Haymarket  place 


Cromartie  Ann,  45  Pleasant 

Crombio  Joiin,  stairbuildcr.  Lancaster,  h.  Williams  ct. 

Crombie  William,  tavern,  1)4  and  9G  Cambridge 

Crooker  Hatch,  caulker  and  graver,  h.  318  Ann 

Croome  George.     See  Lane  6l  C. 

Crosbee  Tlionias,  house  210  Ann 

Crosbie  Abigail,  widow  of  Ziba,  Batterymarch 

Cr«sby  Alonzo,  soda,  25  Excliange,  h.  rear  15  Hanover 

Crosby  (.^su)  &  Boy  don  {Elijah),  dry  goods,  73  Court 

Crosby  {Jlagvstus)  &  Small  {Benjumin),  cabinetmakers, 

rear  34  Wash.     Crosby's  h.  31  Myrtle 
Crosby  Charles,  handcartman,  Salt  lane 
Crosby  E.  widow  of  James,  Broadway 
Crosby  Frederick  {Stone  &  C),  li.  31  Bridge 
Crosby  John,  laborer,  24  Mcrrimac 
Crosby  Joseph  C.  cordvvainer,  Tlfird  st. 
Crosby  Josiah  L.  merchant,  45  Hanover,  h.  14  Bridge 
Crosby  Kendall,  soda  and  coffee  room,  Lindall 
Crosby  Lemuel  S.  stone  cutter,  2  Second  street 
Crosby  Loammi  {Stearjis  &  C-),  house  2;)  Bridge 
Crosby  Porter,  house  18  Gouch 

Crosby  Sumner,  broker,  5  Exchange,  h.  Spring  st.  place 
Crosby  Tully,  captain,  F  street  near  4th  street  „ 
Crosby  Walter,  miis.  inst.  uiaker,  190,  h.  196  Tremont 
Crosby  Wm.  S.  {Leach, C  &  GShnore),h.  Sea  n.  the  bridge 
Cross  Amos  W.  soda  room,  78  Commercial 
Cross  Benijah,  pianoforte  maker,  boards  759  Wash. 
Cross  Jacob,  laborer,  rear  10  Brighton 
Cross  Othniel,  handcartman,  Dedham  near  Tremont 
Crossmafi  George  D.  dry  goods,  383  Wash,  b'ds  105 Front 
Croswell  Mary,  widow,  rear  34  Prince 
Croswell  William,  Rev.  vestry  of  Chiist  church  Salem 
Crotty  Richard,  carpenter,  h.  Tremont  near  Pleasant 
Crowell  Mary,  widow.  Market  place 
Crowley  John,  laborer,  rear  03  Elliot 
Crowley  Jolm,  laborer,  131  Broad 
Crowley  Johanna,  widow,  Peck  lane 
Crowley  Lawrence,  laborer,  Devonshire  n.  Spring  lane 
Crowley  Timotby,  laborer,  rear  13  Sea 
Crowninshield  Benjamin  W.  h.  1  Somerset 
Crowninshield  F.  B.  attorney,  4  Court,  h.  1  Cliesnut 
Crowninshield  Geo.  machinist,  h.  Blackstono  n.  Hanover 
Crowninshield  John,  app.  C.  H.  h.  Belknap  c.  Pinckney 
Crueger  Francis,  h.  rear  39  Sea 
Cruft  Edward,  merchant,  house  6  Pearl 


Cruft  Edward,  jr.  attorney,  9  State,  house  6  Pearl 

Cruft  John,  port  warden,  31  India,  h.  47  Salem 

Cruse  Thomas,  laborer,  south  794  Washington 

Crygier  Simon,  laborer,  4  Orange  lane 

Cuddy  Cornelius,  laborer,  1  Humphrey  place 

Cuddy  William,  laborer,  P  street 

Cudworth  Lucinda,  widow,  8  Leveret  lane 

Cudworth  Peter,  housew't,  Merrimac,  h.  24  N.  Russell 

Cudworth  Susan,  rear  34  Prince 

Cullen  Sophia,  widow,  nurse,  h.  9  Brighton 

Cullinan  John,  laborer,  rear  50  Boylston 

Cullinan  Harriet,  widow  of  Michael,  179  Purchase 

Cullis  Henry,  stonecutter,  1st  street 

Cullis  John,  h.  May  second  door  from  Centre 

Cumings  Bradley  N.  {Hobart  &  C),  h.  23  Charter 

Cumings  Thomas,  shoes,  683,  house  656  Wash. 

Cummings  Abigail,  5  Howard 

Cummings  Alvah.     See  E.  Baker  &  Co. 

Cummings  Amos,  machinist,  h.  30  Warren 

Cummings  Amos  (Boioditch  &  C),  h.  Essex 

Cummings  Ann,  widow  of  David,  rear  78  Warren 

Cummings  Bradley  (JV.  Hobart  &  C),  b'ds  23  Charter 

Cummings  Charles  VV.  &  Co.  {Luke  Fernald),  smiths,  IBS' 

Camb.  h.  N.  Grove 
Cummings  Christopher,  clerk,  h.  Garden  court 
Cummings  Daniel,  42  S.  Market,  h.  6  Causeway 
Cummings  Daniel,  truckman.  Broad,  h.  67  Salem 
Cummings  David,  innholder,  Jefferson  house,  16  Ann- 
Cummings  Elislia,  North  Margin 
Cummings  Ephraim,  h.  98  Purchase  • 

Cummings  George  &  Co.  {A.  E.  Hildreth),  dry  good»y 

15  Doane 
Cummings  Gilbert,  house  9  Charter 
Cummings  James,  laborer,  Gibbs  lane  near  Purchase 
Cummings  Lucy,  widow,  Warren  place 
Cummings  Michael,  machinist,  E  street 
Cummings  (Robert)   &>  Gilman   (Geo.  W.),  W.  L  goods, 

153  Ann 
Cummings  Rowland,  mason,  house  62  Myrtle 
Cummings  Sophia,  widow,  2  Moon 
Cummings  Sumner,  h.  Commercial  near  Ferry  ways 
Cummings  Thomas,  brassfounder,  h.  18  N.  Bennet 
Cummiskey  Hugh,  house  9  Sullivan  place 
Cunningham  Andrew  &  Charles,  merchants,  28  Fo8t»'» 

wharf,  house  25  Mt.  Vernou 


Cunningham  Benj.  blacksmith,  4th  street 
Cunningham  Charles,  13  Foster's  wf.  h.  42  Mt.  Vernon 
Cunningham  Charles,  W.  f.  goods,  394  Wash.  h.  do. 
Cunningham  Ephraim  M.  itispect.  of  cust.  h.  3  Garden  ct. 
Cunningham  Geo.  H.  housew't,  Harvard  pi.  h.  BeverJy 
Cunningham  Henry,  coach  lace,  3  Milk 
Cunningham  James,  laborer,  41  Leveret 
Cunningham  James,  mer.  ii7  Foster's  wf.  h.  14  Chesnut 
Cunningham  Jt)hn,  laborer,  149  Broad 
Cuimingliam  John,  laborer,  rear  8  South  street  place 
Cunningham  Jos.  L.  auc.  Federal  cor.  Milk,  h.  Rows  pi. 
Cunningham  Lucretia,  widow,  Richmond  avenue 
Cunningham  Nathaniel  F.  &  Co.  {Thos.  Cltiid),  mer.  38 

and  27  India  wf  h.  6  McLean 
Cunningham  Peter,  laborer,  rear  12  Distilhouse  square 
Cunningham  Phebe  B.  house  5  Short 
Cunningham  Simon  D.  house  Beverly 
Cunningham  Theodore  W.  housewright,  h.  Salem  pi. 
Cunningham  William,  housewright,  (commercial 
Curley  Michael,  laborer,  rear  151  Ann 
Curran  Dennis,  laborer,  rear  63  Elliot 
Curran  Thomas  (D.  M' Murray  &  Co.),  brushmakers,  h. 

4  Prospect 
Currant  Anthony,  jr.,  Ann  street  court 
Currant  John  F.  boarding  house,  rear  281  Ann 
Currant  Joseph,  cooper,  Richmond 
Currier  Benj.  H.  assistant  clerk  S.  J.  C.  h.  202  Tremont 
Currier  Eliza,  widow,  house  108  Cambridge 
Currier  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Eben.  R.  115  Pleasant 
Currier  Hubbard  C.  broker,  h.  Haymarket  place 
Currier  Hugh  M.  house  4  Champney  place 
Currier  Jerahmeel,  trader,  hou^e  3  Purchase 
Currier  Jonathan  T.  bellhanger,  h.  57  Pond 
Currier  Nathaniel,  teamster,  rear  80  Tremont 
Currier  (Richard)   &  Trotl  (Peter),   watchmakers,  139 

Washington.     C.'s  house  Pleasant 
Currier  Joseph  B.  house  61  Myrtle 
Currill  Henry,  h.  rear  5  Tileston 
Curry  William,  jeweller,  h.  28  Cambridge 
Curry  William,  laborer,  29  Sea 
Curtin  John, Rev.  cor.  Federal  and  Franklin  place 
Curtin  Susannah,  widow,  54  Prince 
Curtis  Benj.  R.  attorney,  16  Court,  h.  9  W.  Cedar 
Curtis  Caleb,  Pres.  Neptune  Ins.  Co.  h.  36  Chesnut 
Curtis  Charles,  mariner,  Langdon  place 


Curtis  Charles  E.  ropemaker,  h.  Arnold 

Curtis  Charles  l*.  counsellor,  16  Couit,  h.  19  Mt.  Vernon 

Curtis  Christopher,  lime  kiln  and  hoiiso,  70  Cliarles 

Curtis  David,  housewri^ht,  house  36  Merrimac 

Curlis  Elijah  S.  hardware,  &c.  9  Dock  square 

Curtis  Frances,  widow  of  Thomas,  zl  Mt.  Vernon 

Curtis  George,  attorney,  h.  7  W.  Cedar 

Curtis  Geor<;e  A.  stereotyper,  h.  Church  cor.  S,  Cedar 

Curtis  Hannah,  vvidovv.  house  4  Knox 

Curtis  Menrj,  wood  wf.  Front,  h.  6i)9  Wasliington 

Curtis  Janies  F.   superintendent  Worcester  Rail  Road, 

house  11   Warren 
Curtis  Jared  B.     See  Kimhall,  Jewett  &  Co. 
Curtis  John,  stereotype  founder,  house  25  Hamilton 
Curtis  John,  jr.  (J.  Collumore,  jr.  &-  Co),  h.  18  Bulfinch 
Curtis  John  &  Son  (Frc(/er^':A;),  woodwharfingers,4rf  SJea 
Curtis  Joseph,  mes.  Cornmer.  Bank,  li.  26  Harvard 
Curtis  Joseph  H.  <&  (iefirge,  104  Faneuil  market 
Curtis  M.-iry,  widow  of  captain  Philip,  12  Columbia 
Curtis  {Nathaniel,  jr.)  &   Leavens  {^S.  D.),  merchants, 

106  State.     C.s  h.  65  Pinckney 
Curtis  Philip,  housewright,  Bhickstone 
Curtis  Robert,  clerk,  30  Broad,  h.  4  Federal  court 
Curtis  Sam.  lookingglass  maker,  15  Wash  h.  9  Staniford 
Curtis  Samuel  S.  {A'urris  i-  C),  h.  24  La  Grange  place 
Curlis  Sarah,  widow  of  David,  h.  36  IVIerriuiac 
Curtis  Sarah,  widow,  5  Distilhouse  square 
Curtis  Sar-:{h,  widow  of  N.  R.  house  Arnold 
Curtis  Theophilus,  truckman,  'I'urnpiko.  street 
Curtis  Thomas,  merchant,  15  Central  wf  h.  46  Purchase 
Curtis  Thomas,  punrpmaker,  h.  3  South  slr«^et  court 
Curtis  Thomas  B.  mer.  35  Central  wf  h.  19  Mt.  Vernon 
Curtis  William,  Court,  h.  202  Tremont 
Cushing  Abel,  counsellor,  9  State 
Cushing  Abigail,  widow,  6  Richmond 
Cushing  Bela,  shipwright,  rear  Hull 
Cushing  Charles  W.  mason,  house  6  Sheaf 
Cushing  Deborah,  widow  of  Henry,  10  Balterymarch 
Cushing  Edmund  L.  school,  16  Franklin 
Cushing  Eliza  Ann,  h.  op.  98  Sea 
Cushing  George,  clerk  Col.  Bank,  h.  6  Columbia 
Cushing  George  K.  housewriglit,  25  Pinckney 
Cushing  Goorgo  W.  coach  trimmer,  h.  Batteryraarch 
Cushing  Hannah,  widow,  h.  Battervmarch 
CushiDg  Hannah  6>  milliner,  159  VVashington 



dishing  Havwiird  P.  {S.  Pcirce  Sl  Co.),  h.  49  Hanover 

Cushinj;  Henry  (H.  R.  JVi'lians  &,  Co.),  h.  12  Columbia 

Ciishiiig  Henry  W.  h.  10  Batteryrnarch 

Cnsliing  Is!ia(!,  harnessinaker,  Sudbury,  h.  jl  Stillman 

Cushing  (.///,/7je5),  White  {Charles  Jl.)  &  Co.  {Wm.  R. 
Dr.ane  &.  Wm.  Ji.  IVhUe),  importers  and  dealers  in 
woollen  j2,VKids,  6!  Kiibv 

Cnsliing  Jolm(/.  Harris  &"Co  ),  h.  59  Charter 

Cnsliing  John,  lioiis(nvriglit.Biir.ol|)h,  h.  30  Garden 

Cusliing(./y»a.)  &,  Ames  (jYalU'lF.),  iner.  110  Milk 

Cushitig  Jonathan,  h   G7  Poplar 

Cnsliing  Lemuel,  's2  Hanrock 

Cnsliing  Levi  L.  carver,  o4  Poplar,  h.  11  Brighton 

Gushing  Luther  S.  counsellor,  4  Court 

Cushirig  Martha,  90  Front 

dishing  Mary,  widow,  Henchman  lane 

dishing  Mary,  nurse,  G  Bartlett 

dishing  Mary,  boarding  house,  18  Province  H.  court 

Cnsliing  Nehemiah.  mason,  '26  Belknap 

dishing  Perez,  shipwr't,  rear  57  Commer.  h.  4  Unity  ct. 

Cusliing  (Roland)  &  Brown  (Benj.  H),  house  and  ship 
joiners,  Russia  wf.     C.'s  h.  3  Purchase  place 

Cusliing  Samuel,  stair  builder,  h.  50  Fayette 

Cusliing  Samuel,  printer,  house  113  Chambers 

Cushing  Samuel  N.  (Pratt  &  C),  house  rear  19  Charter 

Cusliing  Sarah  and  Ann,  house  rear  52  Federal 

Cushing  Sarah  H.  widow  of  William  L.  h.  39  Pinckney 

Cnsliing  Sarah,  widow,  h.  39  S.  Russell 

Cushing  Sarah  T.  widow,  201  Ann 

Cushing  Solomon  B.  mastmaker,  4th  street 

Cushing  Thomas,  2  Columbia 

Cushing  Thomas  P.  &  Co.  (.Arthur  Wilkinson),  import- 
ers, 5  Kilhy,  h.  4  Mt.  Vernon 

Cushing  Zenas,  tailor,  h.  19  Myrtle 

Cushman  Freeman  L.  housew't,  S.  Margin,  h.  7  Minot 

Cushman  Jafnes  H.  mason,  h.  104  Warren 

Cushman  (Joseph  P)  &  Vose  (Joseph),  coopers,  97  Wa- 
ter.    C  's  h.  6  Richmond 

Cushman  John,  housewright,  h.  rear  351  Washington 

Cushman  Joseph,  jr.  dry  goods,  161  Washington 

Cushman  Lucy  K.  rear  83  Tremont 

Cushman  Mary  E.  boarding,  41  Brattle 

Culler  Amos,  jeweller,  217  Wash.  h.  Bromfield  House 

Cutler  Charles,  lighterman,  h.  190  Ann 

Culler  Elisha,  lighterman,  Corn.  n.  Ann,  h.  51  Charter 


Cutler  (Elisha)  &  Tewksbury  {A.  /?.)> ''ghterm.  80  Com. 
Cutler  {E.  n.)  &  Russell  (J.),  stage  office,  11   Elm,  h.  6 

Brattle  square 
Cutler  John.     See  Pattangall  &  C. 
Cutler  Jonas,  mariner,  Murray  place 
Cutler  Marshall  J.  {Mclntire  &  C),  h.  8  Crescent  pi. 
Cutler  ]\ahum,  carpenter,  Beach,  h.  Kuhn  place 
Cutler  Pliny,  Pres.  Atlantic  Bank,  h.  6  Mt.  Vernon  pi. 
Cutler  Roland  (JV.  Faxon  &  Co.),  h.  47  Salem 
Cutler  Samuel  (£.  Clarke  &  Co.),  h.  41  Bowdoin 
Cutler  S.  VV.  cordwainer,  13  Salem,  h.  rear  Hanover 
Cutter  {Amnd)  &  Perkins  (Richard),  mer.  2  Brimmer's 

T  and  Portland,  h.  Pitts 
Cutter  Caleb  C.  h.  2  Pitts 
Culter  Dorcas,  widow,  h.  Berry 
Cutter  Edward,  weigher,  15  Long  wf.  h.  28  Myrtle 
Cutter  George,  provisions,  rear  113  Hanover 
Cutter  Henry,  4  Arch 
Cutter  John,  blacksmith,  h.  8  Snowhill 
Cutter  Joseph,  cardmaker,  59  Commercial,  h.  Clark 
Cutter  Samuel  L.  wharfinjjer,  33  Com.  wf.  h.  G  Sheafe 
Cutter  Samuel,  mason.  Henchman  lane 
Cutter  Wm.  G.  coach  trim.  C  Hawley,  h.  Nassau  ct. 
Cutting  Benjamin  R.      See  Wm.  S.  Lovell  &  Co. 
Cutting  Elijah  W.  r.  15  Tremont  near  Washington 
Cutting  Gilbert,  shoes,  84  Cambridge 
Cutting  Henry,  provisions,  Commer.  cor.  Hanover 
Cutting  Jonas,  laborer,  2  Bartlett 

DAGGETT  EDW.  C.  grocer,  7  India  wf.  b'ds  48  Fed. 

Dagget  Herman,  W.  I.  g'ds,  43  India,  h.  Com.  Coff.  li. 

Dagget  Milton,  boarding,  5  Brattle  square 

Daggett  Henry  L.  shoes,  206  Wash,  b'ds  64  Tremont 

Dailey  Bartholomew,  laborer,  92  Summer 

Dailey  Cornelius,  laborer.  Broad,  op.  Maine  wharf 

Dailey  Carroll,  laborer,  Peck  lane 

Dailey  Cornelius,  laborer,  Creek  square 

Dailey  Edmund,  laborer,  Hamilton  alley 

Dailey  James,  house  rear  Pinckney 

Dailey  Jeremiah,  laborer.  Lane  place 

Dailey  Jerry,  laborer,  rear  17  Sea 

Dailey  John,  laborer,  rear  123  Broad 

Dailey  John,  laborer,  rear  40  Friend 

Dailey  Lawrence,  laborer,  rear  99  Broad 

Dailey  Michael,  mariner,  rear  660  Washington 


Dailey  Patrick,  laborer,  Front  near  Oak 

Dailey  Thomas,  gardener,  h.  5  Essex  place 

Dailey  Timothy,  hiboier,  2  Wharf 

Daily  Silas,  ship  carpenter,  Broadway 

Daily  William,  honse  rear  40  Friend 

Daly  Patrick,  cordwainer,  hoards  opposite  40  Front 

Diile  Catlierine.  dressmaker,  21  Summer 

Dale  Ebenezer  {Johnson,  SewalL  &  Co.),  b'da  11  Beacon 

Dale  John,  hosiery  factory,  South  Cedar 

Daley  John,  wlieelwright",  h.  rear  235  Washington 

Dalle  Silas,  shipwriirht,  h.  rear  Broadway 

Dall  John,  h.  {]\S'i  Washington 

Dall  Joseph,  h.  ()H8  Washington 

Dull  Rebecca,  widow  of  William,  h.  G68  Washington 

Duiliiiger  (John,  jr.)  &  Welch  {F.  0.),  bats  and  fur,  19 

Dalrimple  Judith,  widow  of  John,  10  North  Russell 
Dahon  Garrett,  laborer,  2  Whaif 
Dalion  Huiih,  laborer,  C  street 

Dahon,  cashier  Tremont  Bank,  h.  58  Mt.  Vernon 
D.ilton  Michael,  typefounder,  12  Hull 
Dalton  Patrick  It.  packer,  8  Sudbury 
Dahon  Petei  R.  iner.  59  C(mimer.  wf  h.  at  Tremont  H. 
Dahon  Thankful,  wid.  of  Thomas,  h.  10  Pearl  place 
Dalton  Thomas,  laborer,  3\i  Broad 
Dam  Leader,  patera  medicines,  49  Hanover 
Dam  Sally,  widow,  h.  Butolph 

Dame  AbValiam  A.  counsellor,  39  Court,  h.  7  Poplar 
Dame  John  \V.  cordwainer,  h.  109  Charles 
Dame  Mary,  widow  (.f  Levi,  house  1(31  Court 
Djimtners  Amelia  E.  widow,  Theatre  alley 
l>amon  Joel,  liatier,  h.  Silver 
Damon  J.  mas<m,  house  222  Hanover 
Damon  Leonard  (Lamb  &  D.),  h.  Turnpike 
Damon  Nathaniel  L.  clerk,  h.  15  Myrtle 
Damrell  Elbrid^^e  G.  cooper,  Hobbs's  wharf,  Sea 
Damrell  William  S.  printer,  39  Washington,  h.  4  Poplar 
Dana  Aaron,  broker,  2  Rogers's  building,  h.  1  Howard 
Dana  Charles  B.  {Davenport  4'  D),  h.  19  Hayward  pi. 
Dana  Dexter,  mustard  fact.  105  Ann,  h.  53  Belknap 
Dana  Elisha  W.  broker,  rear  23  State,  h.  Ex.  Coffee  H. 
Dana  Edward,  fruit,  100  N.  Market,  h.  4  Cornhill  squar« 
Dana  Ebenezer,  tailor,  h.  rear  39  Essex 
Dana  Eleanor,  widow,  Spear  alley 
Dana  Enoch,  laborer,  h.  S.  Cedar  near  the  chnrch 


Dana  (EpJiraim),  Evans  (Alfred)   »^  Co.  {Luther  Dana, 

A.  IV.  Farrar  &.  Geo.  Hyde),  W.  I.  goods,  44  and 46 

Broad.     D.'s  h.  10  Haywaid  place 
Dana  Francis,  physician,  2  Central  court 
Dana  George,  W.  1.  goods,  13  Long  wf.  h.  142  Purchase 
Dana  John,  mason,  Fruit  street  court 
Dana  Lulher,  h.  10  Hayvvard  place 
Dana  {MatliL),  Greely  {Philip, jr.)  &Co.{Geo.  F.  Guild), 

mer.  1  Central  wf.     D.'s  h.  19  Hayward  pi. 
Dana  Otis  H.  {Fales  &  D.),  h.  10  Hayward  place 
Dana  Richard  H.  h.  10  Sullivan  place 
Dana  Samuel,  9  Court,  boards  24  Somerset 
Dana  { Samuel),  Fenno  {John  IV.)  &  Henshavv  {Samuel), 

brokers,  39  State.     D.'s  h.  Chardon 
Dane  John  (B.  French  &  Co.),  h.  27  Green 
Dane  Feter  O.  grocer,  Merrimac  cor.  Portland 
Danforth  A.  h.  277  Washington 
Danforth  Elizabeth,  widow,  29  Bedford    . 
Danforth  Isaac,  13  South  Market 
Danforth  John  M.  paper  hangings,  162  Hanover 
Danforth  Mary,  wid.  of  Thomas,  boarding  h.  105  Front 
Danforth  Stephen,  distiller,  h.  13  Pleasant 
Danforth  William,  pianof  irte  maker,  h.  Silver 
Daniell  Chester  {J.  &  C.  Daniell),  h.  58  Warren 
Daniell  George  K.  9  Union 
Daniell  J.  N.  201  Washington 

Daniell  J.  &.  C.  dry  g'ds,  201  Wash.     J.  D.'s  h.  Temple 
Daniell  Otis  (Grant  &  D.),  h.  14  Montgomery  place 
Daniels  Betsey,  widow,  110  Warren 
Daniels  Eben.,  blacksm.  Havvley,  h.  Garden  c.  Southac 
Daniels  Henry,  distiller,  h.  5  1-2  Hawkins 
Daniels  Joseph,  strne  mason,  3  N.  Federal  court 
Daniels  Mercy  L.  widow,  5  Hull 
Daniels  Nathaniel,  baker,  38  Templfe 
Daniels  Thomas,  cordwainer,  Merrimac 
Daniels  William,  cooper,  h.  2  May  place 
Paniels  Wm   B.  housewright,  h.  2  Grove 
Dano  William,  h.  4th  street 
Dnrbe  Josiah,  provisions,  77,  h.  113  Chambers 
Darling  A.  painter,  1  Orange  corner  Washington 
Darling  Benj.  h.  3  Bridge  st.  court 
Darling  Chas.  B.  &  Wm.  A.  dry  g'ds,  163  Washington, 

house  97  Front 
Darling  {Elhridge)  &  Hammond  {B.  F.),  dry  goods,  72 


DIRfeCTORY.  139 

Dnrling  Elialdm,  botnnic  physician,  52  Salem 

Darliiig  Ezra,  shoemaker,  U.  ]  Orange 

Daihng  Guorgo  F.  haektnan,  h.  2  Bath 

Darling  Horace  B.  house  20  Orange 

Darling  Leonard,  hoii'iewright,  h.  38  Belknap 

Darling  l*eter  II.  ship  and  house  joiner,  h.  (libbs  lane 

Darling  Sarnuel,  wood,  Brighton,  h.23  McLean 

Darling  {Thomas)  &  I'ollarJ  (Thomas),  soda,  Frank,  av. 

Darling  Thomas,  house  51  Allen 

Darracott  George,  agent  Gas  Ligiit  Co.  185  Wash.  h.  6 

Trem<mt  place 
Darracott  George,  jr.  snperinten.  railway,  h.  35  Charter 
Darrow  Thomas,  laborer,  rear  41  Congress 
Dascomb  Richard,  VV.  L  goods.  Sea  c.  East,  h.  61  Sea 
Dascomb  Thomas  R.  (Hunt  .Nz  Z>  ),  h.  57  Sea 
Dashwood  Sarah,  widow,  h.  Pinckney  cor.  W,  Cedar 
Davenport  Asher,  rear  373  Washington 
Davenport  Benjamin,  clerk,  h.  3  Sonierset  place 
Davenport  C.  W,  43  Kilby,  house  21  Orange 
Daven[)ort  Edward  J.  physician,  3  Winter 
Davenport  Edwin,  baker,  42  Prince 
Davenport  Elijah,  2!  Orange 
Davenport  (George)  &  Daua  (Chorles  £.),  W.  I.  g'ds,  1 

Cenlral  wf.     Davenport's  h.  10  La  Grange  pi. 
Davenport  James  S.  truckman,  207  Hanover 
Davenport  John,  housew't,  r.  (J2  Milk,  h.  115  Purchase 
Davenport  Mary,  widow,  14  Bedfoid 
Davenport  Rufus,  120  Washington 
Davey  John,  trader,  boards  15  N.  Margin 
David  Barnabas  B.     See  Melendy  &  D. 
Davidson  Hamilton,  grain  store,  37  Long  wharf 
Davidson  J<thn,  boarding  house,  313  Commercial 
Davies  Daniel  (Corthdl  <fe  D.),'h.  49  Poplar 
Davies  Joshua  G.  paper  hanger,  h.  Knox 
Davies  Lucy,  widow,  9  Norfolk  place 
Davis  Adolphus,  iner.  T3  Cent.  wf.  b'dsMilk  c.  Atkinson 
Davis  Amos,  laborer,  rear  130  Pleasant 
Davis  Barnabas  (H.  Sr.iidder  <$'•  Co.),  h.  Pearl  place 
Davis  {Bcnj.  B.)  &  Fobes  {EH win).  83  F.  Hall  market 
Davis  Charles  6i  J.  H.,  14  Boylslon  market 
Davis  David,  assistant  House  of  Correction 
Davis  David,  broker,  16  Exchange,  h.  59  Belknap 
Davis  David,  jeweller,  h.  5  Tre,niont  ne;ir  Pleasant 
Davis  David  C.  baker,  5  Atkinson,  h.  21  do. 
Davis  David  E.  laborer,  rear  60  Elliot 


Davis  Eben.  &  VV.  26  F.  H.  market,  h.  37  Friend 

Davis  E()(Miez«r,  1 17- Faneiiil  Hall  marktt 

Davis  Eliza  L.  widow,  2  Oran^fe  lane 

Davis  Elizabeth,  widdw  of  Oliver,  h.  20  Blossom 

Davis  Elizabeili  H.  widow  of'Atnbrose,  16  Howard 

Davis  Epiiraim  C.  laborer,  13  Hull 

Davis  Ephraini,  house  Canal 

Dnvi.s  Ezra,  wharfinger,  13  Foster's  wf.  h.  38  Atkinson 

Davis  Frances,  nurse,  h.  7  Second 

Davis  Franklin  L.  h.  108  Cambridge 

Davis  Ferdinand  H.  clerk,  31   N<»rth  Market 

Davis   (George)   ol   Meserve   {John   B.),  liousewrightB, 

Broukline.     Davis's  h.  do. 
Davis  George  H.  pianoforte  maker,  h.  18  Piedmont 
Davis  Giltnan,  clerk,  h.  777  Washington 
Davis  Gihnan,  stone  cutter,  Broadway 
Davis  Gihnan,  pianoforte  n)aker.  h.  18  Piedmont 
Davis  Henry,  sexton,  house  13  Fleet 
Davis  Henry,  pianoforte  tuner,  cor.  Essex  and  Wash. 
Davis  Hiram,  broker,  h.  rear  57  Elliot 
Da^is  Horatio,  organ  builder,  16  Bridge 
Davis  Isaac,  comb  store,  28  Washington,  h.  20  Hanover 
Davis  Isaac  P.  8  Winthrop  place 
Davis  Jacob,  housewright,  h.  4  Eaton 
Davis  James,  22  Union,  h.  148  Tremont 
Davis  Ja's,  jr.  ag't  Revere  Co.  22  Union,  h.  148  Tremonl 
Da\is  Jaiiies,  rigger,  2  North  square 
Davis  James,  furcutter,  Cambridge,  near  the  bridge 
Dat'is  James,  h.  2  Sun  court 

Davis  Job,  fruit  cellar,  Boylston  market,  h.  Elliot 
Davis  John,  Judge  District   Court,  li    1  Milton  place 
Davis  John,  hoijsewright,  h.  25  Brighton 
Davis  John,  laborer,  h.  Commercial 
Davis  John,  mariner,  rear  Pond 
Davis  John,  captain,  Broadway  corner Dorchest6r 
Davis  Jojin,  trader,  h.  Washington  avenue 
Davis  (John  Gardner),  Bales  {Benj.  E.)  &,  Turner  (John 

M.),  dry  goods.  49  Water 
Davis  John.     See  Prait  &  D. 
Davis  John  C.  stevedore,  Ann  street  court 
Davis  John  E.  laborer,  rear  60  Elliot 
Davis  {Jo/m  IV.)  &.  Abbott  (Joseph),  livery  stable,  rear  1 

Franklin  pi.     D.'s  h.  3  Short  st.  ct. 
Davis  Jonathan,  paver,  15  Gaiden 
Davis  Joseph.     See  Boynton  &,  D. 



Dnvis  Joseph  A,  (Seo,rs  S/-  D.),  h.  15  Orange 

Davis  Joseph  F.  cabinetmaker,  Poiul,  h.  N.  Margin 

iJavis  Jost^ph,  brass  nail  maker,  rear  Broadway 

Davis  Joshua,  jjroccr,  East,  cor.  South,  1>.  39  South 

Davis  Joshua,  house  28  Summer 

Davis  Joshua,  jr.  blacksmith,  house  Friend 

Davis  Juha,  widow,  5  Orange  hine 

Davis  Lois,  boardings,  25  Port  hind  ' 

Davis  liois,  taih)ress,  rear  <)3  Salem 

Davis  Mary,  house  I  Lynde 

Davis  Mary  D.  widow,  11  Madison  place 

Davis  Mary,  widow,  rear  ISorth  Mai  gin 

Davis  Mary  B.  widow,  house  44  Temple 

Davis  Mary  S.  widow,  57  Elliot 

Davis  Patrick,  laborer,  Washinirton  avenue 

Davis  Robert  S.  publisher,  77  Washington 

Davis  Koxana,  boarding,  rear  46  Hanover 

Davis  Rufus,  h.  Hanover  avenue 

Davis  Sally,  tailoress,  4th  street 

Davis  Sally,  widow,  104  Sea 

Davis  Samuel,  importer  of  watches,  1  Milk,  h.  Orange  Ct. 

Davis  Samuel  S.  housevvriglit,  N.  Hanover  court 

Davis  Samuel,  jr.  4  Boylston  market 

Davis  Ste[»hen  G.  teller  South  Bank 

Davis  Sullivan,  laborer,  97  Pond 

Davis  Susan  H.  widow  of  John  W.  7  Winthrop  place 

Davis  T.  A.  import,  of  watches,  87  Wash.  h.  11  Chesnut 

Davis  Thomas,  cartman,  h.  324  Ann 

Davis  Thomas,  grocer,  7  S.  side  Fan.  H.  h.  23  Spring 

Davis  Thomas  C.  clerk,  house  rear  339  Washington 

Davis  Thomas,  Otis  pi.  cor.  Winthrop  p|. 

Davis  T.  Kemper,  attorney,  33  Court,  h.  8  Winthrop  pi. 

Davis  Timothy,  collector,  h   25  Thacher 

Davis  Wescot,  grocer,  81  Purchase,  h.  do. 

Davis  Williim.     See  E.  »fe  W.  Davis 

Dtivis  William  G.  organ  buildfr,  Friend,  h.  2  Sudbnry 

Davis  Wm.  jr.  merchant,  74  Long  wf  h.  11  Cambridge 

Davis  William  N.  jeweller.  Blackstone 

Dawes  Albert  G.  boards  247  Washington 

Dawes  Henry,  broker,  5  Exchange,  h.  173  Hanover 

Dawes  James,  laborer,  rear  371  Wasbington 

Dawes  Relief,  widow,  Middlesex,  near  Castle 

Dawley  Augustus  S.  machinist,  h.  7  Stillman 

Davlin  Edward,  laborer,  rear  11  Cross 

Day  Asa,  house  Middlesex  near  Castle 


Day  John,  house  8  Oliver 

Day  Joshua,  house  Broad  op.  Rowe's  wf. 

Day  liucretia  S.  milliner,  137  Court 

D  ly  Moses,  stonecutt^^r,  Isi,  h.  3H  street  near  Dorchester 

Day(on  (jVtt</i7   [,  )  &  Bailey  {IVm.),  bookbinders,  147 

Wash.  h.  Harvard  place 
Dean  C.lvin,  boards  10  Clark 
Dean  Charles  A.  crockery,  19  Elm,  h.  5  Cooper 
Dean  Christopher  C,  S    8   Depository,  13  Cornhill 
Dean  Eliza,  taih.ress,  house  rear  Teinple 
Dt!an  Henry  {SUr.kney  cV  D.),  h.  2G  Green 
Dean  James,  house  Medford 
Dean  Jarvis,  teamster,  li.  Lenox 

Dean  l.oammi,  eordvvainer,.14  Leveret,  h.  109  Chamber* 
Dean  Martha,  widow,  rear  7  Prince 
Dean  Nancy  H.  widow  of  Tiiomas,  h.  86  Prince 
Dean  Paul,  Hev  24  Green 
Deane  Charles,  boards  7  Central  court 
Deane  William  R.  house  44  High 
Dearhoin  Abner,  shoes,  204,  house  rear  202  Hanover 
Dearborn  Benjriinin,  h.  4  Avon  place 
Dearborn  Benjamin,  cordwainer,  109  Charles 
Dearborn  Henry,  tinman,  h.  3d  street 
L*earborn  Henry  A.  S.  adj.  jjcneral,  office  State  House 
Dearborn  John  M.  machinist,  Sf>rin<j;  lane,  h.  4  Avon  pi. 
Dearborn  Jonathan  F.  housewr't,  Commercial  n.  Foster 
Dearborn  Joseph  B,  hf)usewrigiit,  h.  9  Bridge  st.  court 
Dearborn  Nath"l  &  Son  {^f.  S.),  engravers,  57  Washing. 

h.  1  Cedar  street  court 
Dearborn  Sarah,  widow  of  Edward,  14  Newton  place 
Deblois  Dalton,  weigher,  5  India  wharf,  h.  50  Essex 
Deblois  Elizabeth,  3  (Neutral  court 
Deblois  George  L.  (Skinner  &  D.),  h.  60  Mt.  Vernon 
De  Carteret  Sarah,  house  1  Margaret 
Dt!  Coster  Samuel,  house wright,  h.  556  Washington 
Decous  Gef)rge,  plume  maker,  9,  h,  7  Bedford 
Dee  John,  boardiriglu»use,  170  Ana 
Dee  Morris,  shoemaker,  h.  Cross 
Dee  Patrick,  laborer,  house  I  Humphrey  place 
Deering  Marg.iret,  widow,  opposite  5  Norfolk  place 
Defriose  William,  baker,  456  Washington 
Degni-nd  P.  P.  F.  house  Pinckney  near  W.  Cedar 
Dehon  Elizabeth,  widow,, 1  Chauncey  place 
Dehon  William,  house  1  Cliauncey  place 
Deigan  William,  18  Stillman 

t  DIRECTORY.  143 

Delano  Abraham,  mariner,  house  3  Tileston' 

Delano  Thomas  A.     See  Wells,  D.  &  Co. 

Delano  (IVin.  H.)  «&  Whitney  {{Vm.  F.),  drugs  and  paints, 

56  Chatham.     Delano's  house  6  Allen 
Dclariy  Patrick,  tailor,  h.  corner  South  street  place 
Delay  Jeremiah,  laborer,  33  Sea 

Deluce  Francis,  housewright,  I  street  corner  1st  street 
Deluce  Henry  P.  cooper,  1st  street 
Deluce  James,  housewright,  1st  street 
Deluce  John,  undertaker,  ^d  street 
Deluce  John,  jr.  baker,  I  street  near  1st  street 
Demerit  John  W.  tailor,  house  rear  200  Washing. 
Demerilt  Henry,  housewright,  h.  20  Spring 
Deming  Edmund  C.  haircntter,  62  Hanover,  h.  42  Salem 
Deming  Leonard,  trader,  62  Hanover 
Demphys  James,  stonecutter,  rear  24  Pleasant 
Donch  Mary,  widow,  Derne  corner  Hancock 
Denison  Gurdon,  house  43  Front 
Denison  Gurdon  E.  house  43  Front 
Denison  John  N.  clerk,  boards  at  American  House 
Dennan  I'hiiip.  grocer,  126  Ann 

Dennett  Charles  B.  {Tuttle,  Weeks  &  D.),  h.  30  School 
Dennett  Mary,  widow,  66  Poplar 
Dennie  {George)  &  Boardman  {B.  G.  jr.),  leather  and 

hides,  23  N.  Market.     D.'s  h.  37  Blossom 
Dennie  Henry,  10  Allen 

Dennie  James,  merchant,  105  State,  h.  1  Hancock 
Dennie  Thomas   &  Son  {Henry),  wine  merchants,  105 

State,  house  1  Allen 
Dennigin  James,  laborer,  rear  60  Elliot 
Dennigin  John,  laborer,  rear  57  Elliot 
Dennis  Catharine,  boarding,  4  Beach 
Dennis  Enoch  {Goddard  &  D.),  h.  7  Shawmut 
Dennis  John  R.  carpenter,  h.  rear  gun-house  Forthill 
Dennis  Louis,  mason,  26  Allen 
Dennison  A.  L.  123  Washington 
Dennison  (T.  R.)  &  Moses  (/.//.),  provisions,  Brorafield, 

h.  Theatre  alley 
Dennison  James,  housewright,  Carver,  h.  23  do. 
Dennison  John,  laborer,  Blackstone 
Denny  {Daniel.)  &  Dutton  {Geo.  £>.),  American  goods, 

2*7  Kilby.     Denny's  h.  47  Hancock 
Denton  {Augustus)  &  Wight  {^aron   W.  jr.),  painters, 

Bromfield.    D.'s  h.  8  Myrtle 
Denton  John  A.  brasafounder,  h.  15  Blossom  place 


Denton  Jonathan,  housewright,  Causeway,  h.  10  do. 

Dtiiilun  K-t.'becca,  widow,  J 4  Csouth  Margin  x 

Denton  VViiliam,  VV.  I   goods;  ]5  Broad,  h.  20  P(fplar 

Derby  (EUas  tiusket)  &  Andrews  (/?e/i;.  H.),  counsel- 
lors, 4  State.     D.'s  house  .^CJ  Bo\  Istoa 

Derby  E.  Hersy,  16  Court,  h.  2  Bowdoiu 

Dermody  Richard,  house  IVlerrunac 

Desha  Eleanor,  widow,  87  Broad 

Desha  Patrick,  labi)rer,  h.  Market  place 

Desha  Timothy,  laborer,  h.  Peck  lane 

Deshon  Daniel,  merc-h.  (3  Long  wf.  h.  18  La  Grange  pi. 

Deshon  James,  ship  brok.  12  Central  wf.  b'ds  Devonshire 

Desoijza  Anthony,  mariner,  h.  rear  2G  Belknap 

Desmond  Dennis,  laborer,  24  Stillmaa 

Desmond  John,  laborer,  111  Broad 

Desmond  Jnlin,  carpenter,  h.  near  16  North  Centre 

Desmond  Michael,  cordwainer,  151  Purchase,  iiouse  rear 
gun-honse  Fort  hill 

Devenney  John,  h.  rear  40  Friend 

Devens  Darnel,  laborer,  104  Sea 

Devens  G.  A.     See  lingers  &  D. 

Devens  Richard,  tnerchant,  10  Central  wharf 

Deverenx  {Henry  L.)  &  Donahoe  {Patrick),  printers, 
1 1  Devdnshire 

Devereux  N.  B  jr.  47  Court,  boards  7  Green 

Deverenx  Patrick,  laborer,  Batterymarch 

Deverenx  William  E.  2  Short  street  court 

Devet  Juhn,  laborer,  115  Broad 

Devine  Sylvester,  laborer,  Humphrey  place 

Devoy  Nicholas,  grocer,  A  street 

Dewar  Henry  A.  surgeon-dentist,  38  School 

Dewson  Francis,  captain,  h.  118  Charles 

Dewerson  Marcy,  widow,  rear  Broadway 

Dewerson  Richard,  gunsmith.  14  Bedford 

Dewey  Mercy  B.  boardinghouse,  1  Somerset  cotirt 

Devvhurst  {Ihmnns)  &  Ivers  {Edvjard),  braziers,  5th 
street.     D.'s  h.  Broadway 

Dewhurst  Wm.  pumpmaker,  Hanrock  wf  h.  3  Bennet  pi. 

Dewing  Benj-imin,  mason,  li.  54  Belknap 

Dewing  Elizabeth,  117  Essex 

Dewing  Fanny,  widow  ot  Nathan,  h.  rear  5th  street 

Dewing  Seth,  surveyor  lumber,  i)5  Summer 

Dewire  Column,  laborer,  rear  Turnpike  n.  Broadway 

De  Wolf  Ethan  A.  grocer,  2  May 

Dexter  Alven,  hackraan^  Sua  Tavern,  Batterymajch 


Dexter  Amasa,  housewright,  h.  53  Cambridge 

Dexter  Anson,  Iials,  37  Court 

Dexter  Catherine,  widcnv,  16  Beacon 

Dexter  {Frnnldin)  &  Gardiner  {IVm.  //),coun.  16  Court 

Dexter  Franklin,  house  3  Chauncey  place 

Dexter  George  B.  house  rear  Br(tadway 

Dexter  (ieorge  M.  merchant,  h.  58  Boylston 

Dexter  Hannah,  nurse,  rear  gun  house  Fort  hill 

Dexter  {James)  &  Smith  (Benj.),  wood  wf.  Commercial 

Dexter  J.  M.  baker,  h.  S.  Margin 

Dexter  John  C.  8  City  Hall,  h.  73  Beacon 

Dexter  John  H.  house  31  High 

Dexter  John  IN.  laborer,  house  Lane  place 

Dexter  Joseph  W.  {Pierce  fy  D.),  house  17  May 

Dexter  Mary,  widow,  rear  gun  house  Fort  hill 

Dexter  Nancy,  widow,  Market  place 

Dexter  Nathaniel  P.  laborer,  h.  4  Carver 

Dexter  Samuel,  house  31  ^igh 

Dexter  Theodore,  weiglier  and  guager,  Custom  House, 

h.  13  Somerset  place 
Dexter  Thomas  A.  notary  and  commis.  8  City  Hall,  h. 

34  Atkinson 
Diamond  Asa,  mason,  house  Pitts 
Diamond  Joseph,  broker, 9  Exchange,  h,  2  Garland  pi. 
Dibbens  Thomas,  laborer,  Market  place 
Dickason  Charles  M.  caulker,  Henchman  lane 
Dickerman  Nathan,  housewright.  May  cor.  Butolph 
Dickey  James,  truckman,  rear  28  Poplar 
Dickinson  Chester,  boards  Oliver  near  Wendell 
Dickinson  Daniel,  shipsmith,  h.  North  square 
Dickinson  David,  stonecutter,  h.  93  Elliot 
Dickinson  Dexter  &  John,  wooden  ware,  &c.  26  Dock 

square,  house  29  Garden 
Dickinson  Dexter  O.  dry  goods,  7  Kilby 
Dickinson  J.  F.  {Winkiey  &  Z)),  h.  13  West 
Dickinson  John,  house  13  Garden 
Dickinson  Prescott,  captain,  rear  732  Washington 
Dickinson  S.  N.  printer,  52  Wash.  h.  13  Sheafe 
Dickins  Roland  F.  mariner,  11  Charter 
Dickman  James,  printer,  house  18  Hanover 
Dickson  James  A.  music  sal.  36  Cornhill,  h.  QQ  Federal 
Dickson  John,  laborer,  rear  4th  street 
Dickson  Shadrach,  housewright,  h.  rear  142  Pleasant 
Dickson  Thomas,  iron  founder,  rear  4th  street 
Dignay  Thomas,  laborer,  house  253  Wash. 


Dikeman  Sarah,  house  2  Second 
Dill  Jahez,  mariner,  39  Prince 

Dill  Joshua  A.  «>ysters,  437  Wash.  h.  7  Boylston  sq. 
Dillaway  Chas.  K.  teacher  Latin  school 
DilUiway  Elizabeth,  hoardins;  house,  3'20  Washington 
Diflavvay  Enoch  S.  brassf^>un(Jer,  4  Noyes  place 
Dillaway  Francis  {Prince  &- D),  b'ds  rear  ^47  W^ash. 
Dillaway  J.iujes,  housewright,  h.  Lane  place 
Dillaway  Mary,  nurse,  472  Washino;ton 
""Dill.iway  Samuel,  weiuher  and  ^jjua^ier.  26  Central  wharf 

house  at  Oomiuerciil  Ctttfee  House 
Dillaway  Thos.  housw't,  Gibhs  lane,  h   r.  100  Purchase 
Ddlaway  William  {Sn-Jlinir  &  /).),  house  <!7  Salem 
Dillin^iham  Drucilla,  widow,  Klliot  corner  Cars'er 
Dilliughaiu  John,  painter,  26  Wash.  h.  2  Milton 
Dillingham  Thomas,  laborer,  rear  Boylston  n.  Carver 
Dillon'James  {Holhrook  &  D),  board's  74  Federal 
Dillon  John,  laborer,  h.  rear  Sister  near  Berry 
Dillon  Mary,  widow  of  Peter,  3  Humphrey  |)lace 
Diman  Thomas,  housewright,  h.  South  street  place 
Dimick  Calvm,  hats,  19  Wash.  h.  4  Brattle  .sq. 
Dimrnock  John  L.  house  II  lia  Grange  place 
Dimond  Anna,  fi  Richmond 

Dingley  John  T.  hat  store,  451  Wash.  h.  17  Fayette 
Diii.smoor  Geo.  R.  {Grant,  Searer  ^  Co.),  h.  2  Bowdoil 
Dinsmore  Hannah,. nurse,  11  Washingtoti  place 
Ditson  Horatio,  joiner,  h.  17  Washington  place 
Ditson  Joseph,  (i  Charter 
Ditson  Mary,  boarding,  1  Sewall  place 
Ditson  Thomas,  machinist,  h.  Hayward  pi.  cor.  Wash. 
Ditsoti  Oliver,  music,  107  Wash.  h.  10  Province  H.  ct. 
Divill  Emmons,  house  1 1  George 
Divine  John,  laborer,  opposite  730  Wasliington 
Divoll  Timothy,  hackman,  h.  2  Province 
Dix  Cecilia,  widow  of  Stephen  A.  h.  98  Treraont 
Dix  D.  house  499  Washington 
Dix  James  H.  house  26  Slate 
Dix  Joel,  6  Noycs  place 
Dix   Timothy  "B.   {Woodherry,   D.  &  Hartioell),  hoasi 

Hancock  avenue 
Dixon  Thomas,  merchant,  41  India  wharf,  Dutch  Con 

sulate,  h.  8  Walnut 
Dixwell  Epes  S.  attorney, 39  Court,  h.  5  Somerset  place 
])ixwell  Esther,  widow  of  John,  5  Somerset  place 
Dixwell  John  J.  5  Soiiierdet  place 

DIRECTORY.        %  147 

Dnak  John,  coal,  Commercial  nenr  the  bridge,  h.  11  Vine 

Dortk  William  A.  boiirris  Unicm  Hduso 

Doane  Betspy  H.  dressmaker,  32  Orarifje 

D..ane  F.  W.  druggist,  h.  60  Mt.' Vetnon 

Doane  Geor^'e  B.  physifian,  !():>  Cuurt 

Doatie  James,  house  opposite  8  Butolph 

Doane  John.  jr.  &.  Co.  {Hcman  6'.  Do///ie),brushmakers, 

1!)  Ejo-hange 
Doane  Solomon,  table  and  stand  maker,  Beverly 
Doane  Samuel  B.  sujrar  refiner,  Gouch,  h.  2  Bowdoin  pi. 
Dohson  John,  tailor,  house  3d  street 
Dockham  Hannah,  vvidovv,  ](i  Green 
Dockliam  Stephen,  carpenter,  h.  74  Prince 
Dodd  {Uenj.)  &  Snow  (Z'-t/ms),  ship  chand.  7G  Commer. 
Dodd  Bcrtjamiri,  house  i)  Fleet 

Dodd  Benjamin,  cashier  Atlantic  Bank,  h.  52  Leveret 
Dodd  Horace  &  Co.  {Bent  &.  Busk),  hats,  68  Washing. 

h.  Salem 
Dodd  James,  clerk  Mass.  Bank,  h.S  Suffolk  place 
Dodd  Jr.rialhan  M.  clerk,  h.  12  Bowdoin 
D.idd  John,  insp.  of  tohac.  25  N.  Market,  h.  op.  2  Colum. 
Dodd  John  A.  25  North  Market 
Dodd  Rebecca  S.  widow  of  John,  61  Salem 
Dodd  Tiumthy,  fur  dealer,  102  Milk,  h.  Ex.  Coffee  H. 
Dodge  Alpheus,  mason,  Langdori  place 
Dodge  Biinjamin,  silversmith,  9  Fan.  Hall,  h.  Bennet  pi. 
Dodge  Catherine,  cloth,  store,  129  Br«>a'^,  h.  19  Wash.  pi. 
Dodge  Eliza,  milliner,  Broadway  cor.  Dorchester 
Dodge  Ephraim,  innholder,  1st  street 
Dodge  George,  mason,  h.  rear  67  Bedford 
Dodge  Gilman,  stable,  Oliver,  h.  10  Hartford  place 
Dodge  Matilda,  fmoy  goods,  240  Washington 
Dodge  Nathaniel  P.  laborer.  Cotton  [)lace 
Dogan  Timothy,  laborer,  rear  702  Washington 
Doggett  John  &  Co.  {Sam.  S.  Williams  S/  Sam.  Dntrgett), 

looking-gl.  and  carp,  ware-h.  12  Cornh.  h.  52  Buyla. 
Doggett  Noah,  h.  Hollis  corner  Treinont 
Doggett  Samuel,  house  in  Roxbuiy 
Dolan  Charles,  laborer,  rear  63  Elliot 
Dolan  William,  laborer,  105  Milk 
Dolbeare  Edmund  P.  &  St)n  {E.  P.,  jr.),  shipwrights, 

north  side  Liverpool  wf  h.  rear  83  Sea 
Dolbeare  Eleanor,  widow,  88  Purchase 
Dolbear  Joseph,  mariner,  Clark 
Dole  Benj.,  curdwainer,  50  Myrtle,  b.  May  c.  W.  Centre 


Dole  Edward,  upholsterer,  17  Dock  sq.  h.  14  Centre 

Dole  John,  cooper,  Commercial 

Dolliver  Thomas  G.  saiimaker,  Snow's  wf.  h.  247  Ann 

Doltoii  Patrick,  tailor,  h.  rear  53  Cambridge 

Domett  George,  whip  manu.  19  Dock  sq.  h.  14  Friend 

Dommett  Eliza,  widow,  op.  6  Norfolk  place 

Domingo  Antonio,  boatman,  h.  Sun  court 

Dnminick  Eliza,  boarding  house,  681  Washington 

Donahoe  Catherine,  widow,  Spring  lane 

Donahoe  John,  laborer,  Humphrey  place 

Donahoe  Patrick  (Devereux  &  Z).),  h.  23  Union 

Donahoe  Terence,  laborer,  h.  rear  22  Federal 

Donaldson  Andrew,  mason,  rear  Broadway 

Donally  Bridget,  widow,  Market  place 

Donally  Elizabeth,  widow  of  John,  r.  8  South  st.  place 

Donally  Patrick,  tailor,  rear  8  >outh  street  place 

Donally  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  Suffolk  cor.  Northampton 

Donally  Philip,  laborer,  Front  near  Castle 

Donally  Peter,  laborer,  178  Purchase 

Donelan  William  C  housewright,  h.  92  Tremont 

Donivan  Dennis,  laberer,  rear  702  Washington 

Donnal  Thomas,  laborer,  rear  46  Pleasant 

Donovan  Daniel,  laborer,  rear  Castle  near  Middlesex 

Donovan  Daniel,  laborer,  92  Summer 

Donovan  Daniel,  laborer,  rear  27  Milk 

Donovan  Dennis,  laborer,  rear  Castle — another  r.  13  Sea 

Donovan  James,  stone  mason,  h.  S.  Russell 

Donovan  Jeremiah,  h.  4  Williams  court 

Donovan  Jeremiah,  laborer,  6  Wharf— another,  3  Bread 

Donovan  John,  11  Hamilton 

Donovan  William,  laborer,  rear  119  Broad 

Dooley  Edward,  tailor,  h.  rear  Gridley 

Dooley  James,  laborer,  6  Lucas  place 

Dooley  Martin,  tailor,  h.  Theatre  alley 

Dooley  Patrick,  laborer,  h.  671  Washington 

Dooley  Thomas,  blacksmith,  rear  24  Pleasant 

Doolitttle  Lucius,  head  of  Pearl 

Doolittle  Sybil,  widow,  boarding,  Portland  place 

Doran  William,  laborer,  Avery 

Doran  William,  stevedore,  h.  Custom  House  street 

Dorety  Daniel,  Mechanic 

Dorety  Francis,  cordwainer,  h.  4  Bridge  st.  av. 

Dorety  John,  waiter,  h.  op.  8  Norfolk  place 

Dorety  John,  truckman,  Bennet  place 

Dorety  Ross,  boarding  house^  141  Hanover 


Dorman  James,  mariner,  h.  Bartlett 
Dorr  Adeline,,  boarding,  Chelsea  ferryway,  Commercial 
Dorr  Andrew  C.  inerclianf,  house  54  Ple.isant 
Dorr  A.  ('.jr.  Sec.  Athns  Ins.  Comp.  Stale,  h.  06  Trem't 
Dorr  Edward  K.  tailor,  Franklin  avenue,  li.  41  Carver 
Dorr  J(din,  merclnint,  house  31  Bedford 
Dorr  Josepji,  baUer,  (>  East 
Dorr  Joseph  H.  house  3  Q,uincy  place 
Dorr  Ralph  S.  tnorchant,  Ci4  Broad 
Dorr  Samuel,  house  IGO  Treinont 
Dorr  Samuel  A.  house  10  Louisburgh  square 
Dorr  William  B.  coutisellor,  4lii  sireel 
Doovis  Jolin,  blacksmith,  h.  Prince  near  the  bridge 
Doubt  Catharine  and  Mary,  2'.2'2  Hanover 
Dougherty  John,  mason,  1  Sister 
Dougherty  I*atrick,  grocer,  80  Elliot 
Doughty  James  VV.     See  Edson  &  D. 
Douglass  Henry,  tailor,  Water,  h.  3  Bath 
Douglass  James  E.  fruit,  &c.  73  Broad 
Doughty  Tliomas,  artist,  220  Washington 
Dovrill  T.  sailmaker,  GO  Long  wharf 
Dow  Amos,  housewright.  Commercial  near  Foster 
Dow  James  B.  bookstore,  362  Washington 
Dow  James  G.     See  Burnham  &  D. 
Dow  Jona.  {M.  Dow  ^-  Co.),  grocer,  0  Federal,  h.  Sister 
Dow  IVliirk  &  Co.  {J.  Dow).  VV.  I.  g'ds,  28  Winter,  h.  do. 
Dow  Phineas,  machinist,  Ciiarlestown,  h.  2  Causeway- 
Dow  Sarah,  widow,  72  Prince 

Dow  Samuel,  jr.  {Horace  Gray  &,'  Co.),  h.  4  Hancock  av. 
Dow  Samuel,  blacksmith,  h.  Tremont  c.  Kuhn  place 
Dowe  Joseph,  bookseller,  130  Wash.,  h.  Mt.  Vernon 
Dowd  James,  laborer,  rear  12  Washington  place 
Dowden  James,  laborer,  rear  Avery 
Dowell  John,  s.ilk  and  straw  \v«.aver,  h.  2  South  May 
Dowlinir  John,  |)lasterer,  rear  53  Cambridge 
Down  Sarah,  widow  of  George,  rear  188  Washington 
Downe  John  L.  musician,  h.  29  Warren 
Downer  (Sam'l),  Austin  (fV.  R.)  &  Co.  (5.  DojDner,jr.), 

oil  and  sperm   candle  factory,  head   Foster's  wharf. 

Downer's  house  3  Cambridge 
Downer  Sam'l,  jr.  (Downer,  Austin  ^  Cn.)^  b'ds  3  Cam, 
Downes  Baxter,  captain,  rear  C  street 
Downes  Daniel,  laborer,  h.  rear  49  Allen 
Downea  John,  engraver,  h.  rear  690  Washington 
Downes  Margaret,  op.  4  Essex  place 


Downes  Nancy,  widow,  rear  f)5  Elliot 

Downing  E.  P.     See  Calcf  .Xt  D. 

Downing  James,  laborer,  Biu.idway 

Downing  Oliver,  carpenter,  Peck  lane,  h.  W.  Cedar 

Downinii  William.     See  K.  White  &  Co, 

Dowse  Ann,  widow,  27  Carver 

Doyle  Bridget,  widow,  rear  Warren  near  Elliot 

Duyle  Catharine  E.  widow,  rear  8  South  st.  place 

Doyle  Cornelius,  laborer,  Gibbs  lane 

Doyle  Jiimes,  gas  works,  h.  64  Prince 

Doyle  James,  laborer,  li.  rear  la  North  Centre 

Doyle  James,  laborer,  8  Atkinson 

Doyle  John,  laborer,  Avery 

Doyle  Laughlin,  laborer,  Peck  lane 

Doyle  Margaret.  Peck  lane 

Doyle  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  123  Broad 

Doyle  Sarah,  widow,  South  street  court 

Doyle  Thomas,  mason,  li.  rear  10  Oliver 

Doyle  Thomas,  house  11  Franklin 

Drake  Alvan,  machinist,  h.  Broadway 

Drake  Andrew,  wood,  lime,  &c.  41)  Sea,  h,  46  Sea 

Drake  Bartlett,  saddler,  h.  Muy,  2d  door  from  Centre 

Drake  Jeremy,  h.  Broadway 

Drake  Lincom  &  Co.  Eastern  iron  foundry,  at  Fairbanks, 
Loring  &.  Co.!s 

Drake  Leprellet,  mariner,  h.  17  Gibbs  lane 

Drake  Ruby,  widow  of  Asahel,  6  South  st.  place 

Drake  Samuel  G.  bookseller,  56  Cornhill 

Dral<e  Tisdale,  house  55  Sea 

Drake  Zillah,  widow,  Church 

Dranin  David,  laborer,  rear  17  Sea 

Draper  Daniel,  merchant,  9  S.  side  F.  H.  h.  28  Atkinson 

Draper  Moses,  counsellor,  Franklin  avenue 

Draper  Samuel,  clerk  in  Custom  House 

Draper  Sarah,  nurse,  Castle  near  Middlesex 

Drayton  Henry  H.  housewright,  Short,  h.  35  Fayette 

Drayton  Wm.  H.  blacksmith,  Front,  ii.  4  Bay 

Drew  Almira,  widow,  3  Bay 

Drew  (Chas.)  &  Babcock  (^.  D.),  dry  goods,  177  Wash- 
ington.    D.'s  h.  5  Hayward  place 

Drew  Clement,  clerk,  boards  85  Tremont 

Drew  Ira,  clerk,  Sea,  near  the  bridge 

Drew  John,  truckman,  rear  90  Front 

Drew  Joseph,  31  Prince 

Prew  Nicholas,  taiiorj  h.  45  Leveret 


Drew  l*hincas,  laborer,  house  3  George 

Drew  Snrali,  widow,  18  South  IBennet 

Drew  William  C.  Iiatter,  h.  Church 

Drew  William,  captain,  h.  corner  E  st.  and  Broadway 

Drew  William  G.  carpenter,  h.  Beverly 

Drinkwater  James,  laborer,  Battery 

Drinkwafer  Jo>iah,  mariner,  Commercial  near  Ann 

Driscoll  Cornelius  (Brooks  &  Co.),  h.  21  Somerset 

Driscoll  Cornelius,  I  jhorer,  143  Broad 

Driscoli  I^ennis,  laborer,  rear  123  Broad 

Drisroll  Florence,  laborer,  ln3   Broad — another  2  Wharf 

Driscoll  Jeremiah,  laborer,  Gibbs  lane 

Driscoll  Patrick,  laborer,  Peck  lano 

Driscoll  Timothy,  laborer,  rear  17  Sea 

Drollet  Joseph,  blacksmith,  rear  Broadway 

Drown  Peter,  blacksmith,  h.  Lancaster 

Drown  Thomas,  clerk  Atlantic  Bank 

Drury  Charles  S.  IH?  Hanover 

Drury  Gardner  P.  (//.  Hinckley  k^c  Co.),  h.  692  Wash. 

Drury  L.  H.  wines,  54  and  56  Brattle,  h.  Salutation 

Drury  (Olis)  &■  Macomber  (C.  £.),W.  I.  goods,  Snow's 

wharf.     Drury's  h.  3  Otis  place 
Du  Audebert  H.  fancy  j^oods,  303  Washington 
Duchesne  Madame,  250  Washington 
Dudley  Charles  S.     See  Humphrey  &  D. 
Dudley  J.  Harvey  &  T.,  W.  1.  goods,  82  Pond 
Dudley  Joanna,  widow,  nurse,  rear  351  Washington 
Dudley  Mary  Ann,  boarding  house,  256  Washington 
Dudley  Smith  G.  (Copp  &  Dudley),  h.  1  Travers 
Dudley  (li'm.)  &  Bo^'ue  (TAo5.),  hairdressers,  70  Wash. 
Dudley  VVilliam,  h.  Jackson  place 
Dudley  William,  rigger,  4  Fleet 
Duffee  Andrew,  laborer,  rear  65  Elliot 
Duffee  Michael,  laborer,  114  Broad— another  m  Gouch 
Duffee  Neil,  laborer,  Medford 
Duffey  Susan,  widow,  36  Merrimac 
Duffy  Patrick,  laborer,  2  Bridge 
Dugan  James,  24  Faneuil  Hall  market,  h.  68  Poplar 
Dugan  John,  laborer,  8  Leveret  court 
Dugan  Peter,  laborer,  h.  Ill  Broad 
Dugan  William,  tailor,  hf»use  Theatre  alley 
Dunbar  Jonathan,  soapboiler,  A  st.  h.  3  Purchase 
Dunbar  Joshua,  laborer,  cor.  North  Margin  and  Pond 
Dunbar  Loring  (Mitchell  <^'  D.),  h.  64  Pinckney 
Dunbar  Melzar,  housevv't,  Jackson's  wf.  h.  13  W.  Cedar 


Dunbar  Nahum,  pattern  maker,  B  st.  cor.  Broadway 
Du'nbar  Peler,  lruckm;in,  IG  Cus.  II.  St.,  and  cual,  Pack- 
aid  s  vvf.  h.  11  1-2  Unity 
Dunbar  Thus.  J.  truckman,  16  Cus.  H.  st.  h.  67  Charter 
Duncan  J.ison,  c()f)per,  rear  6  South  street  place 
Duncati  John,  tailor,  Tond 
Duncan  Frederick,  mariner,  rear  20  Cross 
Duncan  Simeon,  cordvvainer,  h.  1  Leveret  ccuit 
Duncklee  Joiiu  &  Jos.,  W .  I.  g'ds,  132  Stale,  li.  7  Cause. 
Duran  Patrick,  laborer,  Front  rif^ar  Castle 
Dunham  Juhn,  cordvvainer,  h.  2  Millon 
Dunham  Josinh,  h.  B  street 

Dunham  Jusiah,'jr.  ropewalk,  5lh  st.  h.  B  street 
Dunlap  Augusta,  widow  of  Andrew,  121  Tremont 
Dunlap  Grace,  victualler,  Theatie  alley 
Dunlap  James  P.  47  Court 
Dunlap  Mary  Ann,  widow,  137  Broad 
Dunlap  Mary,  tailoress,  Short,  cor.  Short  st.  court 
Dimlap  Robert,  laborer,  Cedar  lane 

Dunn  John,  painter,  h.  2  Theatre  alley 

Dunn  James  C.  merchant,  83  Milk,  h.  65  Mt.  Vernon 

Dunn  Mary,  boarding  house,  15  Hancock 

Dunn  Mary,  widow,  Short  near  Bedford 

Dunn  Theodore.     See  J.  M.  Smith  &.  Co. 

Dunn  Thomas,  house  55  Portland 

Dunnells  Lucy,  boarding  house,  3  IIo"ward 

Dunster  Rhoda,  widow,  South  street  place 

Dunton  Austin,  clerk,  1  Liberty  sq.  b'ds  at  Earl's  Cof.  H. 

Dunton  Robert  B.  clerk,  31  Water 

Dunton  Samuel,  teamster,  rear  730  Washington 

Dupee  Amasa  &.  Chs.  housew'ts,  Lancast.  h.  94  Chamb. 

Dupee  Charles,  h.  3  Gouch 

Dupee  Horace,  painter.  Wharf,  h.  2  Hamilton  court 

Dupee  Isaac,  13  Friend 

Dupee  Isaac  T.  house  rear  6  1-2  Prince 

Dupee  Lewis,  housevvright,   Front,  h.  Hollis  n.  Tremont 

Durant  Ellen,  boarding,  23  Union 

Durant  Henry,  leather  cutler,  rear  13  Elm 

Durant  James  T.     See  Guild  &  D. 

Durant  John,  lab.  r.  075  Washing. — another.  Orange  la. 

Durant  Thomas  P.  upholsterer,  5L)3  Wash.  h.  78  Pleasn't 

Durell  Charles,  1)  Dock  square 

Durfy  Edward,  boatman,  4th  street 

Durfey  Owen,  laborei,  rear  Chm'ch,  near  the  railroad 

Durgin  Ebenezer,  laborer,  rear  8  W.  Centre 



Durgin  Jarob.     See  Farnsvvorth  Sc  D. 

Durie  Priscilla,  widow  of  Charles,  li.  2  Vine 

Dtiioy  Miirtiiil,  coiift;ctioner,  'M)8,  li.  310  Washington 

Diirivage  F.  S.  teach(M-  French  and  Spauish,  210  Wash. 

Diiston  LeandtT  G.  hlar-Usmith,  h.  rear  101  Treniont 

DiJttee  VVilliatn,  laborer,  5!)  Prime 

Dutch  Henry  D.  mathematical  instr.  mak.  79  Commer. 

Dutch  Iliiskeil,  harnessmaker,  h.  Thaclier 

Diittoii   Benjamin  {Baxter  isi  D.),  h*  Oliver 

Diiflon  Darids,  cooper,  h.  134  Purchase 

Diitioii  George  D.  {Dmny  &  D),  h.  J  7  Hay  ward  place 

Dutton  {H.  //'.)  &  VVeiilvvorlh  (James),  printers,  10  Ex- 

chan^ie.     Diittotrsi  h    10   lieach 
Dutton  Warren,  couii.sellor.  5  Court,  h.  132  Tremont 
Dnlton  William    P.  baker,  (iOO  Wash.  h.  4  Luca.s  place 
Dwelle  Augustus,  hoiisewrighi.  Turnpike,  h.  4th  st. 
D\v«!le  (Charles,  shipwright,  h.  4lh  street 
Dwighl  Fd.nund  (./   K.  Mills  &  Co  ),  h.  1  Park 
Dwiglit  John,  physician,  h.  8  Knejdand  place 
Dwiglit  Thomas,'attornev,  17  Court 
Dwight  Wm.  W.  physirian,  202  Tremont,  h.  56  Belknap 
Dvv}Hr  Edward,  mariner.  Purchase  cur.  Broad 
Dwyer  Jauies,  housewright,  h   Dedham 
Dwyer  Nancy,  widow,  rear  75  Elliot 
Dyar  John  F.  76  Prince 
Dyar  iSmiih,  cK°rk,  18  Exchange 
Dyer  Caleb,  oysters,  3  Boylslon,  h.  4  Jefferson 
Dyer  Daniel  A.  {Stevenson  Sl  D.),  boards  30  Wash.  pi. 
Dyer  David  Y.  oysters,  1G6  Ann 
Dyer  Dency,  207  Hanover 

Dyer  Ezekiel  D.  distiller,  boards  256  Washington 
Dyer  Ebenezer  E.  fancy  goods,  98  Washington 
Dyer  Ezra  <fe  Co.  {James   Dyer),  tailors,  12  State,  h.  42 

Dyer  (Ezra   C.)  &  Blake  {Samuel  P.),  importers,  33 

Kilby.     Dyer's  house  42  Chambers 
Dyer  Freeman  M.  oysters,  479  Wash.  h.  4  Jefferson 
Dyer  Henry,  physician,  40  Green 
Dyer  Isaac,  4  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Dyer  James  {Ezra  D.  dy-  Co.),  house  Hanover 
Dyer  James,  pocket  book  mak.  77  Wash.  h.  2  Wesley  pi. 

See  advertisement 
Dyer  John  D,  inspector  of  customs,  h.  157  Hanover 
Dyer  Micah,  jr.  oyster  shop,  192,  h.  194  Ann 
Dyer  N.  F.  6  Faneuil  Hall  market 


Dyer  Oliver,  house  Canal 

Dyer  Phebe,  C  street 

Dyer  Samuel  B.  teller  Hancock  Bank,  h.  9  Hayward  pi. 

Dyer  Samuel  N.  gold  beater,  r.  39  Washing,  h.  J2  Front 

Dyer  Thomas  C.  currier,  1G4  Hanover 

Dyer  Thomas  D.  (Burleigh  &  D.),  b'ds  157  Hanover 

Dyer  (IVrn.)  Si  Reed  {John,  jr.),  druirgists,  111  State 

Dyer  William,  druggist,  Ann  cor.  North  square 

Dyer  William,  captain,  25'2  Hanover 

Dyke  William,  coidvvainer,  24  Union,  h.  30  Charter 

Dykes  Joseph,  cloth  dresser,  h.  4  Bradford  place 

Dykes  Samuel  {Johnson  &  D.),  h.  4  Bradford  place 

EAGER  WILLIAM,  mer.  44  Cent.  wf.  h.  57  Mt.Vernon 

Eames  Elizabeth,  Essex  corner  Front 

Eames  Jesse,  housewright,  h.  12  East 

Eames  Luther,  16  Boylston  market,  h.  2  Madison  place 

Earl  Henry,  housewright,  h.  11  Lynde 

Earl  Henry  {Richardson  &/■  E.),  boards  11  Elm 

Earl  Hezekiah,  deputy  marshal,  h.  38  Green 

Earl  William,  wood  yard,  Richmond 

Earle  (Charles)  «fc  Gunnison  (James  A),  tailors,  9  State, 
E.  boards  11  Lynde 

Earle  John,  jr.  tailor,  27  Wash.  h.  17  Lynde 

Early  William,  laborer,  Dedham 

East  William,  rng  dealer,  h.  Southac 

Eastburn  John  11.  printer,  18  State,  h.  47  Atkinson 

Easte  Joseph  W.  &  Charles,  grocers,  Broadway  c.  E 

Easte  Mary,  widow,  Broadway 

Easterbrook  Lydia,  widow,  h.  31  Garden 

Easterbrook  Wm.  shoes,  1 1  Commercial,  h.  90  Chambers 

Easterbrooks  Joseph,  captain,  h.  15  Washington  place 

Eastham  Charles,  bookbinder,  141  Wash.  h.  (53  Federal 

Eastman  C.  J.  F.     See  Withington  &  Co. 

Easton  Mary  C.  h.  24  Mt.  Vernon 

Eaton  Amherst,  Concert  Hall,  95  Court  cor.  Hanover 

Eaton  Asa,  Rev.  159  Court 

Eaton  Benjamin,  broker,  house  Castle  op.  the  brewery 

Eaton  Benjan)in  A.  house  Castle  op.  the  brewery 

Eaton  Charles  F.  (Sijrnmes,  E.  *fc  Co.),  h.  3  Baldwin  pi. 

Eaton  David  M.  sailmaker,  91  Charier 

Eaton  (David  S.)  &  Gay  (Grenville  IF.),  shoes  and  pa- 
per hangings,  44  Central.     E.  boards  18  Pearl 

Eaton  Ebenezer,  tobacconist,  h.  13  Charter 

Eaton  Ebenezer  A.  handcartman,  h.  4  Siillman 


Eaton  Eliv^abeth,  school,  ror.  MiII<  and  Atkinson 

Eaton  {Ezra)  &  Gould  (Frc^/.),  clothing,  bd  Commercial. 

EHtoii's  house  2  N(-rth  Eeonet 
Enton  Ezra  O.  clothitiir  store,  21)5  Ann,  h.  2  N.  Bennet 
E;iton  Ira,  phiter,  h.  12  Norfolk   place 
Eaton  James  {Sijmmcs,  E.  &  Co.),  h.  3  Baldwin  place 
EaUm  John  J.  (Bmriman  .'t  E),  \\.  4  Eaton 
Eaton  Joim,  jr.  clotliin^,-50  Ann 
Eaton  John  L.  hacktnan,  h.  lo  Hamilton 
Eaton  John,  tailor,  70  Arm,  house  24  Tlianher 
Eaton  Joseph  B.  hardware,  2  Union,  h.  19  Hancock 
Eaton  Eiicy,  widow  of.lohn,  h.  4  Eaton 
Eaton  Mary,  hoirdinir  house.  18  l'e:irl 
Eaton  O.  P.  &  Co.  i  C.    H.  Frothingham),  dry  goods,  58 

Hanover,  li.  80  Temple 
Eaton  Osiiood,  hoiisewriglit,  Haverhill,  h.  240  Hanover 
Eaton  Kiifns,  honsevvri^ht,  li.  (Jl   Pond 
Eaton  Shmuel  A.  watchmaker,  107  Wash.  h.  6  Oliver 
Eaton  Tim(!thy,  plater,  Bromficld,  h.  op.  1  Colijml)ia 
Eaton  William  ^.  Co     (/?.   /.  Robinson),  lumber,  Cause- 
way, h.  :^1  Cliarter 
Eaton  Wm.  G  silk  g'ds,  5  Merchants  row,  h.  3  Wendell 
Eaton  Wm.  J.  iron  store,  o  India  vvf  h.  at  the  Tremont 
Eayrs  Joseph  H.  h.  3  Ha}^  market  plar^e 
Eayrs  Moses,  surveyor,  !:.  iShort  cor.  Short  st.  court 
Eayrs  Thomas  A.  cal)i  net  maker,  4th  street 
Eayrs  Willi;im,  clerk,  2  Centra!   wf.  h.  7  Suffolk  place 
Eayrs  William  C.  clerk,  house  34  Fayette 
Eherle  Andrew,  laborer,  rear  53  Elliot 
Eberle  C.  L.  grocer,  Gouch   cor.  S.  Margin  * 

Eberle  Fredc^rick,  musician,  rear  S.  Margin 
Ebert  Michael,  lionsewright,  h.  1  Piedmont 
Eckley  David,  54  Beacon 

Eckley  Thomas  J.,  Court  cor.  Tremont,  h.  9  Walnut 
Edds  Daniel,  machinist,  h.  rear  37  Friend 
Eddy  Caleb,  canal  agent.  Pond  &  Causeway,  h.  19  Green 
Eddy  Robert  H.  civil  en::ineer,  8G  State,  h.  19  Green 
Edes  Anna,  widow,  (5:^7  Washington 
Edes  Daniel,  cooper,  29  Commercial 
Edes  Thomas, glazier,  135  Ann,  house  Snowhill 
Edgerton  Phinehas.  blacksmith,  h.  Richmond 
Edgeily  (John  S  ),  Vinal  (S.  J.)  &  Co.  (James  Barnard), 

grain,  51  Commercial.     E.'s  h.  4  S.  Margin 
Edgerly  Lucinda,  tailoress,  3  Sweetser  court 
Edgeworth  John,  laborer,  house  Sister 


Edgevvortli  Mary,  widow,  Sister 

I^diMjinds  B.  F.  house  27  Leveret 

Edmands  Kph.  W.  sMshmaker,  Di^lil-h.  st.  h.  G50  Wash. 

Edmaiids  G.  W.  hals,  40  Hanover 

Edmands  J.  W.  {Jl.  &  Ji   Luwrtnce  &  Co.),  h.  7  West 

Edmands  Mary,  widow,  201  Ann 

Edmands  Rachel,  211   Hanover 

Edmands  Tliomas,  h.  12  Hancock 

Edinnndson  J(din,  slonecutter,  A  street 

Edson  i:iizab..lh,  Hull 

Edson  Mary,  widow  of  John  M.  rear  77  Sea 

Edsoti  {HiJdS  D.)  &  Doughty  {J.  W.),  h-ailier,  35  Central 

Edstroni  Tlionias,  saddler,  h.  rear  200  W^ishingtun 

Edsirom  \\'\u.  harness  maker,  c.  lilai.kslone  and  Edmond 

Edwards  BehB.  ]5  Coinhiil 

Edwards  Elizabeth,  manluamaker,  h.  22  N.  Russell 

Edwards  Geoige  B.  printer,  7  Piedmont 

Edwards  {Henry)  &  Sloddaid    {Cfiarlea),  dry  goods,  74 

Stale.      E.'s  h.  2  Bunistead  place 
Edwards  Hugh  (Risbec  »t  E.),  house  Coirimercial 
E.iwards  J.  F.  housewright,  >^  Bt^dford,  h.  3015  Wash. 
Edwards  Joseph,  boarding,  Devonshire 
Edwards  Joseph  B.  paver.  Fruit 

Edwards  J.  S.  hairdresser,  Com.  n.  Hanov.  h.  8  Foster 
Edwards  Lucy,  widow  ot'Benj.h.  Brighton  n.  Poplar 
Edwaids  Mary,  rear  89  S^a 
Edwards  Oliver,  h   8  Ballard  place 
Edwards  Samuel  F.  block  maker,  h.  134  Purchase 
Edwards  Thomas,  clerk,  boards  79  Purchase 
Edwards  William,  slater,  boards  40  Federal 
Ela  David  H.  printer,  19  Washington,  h.  20  Gouch 
Eldred  William,  captain,  8(5  Purchase 
Eldredge  Edward,  Pres.  Atlas  Bank,  h   41  Hancock 
Eldredge  {Oliver)  &.  Nickerson  {Josiah),  domes,  goods, 

G  Phillips's  buildings.     E.'s  h.  14  Somerset  place 
Eldredge  Smith..     See  D.  Snow  t\i  Co. 
Eldridge  Charles  H.  clerk  Merchants  Bank 
Eliot  Eph.  L.  druggist,  271  Washington,  h.  37  Tremont 
Eliot  George  A.  hardware,  12  Dock  square 
Eliot  John  F.  druggist,  83  Hanover,  h  4  Atkinson 
Eliot  Nathaniel  G.  clerk,  boards  37  Tremont 
Eliot  Samuel  A.  31  Beacon 
Elkins  Harvey,  housewright,  h.  54  Belknap 
Elkins  Hiram,  laborer,  Canal 
Ellery  George,  captaia,  35  Thacber 



Ellery  John  S.  3  Franklin  plnce 

Elliot  ElizM,  dressmiiker,  I  iM;irgnrct 

Elliot  Hirriet,  widow  of  John,  house  6  Onk  plnce 

Elliiigvvood  Theodore,  laborer,  rear  :^51  VVashinglon 

Ellingwood  (Liirkui)  &  Brown  (S.  //.),  shoes  and  lealh. 

24  N.  Market.  E.'s  h.  l!l()  Tr.-mont 
Ellis  I'enjaniin,  truckman,  li.  3  Mechanic 
Ellis  Calvin,  physician,  1()  Summer 

Ellis  (Chus  j  ilt'Mayo  '{John  M.),  VV.  L  g<h,  10  Chatham 
Ellis    (Charles   D.)"&    ilayniond  (Samuel),  leather,  42 

N:  Market 
Ellis  David,  merchant,  15  India  wT.  h.  51  Summer 
Ellis  Ei)enozer  (Hartshorn  &  E.).  house  70  Leveret 
Ellis  Geo.  W.  stationary,  5  Fan.  Hall,  h.  70  Leveret 
Ellis  George,  provisions,  85  Camhridge,  h.  IG  Vine 
Ellis  George  (Jabf.z  E.  c^  Sons),  house  i)7  Front 
Ellis  GranVille,  h.  i)5  Front 
Ellis  Horace,  painter,  Wharf,  h.  140  Purchase 
Ellis  J.  (Oakcs  ^r  £.),  boards  Bromfield  H. 
Ellis    Jabez  &  Sof)s  (George  &-   Granville),  grain,  37 

Long  wf  h.  iJ7  Front 
Ellis  Jonalifan,  jr.  (Perrin  ^  E.),  house  Fine 
Ellis  Luther,  house  2  McLean 
Ellis  Matthias,  constable,  h.  9  Tilesfon 
Ellis  Nathaniel,  jr.  (Binney  &  £.),  boards  2  Leveret 
Ellis  liowlaud  (['Justin  &  E.),  Ii.  18G  Hanover 
Ellis  Rufus,  15  [nrlia  wf  h.  2  Oak  place 
Ellis  Warren,  21  Fan.  Hall  market,  h.  59  Carver 
Ellison  Andrew,  tailor,  02  Court,  h.  11  Myrtle 
Ellison  James,  rnerch.  18  liroad,  h.  1   Sullivan  place 
Ellison  Samuel,  housewright,  h.  98  Sea 
Ellison  Wtn.S.  civil  engineer,  21  State,  h..ll  Myrtle 
Ellms  Anson,  shipwright,  Broadway  rear  D  street 
Ellms  Cornelius,  4th  street 
Ellms  John,  tailor,  2()  Wash.  h.  1G3  Hanover 
Ellms  Susan,  widow,  h.  18  Warren 
Ehn  Wm.  pumpmaker,  Fulton,  h.  Lathrop  place 
Elmore  Oiis.  h.  7  Province  House  court 
Elmes  D;<vid,  cordvvaiuer,  rear  Broadway 
Elmes  Ebenezer,  blacksmith,  rear  Broadway 
Elms  Charles,  (i  Hanover,  h.  4(i  Carver 
Elworth  Thomas,  h.  9  Leveret 
Ely  }loratio  G.  laborer,  15  Short 
Emerson  Charles,  clerk  Sufiolk  Bank 
Emerson  David  D.  h.  50  Front 


Emerson  E.  C.  (^.  Walker  &  Co.),  boards  124  Court 
Emerson  (Edvard)   &,  Whiltemore  {Geo.  JV.),  59  Fan. 

Hall  market,  h   18  Poplar 
Emerson  Frederic,  8  Poplar 

Emerson  George  B.  instru(;ter,  house  Temple  place 
Emerson  {Henry)  &   Barnes   (Silas  P.),  wood   wf,   163 

Sea.     E.'s  li.  21  Essex 
Emerson  Jeremiah,  house  8  W.  Centre 
Emerson  John,  wooden  ware,  1.57  Court,  h.  Wheeler  ct. 
Emerson  (John)  &  Kent  {Sarnl  P.),  VV.  I.  g'ds,  100  Front 
Emerson  John,  laborer,  Warren  pi.  cor.  Pleasant 
Emerson  Jonathan,  housewright,  Carver,  h.  3  Bay 
Emerson  Oliver,  house  110  Cambridge 
Emerson  Parker,  housewri<!;ht,  h.  Snowhill 
Emerson  Hiohard  {Brown  ^  E.),  h.  Pond  street  place 
Emerson  Robert,  well  digi^er,  house  rear  90  Front 
Emerson  Romanus,  housewright,  Old  Road 
Emerson  (Thomas)  &  Lamb  (ReuUn  ^.)  4  S.  Market 
Emerton  John,  laborer,  7  Bridge  street  court 
Emerlon  John  I.  house  B  street 
Emery  Francis  W.  R.  wood  and  lumber,  Front 
Emery  Geo.  F.  perfumery,  173  Wash.  h.  Hancock 
Emery  Harriet,  13  Washington  place 
Emery  Robert,  stairbuilder,  De-irborn  av.  h.  10  Oliver 
Emery  Wm.tinplate  worker,  boards  11  Elliot 
Emmes  Mary,  widow,  h.  Piedntont  cor.  Church 
Emmes  Samuel,  hat  store,  10  Elm,  h.  137  Hanover 
Emmes  Thos.  P.  hatter,  330  &  357  Wash.  h.  High 
Emmons  Charles  G.  watchmaker,  77  Ann 
Emmons  Edward  B.  clerk,  house  28  Orange 
Emmons  Henry,  printer,  743  Washing. 
Emmons  (John  L.)  &  Weld  (John   D.),  W.  I.  goods,  32 

S.  Market.     E.'s  h.  088  Washington 
Emmons  Joshua,  sailmaker,  house  15  Friend 
Emmons  J.  jr.  tin  worker,  School,  h.  20  Pleasant  st.  ct. 
Emmons  Nathaniel,  clerk  Union  Bank,  h.  3  Poplar 
Emmons  Nath'l  \\.(T.  R.  Wales  Sl  Co.),h.  3  Rowe  pi. 
Emmons  Robert  L.  (S.  E.  <fe  Sons),  h.  4  Elliot 
Emmons  Ruth,  widow  of  Thomas,  21  Pleasant 
Emmons  Sarah,  widow, 688  Washington 
Emmons  Samuel  &  Sons  (WoAcrf  L.  and  Stephen),  ship 

chandlers,  107  State,  h.  4  Elliot 
Emmons  Steplien  (S.  Emmons  &  Song),  h.  4  Elliot 
Emmons  Thomas,  cooper,  h.  21  Pleasant 
Emmons  William  H.  pianofortemaker,  h.  Maiden 


Emrnsley  John,  bnker,  Broadway  cor.  Turnpike 

Endres  Kasper,  musician,  rear  100  Warren 

English  Charles,  harnessmaker,  Bromfield,  h.  Nassau  ct. 

English  James  L.  counsellor,  U)  Court,  h.  22  Beacon 

English  T.  hroker,  4  Exchange,  h.  22  Beacon 

Ennick  William,  North  i\largiri  near  Pond 

Enoch  Ruth,  widow,  Henchman  lane 

Enwright  Patrick,  hlacksmith,  84  Sea 

Ernest  Priscilla,  Salutation 

Erving  Edward  S.  cashier  Hancock  Bank,  h.  79  Pleasant 

Erving  Mary,  widow  of  Shirley,  127  Tremont 

Estabrouk  weigh,  and  gung.  C.  U.  h.  16  La  Gra.  pi. 

Estec  Betsey,  widow,  h.  Barllett 

Estee  Elij.ih,  porter,  h.  N.  Margin  cor.  Pond 

Etheridge  Mary,  widow,  53  Tremonc 

Eustis  Jo!<cph,  importer,  115  Wash.  h.  113  Front 

Eustis  Rebecca,  widow,  Lovell  place 

Eustis  William  T.  &,  Co.  {Benj.    Cullender),  hardware, 

13  Liberty  sq.  h.  19  Mt.  Vernon 
Evans  Allied  (Dana,  E.  ifc  Dana),  house  10  High 
Evans  Benjamin,  truckman,  h.  1  Ilawley 
Evans  Chas.  housew't,  Gibb.>«  la.  c.  Hr<.ad,h.  21  Hamilton 
Ek'ans  Charles  S.  house  59  Cambridge 
Evans  George,  handcartman,  h.  i;}4  Purchase 
Evans  Richard  S.  baker,  U.  4  Knox 
Evans  {IVni.)  &-  Lock  {Philip  Jl.),  hats,  15  Dock  square, 

h.  5  Hanover 
Evans  William  E.  watchmaker,  35  Williams 
Eveleth  Joseph,  leather  and  shoes,  42  S.  Market 
Eveleth  Sacnuel,  appraiser  Custom  House,  h. 5  Williams 
EvcndorfF  Charles,  gnj(;eri<  s,  #^0.  90  Broaid 
Everett  Aamn,  h.  Ktieeland  corner  Washington 
Everett  Alexander  H.  23  Court 

Everett  {CharUs)  &  Mather  (H.  B.),  commission  mer- 
chants, G  Liberty  square 
Everett  Erastus  D.  dry  goods,  76  Salem 
Everett  Eunice  G.  straw  bonnet  maker,  77  Elliot 
Everett  Francis,  teller  City  Bank 
Everett  James,  chaplain  U.  S.  Navy,  Pitts  court 
Everett  James  M.  printer,  h.  GI  Temple 
Everett  (John)  &.  Pierce  (Joshva  JW.),  junk  shop,  Broad, 

head  of  Arch  wf  h.  rear  150  Purchase 
Everett  {Moses)  &  Ware  (Leonard),  W.I.g'ds,47L.  wf. 
Everett  Moses,  house  657  Washington 


Everett  (Otis,  jr.)  &  Blake  (.7.  H.),  chemists,  32  South 

Market.     E.'s  ii.  740  Washington 
Evert  Henry,  prof,  music,  21  Joy's  building,  h.2  Howaid 
Ewer  CharJFS,  house  5!)  South 

Ewer  Geo.W.  &  Jas.  C.  stonecutVs,  Creek,  h.  44  S.  Marg. 
Ewer  Nathaniel  S.  hotisewri^Mit,  9  Bridge 
Ewinger  Hannah,  widow,  9  Lynde 

FAIRBANK  JOSIAH,  writing  master,  Adams  School, 

Fairhanks  Aaron  B.  gunsmith,  37  Exchange 
Fairbanks  Amos,  shoes,  3;?  Merch.  row,  h.  21  Richmond 
Fairbanks  Drury,  shoes,  34  Broad 
Fairbanks  H.  P.  (F.,  Loring  &  Co.),  h.  8  Pearl  place 
Fairbanks  Henry,  gunsmith,  Exchange  cor.  Dock  sq.  h. 

2  Bridge  St.  ct. 
Fairbanks  Israel  W.  housewright,  h.  rear  9  W.  Centre 
Fairbanks  John  P.  bookbinder,  h.  G24  Washington 
Fairbanks  Otis,  house  3  Oliver 

Fairbanks  (btcphen),  Loring  (Henry)   &  Co.  (Henry  P. 
Fairhauks),  liardw.82  Milk  c.  Kilby.   F.'s  h.  33  Bedf. 
Fairb  inks  Zjpher,  mason,  h.  5  Blossom  court 
Fairchild  Joy  H.  Rev.,  Broadway 

Fairfield  John,  merchant,  2()  Central  wf.  h.  43  Bowdoin 
Fairfield  Jolin  O.  merch.  2()  Central  wf  h.  43  Bowdoin 
Fairfield  Martha,  tailoress,  h.  59  Cambridge 
Fail  field  William,  bread  store,  140  Hanover 
Fairfield  William,  mechanic,  h.  Bartlett 
Fales  (David  K.)  &  Dana  (Olis  H.),  dry  goods,  71  Wa- 
ter.    Fales  boards  3  Biimstead  place 
Fales  Elisha  F.  dry  goods,  2l>  Kilby,  b'ds  256  Wasliing. 
Fales  Haliburton  (Sc/m-5&  F.).  h.  121  Tremont 
Fales  Josf'ph  J.  physician,  h.  2o()  Washington 
Fales  Satnuel,  merchant,  h.  121  Tremont 
Fales  Squire  M.  iron  found.  Bridge  c.  Fruit,  h.  14  Blossom 
Faly  Thomas,  laborer,  rear  n(i4  Washington 
Faly  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  Warren   near  Elliot 
Farlny  James,  laborer,  h.  Cr(>ek  square 
Farley  Robert,  Sec'ry  Atlantic  Insur.  Ca.  h.45  Pinckney 
Farlow  John  S.,  W.  I.  goods,  Summer  cor.  South 
Farmer  Benjamin,  cooper,  h.  Gibbs  lane 
Farmer  Henry,  furniture,  11  Howard,  h  58  Temple 
Farmer  Jesse,  W.  I.  goods,  Commercial,  h.  23  Prince 
Farmer  John  P.  blacksmith,  72  Front,  h.  1  Newton  pK 
Farmer  Lavina,  tailoresa,  house  8  Pleasant 



Farmer  Margnret,  widow,  G  Goiicli- 

Fanner  iVJiU^s,  Indies'  cordwaiiier,  li.  21  Piedmont 

Farmer  Naiuy,  widow  ot'Tliomas,  I  Newton  plare 

Farmer  Thorn.  G.  sand  deal   Piper's  vvf.  bds  1  Newton  pi. 

Fariiam  iItMiry,59  Fedi;ral  corri^'r  Milton  place 

Fartiam  'i'liotnas.  silversmith, "r.  87  Wash   Ji.  Pills  court 

Farnham  Isaae  IVf    h.  85  Porilaiid 

Fainiim  D    ii|)liolstiess,  1  West 

Fariiiim  {Paul),  Kimball  (tJaiiie!)  &    Co.    {Loring  A'or- 

cruss),  iiK^rfhaiiis,  H7  KiN)y 
Farnmn  Peter  {Ki.iiihall  &  F.),  I).  8  La  Grange  plare 
Famsworili    (C/ifirlcs)    <&    Durgin    {Jacob),    victuallers, 

Broad  cor   Summer.     F.'s  li.  12:^ 
Faniswoiih  T.phraim  {Hnle,  Lyituiris  Si  F.),  h'ds  8  Mason 
Farusw.Mlh  Isaac  D.,VV.  1.  g'ds,  i:^S.  Market,  h.  7  Green 
Furnsworili  {Walter)  tX:.  Baxter  {.James,  jr.),  Bug.  goods, 

8"i  Kilby.     Farnsworth's  house  iti  Roxbury 
Farquar  John,  slater,  boards  41)  Federal 
Farquarson  A  lexander,  cooper,  !i.  10  Lucas  place 
Farral  John,  laborer,  13!>  Broad — Another  under  141  do.  Jolip,  laborer,  I  Spring  lane 
Farral  Jidin.  laborer,  rear  S<-a  near  Broad 
Farral  Miciiael.  laborer,  rear  i)4  Sea 
Farrall  Bryan  ().,  coachman,  rear  14(i  Pleasant 
Farrall  James,  laborer,  rear  square 
Ftirrar  Abijah  W.  {Dana,  Eraiis  &  Co.),  b'ds  10  High 
Farrar  D.m'.el,  clerk.  41  S.  Market,  h.  42  Camb-;idge 
Fiifviw  {E'l/naivi  II.)  'Si   Kendall    {Tiniutliij),  d\y   goods, 

2:57  Wash.h.  :^(i  I\Iilk 
Farrar  Hannah,  Lnglish  goods,  3(10  and  005  Washington 
Farrar  Jacdb,  painter,   house  1    Soulh  Bennet 
Farrar  JetFersoti  C.  painter,   Tiemont  n.  Boylston,  liouse 

28  Plea.^^aut 
Farrar  Jnhn  A.  printer,  (^ourt.  h.  2  Leveret 
Farrar  Jiids.m  N.  hook.keep.  Commouw.  B'k,  h.  32  Myrlle 
Farrar  Lawrence  O.  laborer.  Well  cor.  Wharf 
Farrar  Mary,  widow,  h.  32  Myrtle 
Farrar  Otis  C.  cordwainer,  house  73  Prince 
Farrar  William,  h.  7  George 
Farrell  ¥.  R,.  h.  Southac  eor.  Grove 
Farrer  John,  ri:iger,  tear  27  Washington   place 
Farringion  Charlofte,  widow,  3  SouUi  street  <-ouri: 
Farriu':toti  Eben.  T.  (L.  Bart/ett  &  Co.).  h.  Minot 
Farriuglon  John,  jr.  silversunili,  h.  17  Pleasant  si.  court 


Farringtnn  (John)  &  Hiinnewell  (Geo.  W),  gilversmiths, 

8  Williams  court,  h    Pleasant  st.  court 
Farrinirton  (Samvel)  &  Converse  {James  C),  dry  goods, 

1  Liberty  square.     F.'s  house  fil  Federal 
Farrinjrton  S.  &-  L.  dry  goods,  69  Ciininhers 
Farrington  Thos.  drugiiist,  Treniont  H.  li.CO  Chambers 
Farriter  Ann,  wid.  of  James,  h.  S.  Kussell  c.  Cambridge 
Farrow  Ira  y.  watchman,  h.  85  Summer 
Farry  Thomas,  Merrimac 
Farwell  A.  G.     See  Fay,  Farwell  »^  Co. 
Farwell  George.     See  Brown  &  F. 
Farwell  Isaac,  92  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Farwell  Lyman.     See  Fay,  Farwell  &  Co. 
Farwell    {Luther)   &    Magoun    {Ellsha),  housewrights, 

George,  house  May 
Farwell  Walter,  painter,  1.3  Mt.  Vernon,  h.  5  May 
Faulkner  Charles  (T.  Tarbell  &  Co.),  bds  Bromfield  H. 
Faulkner  Dwight  F.  house  3  Acorn 
Faulkner  {Luther)  &  Reed  {John  T.),  English  goods,  10 

Central.     Faulkner's  house  30  Chesnut 
Favor  (John)  &  I^othrop  {J]nsel),   housewrights,  rear  13 

Essex      Favor's  h.  463  Washington 
Favvcett  Alvin,  victualler,  house  rear  22  Ann 
Fawcett  Samuel  H.  paver,  7  Spring 
Faxon  Eliza,  widow  of  Eleb,  h.  89  Sea 
Faxon  F.  E.  sailmaker,  ]5  Ann 

Faxon  Henry,  porter  Houses  of  Correc.  &  Indus.  S.Bost. 
Fax<in  Isaiah,  dry  goods,  91  Court 
Faxon  John,  printer,  boards  5  Fleet 
Faxon  Josiah,  sailmaker,  boards  5  Fleet 
Faxon  Nathaniel  «fe  Co.  {Roland  Cutkr,JVonh  Blanchard, 

and  Geo.  JV.  Faxon),  boot  store,  53  N.  Market.     F.'s 

house  30  Atkinson 
Faxon  Oren,  cordwainer,  house  2  Orange  lane 
Faxon  Ilachael,  resir  34  Prince 
Faxon  Thomas,  blacksmith.  Pond,  h.  rear  Cooper 
Faxon  William,  house  20  Portland 
Fay  Dana,  house  13  Beacon 
Fay  {Francis  B.),  Farwell  (Lyman)  &  Co.  (.^.  G.  Far- 

well),  W.I.  g(»ods,  8  North  Market 
Fay  Harrison,  23  Faneuil  Hall  market,  h.  34  Myrtle 
Fay  Heman,  liouse  42  Allen 

Fay  Isaac,  fruit,  9  Faneuil  Hall,  h.  6  McLean  court 
Fay  (Joel)  <fe  Tirrell  (John),  woodwharfingers,  78  Front 
Fay  Joel,  liouse  14  Ash 


Fay  Luke,  78  Faneiiil  Hall  market,  h.  It  Hancock 
Fay  (JVnhum)  &  Fiiller  (Joseph),  distillers,  32  S.  Market. 

F.'s  house  85  Chambers 
Fay  Philip,  laborer,  rear  104  Purchase 
Fay  Sylvester,  jr.  ship  stores,  Broiid,  opposite  Arch  wf 
Fay  William  C.  distiller.  Harvard,  c.  room  51  India  wf. 

house  454  VVasliin<^ton 
Fay  Windsor,  merchant,  51  India  wf.  h.  10  Harvard 
Fuarins  Albert  &  Co.   (J.  R.  JVewell  &  D.  IVIiitonJr,), 

ship  chandlers,  1  City  wharf,  h.  12  Essex 
Fearing  Andrew  C.  (Thacher  &  F.),  h  5  Lonisburgh  sq. 
Fearing  Matilda,  widow,  dressmaker,  3  Harvsnd  court 
Fearing  Thomas  B.  clerk  Amer.  Bank,  h.  22  Purchase 
Federhen  Jacob,  house  rear  2  Mason 
Federhen  John,  baker,  rear  Mason  near  Avei-y 
Federhen  John,  jr.  &  Jacob,  comb  store,  61  Court,  h. 

87  Cambridge 
Fell  Caroline,  widow,  nurse,  Carney  pi.  c.  Washington 
Fellowes  Abigail,  intelligence  office,  446  Washington 
Fellowes  Hannah,  widow,  7  Salem  place 
Fellows  Jacob,  shoes,  4  Rowe's  wharf,  h.  Spear  alley 
Felt  Jonathan  W.  cabinetmaker,  rear  Tremont  n.  Warren 
Felt  Joseph  B.  Rev.  house  4  Oak  place 
Felt  Oliver  S.  (Proctor,  Palmer  &  F.),  h.  6  Otis  place 
Felt  Rachael,  widow,  nurse,  3  Fayette  C(>urt 
Felt  William,  pattern  maker,  house  26  Cross 
Feltch  Edward,  cooper,  h.  Tremont  near  Warren 
Felton   (Artemas)   &  Morse  (Aaron,  jr. }i  distillers,  563 

Washington.     Felton's  h.  448  do. 
Felton  ioUn  (Luther  F.  «&  Co.),  h   652  Washington 
Felton  Luther  &  Co.  (John  F.).  distillers,  654  Washing. 

counting  room  6  Long  wharf 
Felton  Martha  C.  house  I  street 

Fenlee  George,  rigger,  Arch  wf.  house  opposite  2  Bath 
Fennell  Eleanor,  widow  of  Thomas,  h.  rear  98  Warren 
Fennell  Sarah  L.  silk  dyer,  house  Avery 
Fenno  Abigail,  widow,  1  BlaRe  court 
Fenno  James  W.  counsellor,  20  Court,  h.  47  Carver 
Fenno  John,  agent  Chelsea  ferry,  Commercial 
Fenn(»  John  VV.  (Dana,  F.  ».V:  Henshaw),  h.70  Chesnut 
Fenno  Joseph,  VV.  L  goods,  Hanover  cor.   Cumuiercial 
Fenno  Mary,  widow,  rear  26  Belknap 
Fenno  Sihbel,  widow,  Margaret 
Fenno  Williim,  coffee  hous<?,  Cornhill  court 
Fenno  William,  housewright,  house  6  Brighton 


Fonwick  Benedict,  Right  Rev.  h.  Federal  e.  Franklin  pi. 

Ft-r^iisoii  (Phillies  il.  dentist,  neiir  15  Hanover 

Ferguson  James,  rig<ier, 

Fer^iison^James,  taliovv  ciiandler,  rear  730  Washington 

Feriinson  Jami-s,  hi  borer,  ^>0  6outh 

l'"(^rriald  Anr.,  widow,  house  (iritiley 

Fernald  BHiijainiti,  cooper,  lioiise  7^11  Washington 

Ferriaid  Joe),  Iumish  19  North  Maigin 

FiTtsaid  Luke  (C.  JV.  Cuinmlngs  6l  Co.),  house  May 

Feiiiald  l.ydia,  widow  of'N(Jiili,  (ir^  Cliarler 

Ferri.ild  Nathaniel.     J:-ee  Note  6l  F. 

Fernald  i\eal,  laborer,  Coinmercial  near  the  bridge 

Feniald  Oliver,  founder,  Fidlon,  ii.  Ml.  Wasliiii^i.  S.  B. 

Feriiald  VViiiiain  M.  cooper,  bouse  7:i3  Wasbicgtnn 

Frniald  William  Vi.  leaiber  commis.  store,  l^G  b.  Market 

Feniald  VViiliam  C5.  blaiksniith,  Uurchester 

Ferriti  Aaron,  5th,  near  I)  street 

Feirin  Albert,  house  7  Merrimac 

Ferrin  Freeuiaii,  chair  painter,  house  Pi:rs  place 

Ferriii  Hftrace,  slii|)  carpenter,  rear  Broadw.iv 

Fernii  Joseph,  stonecutti.'r,  h.  Eolith  slieet  place 

Ferrin  Martha,  upholstress,  house  Puts  place 

Ferns  James,  laborer.  Piper'.s  wharf        , 

Fessendeii  Aliijali  {Baird  V  F.),  Inaise  !25  Vine 

Fessenden  Arlliur,  house  2  Haymarket  place 

Fessenden  Benjamin,  chair  paiiiier,  bouse  26  Charter 

Fessenden  (C.  B.),  Thompson  (./.  B)  A  Co.f  «.  H.  Skin- 

ni'.r),  merchants,  17  Central  wf     F.'s  h.  Chardon 
Fessendeii  John  M.  office  1)  Joy's  buildiiii;,  b.  1  Bum.  pi. 
Fes.MMid.-n  John  P.  blacksmith,  iVZ,  b.  GU^Poriland 
Fessenden  Nathan,  iron  (bunder,  (iO  Portland 
Fessenden  Thomas  G.  ed.  N.  E.  Parmer,  b.  53  Hancock 
Fessendeii  {Tiiiiuiliy)  &,  Heard  {iV'ni),  axletree  makers, 

Haverhill  near  Causeway,  ii.  8  Causi'.vay 
Fethering  Benjamin,  mariner.  Prince  near  the  bridge 
Fewer  Mailin,  laborer,  rear  Gridley 
Fickelt  Nalliaiiul,  watchmlui,  lear'lS  South  Bennet 
Firkett  Sarah,  widow  of  Nathaniel,  rear  id  S.  Bennet 
Field  Barniiin,  iiistriicier  Franklin  sciiool,    h.  3d  Fayette 
Field  Charles  F.  Foster  place 
Field  Elislia,  clerk  and  collector,  3  East 
Field  Elizabeth. -^04  Ann 

Field  i:nos  tt  Isaac,  shoes  and  leather,  34  Clinton 
Field  Freeman,  bouse  Harvard  place 
Field  George,  tailor,  3  Wilson  lane 


Field  Goorge,  shoes,  14  Hanover,  h.  Spring  street  place 
Field  {Isaac)  &  C()nv«'rs;e  (./.   II'.),   hides  aid  leailier,  43 

and  45  Broad.      Field  s  luHise  7  McLean  court 
Field  Joseph,  houfe  754  Wasliiiigion 
Field  Justin,  counsellor,  20  Courl,  house  J7  Orange 
Field  xMary,  house  3  ftlillon 

Field  Pearson  II.  shoes,  ItiO  Washington,  jjouse  Castle 
Field  Palricli,  laborer,  Pearl  corner  Purchase 
Field  Silas,  auctioneer,  j\.  side  F.  Hall,  h.  3  Orange 
Field  'J'honias  M.  currier,  Jictuse  7  Salem  place 
F'ield  William  A.,  West  Ceiilre 
Fielderi  Armilsiead,  reed  mak.  and  harness  knit.  63  Union 
Fielding  Edward,  laborer,  86  Merrimac 
Fillebrown  Asa,  organist,  house  5  Aver}   place 
Fillehrown  Edw.  W.  1.  g'ds,  J  Bo}  Ision,  li.  J43  Pleasant 
Fillebrown  James,  tailor,  h.  5  Chambers  street  court 
Fillebrown  John,  house  rear  2  Snowhill 
Fillmore  Daniel,  Rev.  6  North  Margin 
Finch  William,  baker,  house  110  Warren 
Finegan  Jamos,  laborer,  Couch 

Finn  Cornelius,  laborer,  Broad  opposite  Maine  wharf 
Finn  Michael,  laborer.  Broad  opposite  Maine  wharf 
Finney  Catherine,  laundress,  JNorth  Centre 
Finnin  Abigail,  widow,  rear  47  Pleasant 
Fippard  William,  laborer,  house  31(i  Ann 
Fish  Abiel,  engineer,  boards  Sea,  near  the  bridge 
Fish  Asa,  mason,  rear  11  Dislil-house  square 
Fish  Susan,  widow,  house  9  Bridge 
Fish  William  S.  house  33  South 

Fisher  Alden,  rigger,  h.  Commercial  c.  Henchman  lane     ' 
Fisher  Alvan,  artist,  21  School,  house  4  Derne 
Fisher  Amos,  grocer,  ()8  Cambridge 
Fisher  A.  Scott,  tailor,  7  Congress  sq.  h.  15  Hanover 
Fisher  Betsey,  widow  of  Oliver,  734  Washington 
Fisher  Charles  G.  clerk,  south  7!i4  Washington 
Fisher  Cyrus,  machinist,  house  7^7  Washington 
Fisher  Eliza,  house  24  Allen 

Fisher  Elizabeth  G.  boarding  house,  409  Washington 
Fisher  Francis  (Stevens,  F.  Ai  Co.),  h.  Temple  place 
Fisher  Freeman  dz.  Co.  (6".  //.  Babcock),  American  g'da, 

50  Kilby,  house  4  Kneeland 
Fisher  Haskell,  trucknjan,  h.  rear  83  Pond 
Fisher  Hannah  D.  house  56  Belknap 
Fj»lier  Jabez,  flour,  40  Long  wharf,  h.  22  Harvard 
Fitflicr  Jabez,  2d,  house  19  McLean 


Fisher  J.  <^  N.  provis.  store,  9  Clark  and  74  F.  H.  market 

Fislier  John  D   physician,  II  HMywjird  place 

Fisher  Joseph  L.  lurner,  Front,  house  D«'dham  Moces,jr.  hniisewright.  house  rear  Gl  South 

Fisher  Mark.     See  J.  A  M.  Fisher 

Fisher  Pitts  (Arnold  &  F.),  h.  Salem  op.  cor.  Richnaond 

Fisher  Nathaniel,  house  32  Garden 

Fisher  (Sidney)   &  Mor-e  (/I'm.  S.  S),  dry  goods,  415 

Washington.     F.  h'ds  2  La  Grange  place 
Fisher  Warren  (fJeicins  &.  F.),  house  Nassau  court 
Fisher  Willard  N.  hatter,  137  Carnbridge,  h.  7  Vine 
Fisher  William  S.      See  Manning  *S:   F. 
Fisher  William  D.  cordwainer,  Mechanic 
Fisk  Austin,  clerk,  3(>  Orange 
Fisk  Davi  i,  cellar,  4G  Hanover 
Fisk  Francis,  giorer.  Hatter's  sq.  h.  3S  Salem 
Fisk  George,  iiouse  42  Green 
Fisk  John  J.  cashier  Eagle  Bank 

Fisk  John,  b<»ottnaker,  72  Congress,  boards  40  Federal 
Fisk  Jonathan,  cabinetmaker,  4  Wheeler's  court 
Fisk  Josiah  (IVhitnny  Sl  F),  h.  42  (irecn 
Fisk  Peter,  tailor,  (37  Curnhill,  h.  58  Myrtle  1' 

Fisk  Prescott,  grocer,  1(5  West,  h.  5  fJayinarket  place 
Fisk  Samuel  {Freeynan  &  F.),  h.  9  Ash 
Fisk  Sarah,  58  Myrtle 
Fisk  William  C.  boards  1  Jefferson 
Fisk  William,  hat  store,  202  Hanover 
Fisk  (Ww.),  Ri<e  {Mron)  tfc  Co.  (//.  C.  Bryant)^  mer. 

4  Ct-ntral  wharf 
Fisk  William,  cabinetmaker,  841,  h.  839  Washingtonj 
Fisk  {IVm.  P.)  &  Leiand  {Horace),  21  Long  wharf 
Fiske  Augustus  H.  {Hand  4-  F.),  h.  53  Chesnut 
Fiske  (Bevj.)  &  Bridge  {!Vm.  S.)  njerch's,  55  Long  wf. 
Fiske  Benjamin,  Pres.  Amer.  Bank,  h.  2  Hancock  av. 
Fiske  David  D.  printer,  bi)ards  33  Cambridge 
Fiske  Emily,  widow,  843  Washington 
Fiske  John  M.  weigher  and   guager,  Custom  House,  h. 

Commercial  near  Hanover 
Fitch  Elijah,  h.  7.52  Washington 

Fitch  Geo.  W.  housewiight,  Otis's  wf.  h.  24  Hamilton 
Fitch  I.  G.  attorney,  10  Court,  house  Portland 
Fitch  Jeremiah   &  Co.   {John  Fitch),  English  goods,  38 

and  40  Central,  h.  Portland 
Fitch  J.  B.     See  G.  «fe  H.  Stearns  &  Co. 
Fitch  John  (J.  Fitch  fy  Co.),  house  Portland 


Fitch  John,  portrait  painter,  h.  12  Myrtle 

FhrU  PiuKer,  htiusewriirhl,  h.  80  Trtunont 

Fitz  Albert,  clerk  Cominonvvealtli  Bank,  h.  247  Wash. 

Fitz  Jeremiah,  honsewri^lit,  h.  May  near  Centre 

Fiiz«;prald  Elizabeth,  rear  Henchman   lane 

Fitzirerald  James,  laborer,  Batteryniarch 

Fitzgerald  John,  laborer,  iV.i  Warren,  another  105  Broad 

Fiiz^ierald  John  Patrick,  tailor,  i».  5  Dearborn  avenue 

Fitz^jernld  Mary,  widow.  Peck  lane 

Fitzgerald  Mary,  widow,  Elliot  cor.  Carver 

Fitzgerald  Thomas,  101   Broad 

Fitzgerald  William,  printer,  li.  Elliot  cor.  Carver 

Fitzpatrick  Eleanor,  widow.  Theatre  alley 

Fitzpatrick  John,  laborer,  rear  67  Elliot 

Fitzpatrick  John,  milkman.  South  Boston  point 

Fitzpatrick  John,  laborer,  105  Broad 

Fitzpatrick  Mark,  h.  Prospect  cor.  S.  Margin 

Fitzpatrick  Owen,  South  Margin 

Fitzpatrick  Thomas,  grocer,  Dedham 

Fitzpatrick  Thortias,  grocer,  \'M  Ann 

Fitzpatrick  William,  h.  rear  II  Short 

Fitzsimmons  Mary,  Short  near  Bedford 

Flagg  Besenta,  widow,  Warren  place  corner  Pleasant 

Fhgg  Charles  A.  bar  room,  131  Slate 

Flagg  (Daniel),  Taylor  {Alvuii)   &.   Horn   (Trueworthy 

C.),  stone  cutlers,  1st  street,  h.  Broadway 
Flagg  Dennis  F.  grocer,  101  Hanover  cor.  Cross 
Flagg  Eben.  musician,  Boylston  Hotel 
Flagg  James.     See  J.  Cliarter  &.  Co. 
Fhgg  John  G.  &.  Co.  {Sumner  Flagg),  uphol.  18  Union 
Fbgg  Josiali  F.  surgeon  dentist,  31  Winter 
Flaharty  John,  laborer,  rear  671  Washington — Another, 

Orange  lane 
Flaharty  Michael,  laborer,  llO^'Broad 
Flahaven  James,  house  Butolph 
Flanagan  James,  tailor,  boards  8  North  Centre 
Flanagan  Michael,  118  Ann 
Flanagan  Rosanna,  h.  Merrimac 
Flanagan  William,  laborer,  Commercial 
Flanders  Nathan,  truckman,  h.  Travers 
Flanigan  Patrick,  stone  mason,  h.  rear  23  S.  Russell 
Flannelly   Michael,  marble   cutter,  22  Water,    boards 

.  11  Hamilton 
Fleoniin  Ann,  widow,  5  Pond  street  place 
Fltset  AnD,  4  Atkinson 


Flemin<r  James,  laborer,  h.  Ill  Broad 

Fli'tning  John,  rnnrhlo  polislii-r,  Devonshire,  h.  Hatter's sq. 

Fleiuinjr  Patrick,  labmer,  Broiulwciy 

Fleming  Patrick,  C().>j)er.  h.  84  tfea 

Flntcher  Airnes,  widow,  44  IJiigiiton 

Fletcher  Anthony,  typefounder,  hoar-ls  G9  Congress 

Fletcher  Ari<^l  K.  truckman,  Salter  place 

Fietf  her  Benjamin  F.  housewright,  h.  17  Blossom 

Fletcher  Geo    M.  i)  Cross 

Fletcher  Henry,  capt.iin,  'M  Salem 

Fletcher  John  B.  VV.  painter  and  glazier,  9  Graphic  ct. 

P'letcher  Martha,  widow,  1  1  Essex  place 

Fletcher  Mary,  widow,  Merrimac 

Fletcher  Oliver,  druggist,  2  India,  h.  8  Hancock 

Fletcher  Richard,  counsellor,  10  State,  h.  11  Avon  place 

Fletcher  Sadoc,  blacksmith,  h.  73  Elliot 

Fletcher  Timothy,  clerk,  33  Court,  h.  20  Milk 

Flinn  Jact)b,  4th  street 

Flinn  Michatl,  laborer,  rear  46  Pleasant 

Flinn  Michael,  rear  Humphrey  place 

Flinn  Michael,  laborer,  3  Wharf 

Flinn  Morgan,  cooper,  18  Hamilton 

Flint  John,  physician,  20  Trenjont  near  Washington 

Flint  Joseph  W.  (j\orris  &  F),  h.  11  McLean 

Flint  Joshua  B.  physician,  15  Green 

Flin^  Levi,  boards  6  Centre 

Flint  Thomas,  handcartn)an,  h.  45  Ann 

Flood  Edward,  h.  Butolph 

Flnod  Edward,  hairdresser,  Congress  sq.  h.  33  Pinckney 

Flood  i^awrence,  laborer,  7  Essex  place 

Flo«»d  Margaret,  widow,  Theatre  alley 

Flood  Patrick,  slater,  h.  12  Wharf 

Flower  Truman,  esserices,  59  Commercial 

Flower  (Truman)   &  Pluntb   (iVz/nuc/),  variety  store,  59 

Floyd  Andrew  (J.  G.  Lorlng  &  Co.),  h.  r.  18  N.  Russell 

Floyd  Daniel,  shoe  stock,  28  North  Market 

Floyd  Henry,  housewright.  Commercial  near  Foster 

Floyd  Martha,  npholstrei*s,  426  Washington 

Fl«)yd  Rachael,  scho(dtnistress,  back  8  Pleasant 

Floyd  Samuel,  English  g  *ods,  4th  street 

Floyd  San)uel,jr.  lrouse4th  street 

Flyim  Daniel,  laborer,  h.  10  Oliver 

Flynn  Henry,  laborer,  rear  83  Broad 

Flynn  Jtmes,  laborer,  125  Broad 


Flynn  John,  mason,  h.  A  street 

riyrin  Maiy,  widow,  rear  5  Sister 

Flynn  Ro<rer  «fe  Patrick  {W'dUamson,  F.  <fe  Co.),  h.  rear 

5  Sister 
Fobes  Kdvvin,  piannfortemaker,  b'di?  1  Avery  cor.  Wash. 
Fol»es  Edwin  {Davis  &,  F),  I),  (i  Disiilliouse  square 
Foej^t  John,  Uibt)rer,  h.  rear  .5  Grove 
Fo^erty  Thomas,  beer,  84  Broad 
Fogg  Edwin,  last  maker,  h.  Wheeler's  court 
Fogi/  Jeremiah,  stoves,  Blackstime,  h.  59  Temple 
Fol«:y  John,  mariner,  JO  Oliver 
Foley  John,  laborer,  Penk  lane 
Foiliiit  Dexter,  cellar,  2  F.  H.  mar.  h.  9  Green 
Foiling  Benjamin,  housewright,  h.  Dedham 
Foiling  George,  housewright,  h.  51  Essex 
Foiling  Ge(jrge,  jr  housewright,  rear  Ui,  li.  51  Essex 
Foiling  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  61)4  Washington 
Follis  Ricliard,  h.  Southac  cor.  Grove 
Folsorn  Frederick,  shoes,  465  Wash.  h.  29  Fayette 
Folsom  Isaac  L.  {CkarahcrLin  &  F.),  h.  63  Federal 
Fiiqne  Hypolite  N.  captain,  house  (jieenough  lane 
Forbes  Abner,  Smith  school,  Belknap,  h.  1  Champney  pi. 
Forbes  Clarissa,  widow  of  Eli,  h.  63  Poplar 
Forbes  Jonathan,  47  Faneuil  Hall  market,  h.  30  Allen 
Forbes  Luke,  63  Poplar 
Forbes  Robert  B    house  Temple  plare 
Forbes  Sophia,  widow,  h.  10  Leveret  lane 
Forbes  William,  25  State,  stable  7  Sudbury 
Forbush  C.  W.  leather  and  shoe  store,  24  N.  Market 
Forbush  Jonathan   &   Co.   (£.    Toionsend),  leather,  52 

Chatham,  h.  Bowdoin 
Ford  Barnard,  truckman,  h.  4th  street 
Ford  Bement,  carpenter,  n.S.  Bridge,  h.  Suffolk,  n.  Dover 
Ford  Catherine,  widow,  7  N.  Margin 
Ford  Cornelius,  rear  57  Merrimac 
Ford  Daniel  B.  housewright,  house  Dedham 
F«>rd  Elizabeth,  school,  roar  72  Cambridge,  h.  Pinckncy 
F(»rd  James,  laborer,  3  Wharf 
Ford  James  M.  jeweller,  hoards  102  Washington 
Ford  James  W.  grocer.  Pond  cor.  Stillman,  h.  39  Pond 
Ford  John,  printer,  2()  State 

Ford  Josiah,  housewright,  boards  Brookliue  near  Suffolk 
Ford  Samuel  D.  boards  469  Washington 
Ford  Sarah  B.  tailoress,  Suffolk  near  Dover 
Ford  Sarah,  widow,  469  Washington 


Ford  Simeon,  mason,  Thacher  street  court 

Forest  Jolin,  cordwainer,  boards  7  Nass;iu 

Forristall  Ezra,  truckman,  21  India,  h.  G  Blossomr 

Forristall  Jonas,  h.  23  iMernmac 

Forrister  Grace,  widow.  Spring  street  place 

Forsaitli  (John)  &  Gove  {JnJin  F.),  fruit,  11  Market  sq. 

Fursbor^  Dorcas,  widow,  rear  200  Washington 

Forster  Jacob,  jr.  merchant,  2()  Long  \vf. 

Fortune  John,  cordwainer,  34  Sea,  h.  13  S.  Margin 

Fosdick  Abigail,  widow,  house  rear  15  Winter 

Fosdick    {John)    *&    Frolhingham    {Isaac    H.),    English 

goods,  G5  Kilby 
Foskett  Ebenezer,  cabinetmaker,  h.  53  Cambridge 
Foskett  Ezra,  handcarlman,  h.  rear  Lancaster 
Foss  J.  D.     See  T.  W.  Seaver  &  Co. 
Foss  &,  Gihriore,  distillers,  Charlestown,  c.  r.  13  India 
Foss  Isaiah  D.  laborer,  h.  op{)osite  10  Charter 
Foss  Mary,  widovv,  108  Cambridge 
Foss  Stephen  L.,  May  cornnr  Garden 
Foster  Andrix  A.  Iiouse  1  West 
Foster  Archibald,  Sec.  Tremont  Ins.  Co.  and  Brazilian 

vice  consul,  house  71  Prince 
Foster  Benjamin,  mason,  h.  12  South  Margin 
Foster  Benj.  F.  accountant,  1 IG  Wash.  h.  12G  Cambridge 
Foster  Caroline,  house  4  Fruit 
Foster  Catharine,  widow,  G  Bartlett 
Foster  Charles  S.  {J.  H.  F.  <&  Son),  b.  70  Bedford 
Foster  Deborali,  rear  2  Plynioulh  place 
Foster  Eben.  B.  clerk,  h.  51  Poplar 
Foster  E.iward  A.     See  Haughton  &  F. 
Foster  Elizabeth  H.  Aj  Frances,  dry  goods,  7  Hanover 
Foster  Frances,  widow  of  Pluneas,  h.  5  Bulfinch  place 
Foster  Francis  A.  tailor,  h.  19  Province  House  court 
Foster  Franklin,  carpenter,  h.  IG  Ha)  ward  place 
Foster  Franklin,  truckman,  h.  7G  Pond 
Foster  Gecjrge  W.  musician,  9  Garden 
F<jster  Hannah,  Warren  place 
Foster  Heni-y  G   clerk,  house  3  Cottage  place 
Foster  Isaac,  stabler,  Devonshire,  h.  H-irvard  place 
Foster  Isaac  R.  cabinetmaker,  opposite  9  South  xMay 
Foster  Jacob,  house  Commercial  near  Chelsea  ferry 
Foster  James,  laborer,  44  Pond 
Foster  James  E.  hoirse  2  Bedford 
Foster  James  H.   &  Son  {Charles   S.),  paper  hangings, 

156  Wash,  h,  70  Bedford 


Foster  James  H.  jr.  6  Federal  court 

Foster  J.  Fierlerick,  truss  maker,  305  Washington 

Fost'^r  Jeremiah,  h.  2  Lyman  place 

Foster  {Jaroh)  &  Nottaije  {NatlCl),  soap  stone  workers, 

Union  near  Hanover 
Foster  Joel,  VV.  I.  jroods.  81  Commercial,  h.  81  Prince 
Foster  John,  shipjoiner.  Commercial  near  Foster 
Foster  John,  teamster,  81  Sea 
Foster  John  H.  honse  1-2  Mollis 
Foster  John  H.  &  Co.   {IVm.   H.  Foster),  dry  goods,  34 

Central,  h.  5  Bulfinch  phice 
Foster  Jolinson  W.  cahinetmaker,  h.  Church,  n.  S.  Cedar 
Foster  Joseph,  jroldsmilh,  171  Ann 

Foster  Josf-j)h,  first  clerk  State  treasury,  h.  Ex.  CofF.  H. 
Foster  Joshua,  mariner,  r.  (ireenough  lane 
Foster  Leonard,  h.  Nassau  court 
Foster  Louisa  N.  seamen's  aid  =lore,  North  square 
F\ister  Michael,  laborer,  rear  78  Warren 
Foster  Matthias  S.,  W.  L  goods,  27  Com.  h.  7  N.  Centre 
Foster  Nathan,  fruit,  13  Water,  h.  1  Spring  st.  court 
Foster  Nathaniel,  rear  6  Staniford 
Foster  Samuel  R.  house  2  Bedford 
Foster  Samuel  H.  house  39  Bowdr)in 
Foster  Sar;.h.  fancy  goods.  290  Wash.  cor.  Bedford 
Foster  Thomas,  housewright,  h.  19  Province  H.  court 
Foster  Thomas  H.  suspender  maker,  19  Prov.  House  ct. 
Foster  Thomas  P.  b!ock  maker,  F'ullon,  h.  Margaret 
Foster  Thos.  R.  (  IVellingtnn,  F.  &  Co.),  h.  02  Poplar 
Foster  Thomas  W.  clerk,  h.  9  Vine 
Foster  William,  mas(m,  Margaret  alley 
Foster  Wm.  D.  provisions,  Bromfield,  h.  rear  10  Bedford 
Foster  William  K.  cooper,  h.  Wash.  pi.  cor.  Gibbs  lane 
Foster  William  E.  physician,  office  1  S.  Bennet 
Foster  Wm.  H    {John  H.  F  &  Co.),  h.  5  Bulfinch  place 
Foster  Wm.  VV.  trunk  and  harness  maker,  h    10  Blossom 
Fovell  Elizabeth,  sempstress.  South  street  court 
Fowie  Chas.  S.  ( IVetaerell,  F.  &  Barloio),  h.  14  Elliot 
Fowie  George,  monitorial  sch.  313  Wash.   h.  49  South 
Fow'e  George  M.  merchant.  69  Long  wf  h.  Oliver 
Fowie  {Geo.  M.),  Johnson  {Jos.  jr.)   &;  Co.   merchants, 

69  Long  wf  h.   Oliver 
Fowie  Henry,  pump  maker,  house  49  South 
Fowie  Henry,  jr  ,  Ann  head  Sargent's  wf.  h.  Moon 
Fowie  Isaac^ife"  Co.  {Spencer  Beatly  &  J    D.   &    IV.   H. 

Fowie),  carvers,  107  Commercial,  h.  246  Hanover 


Fowie  James,  druggist,  corner  Leveret 

Fovvle   {Parker)   &   Brewer    (G.    /I.),  carpet  store,  104 

Wash.     F.'s  house  12  Harvard 
Fovvle  Seth  W.  drug:>ist,  Salem  cor.  IVinre,  h.  83  Salem 
F«ivvle  Wm.  B.  femule  nioriilorial  school,  Temple  av. 
FowIe  {William)  He  Allen  (F.  D.),  dry  goods,  93  Kilby. 

Fowle's  house  837  Washington 
Fowler  Asahel,  honsewright,  h.  13  Nassau 
Fowler  Clinton,  salesman,  30  Kilby,  b'ds  3  Cambridge 
Fowler  Jesse,  h.  '27  Tliacher 
Fowler  John,  laborer.  Fleet 

Fowler  John  R.  coach  maker,  Sea  near  the  bridge 
Fowler  Stephen  F.  botanic  physician,  Thacher  c.  Pond 
Fowler  William,  pilot.  352  Commercial 
Fowles  Harriet,  h.  Gom  h 
FowIps  Mary,  widow,  1  May 

Fox  Charles,  instrticier,  Boylston  school,  h.  5  HoUis 
Fox  (ieorge  H.  clerk,  Williams  ct. 
Fox  Jacob,  turner,  rear  121)  Cambridge,  h.  do. 
Fox  Peter,  laborer,  rear  91  Broiid 
Fox  Richard,  painter,  house  11  Federal  courl 
Foj  James,  laborer,  Cross 
Foye  Ji)hn,  ropemaker,  h.  rear  Lenox 
Foye  John,  jr.  honsewright,  h.  rear  Lenox 
Foye  Mi('hael,  laborer,  rear  63  Flliot 
Fracker  Williani,  turner,  h.  49  Prince 
Francis  David  {Munroe  &  F.),  library,  364  Washington, 

house  5  La  Grange  place 
Francis  Fbenezer,  merchant.  GO  State,  h.  Somerset 
Frances  Frederick,  laborer,  Washington  avenue 
Francis  George  W.  honsewright.  boards  32  Fayette 
Francis  Jos.  H.  booksell.,  12d  Wash.  h.  5  La  Grange  pi. 
Francis  (JVat/i'l)  iSi.   Lovell  {Javies   G),  pumpmakers,  52 

India  wf.     F.'s  house  95  Purchase 
Francis  Nath'l  (//.   Gray  S/-  Co.),  h.  15  Montgom   place 
Francis  Peter  L.  grocer,  Butolph 
Francis  Simon,  grocer,  Brighton  corner  Leveret 
Fran.^is  Thomas  D.  painter,  h.  32  Fayette 
Francis  Thomas  I».  h.  30  Bridge 

Franck  Ja/.eniah,  liv.  stable, op.  (501  Wash.  h.  41  Warren 
Franks  Charles  F.  rigger.  Commercial  corner  Prince 
Franksen  John  H.  clothing,  2  Clinton,  h.  2  Fulton 
Fraser  Simon,  shoemaker,  rear  32  I'leasant 
Fredericks  Lewis,  musician,  110  Warren 
Frederickson  Adolph,  Battery 



Freeland  Ann,  widow,  19  North  Bennet 
Frt'  Benjamin,  house  U>  Piirrhase 
Freeman,  C(,bb   »fcCo.  (C.    L.    Roberts,  H.   S.   Kendall, 
Eben.  Rhoades  .!('  E.  G.  Roberts),  dry  g'ds,  71  Milk 
Freeman  r,<hntirid,  \'22  Fanetiil  Hall  niarUet 
Freeman  Ehsha.     See  Pierce  &.  Freeman 
Freeman  John,  tram-portalion    aiient,  Boston   and  Wor- 
cester Ivail  Road,  li.  7  S.  Bermet 
Freeman  (John  D.)   Si.   BoMes   ( Charles),   printers,   110 

Washington.      F.'s  h.  14  Chaml)ers 
Freeman  Jt.sephus,  caulker,  Commercial 
Freeman  Peter  VV.,  Secy  Bosion  Ins.  Co.  h.  27  High 
Freeman  Simon  B.  iiousewri<;ht,  h.  3G  BelUnap 
Freeman  (  IVm.)  &  Fisk  (Sam.),  dry  goods,  7  Liberty  sq. 

Freeman's  h.  G  BiiHiuch 
French  Ahram  (S.  B.  Fierce  &  Co.),  h.  2  Poplar 
French  Anthony,  2  Bridge  court 
French  Alphous  T.  14  Faneuil  Hall  market 
French  Arthur,  mercliant,  Hi  Rowe's  wf.  h.  8  Lincoln 
French  Beujaniin.  housewright,  h.  IJumstead  court 
French  Benj.  &  Co.  (John  Dane),  merch.   12  S.  Market, 

house  1  Lieveret 
French  Benjamin  V.,  W.  L  goods,  334  Washington 
French  Charles  D.  clerk,  h.  23  Tremout,  n.  Washington 
French  Charh?s,  Maine  wf.  hoards  1  Purchase  place 
French  Charhis,  dr'iggist,  181  Hanover,  h.  9  N.  Bennet 
French  Daniel,  housewiight,  h.  1  street,  cor.  1st  street 
French  D.ivid,  sodi  maker,  h.  Market  place 
French  Ebenezer,  painter,  h.  4  Distil-houGe  square 
French   Eliz;iheth,  widow,  op.  1  Norfolk  place 
French  Fphrain),  wircworker,  Portland,  h.  2  Poplar 
French  Hiram,  13  F.  H.  market,  h.   rear  13  Atkinson 
French  John,  8  Long  wf  hoards  Castle 
French  Jeti'erson,  mason,  h.  7  Distil-house  square 
French  John  M.  distiller,  Essex,  h.  South  st.  court 
French  Jonathan,  house  732  Washington 
French  Jonathan,  housewright,  h.  29  Boylston 
French  Jonathan,  jr.  {T.  Lord  S,'-  Co.),  h.744  Washing. 
French  Joseph,  boards  54  Union 
French  Leonard,  counting  room  39  ComtnerciaJ 
French  Mary,  widow,  boarding  house.  Harvard  place 
French  Moses,  h.  South  Margin 
French   Moses,  jr.   wood   and  coal,  Maine  vvliarf,  near 

Summer,  h.  1  Purchase  place 
French  Thomas,  boarding  house,  196  Tremont 


French  Thomas,  trijckmnti,  Coopor 

French  ''I'hoinMH  E.  comb   makor,   '.I  Grnphic  court,  h.  3 

Cornhill  H({itnin 
FrrMich  Tlioa.  N.  c.  room,  8  Lonp;  wf.  h.  fi35  Washington 
French  VV^illiam,  (hslilh-r,  l)islil-hoiis«!  8<iii!irc,  h.  10  do. 
Fricdhcim  .John,  proCcssor  nuisic,  h.  12 
Frol)ishcr  Bciij.  C.  jcwidhir,  (;!>  Wash.  Ii.  !>   Warren 
Frohishor  .Jt.seph  Ii.  housi;  4lli  street 
FioPt  Heiijamin,  painter,  r>  West,  li.  rear  104  Warren 
Frost  Coh'nan,  houses  (i  Brifrhlon 
Frost  Georf:(!  13.  l^iilor,  H  Myrtle 

Frost  Jan(^,  wi(h)w,  h.  (^and»ri(l^e,  3d  from  the  bridge 
Frost  l.iicy,  widow,  1  Harvard 
Frost  Lowrdl,  painter,   h.  rear  I)  W.  Centre 
Frost  Reuben,  drain  di;:ger,  h    2.\  ObarhjH 
Frost  Samuel  T.  jiaiuler,  h.  2'.\  Soiilh  llussell 
Frost  Waller,  carriage   ttjanuf iciory,  lb4  Trcinont  and 

rear  (!)ourt.     iSee  adverlisenicnt 
Frost  William,  CfUifecMioner,  :{l  Cambridge  and  125  Court 
Frost  William,  merchant,  98  Water,  h   7l  Mt.  Vernon 
Frothingham  Amos  'I',  tclbir  Tremoiit  iJanU 
Frothingbatri  C.  II.  (0.  P.  Eaton  At  Co.),  h.  9  West 
Frothingham   Epliraiin    L.    cashier  Trader's   Bank,  h.  1 

Tremont  < ortier  Wa.-<hingt<>n 
Frothingham  G.  W.  dry  go(,d.s24r,  Wash.  \\.  28  Warren 
Frothingliam  Isaac  II.     See  Fosdick  6c   V. 
Fiothinghanj  Joanna,  widow  orEI)ene/er,  3  Oak 
Frothingliam  l.vdia,  widow  of  Nathaniel,  h.  Ma.son 
Frothingham  Nat.  coachpaint.  Hawley  pi.  h.  78  Tremont 
Frofhihgiiam  Nath'l,  2<l,  <:oach{>aint.  '.>  West,  h.  IJoylston 
Frothingham  Nathaniel  F.  commis.  mer.  25  Long  wf. 
Frothingham  Nathaniel  L.,  liev.  43  Summer 
Frolhingham  Samuel,  eashit^r  V.  S.  Bank,  h.  Ml.  Vernon 
Frothingham  Thomas,  coachmakor,  9  West 
Frye  Isaac.  W.  groccjiies,  17  Beacon,  h.  143  Court 
Fry  Levi,  shoemaker,  h.  rear  17  Second 
Fuller  Abba,  widow,  9  La  Grange  place 
Fuller  Abner,  oyst«;r  room,  Ann  c^or.  Richmond 
Fuller  Aaron,  baker,  h.  rear  132  PItasant 
Fuller  Abigail,  nuiKO,  Wli«M!l<;r  court 
Fuller  Alexander,  boards  I'etuberton  Hill 
Fuller  Abraham  W.  counsellor,  31  Court 
Fuller  Anna,  4()  Sea 

Fuller  Charles,  plane  maker,  h.  3  Chambers  st.  court 
Fuller  Ebenozer,  grocer,  123  Hanover 

DIRECTORY.  .       175 

Fuller  Elijiih,  boardin<;  house,  105  Tremont 

Fuller  Kzrii,  boards  (>  Sij<}<tlU  plare 

Fuller   Henry  H.  rouiisellor,  (>  Slate,  h.  2  Avon  place 

Fuller  James,  li<)nse\vri;ilit,  h.  78  Warren 

Fuller  Jeremiah,  hlar-Ksmith,  h.  Brook  line  near  Sufiblk 

Fuller  Joseph.     See  Fay  <&  Fuller 

Fuller  Joseph,  haeUman,  h.  57  Llliol 

Fuller  J<.hn  E.  house  1  I'itis 

Fuller  Samuel  N.  bath  lu.iise,  12  Bath  st.  h.  54  Friend 

Fuller  Selh,  bellhan<,'er,  2  Wilson  lane,  h.  Ridgeway  la. 

Fuller  Stephen  I*,  surveyor,  rear  (iO  State,  h.  17  Hancock 

Fuller  William  F.  blacksmith,  ',U  Prince 

Fuller  William  M.  blaeksmith,  h.  G  Orange  lane 

Fuller  Zenas,  painter,  4  Dislil-hpuse  square 

Fuller  Zac(;heus  R.  carpenter,  rear  Foster 

Fullertcm  James  &  Co.   (./.  Tvfts),   iron,  1  and  2  South 

Market,  house  2  Hancock  avenue 
Fullerlon  Jennet,  widow,  rear  Leveret  lane 
Fullerton  Samuel,  (54  Union 

Fulluin  David,  livery  stable,  2  Bowdoin  sq.  h.  do. 
Fidimn  Jacob,  !)oardit)g  house,  Br<)adway 
Fullton  Elizabeth,  widow,  3  Elliot  court 
Fullton  Samuel,  mason,  7  Milt(m 
Furber  George  W.  stone  cutter,  h.  rear  85  Pond 
Furber  John  D.  tobacconist.  (58  Broad 
Furber  Thomas,  plater,  1(5  Union,  h.  35  Chambers 
Furbush  Benjamin  F.  surveyor,  5  Hull 
Furbush  Joseph,  laborer,  8  Sudbury 
Furbush  James,  laborer,  (50  Broad 
Fuibush  Milo,  grocer,  4^  Federal,  house  rear 
Funk  Gottfried,  tailor,  h.  1  Piedmont 
Funk  Joseph,  weaver,  80  Warren 
Furlong  Lawrence,  chair  painter,  h.  33  Stillman 
Furness  Nathaniel  H.  house  41  Spring 
Furness  William,  clerk,  b.  41  Spring 
Fussell  James,  tailor,  h.  5  Madison  place 
Fussell  John  (J.  Sfiorey  &  Co.),  h.  5  Madison  place 
Furguson  Robert,  moulder,  A  street 

GABRIEL  JOHN,  sailmakcr,  house  rear  N.  Margin 
GafBeld  John,  cordwainer,  157  Ann 
Gaffield  Thomas,  cordwainer,  48  Congress,  h.  rear 
Gage  (Mdison)  &  Streeter  {JVathan  H.),  stablers,  Brom- 

field,  boards  5  Province  House  ct. 
Gage  Benjamin  W.  crockery,  144  Wash.  h.  101  do. 


Gago  John,  machinist,  h.  3  Scott  court 

G;i:ie  John  (Je.nntss,  G.  &  Moudy),h.  at  Com.  Coffee  H. 

Ga<£e  J.  K.  T.  physician,  B  street 

Ga'^e  Moses,  liairdres>er,  46  Merchants  row 

Gair  John,  sailrnaUer,  Liverpool  wf.  h.  72  Purchase 

Gale  Gustavus  O.  hat  store,  7(i  Manover 

Gale  Isaac,  101   Faneiiil  Hall  market 

Gale  John,  oysters,  24  Franklin 

Gale  Josiah,  hat  store,  house  Cooper 

G.ile  \j.  B.  surgeon,  2  B«i\vdoin  square,  h.  74  Temple 

Gale  lijdia,  widow  of  John,  1  Lafayette  avenue 

Gale  iVJilton,  house  Cooper 

Gale  Nathaniel,  clothing,  52  Ann,  h.  4  Hull 

Gale  Nathaniel,  physician.  North  Margin 

Gale  Samuel,  house  B  street 

Gallagher  Michael,  h.  3  Flagg  alley 

Gallagher  Tliou)as,  laborer,  Batterymarch 

Gallot  Nathan,  sexton,  house  llaymarket  place 

Galloope  Richard,  hairdresser,  Flagg  alley,  h.  6  Hull 

Galvin  Andrew,  laborer,  rear  45  Pleasant 

GaUin  Philip,  laborer.  Broad,  cor.  Cotton  place 

Gait  William,  confectioner,  079  Washington 

Galucia  Ambrose  B.  painter.  Wash.  h.  Essex  c.  Columbia 

Giimage  Hamiah,  wid.  of  J(dm  W.,  h.  rear  Northampton 

Gamage  He.iiry,  pianoforte  maker,  h,  19  Pleasant  st.  cl, 

Gamage  Sarah  D.  widow,  rear  (J12  Washington 

Gamble  Alexander;  laborer,  18C  Ann 

Gammell  Eliza  and  Sarah,  house  30  South 

Gamrnell  Mary  Ann,  rear  41  Congress 

Gammell  Samuel,  boarding  house,  opposite  4  Columbia 

Gammon  Stephen,  laborer,  h    67  Ijedford 

Gammon  William,  laborer,  house   67  Bedford 

Gannett  Cole,  shipwright,  house  Cotton  place 

Gannett  Ezra  S.  Rev.  4   Hayward  place 

Gannett  Isaac,  cooper,  55  Prince 

Gannett  Thomas  B.  clerk,  34  Cent.  wf.  b'ds  9  Atkinson 

Garaux  Francis,  baker,  17  Portland 

Garbett  Richard,  professor  of  mu.sic,  h.  16  Chambers 

Gardiner  Mary,  widow  of  Rev.  Dr.  house  Temple  place 

Gardiner  WiUiam  H.  {Dexter  &  G.),  h.  Temple  place 

Gardner  Caleb,  baker.  May  corner  Butolph 

Gardner  Elizabeth,  widow,  rear  Southac 

Gardner  Francis,  teacher  Latin  school,  h.  28  Vernon 

Gardner  George,  dry  goods,  37  Hanover 

Gardner  George.     See  John  L.  Gardner  &  Co. 


Gardner  Hannah,  widow,  rear  121  Pleasant 

Gardner  John,  hardwiire,  8  Liberty  sq  h.  64  Mt.  Vernon 

Gcirdner  John   L,  &  Co.  {George    Gardner)^  meichanls, 

47  India,  h.  1  Beacon 
Gardner  John  D.  &  Co.  {B.  P.  Chamberlain),  com.  mer. 

and  auction.,  5  Cent.  wf.  h.  c.  Beacon  and  Sotneiset 
Gardner  Josefih  H.,  Sec'ry  Neptune  Ifisuraiice  Company 
Gardner  (Leavitt)  <&  Murdock  (.-^/n«5«,  jr.),  planenjakers, 

4  Green.     G.'s  house  1  Mihon 
Gardner  l.orinjf,  sliip.'<niith,  C<»tton  place,  h.  10  Purchase 
Gardner  Martha,  ready  m;ide  linen,  2">()  Washington 
Gardner  Robert,  laborer,  rear  !)8  Warren 
Gardner   {Robert)   &   Sylvester  {Jidam),  W.   I.   goods, 

Gardner  Russell,  honsewright,  h.  rear  Canton  n.  Dedhana 
Gardner  Samuel  P.  merchant,  h.  3^  Summer 
Gardner  VVm.  H.  hides  <fe  le.ith.,  42  Cent,  b'ds  18  Hano. 
Gardner  William,  honsewright,  rear  344  Washington 
Gargcm  Patrick,  laborer,  h.  2  Bridge 
Garland  Daniel,  mason,  h.  8(i  Warren 
Garland  James,  house  Aright,  r.  530  Wash.  h.  86  Warren 
Garland  Joseph,  3  Pond 
Garran  Jabez,  house  Unity 
Garrett  Robert,  boarding  house,  198  Ann 
Garrety  Mary,  22  StiUman 
Garrety  Thomas,  laborer,  2  Wharf 
G.irtlafid  Peter,  mason,  rear  23  South  Rus.sell 
Garvin  Chauncey,  mason,  h.  7  Boylston  square 
G.iskell  Lymaii  C    clothes,  (il   Washington,  h.  13  Cross 
Ghss  Joseph.  st(mecutler,  Brighton,  h.  3  1-2  Spring 
Ga.=s  Michael,  laborer,  rear  101   Broad 
Gassett  Henry  &.  Co.  {JHcxander  S.  Riley),  English  g'ds, 

14  Kilby,  h.  50  Summer 
Gales  Columbus,  physician,  133  Hanover 
Gates  Israel,  house  iS'ewbern  place 
Gates  James  W.   «fe   Co.  {Levi  ^    Willinm   Heywood), 

chair  deah-rs,  42  India      Gates  b'ds  4  Bowdoin 
Gates  Jacob,  physician,  13  Franklin 
Gales  Jonathan,  laborer,  h.  rear  12  Boylston 
Gaudin  Augustus,  teamster,  444  Washington 
Gault  Benjamin,  laborer,  rear  4th  stieet 
Gault  John,  carpenter,  >outh  c(»rni'r  Essex 
Gauli  Robert,  typefounder,  Robinson  lane 
Gavett  George  B.  boards  11  Tremont 
Gavett  James  H.  house  10  1-2  Pleasant 

178  niRncTOkv. 

(Jnvf;lt,  Jonfitfifin,  Inmi)li{(lit<;r,  h.  Wnrrrn  place 
(iiivcit  .loMi;|ili,  f:f)nlwiiiti»;r,  fif)UH«!  '.i  WluM.lcr  court 
(invi-W.  JVl;irv,  wirlovv,  Mrnl<«;l,  \)\ttr,i: 

(i:>VK\\    l{ul.<;rt  H    rii.i-  l.iniHt,  H    lUirl;;*;,  |i.  4  Colta^re  pi. 
(i.iMi-M  VVilli;irri   H.  vV  (ic.o.  li.  Mry  isihhIh.  WsiHliingUni  C. 

lioylMinri.      W.  K.  (;    IjMh  :^  L;i  (inirii;;.-  [il.u;« 
Ciiiy  (;ii;irl«'s  i;.  (rro«<!f,  ^ '.7  Ann,  Iioiihi;  '.i  Moon 
(^iuy  KI)«Mi  I'    lioiihc  \7)7)  IJiitioxcr 
(iiiy  {hl'ifn   V.)  <V  V<.;iHi«!  (/';/<),  hIioch,  41  M'jrcliantH  row. 

^iiy'M  li.  rc'ir  li?  Kirlirrirm'l 
Criy  (i»'or^«!,  «(»ijriH<'llor,  '^0  (,'<>iir»,  }i.  HolliH  c.  'JVfirnont 
(j:iy  (;«;<.r;.'(!  II    (|i;nliHt,  252  VVfiHliiiif^ton 
Guy  (*T<:u\\\\i:  VV.  (l-lnlon  ^  O'  ),  lt'<J«  n-iir  l^i  iJif  lirnond 
Guy  l><Mnnrl.  12  Fiitifuil  II.  rrwirUra,  li.  22 'r«;iiij>l«i 
G  ly  L«;wiH  II.  (lialtlwia  »V    r';  ;,  li.   l:{  Citnlro 
(i;iy  ,\I;uiiri,  pli vHicijiri.  4^.  jVlilU,  lMi;ir<lH  r  l'«Mirl 
Gay  { I'll  ill  luiH    i'j.)  {^    \V\Tf\  (Stimiml,  J.),   ir«jri  dualcrH,  44 

Inriia.      (<.'s  liotis*!  \i^>  I'lpaH.inl 
G.'iy  llolicrr  II    trutrcliitnt,  i:'.  L()n«  wf.    ii    10  AlUtn 
(iay  KijfijH  J\1.  prin.  <ifl».  f;l«Tl<    in  (Uih.  II.  b'dH  17  Fcurl 
Giiy  Ha  ly  iM.  2ri  La  (irany.!  plaft«; 
fjay  'I'iiotnas,  trurUtnan,  li    IMfr-luiriir, 
(i:\)\i:  l,iviti}fHi.ori,  ttiarirHT.  2!*  Tliaiilicr 
Ciaylnrd  (MiarlcM,  priii(»;r  and  Mil<mak«;r,  2d  Htrc-ct 
Gi'liiy  Afidifiw,  [xidjar,  I-'*  Kmhox 

"  imrncrcial 


"'_ H-  •' '•  " ..  .'..  ...,<. 

G<'.or;»«!  Lulu;,  2.'>  Lon;:  wliarf,  ii.  4li  Lovcrfit 

<;.:nr-<;  Nalhani.d   M.  Ilonr,  2.")  l-on;^  wf  li.  (i  N.  RiisHfjll 

wi'iiiy  /inni«!W,  [xtniiir,   i-»  i'.mhox 

G(;iHrn;:^i'r  David,  naval  rtuidnzvous,  Ann  n.  C«> 

Gi:iliMT  Chaili'H.  Ifaf  licr  of  rniixi*-,   HM   'rr«;fnoii 

(i»;or^<:  lliratn,  lio(iM(!wri;^lil ,  Iioijh<!   Norlharnpl 

Goor;;,.  J.d.n  .S.   H|,.M!fnaUrr.  !)()  lS«;!i 

G<'.or;»«!  Lulu;,  2.'>  Lon;:  wliarf,  ii.  4'A  Lr;v('r(;t 

<i<:orir<;  Nalii.irn.;!   M .  Ilonr,  2.">  Lon;^  wf  li.  (i  N.  iv<im..;u 

Gfirrirtli  Anrlrtjw,  liardwarc,  41  ('orntnMrcial,  li.  Id  Milk 

Gfiri^li    .latrniH,  l>la<l<Kinilli,  r<!ar  Broadway 

C«t'rri,ili  TliornaH,  l)rirkrn:il<(;r,  r«!ar  I'roadway 

(;.;rry   Mil. nd;;.;    iti.-r'|,;,ril,  iA]  Killiy,  li    22  |{<;a 

(ji;rry  .lafni'H,  IJniU'd  Sl.ilfs  navy,  hoards  22  !>•: 

G«frry  TafricU,  lajjori-r.  72  Itroad 

Gorry  (Sunivrl,  L.)  A  IJnrl  (.himt'.s),  <yn\i\u\cr\tn\ 

:{  ('oriiliill.      <i'  rry'H  li    477  WaHliin^^lon 
G»;rry  'I'lioinaH.      .Sc*!  ItoHs  <V  (». 

<^i<-yf;r  Andr«!W,  drnii^iMl,  101  ||iinf»v<;r,  li.  li"*  Salem 
(ii-yi'T  (.'liarlt'H,  tnuMlard  fariory,  (JrosH,  li.  21)  d(i. 
G«'y«;r  <i«;otjfc,  (-(topjir,  Hri^lilon  ripsir  I'oplar 
Gry«T  J     W.  frn-rrliant,  14  |{<iw<!'h   wliarf 
Geycr  Mury  l'\  leeching  enlubliMlinienl,  lb2  'J'rernont 



Gibbpns  Daniel  L.  «&,  Son  (Horn.  //.;,  grocers,  218  Wa«b. 

Gii)ljf-ns  JiiifKiS.  labiirfjjr,  rtiar  l'<i  >  JjKji-d 

Giftl»(ins^TJjret,  iiou:if;  VVilliinris  «<>urt 

Gibheris  Miiry  1).  vvulovv  of  Georye  Al.  2G  Orange 

Gibbs  Abi^;.il,  38  Milk 

Gibbs  Ira,  lijiiib<;r,  E;iril,  b.  rear  44  Essex 

Gibbs  MaUiari  B.{fJ(i/ij.  liurircsa  ^'y  !6on),  b.  Higli  c.  Sunj'r 

Gibbs  iSiirab,  bouse  4'J  Mount  Vernon 

Gibson  Anna  F.  taibjr<;ss,  HayrnarUet  |>Iaee,  cor.  Avery 

Gibson  iit'.isey,  bouse  101  VVa&binglon 

Gibft«*n  Cbarles  L.      P^ee  VVebhlf-r,  Cljate  &  Co. 

Gibson  Geor;'!e,  bouse  101  VVasbin;ilon 

Gibsrni  Ge<»r;4e  G   diy  {ro<uJs,  :}15,  b.  .034  Washington 

Gihson  Ilosea,  pa|ierfiang(.r,  b.  47  lioylston 

Gibson  Irena,  lailoiess,  47  BoylsUjn 

Gibson  James,  captain,  li.  2')  Cornnierrial 

Gil^son  Jubn  d.  nierdiant,  b.  :i2  C'be=niit 

Gibson  J.-bn  M    innbobJ.;r,  107  Milk 

Gibson  Joscpli,  cleik,  b.  '.)!<i  Treniont 

Gil»son  Kimball  (.Xichols  &l  G.),  bouse  lOG  Cbarles 

Gibson  Mf;r'y,  vvidfjw.  ilaymarl<«'t  place,  for.  Av»;ry 

Gibson  ."^atnijiil  V.  paperlian;:(r,  May  cor.  VV.  Centre 

Gibson  'i'liomas,  boardin<r,  243  Ann 

Gibxon  William.     SJte  S.  Westcott  &.  Co. 

Giddinj^s  Lyflia,  b.  Ballard  place 

GifFord  Alden,  captain,  Tjlj  l.cveret 

Gifford  Ann,  widow,  rear  12  .Soiilb  Riipsell 

Gilbeit  Anlbony,  Jiairdresser,  2.'30  Wa^-biiigton 

Gilbert  Asbel,  bousewrigiit,  li.  V.)  Mortb  Kusiell 

Giilic-rt  Fienjamin  I.  37  Warren 

Gilbert  Benjamin  It.  ((Jilherl  ^  Sons),  \\.  50  Warren 

Gilbert  ItK-rease  (T.  Gdhe/rt  &.  Co),  \\  \)  Houlb  B.-nnet 

Gilbert  Jobn,  jr.  W.  I   g'ds,  !(>.'>  Tr<;mont,  b    ]'4.  Hanover 

Gilbert  Lemuel  {T.  GUhtrt  ^  Co.),  b.  1  JetfV-ison  pl. 

Gilbert,  l.ijtber,  grorer,  10  Leveret,  b.  41  I'oplar 

Gilbert  Margaret,  widow,  0  .Soulb  street  place 

Gilborl  .Sarab  M.  widow,  31  Tliaf  lier 

Gilbert  Tirno.  &.  Co.  (Henry  Snffurd,  Lemuel  Gilbert  & 

lacrense  Gilbert),  p\:\iii>i'<>nn   inanufuctory,  393   and 

400  VVasbington,   b.  10  Front 
Gilbert  &-  Sons  (Samuel,  Saiiiuel,jr.  and   Benjamin  /?.), 

excbange  office,  Lxf|ian}.'e 
Gilbert  Samuel,  bouse  527  Wasbinglon 
Gilbert  .Samuel,  jr.  hou^e  531   Wasbington 
Gilbert  William  A.     See  Orin  HUdrelh  <i&  Co. 


Giles  Ann,  millinery,  212,  h.  210  Washington 

Giles  Emerson,  leainster,  h.  rear  Canal 

Giles  Juiin  B.  marble  polisher,  97  Ann 

Gill  Ciirislopher,  capuin,  liouf-e  (>  Fayette 

Gill  Uaiiiel,  laborer,  h.  rear  8  South  street  place 

Gill  Eliza,  44G  VVasliingion 

Gill  Henry,  laborer,  Prince 

Gill  Joshua  T.  housewright,  h.  58  Portland 

Gill  Michael,  laborer,  74  Warren 

Gill  I'erez,  lumber,  Front,  house  12  South  Bennet 

Gill  Simon,  captain,  22  Brighton 

Gill  Samuel  VV.  machinist,  house  Canal 

Gill  Thomas,  reporter,  li)  Water,  house  4th  street 

Gill  William,  laborer.  Prince 

Gillespie  John  W.  housewright,  h.  Castle  n.  Middlesex 

Gillespie  Mary,  house  1  Ballard  place 

Gilieti  Philo  A.  clerk,  boards  at  Kilburn's  Coffee  House 

Gillfealher  Daniel,  laborer,  A  street 

Gilling  John,  mariner,  Langdon  place 

Gillis  Mark,  15  North  Market 

Gillpatrick  (jeorge,  clerk.  Custom  House 

Gilman  Charles  E.  house  rear  12  Spring 

Gilman  E.  grocer,  89  Merrimac,  h.  2  Gilman  place 

Gilman  George  W.  {Cummings  &.  G),  h.  134  Hanover 

Gilman  M.  S.  L.  sailmaker,  h.  2  Hawkins 

Gilman  Nathaniel,  confectioner,  Salem  c.  Cross,  h.  Clark 

Gilman  Zebulon,  boarding  house,  C2  Leveret 

Gilmore  Addison  {Foss  &.  G.),  h.  4  Orange  court 

Gilrnore  Freeman,  clerk,  .house  34  Charles 

Gilmore  James,  house  97  Purchase 

Gilmore  Jawies,  straw  manufiicturer,  h.  rear  756  Wash. 

Gilm»)re  Joseph  A.  (Lbacli,  Crosby  &  G),  b'ds  2  Oliver 

Gilmore  Josiah,  merchant,  12  S.  Market,  h.  7  Causeway 

Gilmore  Kcbert,  chemist,  h.  rear  756  Washington 

Gilson  Asa,  stabler,  18  Blossom 

Gilson  Jonas,  housewright,  house  rear  Northampton 

Gilson  (Joshua)  &  Livermore  (IVm.),  grocers,  West  cor. 

Mason,  and  Warren  cor.  Elliot.     G.  bds  12  Avery 
Gilson  Thomas,  last  maker,  h.  1  Cedar  st.  court 
Giraud  Mary,  house  68  Belknap 
Givven  John  S.  housewright,  13  Charter 
Gladden  Wra.  mason,  h.  rear  89  Broad 
Glanvin  John,  laborer,  rear  123  Broad 
Glazier  Jotham,  innholder,  Massachusetts  Hotol 
Glazier  I.  C.     See  Walter,  Corey  &  Co. 

DIRECTORY.  *  181 

Gleason  Charles,  cooper,  rear  Brondway  near  E  street 

GItjfison  lltiiate,  (•()un>ell»)r,  9  iSlale 

Glesisdri  Pliilip,  li(HisfWii>>lit.   h.  rear  Canton 

jGU-asori  Thotnas!,  labtirer,  105  Hroad 

Glcasuii  William  T.  pnnti-r,  85  Tinckney 

GliddHf)  Eliza  A.  widow,  lionse  2  Cooper 

Gl«  PS  Juliii.  caliineimaker,  h.  r»'ar  Lenox 

Glover  Kdward,  house  24  SahJlaljon 

Glover  Klisha  V  coiisiable, '<>  Kriiiklin  av.  h.  Southac  ct. 

Glover  Enoch,  I  Leveret  court 

Glover  (jeorne  VV.  liousewri<rlit,  h.  9  Bratile 

Glover  ller)rv  K.  {Manning  i^-  O.),  h  ti'^  Cliannbers 

Glover  Johfi  B.  ^2  V»'aler.  h    17  Soulh  Bennet 

G\o\vr  (J(iniis)  &    Richaidsun    (G.   B.  jr.),  grocers,  46 
Long  wf  h.  8  0ak 

Glover  Joseph  B.  ( It  aid  i-  G  ),  boards  9  Elm 

Glover  Jonas,  captain,  H  Oak 

Glover  Lewis  J    ph)sician,  2(5  Orange 

Glover  Mary,  h.  Sonili    Russell 

Glover  VVillJUm.  umbrella  maker,  h.  op.  (5  Norfolk  place 
Glynn  John,  bell  .Sanger,  Marlboro'  pi.  h  Wheeler's  ct. 
GodUo\d  {Gvsiiirtis  ^-J.)   di    Greene  (£.    /^ ),  shipsmiihs, 
Cotnmercial  n.  Ann.     Godbold's  h.  Henchman  lane 
Godbold  John,  clerk,  «  Tileslon 
Goddard  George  W.  provisions,  3  Chambers 
God  laid  Klias  VV.  {C'liipp  <&  G.),  house  5  Unity 
Goddard  Eunice,  vvjdow,  7  Tileston 
Goddard  George  A.  house  6  Walnut 
Goddard  James,  coa<  hniaker,  op   10  West,  h.  16  Avery 
Goddard  John,  mastmaker.  14  Fleet 
Goddard  Jonathan,  house  571  W;ishi?iglon 
Goddard  Mary  Ann,  14  Slillnian 

Goddard  Mary,  widow  of  William,  h.  4  Hamilton  place 
Goddard  Nathaniel,  mer    15  I'nion  wf.  h.  53  Summer 
Goddaid  t^arah,  widow  of  George  S.  5  Stiilman 
Goddard  (Thovias)  &.  Dennis  (Enoch),  coach  and  chaise 

makers,  110  Tremont 
Goddard  'riiornas  A.  com.  merchant,  36  Central  wharf, 

house  Hi  Avery 
Godda.d  William,  housewright,  South,  house  49  Sea 
Goddard  William,  jr.  housewright,  h.  Newbern  place 
Goddard  Wm.  W.  provis.  9  Baiterymarch,  h.  4  Wendell 
Goddard  Wm.  W.  48  Central  wf  h.  4  Hatuilton  place 
Godfrey  B.     See  Allbee&  G. 
Godifrey  William,  laborer,  366  Commercial 


Godwin  David,  stone  cnttPr,  I  street 

GoflTHonwe  H.  b(.(»khiiiHpr,  Sclio'.i,  h.  20  Wnsh.  place 

Cioff  Snrfih,  widow  of  Klu-ruzer,  20  Wash,  place 

Goft'Siirnli,  muse,  rr;ir  '.V2.  Pleasant 

GdArWillMim,  hoiir^e  Arnold 

Gogirins  PalrirU,  laborer,  d'.i  Warren 

Golden  Falriik,  laborer,  reiir  104  Purchase 

Golderman  Casper,  tailor. 4:i  Corrdiill.  Ii.  rear  r)^  Poplar 

Golding  Geo.  me*.  N.  E.  iM.iririe  Itis.  Off.  h.  41  Atkinson 

Goldnig  John,  jrrocer,  l!)d  Ann 

Goldin-r  John    P.   straw   and   silk   manu.  Avery,  h.  rear 

75(i  W.ishingttin 
Goldsmith  Jonatlian,  lioiisewri<Tht,  h.  4  Lovett  place 
Goldstnith  Seth,  binfl«;r,  Franklin  av.  h.  104  Warren 
Goldthwait  Joseph  G.  slioemaktjr,  h.  G  irden  court 
Goodale  John  W.  handrartman,  h.   102  TreoK.nt 
Goodale  Joshua,  weigher,  ^iO  India  wf.  h.  'Mj  Fayette 
Goodell  Joseph  W.  clerk,  house  !);'»  Summer 
G(»od(!now  Julia,  nurse,  Nassau  Green  4(5  Tremont 
Goodhue  Charles  B.  jeweller,  l.'>  Union,  h.  ^Phillips  pi. 
Goodhue  James  S^  hairdresser,  220  Washington 
Goodhue  [lol)ert,  house  C;inal 

Gooding  Betsy,  widow  of  Thomas,  1  Carnos  court 
Gooding  Ilenrv,  watchmaker,  (i5  Wash    h.5  Montg.  pi. 
Gooding  Thornus,  brassf)undHr,  Hawkins  c.  Ivers 
Goodtiow  Charles,  housewright,  h.  Market  place 
Goodnow  D.  cV  G.,  W.  I.  goods,  577  Washing.     D.  G.'s 
<  house  4:^  Tremont 

Goodnow  John,  W.  1.  goods,  20  S.  Market,  h.  1 1  Elm 
Goodnow  Peter,  domes,  g'ds,  29  Central,  h.  21  La  Gra.  pi. 
Goodnow  Peter,  cttachman,  h   2  Kiliot  court 
Goodnow  Susan,  boar<iitig.  h.  9  Morton  place 
Goodnow  Wm.  B    12  Kilby,  boards  3()  Hancock 
Goodrich  blben.  organ  build,  r.  o!)  Wasli.  h    (>;{  Hancock 
Goodrich  (fra)  &  Huntington  (L  .^.),  tailors.  5  Joy's  b'g 
Goodrich  Isaac  W    stationer,  56  Wash.  h.  21  Candtridge 
Goodrich  (Josiak)  &  Talbot  (Gilbert  L.),  dry  goods,  82 

and  84  Hanover 
Goodrich  .Mary,  widow,  4  Clark 
Goodrich  Oliver,  house  10  Blossom 
Goodrich  Samuel  G.  publisher,  School 
Goodridge  Ambrose  H    printer,  hojjse  Tr.Tvers 
Goodri<ige  Klizabelh,  miniature  painter,  h.  Lyman  place 
Goodridge  Emily,  h.  33  Warren 
Guodridge  Joseph,  huusewrigUt,  51  Spring 


Goodrid^e  Lowell,  fruit,  &c.  I^fiO  Wnshinpton,  h.  do. 

Oiri)dri(iite  Nmiicv,  diessnuikfr.   Ic  WiiiTHti 

G(M)dri(if:e  iN'nncy,  widow,  nurse,  I   West 

Gniidridge  N;iru-y  B.  widow  of  Siinujel  VV.  h.  25  Carver 

Goodriilge  I'liilip  W.  Iioiisewriglif,  rear  f-'^  h'ea 

Gondrid-ie  Sain  I,  ship  rlian.  (i  Cenlrfil  \vf  h    Atkinson 

Goodrid^p  i^arah  G.  niini.iturc  painter,  (33  Hancock 

Go(»drid<re  Sarjili  C,  DorcIi(!sler 

GiKidspeed  James  R.  cnrpenter,  re;ir  83  Sea 

Goddwin  Benjatnin,  nnison,  4  Biidge  sf.  «'oijrt 

Goodwin  Charles,  clerk,  h.  (1  Provitiee  House  rourt 

Goodwin  Enocli,  cooper,  Rowe's  wf.  h.SCuJumbia 

Goodwin  George,  Salutalion 

Goodwin  Jan)es  M.  leamsler,  h.  rear  ir.i\  Warren 

Goodwin  John.  cahinettnakiT,  l)oards  4  Oliver  place 

Goodwin  John  M.  cnsli.  People's  B  Rox.  h.  S.  end  Wash. 

Goodwin  Joseph.     See  Stetson  <JL-  (i. 

Goodwin  Maria,  widow,  h.  50  Be.-icon 

G(»odwin  ]VI;irgaret.  widow  of  NhiITI,  7  N.  Bennet 

Goodwin  Ozias,  merch't,  39  India  wf  h.  5()  Beacon 

Goodwin  Rohert,  cooper,  house  4  Oliver  place 

Goodwin  Stephen,  turner,  Fieverly,  h.  6  Slillmaii  place 

Goodwin  Thorniis,  house  "iO  Th.iclier 

Googins  Mark  (jVute  &  G.),  h.  .35  Thacher 

Gordak  Willijim.  medicines,  47  Essex 

Gordon  Cliarlc-s  P.  Id  North  Beunet 
Gordon  George,  mariner,  rear  153  Ann 

iiordon  George  D      See  Messin^er,  Mirick  &  Co. 

Gordon  {George  W.)  <Xr  Stodd.nd  {I.eicis  T.),  dry  goods, 
78  State.     Gordon's  h.  3  Slanif  ird 

Gordt  n  James,  l;d)orer,  house   rear  730  Washington 

G<»rdon  Joanna,  widow,  renr  Hi  Sea 

Gordon  John,  provis'ns,  108  Salem,  h.  Hownrd  c.  Somen. 

Gordon  Oliver  S.  provisions,  .507  Wash.  Ii.  Cuslle 

Gordcm,  lahorer,  iiouse  George 

Gore  Christopher,  piiinter,  8  Baiterymarch,  h.  35  Prince 

Gore  Christopher,  painter,  h.  4  Spring  street  place 

Gore  Jeremiah,  jr.  138  Purchase 

Gore  Ste[)hen,  5  Long  wf  house  Nassau  court 

Gore  Stephen,  jr.  High  street  place 

Gore  Wat.son.     See  Smith  &  G. 

Gorhani  Benjamin,  17  Court,  house  126  Trcmunt 

Gurhain  Benj.  D  boarding,  131  Hanover 

Gorham  Eraslus,  h.  Ridgeway  lane 

Gorbam  Isaac,  carpenter,  Cutnniercial 

184  niRKCTOKV. 

^iorli.'irn  Jjirrif^B  L.  {Joh.   fVliifnr.y  At  Co.),  l/«ls  5^0  Atkin. 

(iurliMK  Miiry,  wuJuw  «(ri>r   .loliiiji.  II  M'»iitg'>inury  pi. 

(iorrii  III  (J||.iiI<;m,  ftmiMt!  (i(».  rj  Nurr.,lk   |»l.i(;0 

((oriniiri  Jitlm,  hIackiHiiii  li,  rear  I'nrK.o 

<furiiil)  MicluM!),  |iil)ur«)r,  I  .S|>riii;4  Ifitin 

(i'lrmly  'riiiMiiiiH,  Htucco  workt.T,  roar  OD  Klliot 

(;...<«  M.'nry,  Iruil,  I  N    IMarlu;!,  Ii.  H  N.  Kiihmi;!! 

<»<(»«  Oir.i,  rt!nloriiior,  (/'oiif^rr.^s  m(|   Ii  1)  Hi/utli  (jodar 

CjKKK  Itortviilj,  j'riiil,  I   (J'tii;^r»fHrt  rt«j    li.  I>  S.  (J«;(iar 

(iuA^U'.r  {(iuHlanis)  {k  Kiiun.)  (C/i:i'.f),  70  «lul(J 

Uoulil  Ann,  wkIuw  nl  Joliti  \l  ,  Miiy 

(ioiild  Aii;/iHiij«  A,  pliyHician,  ii    r.>4  Trornont 

(ii>iiM  l()!Mjaiiiiri,  iriaHoii,  Ii.  4  HiiU'olk 

(;<)i)l(|  \i    A    :i:t  Uiii<in  wha  f,  li.  ."i  Wirillirf.(»  piano 

(iuiild  ItiMi). 'IV  f^roc,    M<  rriiii.i*;  <;    (/ainoway,  li.   I  I'roHp. 

C;iMil(l  (;aliiariiii!   W.«;-*K,  .S.  (;<<lar  in;ar  (/'liurrli 

(Jwiil.l  (C/uulfH  If.),  K.;mlall  ( C.  S.)  iV  Liim;oIii  (Joahua), 

l)(>okH»!ll»!rH,  T)  >  VVuhIi.     (j.'h  Ii.  '6  Avon  pluoo 
GiMil.l  (JyriH  IV  27  IVlar;.Mr«!t 
(fu'.iid  l>avi(l,  l<;a«:lii!r  htiokkfjujiirij^,  17  (y<<ijrt 
(»iiiilrl  10.  I*,  inic.kiiiari,  li.  r<'ar  l'riti<;«) 
(»mil(l  jjHiM'ii,  wi(l<>w,  IM 'rrt!i»i«)nl 

(iKiilfl  I'Vc'Icrick  { llii.l.on  iV   d  ),  li,  l*riri(;»j  (;or.  Hanover 
(^oiilii   llaiMiali,  widow,  (i.~»  I'lljiol, 

(foul<l  llvnry  A.  coacli  iind  cliairtfj  trim.  Ii.  \)  Fcdoral  vA. 
(ioiild  John,  HJalo  draUir,  li.  'llli,  n«!ar  I)  nln;«t 
Cionld  (John,  (t  )  A,  IJIackuH-r    { llttllii,ii.<l),   liouHCwriglitl, 

(/)iarl<!Kl,own.      <i    h  Ii    ;'.I   I'oplar 
(ioiild  Jol.n  .S.    labor.T,  17  Myrll.) 

(ioiild  .lonlina,  f.onCcrrionary ,  Ido  Wanh.  h.  MiddioWJX 
(foiild  MoMtiH,  lioiiKi;wri^lil,  Ii.   |ti  (/liarnlMtrH 
(ioiild  l'alrnd<,  lioiiKfwri;.'lii,  Iioijhd  roar  l()7  Ann 
(foriUI  Kudiard  II.  Iioimo  :{!l  l')<4<4(;x 

(loiild  HaiMoid,  tailor,  H!)  I'road,  li.  8  I'rovirico  House  ct. 
fioiild  SaiiiiMd,  i\u\UvA,  (id  Arifi 
(jiuuld  {Siijikv.n  L  ),  Wilrlor  (/y«/iy.  (J.)  &  Co.  (/..  WUkinM 

A,   I),  li.  JVc.w/uill),  pianoforlo  rii.iiiu.  lioylnton  near 

WaKi,.      (;    H  Ii    U  Jollornon 
(»onld  'IV  (J.  boarding,  JilO  Ann 
(iMidrl  T'laddoiiK,  nnudiiniKi,  INorlli  IVInr^in 
(i'lijid  TlioiriaH,  lMMiKowri;i;lil,  '-io  Friorid 
(ioiilrl  TlioiriaH,  jr.  lioijHow  I,  liovorot,  li    Baldwin  piac* 
Cjioiild  VVallor,  lionH«wri;^lil,  li.  roar  7'.i  Elliot 
Gould   VVilliain,  rilro.ot. 
Gould  William,  bukor,  Clark  corner  Ann 


Goulding  John,  machinist,  r.  Northamp.  h.  S.  end  Wash. 

Qoulding  Thomas,  laborer,  r*iar  7(12  VVasli. 

Gove  Austin,  trncknMn,  h.  North  Margin 

Gove  CharU.'H  J.  stock  inaniifar-tiircr,  li.   I  Nowtoii  place 

Gove  (./.  I))  *fc  IJrown  (/<-'  ),  liuil,    I    Fan.  ilall    luarkot. 

G  's  h.  roar  2d  Atkinson 
Gove  Jane,  widow,  5 Oliver  place 
Gove  John  F.  {Fursailk  <Sc  G.),  h.  125  Ilanovtsr 
iiovc  (John)  &.  I.ocke   {Edward),  clothes,  liO  Coinmnr. 

G.'s  h.  '.\  (lanovcr  (>la<;e 
Gove  Rodney,  sexton,  l»'d.s  rear  tSt.  Paid's  church,  Trem. 
Gove  iSainnel,  hoiisewri<;ht,  h.  ritar  ('ooper 
Gowan  Uenjamin,  caulk«;r  an<l  graver,  7  Itartlett 
Gowan  llebecca,  nurst!,  IJartlett 
Gowing  Nancy,  widow,  h.)ar«iing  house,  57  Fhsoi 
Gowlarid  Ann,  widow,  rear  77  VVarren 
Grace  Joseph,  cooper,  18  Fleet 
Grace  l>.awrence,  laborer,  rcsar  4th  street 
Grace  Margaret,  widow,  rearC'entre 
Grace  Michael,  cnulkisr,  h.  Ash  cor.  S.  Hcnnet 
Graeter  Francis,  instrur;t«!r,  h.  (J54  Washington 
Grafton  Daniel,  h.  41   1 1. mover 

Grafton  Joseph,  tneasur«;r,  Cos.  II.  Ii.  Tremont  n.  Wash. 
Gragg  Fdward  I*,  stable  k«!ep(;r, !{  Atkinson,  h.  J4  Federal 
Gragg  John,  tru(^kriian,  h.  North  square 
Gragg  Oliver,  slabh;  keepe.r,  Mi  Federal,  h.  f)  Wavcrlcy  pi. 
Gragg  .Samuel,  h.   11  ('r<!sc«!nt  [»lac(; 
Gragg  William  Francis,  coll(M;tor,  h.  7  lioylston  sq. 
Graham  I3ridget,  wirlnw,  taiioress,  r<5ar  50  lioylsltju 
Graham    (Ifcnnj     V.)    <Si.   Wilmarlh   (6C//1),    maehiniHta, 

foot  Vine,  h.  II   Lynde 
Graham  Joanna,  widow,  back  of  Humphrey  place 
Graham  John,  wharl'builder,  (/harlestowti  cor.  Truvor« 
Graham  Mary,  widow,  Canton 
Graham  William,  batter,  4tli  street 
Granger  David,  surveyor  of  woik,  4  Stale 
Grant  A.  Watson,  Russia   wf.  h.  21  Somerset 
Grant  Augustus,  bathing  house,  ('ragie's  bridge 
Grant  {f{(:nj.  li.),  Seav«;r  {(}.)  &,  (Jo.  {d.  It.  IJln.smoor  Sc 

li.  liaruf.U),(hy  g'ds,  5  Liberty  sfj.  G.'s  li.  1  Mt.Vern. 
Grant  Charles,  h.  10  Bridge 
Grant  (/harles  &,  Co.  {Cha's  E.  Grant),  paper  hangings, 

()  Union 
Grant  George  W.  clerk,  G  Liberty  square 
Grant  Jamos,  blacksmitli,  house  b4  Sea 


Grant  Keziah,  boarding  house,  40  Federal 

Grant  (Moses)  <&  Daniell    (Otis),  paper  store,  9  Union. 

G.'s  h.  7  Cambridge.     See  advertisement 
Grant  Sarah,  widow,  h.  24  Cross 
Granville  Bragdon,  house  3  Thacher 
Graupner  Mary,  widow  of  Gottlieb,  h.  1  Prov.  House  ct. 
Graves  Dennis,  painter,  h.  rear  11  Distilhouse  square 
Graves  Rebecca,  widow,  Gilman  place 
Graves  Wm.  flour  nier.  15  Long  wf.  h.  12  Myrtle 
Gray  Benjamin,  house  60  Poplar 
Gray  Charles,  clothing,  150  Ann,  h.  10  N.  Bennet 
Gray  Edward,  captain,  rear  57  Elliot 
Gray  Edward  L.  captain,  house  5  Sister 
Gray  Edward  L.  jr.  (RicB  &  G.),  h.  5  Sister 
Gray  Fanny,  nurse,  6  North  Bennet 
Gray  Francis  H.  physician,  c   Hancock  and  Cambridge 
Gray  Francis  C.  counsellor,  17  Court,  h.  41  Beacon 
Gray  Frederick  T.,  Rev.  house  2  Cambridge 
Gray  George  H.   &  Co.  (William  G.  Prmce),  domestic 

hardware,  91  Kilby,  h.  286  Wash. 
Gray  Harrison  (Hitliard,  G.  &  Co.),  h.  Temple  place 
Gray  Henry,  h.  44  Merrimac 

Gray  Henry  D.,  W.  I.  goods,  24  India,  h.  Snowhill 
Gray  Horace  &  Co.  (Sam'l  Dow,  jr.  andJSath.  Francis)^ 

mer  7  Commercial  wf.  h.  57  Summer 
Gray  James,  captain,  h.  57  Pinckney 
Gray  Jane,  house  89  Chambers 
Gray  Joanna,  widow  of  Samuel,  h.  27  N.  Russell 
Gray  John,  house  286  Washington 
Gray  John,  housewright,  46  South  Margin 
Gray  John,  laborer,  324  Ann 
Gray  John  C.  counsellor,  36  Summer 
Gray  John  C.  dry  goods,  115  Hanover 
Gray  John  H.  h.  West 
Gray  Joseph  H.  stevedore,  h.  186  Ann 
Gray  Martha,  widow  of  Robert,  40  Salem 
Gray  Mary,  widow,  16  Fayette 
Gray  Mary,  widow  of  Wm.  R.  5  Franklin 
Gray  Nathan  H.  pianofortemaker,  h.  6  Elliot  court 
Gray  Richard,  h.  4  Pemberton  lIill,Tremont 
Gray  Richard,  jeweller,  house  Newbern  place 
Gray  Samuel  Chas§,  tailor,  boards  1  Oliver  place 
Gray  Sam'l  C.  merchant,  31  Central  wf  h.  53  Mt.  Vernon 
Gray  Thomas  (Hawes,  G.  &  Co.),  h.  38  High 
Gray  Thomas,  jr.  physician,  Norfolk  avenue 
Gray  Thomas  S.  laborer,  Essex  cor.  Oliver  place 


Gray  William,  counting  room,  Hobbs's  wf.  b'ds  9  Elm 

Gray  William,  attorney,  17  Court,  h.  3  Chesnut 

Gray  William  {Homer  &  G.),  h.  2  Bowdoin 

Gray  William  D.  laborer,  Battery 

Gray  William  R.  clerk,  house  17  Merrimac 

Greaton  Lucretia,  instructress,  h.  6  Fayette 

Greaves  VVm.  &  Sons,  21  Batterymarch 

Greele  Samuel,  house  18  Winthrop  place 

Greely  Philip,  jr.  {Dana,  G.  &  Co.),  h.  17  Cambridge 

Green  Abby  D.  house  122  Court 

Green  Abraham  S.  turner,  h.  7  Boylston  square 

Green  Andrew,  measurer,  Custom  H.  h.  59  Belknap 

Green  Ann,  widow  of  Richard,  h.  2  Bedford  place 

Green  Caleb,  cooper,  house  Battery 

Green  Copley,  house  32  Beacon 

Green  Daniel,  laborer,  rear  671  Washington 

Green  Ellis  B.,  Hancock  Bank,  house  22  Leveret 

Green  Elijah  L.  blacksmith,  18  Prince 

Green  Elizabeth,  widow,  90  Warren 

Green  Francis,  painter,  house  East  rear  engine  house 

Green  Gardner^  ropemaker,  h.  3d  street 

Green  George,  pumpmaker,  285  Ann,  h.  2  Henchman  la. 

Green  Hannah,  widow  of  Isaac,  rear  3d  street 

Green  Henry  T.  jewelry,  35  Wash,  b'ds  Holbrook'i  hotel 

Green  Hugh,  mason,  h.  Pleasant  near  Tremont 

Green  Hugh  W.  21  Water,  h.  52  Myrtle 

Green  James,  blacksmith,  h.  Commercial 

Green  John  H.  cordwainer,  4th  street 

Green  John,  jr.  painter  and  glazier,  659  Washington 

Green  Joseph,  laborer.  Commercial 

Green  Joseph  C.  musician,  h.  2  South  Foster  place 

Green  Joseph  D.  {Sands  t&  G),  h.  3d  near  A  street 

Green  Joseph  W.  33  Long  wharf 

Green  M.  VV.,.  Lewis's  wharf,  house  Prince 

Green  Martha,  widow  of  Thomas,  h.  9  Sheafe 

Green  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  93  Warren 

Green  Rebecca,  nurse,  2  Pitts  place 

Green  Samuel,  jr.  block  tin  manufacturer,  h.  5th  street 

Green  Susan,  widow,  606  Washington 

Green  Susannah,   33  S.  Russell 

Green  Thankful,  widow,  Suffolk  cor.  Carney  place 

Green  Thomas,  clerk,  h.  4  S.  Market 

Green  William,  surveyor,  18  Prince 

Greene  Benjamin  D.  house  3  Mt.  Vernon 

Greene  Benjamin  H.  bookseller,  124  Wash. 

Greene  Charles  G.  {Beals  &  G.),  h.  60  Belknap 


Greene  David,  Sec.  A.  B.  C.  F.  M.  28  Cornh.  h.  55  Pinck. 

Greene  David  (./.  &  D.  G.),  Iiouse  2'^  Cross 

Greene  Klijnh  L.     See  Godbold  &  G. 

Greene  Eliznlietli,  widow  of  (inrdiier,  h.  32  Beacon 

Greene  Franklin,  jr.  {Holhrook,  G.  6i  Co.),  h.  4d  Essex 

Greene  V\.  B.  C.  physicirin,  17  Franklin  place 

Grqene  Lydia,  widow  of  Job,  house  4  Sufioik  pinco 

Gieone  Jona.  &  David,  lint  store,  N.  side  Faneui!  Mall 

Greene  Joseph  H.  shoe  store,  1()3  Court,  h.  7  Lyman  pi. 

Greene  Lui-y  H.  school,  over  2:if)  Washington 

Greene  M.  and  L.  T   house  18  Elliot 

Gieene  Mary  and  Hann.ih.  house  (5  Arch 

Greene  Nathaniel,  postmaster,  h.  1  Somerset  court 

Greene  Samuel  D.  agent  Bost  India  Rub.  Co.h.  Broadvv. 

Greene  Simon  E.  broker,  hibby  State  Bank 

Greene  Z.  R.  barkeeper  New  England  Coffee  House 

Greenleaf  Franklin,  binder,  90,  house  445  Wash. 

Gieenleaf  Gardner,  mason,  35  Allen 

Greenleaf  Nathaniel  S.  mason,  h.  rear  2  Charles 

Greenleaf  Oliver  C.  booksell.  118  Wash,  b'ds  2  Bowdoin 

Greenleaf  Richard  C.  {Chandler  &.  G.),  h.  4(i7  Wash. 

Greenleaf  Srn.  5  Exchange,  h.  10  Winthrop  pi. 

Greenleaf  Samuel,  morch.  24  Water,  h.  10  VVinthrop  pi. 

Greenough  Alfred,  merch.  40  India  vvf.  h.  09  Beacon 

Greenough  B.  F.  &  J.  J.  17  State 

Greenough  Benjamin  F.  h.  3d  street 

Greenough  David,  h.  09  Beacon 

Greenough  D.  S.  office  27  State 

Greenough  Henry,  merchant,  40  India  wf  h.  G9  Beacon 

Greenough  J.  James,  engraver,  h.  1  Bromfieid 

Greenough  Walter,  com.  mer.  33  Central,  h.  9  Purchase 

Greenough  William,  hardware,  14  Merchants  row 

Greenwood  Allen,  h.  93  Charter 

Greenwood  Bela  &.  Co.  (E.  Grccmpood),  89  F.  H.  market 

Greenwood  Elizabeth,  vvi(l(»w,  h.  33  Myrtle 

Greenwood  E.  L.  surgeon  dentist,  284  Washington 

Greenwood  Elihu.     See  B.  Greenwood  Cfe  Co. 

Greenwood  Ethan  A  ,  N.  E.  Museum,  70  Court 

Greenwood  Francis  W.  P.,  Rev.  24  Portland 

Greenwood  Gilnian,  grocer,  .32  Sea 

Greenwood  Ira,  shoes,  404  Washington,  h.  110  Charles 

Greenwood  James,  housevvright,  Pitts 

Greenwood  Jtjhn,  druggist,  09  Pleasant,  h.  1  Jeffersi^n 

Greenwood  John,  housewrighl,  S.  Majgin,  h.  33  Myrtle 

Greer  Philip,  blacksmith.  Commercial,  h.  Snowhill 

Gregerson  George,  merciiant,  h.  02  Pinckney 


Gregg  Jane  E.  tailoress,  h.  58  Temple 
Gregg  Washington  P.  counsel.  41  State,  h.  11  Crescent  pi. 
Gregory  Deborah,  milliner,  202  Wash.  h.  Harvard  pi. 
Gregory  Eliza,  dressmaker,  Wheeler's  court 
Gregory  John,  bookbinder,  h.  21  Charter 
Gregson  Nancy,  8  Norfolk  place 
Grelee  Joseph,  provisions,  112,  h.  156  Purchase 
Grenville  Thomas,  at  Post  Office,  boards  1  Bowdoin  sq. 
Grew  Henry  {Chace  &  G.),  house  51  Bowdoin 
Gridley  Eunice,  widow,  74  Tremont 
Gridley  H.  N.  83  Kilby,  boards  9  Morton  place 
Gridley  Samuel,  pianoforte  maker,  h.  rear  52  Tremont 
Gridley  William,  h.  Chambers  cor.  Green 
Gridley  William,  jr.  furniture,  Brattle,  h.  17  South 
Griffin  Eliza,  widow  of  Edward,  rear  83  Sea 
Griffin  James,  laborer,  h.  rear  94  Sea 
Griffin  John,  baker,  corner  A  and  4th  streets 
Griffin  John  M.  81  Charter 
Griffin  Joseph  H.  laborer,  rear  83  Sea 
Griffin  Joshua,  housewright,  h.  12  Chambers 
Griffin  Luther,  shipwright,  h.  106  Pondf 
Griffin  Michael,  240  Ann 
Griffin  Robert,  mat  maker,  h.  65  Elliot 
Griffin  Thomas,  stevedore,  head  Ellis's  wf.  Ann 
Griffith  E.  R  painter  and  glazier,  Avery,  house  do. 
Griffiths  Charles  (IVelch  &  G.),  h.  1  Hawley 
Griffiths  Sarah,  widow,  59  Temple 
Grigg  Michael,  laborer,  100  Broad 
Grigg  Richard,  laborer,  rear  22  Carver 
Grigg  Wm.  physician,  Athen£eum,  Pearl,  h.  30  Atkinson 
Griggs  Charles,  clerk,  h.  rear  132  Pleasant 
Griggs  (David  R.)  &  Weld  {^aron  D.  jr.),  12  Long  wf. 
Griggs  Elizabeth  C.  727  Washington 
Griggs  George  S.  machinist,  h.  Church  near  Madison  pi. 
Griggs  John,  house  Lenox 
Griggs  John,  blacksmith,  A  street 

Griggs  {JYath'l)  &  Chickering  (Horatio),  flour,  22  Comm. 
Griggs  (JV.)  &  Liscom  (John),  coal,  c.  r.  22  Commercial 
Griggs  Robert,  laborer,  rear  130  Pleasant 
Griggs  Stephen,  blacksmith,  house  Carver 
Griggs  Thomas  J.  carpenter,  h.  Pleasant  op.  Elliot 
Grigory  Elizabeth,  tailoress,  Leveret  court 
Grimes  Charles,  house  25  Pinckney 
Grimes  Francis,  tobacco  and  cigars,  56  Broad 


Grimes  Hiram,  clerk,  128  Charles,  house  108  ditto 
Griner  Nancy,  widow  of  Christopher,  h.  15  Essex  place 
Griswold  Alhert,  machinist,  h.  6  Brighton 
Griswold  Alexander  V.,  Right  Rev.  Bish.  h.6  Kneeland 
Griswold  Alexander,  saddler,  h.  Market  place 
Griswold  {Edward  T.)  &  Wood  (David),  importers  dry- 
goods,  (58  &  70  Kilby.     G.'s  h.  4  Chesnut 
Groom  Thomas,  stationer,  82  State,  h.  2  Pitts 
Gross  Mary  W.  h.  42  Unity 

Grossman  Mary,  laundress,  rear  337  Washington 
Grosvenor  Lern.  P.  Eng.  g'ds,  21  Doane,  h.  7  Crescent  pi. 
Giover  Asapli,  laborer,  1  Elliot  court 
Grover  Daniel,  ropemaker,  Knox 
Grover  Daniel,  jr.  hatter,  boards  Northampton 
Grover  Leonard,  gunsmiih,  h.  1(5  Hawkins 
Grover  (JV.)  &.  Badger  {Wm..jr.),  shipsmiths,  Broad  op- 
posite Forthill  wf.     G.'s  h.  2  Pnrcliase  pi. 
Grover  Oliver,  housewright,  h.  15  Myrtle 
Groves  Elizabeth,  matron  House  of  Ref<>rmation 
Groves  Isaac  {Russell  »t  G.),  h.  32  Fayette 
Grubb  John,  clerk  Suffolk  Bank,  h.  1G(3  Ann 
Grubb  William,  168  Ann 

Grubb  Wiiliam,  jr.  clerk  Suffolk  Bank,  h.  AS  Leveret 
Grush  J.  S.  hairdresser,  Bronifield 

Grush  John  H.  jr.  fancy  g'ds,  251  Wash.  h.  Wheeler's  ct. 
Guardenier  John,  bookbinder,  134  Wash.  h.  27  Garden 
Guild  {Aaron)  ^  Cowdiu  {Robert},  lumber,  op.  93  Front 
Guild  Aaron,  house  91  Front 
Guild  Albert,  physician,  58  Hanover 
Guild  {AUiert  H)  &  Durant  {James    T.),  dry  goods,  57 

Guild  Benjamin,  counsellor,  4  Court,  h.  24  Beacon 
Guild  Charles,  goldbeater,  house  G  Carver 
Guild  Curtis,  merch.  28  Merchants  row,  h.  49  Carver 
Guild  {Chester  and  James)  &  Richardson  {Alpha),  leath- 
er, 40  North  Market 
Guild  George  F.     See  Dana,  Greely  &  Co. 
Guild  William  H.  merchant,  house  17  S.  Bennet 
Guild  Zebadiah,  housewright,  h.  W.  Centre 
Guilford  Bimsley  P.  house  Merrimac 
Guildford  Jonathan  M.     See  Kendall  &  G. 
Gulliver  {John)  <fe  Briggs  {Charles  M.),  carpet  store,  313 

Wash.  h.  1  South  st.  court 
Gulliver  Lemuel,  stationer,  82  State 
Gulliver  Rebecca,  widow,  rear  Broadway 

DIRECTORY.  '       191 

Gulliver  Stephen,  hairdresser,  South  Riissetl 

Gulliver  William  H.  mariner,  rear  Broadway 

Gunn  Cephas  M.  variety  store,  4  Fulton,  h.  23  Levefet 

Gunnirig  John,  corduainer,  h.  rear  341  Washington 

Gunnison  Edwin  &  Co.  {J.  Silloway),  provisions,  77  Sea 

Gunnisim  James  A.  {Earle  &,  G),  h.  at  East,  stage  H. 

Gunnison  Josiah,  housewright.  Berry 

Gurler  Hannah,  547  Washington 

Gurney  Hannah,  widow  of  Benj.  J.,  S.  Dost.  Old  Bridge 

Gurney  Henry,  hranrh  pilot,  304  Ann 

Gurney  Nathan,  83  Salern 

Giishee  F.  A  dry  goods,  132  Hanover,  boards  84  do. 

Gushee  Hoi  ace,  dry  goods,  91  Hanover 

Gustus  I.  Frederick,  hoarding,  272  Ann 

Guthrie  William,  machinist,  h.  rear  7(i  Charles 

Gutterson  William,  com.  merchant,  48  India 

Gutterson  Wni.  H.  housewrighi,  h.  op  9  South  May 

Gwinn  George  F.  hairdresser,   10  Elm 

Gyzelaar  Caroline,  widow,  51)  Bedford 

HABICHT  C.  EDWARD,  Swedish  Con.  h.  117  Trem. 

Hacker  George,  laborer,  18  Warren 

Hackett  Andrew,  i)  Sudi)ury  square 

Hackett  George  W.  boaids  444  Washington 

Hackett  Patty,  house  102  Purchase 

Hadaway  Mary,  widow,  02  Salem 

Hadley  Carlton,  laborer,  rear  18  Ash 

Hadley  Charles  J.  hairdress.  3G0  Wash.h.  10  Norfolk  pi. 

Hadley  Moses,  loll  gatii.  ('amb.  Bridge,  jj.  26  Charles 

Hadley  Nathan,  tailor,  h.  Leveret  court 

Hadley  Samuel,  hairdresser,  3  Essex,  h.  Batternian  place 

Hadley  Samuel,  jr.  tailor,  h.  li  W.  Centre  ' 

Hadley  Samuel  D.  bricklayer,  h.  C  W.  Centre 

Hadley  Thomas  J.  housewright,  h.  355  Washington 

Hadley  Willis,  teamster,  h    rear  18  Ash 

Hadlock  James,  laborer.  111  Pleasant 

Hagen  John,  housevvright,  h.  6  S.  Margin 

Hager  Darius,  house  Cooper 

Hagerty  John,  cartman,  h.  3  Knox 

Hagerty  William,  laborer,  Commercial  near  the  bridge 

Hague  William,  Rev.  h.  Chardon 

Haines  Ann,  widow,  Carney  place  near  Suffolk 

Hale  Aaron,  cooper,  house  Broadway 

Hale  Daniel  L,  provisions,  Pleasant,  h.  Pleasant  St.  court 

Hale  David,  accountant,  house  30  Orange 

Hale  Enoch,  jr.  physician,  14  West 


Hale  Frederick,  cooper,  4th  street 

Hale  {John  T.),  Lymans  (S.  R.  &  Charles  P.)  &  Farns- 

worth  (Ephraim) ,  dvy  g'ds,  36  Kilby.  H.'s  h.  7  Derne 
Hale  Moses,  housevvright,  li.  Brookline 
Hale  Moses  L.  Sec.  M.  H.  Life  Ins.  Co.  h.  61  Chesnut 
Hale  Nathan,  editor  Boston  Daily  Advertiser  and  Patriot, 

h.  494  Washington 
Hale  Robert,  house  65  Myrtle 
Hale  Robert,  jr.  Sec'ry  U.  S.  Insurance  Company 
Hale  Stephen  C.  handcartman,  4  Bay 
Hale  Thomas,  laborer,  rear  13  Sea 
Hales  William,  President  Globe  Ins.  Co.  h.  7  Chesnut 
Haley  Alvin,  housewright,  h.  6  Madison  place 
Haley  Bartholomew,  tailor,  h.  rear  7  Short 
Haley  Benjamin,  turner,  h.  rear  Pitts 
Haley  Hiram  H.  ,  h.  20  Sudbury 
Haley  John,  laborer,  rear  143  Broad 
Haley  John,  laborer,  rear  94  Sea 
Haley  Thomas,  house  Battery 
Haley  (Wm.)  &  Blanchard  {Elias  P.),  shoes,  80  Court. 

Haley's  h.  33  (iardcn 
Haley  William,  provisions,  14  Leveret,  h.  1  Second 
Halfpenny  David,  mariner,  rear  276  Ann 
Hall  A.  B.  clerk  Granite  Bank 
Hall  Abel,  laborer,  h.  3  Lancaster 
Hall  Abigail,  widow,  124  Hanover 
Hall  Adin,  broker,  5  Exchange,  house  21  Allen 
Hall  Andrew,  3  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Hall  Alfred  B.  book  keeper  Granite  Bank 
Hall  Andrew  T.  &  Co.  {Samuel  Hall),  crockery  ware, 

99  Milk,  house  5  High 
Hall  Aruna,  h.  2  Spring  st.  court 
Hall  Bening,  baker,  house  17  Hamilton 
Hall  Charles  G.  architect,  Court  corner  Tremont 
Hall  David,  provisions,  8  Bedford,  h.  43  Essex 
Hall  Edward,  bookbinder,  boards  17  Franklin  place 
Hall  Edward  F.  auctioneer,  88  Water,  h.  22  Spring 
Hall  Eliza,  widow,  20  Gnuch 

Hall  Ephraim,  weigher,  30  India,  h.  r.  654  Washington 
Hall  Fitch,  clerk  Adj.  Gen.  Office,  h.  1  Hancock  avenue 
Hall  Francis,  distiller,  h.  560  Washington 
Hall  Frederick  W.  388  Washington,  h.  Barre  place 
Hall  George,  housewright.  Sea  near  the  bridge 
Hall  George  A.  jeweller,  Province 
Hall  Gorham,  Salutation 


Hnll  €ii]st.'ivus  V.  clerk,  54  Kilby 

H;ill  Harrison,  trunlunaker^  35  F,xchanfjn,  h.  54  Union 

Hall  Honry,  inercliarit,  71>  Milk,  li.  53  liowdoin 

Hall  Hiram  K.  clerk,  31   Blnssom 

Hall  H()[»eslill,  liousewrinlif,  li.  48  Bridge 

Hall  Horace.     See  James  Kead  &  Co. 

Hall  I.  &,  J.  G    provisions,  ii(\  Cambridge,  h.  22  Gouch 

Hall  Isaac,  15  C.-ntral  wharf,  house   I!)  South 

Hall  Isaac,  fruit  cellar,  under  34  Hanover 

Hall  .lacoh,  house  (i7  Prince 

Hall  Jam(fs,  Tres.  N.  K.  Marine  Ins.  Co.  h.  684  Wash. 

Hall  James,  mercliant,  hoards  8<>  High 

Hall  James,  hiacksmith,  Charlestown,  h.  Prospect 

Hall  James,  housewri;iht,  rear  2d  street 

Hall  John,  house  72   Leveret 

Hall  J<dm,  housewright,  Pond 

Hall  John  H.  housewright,  h.  Canton  rear  Suffolk 

Hall  John  K   clerk,  3()Kilhy 

Hall  John,  silk  «Jyeing,  28  School,  h.  72  Leveret 

Hall  John  G.  (/.  A:  J.  Halh,  h.  22  Gouch 

Hall  John  W.  baker,  h.   Batterymarch 

Hall  John  VV.  {li'atarstnn,  Prfiy&  Co.),  h.  0  Morton  pi. 

Hall  Jonalhan  P.  51   Han.-ock 

Hall  Jonathan  P.  jr.  druggist,  1  Union,  h.  51  Hancock 

Hall  Josiah  K.  tailor,  h.  place 

Hall  Joseph,  house  10  Hanc(»ck 

Hall  Joseph,  jr.  cashi<;r  Hamilton  Bank,  h.  CA  Federal 

Hall  Jt  seph,  [)rokcr,  h.  Charles  near  Mt.  Vernon 

Hall  Joshua  H.,  \V.  I.  goods,   11   Central   wharf,  boards 

K.\(rhange  C<iffce  House 
Hall  Luliier,  grociir,  North  square  cor.  Prince 
Hall  Martin,  housewright,  house  38  Orange 
Hall   Mary  L.  inslruclrcss  pianoforte,  h.  TAJ  Belknap 
Hall  Mille(ent  FI.  dresstnaker,  5()0  Washington 
Hall  Milton,  housewright.  Castle,  h   5  Jeflerson 
Hall  Milton,  jr.  housewright,  Meclianic  place 
Hall  Nancy  G.  h.  Mechanic 

Hall  Nathaniel,  grocer,  Chcsnut  corner  Walnut 
Hall   Paul,  laborer,  rear  12  Washinnton  place 
H.ill  Parthcnia,  witlow,  house  <)2  Friend 
Hall  Prentice,  Lnglish  noods,  13(il-2  Hanover 
Hall  Richard,  hardware,  15  Dock  sq    h.  31  Wash,  place 
Hall  Robert,  sawyer,  h.  Siiort  near  Bedford 
Hall  Samuel  (.^.  T.  Hall  <Sl  Co.),  h.  44  Atkinson  c.  Purch. 
Hall  Samuel,  sawyer,  rear  Short  near  Bedford 


Hall  Sam'l  W.,  W.  I.  g'ds,  72Commer.  h.  13  Richmond 
Hall  (Samuels.)  &  Clark  {Eiisha  ^F.),  victualling  cellar, 

Boylston  market 
Hall  Seth,  blacksmith,  house  Southac 
Hall  Stephen  &  Co.  {Martin  L.),  W.  I.  g'ds,  2  Mark.  sq. 
Hall  Theodore  N.  house  51  Hancock 
Hall  Thomas  (S.  Peirce  &l  Co.),  h.  43  High 
Hall  Thomas,  grocer,  Elm,  h.  43  High 
Hall  Thomas,  fancy  goods,  681  Washington,  house  do. 
Hall  Timothy,  tinplate  worker,  83  Ann,  h.  66  Prince 
Hall  Vincent,  laborer,  Myrtle  court 
Hall  William,  machinist,  h.  39  Leveret 
Hall  William,  tailor,  h.l07  Washington 
Hall  William,  straw  manufacturer,  h.  op.  5  South  May 
Hall  William  A   &  Co.  printers,  122,  h.  102  Washington 
Hall  William  B.  brassfounder,  5  Chardon 
Hallett  Benjamin  F.  attorney  and  editor  Daily  Advocate, 

65  Congress,  h.  7  Williams 
Hallet  Benj.  Franklin,  pianofortemaker,  h.  40  Fayette 
Hallet  George,  merchant,  19  India,  h.  3  Green 
Hallet  G.  E.  merchant,  23  Commercial  wharf 
Hallet  Jacob  G.  (Hawes,  Gray  &  Co.),  h.  19  Purchase 
Hallet  Job,  ropemaker,  h.  40  Fayette 
Hallet  Russell  (Brown  <^  H.),  h.  9  Carver 
Halliburton  G.  M.  clerk  Custom  H.,  h.  Dorchester  St. 
Halloran  David,  laborer,  137  Broad 
Halloran  Edward,  painter,  h.  rear  664  Washington 
Halloran  John,  laborer,  Front  near  Castle 
Halloran  Patrick,  shoemaker,  rear  675  Washington 
Hallworth  Joseph  L.  printer,  boards  18  Washington  pi. 
Hallsteck  Bernard,  housewright,  4  Graphic  ct. 
Hamar  John  Henry,  rear  274  Ann 
Hamblen  Joshua,  oysters,  rear  48  Congress 
Hamblet  James,  stonecutter,  h.  Theatre  alley 
Hamblin  Benjamin,  house  53  Pinckney 
Hamblin  John,  sailmaker,  h,  rear  21  Essex 
Hamilton  Asa,  tailor,  North  Margin 
Hamilton  Jefferson,  Rev.  h.  7  Ballard  place 
Hamilton  Luther,  inspector,  Custom  H.,  h.  41  High 
Hamilton  Mary,  boarding,  45  Milk 
Hamilton  Strickland,  laborer,  rear  12  Lyman  place 
Hamman  George,  brassfounder,  53  South  Margin 
Hammatt  Charles,  bookkeeper  Bos.  Bank,  h.  106  Chamb. 
Hammatt  Charles  H.  11  Kilby,  h.  13  Franklin 
Hammatt  John  B.  upholsterer,  10  Howard,  h.  Stoddard 


Hammatt  John  B.  jr.  captain,  h.  Lenox 

Hammond  Artemas.     See  Adams  &  H. 

Hammond  B.  F.  {Darling  &  H.),  h.  23  Prince 

Hammond  Charles,  bhieksmith,  30  Blackstone,  h.  Cross 

Hammond  Daniel,  h.  Pearl 

Hammond  Elizabeth,  widow,  23  Prince 

Hammond  Horatio,  wine  merchant,  22  Exchange 

Hammond  John,  shipjoiner,  h.  3d  street 

Hammond  John,  mariner,  74  Broad 

Hammond  John,  housew't,  Brighton,  h.  5  Spring  st.  ct. 

Hammond  John,  honsewright,  h.  rear  417  Washington 

Hammond  John  D.  18  Carver 

Hammond  John  R.  housewright,  h.  7  Lyman  place 

Hammond  Joseph  L.  bookkeeper  Ham.  Bank,  h.  B  st. 

Hammond  Joseph,  stevedore,  115  Broad 

Hammond  Mary,  widow  of  John,  Salutation 

Hammond  JNat.  &  J.  B.  housew'ts,  55  Leveret,  h.  Chamb. 

Hammond  Prudence,  Battery 

Hammond  Susan  C.  widow  of  Samuel,  h.  65  Bowdoin 

Hammond  Sarah,  widow  of  John,  h.  33  Poplar 

Hammond  Samuel,  merch.,  h.  Somerset   pi.  c.  Somerset 

Hammond  Thos.  jr.  (Prince  <^  H.),  b'ds  Com.  Coff.  H. 

Hammond  Thomas,  jr,  tailor,  h.  3d  street 

Hanaford  William  G.  physician,  9  Howard 

Hanna  James,  bookseller,  house  rear  Dedhani 

Hancock  Charles,  captain,  rear  Broadway 

Hancock  Charles  L.  counsellor,  10  Court,  h.  30  Beacon 

Hancock  Daniel,  shoes,  Gl  Cambridge,  h.  9  Centre 

Hancock  Eliza,  nurse,  h.  Middlesex  near  Castle 

Hancock  Henry  K.  cabinet  and  chair  maker,  C67  Wash. 

Hancock  John,  captain,  11  Essex  place 

Hancock  {William),  Holden  {Ji.  R.)  <fe  Adams  (C.  B.  F.), 

upholsterers,  37,  h.  28  Hancock 
Handy  Peter,  rigger,  h.  cor,  Ann  and  Commercial 
Hanners  Benj.  hairdresser,  48  Chatham,  h.  8  Federal  ct. 
Hannum  Jonathan  C.  h.  7  Columbia 
Hanscomb  Levi,  shipwright,  2d  street 
Hanson  Anthony  {Clnyd  S/-  H.),  boards  South  st.  court 
Hanson  L  A.  house  20  Milk 
Hanson  Lewis,  housewright,  rear  81  Warren 
Hanson  Mary,  vi'idow,  house  Bartfett 
Hanson  Olive,  widow,  HI  Charles 
Hanson  Sarah  Ann,  widow,  6  Wendell 
Hapgood  Henry,  h.  50  Myrtle 
Hapgood  Samuel,  laborer,  Salutation 


Harbart  John,  painter,  house  3  Knox 

Harden  Calvin,  mason,  (-astio  near  Middlesex 

Harding  Josiah  M.  saihnaUer,  h.  33  Salem 

Harding  Newell,  silversmith,  r.  87  Wash.  h.  155  Poplar 

Harding  Ruth,  tailoress,  7  Madison  place 

Harding  Schuyler  C.  blacksinilh,  Broadway 

Harding  Wilder,  h.  4th  street 

Harding  William  H.  cabinetmaker,  h   7  Madison  place 

Harding  Wm.  B.,  W.  I.  goods,  Turnpike,  h.  5th  st. 

Hardwick   George   &  Co.  (JVatkan   Metr.tilf,  jr),W.  I. 

goods,  378  VVashingtf)n,  boards  3  Kneeland  pi. 
Hardwick  Samuel,  stageh.  Norfolk  av.  rear  185  Wash. 
Hardy  B.  milliner,  55  Court  and  59  Hanover 
Hardy  George  H.  housew't,  Hawley  pi.  b'ds  463  Wash. 
Hardy  John,  plasterer,  h.  rear  .^d  street 
Hardy  Mary,  widow,  nurse,  1  Beach 
Hardy  S.  E.  &  Alpheus  &.  Co.,  merchants,  17  City  wf.  h. 

20  Leveret 
Hardy  William,  cooper,  Batterman  place 
Hardy  William,  blacksmith,  h.  rear  85  Pleasant 
Harenton  Charles  11.  sashmaker,  Trenjont,  h.  56  Elliot 
Harenton  Mary,  milliner,  op.  .35  Tremont 
Harford  Edmund  C.  shipwright,  h.  I  cor.  2d  street 
Harken  Patrick,  II  Cross 

Harkens  John,  India  rubber  worker,  h.  Arnold 
Harley  Mary   Ann,  English  goods,  136  Hanover 
Harley  Robert,  dry  goods,  h.  76  Pond 
Harlow  Asajjh,  tailor,  280  Ann,  h.  78  Pond 
Harlow  Charles,  stonecutter,  Cliarlestown,  h.  27  Friend 
Harlow  De.xier  ( T.  R.  Peck  V  Co),  h.  I  Howard 
Harlow  Elizabeih,  house  South  Cedar 
Harlow  Seth,  housewright.  Silver 

Harmon  Humphrey,  blacksmith,  h.  c.  Canton  and  Suffolk 
Harmon  (Jo/m)  &  Town  (Luther)  lumber.  Commercial, 

h.  riiipps  place 
Harnden  Wm.  F.  ticket  mast.  Wor.  R.  R.  b'ds  105  Front 
Harnew  Samuel,  grocer,  244  Ann 
Harney  James,  laborer,  20  Stillman 
Harney  'I'homas,  laborer,  rear  Lenox 
Harper  Edw.  pianofortemaker,  h.  32  Tremont  n.  Wash. 
Harriman  J«)hn,  painter,  over  165  Washington 
Harriman  Mcjses  P.  mechanic,  h.  16  Green 
Harring  Hannah,  widow,  h.  Bumstead  court 
Harrington  Asahel  and  Willard,  b'd  Cotton  place 
Harrington  Andrew,  farrier,  Bromfiold  pi.  h.  Nassau  ct. 


Harrington  Bethiah,  boarding  h.  96  Trennont  n.  Foster  pi. 

Hanin<il()n  Benjjitnin,  painter,  h.  Fayette  n.  Jefferson 

Hariington  Bowen  {IVkeeler  &.  H),  h.  DC  C^alem 

Harrington  C:itl>.arine,  tailoress,  8!)  Sea 

Harringlon  Daniel  S.  Iiousewriglit,  4th  street 

Harrington  Elizabeth  {Smith  •&  //),8  Pearl 

Harringltin  Ephraim.  lace  and  hosiery,  17  Doane 

Harrington  F'.dward,  harkman,  rear  52  Federal 

Harrington  Epiiraim  S    (Slinpsnn  <fe  H ),  h.  1  ('oiumbia 

Hariington  Francis.     See  Lawson  Si   H. 

Harrington  Henry  F.  &  Co.  pnb.  N.  E.  Galaxy,  32  Cong. 

Harrington  Henry,  clothing,   Commercial,  li.  r.  19  Cross 

HarriMgt()n  James,  laborer,  op.  Mariner's  church  in  Purch. 

Harrington  John,  laborer,  <»p.  Mariner's  church,  Purch. 

Harrington  Joseph,  (-ourisellor,  9  State,  h.  in  Roxbnry 

Harrington  Joseph,  jr.  instructor  Hawessch.b.  in  Koxb. 

Harringlon  Reuben,  physician,  42  Pond 

Harrington  R-jfiis,  farmer.  4th  street 

H.>rringt«m  Ste.  H.  d'k,  415  Wash,  b'ds  2  La  Grange  pi. 

Harrington  Tim.  laborer,  r.  104  Sea — another  r.  lOtJ  do. 

Harrington  VVyman,  mason,  31  Warren 

Harris  A.     See  Brown  &  H. 

Harris  Azor,  blacksmith.  Creek  sq.  h.  11  Sudbury  sq. 

Harris  Benj   C.  (IVm.  C.  Mvrdor.k  »fe  Co.),  b,  14  Lincoln 

Harris  David,  mariner,  3d  street 

Harris  Dunbar  B.  mason,  h.  2  Mechanic  place 

Harris  F^lijah,  brickrnaker,  4th  street  corner  D 

Harris  George,  clothing  store,  184  Ann.  h.  5  North  sq. 

Harris  Henry,  United    Stales  Deputy  Marshal,  20  Court, 

h.  2  Hartford  place 
Harris  Henry,  grocer,  head  Lewis's  wf.  h.  50  Prince 
Harris  Isaac  »&  Co.  {John  Gushing  Sl  I.  J  Larkin),  nnast 

yard,  Commer.     Harris's  h.  8  North  Binnet 
Harris  James,  merchant,  3  Central  wf!  h.  23  I]i<rli 
Harris  Jeremiah,  housewright.  Lancaster,  h.  Lynde  pi. 
Harris  John,  blacksniiilh,  h.  Mechanic-  place 
Harris  John  A.  writ,  master  Hawes  sch.  h.  r.  Broadway 
Harris  John  S.  5  Long  wf  h.  9  Tremont  near  Wash. 
Harris  Job.)  W.  ship  chandlery,  31  India 
Harris  Joseph,  jr.  groceries,  Broadway,  h.  4lh  street 
Harris  L(»ach.  h.  2()  Washington  place 
Harris  Leonard,  Eagle  Coffee  H.  94  Commercial 
Harris  Luther,  cooper,  4th  street 
Harris  Mercy,  widow  of  Nathaniel,  2  Mechanic  pi. 
Harris  Nathl  (.3.  Walker  S^  Co.),  b'ds  1  Mechanic  place 


Harris  Richard  D..  City  and  County  Treasurer,  City  H., 

ii'nisp  2  H.iitfnrd  p|:ice 
ITarrip  Robeit,  rigirer.  ^[lear  alley 
Harris  Smith,  fcni 
Harris  {Snnujel)  ik  Jom-s  {iJavlr.l),  shipwr'ts  pnd  caulk., 

Broad  near  Fos1(;r's  vvf.      Harris's  h.  S6  Purchase 
Harris  Samuel,  printer,  3  Cornhill,  li.  20  Guuch 
Harris  Sainud.  Ii.  .">r5  Levi-ri't 
Harris  Sa  u.iel  D.  Ii.  2  Hartford  place 
Harris  ."^tepliru,  jr.  lioMsewri<;ht.  h    Holihs's  wj)arf 
Harris  TiiaddiMis  M.,  R.;v.  h.  4'.)!)  Washington 
Harrison  Martha,  h.  I'i  Slanin)rd 

Harrod  .launs,  |irintHr,  r.  W.)  VVnsliirijitnn,  h.  53  Pinckney 
Hirrod  Noah,  cahincliriakf-r.  h.  2'2,'Z   Hanover 
Halt  Cornelius,  i-ihorer.  Bioad  opposite  Maine 

Hiirt ,  widow  of  John,  14  Marshall 

H.irt  (leorge  VV.  handcarlnian.   hoard:?  34  F'cderal 
Hart  .Joseph  S.  printer,  h.  4  B.ith 
-H.irt  l'Mtri<k.  boardin-;.  house.  III   Broad 
Hart  S.  Rol.ind.  printer,  :^7  Kx.h.ui^e 
Hart  Stephen,  laborer,  rear  24  Pleasant 
H.irt  Sally,  widow  of  Edward,  1)  Hull 
Hart  SauMiel.  mason,  2<i  Atkinson,  house  Jefferson 
Hart  Samuel,  jr    mason,  h.  ,'>  Fayette 
H.irtt  Joseph,  captain,  21.5   Hanover 
Hartley  Peter,  corilwiiincr,  h.  2l>  Sudhury 
Hiirlshorn  Calei  ,  hats,  78  Washington,  li.  8  Somerset  pi. 
Hartshorr.  Caleb  W.  boards  Oak  cor.  Washington 
Hartshorn  Charles,  t.;ller  Fulton  B;.nk,  h.  24  Blossom 
Hartshorn  (£//:/,/t    P.)  &  Ellis    {Ehc.n),  n\Gvch.  7   Central 

wharf      H.irtshorn'.s  h    24  Bl-.ssom 
Hartshorn  John,  8(5  State,  house  7  High 
H  irtslunn  John,  blacksmith,  h.  rear  2  Plymouth  place 
Hartshorn  Mos.-s.  stall   I    Boylstuu  uiaiket 
Hartshorn  K.>berca.  :}I   Prince 
H;irthy  B<u t!ioh)ntew,  laborer,  Spring  lane 
Hnrtson  Jos'pli.  Hanover  H<  use,  50  Hanover 
Hirivvell  Ciiarles.  boards  10  Clark 

Hartwell  J. din  W.  {IVoodberrij,  Dix  &  H),  li.  6  Oak  pi. 
Harlwell  Joseph,  machinist,  house  5  Mason 
Hartwell  Jeremiah,,  h.  Piethnont  n.  Pleas't 
Harivvell  Thomas,  iabiuer,  70!)  Washington 
Harvey  Charles,  blacksmith,  h.  rear  4th  street 
Hcirvey  James  G.  mariner,  Barry's  wharf 


Harv^ey  John,  blacksmith,  h.  Marl<Pt  place 

Hiirvey  John  L.  watchman,  h.  Ij:i  MilU 

HaiveV  Patrick,  hiborcr,  opposite  73U  Wasliington 

Harvey  Pet.^r,  h.  21  .Somerset 

Harvey  Susannah,  widow,  li.  3  Chirk 

HarwoocI  Daniel,  dentist,  hoiiso   145  Tremont 

H.irwood  ICzra   A.  machinisl,  h    Carver 

Harvvood  I'eler,  jr.  broker,  5  E.\chan<:e.  h.  145  Tremont 

Hasehine  Moses  !)    slock  nPiUer,  1(5  Hridiie 

Haskell  Aaron,  innholde,.  Railroad  Hotel 

HasUell  Abijah,  housewri^ht.  h.  45  :^(.u^h  Rnssell 

Haskell  Andrew  I..  &.  Co.  {fim.  O),  house  (iO  Prince 

Haskell  Alden  B.  h.  Thacher  near   P..nd 

Hasl.ell  {Ca'vln)  &  Savage  (J«cyi  S  ),  blacksmiths,  Pond, 

h.  220  Hanover 
Haskfdl  Kdward,  lypeflmnder,  h.  6  Atkinson 
Haskell  r.lias.  merchant,  4  Cent.  wf.  Ii    H)  ^taniford 
Haskell  Ehsha  {Coalulgp,  <Sl  H  ),  house  2  Tremont  pi. 
HasUtdl  Enoch,  cabinetmaker,  h    rear  14  Bedford 
Haskell  Josiah,  housewriiiht,  \.i  Nassau 
Haskell   Levi  B.      See  Whitney  &-  H. 
Haskell  IVIoses,  ma.<on.  h.  :{6  Pleasant 
Haskell  Niithaniel,  jilazier.  Ii.  670  Washington 
Haskell  Noidi  D    house  42  Orange 
Haskell  Stepiien,  laborer,  10.B(»y Ulon  near  Tremont 
Haskell  Sybil,  h.  rear  Lancaster 
Haskell  Thomas,  sexton,  rear  72  Salem 
Haskell  William  O.  (W.  L  Haskell  <fe  Co.),  h  GO  Prince 
Haskelt  Sannnd  A.  J.  sailmaker.  reai  245  Ann 
Haslett  William,  coppersmith,  Canal 
Hfiskins  Ann,  \:\  Front 

Haskins  George  F   Kev.  chaplain  House  of  Reforma.,  S.B. 
Haskms  Joliii\-8  Merchants  row 

Haskins  Ralph.  2  Haskins'  Building,  Court  ror.  Howard 
Haskins  Shiverick,  laborer.  Front  cor.  Castle 
Haskins  Tlios.  cordial  distill.  15  Front,  h  Carver  c.  Elliot 
Haskins  Thomas  W.  hardware,  7  Union 
Hasselbom  Nicholas,  bar  room,  114  1-2  Broad 
Hassan  John,  liouse  :^:{  Garden 
Hastings  (^yrus,  painter.  Hawley,  h.  1  Grove 
Hastings  {Daniel),  Marsh  {Jamrs^  &  Co.  (£.  TV.  Marsh), 

drugs.  27  S.  Market.      Hastin<rss  h.  25  Hiiih 
Ha.etings  Edm'd  T.,  W.  L  g'ds,  :^7  Cuuimer.  ii.  4  McLean 
Hastings  Francis  T.  h.  10  Grove 
Hastings  Hannah,  h.  Fruit  street  court 


Hastinn;s  Joseph,  mason,  60  Plensant 

Hastin<rs  {Jus.  S)  &  Hunnewell  (D.   H.),  crockery,  137 

VVasIiington.     H:istings's  h.  64  Mt.  Vernon 
Hastings  Marv  Ann,  6  Bt-aoli 

Hastinj^s  Uicliard  C.  Iioiisevvri^'lit,  5  Plp<isant  st.  court 
.  Hastings  Stewart,  booUbindur,  rear  9  School 
Hastings  Simon,  housewright,  Carver 
Hatch  AniDS,  honstnvrigiit,  S-')  I'rince 
Hatch  Bryant,  clerk,  h.  19  Hancock 
Hatch  Benjamin  F.  printer,  h.  rear  339  Washington 
Hatch  Calvin,  tailor,  h.  Spring  street  place 
Hatch  Henry,  23  Orange 

Hat«h  Isaac  A.  clerk,  05  Congress,  boards  Essex  ct. 
Hatcli  Isaac  J.  {Pollard  &/•  Hatch),  h.  2  Bridge  st.  court 
Hatch  Jabe/,  East  near  Sea 
H;it<;h  James  A.  h.  Butolph 
Hatch  Jani«s  B    113  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Hatch  John,  tailor,  h.  15  Spring  ^  ■ 

Hatch  Joseph,  laborer,  rear  77  Elliot 
Hatch  Matilda,  2  SniFolk 
Hatch  Nancy,  widow.  Oliver  near  High 
Hatch  Samuel,  132  Fanpii:l  Hall  market 
Hatch  Samuel,  auctioneer,  09  Congress,  h.  16  Lincoln 
Hatch  Weld,  laborer,  h.  2 
Hatchfield  Joseph,  laborer,  h.  Market  place 
Hatcliman  Ma»'garet,  widow,  2  F^ronl 

Hathaway  Adoniram,  housewright,  h.  3  Bridge  st.  court 
Hathaway  Elislia  *&  Co    {A.  L.  Richardson  &:  E.  Hatha- 

w(iy,jr  ),  merch.  3!)  Commer.  wf.  h.  5  Cambridge 
Hathaway  Rlisha,  jr.  {E.  H.  .t  Co.),  boards  5  Cambridge 
Hathaway  J.>hn,  English  goods,  7  Central,  h.  23  Poplar 
Hathaway  John,  boards  5  Milk 
Hafhorne  BenjamWi  F.  cashier  Franklin  Bank 
Hathorne  Ebeiiezer,  deb.  acct.  &  assist,  cl'k  in  Custom  H. 
Hathorne  I.  H  dry  goods,  97  WHshinglon,  h.  34  Buylston 
Hatliorne  Mehitabel,  34  Boylston 
Hatstat  (^harles  H.  I  il)orcr,"4th  street 
Hatsiat  William  M   clothing,  14^  Ann,  h.  rear  4  PFulI 
Haughton  {.James)  ik,  Foster   (Edw.  A  ).   dry  goods,  12^ 

Washington.     Hauirliton's  ho:ise  129  Tremont 
Haughton  Riehard.  editor  of  Atlas,  IHState,  h  129  Trem't 
Hauthwait  Francis,  laborer,  rear  75  Elliot 
Hauthwait  William,  laborer,  Pleasant  near  Washington 
Haven  Abner,  house  1  Williams  court 
Haven  Calvin,  W.  I.  goods,  18  India,  h.  4  Lynde 


Haven  {Calvin  W.)  &  Breed  (Horace  ^.),  painters,  Essex 

near  Washington.     Haven's  house  46  Warren 
Haven  Curtis,  painter,  Atkinson  near  Milk 
Haven  Esther,  widow,  533  Washington 
Haven  Franklin,  cashier  Mer.  Bank,  house  7  McLean 
Haven  Jonas,  housewright,  h.  rear  14  South  Margin 
Haven  Jotham,  crockeryware,  150,  h.  148  Hanover 
Haven  Thomas   &  Son  (T.  .4.   Haven),  merchants,  30 

Central  wharf,  h.  54  Chesnut 
Havey  Patrick,  laborer,  Warren  place 
Haviland  Hannah,  widow,  house  46  Carver 
Haviland  John,  house  South  Margin 
Haviland  Thomas,  stucco  worker,  63  Chesnut 
Hawes  John  H.  house  2d  Street 

Hawes  Madison,  printer,  81  Cornhill,  house  9  Southac 
Hawes  Nathaniel,  house  52  Elliot 
Hawes  Nathaniel,  jr.  stairbuilder,  h.  Wheeler's  court 
Hawes  Noyes  P.  18  Cornhill,  h.  4  Garden 
Hawes  Jeremiah,  house  30  Hanover 
Hawes  (Prince),  Gray  (Thos.)   &.  Co.  (Jacob  G.  Hallet), 

merchants,  20  India.     Hawes's  house  147  Tremont 
Hawes  Walter  E.  machinist,  h.  cor.  Canton  and  Suffolk 
Hawes  William,  lumber.  Battery  wharf,  h.  21  Portland 
Hawes  William  B.  ropemaker,  house  26  Carver 
Hawkes  Benj.  housewr't.  Front,  h.  Middlesex  n.  Castle 
Hawkes  Ezra,  tinplate  work.  130  Court,  h.  8  W.  Second 
Hawkes  John,  cabinetmaker,  Middlesex  near  Castle 
Hawkes  Levi,  tinplate  work.  Bromfield,  h.  r.  143  Wash. 
Hawes  Levi,  jr.  &  Simeon,  tin  plate  workers,  612  Wash. 
Hawkes  Thomas  B.  grocer,  6  Green 
Hawks  Joseph,  mason,  rear  Causeway 
Hawkins  Nancy,  house  rear  49  Temple 
Hawley  F.  A.  stock  manufacturer  &  linen  store,  6  Elm 
Hawley  T.  R.  stock  maker,  200  Tremont,  h.  19  Temple 
Hay  Edmund,  Washington  place  corner  Gibbs  lane 
Hay  George,  painter,  64  Prince 
Hay  John,  math.  inst.  maker.  Dearborn  avenue 
Hay  Mary  B.  widow  of  James,  house  46  Pleasant 
Hay  (Joseph)  &  Atkins  (Benjamin),  glassware,  77  State. 

Hay's  house  24  Elliot 
Hayden  Abel  T.  branch  pilot,  h.  Purchase  c.  Belcher  la. 
Hayden  Ambrose,  wheelwright.  Front,  h.  3  Orange  lane 
Hayden  Caroline,  house  Hancock  cor.  Derne 
Hiijden  Elizabeth,  widow,  168  Pleasant 


Hayden  {George)  &  Skinner  (Benj.  H),  grocers,  Tre- 

mont  C(ir.  Howard.     Hayden's  li.  41  Myrtle 
Haydien  Georj;e  N.  vvawonHr,  2d  street  near  I  street 
Hnydcn  Henrv,  luMisewiight,  house  Broadway 
Haydeii  John  C.  plivsiciaii.  h.  \'.i\  Tretnont 
Haydeii  John  S.  caidUer,   house  Butolph 
Haydnn  Joseph.  shi[)wrifjlit,  Ann  strt^et  court 
Hayjlen  Josii.  whcclwriiiht,  house  and  shop  Dedhain 
Hay<h'n  Josiah,  shoes,  55:^  Washington,  h.  ir!3  Essex 
Hayden  Josiah  E.  shoes.  Fedenil  corner  High 
H.iyden  Michael.  niachiMist,  17  Pitts 
Hayden  Nathaniel,  h    3  Oraiii,'e  lane    ' 
Hiiydun  Otis  {Spaul'ling  t^  //.),  house  20  Brighton 
Hayden  P.itiiclc,  laborer,  8d  VVarreri 
Hayden  Peter,  laborer,  I  street  corner  Second  street 
Hayden  {Robert)  *Sc  Eaton  (R.),  honsewr'ts,  Charlestown 
Hayden  Robert.  hi>iisewright,  Charlestown,  h.  57  Pond 
Hayden  Sarah,  1  Howard 
Hayden  Snsan,  lanndress.  2  Lucas  place 
Haydf^n  William,  hoiisewright,  h   nsir  108  Cambridge 
Hayden  Wm.  jr.  City  .Auditor,  office  City  H.  h.  4  Hollis 
Hayes  James,  laborer,  A  street 
H.-iyes  James,  marble  polisher.  Ii.  11  Hamilton 
Hayes  John,  laborer,  12^}  Broad 
Hayes  John,  sJ«»ve  mannficnirer,  h.  Creek  square 
Ha^'es  John,  viclnaller.  149  Broad 
Hayes   {Joseph   K.)    &    Bailey    {John  A.),    carpenters, 

Fulton   near  Cross 
Hayes  J.  W.  4  City  wharf,  h.  Howard  cor.  Somerset 
Hayes  Miitthew,  laborer,  opposite  61  Sea 
Hayes  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  8>!  Summer 
Hayes  William,  j)ainter,  274  Ann 

Hayford  Riley,  grocer,  Milk  c,  h.  High  st.  pi. 
Hayford  William,  mason,  h.  11  Bridge  street  avenue 
Haynes  Charles,  shoes,  222  Washington,  boards  247  do. 
Haynes  Daniel  B.  gardener,  :^d  street 
Haynes  Edward,  house  647  Washington 
Haynes  Edward,  jr.  shoes,  219  Washington,  h.  109  Front 
Haynes  Edward,  jr.  house  100  Pond 
Haynes  Elbridge,  silver  and  brass  plater,  19  Dock  square 
Haynes  George,  cooper,  rear  Pitts 
Haynes  Jtdui  C.  laborer,  15  South  Margin 
Haynes  John  D.  house  36  Friend 
Haynes  Lucy,  dressmaker,   house  43  Essex 
Haynes  Sarah,  dry  goods,  647  Washington 


Haynes  Tristram,  house  I  N.  Brighton 

Hayties  VVilliain  F.  shoes,  24C,  h  274  Washington 

Hayvvard  Adiii,  laborer,  3()  FJtIknap 

Hayward  Arnold,  caipeiiter,  5*2  Pinasant 

Hayward  Arlemas,  shoeiiniker,  21  Riciiniond 

Hayvvard  Cliarlc's  R.   h(>iis(i  21   Faviitle 

Hayward  (/has   notary  pnb.  4i)  Slat.;,  h.  i:^  Hayward  pi. 

Hayward  Cyrus,  hrassfoiinder,  (u4,  h.  7U7  VVashiri«flon 

Hayward  (Ebenrzer)  &  Johnson  {Joseph).   \V .   I.  goods, 

II  Fostf;r's  wliarf.      H.'s  iioiise  Broadway 
Hayvvard  Elizal)eth,  widow,  h.  9  Friend  street  place 
Hayward  Gt  orge,  physician,  154  Trenionl  near  Winter 
Hayvvard  (Jeor^je  A.  shoes,  (503  Wash.  h.  52  Pleasant 
Hayvvard  JauM's,  engineer,  4  Joy's  hnilding 
Hayward  James  T.  clerk,  ho(jse  23  Atkinson 
Hayward  John,  clerk,  hoards  10  Ft;deral  court 
Hayward  Joseph  H.  h.  33  Hancock 
Hayward  Joshua  S   prifiter,  h.  S.  Cedar  near  Church 
Hayward  Joshua  H.  physician,  52  Mount  Vernon 
Hayward  L.  F.  5  Brighton 

Hayward  I.,ydia,  straw  bonnet  maker.  277  Washington 
Hayward  Pelhani  W.  Sec.  Suft'olk  Ins!  Co.  h. 23  Atkinson 
Hayward  Sarah  Ann,  house  102  Treinont 
Hayvvard  Samuel  H.  printer,  4th  street  near  the  bridge 
Hayward  Tilly  B.  teacher,  h.  33  Mount  Vernon 
Hayward  William,  cooper,  h.  C  street,  S.  Boston 
Hayward  William  H.  clerk  SutFolk  Bank 
Hayward  William  P.  grocery  and  h.  55  Chambers 
Hazelton  Isaac  H.  mason,  boards  Norfolk  avenue 
Hazleton  Albert,  teamster,  h.  57  Pond 
Hazen  Charles,  94  Tremont 

Hazen  Charles  D.  (JV*.  Whiting  &  Co.),  h.  94  Tremont 
Head  Francis  C.  35  Broad 

Head  George  E.  counsellor,  house  4  Somerset  place 
Head  Joseph,  merchant,  h.  Tremont  cor.  Boylston 
Healey  Michael,  Rev.  cor.  Federal  and  Franklin  place 
Healey  Mark,  n»erchant,  53  Central  wf.  h.  24  Chesnut 
Healey  Rhoda,  widow,  22  Chatnbers 
Healey  William,  truckman,  rear  152  Ann 
Hcaly  William,  tailor,  house  Theatre  alley 
Heaman  John,  carpenter,  h.  8  Svveetser  court 
Heard  Augustine,  boards  at  Tremont  House 
Heard  George  W.  h.  47  Pinckney 
Heard  John,  judge,  17  Court,  h.  Walnut  c.  Mt.  Vernon 
Uvord  John  T.  distiller,  Distii-huuse  sq.  h.  45  Haocock 


Heard  Samuel,  housewright,  h.  27  Fayette 

Heard  William  (Fessenden  S^  H.),  h.  52  Friend 

Hearney  Michael  F.  housewright,  h.  Cedar  lane 

Hearsey  John  F.  housewright,  boards  72  Essex 

Hearsey  Sarah,  nurse,  6  Boylston  square 

Heath  Catharine,  9  Portland 

Heath  Charles  &  F.  A.  lumber  wf.  Front,  h.  697  Wash. 

Heath  Dana,  housewright,  house  13  S.  Margin 

Heath  Frederick  A.  house  2  Dover 

Hector  John,  cordwainer,  Barry's  wharf 

Hedrick  Sarah,  house  40  Prince 

Hedrick  Thankful,  widow,  45  Pleasant 

Hedrick  Uriah,  cooper,  Snow's  wharf,  h.  40  Prince 

Heely  Sarah,  widow.  Castle 

HefFernen  Helena,  widow,  Silver 

Heilge  George  E.  painter,  h.  Travers 

Heilge  Henry,  hatter,  house  711  Washington 

Heilge  John  P.  furrier,  house  711  Washington 

Heland  Mary,  Salutation 

Hellesen  Charles  C.  cabinetmaker,  house  Dedham 
Heman  Hannah,  boarding,  Chelsea  Ferry  c.  Commercial 

Hemenway  Mary,  widow,  Salutation 

Hemenway  Thos.  blacksmith,  GO  Front,  h.  106  Warren 

Hemmenway  Benjamin,  coppersmith,  7  Garden 

Hemmenway  Luke,  W.  I.  goods,  7  Chatham 

Hemmenway  Peter,  shipwright,  rear  07  Charter 

Henchman  Daniel,  drug'st,  41  Cambridge,  h.  4  Chambers 

Henchman  Harriet,  widow,  14  Williams 

Henchman  Lewis,  captain,  31  Allen 

Hendee  Charles  J.  bookseller,  131  Washington 

"  Hendee  William,  mariner,  h.  25  Hamilton 
Henderson  Charles,  painter,  75  Union,  h.  76  Temple 
Henderson  Elizabeth,  h.  Vernon'place 
Henderson  Frederick  A   tailor,  2  Court,  h.  1  Avery  pi, 
Henderson  Jesse  E.  house  rear  36  Merrimac 
Henderson  Joseph,  carpenter,  h.  37  Brighton 
Henderson  Nathan,  painter,  house  rear  36  Meirimac 
Henderson  Nehemiah  A.  cooper,  h.  rear  4  Prince 
Henderson  (W.  H.)  &  Warren  (Thomas),  groceries  and 

bread,  Pleasant  cor.  S.  Cedar.     H.'s  h.  do. 
Hendley  Hannah,  widow,  Commercial  near  Charter 
Hendley  James,  tinplater,  591  Wash.  h.  3  Pleasant 
Hendley  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  Front  opposite  Beach 
Hendrick  Rufus,  grocer,  S.  Margin,  h.  Temple  n.  Canab. 
Hendrick  Susanna,  widow,  12  East 


Heney  Patrick,  boarding  house,  18  Water 

Herinesy  John,  laborer,  3d  cor.  B  street 

Hennessey  Edward,  chairpainter,  h.  Langdon  place 

Hennessey  Matthew,  laborfjr,  105  Broad 

Hennessey  Kichard,  pilot,  h.  ]  Tileslon 

Hennessey  Stephen,  laborer,  rear  671  Washington 

Hennessey  Tiniuthy,  lHl)orer,  rear  88  Summer 

Henry  Harry  C-  house  134  Purchase 

Henry  James,  housewright,  Hiirvard  pi    h.  1 12  Court 

Henry  John,  constable,  2  Franklin  av.  h.  18  Cross 

Henry  Martha  C  variety  store,  132  Pur(  base 

Henry  Rispah,  laborer,  Richmond 

Henshaw  Charles,  Pres.  Fulton  Bank,  h.8  Hancock 

Henshaw  David,  boards  18  Lynde 

Henshaw  John,  dru<igist,  28  Coinm.  wf  h.  1  Bowdoin  pi. 

Henshaw  Samuel  (Dana,  Fenw)  &l  H.),  h.  .5(5  Chesnut 

Henshaw  William,  agent  for  printing  ink,  124  Wash. 

Henss  Charles,  conft<'iioner,  36  School,  h.  79  Tremont 

Henss  William,  boarding  house,  79  Tremont 

Hepworlh  George,  wool  cleaner,  h.  and  s.  Dedham 

Herman  Ferdinand,  furnishing  warehouse,  192  Wash. 

Herman  Leopold  {Rryent  &  H.),  house  Devonshire 

Herrick  Henry,  bookbinder,  h.  rear  25  Charter 

Herrick  Jacob,  lather,  B  street 

Herrick  Martin  R.  niason,  Bay  near  Fayette 

Herrick  Thos.  W.  (JV.  V.  Kent  H^  Co.),  h.  Crescent  place 

Herring  Roger,  slater,  opposite  41  Carver 

Herring  Tiujolhy,  laborer,  rear  143  Broad 

Heiringion  Delia,  widow,  house  rear  3d  street 

Herritnan  Alden,  carpenter,  h.  Bartlett 

Hersey  Charles,  surveyor  of  lumber,  h.  52  Allen 

Hersey  Cornelius,  fur  dcialer,  1  Congress  sq.  h.  11  Beacon 

Hersey  Daniel,  auctioneer,  24  Exchange,  h.  483  VVasl^. 

Hersey  Lewis,  cordwainer,  house  27  Carver 

Hersey  Mary,  widow,  h.  Butolph 

Hersey  Martin,  housewright,  house  34  Salem 

Hersey  Nathan,  2d,  housewr't,  Lancasier,  h.  3  S.  Margin 

Hersey  Samuel  M.  halter,  boards  8  Newton  place 

ilnrsey  {IV Kuam)   &  Hutchinson    (Juhu),  gold    beaters, 

1 1  Frankim  avenue 
Hervey  {Edwin]  <Sf.  liigalls   (Wm.),  hats,  1  Congress  sq. 

H.'s  h.  5G  Belknap 
Henssler  Abgail,  tailoress,  Theatre  alley 
Hewes  Eleazer  J.  mathematical  instruments,  Commer- 
cial, h.  13  Front 


Hcwes  George,  cab.  &  chair  mak.  b'ds  14  La  Grange  pL 

Hewes  Jabez  F.  baker,  122  Court 

Hevves  John  B.  hardware,  Commercial,  h.  13  Front 

Hewes  John  M.  printer.  Court,  h.  30  Short 

Hewes  Ricliard  B.  inspector  of  customs,  h.  13  Front 

Hewes  Sam.  H.  sup.  burying  grounds,  office  City  Hall, 

h.  1  Fayette  near  Pleasant 
Hewes  Shubael,  irunkmaker,  Blackslone,  h.  13  Front 
Hewett  Richard,  iiousewright,  h.  7  Friend  st.  place 
Hewett  S.  C.  surgeon  boneselter,  297  Washington 
Hewins  Abel,  farmer,  rear  4th  street 

HewinsAmasa,  portrait  paint.  G  Joy's  build,  h.  2Corn.ct. 
Hewins  Simon  K.  {Tisdalc  <&  H),  h.  Cortdiill  court 
Hewins  (IVhiting)  &,  Fisher  {Warren),  VV.  1.  goods,  100 

State.     Hewins's  house  14  Warren 
Hews  Abraham,  jr.  jeweller,  243  Wash.  h.  13  Ash 
Hews  George,  pianoforte  manufactory,  393  Washington, 

boards  13  Ash 
Hews  John,  furniture,  5  Wash.  h.  15  Brighton 
Hey  wood  Levi  &  Co.  {W.  Heyioood  ^-  Jcnncs  IV.  Gates), 

chairs,  26  Commercial 
Hey  wood  {Samuel  P.)  6c  Norton   {Joshua,  jr.),  paper 

store,  97  State 
Hibbard  Benjamin,  hatter,  h.  Broadway  near  E  strtiet 
Hibbert  Joseph,  mariner,  house  192  Hanover 
Hichborn  Sam'l,  sailmak.  Commer.  c.  Cross,  h.  N.  square 
Hickey  Bridget,  widow,  rear  93  Warren 
Hickey  James,  Cross  corner  Ann 
Hicks  J.  C.  &  W.  H.  dry  goods,  45  Kiiby,  h.  G2  Milk 
Hicks  Margaret,  widow,  Sun  court 
Hicks  Mary  T.  rear  89  Essex 
Hicks  Rebecca,  widow,  5  North  Margin 
Hicks  Zechariah,  house  62  Milk 
Higgins  George,  mason,  house  C  street 
Higgins  John,  oysters.  Court,  hi)use  17  Temple 
Higgins  John,  sailmaker,  boards  rear  Gibbs  lane 
Higgins  John,  truckman,  38  Salem 
Higgins  John,  hats,  Fan^uil  H.  market,  h.  S  Sudbury 
Higgins  John,  baker,  opposite  155  Hanover 
Higgins  John  S.     See  Jacobs  &  H. 
Higgins  Josiah  G.  painter,  boards  Mechanic  place 
Higgins  Major,  pianofortcmaker,  h.  19  Pleasant  st.  court 
Higgins  Michael,  cordvvainer,  153  Broad 
Higgins  Paine  S.  truckman,  52  Prince 
Higgins  {Peter)   &  Samou  {John),   Iiats,  Faneuil  Halt 

market,  h.  9  North  square 


Hi^gins  Rebecca,  dressmaker,  Ilawley  cor.  Franklin  pi, 

Higgins  Rosanna,  boarding  liouse,  9  North  square 

Higgins  Sjlvonus,  cordwainer,  boards  Mechanic  place 

Higgins  Willard,  tinplate  worker,  iionse  11  Elliot 

Higgins  William,  handcartman,  52  Prince 

Higgins  Willi;im,  laborer,  130  Broad 

Higginson  Francis,  physician,  Iionse  40  School 

Higgiiison  Henry,  merchant,  48  Summer 

Higginson  James  P.  merchant,  house  31  Mount  Vernon 

Higginson  (J.  C.)  &  Pope  (JVin.jr.),  dry  goods,  42  Wa- 
ter.    II. 's  h.  48  Summer 

Highland  Daniel,  laborer,  house  rear  4lh  street 

Highland  John,  laborer,  5th  street 

Highland  Michael,  Isborer,  Market  place 

Hildreth  Abijah  E.  (Geo.  Cinnmings  &.  Co.),  boards  1 
Sewall  place 

Hildreth  Augustus,  house  1  Gridley 

Hildreth  Charles  T.  physician,  3  Beacii  n.  Wash.  Bank 

Hildreth  Clifton  B.  housewright,  r.  Front,  h.  5  Suffolk 

Hildretli  James,  house  75  Pleasant 

Hildreth  Orin  &  Co.  (  VVm.  Jl.  Gilbert), mevch'ts,  34  Broad 

Hiler  Grace,  widow  of  Jacob,  h.  8  Unity 

Hiler  Josiah,  caulker  and  graver,  house  Vernon  place 

Hiler  Margaret,  Vernon  place 

Hiler  Stephen  G.  shipwright,  house  Lime  alley 

Hiler  Thomas  G.  captain,  h.  113  Front 

Hill  Abigail,  dressmaker,  150  Purchase 

Hill  Ann,  dress  maker,  Cross  corner  Ann 

Hill  Amos  A.  saddler,  Merrimac,  house  9  N.  Margin 

Hill  Archibald,  wharfinger,  Liverpool  wf  h.  17Purchaa9 

Hill  Benj.  F.  house  11  Washington  place 

Hill  Bradbury,  house  49  Hanover 

Hill  Converse,  professor  music,  boards  16  Ash 

Hill  Daniel,  housewright,  A  street 

Hill  David,  house  rear  61  Milk 

Hill  (David  W.)  &  Chamberlain  (Thos.),  coppersmiths, 
Charlestown  near  Haverhill 

Hill  Dennis  B.  provisions,  27  Prince,  h.  3  Margaret 

Hill  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Samuel,  20  Myrtle 

Hill  George  &  Co.  (E.  J.  Long  and  W.  E.  Hill),  dry 
goods,  333  Washington 

Hill  Henry,  Treas.  A.  P.  C.  F.  M.,  Cornhill,  h.  57  Pinck. 

Hill  Henry  A.  hairdre^ser,  Merrimac 

Hill  Jacob,  truckman,  Market 

Hill  James,  jr.  107  Fan.  H.  market,  h.  104  Chambers 


Hill  (Jeremiah),  Chamberlin  (Daniel)  &  Co.,  com.  mer- 
chants, 7  Central  wf.     H.'s  h.  46  Chambers 
Hill  John,  plasterer,  rear  77  Warren 
Hill  John,  linplate  worker,  h.  Fulton  near  Cross 
Hill  John,  laborer,  house  Battery 
Hill  John,  103  Faneuil  Hall  market,  h.  31  Brattle 
Hill  John  S.  clerk,  house  Thaeher  near  Pond 
Hill  Kinsley  S.  grocer,  Hanover  corner  Charter 
Hill  Mary,  nurse,  Boylston  place 
Hill  Mary  R.  tailoress,  S.  Cedar  near  Church 
Hill  Nathaniel,  housewright,  Union,  h.  Commercial 
Hill  Rebecca,  8  North  Margin 

Hill  Sairiuel  (Cotton,  H.  &,  Co.),  house  Broadway 
Hill  Sumner,  professor  music,  416  Wash.  h.  16  Asli 
Hill  Thomas,  31  F.  H.  market,  h.  19  Wash,  place 
Hill  Weaker  E.  (G.  Hill.  &  Co.),  boards  34  Boylston 
Hill  Wm.  H.  bookbinder,  122  Wash,  boards  6  Howard 
Hillard  Daniel,  laborer,  rear  4th  street 
Hillard  Geo.  S.  counsellor,  4  Court,  h   53  Myrtle 
Hdler  Benjamin  H.  painter,  house  rear  324  Ann 
Hiller  Thomas,  stevedore,  96  Warren 
Hilliard  Francis,  counsellor,  23  Court 
Hilliard  Wier,  Fulton  House,  Fulton  corner  Cross 
Hilliard,  Gray   &   Co.  (Harrison   Graij  and  James  and 

Charles  Brown),  boakseWers,  112  Wash.     See  adv. 
Hilliard  William,  counsellor,  23  Court,  h.  10  Wash.  pi. 
Hillmau  George,  W.  I.  goods,  342  Ann,  h.  59  Salem 
Hillman  John,  carpenter,  Commercial 
Hillman  Mehitabel,  widow,  9  Prince 
Hills  Freeman,  teamster,  house  4th  street 
Hills  George,  carpenter,  house  104  Pleasant 
Hills  H.  S.  chair  painter,  4  N.  Market,  h.  39  Salem 
Hills  Joseph,  ladies'  shoemaker,  7  School,  h.  72  Tremont 
Hills  Nathaniel,  laborer,  16  Myrtle 

Hills  (Sajn'l  C  )  &  Powers  {Herman),  commission  mer- 
chants, 54  Water.     H.'s  h    18  Winter 
Hilton  Amos,  housewright,  h.  54  Belknap 
Hilton  John  T.  mariner,  h.  rear  12  Boylston 
Hilton  Leander,  housewright,  3d  street 
Himes  Joshua  V.,  Rev.  house  96  Tremont 
Hinckley   Allen,    superintendent    aqueduct,    south    end 

Front  near  bridge,  h.  5  Nassau 
Hinckley  Enoch,  stevedore,  rear  274  Ann 
Hinckley  H.  Thos.  ornam.  painter,  30  Cornhill 
Hinckley  (//o//ne5J  &  Co.  (G.   P.   Drur y),  machinistB, 
Front.     H.'s  house  692  Washington 


Hinckley  Moses  M.  stevedore,  74  Sea 

Hinckley  Sylvia,  tailoress,  Mecliauic  placo 

Hindman  Anna  P.  widow  of  Caldwell  F.  h.  28  Fayette 

Hinds  Alfred  M.  house  53  Leveret 

Hinds  Barzillai,  mason,  rear  13  Charter 

Hinds  Mary,  tailoress,  Essex  corner  Front 

Hine  Clermont  E.  watchmaker,  242  Wash.     See  advert. 

Hine  Elias,  cordwainer,  Tileston  near  Hanover 

Hine  Francis  V.  J.     See  Smith  &  H. 

Hinkel  John,  tohacconist,  h.  Leveret  court 

Hiscock  Sewall,  provisions,  44  Green 

Hiscock  William,  laborer,  107  Broad 

Hitchcock  David  K.  printer,  9  Cornliill 

Hitchcock  (Henry)  &  Nash  {JS'atlmnid  C),  W.  I.  goods, 

2  Lon^  wf.     H.'s  h,  7  Central  ct. 
Hitchings  Ebenezer  H.  paporhanger,  h.  368  Commercial 
Hitt  John,f^urg.  inst.  j^naker,  h.  rear  Boylston  n.  Carver 
Hittenhinie  John,  rigger,  h.  rear  123  Broad 
Hixon  Edward,  upholsterer,  h.  22  N.  Russell 
Hobart  (.,'Jaron)  &  Cumings  (/?.  jY.),  dry  goods,  21  Cen- 
tral,    llobart  boards  Commercial  Coffee  House 
Hobart  Albert,  dry  goods,  46  Kilby,  Ikjusc  in  Roxbury 
Hobart  Billings,  keeper, Earl  Cotfee  House,  3(5  Hanover 
Hobart  (Enock)  &:  Kiiuball  {David),  tailors,  175  Tremont 
Hobart  Henry  B.  bookbinder,  IIG  Wash.  h.  r.  61  Poplar 
Hobart  James  T.  14  State,  hous^e  8  Beacon 
Hobart  Moses  L.  collector,  house  rear  61  Poplar 
Hobart  Nathaniel,  21  Central,  h.  12  W.  Cedar 
Hobart  Peter,  jr.  liousew't,  r.  253  Wash,  h,  11  N.  Russell 
Hobart  {Rath)  &  Stimpson  {Caroline),  dressmakers,   17 

Hobbs  Jarnus  M.  overseer  rail  road,  h.  Castle  n.  Middlesex 
Hobbs  John,  clothing,  88,  house  220  Ann 
Hobbs  John,  pianoforte  maker,  house  Dedham 
Hobbs  Nathan,  silversmith,  1  Dock  sq.  h.  21  Charter 
Hobbs  Prentiss,  lumber  wharf,  90  Sea,  h.  53  Sea 
Hobbs  Sarah,  milliner,  195  Hanover 
Hobbs  William  J.  carver,  3  Wilson's  la.  h.  13  Blossom 
Hobby  Nancy,  house  2  Cambridge 
Hodgden  John,  h.  1  Shawmiit 

Hodgden  Samuel  S.  housewright,  Pond  n.  Charlestown 
Hodgdon  (Henry  B.)  &  Howe  {Josejj/t  H.),  W.I.  goods, 

31  North  Market 
Hodgdon  Jacob,  housewright,  h.  Milton 
Hodge  Charles,  hat*,  &c   52  Hanover  op.  Elm 


Hodge  Jacob,  shipwright,  Ann  street  court 

Hodge  John,  caulker,  h.  Hanover  avenue 

Hodges  Jane  G.  dry  goods,  241  Wash.  h.  8  South  st.  pi. 

Hodjres  {John  D.)  &  Wells  {Geo.  R.),  haird's,  111  Milk 

Hodges  John  R.,  Langdon  place 

Hodges  Otis,  straw  manufacturer,  h.  17  Boylston  square 

Hodson  Richard,  tinplate  worker,  56  Broad,  h.  41  Charter 

Hogan  Hugh,  Lane  place 

Hogan  Michael,  laborer,  rear  149  Broad 

Hogan  Michael,  hiborer,  6  Barrett 

Hogan  Richard,  stevedore,  Langdon  place 

Hogan  William,  laborer,  1  Spring  lane      • 

Hoit  David,  cooper,  Prince 

Holahan  Jatnes,  laborer,  North  square 

Holbrook  A.  &  H.  A.  &  Co.  {Simeon  Baker),  oysters, 

Faneuil  Hall  market.     H.'s  house  Stillman 
Holbrook  {Anth.  jr.)  &,  Young  {Dan.),  oysters,  52  Brat- 
tle.    Holbrook's  house  Barrett 
Holbrook  Avery,  grocer,  74  Commercial,  h.  6  Tileston 
Holbrook  C.  W.  dis.  clerk  City  Bank 
Holbrook  Charles,  dry  goods,  93  Hanover 
Holbrook  Henry  A.  131  Fan.  Hall  market,  h.  Stillmaa 
Holbrook  (Daniel)  &  Shattuck  ( /ri7/iawi),  brokers.  Court 

cor.  Howard,  h.  18  Second 
Holbrook  Edward,  52  Long  wf.  h.  58  Leveret 
Holbrook  Edw.  jr.  salt  store,  51  Long  wf,  h.  58  Leveret 
Holbrook  Enos,  shipwright,  Salutation 
Holbrook  Hannah,  widow,  96  Warren 
Holbrook  Henry  A.  &  Anthony,  131  Faneuil  H.  market 
Holbrook  {Henry  J.),  Greene  {Franklin,  jr.)  &  Co.  {B. 
T.  Loring),  dry  g'ds,  10  Kilby  and  11  Doane,     H.'s 
h.  9  Cambridge 
Holbrook  {H.  M),  Bowman  {J.  H),  &  Co.  {Henry  Car- 
ter), dry  goods,  39  Kilby.     H.'s  h.  124  Tremont 
Holbrook  James,  shipsmith,  Broad,  opposite  Otis's  wf.  h. 

164  Purchase 
Holbrook  Jonathan,  grocer,  218  Ann 
Holbrook  Jonathan,  jr.  grocer,  218  Ann,  h.  r.  202  Hanov. 
Holbrook  Joseph,  oysters,  25  Hanover 
Holbrook  Josepli  &  Co.  {Thomas),  oysters,  Merch.  row 
Holbrook  {R.  E)  &  Leonard  (C.  C),  drg  g'ds,  95  Hano. 
Holbrook  Samuel,  clerk,  h.  Sheafe  cor.  Snowhill 
Holbrook  Samuel,  housewright.  Salutation 
Holbrook  Samuel  E.  (IVhitmore  &  H.),  h.  16  Hull 
Holbrook  Susan,, nurse,  h.  50  Myrtle 


Holbrook  ( *?.  F.),  Dillon  (James)  &.  Co.  (Gad  Leaviit)^ 
shipw  ts,  op.  Fort  liill  vvf.     H.'s  li.  124  I'lirchase 

Holbrook  Samuel,  hoiisewri^bt,  Beverly,  h.  i  I'itts  ct. 

Holbrook  (Theodore)  iSi  Tappan  (Lewis  W.),  hardware, 
83  State.      H.'s  h.  74  Trijiple 

Holbrook  V^ernon,  currier,  14  Clinton,  b.  3  Brattle  sq. 

Holbrook  William,  grocer,  1  Pinckney,  h.  6  Stillman  pi. 

Holcomb  Hennas  H.  ship  offi  ,  72Broad,h.  18  Hamilton 

Holden  Abel,  h.  Henchman  lane 

Holden  Artcma.'!  R.  (Hancock,  H-S^' Mams),\\.  8  Milton 

Holden  Eliza,  sempstress,  6  Lucas  place 

-Holden  Eliza,  widow,  laundress,  Mechanic  place 

Holden  Eberiezer,  4iJ  Faneuil  Hall  market 

Holden  Erastus  S.  druggist,  Cliailes,  h.  do, 

H(.>]den  George,  5  Exchange,  h    11)4  Tremont 

Holden  .lolin,  mariner,  10  Graphic  court 

Holden  J(j?hua,  ornamental  painter,  600  VV^ash.  h.  do. 

Holden  Nicholas,  lab(>rer,  Hamilton 

Holden  Thomas,  constable,  h.  7  Brighton 

Holden  Silas,  upholsterer,  house  9  George 

Holdridge  Hannah,  dressmaker,  14  Fruit 

Holins  Henry  D.     See  Brown  &  H. 

Holker  ]\ancy  D.  widow  of  John,  Mt.  Vernon  place 

Holland  Charles  S    plate  printer,  6  Stale,  h.  6  Mason 

Holland  Daniel,  laborer.  111  Broad 

Holland  Eliza,  boarding,  G  Mason 

Holland  Henry  E.  housewriijht,  h.  6  Mason 

Holland  John,  laborer,  opposite  16  Ash 

Holland  Laura  P.  widow,  105  Purchase 

Holland  Susan,  8  Columbia 

Ho'land  Thomas,  house  Beach 

Holland  Thomas  H.  lumber,  Front,  h.  121  Front 

Holland  Williau)  A.  boards  Beach 

Holland  William,  laborer,  114  Broad 

Holley  Truman  R.  stock  manu.  200  Trem'nt,  h.  19  Tem. 

Holliday  Dorcas,  widow  of  Samuel,  Commer.  near  Ann 

Hollis  Charles,  painter,  Union,  h.  Lynde  place 

Hollis  David  JN.  8  Faneuil  Hall  market 

Hollis  Daniel,  housewright,  1  Oliver  place 

Hollis  Ebenezer,  housewright,  h.  Suffolk,  n.  Lucas  pi. 

Hollis  L  J.  shoes,  head  of  Wilkinson's  wharf 

Hollis  Joseph,  house  Cooper  near  Pond 

Hollis  Sarah,  widow  of  James,  h.  7  Norfolk  place 

Hollis  Stephen,  musician,  4th  street 

Hollis  Thomas,  druggist,  30  Union,  h.  16  Sheafe 



Hoi  lis  Thomas  B.  captain,  h.  25  Carver 

Mollis  William,  frin<re  and  lassel  worker,  4lh  street 

Hollis  Zebediah,  stall,  2  Fanenil  Hall  market 

Hollivan  Christopher,  laborer,  rear  North  Centre 

Holman  John,  shoemaker,  h.  r^7  Broad 

Holman  Oliver  (Jones  &  //.),  h.  34  Allen 

Holmbert  John,  clothing,  86  Broad, 

Holmes  Augustus  S.  distiller,  Distil-house  sq.  h.  17  do. 

Holmes  Benj.  D.  coppersmith,  157  Broad,  b'ds  1G2  Purdi 

Holmes  Davis,  innholder,  Turnpike,  cor.  4th  st. 

Holmes  Daniel,  housewright,  Flagg  alley,  h.  20  Orange 

Holmes  Francis,  shipwright,  Commer.  c.  CJreenough  lan« 

Holmes  Galen,  h.  59  Bowdoin 

Holmes  Henry,  hairdresser,  9iJ  Hanover 

Holmes  Heman,  shipvvright,  Broadway 

Holmes  Isaac,  mariner,  Connnercial 

Holmes  J.  B.'    See  Wadleigh  &  Badger 

Holmes  Jacob,  shipwright,  h.  rear  185  Hanover 

Holmes  Jesse,  typefounder,  '.]  Water,  h.  4  Alden  lane 

Holmes  Leonard,  clerk  in  Post  ()ffice,  li.  1  Lynde 

Holmes  Mary,  widow  of  Abnur,  h.  2  Portland  place 

Holmes  Mehitabel,  boarding,  5  Union 

Holmes  Nancy,  boarding  house,  30  Federal 

Holmes  Nathaniel,  housewright,  Flagg  alley 

Holmes  Oliver  W.  physician,  2  Central  court 

Holmes  Jlichard,  carpenter,  94  Warren 

Holmes  SatMuel,  housewright,  h.  17  Second 

Holmes  William,  hairdresser,  183  Hanover 

Holmes  W^illiam  S.  stable,  15  Beacon,  h.  59  Bowdoin 

Hoist  Christian  K.  cabinetmaker,  470  Washington 

Holt  Abiel,  laborer,  h.  Southac  cor.  Grove 

Holt  Daniel  A.  blacksmith,  h.  Turnpike 

Holt  John,  shipwrig'it,  3d  street 

Holt  Peter,  housewright,  33  South  Russell 

Holt  Sylvester,  paperhanger,  r.  255,  li.  r.  305  Washing. 

Holt  Thomas,  printer,  Greenough  lane  r.  Commercial 

Hoiton  John,  truckman,  h.  20  Pitts 

?Iolton  Leonard,  teamster,  rear  Friend 

Holway  Francis,  housewright,  h.  Market  place 

Homan  Milton,  laborer,  rear  Church  near  Madison  pjaci 

Homans  John,  physician,  157  Tremont 

Homans  Lucy,  79  Purchase 

Homer  Albert,  painter,  64  Court,  h.  4G  Myrtle 

Homer  Benjamin  P.  37  Beacon 

Homer  {Cha's  S.)  t^;:  Gray  {Win.),  hardw.  13  Dock  sq. 


Homer  Chas.  W.  (Homes,  Homer  &  Co.),  h.  82Tremont 

Homer  Drivid,  livery  sttible,  2,  h.  3  West 

Homer  Eleazer,  h.  SO  Hanover 

Homer  Eleiizer.  jr.  lumber,  Battery  wharf 

Homer  Enoch,  hiborer,  North  Margin 

Homer  Frederick  f..  boards  37  Pinckney 

Homer  Francis  H    P  painter,  502  Wash.  h.  24  Orange 

Homer  G.  J.  mason  and  colorer,  Liverpool  wharf 

Homer  Oilman,  h.  Charlestown 

Homer  (ieor<.^e,  cashier  State  Bank,  h   46  Temple 

Homer  George,  Sec'y  Merchants  Ins   Com.   h.  3  West 

Homer  George  J.  (Homes,  H  &  Co.),  h.  6  Milton  place 

Homer  Henry,  house  30  Charles 

Homer  Henry,  crier  INJunic.  Court,  h.  rear  14  Spring 

Homer  .Ucoh  (Clarke,  H.  &  Lillie),  h.  35  Bridge 

Homer  Jacob  P.  coaclimaker,  h.  Cedar  lane 

Homer  (James  L.)  &  Palmer  (./o5e/?A),  prop.  Daily  Cent. 

and  Gazette,  34  Congress.     H.'s  h.  11  Sullivan  pi. 
Homer  Joseph  W.  boarding  officer  of  Custom  House,  72 

Long  wharf,  house  37  Pinckney 
Homer  Mary,  widow,  17  Derne 
Homer  Moore  R.  laborer,  rear  lienox 
Homer  Peter  T.  (."idams,  H.  &  Co.),  h.  38  Essex 
Homer  Sidney.     See  Adams.  H.  &  Co. 
Homer  Susan,  widow  of  David,  house  3  West 
Homer  Thompsf)n  K.  turner,  house  12  Second 
Homer  Walter  W.  housewright,  h.  Canton 
Homer  William  F.  crockeryvvare,  33  Union 
Homer  William  H.  printer  and  stationer,  51  &  53  Broad, 

house  10  Hamilton 
Homes  Barzillai,  fur  dealer,  100  Milk,  h.  504  Washington 
Homes  (Henry),  llomer  (Geo.  J.)  &  Co.  (C.  W.  Homer), 

hardware,  34  Union       Homes's  h.  2  Hamilton  pi. 
Homes  John,  hardware,  35  Union,  h.  196  Tremont 
Homes.     See  Holmes 

Hood  Charles,  cashier  Corn.  Bank,  h    Summer  c.  High 
Hood  Eliza,  widow  of  Charles,  547  Washington 
Hood  (Genrge  &,  Abner)  &  Abbott  (John  C'.),shoe  deal- 
ers, 17  Doane 
Hood  John  C.  twine  and  mats,  4th  st.  h.  3  Plea3.  st.  ct. 
Hood  Samuel,  matmaker,  h.  rear  C  street 
Hood  Samuel,  jr.  twine  dealer,  h.  rear  83  Sea 
Hoogland  Lydia,  widow  of  William,  h.  2  Howard 
Hoogs  Albert  G.  merchant,  40  India,  boards  8  Pearl 
Hoogs  Francis,  housewright,  h.  42  Orange 


Iloogs  JMary,  widow,  rear  17  Federal 

Hoogs  William  tl.  lionsewright,  Church,  house  4  do. 

Hook  Dudley  W.  laborer,  h.  266  Ann 

HooU  Elias  &  Geo.  G.  organ  builders,  Friend,  h.  Leveret 

corner  Second 
Hook  Jacob,  truckman,  h.  rear  5  Snowhill 
Hooker  Harlow,  merchant,  1i.  8  Kneeland 
Hooker  Sarah,  widow,  11  Lcverel. 

Hooper  Henry  N.  &  Co.  (Jim.  Blake  ^  Thns.    Richard- 
son), copper  dealers,  24  Commer.     H.'s  h.  Foster 
Hooper  Henry,  clerk  Hamilton  Bank,  h.  65  Pleasant 
Hooper  James  L.  liousewright,  George,  li.  6  Grove 
Hooper  John  {B.  Loring  &  Co.),  h.  15  La  Grange  place 
Hooper  Susat),  crockery,  71  Saiem 
Hooper  Robert  VV.  physician,  h.  11  Franklin 
Hooper  Robert,  jr.  34  Slate,  h.  37  Mount  Vernon 
Hooper  Robert  C.  merchant,  20  Central  wharf 
Hooper  Samuel  {Bryant,  Sturois  &.  Co.),  h.  21  South 
Hooper  Thomas,  mess(uiger  Massachusetts  Bank 
Hooper  Thomas,  house  rear  2  Pitts 
Hooper  Thomas  W.  teller  Merchants  Bank 
Hooton  David,  printer,  over  42  Congress,  h.  51  Prince 
Hooion  Francis,  painter,  h.  20  Carver 
Hooton  James,  professor  of  music,  445  Washington 
Hooton  John  B.  paperstainer,  Caniden 
Hoofon  John,  51  Prince 

Hooton  John,  jr.  sailmak'cr,  116  Commer.,  h.  45  Prince 
Hooton  Lydia,  widow,  20  Carver 

Hooton  Wm.  sailmaker,  Lev*'is's  wf  h.  Com.  n.ferryway 
Hope  Ann,  schoolmistress.  Pleasant  st.  ct.  cor.  Church 
Hope  Eliza  M.  nurse,  h.  11  Leveret 

Hope  Rob.  E.  pianofortemak.,  h.  Pleas't  st  ct.  c.  Cliurch 
Hope  Rebecca  A.  E..sch.  Wash.  c.  Bed.  h.  Pleas'nt  st.  ct. 
Hopkins  Bangs,  innkeeper.  Globe  Hotel  [c.  Church 

Hopkins  Charles  (M.  Hopkins  &  Co.),  h.  143  Court 
Hopkins  Eliza,  h.  15  South  Russell 
Hopkins-^iles,  h.  2  W.  Centre 
Hopkins l^fevi-W.  clerk,  55  Broad,  h.  82  Summer 
Hopkins  Milton  W.  Coffee  House,  4  Cornhill  square 
Hopkins  Solomon,  h.  52  Poplar 
Hoppin  John,  woodwharfinger,  27  Charles 
Hoppin  Mary,  2  JMyitle  court 
Hopping  Sarah,  Salutation 
Hopps  Charles,  painter,  h.  14  South  IVIargin 
Hore  John,  laborer,  h.  5lh  street 


Horn  C.  liousewiight,  h.  2  Leveret  court 

Horn  Joshua,  19  F.  H.  market,  li.  r.  0  Distil-house  sq. 

Horn  Truworlliy  C.     See  Flagg,  Taylor  &  H. 

Horn  William  {Andrews  ^-  H.),  h.  37  Leveret 

Hornsmari  Henry,  laborer,  Clark  alley 

Horr  Lullier,  iiousewriglit,  li.  1  Tremont  S.  of  Pleasant 

Horr  (Lucius)  &  Champney  {Edward  IV.),  dry  g'ds,  91 

Hanover.     Horr's  li.  4  Derne 
Horrigan  John,  laborer,  119  Broad 
Horrigan  Thomas,  blacksmith,  h.  Mechanic  place 
Horton  David  \V.  (Scudder,  Cordis  V  Co.),  h.  95  Trem't 
Horton  Francis,  blacksmith,  h.  Ann  street  court 
Horton  Gnstavus,  h.  Charier  cor.  PIupps  place 
Horton  Hannah,  8  Madison  place 
Horton  Henry  K.  {F.  Skinner  &,  Co.),  h.  54  Poplar 
Horton  Robert,  pattern  desiun.  5  Exchange,  h.  477  VV^ash. 
Horton  Roby,  widow,  li.  Charier  cor.  Phipps  place 
Hosea  Richard,  house  75  Charter 
Hosea  Samuel,  shipwright.  24  Salutation 
Hosea  {Samuel,  jr.)  &.  Pierce  {Junathan),   pumpniakers, 

Sargent's  wharf.     Hosea's  h.  24  Salutation 
Hoskins  Jane,  widow,  house  8  South  street  jjlace 
Hoskins  William,  cooper,  h.  Bun)stead  court 
Ho.smer  Calvin,  dry  goods,  73  Hanover,  h.  57  Leveret 
Hosmer  Lulher,  confeclioner,  h.  rear  49  Temple 
Hosmer  {Zelotes)  &  Tappan  {Benj.),  hardware,  84  3Iilk 
Hosmer  Zelotes,  h.  9  JMilton  place 
Houghton  Lawson,  teanjster,  li.  rear  18  Ash 
Houghton  Louisa,  dre.«snuil:er.  Salutation 
Houghton  Samuel  A.  grocer,  Brigijton  cor.  Poplar,  house 

Spring  sUeet  place 
Houpt  Charles  J.  silver&mith,  li.  27  Merrimac 
House  Abner,  Cdrpenter,  74  Charles 
House  Eleazer  G.  printer,  Merrimac,  h.  6  Snowhill 
House  Freeman,  cordwainer,  4th  stieet 
House  Timothy,  captain,  rear  Snowhill 
Housley  Ann  JVIuria,  widow,  h.  6  S.  Bennet 
Housley  George  {Tompkin.^  &  H.),  h.  rear  17  N.Russell 
Houston  Alexander,  housewright,  Spring  street  place 
Houston  William,  laborer,  3d  street 
Hovey  Abijah  \\ .  35  Commercial 

Hovey  {Jl.  iV.)  &  Pratt  (./?.  //.)  paints  and  dye  stuffs,  35 
Hovey  Albert,  clerk,  35  Commercial  [Commeicial 

Hovey  Charles  F.     See  Jabez  C.  Howe  &  Co. 
Hovey  Elbridge  A.  harnessnaaker,  h.  51  Carver 

216  DiuECTOiiy. 

Hovfcy  George  O.  {Jahez  C.  Howe  «^  Co.),  h.  18  South 
Ilovey  Henry  A.  f;oacliniaUer,  68  Boylslon,  h.  rear  do. 
Hovey  Lucietia,  dressiiiaUer,  300  VVasliiu<5lon 
ilovey  iSl  Co  {PkinrJias  B.  6l  Charles  M.),  horlicultural 

srcd  slure,  7;>  &  81  Corriliill 
Hovey  ^Sarnuel  6.  provisions,  Portland,  h.  32  Bridge 
Hovey  William  B.  stall,  32  Funeuil  Hall  market 
Hovey  VVn».  H.  engineer,  Clielsea  Ferry,  h.  90  Mt.  Vern. 
How  lilizabeth,  house  B  street 

How  {Halt  J.)  kSl  Jones  {Ebcn.),  dry  goods,  69  Milk 
How  Hall  J.  house  JSonth  Bostt)n  Heiglits 
How  Luey,  widow,  h.  Broadway 
How.      See  Howe 

Howard  Abigail,  widow,  110  Warren 
Howard  {Mrakani)  &  Merry  {Robert  D.  C),  merchants, 

3i)  Central  wharf.     Howard's  h.  Temple  place 
Howard  Benjamin  {Chandler.  H.  &  Co.),  h.  4  Kingston 
Howard  Betsey,  widow,  2  Orange  court 
Howard  Boyd,  liouse  42  Orange 
Howard  Davis,  c<»rdwainer,  h.  23  Pinckney 
Howard  Dorcas,  h.  177  Hanover 
Howard  Edward,  machinist,  h.  3  Sewall  place 
Howard  Edward,  jr.  house  S.  Russell 
Howard  Elizabeth,  house  17  Chesnut 
Howard  Hannah,  widow,  rear  773  Washington 
Howard  Harry,  laborer,  12  Wharf 
Howard  J.  V.\.'ii,boU  &  If.),  h.  2d  street 
Howard  John,  190  Hanover 
Hi>ward  John,  laborer,  78  Purchase 
Howard  John,  laborer,  Dedham  near  Tremont 
Howard  John  D.  caulker  and  graver,  h.  2  Unity 
Howard  Ji>nathan,  house  1  Bulfinch  place 
Howard  Joshua,  h.  14  Second 
Howard  I^ucy,  widow  of  Eleazer,  h.  29  Tremont 
Howard  Mary,  tailoress,  II  Unity 
Howard  Nathaniel,  physician,  h.  30  Prince 
Howard  Samuel,  iron  founder,  h.  rear  4th  street 
Howard  Samuel,  jr.  iron  founder,  4th  street 
Howard  Samuel,  provisions,  50  Spring,  h.  40  Brighton 
Howard  Thomas  M.  mason,  h.  2  South  Cedar 
Howard  William,  housew.ight,  h.  N.  Margin 
Howard  Willirm  H.  4th  street 
Howard  Zeviah,  widow,  7  Federal  court 
Howe  Ann,  widow  of  John,  3  North  Bennet 
Howe  Charles,  hackman,  h.  cor.  Ann  and  Commercial 


Howe  Cranston,  W.  L goods,  Broadway 

Howe  Elines,  laborer,  rear  1  Pilts 

Howe  George,  dry  goods,  32  Water,  h  27  Winter 

Howe  Isaac^,  shoes,  48  Hanover,  h.  283  Washington 

Howe  Jabez  C.  A  Co.   {Charles  Mixter,   Charles  F.  and 

George  0.  Hovey  and  Samuel  Johnson),  inriporters, 

55  Kilby  and  5G  Water 
Howe  Jacob,  boarditig  house,  3  Otis  place 
Howe  John,  rear  155  Hanover 
Howe  John,  printer,  17  Charter 

Howe  John  &.  Thomas,  lumber  wharf,  Sea,  h.  5  Elliot 
Howe  Jonatlian,  printer,  39  JMerciiants'  row 
Howe  Jonathan,  b4  Kilby 

Howe  Joseph  H .  grocer,  127  Cambridge,  b'ds  City  Tavern 
Howe  Joseph  H.     See  Hod<!den  &  H. 
Howe  Joseph  N.  measurer  Custdm  H.  h.  3  Pleasant  st.  ct. 
Howe  Joseph  N.  jr.  Iiouse  13  Chesnut 
Howe  Jubal,  watchmaker,  123  Wash.  h.  16  Charles 
Howe  Lucy  M.  school,  rear  11  Allen 
Howe  Marcus,  cordwainer,  33  Front,  h.  7  Nassau 
Howe  Margaret,  1  Avery  corner  Washington 
Howe  Maria,  widow,  (i  Frierd  street  place 
Howe  Rebecca,  widow,  boarding  h.  Pleasant  c.  Shawinut 
Howe  Robert,  plumber,  2'J  Salem,  house  Pond 
Howe  Samuel  G.  physician,  superintendent  and  director 

of  the  Institution  for  the  Blind,  11)  Pearl 
Howe  Sarah,  dressmaker,  h.  rear  2(5  Chambers 
Howe  Solomon,  housewright,  h.  32  Poplar 
Howe  Susan,  nurse,  h.  rear  2(3  Chambers 
Howe  Thouu-is,  grocer.  21,  house  23  S.  Russell 
Howe  Tliomas.     See  Beal  &  Co. 
Howe  Thomas  {Bramhall  &  H.),  h.  Salem 
Howe  Thomas,  8*J  Hanover 

Howe  Thomas,  lumber,  Sea,  h.  13  La  Grange  place 
Howe  William,  Merchants  row  c.  Ann,  h.  15  Salem  pi. 
Howe  Warren,  c.-ibii  etniaker,  h.  24  Orange 
Howes  Benj.  clothing,  Hancock's  wf  h.  3()(5  Commercial 
Howes  Elisha,  captain,  h.  Broadway  cor.  Dorchester 
Howes  Enoch,  house  21  Union 
Howes  Martha,  dressmaker,  Union 
Howes  P.  S.  innkeeper,  Blackstone  cor.  Cross 
jlowes  Willie,  ca[)tain,  Broadway  cor.  Dorchester 
H;-)wland  Caleb,  mason,  63  Elliot 
Hcwiand  Nathaniel,  captain,  h.  14  Province  H.  court 
Ho\vlaDd  Sarah,  milliner,  115  Court 

218  DIRECTORY.  ' 

Howragan  James,  laborer,  Broad  cor.  Cotton  place 

Hoxse  Michal,  widow  of  Goorge  W.  81  Sea 

Hoynes  James,  laborer,  139  Broad 

Hoyt  Aaron  B.  teacher,  Silver 

Hoyt  Adam  {Mason  &  H.),  h.  469  Washington 

Hoyt  Archibald,  ii.  rear  Brtiadway 

Hoyt  Stephen,  house  Prince  near  Hanover 

Hoyt  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Cliarles,  132  Pleasant 

Hoyt  Jeremiah,  2  Boylston  market 

Hoyt  Lucy,  widow,  11  Clark 

Hoyt  Thomas,  mariner,  h.  Battery 

Hoyt  William,  stabler,  h.  2  Bath 

Hubbard  Abel,  lioiisewright,  45  Myrtle 

Hubbard  Benjamin  B.  laborer,  rear  55  Merrimac 

Hubbard  Charles,  sign,  and  ornamental  painter,  4  State 

Hubbard  Christopher,  printer,  h.  rear  160  Wash. 

Hubbard  F.  M.  school,  Amory  Mall,  h.  4  Bowdoin 

Hubbard  George,  physician,  54  Hanover 

Hubbard  Henry,  house  Louisburgh  square 

Hubbard  John,  merchant,  h.  W.  Odar  cor.  Mt.  Vernon 

Hubbard  John  C.  chairmaker,  581  Wash.  h.  15  Fayette 

Hubbard  Sam'l,  counsel.  1  Barrist.  Hall,  h.  5  Bumsl'd  pi. 

Hubbard  Wm.  J.  counsellor,  20  Court,  h.  72  Chesnut 

Huckins ,  widow,  21  Piedtnont 

Eiuckins  Stephen,  boards  Boston  Hotel,  47  Brattle 

Huddleston  Samuel,  book  agent,  121  Wash.  h.  D  street 

Hudson  Asa,  shoemaker,  hcuse  33  Ann 

Hudson  Benjamin,  office  115.  li.  153  Pond 

Hudson  Charles  A.  feathers,  27  Dock  sq.  h.  Atkinson 

Hudson  Ezra,  fisherman,  rear  8  South  street  place 

Hudson  Gordon,  ironfounder,  rear  Broadway 

Hudson  John,  hats,  112,  house  118  Hanover 

Hudson  Joseph,  boardinghouse,  B  street 

Hudson  San)uel,  grocer,  56  Long  wf  h.  2  Hawkins 

Hudson  Sumner,  10  S.  Market,  h.  22  Temple 

Hudson  Thomas,  house  1(5  Charier 

Hudson  William  R.,  Turnpike  near  4th  street 

Huestis  Joanna,  widow,  h.  5  Second 

Huestis  Mary  Ann  S.  dressmaker,  18  Hamilton 

Huff  Jacob,  baker,  8  Green 

Huff  Simon,  pumpmaker,  house  rear  7  Short 

Huggeford  Henry  H.  dep.  Sheriff,  4  Court,  h.  ■  •  iJ9acO|x 

Huggins  Amos  R.  laborer,  h.  rear  4th  street 

Hughes  Ellen,  widow,  rear  57  Elliot 

Hughes  Fi^ancis,  blacksmith,  h.  42  Pond 



Hughes  Frederick,  tailor,  11  Brattle,  h,  18  Pinckney 

Hughes  George,  merchant,  13  Central  wharf 

Hughes  John,  milkman,  rear  75  Elliot 

Hughes  Sarah,  widow  of  Thomas,  63  Federal 

Hughes  Thomas,  house  63  Federal 

Hull  Jonathan,  housewriglit,  h.  Sun  court 

Humphrey  Almon,  fruit,  south  side  Fan.  Hall  market 

Humphrey  Benjamin,  h.  Myrtle  cor.  Hancock 

Humphrey  Catherine,  widow,  19  Boylst«jn 

Humphrey  {David)  &  Dudley  (Charles  S),  W.I.  goods, 

42  Long  wf.     Humphrey  boards  i>  Hancock 
Humphrey  Giles,  housewiiglit,  10  1-2  Pleasant 
Humphrey  Henry  B.     See  J.  H.  Pearson  &  Co. 

i     Humphrey  Wm.  pianofoneinaker,  b'ds  14  La  Grange  pi. 

[     Huniphreys  William,  flour,  45  Long  wf  h.  9  Hancock 

I      Hunkins  James,  collector,  house  3(i  South 
Hunneman  Peter,  rigger,  h.  Spear  alley 
Hunneman  William  C.  engine  builder,  37  Union 
Hunneman  S.  «5fe  W.  coppersmiths,  20  Union 
Hunnewell  D.  H.  (Hostmgs  &  H),  h.  48  Milk 
Hunnewell  Geo.  W.  (Farritio-ton  &  H.),  h.  Court  sq. 
Hunt  Albert.     See  Wade  &H. 
Hunt  Anna,  3  1-2  Sudbury 
Hunt  Charles  S.  house  55  Elliot 
Hunt  Charles  James,  48  Milk 

!  Hunt  Charlotte,  boarding,  120  Washington 
Hunt  Edward  P.  constable,  house  rear  Pitts 
lunt  Hannah,  67  Bedford 

*Junt  (Ira)  &■  Veazie  (Elijah),  clothing,  100  Sea 
Hunt  James,  housewright,  h.  Piedmont  near  Church 
Hunt  James,  housewright.  Ill  Pleasant 
Hunt  James,  stationer,  (Custom-house  St.  h.  15  Atkinson 
Hunt  John,  morocco,  30  North  Market 
Hunt  John,  housewright.  Church,  h.  129  Pleasant 
Hmu  John,  mariner,  67  Bedford 

\,  Hunt  (John,  jr  )   &   Lawrence   (Wm.   F\),  12  Boylston 
market.     H's  house  South  Cedar 
3unt  Joseph,  printer,  boards  67  Bedford 
Kunt  .I'lseph  S.  L.  machinist,  h.  south  794  Wash. 
Hint  J.  G.  books,  end  Fan.  H.  market,  h.  3  Hanover  ct. 
Ij'uit  Keziah,  widow  of  Joal).  ht)use  1  Spring 
Hm    M.  dressmaker  and  milliner,  rear  26  Winter 
Hon.  Mary,  widow,  Theatre  alley 
HuntVII  ilthew,  branch  pilot,  4  Fleet 
Isttnew  M.  house  117  Tremont 


Hunt  Moses  (Rice  <fe  H.),  house  31  Brattle 

Hunt  Moses,  victualler,  94  Commercial 

Hunt  Nathaniel  P.  19  Broad 

Hunt  Oliver,  hnusewright,  house  38  Orange 

Hunt  Ruth,  43  Essex 

Hunt  Samuel,  bricklayer,  h.  24  Carver 

Hunt  (Samuel)  &  Dudley  ( ),  carpenters,  Haverhill 

Hunt  Samuel,  Sec'ry  Manufact.  Ins.  Co.  h.  18  Hancock 

Hunt  Samuel,  housewright,  h.  45  Allen 

Hunt  Simon,  472  VVashmcrton 

Hunt  Thomas,  shoes,  38  Hanover 

Hunt  (Thomas)  &  Dascomb  (Thomas  R.),  31  Long  wf. 

Hunt's  house  45  Essex 
Hunter  Ann,  nurse,  h.  11  Allen 
Hunter  John,  marble  manufacturer,  h.  25  Pleasant 
Hunter  Wm.  victualler,  47  N.  Market,  h.  5  Stillman 
Hunter  William  G.  c(>unsellor,  8  Kilby,  h.  11  Beacon 
Hunting  Bola  (Maromber,  Sawing  //.),  h.  12  Pearl  place 
Hunting  Daniel  F.  17  Commercial  vvf.  h.  Prince 
Hunting  Ebenezer  N.  provisions,  66  Leveret,  h.  40  Spring 
Hunting  Joseph,  17  Commercial  wf.  h.  Leveret  lane 
Hunting  Mich'l  B.,  VV.  I.  g'ds,  729  Wash.  h.  10  Orange 
Hunting  Reuben,  house  9  Shawmut 
Hunting  Thomas,  house  G  Orange 
Hunting  William  F.  grocer,  19  Atkinson,  house  do. 
Huntington  Lynde  A.     See  Goodrich  &  H. 
Huntington  Ralph,  merchant,  h.  34  Washington  place 
Huntress  John,  house  Garden  cor.  May 
Huntress  Jos.  F.  wood  &  lumber,  84,  h.  rear  90  Front 
Hurd  Calvin,  shoe  store,  101  Court,  h.  rear  15  Gouch 
Hurd  Jeremiah,  truckman.  Battery 
Hurd  (John),  Hutchins  (Ezra  C.)  &,  Skinner  (John 

W.  I.  goods,  6  S.  Market 
Hurlbert  Jesse  P.  paper,  25  Court,  h.  26  Bridge 
Hurlbert  T.  R.  (Cornell  &  H.),  house  14  Charles 
Hurlburt  S.  M.  paper  hangings,  25  Court,  h.  18  Green 
Hurlbult  Elisha,  well  digger,  house  111  Hanover 
Hurley  Dennis,  laborer,  10  Oliver 
Hurley  Elizabeth,  widow,  rear  417  Washington 
Hurley  James,  tailor,  12  Pitts 
Hurley  John,  housewright,  h.  56  Fayette 
Hurley  John,  laborer,  rear  Columbia  near  Essex 
Hurley  Lydia,  widow,  9  Allen 
Hurley  Michael,  laborer,  rear  63  Elliot 
Hurley  Michael,  laborer,  rear  12  Wash,  place 

«,  I 

DIRECTORY.  .  221 

Hurley  Samuel,  coppersmith,  h.  25  Second 

Huse  Elizabeth  U.  house  27  Mt.  Vernon 

Huse  Joseph,  variety  store,  475  Wash.  h.  r.  104  Warren 

Huse  William,  pianofortemaker,  h.  rear  South  Cedar 

Hussey  Joseph,  weigher  and  guager,  7  Central  wharf 

Hussey  i^amuel,  teamster,  h.  Middlesex  near  Castle 

Huston  Edward,  house  45  Fayette 

Huston  John,  innkeeper,  Federal  st.  Coff.  H.  7  Federal 

Huston  William,  house  03  Congress 

Hutchins  Ezra  C.  {Hard,  H.  ^  Skinner),  h.  8  Tremont  pi. 

Hutchins  Horace  G.  {Shaio  &  H.),  boards  18  Winter 

Hutchins  Mary,  widow,  61  South 

Hutchins  Susan,  tailoress,  rear  5  Mason 

Hutchinson  Andrew  B.,VV.  I.  g'ds,  69  Purch.  ii.  1  Spear  al. 

Hutchinson  Elizabeth,  nurse,  opposite  155  Pleasant 

Hutchinson  (Elijah  G.)  &  Sampson  {Calvin  C),  furni- 
ture, 21  Cornhill 

Hutchinson  {Henrij)  &  Burrill  {A.  S.),  sailmakers,  18 
City  wharf     H.'s  h.  78  1-2  Prince 

Hutchinson  Jane,  h.  77  Charter  near  Commercial 

Hutchinson  John,  rigger,  285  Ann 

Hutchinson  John,     See  Horsey  &  H. 

Hutchinson  John  B.  {Kimball^  Jewett  8f  Co.),  h.  4  Derne 

Hutchinson  Mary,  widow,  27  Cross 

Hutchinson  Mary  C.  schoolmistress,  op.  5  Norfolk  place 

Hutchinson  Richard,  clerk.  Causeway  cor.  Leveret 

Hutchinson  Thomas  L.  house  21  Poplar 

Hutchpy  Thomas,  waiter,  rear  20  Federal 

Hyde  George.     See  Dana,  Evans  &;  Co. 

Hyde  James,  carver,  78  Commercial 

Hyde  John,  laborer,  119  Broad 

Hyde  Mary,  schoolmistress,  17  Short 

Hyde  Michael  S.  painter,  546  Wash.  h.  19  Fayette 

Hyde  Nathan  D.  land  otfice,  14  State,  h.  57  Federal 

Hyde  Solomon  L.  boards  9  Batterymarch 

Hyde  Wm.  A.  merchant,  51  India  wf  h.  103  Purchase 

Hyne  Ann  M.  boarding,  200  Ann 

lASIGI  JOSEPH,  commission  merchant,  36  Central  wf 

h.  Beacon  cor.  Somerset 
Ide  Edwin  {Broibn  &  /.),  boards  447  Wash. 
Ide  Frederick,  carpenter,  Canal 
Ide  George  B.,  Rev.  h.  20  La  Grange  place 
Inches  Charles,  merchant,  house  Pearl 
Inches  Elizabeth  and  Susan,  123  Tremont 


Inches  Henderson,  merchant,  Russia  vvf.  h.  Pearl 

Inches  Henderson,  jr.  (Martin  Brimmer  «^  Co.),  b.  Pearl 

Ingalls  Daniel,  merchaht,  house  opposite  20  Elliot 

Ingalls  Henry  P.  Iiousewright,  house  32  Short 

Ingalls  John  R.  blockmaker,  h.  rear  45  Cambridge 

Ingalls  Jonathan,  house  9  Centre 

Ingalls  Mary,  sempstress,  19  Tileston 

Ingalls  William  (Herveij  &  /.),  boards  8  Pearl 

Ingersol  Benjamin,  boards  48  Purchase 

Ingersol  James,  boards  at  the  Tremont 

Ingersol  Joseph,  10  Central  wf.  h.  at  Marlboro'  Hotel 

Ingols  Levi.     See  G.  Clarke  &  Co. 

Ingolls  Moses,  clothing  store,  205  Ann,  h.  N,  Margin 

Ingraham  Ann,  widow,  Creek  square 

Ingraham  D.  G.  instructor,  170  Tremont,  h.  10  W,  Cedar 

Ingraham  Joseph  W.  72  Wash.  h.  3  Barton 

Ingram  George,  chairmaker,  rear  13  ij^lilk 

Innis  Emmanuel,  machinist,  90  Court 

Ireland  James,  cabinetmaker,  h.  rear  732  Washington 

Ireland  Jonathan,  chaisemaker,  546  Wash.  h.  48  Warren 

Irish  Isaac,  31  Ann,  h.  19  Salem 

Irish  William  D.  pianofortemaker,  h.  Gorham  place 

Irven  Simeon,  house  Lyman  place 

Irvin  John,  laborer,  14  Gouch 

Irwin  David  D.  accountant,  5th  street 

Irving  Samuel,  blacksmith,  Beverly 

Isburgh  Alexander,  laborer,  rear  123  Broad 

Isnard  Maximin,  French  V.  Consul,  h.  4  Crescent  pi. 

Ivers  Edward  (Dewhurst  ^  /.),  h.  650  Wash. 

Ives  Chauiicey  B.  carver,  362  Wash,  b'ds  105  Front 

JACK  JONATHAN,  housewright,  6  W.  Second 

Jackman  Mary,  widow,  rear  51  South 

Jackson  Abigail,  30  North  Russdl 

Jackson  Andrew,  mariner,  h.  275  Ann 

Jackson  Caroline,  2  Pleasant  street  court 

Jackson  Charles,  counsellor,  39  Court,  h.  7  Bedford  p!. 

Jackson  C.  T.  physician,  11  Hanover 

Jackson  Daniel,  shipwright,  house  2d  street 

Jackson  Edmund,  tallowchandler,  h.  773  Wash 

Jackson  Eben,  painter.  Milk  cor.  Bath,  h.  Pearl  n.  High 

Jackson  Elizabeth,  widow,  3  Sewall  place 

Jackson  Emanuel,  mariner,  house  Salutation 

Jackson  Ezra  S.  (Totcle  <^  J.),  h.  12  Second 

Jackson  Francis,  Agent  S.  Cove  Co.  27  State,  h.  7  Hollis 


Jackson  George,  tallowchandler,  785,  h.  787  Wash. 

Jackson  George,  hatler,  h.  Fulton  near  Cross 

Jackson  {Isaac)  &  Brewer  {Henry  A.),  dry  goods,  27 
Central.     J.'s  h.  38  Spring 

Jackson  Jane,  widow,  Essex  cor.  Oliver  placo 

Jackson  Jacob,  laborer,  8  Bridge 

Jackson  James,  physician,  40  iSurrjmer 

Jackson  John,  silk  hats,  2  Congress  sq.  h.  6  Haymarketpl. 

Jackson  Joel,  teamster,  rear  47  Pleasant 

Jackson  J.  B.  S.  physician,  6  Bedford  place 

Jackson  Leonard,  printer,  h.  48  Myrtle 

Jackson  Martha  VV.  indel.  ink  marker.  Piedmont  n.  Pleas. 

Jackson  Patrick  T.  merchant,  h.  17  Winter 

Jackson  Samuel,  jr.  mariner,  h.  Turnpike 

Jackson  Stephen  W.  soap  works,  775  Washington 

Jackson  Thomas,  assessor,  27  Pinckney 

Jackson  Ward,  lumber.  North  Grove,  h.  12  McLean 

Jackson  William,  housewright,  h.  10  W.  Second 

Jackson  William  P.  painter,  h.  36  Short 

Jacobs  Asa  &  Hiram,  2  Boylston  market,  h.  55  Pleasant 

Jacobs  Benj.  jr.  linen  store,  44  Wash,  b'ds  at  Exch.  C  H. 

Jacobs  {Cynthia)  &  Blanchard  (Fi<ZeZm),  boardinghouse, 
3G  Milk 

Jacobs  Elisha,  combs  &  fancy  g'ds,  73  Water,  h.  49  Hano. 

Jacobs  Eliza,  boarding  house,  36  Hancock 

Jacobs  George,  shipwright,  h.  Broadway 

Jacobs  George  C.  {Spaulding  S/-  J.),  I  vers  cor.  Merriraac 

Jacobs  James  B.  oysterman,  rear  87  Wash.  h.  Bay 

Jacobs  {John  Y.)  &  Higgins  {John  5.),  oysters,  114  Court. 
Jacobs's  h.  Butolph  cor.  Cambridge  • 

Jacobs  John  R.  provisions,  32  Milk,  h.  6  Sullivan  place 

Jacobs  Joshua",  jr.  housewright,  Friend,  h.  31  Brattle 

Jacobs  Lydia,  clothing  store,  489  Wash.  h.  op.  499  do. 

Jacobs  Peter,  rigger,  boarding  house,  274  Ann 

Jacobs  Seth,  mason,  Butolph 

Jacobs  Thomas,  variety  store,  54  Myrtle,  h.  55  do. 

James  George  {Putney  i^/-  J.),  boards  rear  41  Pleasant 

James  John  W.  counsellor,  10  Court,  h.  34  Wash,  place 

James  Noah,  housewright,  li.  Fruit 

James  {Thos.)  &  Whitney  {Wm.),  mer  tailors,  3  Con- 
gress sq.     J.'s  h.  38  Brighton 

James  Thomas,  house  8  Prince 

James  Wm.  Edward,  plasterer,  h.  rear  55  Warren 

Jameson  Hugh,  dcp.  surveyor.  Custom  H.  h.  13  Oak 

Jameson  Sarah,  widow,  2  Wendell 


Jameson  Susan,  tailoress,  8  Bojlston  square 

Jameson  William,  laboier,  Boylston  near  Carver 

Janes  Theodore,  bookbinder.  19  Wash.  h.  1  Harvard  p?. 

Jaques  Henry,  teller  Suffolk  Bank 

Jaques  H.  L.  clerk  State  Bank 

Jaquith  Aaron,  paper  ruler,  95  Charles 

Jaquith  Moses  &  Aaron,  cylindrical  rulers,  136  Wash- 

M.  J.'s  h.  20  Chambers 
Jaquith  Oliver,  porter  Union  Bank 
Jaquith  Thomas  R.  teamster,  Travers 
Jardine  James,  laborer,  rear  Carver  near  Elliot 
Jarves  Deming,  Boston   and  Sandwich  Glass  Company, 

103  Milk,  h.  71  Summer 
Jarvis  Mary,  widow  of  Benjamin,  56  Pleasant 
Jarvis  William  P.  house  CO  Pleasant 
Jeffers  Ebenezer,  painter,  house  6  Avery 
Jefferson  Patrick ^  laborer,  rear  88  Warren 
Jefferson  Temperance,  h.  rear  57  Poplar 
Jeffery  George,  confectioner,  27  Union 
Jeffries  John,  physician,  9  Franklin 
Jellison  John,  laborer,  rear  78  Warren 
Jellison  Zachariah  &  Co.   (J.  L.   Brigham),  merchants, 

33  Central  wharf,  h.  26  IMcLean 
Jenkins  Ephraim,  stonecutter,  h.  Lancaster 
Jenkins  Edward,  blacksmith,  h.  55  Merrimac 
Jenkins  Gera,  grocer,  Commer.  n.  Hanover,  h.  Snowhill 
Jenkins  Gideon,  chaisemaker,  h.  5  Elliot  court 
Jenkins  Henry,  painter,  60  Commercial,  h.  Salutation 
Jenkins  Horatio,  hat  store,  15  Hanover,  h.  Jenkins  pK 
Jenkins  Isaiah,  pattern  maker,  Broadway 
Jenkins  James.     See  3Iorse  dc  J. 
Jenkins  Joseph,  builder,  23  Court,  h.  Temple 
Jenkins  Josepli,  jr.  attorney,  23  Court,  h.  Temple 
Jenkins  Joseph  W.  tailor,  11  State,  h.  9  Morton  place 
Jenkins  Joshua,  painter  and  glazier,  B  street 
Jenkins  Mary,  widow,  nurse,  Bridge  street  avenue 
Jenkins  Nathaniel,  housewright,  h.  W.  Centre 
Jenkins  Noble  E.  cooper,  Liverpool  wf.  h.  41  Purchase 
Jenkins  Oliver,  housewright,  h.  10  Castle 
Jenkins  Sally,  widow  of  Isaac,  rear  602  Washington 
Jenkins  Samuel,  boatman,  4th  street 
Jenkins  Samuel,  Tudor's  building,  20  Court 
Jenkins  Solon,  painter.  Arch  wf.  h.  Broadway 
Jenkins  \A'illiam  C.  grocer,  Dorchester 
Jenkins  William,  mason,  h.  rear  24  N.  Russell 


Jenks  J.  H.  publisher,  School,  h.  1  Crescent  place 

Jenks  William,  Rev.  1  Crescent  place 

Jenness  {John  S.),  Gage  (John)  &.  Moody  (George),  dry 

goods,  3  Libert)'  square 
Jenness  Nancy,  milliner,  4  iSalern 
Jenness  Warren,  baker,  4th  street 
Jenness  Woodbury,  watchman,  h.  56  Fayette 
Jenney  Steplien  &  Co.  (John  Cook),  merch.  8  Central 

wharf,  h.  44  Purchase 
Jenning  Alexander  H.  blacksmith,  Market,  h.  Brighton 
Jennings  Eliza,  widow,  tSo  Hanover 
Jennings  Josiah  A.  19  Stillman 
Jennings  John,  laborer,  rear  119  Broad 
Jennings  Lucretia,  widow,  h,  23  Friend 
Jennings  Philip,  jr.  caulker,  Commer.  c.  Henchman  lane 
Jennings  Rebecca,  house  301  Washington 
Jennings  Robert,  provisions,  143  Broad 
Jennings  William,  mastmaker,  h.  40  Charter 
Jennison  Ruth,  widow,  3  North  Russell 
Jennison  William,  33  Spring 
Jepson  Mary,  widow,  12  Gouch 

Jepson  Samuel,  house wright,  4  S.  Margin,  house  26  do. 
Jepson  William,  watchmaker,  10  Elm,  h.  12  Gouch 
Jerauld  Washington,  housevvright,  11  Thacher 
Jessop  Joseph  H.  boarding  house,  256  Ann 
Jewell  John,  laborer,  2  North  square 
Jewett  Charles  A.  engraver,  23  Cour; 
Jewett  David  W.  house  May 

Jewett  (D.  E.)  &  Covell  (Charles),  dry  g'ds,48  Hanover 
Jewett  David,  h.  4  Pemberton  hill 
Jewett  Eliphalet,  housewright,  n.  477  Washington 
Jewett  Emerson,  laborer,  h.  Sister 
Jewett  J.  H.  (Kimball,  J.  &  Co.),  h.  55  Hancock 
Jewett  Jonathan,  jr.  painter,  h,  3  Elliot  court 
Jewett  Nathaniel  &  Co.  ( JV.  T.  Andreios),  sugar  refiners, 

26  Atkinson,  h.  15  Williams 
Jewett  Oliver,  chaise  trimmer,  h.  3  Elliot  court 
Jewett  Rebecca,  widow  of  David,  h.  4  Pemberton  hill 
Johns  William,  house  20  Union 
Johnson  Abigail,  widow,  h.  36  Cambridge 
Johnson  Abijah  S.  housew't,  r.  Charles,  h.  80  Mt.Vernon 
Johnson  Amasa  P.  laborer,  h.  Battery 
Johnson  Artemas  W.  truckman,  h.  Friend  n.  Travers 
Johnson  Benjamin,  broker,  9  City  Hall 
Johnson  Caroline,  school,  city  schoolhouse,  East 


Johnson  (Carver)  &  Sikes  {John),  housewrights,  Friend 

Johnson  Catharine,  widow,  Theatre  alley 

Johnson  (Charles)  &  Piper  (Stephen  II.),  dry  goods,  285 

Washington,  h.  274  do. 
Johnson  Charles,  clerU,  h.  Castle  near  Front 
Johnson  Charles,  honscwright,  h.  4  South  street  place 
Johnson  Daniel,  G  Pitts 
Johnson  Ebenezer,  mason,  h.  21  Atkinson 
Johnson  Edward,  4  Treniont  near  Washington 
Johnson  Elizabeth,  widow,  nurse,  h.  4  Fayette  court 
Johnson  Enoch,  laborer,  house  Peck  lane 
Johnson  George  L.  house  48  Milk 
Johnson  George,  h.  26  Merrimac 
Johnson  Henry,  rigger,  h.  rear  120  Purchase 
Johnson  Hannah  M.  18  Winter 
Johnson  (Hiram)  &,  Dykes  (SamH),  W.  I.  g'ds,  25  Long 

wharf.     Johnson's  h.  2  Vernon 
Johnson  Henry,  laborer,  h.  Elliot  cor.  Barre  place 
Johnson  Ira,  victualler,  i;^  Merchants  row,  h.  5  S.  Margin 
Johnson  Jacob,  mariner,  Langdon  place 
Johnson  Jacob,  pianofortemaker,  h.  4  Bath 
Johnson  Jacob  A.  housewright,  house  8  Short 
Johnson  James,  glassblower,  rear  3d  street 
Johnson  James  B.  barkeeper,  Portland,  h.  r.  40  Fayette 
Johnson  (James)  Sewall  &  Co.  (£/;enV  J9a/e),  American 

goods,  97  State.     J.'s  h.  38  Green 
Johnson  James,  collector,  li.  5  Snowhill 
Johnson  John,  rigger,  h.  rear  Medford 
Johnson  John,  jeweller,  h.  rear  30  Prince 
Johnson  John  Sewall,  mariner,  118  Sea 
Johnson  Julia  Ann,  widow,  Spear  alley 
Johnson  Joseph  (Haijivard  ^- J.),  h.  Broadway 
Johnson  Joseph,  jr.    (Fo7cle,  Johnson  4'  Co.),  h.   Court, 

corner  Brattle 
Johnson  Joseph  J.  cordwainer,  h.  0  Cross 
Johnson  Josepii  G.     See  Peak  &  Johnson 
Johnson  I<atetia,  crockeryware,  147  Hanover 
Johnson  Lucy,  widow,  12  Lucas  place 
Johnson  Lucy,  dressmaker,  605  VVashington 
Johnson  Lorenzo  D.  Rev.  h.  South  Cedar  near  Church 
Johnson  Martha,  laundress,  Richmond 
Johnson  Margaret,  nurse,  h.  47  Boylston 
Johnson  Maria,  scJiool,  C  street 
Johnson  Mary,  widow  of  Seth,  47  Fayette 
Johnson  Otis,  flour,  47  Commercial,  h.  37  Prince 


Johnson  Peter,  mariner,  !i.  5  Williams  conrt 

Johnson  Peter,  victualler,  87  Broad 

Johnson  Robert,  laborer,  Creek  square 

Julinson  Riiftis,  house  Castle  near  Suffolk 

Johnson  Samuel  (J.  C.  Hoice^-  Co.),h.  7  Franklin  place 

Johnson  Sarah,  nurse,  1  Cedar  street  court 

Johnson  Sarah,  straw  bon.  niak.  259  Wash.  h.  23  Myrtle 

Johnson  Sarah,  dressmaker  and  milliner,  525  Washington 

Johnson  Sidney,  mariner,  127  Broad 

Johnson  Thomas,  mariner,  Battery 

Johnson  Thomas,  lighterman,  18  IBrighlon 

Johnson  William,  handcartman,  67  Bedford 

Johnson  William,  pilot.  Commercial  ct. 

Johnson  William,  35  Garden 

Johnson  William,  glassmaker,  C  street 

Johnson  William  F.  comedian,  h.  38  Milk 

Johnson  William  P.  clerk,  2  Brattle 

Johnson  William  W.  clerk,  209  Wasliing.  h.  30  School 

Johnson  William  H.  hairdresser,  90  Federal,  h.  74  Purch. 

Johnston  D.  C.  artist,  6  Summer,  boards  22  Atkinson 

Johnston  John  S.  painter.  Turnpike 

Johnston  Robert,  inspector,  rear  C  street 

Johonnot  xA^ndrew,  clerk  City  Bank,  h.  21  Vine 

Johonnot  Andrew  E.  h.  21  Vine 

Johonnot  Charles  H.  h.  12  Sudbury 

Johonnot  Oliver,  tailor,  h.  12  Sudbury  square 

Jphonnet  Moses,  laborer,  h.  90  Pond 

Joice  Mar}',  widow,  Front  near  Oak 

Jones  Alden  W .  baker,  h.  711  Washington 

Jones  Asa,  turner,  Front,  h.  Village  place 

Jones  Benjamin,  h.  37  Belknap 

Jones  Charles,  housewright,  h.  9  Pleasant  st.  court 

Jones  Charles,  captain,  0  Tileston 

Jones  Daniel,  h.  rear  4  George 

Jones  Daniel  {Harris  d^-  J.),  h.  Salem 

Jones  David  N.  artist,  Pemberton  hill,  h.  35  Leveret 

Jones  David,  housewright,  h.  45  S.  Russell 

Jones  David,  innkeeper,  Clinton  House,  35  Leveret 

Jones  Ebenezer  (Hoic  S^-  J.),  h.  24  Washington  place 

Jones  Edward,  tailor,  h.  5  Bridge 

Jones  Eliphalet  {JVorcross  ^  Co.),  h.  7  Vernon 

Jones  Elizabeth,  widow  of  John  C.  6  Somerset  place 

Jones  Elizabeth,  widow,  Theatre  alley 

Jones  Elihu,  housewright,  h.  15  Province  H.  ct. 

Jones  Elnath.  jr.  binder,  23  Court,  h.  5  Union 


Jones  Elias,  currier,  h.  2  Cooper 

Jones  Ephraim,  30  Portland 

Jones  Ezra,  innkeeper,  Park  House,  c.  Boyls.  &  Trem'nt 

Jones  Frederick  &  Nahutn,  shoes,  22  N.  Market 

Jones  (Geo  B.),  Lows  &  Ball,  jewellers,  123  Washington 

Jones  Hans,  ri<r^er,  Lewis's  wf.  h.  31G  Ann 

Jones  Isaac,  house  2  Myrtle  court 

Jones  Ivory  H.     See  Alker  &  J. 

Jones  Jacob,  blacksmith,  h.  2  Fulton  court 

Jones  Jane,  dressmaker,  74  Broad 

Jones  James  M.  housewright.  Pond,  h.  48  Salem 

Jones  (Jeffnj  A.)  ik,  Holtnan  {Oliver),  station.  124  State 

Jones  John,  combmaker,  242  Washington 

Jones  John,  Flagg  alley 

Jones  John  B.  over  123  Washington 

Jones  John  S.  cabinetmaker,  Crosa  near  Pond 

Jones  Jonathan,  bar  room,  31  Elm 

Jones  Joseph,  mason,  h.  Commercial   near  Foster 

Jones  Joseph  &l  Son  {Joseph,  jr.),  sailnriakers,  Arch  wf. 

house  20  Purchase 
Jones  Joseph,  jr.  house  Gibbs  lane 
Jones  Josiah,  house  5  Mason 
Jones  Josiah  M.  leulher,  32  Broad,  h.  Pearl 
Jones  Leah,  widow,  h.  rear  Broadway 
Jones  Lewis,  stove  manuHic.  3G  Union,  h.  7  Commercial 
Jones  Lois  S.  tailor^ss,  May 
Jones  Mary,  dressmaker,  3  Norfolk  place 
Jones  Mary,  widow,  h.  Clark 
Jones  Mary,  h.  Southac  corner  Grove 
Jones  Margaret,  boarding,  39  Leveret 
Jones  Nancy,  widow,  11  Treraont  near  Washington 
Jones  Nathaniel,  housewright,  37  Belknap 
Jones  Peter  C.  paper  store,  110  State,  h.  25  Fayette 
Jones  Philander,  bread  store,  Tremont  near  Warren 
Jones  Philander^A.  J.  P.  house  8  Elliot 
Jones  Prescott.     See  Simpkins  &  J. 
Jones  Rees,  soapstone  worker,  George 
Jones  Richard  W.  liouse  5  Pemberton  hill 
Jones  Robert,  saddler,  h.  4  Hancock  row 
Jones  Robert,  artist,  15  Second 
Jones  Samuel,  Custom  House  officer,  h.  27  Salem 
Jones  Samuel  H.  shipwright,  h.  Broadway 
Jones  Silas,  counsellor,  20  Court,  h.  9  Howard 
Jones  Stephen  B.  housewright,  h.  May  near  Grove 
Jones  Stephen,  blacksmith,  boards  104  Washington 



Jones  Susannah,  widow,  rear  24  N.  Russell 
Jones  Thomas  S.  tailor,  21  State,  h.  Village  place 
Jones  Thomas,  housewright,  }i.  rear  3d  street 
Jones  TJiomas,  moulder,  houso  A  street 
Jones  William,  hairdresser,  47  Cambridge 
Jones  William,  shoes,  157  Broad,  boards  4  Berry- 
Jones  W^illiam,  rigger,  h.  Barllett 
Jones  William  H.  (Palmer,  J.  ^  Blake),  44  Hanover 
Jones  William,  clothing  store,  30  Ann 
Jones  William  (£.  Bakei-  S^^  Co.),  boards  48  Federal 
Jones  William.     See  Tuttle  &  J. 
Jones  William.     See  Waterman,  J.  &.  Co. 
Jordan  Alexander  S.  combs  and  fancy  goods,  2  Milk 
Jordan  David,  h.  1  Cedar  lane 
Jordan  James,  mason,  004  Washington 
Jordan  John  T.  captain,  49  Warren 
Jordan  Loring,  watchman,  house  Bartlett 
Jordan  Michael,  laborer,  143  Broad 
Jordan  Mary,  dressmaker,  Haymarket  place 
Jordan  Moses  M.  laborer,  h.  209  Ann 
Jordan  Samuel,  razor  grinder,  house  5th  street 
Jordan  Sarah,  widow  of  Putnam,  11  Friend 
Jordan  Simon,  baker,  rear  42  Warren 
Jordan  W.  H.  S.  publisher,  121  Washington,  h.  Sudbury 
Jordan  William,  chaisemaker,  Boylston,  h.  23  Temple 
Jordan  William,  housewright,  h.  21  Carver 
Joslyn  Samuel,  painter,  East  near  Sea,  h.  7  Columbia 
Joslin  (Jo/ni  H.)  &  Wood  (Micajah),   housewrights,  129 

Cambridge,  h.  11  Southac 
Josselyn  Elbridge,  iron  founder,  4th  st.  near  B 
Josselyn  Elijah,  ICG  W^ashington,  h.  Silver 
Josselyn  Freeman,  sexton,  h.  Methodist  chapel,  Ciiurch 
Josselyn  Isaiah,  iron  founder,  rear  4th  st.  n.  Turnpike 
Josselyn  John,  housewright,  h.  20  Bridge 
Josselyn  Lewis,  paper  hangings,  1C6  Wash.  h.  Prince 
Josselyn  Morrill  A.  housewright,  2  Bridge  st.  avenue 
Josselyn  Stilhnan,  tailor,  15  Kogers's  building. 
Josselyn  Stockbridge,  grocer,  May,  h.  do.  cor.  George 
Joy  Abigail,  widow  of  John,  22  Mount  Vernon 
Joy  Charles,  cooper,  house  Clark 
Joy  Charles  F.  house  (5  Centre 
Joy  John  B.  house  10  Milton  place 
Joy  John  R.  liouse  48  Salem 
Joy  Nancy,  house  Broadway 
Joy  Reuben,  laborer,  159  Court 


Kelley  W.  R.  clothes,  5  Congress  square 

Kelley  William,  laborer,  h.  Kennard's  avenue 

Kellogg  Ralpli,  65  Milk,  h.  31  Federal 

Kellogg  Theodore  (C/a7-A;  «&-  K.),  harnessmak.  56  Hanover 

Kells  Joseph,  Williams  court 

Kelt  Edward,  musician,  h.  108  Warren 

Kelt  James,  baker,  house  &  shop  298  Washington 

Kemlo  Eliza,  boarding  house,  153  Court 

Kemp  Asa,  housevvright,  h.  7  Lucas  place 

Kemp  {jY.  p.)  &  Chandler   (J.   S.   P.),   hats,  49   Court. 

Kemp's  h.  9  Brattle 
Kemp  R.  C.  clothes,  34  Merchants  row,  h.  6  Crescent  pi, 
Kempton  William,  captain,  h.  28  Blosaom 
Ketiard  Allcut,  tailor,  house  Haymarket  place 
Kendall  Abel,  jr.  tfe  G.  A.  dry  goods,  24  Washington 
Kendall  Abel,  jr.  house  9  Crescent  place 
Kendall  Benjamin,  cordwainer,  Pond  near  Hanover 
Kendall  C.  cS.  {Gould,  Kendall  <^"  Lincoln),  h.  5  Hollis 
Kendall  Dauphin  C.  watchmaker,  Broad  c.  Custom-house 
Kendall  Edward,  musician,  house  1  South  Foster  place 
Kendall  Ezekiel  &  Samuel,  chair  painters,  Distil-h.  sq. 
Kendall  Ezekiel,  house  32  Poplar 
Kendall  George  A.     See  A.  &  G.  A.  Kendall 
Kendall  H.  A.     See  Treadwell  &  K. 
Kendall  Hugh  R.  (Lwerntorc  S^-  K.),  h.  51  Chambers 
Kendall  H.  S.     See  Freeman,  Cobb  &  Co. 
Kendall  James  K.,  musician,  h.  18  Carver 
Kendall  John,  inspector  Custom  House 
Kendall  Joshua,  brassfounder,  Pitts 
Kendall  Mary,  widow  of  Hugh  R.  house  5  Temple 
Kendall  Mary  E.  widow.  Castle 
Kendall  Pierson,  painter,  44  North  Market 
Kendall  R.  widow  of  C.  A.  h.  Salem  cor.  N.  Bcnnet 
Kendall  S.  G.  house  61  Temple 

Kendall  Samuel,  clothing,  4  Rowe's  wf.  h.  r.  98  Purchase 
Kendall  Sewall,  bricklayer,  5  Friend 
Kendall  Stiles,  housevvright,  29  Thaclier 
Kendall  {Thcop.  P.)  &  Guilford  (Jona.  M.),  W.  I.  goods, 

91  Purchase.     K.'s  h.  Wash,  place  cor.  Gibbs  lane 
Kendall  Timothy  (Farrar  S^  K.)^  h.  2  Cross 
Kendall  Timothy   C.   weigher,    21   Commercial   wharf, 

house  Pearl  cor.  High 
Kcndrick  John,  laborer.  Commercial 
Kendrick  (Rtifus)   &.   Lamb  (George  W.),  W.  L  goods, 

4  S.  Market.     K.'s  house  Temple 


Kenedy  William,  truckman,  G  South  Margin 

Kenfield  flbenezer,  restorator,  4,  h.  6  Wilson  lane 

Kenfield  Josiah  W.  carpenter,  li.  6  N.  Bennet 

Kennard  Henry,  h.  1  HayniarUet  place 

Kennard  John,  laborer,  opposite  730  Washington 

Kennard  Wm.  laborer,  rear  88  Warren 

Kennedy  Donald,  currier,  h.  Suffolk  cor.  Lenox 

Kennedy  John,  merchant,  46  Long  wharf,  h.  4  Sudbury 

Kennedy  Joseph,  iron  founder,  rear  4th  street 

Kennedy  Lucius,  house  98  Salom 

Kennedy  Patrick,  310  Ann 

Kennedy  Robert,  slater,  house  rear  Sister 

Kennedy  Tinfiothy,  laborer,  rear  123  Broad 

Kennedy  William,  h.  S.  Russell 

Kennedy  William,  housewright,  5th  street 

Kennedy  William,  rear  4th  near  C  street 

Kennelly  Edward,  laborer,  101  Broad 

Kennelly  William,  laborer,  Batterman  place 

Kenney  Aubrey  R.  baker,  h.  47  Warren 

Kenney  Bridget,  widow,  79  Sea 

Kenney  John,  clothing  store,  43  Ann,  house  2  Fleet 

Kenney  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  16  N.  Centre 

Kennison  Daniel,  carpenter,  h.  32  Cross 

Kennison  Tapping,  wharfinger,  h«use  19  1-2  Atkinson 

Kenniston  John.    *See  Colby  &  K. 

Kent  Barker  B.  shipwright,  B  street 

Kent  F.  A.  5  Cornhill,  h.  2  Fruit  street  court 

Kent  Hannah,  boarding  house,  Dorchester  street 

Kent  Henry  A.  housewright,  2d  street 

Kent  Jacob  H.  teacher,  121  Hanover 

Kpnt  James  E.  laborer,  roar  59  Myrtle 

Kent  Joseph,  tknplate  worker,  h.  21  Second 

Kent  Job  {IV/dte  S,^  K.),  house  38  Warren 

Kent  John  &  Co.  {J.  B.  Phinney),  89  Water 

Kent  Noah,  housewright,  h.  B  street 

Kent  Samuel  K.  shipwright,  Dorchester  street 

Kent  Samuel  P.  (Emerson  y  K-),  boards  38  Warren 

Kent  Sarah,  boarding  house,  Dorchester  street 

Kent  William,  Lion  Theatre,  boards  G  Sewall  place 

Kent  William  V.  &  Co.  (T.    fV.  Herrick),   W.  L  goods, 

29  Long  wharf,  house  6  Stauiford 
Kern  Louis,  dentist,  167  Ann- 
Kerr  Ann,  widow  of  John,  h.  72  Charles 
Kervin  Patrick,  laborer.  Peck  lane 
Ketcham  Micah   hardware,  37  Union,  h.  1  Mulberry  pi. 


Ketchum  Samuel,  housewright,  103  Cambridge 
Kettell  George  A.  commis.  merchant,  21  Long  wharf 
Kettell  James,  boatman,  Custom  House,  h.  41  South 
Kettell  John,  15  Commercial  wharf,  house  5  McLean 
Kettelle  Samuel,  stucco  worker,  h.  3  Piedmont 
Keyes  Wright  S.  grocery,  10  Marshall,  h.  Commercial 

near  Prince 
Kidder  Abner  C.  &  Co.,  W.  L   goods  and  provisions, 

112  Pleasant,  house  49  Fayette 
Kidder  Abigail,  milliner,  Mason  corner  West 
Kidder  Ira,  dry  goods,  89  Hanover 
Kidder  Jerome  G.  oil,  5  Long  wharf,  h.  5  Pearl 
Kidder  Joseph,  druggist,  97,  h.  105  Court 
Kidder  Thomas,  clerk,  100  Pleasant 
Kidder  Thompson,  chemist,  99  Court,  h.  42  Boylston 
Kielchen  Alexander  P.,  Russian  Consul,  h.  28  Hancock 
Kieley  Michael,  laborer,  rear  83  Broad 
Kiernan  George,  laborer,  opposite  38  Bedford 
Kilburn  Elijah  C.  <fe  Co.  (John  J.j,  innholders,  Howard 
Kilburn  John  J.  house  rear  140  Hanover 
Kiley  Morris,  laborer,  312  Ann 
Kilham  {Jonathan) ,  Maaxs  {Elijah)  &  Co.  {Grenville M.)y 

tailors,  93  Washington,  house  Cook's  court 
Killen  Thomas,  h.  107  Washington 
Killom  Francis,  h.  30  Friend  ** 

Killy  William,  laborer,  house  rear  198  Ann 
Kilton  George  W.  Rev.  96  Tremont 
Kimball  Aaron,  jr.  (J.  B.  K.  ^'-  Co.),  h.  5  Crescent  place 
Kimball  Alva,  provisions.  Myrtle  corner  Belknap 
Kimball  {Jinscl  S.)  &,  Webster  (fiewj/tmrn),  house wrights, 

Haverhill.     K.'s  h.  17  Merrimac 
Kimball  Augustine  P.  {Clark,  White  ^K.),  b'ds  1  Mont- 
Kimball  Berij.  boatman,  r.  207  Hanover  [gomery  pi. 

Kimball  Benjamin,  provisions,  72  Salem,  h.  Baldwin  pi. 
Kimball  Charles,  school,  h.  8  Howard 
Kimball  Daniel,  laborer,  7  Battery    • 
Kimball  {Daniel)  &  Farnum  {Peter),  com.  mer.  87Kilby. 

Kimball's  house  7  La  Grange  place 
Kimball  David,  dry  goods,  8  Washington 
Kimball  Ezra  C.  wheelwright,  135,  h.  90  Cambridge. 
Kimball,  Jewett  &  Co.  {EHphalet  Kimball,  J.  H.  Jewett, 

J.  B.   Curtis  <^  J.   B.   Hutchinson),  dry  goods,  29 

Kilby.     Kimball's  house  2  Beach 
Kimball  J.  Francis,  house  14  Vine 
Kimball  George,  soap  stone  works,  74  Front 



Kimball  Hezekiah,  laborer,  Commercial  near  Hanover 

Kimball  Hiram,  housewright,  h.  Church 

Kimball  Horace^  surgeon  dentist,  260  Washington 

Kimball  Isaac  B.  shipwright,  h.  4ih  street 

Kimball  J.  B.  &  Co.  (Jl.  K.jr.),  shoe  store,   18  North 

Market,  h.  5.  Crescent  place 
Kimball  Jedediah,  clothing,  9  Commercial 
Kimball  John  E.  dry  goods,  93  Water 
Kimball  John  F.  clerk,  h.  14  Vine 

Kimball  John  S.  stockmaker,  79  Washington,  h.  9  Lynde 
Kimball  J.  Merrill,  8  Central 
Kimball  John,  shoes,  198,  h.  196  Tremont 
Kimball  Jonathan  A.  carpenter,  rear  Broadway 
Kimball  Nath'l  &  John,  jewelry,  16  Hanover,  h.  41  Pond 
Kimball  M.  Day.     See  Webster,  Chase  &  Co. 
Kimball  Moses,  stock  manufacturer,  12  Washington 
Kimball  Osra,  cabinetmaker,  h.  37  Bedford  near  Short 
Kimball  Rebekah,  widow,  h.  Fruit  cor.  Bridge 
Kimball  Samuel,  11  Doane,  boards  at  American  House 
Kimball  Simon,  provisions,  opposite  6  Summer 
Kimball  Timothy  S.  laborer,  Ann 
Kimball  William,  housewright,  4  North  Russell 
King  Benj.  boots  and  shoes,  25  Hanover,  h.  6  Salem 
King  Charles  G.  {G.  King  <^  Son),  house  5  Lynde 
King  Daniel  C.  dry  goods,  91  Washing,  h.  11  Franklin 
King  Dexter  S.,  Rev.  19  Washington,  h.  7  Ballard  place 
King  Duncan,  printer,  2d  street 
King  Edward,  laborer.  Henchman  lane 
King  Edward  (Pratt  &/-  K),  boards  102  Washington 
King  Elizabeth,  house  2  Lyman  place 
King  Eliza,  widow,  house  rear  417  Washington 
King  Franklin,  boards  102  Washington 
King  Gedney  «&  Son  (Charles  G.),  nautical    instrument 

makers,  7  Broad,  house  5  Lynde 
King  Henry,  laborer,  2d  street 
King  Isaiah,  48  Pond 

King  James,  grocer,  18  Water,  house  Theatre  alley 
King  John,  house  Deacon 
King  Joseph,  mason,  house  240  Hanover 
King  Joseph,  stevedore,  Hanover  avenue 
King  L.  F.  ik  H.  H.  milliners,  169  Court 
King  Matthew,  scowman,  7  Orange  lane 
King  Richard  R.  grocer,  1 15  Essex 
King  (Tlios.)  &  Thomas  (Lciois),  dry  goods,  307  Wash. 

house  Thacher  cor.  Pond 


King  William,  electrician,  54  Cornhili,  h.  2  Lyman" pi. 
King  Wm.  H.  livery  stable,  50  Hanover,  h.  40  Salem 
Kingman  A.  clerk,  22  Long  wharf,  li.  40  High 
Kingman  Betsey,  widow,  boarding,  654  Washington 
Kingman  Eliab  H.  laborer,  7  Milton 
Kingman  George,  sailmaker.  2  Chatham,  h.  3  S.  Margin 
Kingsbury  Abigail  B.  boarding  house,  102  Washington 
Kingsbury  Asa,  boards  23  Fayette 

Kingsbury  Benjamin,  Barristers  Hall,  h  Kennard  avenue 
Kingsbury  Benjamin,  crdiector,  house  Battery 
Kingsbury  Benj.  W.  &  Charles,  shoes,  429  Washington 
Kingsbury  Calvin,  house  rear  100  Purchase 
Kingsbury  Elijah,  houscwright,  h.  5  Carver 
Kingsbury  Jesse,  victual.  2!)  N.  Market,  h.  5  Richmond 
Kingsbury  Thomas  N.  grain.  Broad  op.  Prentice's  wf.  h. 
Kingsbury  William  B.  7  India  wharf  [3  High 

Kingsley  Charles  M.  house  IG  South  Russell 
Kingsley  Elias  (Loioe  S/-  K.),  house  30  Charles 
Kingsley  Erastus  T.  stucco  worker,  h.  22  S.  Russell 
Kingsley  Joseph,  mason,  house  20  South  Russell 
Kingsley  Nathan  P.  mason,  52  Orange 
Kinkard  Leonard  W.  housewr't,  Commer.  n.  the  bridge 
Kinley  Benjamin,  oyster  room,  58  Court 
Kinney  George  T.  {Riley  &  K.),  h.  35  Elm 
Kinney  John,  hoiisewright,  h.  25  Second 
Kinsley  Mary  B.  French  goods,  181  Washington 
Kinsley  Thomas,  founder,  rear  4lh  street 
Kinsman  Henry  A.  sailiriaker,  h.  477  Washington 
Kinsman  Henry  W.  counsellor,  33  Court,  h   07  Temple 
Kinstler  Conrad,  cabinetmaker,  h.  rear  57  Elliot 
Kirby  John,  machinist,  rear  ()()0  Washington 
Kirkland  John  T.,  Rev.  house  41  Summer 
Kitchen  Andrew,  hairdresser,  39  1-2  Congress,  house  9 
Kitchen  Mary,  widow,  98  Salem  [Shawmut 

Kitchen  Robert,  hairdresser,  42  Milk,  house  14  Fayette 
Kittredge  {.jlvah)  &  Blakes  {J.  jr.  ^  C.),furnit.  Brattle 
Kiltredge  Ciiarles  {Maynard  S/-  K.),  h.  (37  Warren 
Kittredge  Josiah,  physician,  289  VVashington 
Kittredge  (./.)   <Sr.   Wyman    (James),  grocers,   Haverhill 

corner  Market.     Kittredge's  house  52  Pond 
Kittredge  Martha,  upholstress,.3  Fayette  court 
Kline  Peter,  laborer.  Salutation 

Klienstrup  Peter  N.  cabinetmaker,  h.  Suffolk  n.  Dover 
Knaggs  Thomas,  carpet  maker,  rear  C  street 
Knapp  Charles,  house  1  Kneeland 


3  • 

.'   Knapp  Horace,  type  founder.  Prince 
Knapp  Jesse,  jeweller,  4G  N.  Market,  h.  129  Hanover 
Knapp  John,  counsellor,  39  Court,  h.  1  Kneeland 
Knapp  Josiah,  house  1  Kneeland 
Knapp  Sophia,  Portland  place 

Knapp  William,  assis.  clerk  Police  Court,  h.  ?A  Bridge 
Kneeland  Abner,  ed.   Investigator,  6  Congress  square, 

house  15  Salem  place 
Kneeland  James,  cabinetmaker,  Harv.  pi.  h.  17  S.  Russell 
Kneeland  Patrick,  laborer,  Front  n.  Oak 
"Kneeland  Samuel,  teller  Granite  Bank,  h.  Crescent  pi. 
Kneeland  Sylvanus,  house  12  iMillon 
Kneese  John,  mariner,  rear  88  Warren 
Knight  Abel  F.  musician,  house  5  Blossom  court 
Knight  David,  currier,  h.  28  Tremont  near  Washington 
Knight  Edvv.  tailor,  14  Rogers's  build,  h.  19  Lyman  pi. 
Knight  Edw.  provis.  Federal  *&  87 Essex,  h.  10  Federal  ct. 
Knight  George  and  Nathaniel,  board  at  Tremont  House 
Knight  Holland  L.  dry  goods,  335  Wash.  h.  4  Avery  pi. 
Knight  Henry,  machinist,  4  Bridge  street  avenue 
Knight  Joel,  hatter,  house  1  Kennard  avenue 
Knight  Joseph  R.  house  1  Blossom  '  - 

Knight  Manasseh.  Eng.  goods,  45  Wash.  h.  22  Poplar 
Knight  Nath'l  &  Geo.  merch.  45  Cent.  wf.  h.  at  Tremont 
Knight  Philip,  cooper,  house  rear  53  South 
Knight  Winthrop,  truckman,  110  Warren 
Knights  Robert,  house  44  Orange 
Knights  Thomas,  ferryman,  h.  Bartlett 
Knights  Wintworth,  tailor,  13  1-2  Marshall,  h.50  Prince 
Knorre  Charles  (Gossler  ^  K.),  house  10  South 
Knott  James,  cordwainer,  19  Summer 
Knott  James,  jr.  cordwainer,  21  Summer 
Knott  Robert,  shoe  maker,  21  School,  h.  Essex  court 
Knott  Thomas,  cordwainer,  rear  39  Essex 
Knott  William,  shoemaker,  19  Summer 
Knovvles  Joseph,  mer.  2G  Union  wf.  h.  24  Mt.  Vernon 
Knowles  Nathari,  housewright,  Lancaster,  h.  77  Salem 
Knowles  Perley,  mason,  rear  3d  st.  near  Dorchester 
Knowles  William,  housewright,  13  Cross 
Knov/lton  Arad,  cab.  maker,  21  Exchange,  h.  102  Charles 
Knowlton  Calvin,  house  27  Temple 
Knowlton  John,  clothing,  216  Ann,  h.  7  Foster 
Knowlton  Timothy  C.  mason,  h.  46  Bridge 
Knox  Rachael,  widow,  49  Essex 
Kocks  Gerhat,  painter,  h.  rear  80  Warren 


Kramer  Matthias  &  Co.  {Melcher  Kramer),  variety  store, 

48  Cornhill 
Kraniz  Frederick  V,.  laborer,  12  South  Russell 
Kuhn  Elizabeth,  21  Boylston 

Kuhn  George,  marker  and  prover,  Custom  House 
Kuhn  George  H.  35  Broad,  h.  63  Beacon 
Kuhn  John,  tailor,  4  Congress,  h.   101  Cambridge 
Kuhn  John  M.  laborer,  3  Southac  court 
Kuhn  Sarah,  widow  of  JcJlm.  12G  Cambridge 
Kupfer  Charles  F.  10  Merch.  row,  house  i  Short 
Kupfer  Charles  F.  jr.  {Loving  ^  K.),  house  1  Short 
Kurr  Lawrence  H.  baker,  G3  Elliot  and  70  Pleasant,  h. 

134  Pleasant 
Kurtz  John  E.  baker,  57  Warren 
Kutts  John,  architect,  73  Cornhill 
Kyburz  Daniel,  musician,  1   Avery  place 

LABORATORY  of  the  Slate,  Pleasant,  H.  Sheafe  miU 

itary  store  keeper 
Labree  Sally,  May 

Lacave  Jane,  widow,  15  Washington  place 
Lacoste  P.  A.  house  rear  12  Bedford 
La  Couture  Mary  A.  h.  74  Purchase 
Ladd  Bela  O.  coffee  room,  3  &  4  Lindall,  h.  22  Fayette 
liadd  Charles,  housewright,  20  Tileston 
Ladd  Frederick  P.  wines,  4  Chatham,  h.  5  McLean  ct. 
Ladd  Usebia,  house  Leveret  lane 
Ladd  Wm.  G.  merchant,  h.  103  Tremont 
Lafaver  Hannah,  widow  of  John,  rear  409  Washington 
Lafferty  Francis,  stable.  Congress  sq.  h.  at  Exchange 
Lafield  William,  laborer,  19  Hamilton 
Laforme  Antoni,  silversmith,  Bromfield  n.  Trem.  h.  do. 
Laforme   Bernard,  silversmith,  6  Hawley  place,  house 

4  Graphic  court 
Lahey  David,  laborer,  h.  Blackstone 
Lahey  Michael,  baker,  house  59  Sea 
Lahy  John,  laborer,  house  Leveret  court 
Lahy  Michael,  mason,  Hamilton  alley  rear  5  Wendell 
Lake  Sarah,  corset  maker,  6  Avery 
Lakeman  John,  house  29  High 

Lakeman  Moses  B.  housewright,  Union,  h.  31  Poplar 
Lakin  Eda,  widow.  Spring  lane 
Lally  John,  174  Ann 

Lalor  Dennis,  carpenter,  rear  18  South  Bennet 
Lalor  John,  laborer,  rear  46  Pleasant 


Lamb  Benjamin  W.  house  58  High 

Lamb  Elizabeth,  confectioner,  h.  'M  Allen 

Lamb  Geo.  VV.  {Kendrlck  Sf  L.),  h.  7  Green 

Lamb  Hiram  K.  tailor,  8  Franklin  av.  h.  71  Elliot 

Lamb  (Joseph)  &  Damon  (Leonard),  provisions,  F'rank- 
lin  market,  Turnpike 

Lamb  Margaret,  widow,  1  Bumstead  court 

Lamb  Mary,  school,  11  Oak 

Lamb  R.  A.  (Emerson  ^^  L.),  h.  4  Tremont  place 

Lamb  Rosanna,  widow,  8  Hamilton  place 

Lamb  Thomas,  Pres.  Wash.  Ins  Co.  h.  15  VVinthrop  pi. 

Lambert  Gideon,  shipwright,  Barilett 

Lambert  Henry,  painter,  71  Commercial 

Lambert  Sophia  A.  widow,  5  Salem  place 

Lambert  Thomas,  carpenter,  h.  Blackstone 

Lambert  (JFm.  G.)  &  Slade  (John,  jr.  and  Alfred),  im- 
porters dry  goods.  Milk  op.  Kilby 

Lambord  Wm.  tinplater,  421  Wash    h.  28  Temple 

Lambriglit  John  G.,  German  physician,  7  South  Cedar 

Lamson  Benj.  cabinetmaker,  127  Ann,  h.  E.  Boston 

Lamson  Edwin,  mercli.  29  Long  wf.  h.  4  Garland  place 

Lamson  John  (Lane,  L.  8f  Co.),  house  18  Chesnut 

Lamson  Rufus,  trunks,  9  Clinton 

Lamson  Tho's,com.  mer.  11  Foster's  wf.  h..  3  Garland  pi. 

Lamson  Tho's,  jr.  dep.  surv.  48  India,  h  '3d  street 

Lamson  T.  L.  P.  11  Foster's  wharf 

Lanagan  James,  laborer,  opposite  102  Warren 

Lanagan  John,  stucco  worker.  Court,  h.  rear  Dedhain 

Lanagan  Thomas,  laborer,  Clark  cor.  Ann 

Lancey  Samuel  F.  house  10  Southac 

Land  Nicholas,  200  Ann 

Lander  John,  tinplater,  house  Moon 

Lander  William,  rear  80  Purchase 

Landers  John  M.  painter,  South  Margin 

Landra  Richard,  laborer,  107  Broad 

Landragan  John,  laborer,  78  Purchase 

Landy  Francis,  laborer,  Bartlett 

Lane  Alexander,  cooper,  8  Tileston 

Lane  Alfred  A.  h.  Merrimac  cor.  Friend 

Lane  Alfred  A.  stock  factory,  54  Hanover 

Lane  Benjamin,  house  15  1-2  Cross 

Lane  Charles  &,  Co.  (Geo.  P.  Wheeler),  W.  I.  goods,  3 
India  wf  h.  14  High 

Lane  Charles,  jr.  cordwainer,  111  Chambers 

Lane  Eliza,  h.  1  Hancock  avenue 


Lane  Frederick,  umbrellainaker,  35  Court,  h.  28  Elliot 

Lane  Freeman,  innliohter,  8  Market  sq. 

Lane  George,  housewri^ht,  li.  31  Slillman 

Lane  {George)  &  Read   ( rf7//mm),  liardware,  6  Market 

square.     L.'s  house  8  Allen 
Lane  George  H.  house  11  Williams 
Lane  Hannah,  2;)G  Washington 
Lane  Heniy,  housewright,  2  Brighton 
Lane  Isaiah,  teamster,  house  Hancock  row 
Lane  John  E.  captain,  house  43  Brighton 
Lane  {John  T.)  &  Souther  {JVath'l),  housewrights,  rear 

22  ^Vater.     L.'s  house  Pond 
Lane  Jonas  H.  physician,  170  Washington 
Lane  Jonathan,  cooper,  Drake's  wf.  h.  122  Purchase 
Lane  {Josiah),  Lamson  {John)  &  Co.  {David  Lane),  dry 

goods,  47  Water 
Lane  Samuel,  housewright.  Friend,  house  14  Gouch 
Lane  Timothy,  liackman,  house  2  Province 
Lane  William  H.  clerk,  11  Dock  sq.  house  2  Allen 
Lane  {IV.  J.)  &  Croome  (Gt'oro-e),cabinetma. 439  Wash.. 
Lang  James,  marble  mason,  house  3  Bridge  court 
Lang  John,  cooper,  57  India  wf.  h.  8  Hamilton 
Lang  John  L.  stevedore,  h.  36  Purchase 
Lang  Margaret,  nurse,  h.  Milk  cor.  Theatre  alley 
Lang  Nathan,  bar-room,  44  Union,  h.  Stillman  place 
Lang  Richard,  French  g'ds,  123  Wash.h.  Springe.  Allen 
Lang  Stephen,  housewright.  Union,  h.  22  Friend 
Lang  William  (J.  V.  Browne  S/-  Co.),  house  Broadway 
Lang  William  B.  13  Doane 

Langbalee  David,  mariner,  house  rear  29  Cross 
Langdon  John  W.  merchant,  41  India,  h.  24  Hancock 
Langdon  William  G.  house  rear  21  Portland 
Langford  A.  jeweller,  1  Washington 
Langford  George  A.  printer,  house  18  Hamilton 
Langley.Alona,  widow  of  VVilliam,  h.  19  S.  Bennet 
Langley  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Hemy,  h.  14  Second 
Langley  Ephraim,  handcartman,  h.  Short  street  comt 
Langley  Samuel,  jr.  (J.  Williams  8/-  Co.),  h.  in  Roxbury 
Langton  Samuel,  house  18  Temple 
Lanning  Thomas,  laborer,  rear  12  Washington  place 
Lansing  Abraham,  auc'eer,  12  Franklin  av.  h.  91  Charles 
Lanstrom  A.  M.  milliner,  159  Court 
Lapham  Benjamin,  shipwright,  h.  rear  Broadway 
Lapham  Luther.     See  Thomson  &  L. 
Lapham  Oliver,  teamster,  house  3  Cross 


Lark  Nathan,  barber,  Merrimac,  house  40  Toplar 

Larkin  Israel  J.     See  I.  Harris  &  Co. 

Larkin  {John)  &  Southvvorlh  (C),  vict'Iers,  Merch.  row 

Larkin  Joseph,  clockniaker,  h.  7  Di.stilhoupe  square 

Larkin  Mary^  widow  of  Ebenezer,  liouse  2  Myrtle 

Larkin  Michael,  laborer,  house  17  Myrtle 

Larkin  Thomas,  house  20  Hamilton 

Lasey  Patrick,  house  Southac 

Lash  Robert,  teller  Boston  Bank,  h.  Conimer.  n.  Foster 

Latham  Harrison,  inason,  B  street 

Latham  Marcus,  collector,  house  23  Brattle 

Latham  Sumner,  groceries,  cor.  Church  and  S.  Cedar 

Lathrop  Charles  (Wm.  ^  C.  L.),  boards  2  Oliver 

Lathrop  John,  sailmaker,  135  Ann 

Lathrop  J.  1*.,  Rev.  writ,  master  Wells  sch.  h.  Broadway 

Lathrop  Wm.  &  C.  saddlers,  67  Congress.    W.  L.  boards 

5  Barre  place 
Lathrop.     See  Lothrop 
Laughton  John,  distiller,  6  Hawkins 
Lauriat  A.  J.  goldbeater,  r.  33  Wash.  h.  13  Lucas  place 
Lauriat  Lewis  A.  goldbeater  &  assay  mast.  h.  795  Wash. 
Lavery  Ann,  widow  of  John,  A  street 
Lavery  Arthur,  laborer,  opposite  104  Sea 
Law  Hamilton,  confectionary,  478  Washington 
Lawlor  John,  boarding,  12  Wharf 
Lawrence  Abbott,  house  8  Park 

Lawrence  {Abel)  &  Barry  {John),  housew'fs,  Haverhill 
Lawrence  Abel,  housewright,  h.  40  Bridge 
Lawrence  Amos  &,  Abbott  &  Co.  (./.  H.  IVolcolt  <^'  J.  W. 

Edmands),  mer.  11  Lib.  sq.     Am.  L.'s  h.  143  Trem. 
Lawrence  Catherine,  widow,  rear  119  Pleasant 
Lawrence  Joel,  laborer,  rear  76  Charles 
Lawrence  Joseph,  wheelwright.  Commercial 
Lawrence  Joseph  W.,  W.  L  g'ds,  595  Wasli.  h.  33  Pleas't 
Lawrence  Joshua,  tailor,  53  Wash.  h.  85  Pinckney 
Lawrence  Samuel,  laborer,  rear  North  Margin 
Lawrence  Sam'l  {W.  ^  S.  L.S/-  Stone),  h.  7  Mt. 
Lawrence  William,  3  Bulfinch 

Lawrence  Wm.  grocer,  14  Batteryin.  &  cloth.  70  Broad 
Lawrence   {William  Sf  Samuel)  &  Stone  {William  W.), 

mer.  85  State.     W.  L.'s  h.  3  Bulfinch 
Lawrence  Wm.  B.  tinplateworker,  28  Union,  h.  90  Pond 
Lawrence  Wm.  F.  {Hu7it  Sf  L.),  b'ds  S.  Cedar  n.  Church 
Lawrenson  Lawrence,  captain,  h.  South  street  court 
Laws  Hosea,  truckman,  house  462  Washington 


Lawson  (Henry)  &  Harrington  (Francis),  upholsterer?, 

228  Washington 
Lawson  Nancy,  liouse  rear  12  S.  Russell 
Lawson  Nicholas,  laborer,  Hanover  avenue 
Lawton  Richard,  laborer,  rear  27  Milk 
Lawton  Sarah,  widow,  h.  4  Leveret 
Leach  Eliab,  cordwainer,  Middlesex,  r.  G83  Wash. 
Leach  E.  W.  physician,  rear  113  Hanover 
Leach  James,  dry  goods,  72  Court 
Leach  John,  house  33  School 
he&ch  (John),  Crosby  (William  S.)    &  Gilmore  (J.  A.), 

W.  I.  g'ds,  3  Merchants  row.     L.'s  h.  Gl  Federal 
Leach  (Josi.  F.)   &  McLellan  (P.    O.),  dry  goods,  19 

Central.     L.  board.s  American  House 
Leach  Mary,  widow  of  Thomas,  house  G3  Chambers 
Leach  Matthias,  provisions,  Charles,  house  Hancock 
Leach  Studson,  housewright,  Trcin.  h.  Middlesex  r.  G83 
Leacli  William,  house  Milton  [Wash. 

Lear  Peter,  leather,  15  Elm,  h.  98  Chambers 
Learnard  Thomas,  clothes,  54  Ann,  boards  G7  Charter 
Learnard  William,  caulker  and  graver,  GO  Charter 
Learnard  William,  clerk,  house  25  Myrtle 
Learned  Ann,  G  Lyman  place 
Learned  Gearfield,  pointer,  house  8  W.  Centre 
Learned  Grant,  cordwainer,  8  Boylston  square 
Learned  Henry,  soap  works,  2d  street 
Learned  Jedediah,  soapboiler,  house  Dorchester 
Learned  Lucretia,  20  Carver 

Learned  Wm.  H.shoe  store,  10  Marshall,  h.  2  Cooper 
Leary  Dennis,  laborer,  rear  75  Sea 
Leary  Mary,  2  Theatre  alley,  ncar,Milk 
Leary  Timothy,  laborer.  Broad  op.  Maine  wf. 
Leary  Timothy,  laborer,  T05  Broad 
Leary  William,  laborer,  Devonshire  near  Spring  lane 
Leatiie  Abigail,  boarding  house,  1  Bowdoin  square 
Leatherbee  Benjamin,  laborer,  rear  Gridley 
Ijeatherbee  James  W.  118  Sea 

Leavens  S.  Davis  (Curtis  4-  L.),  h   1  Hancock  avenue 
Leavens  George  L.  17  Spring 
Leavitt  Anthony  B.  grain   store,  cor.  Chelsea  ferrywaj 

Leavitt  Benson  &  Joseph  M.,  W.  I.  goods,  Battery  wf. 
Leavitt  Benson,  house  9  Fleet 
Leavitt   (CAa'5  F.)  &.  Bates  (Samuel,  jr.),  stoves,  16 

Union,  h.  15  Somerset  place 


Leavitt  David,  house  28  Temple 
Leavitt  David  {Burc.hsle,d,  L.  is,/-  Co.),  h.  Gibbs  lane 
Leavitt  Gad.     Sec  llolhrook,  Dillon  &l  Co. 
I<eavitt  If.  11.  hat  store,  I):}  Court,  h.  28  Temple 
Leavitt  Joliri,  housew't.  Front,  b'ds  14  La  Gran;[jc  place 
Leavitt  Jolm  L.,  VV.  L  goods,  Blackstone,  h.  Pliipps  pi. 
Leavitt  Jonathan,  ropetnaker,  house  rear  87  Pleasant 
Leavitt  Joseph  31.  house  li  Fleet 
Leavitt  Joseph  P.  houscwriglit,  h.  5  Pleasant  st.  court 
Leavitt  Nancy,  widow,  confiictioner,  h.  9  Leveret 
Lecain  (Fred.)  &,  Stone  (Tho's  J.),  wine  cellar,  10  Mer- 
chants r(jw,  h.  IG  High 
Leckie  John,  mariner,  house  rear  108  Purchase 
Lecompte  Francis,  confectioner,  10  Tremont  House 
I^ee  George  C.  housewright,  Lancaster 
Lee  Hannah,  widow  of  George,  h.  G3  Mt.  Vernon 
Lee  Henry,  merchant,  30  India  wf  !i.  4  Bedford  place 
Lee  Jeremiah,  merchant,  108  Milk,  h.  25  Mt.  Vernon 
Lee  John,  clerk,  Custom  House 
Lee  John,  house  8  Milton  place 
Lee  John,  mariner.  Henchman  lane 
Lee  Nancy,  widow  of  Henry,  house  85  Pleasant 
Lee  Thomas,  h.  1  Temple  place 
Lee  William,  blacksmith,  house  G  Devonshire 
Lee  Wm.  confectioner,  255,  h.  101  Washington 
Leeds  Amasa,  cordwainor,  h.  Ash  cor.  South  Bennet 
Leeds  Benjamitj,  house  Castle  near  Fiont 
Leeds  Benjamin  L  (MrJiols  ^  L.),  h.  12  1-2  Fleet 
Leeds  Henry,  shoes,  52  N.  Market,  h.  G4  Salem 
Leeds  Henry  M.  dry  goods,  32  Kiiby 
Leeds  James,  jr.  &  Co.  (rimo/Zi?/  C),  wine  merchants, 

18  Long  wf  boards  3  Federal  court 
Leeds  John  H.  bookbinder,  rear  Second 
Leeds  Joseph,  dry  goods,  57  Kilby,  h.  22  S.  Bennet 
Leeds  Joseph,  coach  maker,  h.  33  S.  Russell 
Leeds  Samuel   &  Co.   (fV.    W.  MUn),  shoes,  1  Market 

square,  h.  4  Hawkins 
Leeds  Theodore  C.   merchant,  cor.   Kilby  and  Central, 

h.  5  Milton  place 
Leeds  Timothy  C.  {J.  L.  jr.  &/-  Co.),  h.  at  American  H. 
Leet  David,  iiackman,  Hanover 
Legg  Daniel  B.  straw  hat  maker,  G2  Cambridge 
Leighton    {Charles)    Sl  Robbins   {Samuel   E.),  lumber, 

Causeway.     L.'s  house  37  Allen 
Leighton  John  P.  printer,  house  Carrol  place 


Leighton  Robert,  blacksmith,  rear  5th  street 

Leighton  Sarah,  house  201  Ann 

Lekain  Sarah,  boarding  house,  4  &  5  Pearl 

Leland  Caleb  W.,  Gorham  place 

Leland  John,  housewright,  21  Tileston 

Leland  Horace  {Fish  4"  L.),  h.  Washington  Coffee  H, 

Leland  Sherman,  counsellor,  31  Court 

Leland  Thomas  J.  {Potter  S,-  L.),  h.'  S.  Cedar  n.  Church 

Lemaire  L.  professor  music,  23  Joy's  building 

Leman  Charlotte  F.  widow,  352  Washington 

Leman  Ebenezer,  truss  maker,  43  Milk,  h.  352  Wash. 

Leman  Eben.  C.  corkcutter,48  N.  Market,  h.  6  Newton  pL 

Leman  John   &  Son   (John,  jr.),  shipsmiths.  Broad  op. 

Foster's  wf.  h.  12  Washington  place 
Leman  John,  jr.  shipsmith,  h.  Washington  avenue 
Le  Man  (James)  &  Mann  (Franklin),  marble  paper  man- 

ufictory,  Bromfield.     Le  Man  b'ds  17  Franklin  pi. 
Lemarle  Francis,  blacksmith,  A,  h.  cor.  4th  street 
Lemoine  Elizabeth,  boarding,  4  Hawley 
Lemon  John,  boarding,  h.  rear  176  Washington 
Le  Moyne  Clarissa,  widow,  13  Sudbury  square 
Le  Moyne  Thomas,  house  4  Unity  court 
Lemure  Joseph,  house  22  Bridge 
Lemure  Mrs.  dressmaker,  house  1  Grove 
Lenex  Andrew,  house  C  street 
Lenfest  Solomon,  currier,  h.  5  1-2  Hawkins 
Leonard  Abiel,  house  19  Spring 
Leonard  Ann,  widow,  h.  42  Brighton 
Leonard  Daniel,  laborer,  Commercial 
Leonard  George.     See  Owens  &  L. 
Leonard  George  K.  house  Salem  place 
Leonard  James,  mariner,  Washington  avenue 
Leonard  Joseph,  jeweller,  house  3J  Stillman 
Leonard  Nehemiah,  livery  stable,  41  Leveret 
Lepean  Albert  A.  house  28  High 
Lepean  John,  English  goods,  16  Wash.  h.  28  HigFi 
Lera  Thomas,  rigger,  house  320  Ann 
Lerned  B.  22  Faneuil  Hall  market,  house  6  Sheafe 
Lerovv  Lewis,  inspector  custoujs,  house  47  Allen 
Lester  Ebenezer  A.  machinist,  h.  South  street  court 
Lettny  Fanny,  tailoross,  102  Warren 
Leverett  Frederick  P.  school.  Spring  lane 
Leverett  Thomas  J.  grocer,  19  Brighton,  h.  57  Chambers 
Lewis  Abiel  S.  &  Co.   (John    Wheeler),  druggists,   118 
'State,  h.  10  Suffolk  place 



Lewis  Asa,  housewright,  rear  78  Commercial 

Lewis  Asa,  binder,  31  Cornhill 

Lewis  Catherine,  milliner,  h.  rear  171  Washington 

Lewis  Celenda,  widow,  1  Cedar  street  court 

Lewis  David  {BurcUtt  i/-  L.),  house  194  Tremont 

Lewis  Edmund,  wheelwright,  Hawley,  h.  283  Wash. 

Lewis  Freeman,  oysters,  254  Ann 

Lewis  Geo.  H.,  Battery 

Lewis  {Gabriel  E.)  &  Ross  {John  T.),  tailors,  17 Rogers's 

building.     L.'s  h.  22  Washington  place 
Lewis  Georije  A.  mariner,  house  23  Richmond 
Lewis  George  W.,  W.  I.  g'ds,  17  S.  Market,  b'ds  9  Elm 
Lewis  George  W.  captain,  house  14  Oak 
Lewis  George  W.  cutler,  house  Merrimac 
Lewis  Henry,  Agent  Hemp  manuf.  Plym.  h.  39  Tremont 
Lewis  Henry  P.  printer,  95  Pond 
Lewis  Jabez,  laborer,  11  Pleasant  street  court 
Lewis  John,  inspector,  custom  house,  li.  60  Leveret 
Lewis  John,  baker,  Salutation 
Lewis  John  G.  teamster,  h.  rear  773  Washington 
Lewis  Joseph  {J.  Weld  4^  Co.),  house  Unity 
Lewis  Joseph  W.  h.  south  752  Washington 
Lewis  Mary,  widow,  10  Suffolk  place 
Lewis  Nabby,  boarding,  house  18  Franklin  place 
Lewis  Oliver,  house  G  Sudbury 
Lewis  Patrick,  laborer,  110  Broad 
•  Lewis  Seth,  housewright,  George,  h.  22  Brighton 
Lewis  {Simeon  H.)  &  Clapp  {John  C),  W.  L  goods,  18 

Central  wf.     L.  boards  30  Wash,  place 
Lewis  T.  &  Co.   (J.  M.  Dexter)^  blacking  factory,  58, 

house  CO  Broad 
Lewis  William,  miniature  painter,  Court  cor.  Tremoru 
Lewis  William,  milkman,  4th  street 
Lewis  William  K.  {W.  Underwood  &r  Co.),  h.  165  Court 
Lewis  William  P.  housewright,  h.  Ash  near  S.  Bennet 
Lewis  William  L.  printer,  h.  49  Poplar 
Lew'is  Winslow,  31  India,  h.  80  Boylston  cor.  Pleasant 
Lewis  Winslow,  jr.  physician,  80  Boylston  cor.  Pleasant 
Libbey  Isaiah  B.  {Chadlnti-n  (^  L.),  boards  City  Twern 
Libbey  Joseph,  tailor,  33  Congress 
Libbey  Joseph,  cordwainer,  4th  street 
Libbey  J.  B.     See  Chadbourn  &  L. 
Libby  Jacob  G.  L.  jeweller,  157  Wash.  h.  2  Unity 
Libby  Oliver,  15  Long  wf.  h.  Congress  court 
Lienow  Henry,  Hawkins 


Lietner  Catharine,  widow,  h.  May  corner  Grove 

Lietner  Lucy,  widow,  boarding,  Hanover 

Light  (George  JV.)  &  Stearns  {Josiah  A.),  booksellers,  I 
CornhiJl.     L.'s  h.  45  Salem 

Lighthols  Frederick,  mariner,  Hanover  avenue 

Lillebridge  Amos,  stage  agent,  h.  21  Summer 

Lilley  Jolin,  umbrella  maker,  65  Court,  h.  Gouch 

Lillie  Daniel,  grocer,  18  Tileston 

Lillie  Daniel  W.  cabinetmaker,  85  Salem 

Lillie  John,  balance  maker,  h.  50  Prince 

Lillie  John  S.  house  16  Staniford 

Lillie  Thomas,  brassfounder,  N.  Margin,  h.  Snowhill 

Lillie  T.  J.  {Clarke,  Homer  Sf  L.),  h.  16  Staniford 

Lillis  John,  laborer,  rear  22  Federal 

Lilljequist  Mary,  dressmaker,  7  Piedmont 

Lilly  Sarah,  confectioner,  11  Marshall 

Lincoln  Albert  L.  jeweller,  53  Court,  h.  7  Acorn 

Lincoln  Alexander,  linplater,  29  Dock  sq.  h.  52  Tremont 

Lincoln  Bradford,  hatter,  96  Ann,  b.  22  McLean 

Lincoln  Charles,  11  Richmond 

Lincoln  Eliza,  house  31  Leveret 

Lincoln  Elnathan,  baker,  Lenox,  h.  rear  do. 

Lincoln  Ezekiel,  mason,  h.  Commercial  near  Hull 
Lincoln  Ezra,  printer,  14  Congress,  h.  38  Myrtle 
Lincoln  Francis,  merchant,  2  India  wf.  h.  7  Kneeland 
Lincoln  Frederick,  mason,  56  Prince 
Lincoln  Harvey,  11  Elm 

Lincoln  Henry  &  VVni.  merchants,  29  Fndia,  h.  5  Gouch 
Lincoln  James,  pianofortemaker,  boards  64  Elliot 
Lincoln  Jared,  housewright,  house  29  Pinckney        • 
Lincoln  Joseph,  housewright,  Charles,  h.  62  Chesnut 
Lincoln  John  E.  merchant,  49  India  wharf 
Lincoln  John  E.  house  8  Somerset  place 
Lincoln  Joshua  {Gould,  Kendall  Sl  Co.),  h.  8  Avon  pi, 
Lincoln  J.  B.  {R.  Lincoln  &  Co.),  h.  42  Purchase 
Lincoln  Lawson  VV.  carpenter,  rear  39  Prince 
Lincoln  Levi  R.  appraiser,  Custom  H.  h.  19  Commercial 
Lincoln  Lot  W.  cooper,  house  rear  38  Charter 
Lincoln   Minor  S.  &  Co.  {Freeman   Stowe  and  A.    G. 
Thompson),  dry  g'ds,  33  Water,  h.  9  Montgomery  pi. 
Lincoln  Mitchell,  mason,  h.  Wheeler's  court 
Lincoln  Mitchell,  h.  4  Sudbury 

Lincoln  Noah,  shipwright,  Commercial,  h.  11  N.  Bennet 
Lincoln  Noah,  jr.  wood  wf.  Commercial,  h,  42  Leveret 
Lincoln  Oliver,  house  55  Carver 


Lincoln  Robert  B.,  W.  I.  goods,  Avery,  bonrds  12  Avery- 
Lincoln   Russeil  &.  Co.  {J.  B.   Lincoln),   merchants,  22 

Central  wharf 
Lincoln  Warren,  looUincj-glass  manufactory,  20   Wash- 
ington, house  8  Hull 
Lincoln  William  S.  {F.  Skinner  ^^  Co.),  b'ds  17  Pearl 
LindoU  Edward,  laborer,  Theatre  alley 
Lindell  B.  widow  of  John,  house  rear  Broadway 
Lindon  Michael,  boarding,  180  Purchase  corner  Brond 
Lines  Timothy,  mason,  3d  street 
Linton  William,  boarding  house,  22  Federal 
Linzee  John  I.  clerk  in  State  Treasury,  h.  8  W.  Cedar 
Lippey  George  W.  currier.  Turnpike 
Liscom  John,  counting  room,  Causeway 
Lisset  Stephen,  laborer,  1st  street 
Liswell  Ruth,  widow  of  James,  h.  Bedford  avenue 
Litchfield  Enos,  housewright,  Bedford  av.  h.  29G  Wash. 
Litchfield  Howard,  housewright,  h.  89  Mt.  Vernon 
Litchfield  Ward,  mason,  I  Salem  place 
Lithgow  Hetty  G.  widow,  h.  6  Eaton  corner  Russell 
Litleyman  William,  3d  street 

Little  Eben'rH.  insp.  gen.  of  fish,  IIC  Milk,  h.  ChambeTS 
Little  Nicholas,  blacksmith,  75  Pond,  h.  1G5  Hanover 
Little  Walter,  house  90  Federal 
Little  William,  housewright,  B  street 
Littlefield  Abiel  H.  cartman,  house  6  Province 
Littlefield  Betsey,  bonnet  maker,  Blackstone 
Littlefield  Eliab,  bookseller,  rear  83  Washington 
Littlefield  George  W.  housewright,  house  2  Leveret 
Littlefield    (James)  &,   Co.    {Darius  &/-  T.  W.  Bemis),  c. 

roon)  37  JNorth  Market 
liittlefield  Joshua,  laborer,  rear  Canal 
Littlefield  Ozro,  housewright,  h.  c.  Church  and  S.  Cedar 
Littlefield  Parmelia,  rear  366  Washington 
Littlefield  Samuel,  teamster,  h.  711  Washington 
Littlehale  Sargent  S.  {Pickens  &,  L.),  h.  44  Bowdoin 
Livermore  H.  G.  &  Co.  {Elijah),  W.  L  goods,  1  Fan.  H. 
Livermore  Horatio  G.  house  8  Somerset  place 
Livermore  {Isaac)  &  Kendall  (Hugh  R.),  wool  dealers, 

Quincy  hall,  over  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Livermore  Jonathan,  carpenter,  3  Grove 
Livermore  Thomas,  house-41  Myrtle 
Livermore  William  ( Gllson  4"  L.),  h.  95  Warren 
Living  Robert  G.  {Rice  <y  L.),  h.  B  corner  4th  st. 
Livingston  Henry  B.  housewright,  h.  5  Milton 


Lloyd  Charles  B.  gilder,  38  Cornhill,  li.  32  Prince 
Lloyd  Hannah,  widow  of  James,  5  Park 
Lloyd  Henry  B.  stable,  Belknap,  h.  64  do. 
Lloyd  Martin,  saihnaker,  house  37  Salem 
Lobdcll  Thomas  J.  IG  Long  wharf,  h.  74  Chesnut 
Lock  Lyman,  balance  factory,  3  Fulton,  h.  2  Unity  ct. 
Lock  Philip  A.  {Evans  ^  L.),  house  5  Hanover 
Lock  William,  blacksmith,  house  CO  Elliot 
Locke  Charles  B.  confection.  32  Hanover,  h.  13  Sudbury 
Locke  Charles  H.  2  Morton  place 

Locke  Delmont,  coppersmith,  Fulton,  h.  rear  G3  Charter 
Locke  (Dudley  Ji.)  .t  Rea  (Samuel),  Exchange  Coff.  H. 
Locke  Edward  (Gore  S^  L.),  h.  C5  Prince  [Cong.  sq. 

Locke  James  S.  silversmith,  boards  5  Barre  place 
Locke  John,  physician,  house  21  Portland 
Locke  John,  blacksmitli,  rear  3d  street 
Locke  John  B.  housevvright,  h.  Canton  near  Suffolk 
Locke  Joseph,  City  wharf,  h.  8  Sullivan  place 
Locke  Joseph  A.  house  61  Pond 

Locke  Nathan,  hairdresser,  Merrimac  c.  Pitts,  h.  Poplar 
Locke  Richard,  blacksmith,  3d  street  near  Dorchester 
Locke  Stephen,  51  Salem 
Locke  Susan,  house  Hull 

Locke  William,  blacksmith,  h.  3d  street  near  Dorchester 
Locke  William,  provisions,  house  Sun  court 
Lockery  Patrick,  scavenger,  Well  corner  Wharf 
Lodge  Edward,  tailor,  Charlestown 
Lodge  Giles,  merchant,  5  Exchange,  h.  54  Boylston 
Lombard  Ammi   C.   &   Co.   (Ephralm  Lombard),  mer- 
chants. Brimmer's  T,  house  22  Hancock 
Lombard  Dan.  jr.  pearl  worker,  Williams  ct.  h.  26  Blos'm 
Lombard  Ephraim,  house  Temple 
Lombard  (Israel)  &  Whitmore  (Charles  0.),  merchants, 

31  Commg-cial  wharf.     L.'s  h.  Temple 
Lombard  Joseph,  wheelwright.  Market,  h.  7  Merrimac 
Lombard  Loring  L.  mer.  52  Commercial,  h.  8  Mason 
Lombard  Nath'l  K.  sailmak.  Brimmer's  T,  h.  22  Hancock 
Lombard  Oliver  C.  fisherman,  h.  3  Fulton  court 
Lombard  (Thos.)  ^  Bangs  (IV.  H.),  mer.  IGCommer.  wf. 
Lombard  William,  jr.    agent  pearl  factory,  7  Williams  ct. 
Long  Claudius  B.  clerk,  31  Water 
Londragon  Thomas,  laborer,  2d  street 
Long  David  C.  bookbinder,  h.  57  Hanover 
Long  Edward  J.  (./co.  Hill  4-  Co.),  h.  18  Bedford 
Long  Ira  T.  labor.i .  rear  120  Sea 


Long  Jacob,  h.  S.  Ruspell 

Long  Mary  Ann  D.  straw  bon.  71  Court,  h.  18  Hanover 

Long  Olive,  nurse,  rear  Broadway  .^ 

Long  Peter  G.  laborer,  Butolph 

Long  William,  laborer,  38  Friend 

Long  William,  laborer,  back  of  Humphrey  place 

Long  William  J.  li.  Norfolk  place 

Longburst  M.  B.  dressmaker,  rear  188  Washington 

Longley  Francis  E.  painter,  Cambridge,  h.  Strong  place 

Lofjgley  James,  innholder.  Commercial  Coffee  H.  Milk 

Longley  James  A.  architect,  (53  Court,  h.  11  Prov.  H.  ct. 

Look  Rebecca,  boarding,  21  Merrimac 

Looniis  Beriab,  housevvright,  23  Hancock 

Loomis  George  A.     See  Snow  &  Loomis 

Loomis  J.  B.  house  5  Fleet 

Lord  Caleb,  cabinetmaker,  house  42  Warren 

Lord  Daniel  M.  Rev.  3  1-2  Commercial,  h.  9  Pearl  place 

Lord  Edniund  B.  hackman,  h.  North  Margin 

Lord  Francis  A.  boards  5  Hanover 

Lord  George,  pianofortemaker,  h.  33  Orange 

Lord  George,  housewright,  b.  Piedmont  near  Church 

Lord  Jeremiah  P.  stable,  97  Hanover,  h.  Deacon 

Lord  Joanna,  nurse.  20  Orange 

Lord  Joseph,  house  20  Pinckney 

Lord  Joseph  H.  agent  N.  E.  Glass  Co.  140  Washington, 

h.  49  Leveret.     See  advertisement 
Lord  Melvin.  c.  room  131  Washington,  h.  37  Bowddin 
Lord  Rand,  porter  Suffolk  Bank,  h.  Spring  c.  Milton 
Lord  Thomas  &.  (^o.  (Jonn.  French,  jr.  ^  IV.  D.Messer), 

American  goods,  93  State,  h.  7S  Temple 
Lord  Sarah,  h.  S.  Russell  cor.  Cambridge 
Lord  William,  truckman,  h.  Brookline  near  Suffolk 
Loring  Ann,  widow  of  Jonathan,  h.  49  Pinckney 
Loring  Benjamin  At  Co.  {Jnlin  Hooper)^  stationers,   122 

State.     See  advertisement 
Loring  Betsey,  27  Charter 
Loring  Braddock,  mason,  h.  34  Short 
Loring  B.  T.     See  Holbrook,  Greene  &  Co. 
Loring  Caleb,  merchant,  h.  10  Somerset 
Loring  (Caleb  G.)  &  Kupfer  (Charles  F.  jr.),  hardware 

dealers,  10  Merchants  rt)W.     L.'s  h.  60  Warren 
Loring  Caleb,  jr.  tinman.  335  1-2  Wash.  h.  3  Newbury  pi. 
Loring  Charles  G.  counsel.  39  Court,  h.  20  Mt.  Vernon 
Loring  Edw.  tinplate  worker,  335  1-2  Wash.'h.  9  Piedm't 
Loring  Edward  G.  counsellor,  4  Court,  h.  2  Walnut 


Loring  Elijah,  wharfinger,  53  Long  wf.  h.  7  Pearl 
Loring  EMis  Gray,  counsellor,  27  State,  h.  G71  Wash. 
Loring  Frances  C  attorney,  39  Court,  h.  23  Ml.  Vernon 
Loring   {Henry)    &.    Parsons    (Ehcnezer),   housevvrights, 

Berrv.     Lorings  h.  93  Purchase 
Loring  Henry  {Fairbanks,  L.  i>-  Co.),  h.  15  South 
Loring  Israel,  mason,  h.  rear  85  Prince 
Loring  James,  bookseller,  132  Washington,  h.  Cook  ct. 
Loring  James.     See  Jonathan  L.  &,  Son 
Loring  Jane,  dressmaker,  Boylston  near  Boylston  pi. 
Loring  Job,  housewrighi,  00  Pinckney,  h.  4  Grove 
Loring  John  G.  &  Co.  {.indreic  Floyd  6,^  Benjamin  Beal), 

coppersmiths,  04  Portland  c.  Ivers,  h.  5  Causeway 
Loring  Jolin  J.  cashier  South  Bank,  h.  117  Tremont 
Loring  John  F.  61  Washington,  h.  3  Bumstead  pi. 
Loring  Jonathan  &.  Son  {James),  sailmakers,    113   Cora. 

h.  Commercial  near  Hanover 
Loring  Joseph  B.  tinplateworker,  Turnpike,  h.  A  st. 
Loring  Josephj  sailmaker,  h.  55  Sea 
Loring  Joseph,  weigher  and  guager,  Custom  House 
Loring  Josiah,  bookseller,  130  VVashing.  h.  75  Bedford 
Lonng  Joshua,  clerk,  h.  rear  8  Pleasant 
Loring  Lydia,  widow,  h.  Boylston  near  Boylston  pi. 
Loring  Peres,  surveyor  of  work,  h.  12  Brighton 
Loring  Rutli,  widow,  10  1-2  Pleasant 
Loring  Sally,  carpet  maker,  Boylston  n.  Boylston  place 
Loring  Sarah,  widow,  h.  Peck  lano 
Loring  Sarah  S.  widow,  107  Chambers 
Loring  Seth  L.  housewright,  h.  Spear  alley 
Loring  Thomas  B.  sailmaker,  54  Commercial,  h.  18  Hull 
Loring  William,  constable,  Franklin  av.  h.  r.  C71  Wash. 
Loring  William,  cooper,  h.  0  Purchase 
Loring  William,  housewright,  Ji.  5th  street 
Loring  William  J.  h.  4  Bowdoin 

Loring  Wm.  J.,  Fres.  Com.  Ins.  Co.  53  State,  h.  2  Otis  pi. 
Loring  William  M.  clerk,  21!)  Washington,  h.  Dedham 
Loring  William  P.  measurer.  Custom  H.  h.  Broadway 
Lorkin  Thomas,  clerk,  107  Essex 
Lothrop  Ansel,  housewright,  h.  Fruit  st:  court 
Lothrop  Ansel  {Favor  &  L.),  h.  8  Pleasant  st.  ct. 
Lothrop  Calvin,  housewright,  h.  Middlesex  n.  Castle 
Lothrop  Edw.  &  Son  {George),  looking-glass  factory,  44 

Cornhill,  h.  Mt.  Vernon  near  Charles 
Lothrop  Eben.  W.  jeweller,  Harvard  pi.  h.  Lyndo  place 
Lothrop  Frances,  widow,  rear  42  Milk 


I,»)lhrnp  llanisoti  (jhinahlr  Si   //.),  h.  ('(muunr.  n.  Hull 

l-olliiop  .I;is(iii,  lioiisrvviifflil,  (ilrttr^c,  li.   17  Muy 

l,()lliii»|.  .liiivis  {Colhij  A'.  I.),  U.  <1  S.    n.-niict 

IiO(lii(»|t  .lofjcph,  haUor,  li.  rmr  SiiU'ulk  lusir  ('anion 

Luilii(i|)  Joseph  D.  dork,  12  Ijon^r  wf.  Ii.  IJ  yudl)ury  gq. 

Lolhrop  .lolin,  Mailtnakrr,  lI?.!  Ann 

liollnop  Nancy,  wiilow,  ('oniincrcial  iM'fir  llunovor 

Lollnnp  Sainn«M  K.  Urv.  ('nuitn.  'ricnntnl 

l.iHul  Alii/fail,  widow  of  iSulitnion, '.)'4  Cunrt 

Iion«l  (Joor^^o  VV.  cahinciniaki.'r,  ll!iJ  (^onit 

J-(»nfilM>a(l  .fames,  HlM»('tnakc!r,  rear  3117  VVrshinglon 

lionglMMly  James,  tailor,  mar  53  Essex 

Lon^o  lliV^li  n,  soria  niannlaelory,  roar  81  WaHliinglou, 

h.  7  rieasant  sireel  eomi 
LounHbery  William,  mariner,  Ii.  18  N.  l^nnnct 
Louvrier  r.  C.  FriMioli  Icaelicr,  WjiHJiin^lon  ror.  West 
Love  F.|)inaiin,  waih^r,  rear  Short  near  Uedlord 
Love  James,  laliorer,  rear  7r>  S«!a 
LovM'joy  (ieorfje,  haller,  Hft  Ann,  h.   17  Sliilmnn 
Lovejoy  Kindiail,  h.  rear  (51    Myrtl(! 
Lovepiy  I.oyal,  hitiist'wri^ht,  Devonshire,  li.  I'rospect 
Lov«'j<ty  IMiilip,  h.  5  IMason 

Lovejoy  William  U.  Iialler,  70  ('omnior.  h.   rhij)|)s  pi. 
Jiovell  ICsther,  hoarding,  17  Fratddin  placn 
Lovell  James,  lahnrer,  rear  7'M)  VVashMi;.Mon 
Lovcdl  James  (i.  {Francis  A-.  /..),  h.   Vl\   rnrehaso 
Lov«dl  Michael,  allorney,  'M  Court,  h.  2  iSudbnry 
Lovell  .Sanmel,  pilot,  ('omtnereial  r»oar  llanover 
Lovell  William  S.  Ii.  5!)  .Spriiifr 
Lov«dl  William  S.  At  (.'o.  printern,  01  Washington 
Lovering  Joseph,  h.  HH'i  Washington 
Loveriil^e  Thomas,  hihorer,  rear  H7  Rroad 
Lov«'l(  Alexaiid(!r,  iiispe«>.  (ish,  (jonun(>r.  h.  JenkinH  pi. 
Lov(!tt  Augustus,  hoards  7  llayward  place 
Loviilt  IJenjamin,  hrieklaycr,M  Lovctt  place 
Lovclt  Charles,  canlker,  h.  Rarllett 

Lovelt  Chas.  W.  el'k,  .See.  ol'Slale's  ofti,  h.  84  Mt.  Vern. 
Lovett  Hannah,  widow  ofAngiislnH,  7  Hay  ward  pi. 
Lovelt  John  A-  Millon,  dry  goods,  401)    Washington,     J. 

L.'s  h.  :'.:?  Tremont 
Lovett  Milton,  hoards  I  JSwHotscr  chnrt 
Lovis  Thomas,  shipwright,  house  81)  Soa 
liovjoy    {Ht.ulicn)   Si,    Mor<'y    {Jrrcviy),   grocers,    Front. 

Lovioy's  h.  Wheoler's  ct. 
Low  Ahiah  I*,  h.  Fleet 

'Zirz  uiuiu.  rojiv. 

Low  Diivid,  triinU  mid  Innicss  Mi;ik(M',  1   ll(;lkliti]> 

Low  KohUm-,  <;iii|)(Mit.(!r,  'IT*  IMtNisanl 

Low  rniiicirt  {Jours,  Loirs-  Si.  />«//),]»,  8  Moiil^oiiiery  pL 

liow  l''i;iii(;is,  li^^tM',  (>ommt;i(;i;il 

Low  («\tor<j(»!,  f;i()<-cr,  187  llimovcr,  li.   lOf*  Hiiloin 

Low  Is.iiic  S.  virdiiilltir,  i:{  IMcicli.uils  row,li.iM  Fodcial 

Jiovv  Joliii  V.  tiiilor,  li.  ()  Slionfo 

Low  Jolin  J.  (Jours,  Loios  iV  Ihill),\\.  3  Montgoiiioiy  pi. 

liOw  John  V.  |»aiiil(!r,  '^W  Soiitli   llnssidl 

Low  J.  <;.   CU^iiiihrid*!,!! 

Low  Josfpli  II.  piiniiir,  'M  Vino 

L(.w  INalliaiiiid  iV.  Co.  VV.  1.  floods,  I!)  City  wliiirf 

Low  I'olcr,  l»i)oUI)iiidc!r,  ii.  J\t;wl»(iiii  pliico 

Lowo  {jihrahdia  7'.)  iV-    Hoed    (Stuii/Ksou),   diiii5fj;iMtfl,  !i4 

'  JMiuclmiils  row.      Lown  l»'ds  ul,  KillmnrH,  Howard 
L()\v<t  (Jii/iii)  A   Kin;j;sl('y  ( /J/z^/.s),  pla.sttir  mainilUctniors, 

iJ.itolpli.      L.vwc's  h.  21)  .'Mill. 
Lowt'  .loliii,  lioaidiii-;,  I   llaiicocli   row 
Lowi!  VVilliimi  {D.  iaojf'ord  Ai.  C'O.),  ii.  GlJ  Lssox 
Lowd(!n  (loor^^d,  liousrwiij^lit,  'M  stroot 
Lowoll  (^liail(!s,  K(«v.  .')!  Clli.'.sinit. 
Lowell  ('liarlcs  K.  'J'i  !Slali>,  ii.  'rcniplo  place 
Low(dl  V.  C.  mrT(diaiil,  '17  India,  li.  ;'.:{  Hciacoii 
Low(dl  (Ji'oi-^o  \V.  caiptMitiM-,  21  <'ross 
Lowoll  .liicol)  VV.  Iioard.s  IJoslon  lloUd,:)!   Hialllo 
Lowoll  .loliii,  I'J.")  Trcmont 

Low(dl  Jolin  A.  niorclianl,  '^  OliviM-,  li.  1   IJciirord  pliicc 
liowoll  William  (Mori  ill  i^  /,.),  Ii.  Short   si.  court 
LowiV(>  .Icdin,  lioiis<'wrij;lit,  (' street 
Lucas  I5a/.alccl,  maslinakcr,  rear  (i(H)  Wasliin^'ton 
Lucas  Mdinnnd  I),  dry  f^'ds,  III)  Hanover,  li.  li  llaiiov.  pi. 
Lucas  Jeremiah,  painter,  h.  VV.  ('eiitro  c.  Sonthac 
Lucas  Samuel,  hoiisewri^hl,  li.  Kiihn  plac(9 
Lucas  VVillard,  laslmaker,  'rr(!mont  near  VVushiuyton 
Lu(rkis  Heiiiamin,  (i  North   HeniK^l 
liUckis  l{eii"|ainin,  jr.  h.  (i  INorlh  Benm;!. 
Lu(dvis  Jidin  S.  hrassroiinder,  riMr  (>  North  IJcnnct 
Ludden  KlizahiMli,  widow,  II>   VVarron 
Luders  .los(>ph,  lal)orer,  Salutation 

Ludin^lon  (-orhet,  soda  room,  10  Winter,  li.  1)3  Charles 
Liidwij;;  .lose|)li,  shoemaker,  !>7  IClliot 
Lndwi^  IMallhus,  ()  Uoylslon  .square 
Ln(M»!  Susannah,  152  Hanover 
LuCkiii  Deborah,  widow,  U)  Bennot 
Ijuke  William  L.  cnji;ineer,  boards  132  Pleasant 


Lull  William,  riding  school,  Mason,  boarda  City  tavern 

Lum  Isaac  &l  Hon,  (■.(n\UiCA\ux\*tT^,  HUckstone 

Luniax  Williarn,  laborer,  rear  57  Elliot 

Lurnest  Warren,  ropernaker,  h   57  Elliot 

Lund  Jerabmeel  C.  housewrigbt,  3<3  Friend 

Lundgreen  Daniel,  0  North  square 

Lundstecn  Frederick  Ferdinand,  rnaebinist,  Market  pi. 

Lunt  Cutting,  ropernaker,  rear  140  Pleasant 

Lunt  James  H.,  rfec'ry  Globe  Insurance  Company 

Lunt  Johnson,  laborer,  Short  street  court 

Lunt  William,  laborer,  rear  GOO  Wasliington 

Lurvey  Elizabeth,  widow,  near  H  -South  street  place 

Luther  Job,  machinist,  h.  10  Grove 

Luther  Jonas,  tinman,  house  4  Cooper 

Luther  Philip,  mason,  h.  rear  GI  Myrtle 

Luther  HIade,  mason,  2  Jackson  place 

Luzardar  Samuel,  cooper.  Lane  place 

Lydson  William,  jr.  rnin.  painter,  Court  cor.  Howard 

Lydslon  Susan,  widow,  tailcress,  house  5  Hawkins 

Lyford  ( Fj.  K.)  &l  Howe  (Samuel),  sashmakers,  Havetliill 

cor.  Causeway.     Lyford's  h.  2f.)  Poplar 
Lyford  G.  C.     See  Mackintire  <&  L. 
Lyford  (Thos.)  &-  Mitchell  (Theo.)  housewr'ts,  Barrett 
Lyman  Charles,  house  2G  Mount  Vernon 
Lyman  Charles  P.  ( Hale,  Lymaris  ^  Farnsworth),  hoards 

at  American  House 
Lyman  George  W.  2*2  State,  h.  Belknap  c.  Mt.  Vernon 
Lyman  S.  R.     See  tiale,  Lymans  &.  Farnsworth 
Lyman  Theodore,  merchant,  G  Bowdoin  square 
Lyman  Theodore,  jr.  3  Bowdoin 
Lyman  William,  merchant,  Court  cor.  Tremont 
Lynam  Richard,  house  South  Margin 
Lynch  Catharine,  widow,  Humphrey  place 
Lynch  Dennis,  gardener,  house  IG  Williams 
Lynch  Elizabeth,  widow,  rear  75  Elliot 
Lynch  John,  laborer,  20  Front 
Lynch  Michael,  laborer,  rear  GO  Elliot 
Lynch  Patrick,  laborer,  149  Broad 
Lynch  William,  house  Mechanic 
Lynch  Thomas,  Rev.  house  Broadway 
Lynd  James,  h.  1st  street 

Lynes  Samuel,  housewright,  1  East,  house  8  do. 
Lynn  Patrick,  laborer,  119  Broad 
Lynn  William,  rigger,  rear  1-53  Ann 
Lyon  Charles  (Capen  6f  L.),  house  3  Newton  place 


Lyon  Elizabeth,  widow,  74  Summer 

Lyon  G.  P.     See  Marsh,  Capen  &  L. 

Lyon  John,  19  Atkinson 

Lyon  Joseph  B.  17  Kilby 

Lyon  Mary,  widow,  45  Pleasant 

Lyon  Susan  G.  boarding  house,  9  Atkinson 

Lyons  John,  housewright,  h.  80  Pond 

Lyons  Moses,  rear  732  Washington 

Lyons  Timothy,  stone  mason,  3d  street  r.  Broadway 

MACE  ABRAHAM  C.  cooper,  h.  1  Scott  court 

Mace  Benjamin,  laborer,  W.  Centre 

Mace  Daniel,  livery  stable,  144  Cambridge,  h.  W.  Centre 

Mack  Hugh,  laborer,  rear  Church  near  the  rail  road 

Mack  John,  painter,  Blackstone 

Mack  Moses,  laborer,  Humphrey  place 

Mackay  Harvey  C.  wharfinger  &  com.  mer.  12  Rowe's 

wharf,  house  25  Washington  place 
Mackay  John,  captain,  house  1  Washington  place 
Macliay  Joseph,  liouse  16  Hancock 
Mackay  R.  C.  merchant,  21  Union  wf.  h.  4  Bulfinch  pi. 
Mackay  Tristram  B.  auctioneer,  5  Broad,  h.  4  Bowdoin 
Mackfield  John,  pilot,  352  Commercial 
Mackintire  David,  mason,  house  111  Cambridge 
Mackintire  {Eilab  P.)  &  Lyford  {Gideon  C),  dry  goods, 

34  Kilby 
Mackintosh  Peter,  blacksmith,  98  Pleasant 
Mackintosh  Peter,  jr.  teach.  Hancock  S.  h.  25  McLean 
Mackintosh  William,  mason,  1  Prince 
Mackvoy  William,  laborer,  Tremont  near  Pleasant 
Macnair  Eliza,  widow  of  Robert,  25  Essex 
Macomber  C.  A.  {Drury  <^  -W.)>  h.  Prince  c.  North  sq. 
Macomber  (Icfiabod),  Saw'in  {Ezckiel)  &  Hunting  {Bela), 

W.  L  goods,  49  India.     M.'s  house  30  Elliot 
Macomber   (Ichabed,  jr  )    &  Tolman    (James),   tailors, 

Congress  cor.  Water.     M.  boards  30  Elliot 
Macomber  J.  T.  superintendent  Elm  street  Hotel,  9  Elm 
Macomber  Z.  innkeeper.  Elm  street  Hotel,  9  Elm 
Madden  Patrick,  house  10  Bridge 
Maddin  Robert,  laborer,  106  Sea 
Maddin  Timothy,  laborer,  rear  104  Sea 
Madigan  Walter,  mason,  29  Sea 
Madigan  William,  mason,  29  Sea 
Madour  Sarah,  house  75  Cambridge 
Maginnis  Roger,  mason,  h.  Theatre  alley 



Magncr  Daniel,  colorer,  28  Federal,  boards  69  Congress 
Magner  Margaret,  widow,  Piedmont  near  Church 
Magoon  Moses  L.  housewright,  h.  3  Mulberry  place 
Magoon  (JVuthaniel  S.)  &  Winchester   (Hosea),  botanic 

infirmary,  Mount  Vernon  cor.  Charles 
Magoun  Calvin  S.  housewright,  98  Ann,  h.  17  Brattle 
Magoun  Elisha  {Faiwell  S^  M.),  h.  W.  Centre  c.  Myrtle 
Magoun  Phebe,  widow,  Peck  lane 
Magoun  Snow,  machinist,  2  Water,  house  17  Brattle 
Magoun  Thatcher,  jr.  merchant,  47  State 
Mahan  Benjamin  F.,  W.  I.  goods,  71  Long  wharf 
Mahan  John  A.,  W.  I.  g'ds,  50  Long  wf.  h.  14G  Hanovtr 
Mahan  John,  laborer,  14  Distil-house  square 
Mahan  Thomas,  laborer,  rear  8  South  street  place 
Maher  Michael,  glasscutter,  4th  street  cor.  A  street 
Mahon  John,  laborer,  Middlesex  near  Castle 
Mahony  Cornelius,  victualler,  h.  17  Federal 
Mahony  James,  shoemaker,  h.  25  Charter 
Mahony  Jeremiah,  laborer,  Gibbs  lane 
Mahony  John,  laborer,  153  Broad 
Mahony  John,  laborer,  rear  106  Sea 
Mahony  John,  laborer,  rear  46  Pleasant 
Mahony  Julia,  widow,  27  Williams 
Mahony  Patrick,  painter,  100  Purchase 
Mahony  Patrick,  cooper,  h.  Spring  lane 
Mahurin  James,  mariner,  house  rear  Prince 
Maier  Conrad,  cordwainer,  h.  Fleet 
Mair  Peter,  housewright,  rear  6  N.  Bennet 
Mair  Thomas,  housewright,  4  Tileston 
Mair  William,  housewright,  rear  5  Tileston 
Mairs  Patrick,  h.  14  Distil-house  square 
Maiston  Isabella,  widow,  Robinson  lane 
Major  Rebecca,  mantuamaker,  16  East 
Malcom  A.  stocks  &  clotiiing,  30  Elm,  h.  16  Merrimac 
Maley  Donald,  painter,  rear  58  Elliot 
Maldt  John,  laborer,  2  South  Margin 
Mallet  Elizabeth,  tailoress.  Garden  court 
Mallet  William,  boatbuilder,  Salter  place 
Mallon  Aaron  P.  housewright,  9  Belknap,  h.  Eaton 
Mallon  Wm.  S.,  VV.  L  goods,  40  India,  h.  1  Cottage  pi. 
Mallory  Richard  P.  {Chandler,  Wright  S^M.),  h.  1  Court 
Malone  Elizabeth,  widow,  rear  4th  street 
Malone  Michael,  laborer,  Turnpike 
Malone  Richard,  packer,  house  Turnpike 
Maloney  John,  laborer,  Devonshire,  near  Spring  lane 


Maloney  William,  plasterer,  rear  83  Broad 

Malony  Margaret,  Market  place 

Maloy  George,  cooper,  h.  1  Humphrey  place 

Maloy  George,  housewright,  li.  1  Humphrey  place 

Manbee  Thomas,  blacks.nith,  h.  rear  Soulhac 

Mandell  Eliza,  house  54  Chambers 

Mandell  M.  J.  {Sha^o,  Patterson  S^  Co.),  h.  Bromfield  H. 

Mangen  William,  laborer,  Dedham  near  Tremont 

Maogum  John,  house  opposite  10  Piedmont 

Manley  {John  R.)   &  Bramhall   (Cornelius),   dry  goods, 

24  Dock  square.     Manley  boards  102  Washington 
Mann   (Anson)   &,  Thompson    (Simeon,  jr.),    hats,    371 

Washington.     Mann's  house  8  Castle 
Mann  A.  C.  house  54  Portland 
Mann  A.  E.  milliner,  9  Myrtle 
Mann  Briggs,  mason,  Baldwin  place 
Mann  Cyrus,  housewright,  54  Friend 
Mann  Elizabeth,  widow,  rear  39  Sea 
Mann  Franklin  (Le  Man  &.  M.),  boards  89  Summer 
Mann  Hartley,  hatter,  boards  8  Castle 
Mann  Horace,  counsellor,  4  Court,  h.  11  Beacon 
Mann  James,  laborer,  rear  88  Warren 
Mann  Joel  R.  house  1  Fayette  court 
Mann  John,  bricklayer,  108  Charles 
Mann  John,  waiter,  Broad  opposite  Maine  wf. 
Mann  John,  jr.  dry  g'ds,  205  Wash.  h.  108  Charles 
Mann  Jonathan,  iron  founder,  4th  street 
Mann  John  C.  iron  founder,  Broadway 
Mann  Jos.  junk  store,  Broad  op.  Pack,  wf  h.  36  Purchase 
Mann  Joseph,  grocer,  May  corner  Grove 
Mann  Leonard,  cooper,  corner  D  and  4th  streets 
Mann  Levi,  housewright,  house  South  street  place 
Mann  N.  P.  agent  BosLon  Ind.  Rub.  factory,  h.  F  street 
Mann  Peleg,  mason,  73  Warren 
Manners  George,  British  Consul,  48  India 
Manners  R.  C.  vice  con.  and  ag.  Canada  Co.  48  India 
Manning  (Charles)  &  Glover  (H.  R.),  dry  goods,  1  Fan. 

Hall,  h.  83  Chambers 
Manning  Francis  C.  and  Joseph,  jr.  W.  I.  g'ds,  15  Cent. 

wharf,  h.  18  Winter 
Manning  Joseph,  machinist,  32  Short 
Manning  Joshua  (Ripley  &  M.),  boards  95  Summer 
Manning  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  Lenox 
Manning  Russell,  cordwainer,  rear  Broadway 
Manning  (Sam'l  B.)  &  FisheT  (W.  S.), printers, 9 School 


Manning  Sylvester,  laborer,  house  N.  Grove 
Manning  VV'ni,  mess,  to  gov.  and  council,  h.  16  Bulfinch 
Manouk  Thomas,  laborer.  South  corner  Essex 
Mansfield  Bowen  G.  laborer,  house  Leveret  ct. 
Mansfield  Elizabeth,  widow,  48  Orange 
Mansfield  Eliza  A.  widow,  house  rear  51  South 
Mansfield  Hannah,  widow,  Thacher  near  Poud 
Mansfield  Hannah,  widow,  rear  100  Warren 
Mansfield  Hannah,  widow,  108  Cambridge 
Vlansfield  (Isaac)  &  Bigelow   (F.  R.),   dry  goods,  2  Lib- 
erty sq.     M  's  h.  13  Mt.  Vernon 
Mansfield  James,  laborer,  rear  93  Warren 
Sanson  (JVat/ianiel  G.)  &  Allen  (Samuel  P.),  iron  and 

steel,  27  Broad 
Vlansur  Gilman  (S.  &  G.  M.),  h.  100  Chambers 
tfansur  S.  <fe  G.,  W.  L  g'ds,  19  S.  Market,  h.  Vernon  pi. 
ilarble  Hosea,  housew't,  Lancaster,  h.  47  Merrimac 
Warble  James  S.  housewright,  Front  n.  Oak,  h.  AVheel- 
i^Iarble  Pearly,  laborer,  lOG  Warren  [er's  ct. 

tfarch  Andrew  S.     See  Whiton  &  M. 
ilarch  Ichabod,  housewright.  Pond 
Warden  David,  paver,  4  Richmond 
Harden  G.  H.  house  2  Clark 
^larden  John,  mason,  143  Hanover 
ilarden  John  C.  blacksmith,  h.  5th  cor.'C  street 
>Iarden  Maria,  widow,  3(i  Belknap 
larden  William  C.  laborer,  Clark  alley 
tlarden  Wm.  ifeCo.  printers,  32  Congress,  h.r.  113Hano. 
rlarett  Philip,  Pres.  New  Eng.  Bank,  h.  5  Kneeland 
lariner  (Joseph),  Tebbetts  (John  C.)  &  Co.  (Wvi.  Mar- 
iner), com.  mer.  109  State.     M.'s  h.  9  South 
Warks  Fehx,  laborer,  11  Plymouth 
*Iarnaugh  Wm.  laborer,  cor.  Broad  and  Batterymarch 
►laroney  William,  laborer,  Peck  lane 
larquand  Joseph,  40  High 
darr  John,  laborer,  29  Sea 
larr  John,  house  7  George 

/larr  William,  printer,  h.  Castle  near  Middlesex 
larroot  Jacob,  watchman,  Suffolk  cor.  Lenox 
larsh  (BelaJ,  Capen    (^ahum)  &  Lyon  (Gardner  P.), 

staiionerii,  133  Wash.     M.'s  h.  41  Front 
larsh  Ephraim,  housewright,  h.  84  Pleas,  cor.  Fayetto 
larsh  Eben.  W.  (Hastings,  M.  &  Co.),  h.  6  Sturgis  pi. 
larsh  Harriet,  widow,  Suffolk  near  Lucas  place 
larsh  James  (Hastings,  M-  &  Co.),  h.  15  Cambridge 


Marsh  John,  grocer,  114,  house  115  Broad 

Marsh  John,  stationer,  77  Wash.  h.  o4  Pinckney 

Marsh  Joseph  M.  (Billings  &  M.),  Iiouse  65  Poplar 

Marsh  L.  H.  clerk,  house  Winter  place 

Marsh  Robert,  mason,  h.  rear  132  Hanover 

Marsh  Rufus,  hackinan,  h.  Lowell  place 

Marsh  Sarah,  widow,  house  rear  Moon 

Marsii  Seth  E.  (Andrews  &  Jtf),  house  Lancaster 

Marsh  Thomas  C.  Jaborer,  house  rear  Moon 

Marsh  (Warren)  &  Maynard   (LMinbert),  livery  stable, 

Batterymarch.     Marsh's  h.  do. 
Marsh  William,  bookbinder,  over  362  Washington 
Marshall  Caleb,  tailor,  house  51  Warren 
Marshall  Cyrus  L.  mason,  h.  280  Wash. 
Marshall  C.  S.  tailor,  3  N.  Market,  h.  51  Warren 
Marshall  Drury  N.  housewright,h.  Fayette  n.  Jefferson 
Marshall  D.  N.  &,  Co.  housewrights,  rear  351  Wash. 
Marshall  Elijah,  h.  52  Bridge 
Marshall  Jacob  P.  victualler,  88  Commercial 
Marshall  Josiah,  mer.  39  India,  h.  24  Franklin  place 
Marshall  Leonard  (Bridge  &  M.),  h.  52  Bridge 
Marshall  Mary,  widow,  rear  Broadway 
Marshall  Samuel,  chaisemaker,  h.  rear  3  East 
Marshall  Thomas,  school,  Bulfinch  cor.  Somerset  place 
Marshall  William,  paper  hangings,  270,  h,  266  Wash. 
Marston  George  P.  captain,  h.  2  May  place 
Marston  John,  laborer,  Pond  street  place 
Marston  John,  boarding  house,  rear  Broadway 
Marston  Josiah,  teamster,  Broadway 
Marston  John  M.  merch.  4  Chatham,  h.  18  Lyndo 
Marston  Trephenia,  house  2  Berry 
Martin  Elizabeth,  widow,  201  Ann 
Martin  Enoch,  broker,  h.  6  Norfolk  place 
Martin  Henry,  captain,  h.  64  Purchase 
Martin  Israel,  agent  Rox.  In.  Rub.  Co.  h.  11  Hay  ward  pi. 
Martin  Jeremiah,  blacksmith,  Broad  op.   Packard's  wf. 

h.  22  Tileston 
Martin  John  S.  painter,  16  Federal,  h.  rear  9  S.  Bennet 
Martm  Michael,  laborer,  3  Pitts  court 
Martin  Patrick,  house  3  Pitts  court 
Martin  Prince,  h.  rear  24  Merrimac 
Martin  Richard,  wood  wharf,  102,  house  116  Sea 
Martin  Sarah,  wiuow  of  Joseph,  11  Fayette 
Martm  Thomas,  grocer,  4th  street 
Martin  Valentine,  jeweller,  26  Washington 


Martin  Wm.  C.  superint.  Mas.  Temple,  h.  8  Boylston  sq, 
Martin  Wm.  P.  printer,  house  45  Front 
Martis  Mary,  widow  of  Anthony,  house  3  Grove 
Marvin  T.  R.  {Perkins  &  M.),  printer,  24  Congress 
Mash  Peter,  boarding,  h.  190  Ann 

Mason  {^sa  F.)  &  Hoyt  {.^dam),  hats,  253  Washington- 
house  Piedmont 
Mason  Charh's  B.  hats,  8  Clinton 
Mason  Ezekiel,  paver,  4  Milton 

Mason  George  M.  counsellor, 20  Court,  h.  140  Tremont 
Mason  Hale,  housewright,  3  Spring  street  court 
Mason  Jeremiah,  counsellor,  20  Court,  h.  140  Tremont 
Mason  John,  Broad  op.  Arch  wf.  h.  20  Hamilton 
Mason  John  R.  house  joiner,  house  Broadway 
Mason  Jonathan,  house  74  Mount  Vernon 
Mason  Lowell,  prof.  Bost.  Acad.  Mus.  h.  9  Pinckney 
Mason  Nancy  M.  tailoress,  Hobbs's  wf  90  Sea 
Mason  Newel  P.  laborer,  house  W.  Centre 
Mason  Sampson,  W.  I.  goods,  38,  h.  40  Cambridge 
Mason  Sanford,  portrait  painter,  46,  h.  355  Washington 
Masrm    (Simeon   0)   &  Spaulding   (S.  H.)  provisions, 

725  Washington 
Mason  William  C.  mariner,  4  Hull 
Mason  Wm.  P.  counsellor,  3  Rogers's  building,  house 

51  Mount  Vernon 
Masters  John,  stevedore,  house  Lane  place  . 

Masters  W.lliam,  painter  ,  house  7  Prospect 

Mastin  John,  laborer,  rear  47  Pleasant 

Matrihett  Theodore,  boards  17  Pearl 

Mather  Henry  B.     See  Everett  &  M. 

Matson  Powell,  mason,  27  Prince 

Matthews  Albert,  house  4  Brighton 

Matthews  Ebenezer,  housewright,  Silver 

Matthews  (Edicard)  &  Wood  {Edward  E),  merchantf, 
22  Commercial  wharf 

Matthews  John,  junk,  rear  58  Commercial,  h.  Clark 

Matthevvson  Andrew,  house  80  Chambers 

Maunder  George,  mariner,  22  Hamilton 

Maxey  Patrick,  laborer,  C  Dearborn  avenue 

Maxfield  Ann,  h.  Broadway  near  I  street 

Maxwell  David,  carpenter,  house  Canal 

Maxwell  Edward,  mason,  house  Prince  n.  Hanover 

Maxwell  James,  victualler,  131  Broad 

May  Catharine,  boarding,  39  Brattle 


May  Ebenezer,  furniture,  25  Milk,  h.  Atkinson 

May  George,  house  714  Washington 

May  Harriet  A.  widow,  rear  12  Boylston 

May  Henry  K.  wlmrfinger,  6  Union  wf.  h.  18  Sheafe 

May  John  VV.  cordwainer,  102  Charles 

May  Joseph,  Sec.  Bos.  Mar.  Ins.  Co.  h.  510  Wash.  c.  Oak 

May  Orra,  house  111  Chan)bers 

May  Parmelia,  boarding,  C  Sewall  place 

May  Perrin,503  Washington 

May  Samuel  &  Co.  {Calvin   W.  Clark  and  J.  J.   May), 

hardware,  1  Broad  c.  Stale,  h.  Atkinson  c.  Purchase 
May  William  D.  mariner,  74  Purchase 
Maycock  Mary  Ann,  h.  rear  2  Province 
Mayer  Morris,  whitesmith,  h.  rear  32  Pleasant 
Mayhew  William,  mariner,  118  Sea 
Maynard  Charles,  at  Post  Office,  boards  38  Green 
Maynard  George,  teamster,  rear  12  S.  Margin 
Maynard  George.     See  Prescott  &  M. 
Maynard  (Jesse)  &  Kittredge  (Chas.),  bakers,  67  Warren 
Maynard  Lambert  &  Co.  {John  D.  Richardson),  bakers, 

99,  h.  97  Broad 
Maynard  Parker,  restorator.  Church  c.  Madison  pi.  h.  do. 
Maynard  Samuel,  blacksmith,  1  La  Fayette  avenue 
Maynard  {Waldo)  &  Noyes,  druggists,  13  &  15  Cornhill. 

Maynard's  hou«e  2  Mason 
Mayo  John  M.  {Ellis  «fc  M.),  house  11  Orange 
McAllaster  James,  housewright,  24  Tudor's  building,  h. 

15  Allen 
McAllaster  James,  house  GQ  Pond 
McAllaster  John,  mariner,  house  East 
McAnnaliy  Francis,  laborer,  rear  67  Elliot 
McAnnally  James,  laborer,  h.  Carver  near  Pleasant 
McAnnaliy  Michael,  laborer,  114  Broad 
McArdle  Patrick,  laborer,  Merrimac 

McBride ,  laborer,  rear  60  Elliot 

McBride  George,  clothing,  206  Ann 

McBride  James,  innkeeper,  Layfayette  Hotel, 392  Wash. 

McBurney  Charles,  saddler,  22  School,  h.  6  S.  Cedar 

McCabe  Ann,  widow,  opposite  104  Sea 

McCabe  Hugh,  laborer,  SufToik  rear  Lucas  place 

McCabe  James,  laborer,  53  Elliot 

McCabe  Jeremiah,  laborer,  rear  110  Sea 

McCabe  Michael,  laborer,  rear  63  Elliot 

McCabe  Terence,  laborer.  Front  near  Castlo 

McCaffery  Henry,  saddler.  Cross 


McCafFerty  James,  house  Menirnac 

McCafFerty  Jatiies,  laborer,  rear  A  street 

McCafterty  John,  laborer,  opposite  102  Warren 

McCafFerty  Patrick,  jr.  ironmoulder,  house  21  Sea 

McCafFerty  Thomas,  h.  Garden  c.  May 

McCann  Ann,  widow,  South  cor.  Essex 

McCann  James,  laborer,  h.  Moon 

McCann  James,  laborer,  south  794  Wash. 

McCann  Michael,  laborer,  rear  12  Cross 

McCathery  James,  laborer,  h.  Charter  n.  Commercial 

McCartney  John,  coachmaker,  4  Brattle  sq.  h.  90  Pond 

McCarthy  Ellen,  widow,  Devonshire  n.  Spring  lane 

McCarthy  John,  glass  grinder,  4ih  street  n.  Turnpike 

McCartiiy  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  106  Sea 

McCarty  Bartholomew,  laborer,  rear  13  Wash,  place 

McCarty  Charles,  laborer,  Leveret  court 

McCarty  Daniel,  laborer,  house  rear  152  Ann 

McCarty  Dennis,  laborer,  South  Margin 

McCarty  Edmund,  tailor,  Broad  near  Purchase 

McCarty  Florence,  laborer,  Hamilton  alley 

McCarty  James,  laborer,  rear  G71  Washington 

McCarty  John,  laborer,  Broad  op.  Maine  wharf 

McCarty  Michael,  laborer,  105  Broad 

McCarty  Timothy,  laborer,  rear  75  Sea 

McCauly  John,  shoemaker,  Batterymarch 

McCauly  Patrick,  laborer,  Devonshire  n.  Spring  lane 

McCaw  Samuel,  laborer,  rear  26  Friend 

McCleary  John  B.  house  82  Prince 

McCleary  Samuel  F.  city  clerk,  City  H.  h.  8  Somerset  pi. 

McClennen  George,  rigger,  Arch  wf.  h.  Cotton  place 

McClennen  Robert,  rigger,  h.  rear  80  Purchase 

McClennen  Sarah,  widow.  Cotton  place 

McCloud  Curtis,  trunk  maker,  158  Hanover 

McCloud  Harvey,  h.  4  Second 

McCloud  John,  mariner,  rear  39  Prince 

McClure  Cyrus,  105  State,  house  39  Leveret 

McClure  Mark,  laborer,  rear  5  N.  Margin 

McConnell  Robert  (L.  Brooks  ^  Co.),  7  Purchase  placft 

McConnell  William,  h.  98  Purchase 

McConvill  Hugh,  tailor,  house  rear  53  Essex 

McCormick  John,  mason,  h.  93  Warren 

McCormick  Michael,  laborer,  S.  Margin 

McCormick  Thomas,  laborer,  rear  24  Pleasant 

McCoy ,  widow,  14  Short 

McCoy  John,  laborer,  rear  26  Union 


MeCue  John,  tailor,  Broad  cor.  Purchase 
McCue  Patrick,  laborer,  Merrimac 
JVfcCullough  Cornelius,  truckman,  h.  rear  Gridley 
McCuIlough  Patrick,  laborer,  opposite  20  Avery 
McCurdy  Alexander,  tailor,  h.  rear  7  Short 
■  McDaniels  Thomas,  house  Southac  near  Grove 
McDavit  Patrick,  tailor,  house  rear  41  Congress 
McDermot  Bryan,  laborer.  Creek  square 
McDerniott  Bernard,  tailor,  h.  rear  8  South  street  place 
McDonald  Alexander  &  Sons,  ship  sawyers,  r.  3d  street 
McDonald  Andrew,  confectioner,  337  Washington 
McDonald  Catharine,  widow,  Tremont  near  Pleasant 
McDonald  David,  laborer,  123  Broad 
McDonald  Donald,  blacksmith,  h.  10  Bridge  st.  court 
McDonald  Elizabeth,  widow,  rear  664  Washington 
McDonald  Henry,  boarding  house,  212  Ann 
McDonald  James,  laborer,  rear  664  Washington 
McDonald  James,  laborer,  Front  opposite  Beach 
McDonald  James,  confectioner,  147  Court 
McDonald  John,  laborer,  rear  46  Pleasant 
McDonald  John,  confectioner,  418,  house  337  Wash. 
McDonald  Margaret,  house  8  Sudbury 
McDonald  Mary,  widow,  5th  cor.  of  C  street 
McDonald  Peter,  carpenter,  house  666  Washington 
McDonald  Peter,  painter,  h.  666  Washington 
McDonald  William,  tailor,  house  30  South 
McDonell  William  J.  weigher,  house  rear  5  Pleasant 
McDonough  Harriet  &  Anna,  4  Mason 
McDonough  Patrick,  Merrimac 
McDonough  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  664  Washington 
McDougall  Jamos,  cordwainer,  547  Wash.  h.  Dedham 
McDougall  John,  tailor,  190  Wash.  h.  Dedham 
McDufTy  Elizabeth,  widow,  North  Margin 
McEwen  Mary,  h.  Butolph  near  Cambridge 
McFadden  Elizabeth,  6  Sweetser  court 
McFan  James,  laborer,  7  Wharf 
McFarland  Duncan,  laborer,  104  Sea 
McFarland  James,  stevedore,  4  Bartlett 
McFarland  Jane,  widow,  house  104  Sea 
McFarland  John,  laborer,  22  Stillman 
McFarland  Nancy,  36  Elliot 
McFarland  Thomas,  machinist,  A  street 
McFeely  Patrick,  laborer,  4th  street 
McGafFert  Barney,  laborer,  rear  Commercial 
McGafferty  Patrick,  laborer,  3d  cor.  B  street 


McGaw  John  A.  com.  nier.  IG  City  wharf 

McGaw  Robert,  Commercial 

McGee  Eliza,  house  South  Margin 

McGooch  A.  fruit,  28  tSt.  G  Dock  square 

McGerry  Patrick,  laborer,  Commercial  near  Hanover 

McGill  Thomas,  tailor,  4  Washinfrton 

McGilvray ,  housewright,  h.  May  c.  Butolph 

McGilvreay  Fanny,  nurse,  Essex  court 

McGinnis  Jnnies,  South  Margin 

McGinnis  James,  laborer.  Friend 

McGirr  Francis,  jr.  gold  beater,  28  Fayette 

McGonagle  Thomas,  laborer,  Charter  n.  Commercial 

McGoogin  Henry,  waiter,  house  547  Washington 

McGowan  Daniel,  tailor,  9  Water,  h.  11  Hamilton 

McGowan  John,  mason,  house  8  Devonshire 

McGowan  Mary,  widow,  15  Essex  place 

McGovern  John,  157  Pleasant 

McGrady  Michael,  moulder,  h.  corner  South  st.  place 

McGrady  Patrick,  laborer,  A  street 

McGrath  Terence,  boarding,  101  Broad 

McGrath  Thomas,  laborer,  101  Broad 

McGrath  William,  blacksmith,  house  70  Broad 

McGray  James,  cooper,  house  Battery 

McGregor  {Daniel)  &,  Meriam   (C.   £>.),  dry  goods,  47 

Kilby.     McG.'s  house  77  Pinckney 
McGregor  James  &  Co.  {Joseph  Simes),  W.  I.  g'ds,  12 

Commercial  wharf 
McGriskin  Barnard,  laborer,  rear  Ann 
McGuire  Edward,  stone  cutter,  house  Creek  square 
McGuire  Hugh,  laborer,  Mechanic 
McGuire  James,  laborer,  h.  3  Cross 
McGuire  Thomas,  laborer,  G  Wharf 
McHenry  Bernard,  apothecary,  Franklin  pl.c.theOdeon 
McHugh  Constantino,  laborer,  Dedham 
McHugh  Timothy,  laborer,  rear  75  Elliot 
Mclntire  Andrew,  sand  dealer,  Commer.  n.  Henchman  1. 
Mclntire  Charles,  broker,  5  Exchange,  h.  42  Federal 
Mclntire  John,  clerk,  house  Stoddard 
Mclntire  Samuel,  52  Elliot 

Mclntire  Samuel,  jr.  straw  manufacturer,  Fayette  court 
Mclntire  (Sam'l)  &  Stevens  (Otis),  prov'ns,68  Purchase 
Mclntire  Silas,  stable  keeper,  392  Washington 
Mclntire  Thomas,  organ  maker,  2  Blossom  court 
Mcintosh  Baihsheba,dry  g'ds,  107  Hanover,  h.  59  Pond 
Mcintosh  L=  F.  house  1  Alden  court 


Mclntyre  (Daniel)  &  Cutler  (M.  J),  dry  goods,  12  Kil- 

by.     Mcl.'s  h.  Crescent  place 
McKay  John,  liousewright,  rear.5  Tileston 
McKay  John,  cabinet  maker,  21  Exciiange,  h.  59  Pond 
McKay  Wm.  P.  watchm.cor.  Cong.  &  Milk,h.  Cong.  ct. 
McKean  H.  S.  engineer,  h.  53  Myrtle 
McKean  John  G.  counsellor,  4  Court 
McKean  Joseph  W.  physician,  12  Hanover 
McKenley  Rosanna,  Mechanic 
McKenna  Abigail,  house  112  Ann 
McKenna  Ann,  widow,  op.  8  Norfolk  place 
McKenna  Andrew,  mason,  h.  Castle  c.  Middlesex 
McKenna  Daniel,  laborer,  Peck  lane 
McKenna  Francis,  custom-h.  officer,  b'ds  2  Province 

McKenna ,  house  Merrimac 

McKenna  Hugh,  milkman,  3d  street 

McKonua  John,  16  N.  Centre 

AlcKenna  Michael,  laborer,  rear  106  Sea 

McKenna  Patrick,  laborer,  A  street 

McKenna  Stephen,  laborer,  Dedhain  near  Tremont 

McKenna  Timothy,  laborer,  91  Broad 

McKenzie  James  A.  house  31  Blossom 

McKinzie  Alex.  D.  cop.  plate  printer,  h.  SO  Pond 

McKown  John,  cordwainer,  8  Sudbury 

McLane  Eliza,  house  22  North  Russell 

McLane  James,  boarding,  4  Wharf 

McLaughlan  Patrick,  iron  founder,  h.  A  street 

McLaughlan  Bernard,  tailor,  81  Ann 

McLaughlin  Bernard,  victualler,  104  Purchase 

McLaughlin  Daniel,  laborer,  south  794  Washington 

McLaughlin  Edward,  laborer,  114  Broad 

McLaughlin  Eph.  B.  crockery,  24  Hanover,  h.  Brookline 

McLaughlin  George,  laborer,  11  Pitts 

McLaughlin  James,  boarding,  7  Wharf 

McLaughlin  John,  laborer.  Peck  lane 

McLaughlin  Margaret,  rear  Centre 

McLaughlin  Michael,  laborer.  Mechanic 

McLaughlin  Patrick,  h.  13  Distilhouse  square 

McLaughlin  Patrick,  cordwainer,  32  Federal,  h.  Sister 

McLauglilin  Thomas,  laborer,  93  Warren 

McLaughlin  William,  laborer,  rear  15  Centre 

McLean  George,  housewright,  h.  rear  46  I'leasant 

McLean  Hannah,  Richmond 

McLellan  Edward  ( fVhedwright,  M.  ^   Co.),  house  3 

Wiothrop  place 



McLellan  George,  l)oarding,  54  Hanover 

McLollan  {Isaac)  &  Balllster   (Joseph),  merchants,  27 

Centrnl  vvhart* 
McLellan  Isaac,  h.  3  Winlhrop  place" 
McLellan  Isaac,  jr.  {IVhtdicrigUt,  M.  ^  Co.),  house  3 

VVinlhrop  place 
McLellan  James,  honse  13  Sudhiiry 
McLellan  P.  Osgood  (.Leach  S^  M.),  b'ds  N.  E.  Coff.  H. 
McLoon  William,  captain,  house  Broadway 
McLond  Susan,  widow,  Northampton  cor.  Plymouth 
McLoud  William,  baker,  house  rear  28  Pleasant 
McMann  Dominick,  laborer,  rear  27  Mi-Ik 
McManus  Joann^  widow,  Batlerymarcii 
McManus  Patrick,  laborer,  4  Prospect 
McManus  Robert,  laborer,  114  Broad 
McMarrow  Charles,  shoemaker,  h.  60  Purchase 
McMillan  Marion,  widow  of  John  C.  h.  rear  Gibbs  lane 
McMurray  (David,  jr.)  &  Co.  (Thomas  Curran),  brush- 
makers,  28  Exchange 
McNamara  Cornelius,  housewright,  h.  Arnold 
McNamara  Daniel,  mason,  h.  rear  10  Oliver 
McNarney  Michael,  laborer,  2  Cross 
McNeil  John,  surveyor  of  customs,  h.  4  Q,uincy  place 
McNear  Robert,  ship  stores,  Broad  op.  Arch  wf. 
McNerney,  Sophia,  widow,  Salutation 
McNulty  Thomas,  stonecutter,  3  Flagg  alley 
McNett  Williatn,  stevedore,  115  Broad 
McPahlin  James,  laborer,  125  Broad 
McQuaid  Thomas.     See  Smith  &  McQuaid 
McSolay  Dennis,  laborer,  IG  South  Bennet 
McSweeney  Eliza,  widow.  Milk  cor.  Theatre  alley 
McSweeney  Eugene,  laborer,  1  Wharf 
McVey  Cornelius,  tailor,  h.  rear  75  Elliot 
McVey  John,  shoemaker,  h.  Arnold 
McVeity  James,  iron  moulder,  h.  Market  place 

McWlre  ,  h.  10  Bridge 

Mead  George  M.  druggist,  58  Union 

Mead  John,' binder,  131  Washington,  h.  G5  Prince 

Mead  Patty,  rear  773  Washington 

Mead  Sam"uel  O.  cashier  Market  Bank 

Metids  Joseph,  grocer,  62,  house  G6  Myrtle 

Meads  John,  h.  9  Piedmont 

Mealy  William,  tailor,  Flagg  alley 

Means  (Isaac)  &  Clark  {Lot),  14  Cent,  wf  h.  56  Temple 

Means  James,  merchant,  17  India,  h.  30  Winter 


IVlears  Edward,  h.  rear  13  Distil-house  square 

Mears  Elijah  {KUham,  M.  &  Co),  h.  Cook  court 

Mears  Gienville  {KUharn,  M.  &  Co.),  h.  Lyman  place 

Meais  John.      iSee  Trouiy  &  M. 

Mecutu  George,  silversiiiilh,  South  Russell 

Mecum  Nancy,  widow,  3  Shawmut 

Meder  Natlianiel  R.  ciutliinff,  73  Broad,  h.  13  Hamilton 

Meder  Samuel  A.,  W.  I.  goods,  7  Sea,  h.  South  st.  court 

Meder  William  E.  shoes  and  clothing,  5  and  7  Sea 

Meggitt  Robert  C.  h.  Merrimac 

Meek  Samuel,  jeweller,  Cornhiil  ct.  h.  8  South  Cedar 

Meneen  Patrick,  moulder,  h.  rear  63  Sea 

Mein  Andrew,  chairmaker,  4th  street 

Meiers  H.  H.  merchant,  h.  C  Walnut 

Meiring  Joseph,  cordwainer,  h.  rear  2  Province 

Melcher  Charles,  printer,  house  S.)5  Elliot 

Melcher  George,  laborer,  Canton 

Melcher  Levi,  merchant,  31  Long  vvf.  h.  208  Hanover 

Melcher  Natlianiel,  at  Post  Office,  li.  Berry  corner  Sister 

Melcher  Rachael,  widow,  95  Elliot 

Melcher  Sarah,  widow,  house  34  Short 

Meldrum  &  Co.  {George  Odin),  brewers,  Castle, c.  room 

G9  Broad.     Meldrum's'  h.  18  Orange 
Melendy  (Satn.)  &  David  (B.  B.),  whipmak's,  8  Dock  sq. 
Melledge  James,  h.  18  Hayward  place 
Mellen  David,  victualler,  I  South  Market 
Mellen  George  W.  chemist.  Castle,  boards  105  Front 
Mellen  Lsaac  M.  fisherman,  4th  street 
Mellen  John,  crockery,  133  State,  h.  45  Spring 
Mellen   Michael  &  Co.  {H.  A.  JVorcross),  earthenware, 

16  Merchants  row,  h.  17  Leveret 
Mellen  Moses,  furn.  and  feath.  38  Union,  h.  42  Pinckney 
Mellen  Samuel,  h.  2  Grove 
Mellen  W.  H.  &  Co   (C.  P.  Sanger),  dry  g'ds,  64  Kilby. 

Mellen's  h.  in  Roxbury 
Mellow  William,  pianofortemaker,  Castle  n.  Middlesex 
Melius  Amelia,  boarding  house,  Beacon  cor.  Somerset 
Melius  George,  painter,  30  Joy's  building 
Melville  (jeorge,  cabinetmaker,  h.  5  Lucas  place 
Melville  John,  cabinetm.  352  Wash.  h.  14  La  Grange  pL 
Melvin  David,  mariner,  h.  Langdon  place 
Melzar  Hannah,  nurse,  20  Avery 
Melzard  George,  laborer,  rear  110  Sea 
Mendall  Charles,  rear  83  Tremont 
Meredith  Isaac.     See  R.  Meredith  &  Co. 


Meredith  Richard  &  Co.  (H.  &  /.  Meredith),  grocers, 

389  Washington 
Meriam  Anna,  widow  of  William,  h.  16  Lincoln 
Meriam,  Brigham  (Levi)  &  Co.  (E.  A.  Boardman) ,  wine 

merchants,  20  Congress 
Meriam  Charles,  laborer,  h.  11  Second 
Meriam  Charles  U.  (McGregor  <fe  jtf),  h.  22  Warren 
Meriam  Edward  P.  See.  Col.  Ins.  Co.  h.  39  Bridge 
Meriam  Elisha,  cabinetmaker,  h.  6  Brighton 
Meriam  Ephraim,  carpenter,  Theatre  alley 
Meriam  Francis  B.  truckman,  h.  47  Poplar 
Meriam  Jonas,  truckman,  47  Poplar 
Meriam  Jonas,  jr.  grocer,  44  Leveret,  h.  50  Poplar 
Meriam  Mary  B.  widow  of  Levi,  h.  22  Warren 
Meriam  Nathaniel,  Pres.  Mer.  M.  Ins.  Co.  h.  39  Bridge 
Meriam  Silas  P.  &  Wm.  merch.  39  S.  Mar.  h.  3  Camb. 
Meriam  William,  h.  14  Allen 
Meriman  Nelson  M.  clothing,  50  Merchants  row 
Merriam  Charles.     See  Sayles  &  M. 
Merriam  (^^heeney  F.  h.  5  Milton 

Merriam  Ezra,  paperh.  Porll.  c.  Merrimac,  h.  Oilman  pi. 
Merriam  (Galen)  &.  Perry  (0.  B.),  W.  I.   goods,  3  Long 

wharf.     Merriam's  h.  81  Front 
Merriam  Josepii  W.  piovisions,  53  Milk,  h.  Sister 
Merriam  Otis,  paperhanger,  Portland,  li.  37  Friend 
Merriam  William,  trader,  77  Commercial 
Merrifield  Francis,  baker,  178  Ann,  and  97  Summer 
Merrill  Catharine,  widow  of  Moody,  Theatre  alley 
Merjiil  Charles  J.  clerk,  341,  boards  250  Washington 
Merrill  Daniel,  mariner,  Noyes  place 
Merrill  Daniel,  messenger  County  Court  H.,  h.  Cook  ct. 
Merrill  Edward,  housew't,  h.  W.  Centre  n.  Cambiidge 
Merrill  Jabez  B.  cabinetmaker,  h.  5  Stillraan  pi. 
Merrill  James  C.  counsellor,  39  Court,  h.  42  Chesnut 
Merrill  Jesse,  handcartman,  rear  366  Washington 
Merrill  Joseph,  housewright,  h.  11  W.  Second 
Merrill  Joseph,  hatter,  h.  87  Prince 
Merrill  Lemuel,  handcartman,  rear  337  Washington 
Merrill  Nathan,  teacher,  Snowhill 
Merrill  Nathaniel,  h.  110  Pfeasant 
Merrill  Sarah,  widow,  0  Haymarket  place 
Merritt  Benjamin,  laborer,  rear  85  Pond 
Merritt  (Jerome)  &  Bush  (Frederick  T.),  com.  merch,  14 

Central  wf     M.'a  h.  53  Hancock 
Merritt  John,  laborer,  3  Humphrey  place 


Merritt  John  A.  h.  20  Treinont  near  Washington 

Merritt  Russell  A.  clerk,  38  Water 

Merritt  Ziba,  housewriglit,  Kennard  avenue 

Merry  John,  cooper,  opposite  Union  wf.  h.  Fleet 

Merry  R.  D.  C.     See  Howard  &  M. 

Meserve  John  B.  (Davis  ^  M.),  h.  Brookline 

Messer  James,  teamster,  rear  Friend  below  Travers 

Messer  Siillman,  grocer,  33  Poplar,  h.  do. 

Messer  Willard,  h.  19  North  Russell 

Messer  William  D.  (Thomas  Lord  ^  Co.),  h.  17  Green 

Messer  Wm.  W.  jewelry  &  fancy  g'ds,  208  Washington, 

boards  12  Somerset  place 
Messinger  (Charles),  Mirick  (Beiij.   L.)  &  Co,  (Geo.  D. 

Gordon),  dry  g'ds,  13  Cent.  Messinger's  h.  7  Orange 
Messinger  Daniel,  hatter,  old  stand,  387  Washington 
Messinger  Daniel,  jr.  hatter,  387  Wash.  h.  4  Salem  place 
Messinger  David  A.  housewright,  21  Carver 
Messinger  Eben.  F.  (MoLineux  8^  M.),  boards  7  Orange 
Messinger  George  W.  iron  store,  62  Broad,  b'ds  1  Avery 
Messinger  Roswell  E.  wines,  Milk,  h.  4(j  Allen 
Metcalf  Caleb,  mason,  17  Allen 

MetcalfNath.  jr.  (Geo.  Hardwick  Sf  Co),  h.  447  Wash. 
Metcalf  Philander,  teamster,  4th  street 
Metcalf  Reuben,  pattern  maker,  house  2d  street 
Metcalf  William,  spar  maker,  h.  rear  324  Ann  - 
Metts  Edward,  musician,  h.  7  Province  House  conrt 
Meyer  Borchart,  dry  goods,  367  Washington,  house  do. 
Middleton  Thomas  (Wade  S^  M),  h.  r.  371  Washington 
Milan  Martin,  laborer,  21  Washington  place 
Milk  (John)  &  Nash  (^r-m.  H.),  boatbuild.  N.  Battery  wf. 

h.  rear  Moon 
Miles  Anna  Eliza,  governess  Female  Asylum,  Essex 
Miles  Solomon  P.  principal  High  School,  h.  52  Pinckney 
Miles  Walter,  truckman,  La  Fayette  avenue 
Miley  Enoch,  stevedore,  h.  59  Prince 
Millard  Charles  J.  soapstone  worker,  h.  Haymarket  pi. 
Millard  Samuel,  housewright.  Carver,  h.  8  Avery 
Millbanks  John,  laborer,  rear  Hamilton 
Miller  Andrew,  shoemaker,  h.  Purchase  cor.  Broad 
Miller  Charles,  mariner,  rear  C  street 
Miller  Charles,  Rev.  h.  Margaret 

Miller  David,  blacksmith,  r.  614  Wash.  h.  7  Lucas  place 
Miller  David,  housewright,  h.  25  Second 
Miller  David,  caulker  and  graver,  h.  East  rear  school  h. 
Miller  Edward,  161  Tremont 
Miller  George,  h.  Old  Road,  S.  Boston 


Miller  Geo.  Lyman,  painter,  18  S.  M;;rket,  li   30  Pnplar 

Miller  Hannah,  nurse,  45  Pieasiint 

Miller  Hannah,  widow  ofCharle.s,  h.  9  Franklin  place 

Miller  James,  fruit,  91  Cornhili,  h.  N.  Grove 

Miller  John,  merchant,  4  India 

Miller  John  W.  R.  mariner,  253  Ann 

Miller  Martin,  enrtman,  h.  rear  2'2  Washington  place 

Miller  Mary,  widow,  69  Tremont 

Miller  Mary  Ann,  school,  S.  Bridiie,  h.  689  Washington 

Miller  Moses,  inspector  fish,  K.  Boston,  h.  20  Fleet 

l\liller  Sarah  R.  widow  of  iSamuel  R.  h.  4  Park 

^Tiller  Sarah,  nurse,  h.  35  S.  Margin 

Miller  Stephen,  cahinetmaker,  h.  Charlestown 

Miller  Thompson,  counsellor,  Franklin  avenue 

Millet  Abraham,  jr.  hats,  19  Washington,  h.  13  Beacon 

Millet  Alexander,  rear  43  Prince 

Millet  Jonathan,  Pond 

Millet  Martha,  school  for  seamen's  children^  Sun  court 

Mills  Cyrus,  grocer,  104  Pond 

Mills  Daniel,  laborer,  Hiijh  street  place 

Mills  James  K.  t&  Co.  (Edmund   Dicight  &  Charles  H. 

Mills),  com.  merch.  52  Broad,  h.  5  Chauncey  pi. 
Mills  James  L.  sawfiler,  Hanover  avenue 
Mills  &  Smith,  attorneys,  4  Tudor's  building 
Mills  John,  U.  S.  dist.  attor.  4  Tudor's  build,  h.  Trem.  H. 
Mills  Lewis  (Peirre,  M.  &-  Wheeler),  h.  13  Sheafe 
Mills  William,  bridge  builder,  10  Charter 
Milne  George  P.  grocer,  81  S::Iem,  h.  12  Prince 
Milne  Mary,  nurse,  Commercial  near  Hanover 
Milner  Elizabeth,  widow,  456  Washingt(Mi 
Milton  Ephraim,  W.  L  goods,  117  Commercial,  h.  Clark 
Milton  William   H.  &.  Co.  (T.   Slocomb),  c]o\hes   ware- 
house, 4  Faneuil  U.     Milton's  h.  50  Mt.  Vernon 
Minehani  Henry,  teamster,  547  Washington 
Miner  Benjamin  F.  captain,  h.  43  Fayette 
Miner  Henry  C.  mariner,  h.  rear  4  Orange  lane 
Mining  James,  laborer,  4  Prospect 
Mining  Mark,  b.  South  Margin 
Minns  Susan,  widow  of  Thomas,  h.  22  Pearl 
Minot  Jonathan,  distiller,  Front,  h.  436  Washington 
Minot  Otis  (Joseph  Bartlctt  &  Co),  h    Comrner.  n.  Hull 
Minot  Thomas,  baker.  May,  h.  Commercial  near  Prince 
Minot  William,  counsellor,  39  Court,  h.  58  Beacon 
Miragliss  Salvadore,  laborer,  279  Ann 
Mirick  Benjamin  L.  (Messivo-er,  M.  ^-  Co.),  h.  53  Carver 


MiricJv  Henry,  jr.  lu  G  South  st.  place 

Mitclieil  Ale-xander,  laborer,  rear  (50  Elliot 

Mitchell  (Cusliing)  A:  Bryant  (Seth),  leather,  30  Broad 

Mitchell  Elizabeth,  senipskess,  h.  ](i  Fayette 

Mitchell  Isaac  R.  lamps  and  fancy  it'ds,  318  Washington 

^Mitchell  James,  cordvvainer,  2  Southac 

Mitchell  James,  stuccoworker,  h.  rear  18  S.  Russell 

Mitchell  James  B.  baker,  h.  W.  Centre 

Mitchell  John,  wood  wharf,  Charleslown,  h.  G4  Leveret 

Mitchell  Joseph,  laborer,  Batterman  place 

Mitchell  Nahum,  house  57  Federal 

Mitchell  Phineas,  h.  1  Acorn 

Mitchell  {Sani'L  H.)  &  Dunbar  (Loring),  housewrights, 

Lancaster.     Mitchell's  h.  12  Lynde 
Mitchell  {byvanus  L.)  &  Co.  (JV.  D.  Hyde),  merchants, 

14  State.     Mitchell's  h.  57  Federal 
Mitchell  Theodore  {Lyford  4^  M.),  h.  9  Brattle 
Mitchell  William  &  Co.  {John  Til[son),fiuding  store,  43 

N.  Market.     Mitchell's  h.  48  Poplar 
Mixer  Daniel,  Franklin  House,  North  Market 
Mixter  Charles.     See  Jabez  C.  Howe  &  Co. 
Mizner  Gilbert,  stage  driver,  Margaret  alley 
Moffat  Joseph  L.  druggist,  h.  68  Cvhambers 
Moftett  L.  L.  hairdresser,  8  Hanover 
Moffett  Priscilla,  widow,  3  Norfolk  place 
Moffit  Sophia  A.  1  Wendell 
Molineux  (Robert  JV.)  &.  Messinser  (E.  F.),  dry  goods, 

395  Washington.     M.'s  h.  30  Warren 
Monks  Patrick,  ship  sawyer,  3d  street 
Montague  VVm.  H.  &  George  L.  dry  goods,  43  Kilby,  h. 

1  Kneeland  pi.     G.  L.  boards  Tremont 
Monteath  Caroline,  widow,  rear  31  Allen 
Montgomery  Hugh,  counsellor.  Turnpike  cor.  4th  St. 
Montgomery  Thomas,  laborer,  h.  rear  41  Congress 
Moody  George  (Jcnncss,  Gage  ^--  .¥.),  h.  47  Chambers 
Moody  {Henrietta)  &  Allen  {Harriet),  variety  shop,  54 

Leveret,  h.  7  Spring 
Moody  William,  mariner,  0  N.  Margin 
Moody  William,  88  Faneuil  H.  market,  h.  1  N.  Margin 
Moody  William  H.  dry  goods,  73  Milk,  h.  55  High 
Mooney  Jatncs  N.  painter,  boards  Canton  near  Suffolk 
Mooney  Nicholas,  laborer,  rear  116  Sea 
Mooney  Patrick,  sexton,  bookstore,  op.  44  Federal 
Moore  Abel,  turner,  73  Corn  hi  11 
JMoore  Abraham  M.  truckman.  Pond  cor.  Charleslown 


Moore  Abram,  counsellor,  rear  24  Cotirt,  li.  C8  Temple 

Moore  Artiiiatus,  coppersmith,  Soutli  Margin 

Moore  A.  L   clerk,  rear  39  Salem 

Moore  Augustus  M.  baker,  h.  N.  Russell  cor.  Vine 

JVfoore  A.  N.  (Samuel  Wales  &-  Co.),  boards  9  Elm 

Moore  {Calvin  G.)  &  Bellows  (IVm.),  grocers,  119Cam- 

bridire.     Moore's  li.  31  Leveret 
Moore  Charles,  grocer,  27,  h.  28  Poplar 
Moore  Charbitte,  widow,  Humplirey  place 
Moore  Edward,  laborer,  107  Broad 
IVloore  Eliza,  widow,  Theatre  alley 
JMoore  Fanny,  widow,  rear  39  8alem 
Moore  Frances,  nurse,  rear  C71  Washington 
Moore  Hugh,  truckman,  h.  1  La  Fayette  avenue 
Moore  James,  painter,  h.  217  Ann 
Moore  Joseph,  housewright,  h.  1  ISturgis  place 
Moore  Levi  V.  R.  painter,  36  Portland,  h.  87  Prince 
Moore  Nathan,  cooper,  house  81  Sea 
Moore  Orin,  h.  57  Saleui 

Moore  Patrick,  laborer,  south  794  Washington 
Moore  Samuel,  hats,  300  Wash.  h.  S.  Cedar  n.  Church 
Moore  Samuel,  North  Federal  court 
Moore  Samuel,  captain,  192  Hanover 
Moore  Saujuel  H.  laborer,  Elliot  near  Tremont 
Moore  Sarah,  widow,  8  Pleasant  st.  court 
Moore  Thomas,  clerk,  204  Washington 
Moore  Thomas,  brushmaker,  h.  Humphrey  place 
Moore  William  R.  cooper,  Salter  place 
JNIoras  Emanuel,  grocer,  h.  Butolph  jiead  Southac 
More  Sarah,  widow  of  Thomas  U.  h.  7  Hawkins 
Moiey  George,  counsellor,  21  State,  li.  18  Franklin  pi. 
Morey  Jeremy  (Lovjoy  ^^  M.),  h.  rear  GG2  Washington 
Morey  Joseph,  mariner,  h.  24  Sheafe 
Morey  Stephen  L.  machinist,  h.  3  1-2  Spring 
Morey  William,  laborer,  h.  29  Front 
Moran  James,  laborer,  (j75  Washington 
Morgan  Caroline,  widow,  4  Norfolk  place 
Morgan  Enos,  housewright,  59  Prince 
Morgan  Isaiah,  laborer.  Castle  near  Middlesex 
Morgan  Nancy,  widow  of  Littleton  T.  h.  Portland 
Morgan  William,  laborer,  h.  rear  22  Federal 
Moriarty  Joseph,  physician,  98  Court 
Morn  Charles,  laborer,  Dedham 
Morrill  James,  3d  street 
Morrill  James,  2d,  clerk,  house  101  Tremont 


Morrill  Jolin,  liousewriglit,  rear  Beilinap,  h.  2C  do. 
Morrill  Peter,  well  digger,  rear  13  Sea 
Morrill  Robert,  laborer,  h.  Clark  alley 
IMorrill  Samuel,  physician,  12  Sullivan  place 
Morrill  Susannah,  widow,  back  of  8  Pleasant 
Morrill  {Thomas)  &  Lowell  {H'm.),  housewr'ts,  Lindall 
Morris  Abigail  W.  widow  ofKobert,  house  7  Acorn 
Morris  Ann,  18  Williams 

Morris  Apolios,  paints,  112  State,  h.  27  Tremont 
JMorris  Charles,  mariner,  Dedham 
Morris  Charles,  waterman,  rear  Moon 
Morris  John,  house  La  Fayette  avenue 
Morris  Lewis  H.  dry  goods,  427  Wash,  boards  G  Beach 
Morris  Robert,  house  Cliarlestown 
Morrison  David,  86  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Morrison  Edward,  laborer,  cellar  104  Purchase 
Morrison  George  W.  mason,  house  52  Fayette 
Morrison  James,  laborer.  Creek  square 
Morrison  John,  provisions,  Sudbury  square,  h.  Pond 
Morrison  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  Prince  near  the  bridge 
Morrison  William  A.     See  Allen  &  M. 
Monissey  Edmund,  cooper,  h.  24  Washington  avenue 
Morrissey  John,  laborer,  rear  143  Brond 
Morse  Aaron,  jr.  {B'c.Hon  ^'-.M.),  h.  15  Tremont  n.  Wash. 
Morse  Christopher,  cabinetmaker,  h.  2  Fayette  court 
Morse  David,  handcartnian,  house  rear  27(5  Ann 
Morse  Edmund  N.  pumpmaker,  rear  30  N.  Russell 
Morse  Elbridge  G.  dry  g'ds,  21)  Cambridge,-h.  19  Hancock 
Morse  Elisha,  Fire  Department's  HoteT,  Old  Road 
Morse  Eliza  D.  tailoress,  5  Norfolk  place 
Morse  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Samuel,  2  La  Grange  place 
Morse  Ezekiel,  pilot,  h.  17  Tileston 
Morse  E.  R.  milliner,  15G,  house  159  Court 
Morse  Har\nah,  widow  of  Elijah,  rear  42  Pond 
Morse  Hazen,  engraver, 70  Washington,  h.  4  Sullivan  pi. 
Morse  (Hennj)  t^  Jenkins  (James),  painters,  60  Commer. 
Morse  John,  variety  store,  60  Sea,  h.  East  r.  engine  house 
Morse  Joseph,  painter,  60  Commercial,  h.  Salutation 
Morse  Joseph  A.  housewright,  h.  23  Carver 
Morse  Lydia,  boarding,  1  Bath  corner  Milk 
Morse  Mary,  widow  of  Robert,  house  34  High 
Morse  Oren,  rear  25  Allen 

Morse  Robert  M.  &  Co.  (/?.  R.  Rand),  9  South  Market, 
house  12  Bowdoin 



Morse  Samuel  F.  &.  Co.  (Sidjipy  B.  Morse),  Eng.  goods, 

12  Cimtral,  house  8  South  Bennet 
Morse  Sarah  H.  dressmaker,  rear  351  Washington 
Morse  Sidney  B.  (5.  F.  M.  ^  Co.),  h.  2  La  Grange  place 
Morse  Wm.  S.  S.  (Fisher  S,^  M.),  hoards  2  La  Grange  pi. 
Morse  VViUiam,  machinist,  3  Comhill,  h.  S.  Russell 
Morton  Abigail,  house  rear  2  Plymouth  place 
Morton  Andrew,  stable,  Federal,  house  27  South 
Morton  Ebenezer,  honsewright,  Trenioni,  h.  48  Fayette 
Morton  Newell,  laborer,  rear  Church   near  the  rail  road 
Morton  Otis,  housevvr't,  Median,  pi.  h.  Trein.  n.  Warren 
Morion  Sylvenus  F.  shipwright,  h.  Spear  alley 
Morton  VViUiam.     See  Thompson  &■  M. 
Morton  William  S.  16  Court,  house  13  Avon  place 
3Ioseley  David  C.  house  Bromfield  cor.  Washington 
Moseley  Flavel  (Phillips  &  M.),  h.  Orange  ct.  c.  Wash. 
Moses  Charles,  house  8  Lowell  place 
Moses  George  H.  mason,  Henchman  lane 
Moses  I.  H.  (Dcnnison  &/•  M.),  h.  9  Federal  court 
Moses  Joseph  H.  provisions,  Bromfield,  h.  9  Federal  ct. 
Moses  Samuel  W.  printer,  house  Brighton 
Moses  Thomas,  printer,  house  41  Brighton 
Moshier  Abba  G.  widow,  h.  72  Prince 
Mosier  Philip  T.  carpenter,  h.  Piedmont  near  Pleasant 
Mosier  William,  mariner,  h.  Salutation 
Mosman  Rufus,  house  23  Stillman 
Motley  lEdward,  boards  10  South 

Motley  Thomas  &  Edward,  merchants,  31  India  wharf 
Motley  Thomas,  jr.  (Bacon  4^  M.),  house  9  Chesnut 
Motley  William  W.  tailor,  5  Wilson's  lane,  h.  11  Trem't 
Motte  M.  L  Rev.,  Castle  near  Front 
Moulton  Charles,  teamster,  h.  rear  Short  near  Bedford 
Moulton  Daniel,  grocer,  Haverhill,  house  Beverly 
Moulton  Jotham.     See  Sargent  &  M. 
Moulton  Moses  P.  63  F.  H.  Market,  h.  3  Lathrop  place 
Moulton  Newell  IL  grocer,  50  Brattle,  house  33  Bridge 
Mountforl  Charles,  sailmaker,  ]  Rovve's  wf  h.  r.  23  Allen 
Mountfort  Joseph,  house  44  Prince 
Mower  Levi,  innholder,  24  Ann 

Mower  S.  F.  (Chamberlin  4/-  M.),  h.  4  Brattle  square 
Mudge  Alfred,  printer,  2  Sweetser  court,  h.  4  A\ery 
Mudge  (B.  W.)  &  Coolidge  (Wm.  D.),  com.  merchants 

and  auctioneers,  13  Broad 
Mudge  Ezra,  inspector,  Custom  H.  h.  rear  30  Chambers 
Mugford  John,  house wright,  house  rear  59  Warren 


Muirliead  William,  machinist,  h.  3c!  street 

Mulcahy  John,  hibnrer,  rear  29  Milk 

Muldoon  James,  hiborer,  rear  88  Warren 

Muldoon  Owen,  musician,  rear  63  L^lliot 

MijIIen  Barthoh)mew,  laborer,  Middlesex  near  Castle 

Mullen  Daniel,  laborer,  18  Water 

Mullen  Dennis  J.  house  Prince 

Mullen  Francis,  laborer,  114  Droad 

Mullen  John,  laborer,  rear  S3  Sea 

Mullen  John,  cordvvuinor,  o]>posite  6G5  Washington 

Mullen  Jbhn,  laborer,  house  12  Cross 

Mullen  John,  laborer,  h.  rear  40  Friend 

Mullen  John,  laborer,  Middlesex  near  Castle 

Mulligan  Thomas,  laborer,  h.  3d  street 

Mulligan  James,  laborer,  rear  Sister  near  Berry 

Mullery  Michael,  laborer,  2  Wharf 

Mulvey  Matthew,  laborer,  rear  63  Elliot 

Mumler  John,  typefounder,  Ivers  corner  Merrimac 

Munday  James,  laborer,  rear  671  Washington 

Munn  Luther  {Richards  Sf  M.),  h.  55  South 

Munroe  Abel  B,  provis.  214  Flanover,  h.  17  1-2  Tileston 

Munroe  Dan'l,  watchniak.  36  Congress,  h.  Haymarket  pi. 

Munroe  Edmund,  merchant,  14  State,  h.  6  Hamilton  pi. 

Munroe    (Edtimnd)    ^   Francis    {David),   printers   and 

booksellers,  128  Washington 
Munroe  Edwin,  grain,  69  Commercial 
Munroe  Elizabeth,  v\  idow,  5  Norfolk  place 
Munroe  {Lewis)  &  Williams  {Jer.).  stablers,  21  Hanovor. 

Lewis's  house  33  Elm 
Munroe  George,  provisions,  233  Ann,  h.  Tileston 
Munroe  George,  dry  goods,  175  Wash,  boards  8  Pearl 
Munroe  Isaac,  dry  goods,  291  Wash.  h.  8  Somerset  pi. 
Munroe  Jas.  &  Co.  ( Geo.  JVichoIs),  booksellers,  134  Wash. 
Munroe  James,  provisions,  174  Ann,  h.  rear  5  Tileston 
Munroe  John  F.  84  Hanover 

Munroe  John,  teamster,  Commercial  near  Foster 
Munroe  John.     See  E.  Baker  &  Co. 
Munroe  Jotham  B.  provisions,  Salem,  h.  r.  10  Tileston 
Munroe  Lewis  {Williams  8^-  M.),  house  33  Elm 
Munroe  Otis,  grain,  12  Commercial,  h.  209  Hanover        ^ 
Munroe  Richard  L.  grain,  13  City  wharf 
Munroe  Sarah,  widow,  nurse,  67  Bedford 
Munroe  Solomon  &  William  H.,  W.  L  goods,  109,  house 

107  Broad 
Munroe  Washington,  h.  31  Friend 



Munroe  William,  innliolder,  Broni field  House,  Bronifield 
Munroe  VVm.  provisions,  Coin.  n.  yVrin,  li.  n.  lOTileston 
Munroe  Wm.  C.  whipmaker,  35  Kxrh.  li   47  Tretnont 
Munson  Israel,  mer.  17  Central  wf.  h.  at  Trernonl  House 
Murdock  Amasa,  jr.  {Gardner  ^'  M.),  h.  11  Allen 
Murdock  George  vt  Co.  (yllfred  A.  Wetlmglon),  grocers, 

23  Dock  square,  n.  GO  Federal 
Murdock  John.     See  Levi  WiIcuU  &  Co. 
Murdock  Sarah,  widow,  8  Blossom 
Murdock  Stephen,  innlmlder,  G41  Washington 
Murdock  Warren,  merchant,  48  Com.  h.  50  rinckney 
Murdock  Wm.  C.  &  Co.  {Bhuj.   C    Harrh),  shoes,  10 

Broad.     M.'s  house  C24  Washington 
Murphy  Archibald,  57  Fleet 
Murphy  Cornelius,  laborer,  rear  87  Broad 
Murphy  David,  laborer,  78  Purchase 
Murphy  David,  laborer,  h.  38  JMerrimac 
Murphy  Edward,  carpenter,  3  Humphrey  place 
Murphy  Edward,  laborer,  104  Broad 
Murphy  Elizabeth,  widows,  Barro  place 
Murphy  James,  house  3  Pitts  conit 
Murphy  James,  laborer,  rear  78  Warren 
Murphy  John,  laborer,  rear  91  Broad 
Murphy  Michael,  slater,  rear  13  Distil-house  square 
Murphy  Michael,  coppersmith.  Canton  near  Suffolk 
Murphy  Michael,  laborer,  h.  88  Broad 
Murphy  Michael,  laborer,  rear  75  Sea 
Murphy  Michael,  Pond 
Murphy  Patrick,  laborer,  Theatre  alley 
Murphy  Patrick,  laborer,  Sister 
Murphy  Stephen,  South  Margin 
Murphy  Tliomas,  boarding  house,  22  Atkinson 
Murphy-Thomas,  tailor,  h.  3  Dearborn  avenue 
Murphy  Thomas,  tailor,  h.  Peck  lane 
Murphy  l^homas,  laborer,  rear  94  Sea 
Murphy  William,  boatman,  Commercial  court 
Murphy  William,  waiter,  h.  Lindall 
Murray  Isabella,  h.  10  Bridge  street  court 
Murray  Jaquith,  housewright,  house  44  Brighton 
Murray  John,  cordwainer,  rear  83  Tremont 
Murray  John,  victualler.  Cross 
Murray  Michael,  laborer,  rear  G3  Elliot 
Murray  Michael,  laborer,  r.  104  Sea — another  r.  83  Broad 
Murray  Patrick  &  William,  hats,  98,  house  9G  Broad 
Murray  Robert,  tailor,  Theatre  alley 


Murray  Thomas,  undertaker,  h.  Old  Road,  S.  Boston 

Murray  Thomas,  tobacconist,  302  Ann 

Murte  Barney,  tailor,  house  rear  1()7  Ann 

Murtoy  Michael,  laborer,  rear  123  Broad 

Mushevvay  John  F.  laborer,  house  Church 

Mussey  Benj.  B.  bookseller, 29  Cornhill,  h.  5  Kneeland  pi. 

Muzzey  John,  Custom  House  officer,  h.  3  Federal  court 

Myers  Michael,  Ji.  8  W.  Centre 

Myers  Saiah,  widow,  18  Fayette 

Myers  William,  sugar  refiner,  Lyman  place 

Myler  Matthew,  laborer,  rear  119  Broad 

Myrick  Samuel,  mariner,  rear  103  Purchase 

My  rick  Willianj,  hou-^evvright,  110  Court 

NANCE  JOHN,  housewright,  h.  1  Cedar  street  court 

Naromore  Abie!,  laborer,  9  Brighton 

Narey  Richard,  founder,  A  street 

Nash  Bartholomew,  laborer.  Market  place 

Nash  Charles  VV.  baker,  h.  13  Hamilton 

Nash  Hiram,  housewright,  h.  Carney  place  cor.  Wash. 

Nash  Jose[)h,  caulker  and  graver,  h.  US  Charter 

Nash  Lydia,  boarding  house,  16  Fleet 

Nash  Nancy,  widow,  Henchman  lane 

Nash  Nathaniel  C.  (Hitchcock  S^  JV.),  h.  52  Temple 

Nash  Rachael,  boarding-,  54  Union 

Nash  William  H.  (MUk  ^  M.),  house  Moon 

Nash  William,  shipwright,  North  Hanover  court 

Nason  Daniel,  sup.  depot  Bos.  ifeProv.  railroad,  h.  Church 

Nason  Daniel,  housewright,  house  Southao 

Nason  Joel,  rear  107  Hanover 

Nason  Leavitt,  tailor,  4  Congress,  house  4  Derne 

Nassau  William  M.  hairdresser,  44  Court 

Nay  Stanley,  leather,  14  North  Market,  h.  25  Warren 

Nazro  Charles  G.  (B.  C.  Clark  &  Co.),  h.  Pleasant 

Nazro  Hem-y  James,  book  keeper,  house  42  Fayette 

Nazro  John,  house  42  Fayette 

Nazro  John  G.  book  keeper  N.  E.  Bank,  h.  9  Orange 

Neal  Daniel  W.  blacking  maker,  h.  23  Warren 

Neal  James,  laborer,  153  Broad 

Neal  John  A.  wheelwright,  h.  5  Lowell  place 

Neal  Samuel,  housewright,  house  37  W.  Cedar 

Neal  William  A.  cordwainer,  Broadway  near  I  street 

Nealo  Robert,  printer,  house  8  Southao 

Neat  John,  painter,  h.  3  Short  lane 

Neat  Nathan,  saddler,  4  Elm,  h.  13  Stillman 


Neat  Samuel  R.  20  Lincoln 

Needham  Sanjuei,  chaisemaker,  h.  58  Fayetle 

Neil  Lucy,  boardinfj  house,  5  Sister 

Neles  John,  cooper,  house  92  Sea 

Nelson  Fanny,  Barry's  witarf 

Nelson  Jatnes,  printer,  h.  30  Stillman 

Nelson  Jane,  widow,  12  Elliot — Another,  rear  120  Sea 

Nelson  John,  laborer,  rear  314  Ann 

Nelson  Mary,  widow,  Barry's  wharf 

Nelson  Nehemiah,  grocer,  Salem  c.  Cross,  h.  95  Pofld 

Nelson  Thomas  H.  stonecutter,  h.  lOS  Warren 

Nevens  Rapha  H.  house  rear  149  Washington 

Nevers  Abel  R.  (.4.  JVeUci>  &  Co.),  boards  at  Exchange 

Nevers  Benj.  M.  livery  stable,  U  Boylston  sq.  h.  Ill  Front 

Nevers  {Elie.n.   W.)  &  Woodsum    {Isaac  P.),  wood  and 

coal,  Otis's  wf.     N's  h.  16  Wash,  place 
Neville  Thomas,  laborer,  Oliver 
Neville  William  H.  carver,  house  73  Charter 
Newcomb  Abigail,  widow,  62  Prince 
Newconib  Annis,  liousewright,  h.  South  st.  place 
Newcon)b  Asa,  carpenter,  h.  Fulton  court 
Newcomb  Danforth  P.  7  F.  H.  market,  h.  17  Tremont 
Newcomb  James,  7  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Newcomb  James,  2d,  129  F.  H.  market,  h.  r.  Charlestown 
Newcomb  Lemuel,  114  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Newcomb  Loring,  auct'r,  27  Exchange,  h.  Summer 
Newcomb  Norton,  dry  goods,  Blackstone,  h.  4  Unity 
Newcomb  Rufus,  printer,  19  Water,  h.  r.  427  Washing. 

See  advertisement 
Newcomb  Susan,  boarding  house,  Hull 
Newell  Augustus  T.     Sec  E.  Vose  &  Co. 
Newell  Horatif),  laborer,  h.  3  West  Centre 
Newell  James,  9  Elm,  h.  30  Salem 
Newell  Jeremiah  G.  housewright,  Piper's  wharf,  house 

7  Newton  place 
Newell  Jonathan  K.  boards  95  Front 
Newell  Joseph  A.  clerk,  401  Wash,  b'ds  3  Kneeland  pi. 
Newell  Joseph,  as.-istanl  surveyor,  house  29  Boylston 
Newell  Joseph  R.  ag.  wareh.,  51  N.  Market,  h.  87  High 
Newell  Joseph  W.  messenger  North  Bink,  h.  Lynde 
Newell  Montgomery  (Roh.  Appletnn  ^^  Co.),  h.7  Frank. 
Newell  Richard  A.  druggist,  75  Summer,  h.  3  South 
Newell  Willard  M.  clerk,  22  Merchants  row 
Newhall  Cheever  &  Co.  {John  Jl/.),  shoes,  36  Broad 
Newhall  Daniel  B.  (Gould,  IVilder  ^'  Co.)^  h.  Dedham 


Nevvhall  Daniel  R.  music  master,  hou?e  Dedham 

IVewhall  Ezra  F.  dry  goods,  179  Wash,  b'ds  36  Camb. 

Newhall  George,  shoes  and  leather,  17  Broad 

Newhall  James,  shoe  store,  161  Hanover,  h.  87  Charter 

?fewhall  Josiah,  inspector  Custom  H.  b'ds  1  Bromfield 

Newhall  John      See  Whitman  &  N. 

Nfcwhall  John,  housewright,  h.  opposite  61  Sea 

Newhall  John  M.  (Cheever  A.  &  Co.),  h.  24  Pearl 

Newhall  Sally,  nurse,  718  Washington 

Newman  Caroline  &  Ann,  toys,  57  Court 

Newman  Gustavus,  boarding,  Well  corner  Wharf 

Newman  Nancy,  house  283  Washington 

Newman  Kobert  E.  crockery  ware,  45  Court,  h.  1  Colum. 

Newman  Samuel  II.  tuiK)r,  2  Brattle,  h.  Pemberton  hill 

Newman  Susan,  widow,  4!)1  Washington 

Newman  Thomas,  tin  worker,  h.  69  Sea 

Newman  William,  tailor,  2  Brattle 

Newmarch  Angelia,  instructress,  5  Atkinson 

Newmarch  Samuel,  baker,  h.  N.  Margin 

Newnun  Donald,  laborer,  op.  4  Bread 

Newton  Abigail  J.  G,  widow,  rear  690  Washington 

Newton  (Curtis)   &  Parker  {Ahtier),  grocers,  Merrimac 

cor.  Ivers 
Newton  Henry,  cordwainer,  Turnpike,  h.  4tii  street 
Nichols  Betsey,  boarding  house,  47  Temple 
Nichols  Benjamin  R.  counsellor,  60  Slate,  h.  20  South 
Nichols  Charles,  teller  N.  E.  Bank 
Nichols  Cashing,  house  14  Charles 
Nichols  Charles,  mason,  h.  3  1-2  Spring 
Nichols  Chas.  C.  ind.  rub.  goods,  Stale,  h.  8  Williams 
Nichols  Eliza,  64  Essex 

Nichols  Eleazcr,  carpenter,  house  61  Warren 
Nichols  Frederick,  clerk  Globe  Bank,h.  24  Allen 
Nichols  George.     Sec  James  Munroe  6l  Co. 
Nichols  George,  housewright,  h.  30  N.  Russell 
Nichols  Henry,  confectioner,  h.  Leveret  court 
Nichols  John,  boarding,  Alden  court 
Nichols  John,  laborer,  rear  120  Purchase 
Nichols  John  D.  bootmaker,  North  Bennet 
Nichols  J.  P.  painter.  Harvard  place,  h.  5  Stillman 
Nichols  Lawrence,  confec.  119  Court,  h.  Alden  lane 
Nichols  Luiher  W.  h.  4  Gouch 
Nichols  Mary,  widow,  house  Blossom  place 
Nichols  Oliver,  rose  water  manufacturer,  &c.  103  Pleasant 
Nichols  Ptrez,  house  Alden  lane 


Nichok  Tl.  Whe]Icn,-h.  op.  13  Front 

Nichols  S.  VV.  mason,  00  Salom 

Nichols  Susnn.  wid.  of  Ebenezer  B.  48  Tempio 

Nichols  (Thaddcus.jr.)  Sl  Whitney  (Israel),  merchants, 

in  Central  wf.     N.'s  h.  Bowdoin 
Nichols  Tliomas  F..  publisher  Standard,  Ann 
Nichols  (T"*/??^;.  S.)  iV.  Gibson   (K.),  painters,    163  Tre- 

nv>nt.     N.'s  h.  40  Carver 
Nichols  Wm.  honsewright,  r.  9t3  Pleasant,  h.  50  Warren 
Nichols  William,  20  Elliot 

Nichols  William,  printer,  Wilson  lane,  h.  3  Orange  ct. 
Nickels  Samuel,  capt.  portwarden,  31  India,  h.  44  Spring 
Nickerson  David,  house  Broadway 

Nickers(m  Ebenezer,  fisli,  3!)  I^ong  wf.  \\.  8  Sturgig  place 
Nickerson  FVedorick,  capt.  h.  F.  st.  near  Broadway 
Nickerson  Josiah  {Eldredgc  S^  J\\),  h.  19  Lynde 
Nickerson  Wm.  honsewright,  h.  4  Flarvard  court 
Nicolson  Samuel,  agent  B.  &  R.  Mill  corporation,  hous« 

7  Bulfiuch  place 
Niebuhr  Hem-y,  pianoforte  tuner,  7  Avery  place 
Nightingale  James,  dry  goods,  2i7  Wash.  h.  2  Bedford 
Nilcs  John  S.  honsewright,  house  rear  Broadway 
Niies  Jesse,  housewrigiit,  Atkinson  n.  iMilk,  h.  Cotton  pi- 
Nilcs  Thomas,  rear  Suffolk  Bank  60  Slate 
Niles  Thomas,  broker,  house  16  Pearl 
Niles  William  J.  stable,  21  School,  h.  16  Pearl 
Nions  Cor.ielius,  laborer,  Peck  lane 
Noble  Elizabeth,  widow,  2  Madison  place 
Noble  Julius  A.  auctioneer.   111  Washington 
Noble  Samuel,  truckman,  house  rear  22  Ann 
Noble  (Thomas)  <fe  Payne  (Samuel),  85  F.  Hall  market, 

house  54  Portland 
Noble  Wm.  handcartman,  op.  Mariner's  church  Purchase 
Nolan  Martin,  house  4  Prospect 
Nolen   Spencer,  jr.   surgeon  dentist,  16  Winter,  boards 

1  La  Grange  place 
Norcross  Archelaus,  corkcutter,  house  2  Hawley 
Norcross  Daniel,  blacking  maker,  boards  67  Bedford 
Norcross  H.  A.  (Melleri  .^^  Co.),  boards  American  House 
Norcross  Jose()h,  boatbuilder,  Packard's  wharf 
Norcross  Judith,  widow,  6  Bartlett 
Norcross  Mary  C.  widow  of  Otis,  house  6  Poplar 
Norcross  (Luring)  <Sl  Wood  (Mattheio  F.),  dry  goods,  22 

Kilby.     N.'s  h.  4  Pinckney 


Norcross  Otis  &  Co.  (Eliphalet  Jones),  crockeryware,  23 

and  24  S.  Market,  h.  33  Blossom 
Norcross  Sarali,  Trcmont  ror   Kulin  place 
Norcross  T.  R.  100  Faneuil  Hall  inaiket 
Norris  Elijah,  shipwright,  2d  street 
Norris  George,  mason,  house  108  Camhridge 
Norris  James  S.  cooper,  house  rear  9  South  Bennet 
Norris  John,  housevvright,  George,  house  4  Grove 
Norris  Phineas,  house  Milton  corner  Spring 
Norris  Priscilla,  widow,  3  Pitts 
Norris  (Rufus  G.)  &.  Plint  {Joseph    TV.),  leather,  21  N. 

Market.     N.'s  h    G  Barton 
Norris  Sarah,  widow,  nurse,  rear  119  Pleasant 
Norris  (Shepherd  H.)  &  Curtis  (Samuel  S.),  dry  goods, 

35  Kilby.     N.'s  h.  GO  Boylston 
Norris  Theophilus,  wood,  Oliver  place,  house  3  do. 
Norris  Wm.  painter,  house  rear  119  Pleasant 
Norton  John,  laborer,  Gouch 

Norton  JohnD.  bookbinder,  130  Wash.  h.  41  Friend 
Norton  Joshua,  sailniaker,  11  Foster's  wf.  h.  2G  Friend 
Norton  Joshua,  jr.     See  Heywood  &  N. 
Norton  Lydia,  widow,  13  Atkinson 
Norton  Nancy,  widow,  2  Prospect 
Norton  Patrick,  shoemaker,  h.  rear  344  Washington 
Norton  Richard  B.  clothing,  234,  house  rear  324  Ann 
Norton  Thaxter,  cordwainer,  Merrimac,  h.  r.  S.  Margin 
Norton  William,  bookbinder,  h.  41  Friend 
Norwood  George  M.  hook-keep.  Mer.  Bank,  h.  3G  Spring 
Norwood  James  W.  printer,  h.  12  Chambers 
Norwood  Samuel,  assessor,  3G  Spring 
Norwood  William  D.  cabinetmaker,  house  Dedham 
Notaby  Richard,  laborer,  Peck  lane 
Nottage  Nathaniel,  house  Vernon  place 
Nottage  Samuel  C.  (Pratt  S^-  JV'.),  house  6  Hull 
Naurse  Amory,  copperplate  pri.  School,  h.  Sweelsor  ct. 
Nourse  Benjamin  F.  bookbinder,  h.  Church 
Nourse  Benjamin,  baker,  h.  22  Washington  place 
Nourse  Charles,  dry  goods,  20.5  Wash.  h.  43  Federal 
Nowell  Oliver,  restorator,  29  Nortli  Market 
Nowell  Sliadrach,  cordw^ainer,  h    Mechanic  place 
Nowland  Cornelius,  laborer,  r.  Church  near  the  rail  road 
Nowland  Daniel,  laborer,  rear  119  Broad 
Nowland  Matthew,  laborer,  h.  2  Short  street  court 
Nowland  Miles,  laborer,  Broad  op.  Maine  wf. 
Nowland  Nancy,  widow,  G.">  India  wharf 


Nowlarid  Patrick,  laborer,  re;ir  93  Warren 

Noyos  Charles  E.  paiiiler,  house  24  Carver 

Noyes  Daniel  (Maynard  \-  JV.),  h.  ]0  Morton  place 

Koyes  Ebenezer,  niessenger  United  States  court 

Noyes  Ebenezer  cSi.  Elisha,  VV.  I.  g'cis,  67  Sea  cor.  East 

Noyes  Edward  {Maynard  4'"  jV.),  house  27  Somerset 

Noyes  Hosea,  painter,  h.  19  Orange 

Noyes  Joseph,  paint,  and  glaz.  h.  rear  2  Plymouth  pi. 

Noyes  Jo.sepli,  76  Salem 

Noyes  Michael,  ropemaker,  h  rear  Suffolk  near  Canton 

Noyes  Salome  H.  dressmaker,  24  Carver 

Noyes  Samuel,  tailor,  7  Congress  square 

Noyes  Sarah  VV.  boarding  house,  40  Union 

Noyes  U.  VV.  dry  goods,  70  Hanover 

Nugent  Bernard,  clothing,  Blackstone,  h.  18  Myrtle 

Nugent  Christopher,  laborer,  Jt)  S.  Bennet 

Nurse  Gilbert,  clerk,  house  30  Charter 

Nurspicktie  Mary,  house  rear  7  Allen 

Nute  {Clark  P.)  &  Fernald  {A'atk'l),  blacksm.  Haverhill 

Nuie  James,  blacksmith,  house  35  Tliacher 

Nute  {James)  &  Googins  {Mark),  blacksmiths, Richmond 

Nutson  Jolin,  housevvright,  house  roar  4th  street 

Nutsptill  Franci.s  J.  hairdresser,  93  Broad,  h.  17  Hamilton 

Nutter  Richard,  soda  room,  22  Franklin 

Nutting  Buckler  T.  laborer,  h.  Cedar  lane  c   Pinckney 

Nutting  Calvin,  house  6  Beach 

Nutting  Catherine,  widow,  11  Federal  court 

Nutting  Eleazer,  truckman,  Market  place 

Nutting  Luther  &  Calvin,    blacksmiths,  Beach.     I..  N.'» 

house  3  Church 
Nutting  Nancy,  boarding  house,  13  Atkinson 
Nutting  Surali,  milliner,  234  Washington 
Nye  Benjamin,  house  rear  53  Cambridge 
Nye  Caroline,  boarding  house,  247  Washington 
Nye  David,  painter,  h.  11  Garden 
Nye  Elizabeth,  widow,  6  Richmond 
Nye  Geo.  B.  house  Alden  lane 
Nye  Henry,  cooper,  1st  street 
Nyman  Benjamin,  furrier,  house  34  Vine 

OAKES  ASA,  baker,  Battery 
Oakes  Daniel,  Suncourt 
Oakes  George,  cooper,  house  12  Bedford 
Oakes  {Geo.}  &  Russell  {John  F.),  painters,  Packard's  wf. 


Oakes  (Geo.  L.)  &,  Ellis  (./.),  commission  merchants,  17 

and  18  S.  Market,  h.  1  Sewall  place 
OaUes  Geo.  P.  printer,  16  Haskin's  buildinir,  h.  Fayette 
Oakes  James,  salt  store,  49  Long  vvf.  h.  12  Williams 
Oakes  Joshua,  ship  joiner,  r.  49  India,  h.  r.  170  Hanover 
Oakes  Joshua  J.  fruit  collar,  7  Sea 
Oakes  Josiah,  housewright,  house  7  Stillnian  place 
Oakes  Lewis,  coppersmith,  h.  rear  2  Plymouth  place 
Oakes  Moses,  rear  324  Ann 
Oakley  Alexander,  boards  G  Hayward  place 
Oakman  Samuel,  hatier,  boards  Boylston  Iiotel 
O'Brian  Martin,  tailor,  house  27  Williams 
O'Brien  Ann,  widow,  house  rear  17  Federal 
O'Brien  Ann,  widow,  house  Sister 
O'Brien  Anthony,  laborer,  house  14  Stillman 
O'Brien  Charles,  laborer,  rear  94  Sea 
O'Brien  Dennis,  laborer,  lOf)  Sea 
O'Brien  Dennis,  laborer,  h.  Broad  op.  Maine  wharf 
O'Brien  Dennis  W.  upholsterer,  h.  1  South  Foster  place 
O'Brien  Edward,  stone  cutter,  house  12  East 
O'Brien  Edward,  cooper,  rear  75  Elliot 
O'Brien  Edward,  laborer,  Gibbs  lane 
O'Brien  Francis,  laborer,  10  Oliver 
O'Brien  Jerry,  laborer,  rear  88  Summer 
O'Brien  John,  laborer,  Hobbs's  vvf — Another,  r.  104  Sea 
O'Brien  John,  laborer,  46  Front 
O'Brien  John,  clerk,  85  State,  h.  10  Lynde 
O'Brieii  Mary,  widow  of  Edward,  groceries,  24  Pleasant 
O'Brien  Michael,  inariner,  2  Humphrey  place 
O'Brien  Michael,  laborer,  153  Broad 
O'Brien  Michael,  laborer,  opposite  47  Front 
O'Brien  Michael,  beer,  78  Broad 
O'Brien  Stephen,  head  Ellis's  wharf 
O'Brien  Thomas,  laborer,  rear  79  Sea 
O'Brien  William,  laborer.  Peck  lane 
O'Connel  Geo.  C.  baker,  boards  8  N.  Centre 
O'Connel  James,  laborer.  Broad  op.  Maine 
O'Conner  James,  W.  I.  goods,  33  Sea 
O'Conner  James,  house  Southac  cor.  Grove 
O'Conner  Mary,  widow  of  John,  33  Sea 
O'Connon  William,  mason,  house  13  Williams  ct. 
O'Connor  Margaret,  widow,  74  Purchase 
O'Connor  Thomas,  waiter,  Peck  lane 
O'Daniel  John,  laborer,  A  street 
O'Dell  Elizabeth,  widow,  4  Elliot  court 


O'Doll  Noah,  cordwainer,  2  Fleet 

Odenwald  George  A.  cordwainer,  op.  2  Bcidford 

Odin  George  {Meldriim  &  Co.),  ii.  20  Bulfinch 

Odin  Jolin,  house  (J2  Warren 

Odin  John,  jr.  physician,  88  Tremont  cor.  Elliot 

Odiorne  (George)  &,  Son  {James  C),  iron  and  nails,  97 

Milk,  h.  43  Hancock 
Odiorne  George,  jr.  clerk,  boards  74  Sinnmer 
Odiorne  Henry  B.  teller  Eagle  Bank 
Odiorne  John,  shoe  dealer,  house  5  Stillman  place 
Odiorne  Kaniiiel  M.  housevvright,  Salutation 
Odiorne  William  H.  cashier  American  Bank 
Odiorne  William,  blacksmith,  h.  2  Hancock  row 
O'Donnel  Edward,  laborer,  Peck  lane 
O'Donncl  James,  tailor,  h.  rear  8  South  street  place 
O'Donnel  John,  laborer,  rear  Castle  near  Middlesex 
O'Donnel  John,  carpenter,  boards  rear  188  Wash. 
O'Donnel  Simon,  laborer,  104  Purchase 
O'Donnell  James,  14  Stillman 
O'Donnell  Michael,  laborer,  rear  671  Washington 
Ogden  John  T.  chaise  maker,  24  Friend,  h.  210  Hanover 
OHaraJohn,  laborer,  3  Bread 
O'Hara  Michael,  shoemaker,  opposite  73  Elliot 
O'Hara  Patrick,  laborer,  house  Mechanic 
O'Heare  Nicholas,  laborer,  opposite  102  Sea 
Oliver  Ann,  widow,  224  Hanover 

Oliver  Benj.  L.  counsellor,  Barristers  Hall,  h.730  Wash. 
Oliver  Edward  H.  packer  of  glass,  rear  65  Charter 
Oliver  Elizabeth,  house  55  Hancock 
Oliver  Elizabeth,  63  Charter 
Oliver  Francis,  oysters,  99  Ann 
Oliver  Francis  J.  58  State,  h.  5  Chesnut 
Oliver  Henry  H.  boatbuilder.  Commercial  n.  Foster 
Oliver  Henry  J.  nierch.  rear  Suffolk  Bank,  h.  14  Sheafe 
Oliver  Hubbard,  tailor,  13  Water,  house  7  Oliver 
Oliver  John  P.  shoes,  87  Hanover 
Oliver  John,  branch  pilot,  house  123  Purchase 
Oliver  Michael,  house  6  Bridge 
Oliver  Royal,  housevvright,  keeper  S.   B.  O.  Bridge,  h. 

Old  Road  S.  Boston 
Oliver  Sam'l  W.  A.  (Shepard,  0.  ir  Co.),  h.  14  Chambers 
Oliver  Samuel  P.  teller  Market  Bank,  h.  114  Hanover 
Oliver  Susannah,  house  Battery 
Oliver  William,  mariner.  Salutation 
Oliver  Wni.  B.  tinplate  worker,  19  Union,  L.  Lathrop  pi. 


Olney  Stephen  W.  hat  store,  29  Wash.  h.  12  Fleet 

Omen  Henry,  rigger,  house  Medfurd 

O'Neal  James,  carpenter,  house  Dedham 

ONea!  John,  caneworker,  rear  409  Washington 

O'Neal  John,  laborer,  Purciiase  cor.  Broad 

O'Neal  John,  laborer,  143  Broad — Another,  do.  do. 

O'Neal  Owen,  laborer,  house  Langdon  place 

O'Neal  Patrick  A.  plate  printer,  h.  South  st.  court 

O'Neil  Terence,  laborer,  house  W  Essex  place 

Oiithank  Curtis,  intelligence  office,  47  Milk.  h.  411  Wash. 

Oornen  Peter  J.  baker,  house  rear  '.i  Lucas  place 

Ornond  Robert,  painter,  rear  68  Charter 

Orcutt  Catherine,  lailoress,  rear  16  Hawkins 

Orcutt  Ephrairn,  mason,  1  North  Russell 

Orcutt  Francis  B.  provisions,  28  Prince 

Orcutt  Samuel,  machinist,  house  30  N.  Russell 

Orcutt  Sarah  B    widow  of  John  P.  3  Pond 

Orders  Thomas,  blacksmith,  3d  street 

Ordway  Abigail  B.  millineiy,  233  Wash.  h.  7  Norfolk  pi. 

Ordway  (F.  J.)  <&  Stuart  ( Georire),  housew'ts,  Haverhill 

Ordway  Frederick  J.  housewright,  h.  Travers 

Ordway  Moses,  grocer,  89  Cambridge,  house  8  Blossom 

Ordway ,  widow,  7  Norfolk  place 

Orne  Joseph  T.  pianoforte  maker,  h.  12  Lucas  place 

Orne  William,  soda  room,  30  Brattle,  h.  Chambers 

O'Rourke  Daniel,  carpenter,  h.  12  Wharf 

O'Rourke  Michael,  laborer,  92  Broad 

Orr  David,  cabinetmaker,  house  8  Lucas  place 

Orr  Robert,  housewright,  house  52  South 

Orrok  (Jus.  L.  P.)  &  feimmons  ( Thos.),  ship  chan.  7  India 

Osborn  E.  T.  26  Union  wf  boards  at  Tremont 

Osborn  George,  44  Mount  Vernon 

Osborn  Geo.  L  sikerplater,  h.  Southac  cor.  Garden 

Osborn  John  J.  shoemaker,  house  rear  39  Essex 

Osborn  John  J.  jr.  shoemaker,  house  rear  39  Essex 

Osborn  Samuel,  ropemaker,  op.  34  Elliot 

Osborn  'VVyman,  house  3d  street 

Osgood  Alfred,  jr.  jeweller,  96  Wash,  house   Gouch 

Osgood  David,  physician,  7  Winter 

Osgood  D.  B.  wheelwright,  21  Merrimac 

Osgood  Deborah,  Lafayette  avenue 

Osgood  G,  L.  housewright,  h.  Charlestown 

Osgood  Hannah,  widow,  2  Sturgis  place 

Osgood  Hannah,  widow,  rear  77  Warren 

Osgood  Isaac  P.  counsellor,  5  Court,  h.  American  House 


Osgoofl  Isnac,  clothes  warehouse,  31  Dock  square 
O-good  Jolin  B.  painter,  h.  Loverel  cor.  Loveret  lane 
Osgood  John,  jr.   watchniaker,  3Dd  Washiiigloii,   Iiouse 

VVhe(;If,r's  court 
Osgood  J.  H.  &  J.  dry  goods,  3  Kilhy,  h.  G  Sullivan  pi. 
Osgood  L.  H.  weighor,  17  Central   vvf.  h.  7  Wash,  place 
Ostinelli  Louis,  professor  of  music,  boards  22  Atkinson 
Ostrom  Charles,  ivory  turner,  house  14  N.  Russell 
Otis  George  A.  house  2  Boylston  place 
Olis  George  W.  Surveyor  General  of  Lumber,  112  Milk, 

h.  2rf  (chambers 
Otis  George  W.  jr.  physician,  Court  sq.  h.  20  Bulfinch 
Otis  Harrison  G.  42  Beacon 
Olis  James,  house  18  Oak 
Otis  {James  J.  G.),  Broaders  (E.  R),  &  Co.  booksellers, 

147  Washington,  h.  18  Oak 
Otis  Mrs.  widow  of  Samuel  A.,  47  Beacon 
Otis  (IVm.  E.)  &  Rand  (E.),  110  F.  H    mar.  h.  Cooper 
Otis  William  F.  counsellor,  39  Court,  h.  70  Bencon 
Olis  William  H.  mathemat.  instru.  maker,  h.  56  Myrtle 
Otterson  Joseph  D.  machinist,  rear  Second 
Ouldin  Richard,  plasterer,  4th  street 

Owen  Eliza,  widow  of  Wiliian),  r.  Broadway  and  3d  st. 
Ovvon  Lydia,  widow  of  Benjamin,  h.  83  Purchase 
Owens  JSIichael,  laborer,  1  \Vliarf 
Owens  Owen,  laborer,  h.  6  South  st.  place 
Owens  W^illiam,  laborer,  rear  45  Sea 
Owens  William,  laborer,  rear  gun  house,  Fort  hill 
Owens  (fr??t.)  ife   Leonard  (Geo.),  confectioners,   4th  st. 

near  Turnpike 
O.xford  William,  boatbuilder,  Commercial  near  Hanover 
O.'inard  Henry,  mer.  54  Commer.  wf.  li.  5  Mt.  Vernon 

PACFvARD  DAVID,  clerk,  60  Purchase 

Packard  Elijah,  machinist,  h.  B  street 

Packard  Otis,  npholsterei,  h.  Suffolk  c.  Carney  place 

Packard  Philo  F.  furnife.  Federal  n.  Milk,  h.  21  Leveret 

Packard  Sylvanus,  merchant,  14  Central  wharf 

Paddon  James,  teacher  music,  210  Washington 

Page  A.  R.     See  Coy  &  P. 

Page  Calvin,  mason,  h.  21    Myrtle 

Page  Edward,  paperhangings,  182  Wash.  h.  24  Tremont 

Page  Enoch,  cai)inetmaker,  Ul  Mf^rrimac 

Page  George,  housewright,  rear  Broadway 

Page  George,  mariner,  lUd  Ann 


Page  Gilrnan,  mason,  h.  2  Cedar  street  court 

Page  Jar.ob,  liou>ewriglit,  h.  Broadway 

I'age  Jatnes  Anderson,  laborer,  86  Court 

Page  James,  mason,  54  Temple 

Page  John,  liousewright,  h.  Middlesex  near  Castlo 

Page  John  A.  mason,  h.  I  Staniford  place 

Page  Joseph,  mason,  8  Piedmont 

Page  Kilby,  paperliangings,  9  Court,  h.  24  Somerset 

Page  Stephens,  laborer,  2  Norfolk  place 

Page  Susan,  widow,  rear  146  Pleasant 

Page  Thaddeiis,  Custom  House  officer,  h.  15  Sheafc 

Page'Thos.  papcrhangiiigs,  319  Wash,  b'ds  24  Somerset 

Page  Thomas,  cordwainer,  Hanover  near  Richmond 

Paige  JaujHS  W.  &  Co.  {JVathan  Jlppleton),  dom.   goods, 

85  Milk,  h.  60  Summer 
Paine  Amasa,  U.  S.  navy,  h.  2  Bowdoin 
Paine  Charles  C.  attorney,  39  Court,  h.  5  Bedford  pi. 
Paine   {Elias   /7.),    VVheelocU    (Dioight)   &    Co.   (F.    F. 

/F//6e/fr),  dry  goods,  24  Cent.     P.'s  h.  56  1-2  Hano. 
Paine  Elizabeth,  widnw,  16  Newton  place 
Paine  Emanutd  N.  hemp  manufac,  b'ds  S.  794  Wash. 
Paine  James  H.  49  Central  wf  h.  16  Newton  place 
Paine  Johnson,  housewright,  h.  Dedham 
Paine  Paschal,  h.  Derne 

Paine  Robert  T.  counsellor,  17  Court,  h.  16  Newton  pi. 
Paine  Samuel,  laborer,  h.  199  Ann 
Paine  Sarah  S.  widow  of  Charles,  h.  Willow 
Paine  Thomas  M.  tailor,  8  Franklin  aven.  h.  5  Unity  ct. 
Paine.     See  Payne 

Pairar  Antoiiy,  boarding  house.  258  Ann 
Palfrey  William,  clerk  CustomH.  h.  Commer.  n.  Foster 
Palmer  A.  C.     See  Proctor,  P.  &  Felt 
Palmer  David,  sexton,  h.  26  Cross 
Palmer  Edwin  A.  401  Washington,  h.  7  Province 
Palmer  E'ijah  F.  ship  carpenter,  4th  street 
Palmer  Ezra,  tailor,  92,  h   90  Ann 

Palmer  Ezra,  jr.  physician,  52  Hanover,  rear  Portland 
Palmer  James,  laborer,  rear  600  Washingtori 
Palmer  John,  tailor,  h.  17  High 
Palmer  John,  hatter,  house  8  Oliver 
Palmer  John  K  chemist,  173  Tremont,  h.  15  Hanover 
Palmer  {J.  P.)  &  Wallace  (Jerome),   boarding,   opposite 

head  of  Lewis's  wharf 
Palmer  Joseph  (Homer  4^  P.)^  house  7  Arch 
Palmer  Julius  A.  merchant,  70  State,  h.  3  Crescent  place 


Palmer  Lemuel,  plumber,  2  Plymouth  place 

Palmer  Lucy  L.  h.  14  iStuniford 

Pahner  Mary  B.  dressmaker,  41  Atkinson 

Palmer  Mary  VV.  tailoiess,  Essex  court 

Palmer  S.  &  I\.  mantuamak.  G4  Camb.  h.  28  N.  Russell 

Palmer  Simeon,  tailor,  49  Ann,  h.  4  Myrtle 

Palmer  Stephen,  stonecutter,  h.  rear  47  Sea 

Palmer  Thomas,  mason,  house  3  Statiiford  place 

Papanti  Lorenzo,  dancing  master,  h.  221  Washington 

Park  Amasa  C   (Scudder  <^  P.),  h.  15  Hayward  place 

Park  Adeline,  nurse,  39   Boylstoii 

I'ark  John,  painter,  Spring  lane,  h.  3  Sudbury 

Park  John  C.  attorney,  H'Couit,  h.  18  Spring 

Park  Thomas,  carver,  rear  409  vVashington 

Park  William,  mason,  Broadway 

Park  William  A.  painter,  house  8  Butolph 

Parker  Abner.     See  Newton  &,  Parker 

Parker  Abigail,  widow,  2  Sudbury 

Parker  Abigail,  widow  of  William,  op.  Ill  Pleasant 

Parker  Anna,  widow  of  Bishop,  25  Bedford 

Parker  Aurelius  D.  counsellor,  20  Court 

Parker  Benjamin,  laborer,  h.  Claflen  place 

Parker  Carleton,  mason,  h.  Lowell  place 

Parker  Charles  A.  clerk   S.  J.   Court,   County  Court   H. 

house  8  Milton  place 
Parker  Charles,  housewright,  h.  1  Barre  place 
Parker  Charles  H.  h.  26  Warren 
Parker  Clark,  carver,  h.  Piedmont  near  Church 
Parker  Daniel  P.  merchant.  01  State,  h.  40  Beacon 
Paiker  David,  wharfinger,  14  City  wf  h.  Distil-h.  square 
Parker  Deborah,  widow,  (>2  Boylston 
Parker  Eber,  blacksmith.  Sea,  h.  46  South 
Parker  Edward  W.  clerk  in  Custom  H.  h.  in  Roxbury 
Parker  Elizabeth,  dressmaker,  Salem  near  Hanover 
Parker  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Luther,  h.  80  Tremont 
Parker  E.  milliner,  272  Washington 
Parker  Frances  W.  widow,  7  Central  court 
Parker  G.  G.  G.  handcartman,  h.  3  Portland  place 
Parker  Gookin,  housewright.  Beacon,  h.  3  Staniford  pi. 
Parker  {H.  D.)  .t  Whitney  (Fra/i^/m),  Tremont  restora- 

tor,  Tudor's  building,  Court 
Parker  L^aac,  house  81  Pleasant 
Parker  {Isaac)  &  Bianchard   {Mraharn    fV.),    American 

goods,  74  Water.     Parker's  h.  9  Tremont  place 
Parker  Isaac  H.  h.  44  Pinckncy 


Parker  (James)  &  Swift  (John  J.),  flour  store,  17  Long 

wf.     Purker's  h.  39  iStuiimer 
Parker  John,  21)  Long  wharf,  h.  69  Siiininer 
Parker  John,  grocer,  10  Prince,  h.  16  do. 
Parker  Juhn,  laborer,  47  Pleasant 
Parker  John,  h.  6  Beacon 
Parker  John,  jr.  20  Long  wf  h.  139  Tremont 
Parker  John  B.  merchant,  31  Congress,  h.  17  Pearl 
Parker  John  D.  54  Kilby,  b'ds  at  Cotninercial   Coffee  IL 
Parker  John  11.  telegraph  office,  26  Central  wharf,  house 

5  Walnut.     See  advertisement 
Parker  Jonas,  cordwainer,  house  83  Sea 
Parker  Jonathan,  hardware,  3  Union,  h.  22  Thachor 
Parker  Joseph  \V.  teamster,  h.  Suffolk  near  Dover 
Parker  Lucy,  boarding,  5  Hay  ward  place 
Parker  Lydia,  6  1-2  Elliut 

Parker  Mary,  instructress,  127,  rear  129  Pleasant 
Parker  Mary,  widow,  boarding,  165  Court 
Parker  Matthew  S.  cashier  Suffolk  Bank,  h.  9  Kneeland 
Parker  Miliey  L.  widow,  h.  2  Pitts 
Parker  Moses,  housewright,  Beach,  h.  do. 
Parker  Natiianiel,  truckman,  h.  Short  near  Essex 
Parker  I'eter,  20  Long  wharf,  h.  46  Beacon 
Parker  Richard  G.  instructer  Hancock  sch.  h.  12  Orange 
Parker  Samuel  U.  counsel.  3  &  9  Slate,  h.  41  Mt.  Vern. 
Parker  (Samuel  H.)  &  Ditscm  (Oliver),  music  store  and 

pianoforte  wareh.  107  Wash.  h.  3  Hayward  pi. 
Parker  Samuel,  teamster,  Commercial  near  Prince 
Parker  Stanton,  h.  4  La  Grange  place 
Parker  Susannah,  widow,  4th  street 
Parker  Theodore  I),  merchant,  48  India  wharf 
Parker  Thomas  I.  physician,  25  Bedford 
Parker  Thomas,  grocer,  239  Ann 
Parker  William,  h.  4  Travers 

Parker  Wm.  &  Co.  paper  store,  116  State,  h.  5  Chambers 
Parker  Wm.  T.  paper  store,  116  State,  h.  5  Chambers 
Parker  William  (Stevens,  Fisher  4'-  Co.),  h.  Howe  place 
Parker  William,  9  Rowe's  wf  h.  Wheeler's  court 
Parker  Wm.  ship'ng  broker,  12  Custom-h.  st.  h.Wash.  av. 
Parker  William  H.  clerk,  boards  17  Pearl 
Parker  William  W.  teamster,  h.  Travers  c.  Charlestown 
Parkerson  Wasliington,  3  Water,  h.  196  Tremont 
Parkhurst  Ciiarles  A.  housewri't,  h.  S.  Cedar  n.  Church 
Parkhurst  (D.  C.)  &,  Stevens  (£>.),  North.  H.  97  Hanov. 
Parkin  Thomas,  bricklayer,  h.  Mechanic  place 


Parkinson  James,  organ  builder,  h.  4th  st.  c  Turnpike 
Parkman  Daniel,  deputy  slieiiff,  3  Tudor's  buildings,  h. 

Somerset  place 
Parkman  Francis,  Rev.  5  Bowdoin  square 
Parkman  George,  physician,  H   Bovvdoin 
Parkman  Mary   B.  43  Mount  Vernon 
Parkman  Nathaniel,  shipwright.  Battery 
Parkman  Sally,  manluatnaker,  house  14  Fleet 
Parkman  Sarah,  nurse,  211  Hanover 
Parkman  William  {J.  West  &/-  Co.),  h  2  Hanover  place 
Parks  {ELisha),  Blackburn  (George)  &  Co.  (./.  Stearns), 

American  g'ds,  8!)  State.     Parlis's  h.  15(5  Tremont 
Parks  {Luther),  Wright  {John  S.)  &Co.  {E.  P.  Whitman), 

merchants,  101  Stale.     Parks's  h.  6  ChesntJt 
Parks  Otis,  painter,  Friend  cot.  Merrimac,  h.  5  Chardon 
Parks  William,  mason,  Broadway 
Parmeley  Alfred  S.  laborer,  h.  1  Leveret 
Parmeley  Asaph,  baker,  south  794  Washington 
Parmele  {Henry  F.)  «&   Smith  {Thomas  P.),  dry  goods, 

327  Washington 
Parmenter  Horace,  W.  I.  goods,  1,  h.  3  Pinckney 
Parmenter  Joab  G.  wheelwright,  h.  109  Charles 
Parmenter  Nancy,  instructress,  Elliot  near  Tremont 
Parmenter  William  B.  dry  goods,  365  Washington 
Parr  Thomas,  cabinetmaker,  h.  8  Sweetser  court 
Parr  William,  mason,  h.  Mechanic  place 
Parris  Alexander,  architect,  51  Court,  h.  rear  56  Poplar 
Parshley  John  S.  shoemaker.  Turnpike,  h.  3d  street 
Parsons  Ann,  nurse,  102  Tremont 
Parsons  Charles,  laborer.  Commercial  near  Foster 
Parsons  Charles,  captain,  Portland 

Parsons  Charles  C.  mer.  C8  Long  wf.  h.  2  Chauncey  pi. 
Parsons  Daniel  G.  laborer,  11  Fleet 
Parsons  Ebenezer,  mariner,  h.  102  Tremont 
Parsons  Ebenezer  {Loring  4-  P.),  h.  83  Purchase 
Parsons  James,  pilot,  h.  238  Hanover 
Parsons  John,  house  314  Ann 
Parsons  Josiah,  housewright,  h.  35  Fayette 
Parsons  Mary  J.  and  Lucy  G.  h.  76  Federal 
Parsons  Nehemiah,  pros.  Hope  Ins.  Co.  h.  6  La  Grange  pi. 
Parsons  Sam'l  &  Co.  {Roh.  Wallace),  dry  g'ds,  20  Cent'l 
Parsons  Sarah  K.  milliner,  154  Washington 
Parsons  Theophilus,  counsellor,  4  Court,  h.  47  Chosnut 
Parsons  Thomas,  mer.  68  Long  wf.  h.  51  Federal 
Parsons  Thomas  W.  physician  and  dentist,  16  Winter 


Parsons  William,  merchant,  Hancock's  wf  h.  2  South"' 

Parsons  William,  jr.  merchant,  Hancock's  wf.  h.  2  South 

Partridge  Adin,  clerk,  403  Wash,  boards  100  Tremont 

Partridge  Charles,  grocer,  Blackstone,  ii.  57  Poplar 

Partridge  George,  W.  I.  goods,  130  State,  h.  7  SJiort 

Partridge  Mary  B.  widow,  34  W^arren 

Partridge  Nathan,  laborer,  14  Stilhnan 

Passarow  Geo.  weigh.  &  gnag.  54  Com.  h.  20  N.  Ruasell 

Pastrouich  Peter,  cook,  h.  rear  Broadway 

Patch  Abigail,  h.  02  Union 

Patch  Abijah  {Buttrick  ^  P.),h.  North  Margin 

Patch  Barbara,  nurse,  14  East 

Patch  John,  counsellor,  33  Court 

Patch  Lydia,  widow,  h.  Medford 

Patrick  Edward  F.  stonecutter,  h.  22  Garden 

Patrick  James,  gilder,  rear  foot  of  Richmond 

Patrick  James,  shipwright,  h.  6  1-2  Prince 

Pattangall  (Moses)  &   Cutler   (John),  victuallers,   cellar 

Boylston  market.     P.s  h.  417  Washington 
Pattee  John  C.  grocer,  20  Front,  h.  23  Warr.^n 
Patten  Asa,  pi&noforteniaker,  r.  Boylston,  h.  Lowell  pi. 
Patten  Charles,  dry  goods,  67  Water 
Patten  David,  housew't,  r.  5  West,  h.  135,  r.  133  Pleas't 
Patten  Elizabeth,  h.  10  Bridge  st.  couit 
Patten  James  {Sargent  <^  P.),  h.  20  Tremont  n.  Wash. 
Patten  Jonathan,  grocer,  Tremont  cqrner  Elliot,  house  4 

Pleasant  street  court 
Patten  Thomas,  soap  stone,  Blackstone,  h.  Crescent  pi. 
Patten  Thomas,  jr.  h.  Crescent  place 
Patten  William,  laborer,  Front,  rear  730  Washington 
Patterson  Benjamin,  clerk,  64  Hanover 
Patterson  Eli,  laborer,  h.  Salutation 
Patterson  Enoch,  h.  9  Chambers 

Patterson  Enoch,  jr.  dry  goods,  51  Kilby,  h.  57  High 
Patterson  Henry,  b'ds  Mrs.  Heman's,  Chelsea  ferry  way 
Patterson  Joseph  W.  (Mmij,  Blake  ^^  Co. ),h'd>i  9  Chamb. 
Patterson  William,  mariner,  2  Leveret 
Paty  William,  captain,  house  Commercial 
Paul  James,  upholsterer,  OS  Court 

Paul  John,  grocer.  Carver,  h   2  Tremont  S.  of  Pleasant 
Paul  William,  cabinetmaker,  rear  8  Pleasant 
Payne  Elias,  cordwainer,  15  Water,  h.  50  High 
Payne  John,  cooper,  h.  near  8  South  street  place 
Payne  John  T.  boarding,  120  Ann 
Payne  John,  laborer.  Broad  corner  Cotton  place 


Payne  Nath'l,  messenger  and  keeper,  Custom  II.,  li.  rear 
Payne  Ricijard,  Ii.  rear  160  W.isliington 
Payne  Samuel  {JVoble  S^  P.),  Ii.  Salem 
Payne  Sarah,  widow  of  Charles,  h.  Willow  c.  Mt.  Vern. 
Payne.     See  Paine 

Payson  Alex,  paper  stainer,  Chambers,  h.  50  Cambridge 
Payson  Betsey,  widow,  49  Pond 

Payson  John  F.  75  Faneuil  H.  market,  h.  10  N.  Bennet 
Payson  M.  P.,  Barristers  Hall 
Payson  Relief,  widow,  N.  Federal  court 
Payson  Ruth,  widow,  50  Chesnut 

Payson  Thomas  E.  student  at  law,  boards  6  Hayward  pi. 
Payson  Samuel,  casiiier  Massachusetts  Bank 
Payson  Samuel,  tailor,  house  4  Jefferson  place 
Payton  Edmund,  cabinetmaker,  h.  rear  52  Essex 
Peabody  Augustus,  coun.  Court  c.  Trem.  h.  52  Bowdoin 
Peabody  Elizabeth,  2(3  Front 
Peabody  Jeremiah,  G  Central  wf.  house  37  High 
Peabody  John,  mariner,  rear  39  Prince 
Peabody  Lilley,  widow,  2  Milton 
Peabody  William  B.  housewright,  4  May  place 
Peacock  George,  lampmaker,  h.  1  S.  Foster  place 
Peak  John,  Rev.,  Snowhill 

Peak  (John)  &  Jahnson  (Jos.  G.),  housew'ts,  Cliarlest'n 
Peak  John,  housewright,  33  Chambers 
Peak  Philip,  sailmaker.  Commercial,  h.  55  Prince  . 
Peak  Wm.  hatter,  449  Washington,  h.  II  Shawmut 
Peaks  Nathaniel  H.  housewright,  h.  8  Bridge  st.  court 
Pear  Edward,  silversmith,  h.  18  Pleasant  street  court 
Pear  Joseph,  bookbinder,  boards  18  Pleasant  st.  court 
Pearce  Shadrach  S.  wool  stapler,  house  29  Warren 
Pearce  Sam'l,  mer.  45  Long  wf.  li.  22  La  Grange  place 
Pearson  Charles,  paperslainer,  house  26  Blossom 
Pearson  Elizabeth,  widow  of  William,  2  South  st.  place 
Pearson  Henry  G.  painter,  house  rear  12  Boyisti>n 
Pearson  Gorham,  upholsterer,  h.  Suffolk  near  Lucas  pi. 
Pearson  (Joint  H.)   &  Co.   (H.  B.  Huriiphrey),  44  Com- 
mercial, house  9  Mt.  Vernon 
Pearson  Jonathan,  housewright,  house  53  Temple 
Pearson  Lemuel,  painter,  rear  85  Prince 
Pearson  Mary,  nurse,  11  Charter 
Pearson  Phenias,  housewright,  C  st. 

Pearson  Sewall,  uphois.  581  Wash.  h.  Suffolk  n.  Lucas  pi. 
Pearson  Simon,  blacksmith,  36  Hanover,  h.  1  Ivers 
Pearson  Thomas  &  Son  (Thos.jr.),  56  Fan.  H.  market 


Peck  Abel  G.  dry  goods,  15  Central,  h.  25  Howard 

Peek  Chauncey,  porter  Globe  Bank,  house  9  Allen 

Peck  Oren,  7  Boylston  market,  house  11  Ash 

Peck  T.  R.  &  Co.  {Dexter  Harlow),  hats,  2  Cornhill 

Peeler  Henry,  house  rear  South  Margin 

Peeler  Jolm,  laborer,  4th  street 

Peirce  Charles,  mason,  house  Oliver  near  Wendell 

Peirce  George,  gilder,  6  Washington,  h.  3  Staniford  pi. 

Peirce  Henry,  clerk  State  Bank,  h.  14  Hayward  place 

Peirce  John,  housewright,  Beverly,  h.  9  Salem  place 

Peirce  Jonathan  {llosea  ^  P.),  h.  45  Charter 

Peirce  Joseph  N.  house  39  Fayette 

Peirce  (Josiah),  Mills  (Lewis)  &  Wheeler  (Jona.  D),  75 

Peirce  Newton  R.  9  Cornhill,  h.  11  Myrtle  [Kilby 

Peirce  Nicholas,  laborer,  rear  14  South  st.  place 

Peirce  Richard,  boarding  house,  43  Hanover 

Peirce  Silas  &,  Co.   {Thomas  Hall  ^  H.   P.  Cashing) y 

W.  I.  goods,  Elm 
Peirce  Thomas  J.  baker,  house  17  May 
Peirce  Thomas  J.  truckman,  house  Barry's  wharf 
Peirce  William,  bookseller,  9  Cornhill 
Peirce.     See  Pierce 
Peirson  (G.  fV.)  &  Rowland   {David  S.),  druggists,  188 

Washington.     Peirson  boards  89  Summer 
Pelby  William,  Staniford  corner  Green 
Pelletier  James  A.,  French  teacher,  h.  276  Washington 
Peiham  Sally,  widow,  rear  142  Pleasant 
Pelham  Sally,  dressmaker,  rear  142  Pleasant 
Pelton  Oliver  {Terry,  P.  ^  Co.),  boards  3  Myrtle 
Pemberton  W.  W.  7  Rogers's  building,  h.  U  Winter 
Pendar  Philip,  laborer,  rear  28  Pleasant 
Penfield  Benjamin,  truckman,  house  op.  98  Sea 
Pendleton  Mary,  widow,  5  South  May 
Pendleton  Wm.  S.  copper,  and  lithog.  printer,  204  Wash. 
Penniman  Sally,  widow,  Middlesex  near  Castle 
Penniman  Alanson  P.  5  Central  wf.  h.  rear  Broadway 
Penniman  Amos,  housewright.  South  Russell 
Penniman  Atherton  T.  housewright,  16  North  Russell 
Penniman  Edward  L.  {E.  Clarke^  Co.)^  h.  120  Trenaout 
Penniman  Henry.     See  Sweetser  &  P. 
Penniman  John  A.  (Lewis  ^  P.),  h.  rear  234  Washing. 
Pentland  Clement  N.  painter,  coi.  5th  and  D  streets 
Penniman  Edward,  machinist,  house  6  Sudbury 
Pepper  Benjamin,  Clark 
Pepper  Dorothy,  widow  of  Matthew,  S.  Cedar  n.  Church 


Pepper  George,  editor  Boston  Pilot,  boards  22  Atkinson 
Pepper  Geo.  B.  slioemak.  Coin.  n.  Ferryway,  h.25G  Hano. 
Perham  B.  F.  civil  engineer,  4  Joy's  building 
Perkins  Abraham  B.  teamster,  Front  near  Castle 
Perkins  Alfred,  wood  wharf,  Haveriiill,  h.  20  S,  Margin 
Perkins  Anna  D.  widow  of  Thomas,  h.  14  Mt.  Vernon 
Perkins  (Benjamin)  &  Marvin  (T.  R.),  booksellers,  114 

Washington.     P.'s  house  17  La  Grange  place 
Perkins  Daniel,  house  3  La  Grange  place 
Perkins  Edward,  house  2  High  street  place 
Perkins  Ezra,  cooper,  rear  773  Washington 
Perkins  Henry  G.  clerk  Worcester  Railroad,  h.  6  Beach 
Peikins  H.  P/ 3  Winter 
Perkins  Herald  H.  hatter,  boards  4G  Union 
Perkins  John,  furniture,  Wash.  cor.  Elliot,  h.  37  Fayette 
Perkins  John,  housewright.  Salutation,  h.  Lathrop  place 
Perkins  John,  mariner,  h.  63  Salem 
Perkins  Margaret,  boarding  house,  4G  Federal 
Perkins  Martha  L.  widow,  6  Oak 
Perkins  Mary,  widow,  36  Purchase 
Perkins  Nabby  B.  widow,  48  Tremont 
Perkins  Nathaniel,  cooper,  h.  3  Mechanic 
Perkins  Nathaniel,  engraver,  h,  19  Pinckney 
Perkins  Oliver  L.  bookseller,  62  Cornhill,  h.  Broadway 
Perkins  Patrick,  blacksmith,  h.  123  Broad 
Perkins  Richard  (Cutter  4-  P.),  h.  48  Tremont 
Perkins  Samuel,  milkman,  rear  4th  street 
Perkins  Sam'l,  treas.  N.  E.  floor  cloth  comp.  164  Wash. 
Perkins  Samuel  G.  Pres.  Suffolk  Ins.  Co.  h.  2  High 
Perkins  Samuel  S.  housewright.  Carver,  h.  81  Warren 
Perkins  Sarah,  widow  of  James,  house  14  Pearl 
Perkins  Stephen  H.  (Thioing  ^  P.),  h.  35  Chesnut 
Perkins  &  Co.  (Thos.  H.  Perkins,  Sam'l  Cabot  and  T.  G. 

.    Cary),  merchants,  52  Central  wharf 
Perkins  Thomas  H.  merchant,   house  Temple  place 
Perkins  Thomas  H.  jr.  house  1  Joy  place 
Perkins  William.     See  R.  G.  Shaw  &  Co. 
Perkins  William,  pump  and  block  maker,  h.  68  Charter 
Perkins  Wm.  B.,  W.  I.  g'ds,  118  Commcr.  h.  17  N.  Bennet 
Perkins  W.  C.  wharfinger,  Bartlett's  wf  h.  Henchman  la. 
Perley  Nathaniel,  dry  goods,  227  Wash.  h.  12  Harvard 
Perrin  Augustus,  63  Broad,  house  22  Charles 
Perrin  George  W.  dry  goods,  57  Btoad 
Perrin  Noah  jr.  (E.  Clark  ^'  Co),  h.  23  Hamilton 


Perrin  (Paijson)  &  Ellis  (Jonathan,  jr.),  iron  dealers,  10 

India  wharf.     P.'s  house  22  Treinont  near  Wash. 
Perrin  Sebastian,  baskets,  20  Dock  square,  h.  28  Stillman 
Perry  Benjamin  F.  plasterer,  h.  16  S.  Russell 
Perry  Caroline,  widow,  house  78  Essex 
Perry  Catherine,  widow,  Bartlett 
Perry  Cephas,  engineer,  4th  street 
Perry  Charles  H.  shoes,  83  Court,  h.  4  Staniford  place 
Perry  Edward  VV.  restorator,  Bromfield,  h.  154  Wash. 
Perry  Enoch  W.  gratemaker,  G2  Congress,  h.  33  Salem 
Perry  Isaac,  shoe  dealer,  131,  h.  129  Court 
Perry  John,  coach  painter,  house  655  Washington 
Perry  John,  jr.  grocer,  Charlestown  cor.  Beverly 
Perry  John  B.  moulder,  h.  Turnpike  cor.  Broadway 
Perry  John  B.  ropemaker.  Salt  lane 
Perry  Josiah  F.  moulder,  h.  Turnpike  cor.  Broadway 
Perry  Lyman,  10  S.  Market,  h.  24  Tem[)le 
Perry  Marshall  S.  physician,  467  Washington 
Perry  Mary,  boarding  house,  7  Province  House  court 
Perry  I\athaniel,  cabinetmaker,  401  W^ashington 
Perry  Orves  B.     See  Merriam  &  P. 
Perry  Rufus,  laborer,  Salutation 
Perry  Salmon,  house  14  Leveret 

Perry  Wm.  &  Co.  grate  manu.  School,  h.  15  Prov.  JI.  ct. 
Perry  William,  handcariman,  h.  rear  27  Williams 
Peteis  Abigail,  widow,  4  Oliver  place 
Peters  Edward  D.  merch.  12  Central  wf.  h.  12  Rowe  pi. 
Peters  John,  house  3  Washington  place 
Peters  John,  stoves,  62  Cambridge,  h.  78  Pleasant 
Peters  John,  rigger,  boards  rear  120  Purchase 
Peters  Sarah,  widow.  Theatre  alley 
Peterson  Christian,  rigger,  h.  15  Gibbs  lane 
Peterson  Henry,  captain,  house  7  Hartford  place 
Peterson  Joseph,  rigger,  h.  Spear  alley 
Peterson  Lucas,  rigger,  Bartlett 
Peterson  {Lucy  A.  H.)  &  Mcintosh   (L.  F.),  dry  goods, 

149  Court,  house  1  Alden  court    - 
Pettingill  Joseph,  laborer,  rear  52  Elliot 
Pettingill  Samuel  S.  joiner,  Sargent's  wf  h.  r.  36  Charter 
Pettegrew  James,  laborer,  4  Barrett 
Pettes  E.  P.  jewelry  and  fancy  goods,  226  Washington 
Pettes  Henry,  French  goods,  224  Washington 
Pettes  Horace,  sexton,  rear  170  Hanover 
Pettes  Samuel,  house  4  Jackson  place 
Pettes  James  B.  innholder,  4  Sea  near  Free  bridge 


Peverelly  Mary,  coiifoctionor,  178  Wash.  h.  6  Ballard  pi. 

Peyton  Wm.  H.  sliippini?  office,  12  Custom-li.  st.  h.3dst. 

Pfaft' (Charles,  German  Coffee  Ilouse,  155  Pltiasant 

Phalen  John,  mariner,  liouse  2  Humphrey  place 

Phares  Mary  Ann,  boarding  iiouse,  Fulton  near  Cross 

Phearson  Mary,  widow,  Knox 

JMielan  John,  grocery,  88  Broad 

Pijelps  Abel,  wines,  2  Market  sq.  h.  Howard  c.  Bulfinch 

Pijelps  Abner,  physician,  49  Congress 

Phelps  Elihii,  teamster,  house  17  Second 

Phelps  Elizabeth,  widow,  house  19  Poplar 

Phelps  John  B.  cordwainer,  Cornhill  court,  h.  20  Avery 

Phelps  John  VV.  truss  manufacturer,  63  Court 

Phelps  William  P.  printer,  h.  1  Lancaster 

Philbrook  Mary,  rear  4  Second  street,  S.  Boston 

Phillbrook  Charles  P.  house  14  North  Russell 

Phillips  Betsey,  Williams  court 

Phillips  Edwin,  upholsterer,  51  Cornhill 

Phillips  G.  W.  attorney,  11  Court,  house  12  Beacon 

Phillips  James,  Sec.  to''Ov.  of  Poor,  Fan.  H.  h.  2  Carver 

Phillips  James  B.  housewright,  h.  95  Warren 

Phillips  Jane,  widow,  h.  9  Bridge  street  court 

Phillips  John  A.  (Burchstcd,  Leavitt  ^  Co.),  h.U9Purc\i. 

Phillips  John  L.  painter,  557  Washington,  h.  43  Warren 

Phillips  Jonathan,  (5  Rogers's  building,  h.  Tremont  House 

Phillips  Joseph  D.  laborer,  Castle  near  Middlesex 

Phillips  Mary,  widow  of  Horace,  h.  37  South  Russell 

Phillips  Nabby  W.  rear  01  South 

Phillips  Nathaniel,  house  1  Bradford  place 

Philli|)s  Nathaniel,  turner,  Court  c.  Tremont,  h.  6  Hollig 

IMiillips  Owen,  laborer,  29  Sea 

Phillips  Patrick,  laborer,  E  street 

Phillips  Sally,  widow  of  John,  h.  12  Beacon 

Phillips  Samuel,  house  6  Hollis 

Phillips  (Sam'l  M.)  <fe  Moseley  (F.),  iron  deal.  6G  Broad 

Phillips  Samuel  M.  house  144  Pleasant 

Phillips  Thomas  W.  clerk  Mun.  Court,  h.  6G  Chesnut 

Phillips  Turner,  house  59  Leveret 

Phillips  Wendell,  attorney,  11  Court,  h.  12  Beacon 

Phillips  Willard,  counsellor,  21  State 

Phillips  William,  importer  lace  goods,  6  Statq 

Phillips  William  W.  cfibinetmaker,  h.  G  Boylston  square 

Phinney  Eliza,  library,  under  Bapt.  Meeting-h.  Broadway 

Phinney  Josiah  B.     See  J.  Kent  &  Co, 

Phinuey  Thomas,  house  Soutiiac  corner  Grove        » 

296  _      DIRECTORY. 

Phinney  Timothy,  house  3G  Myrtle 

rhippen  George,  hairciitter,  Cross,  h.  93  Purchase 

Phipps  (jeorge  W.  mariner,  rear  120  Sea 

Phipps  Thos.  G.  dry  goods,  21*5  Washing,  h.  Somerset 

Phipps  William  &  Samuel   &  Co.   {C.  F.  Baxter),  dry 

goods,  77  Kilby 
Phyfe  William,  silversmith,  h.  18  Merrimac 
Pickard  Sarah  C.  boarding  house,  Norfolk  avenue 
IMckard  Susan,  Commercial  near  Ann 
Pickens  {James)   &  liittlehale  (Sargent  S.),  merchants, 

7  S.  Market.     Pickens's  h.  42  Bowdoin 
Pickering  Arthur  {Courtis,  P.  (^  Co.),  b'ds  8  Somerset  pi. 
Pickering  Edward,  counsellor,  20  Court,  h.  18  Pearl 
Pickering  Henry  W.,  house  74  Beacon 
Pickering  John,  counsellor,  9  State,  house  74  Beacon 
Pickering  John,  jr.  9  State,  house  74  Beacon 
Pickering  Octavius,  rep.  des.  S.  Ct.  20  Court,  h.  18  Pearl 
Picket  R.  jr.  123  Washington 

Pickman  Hannah,  widow  of  Benj.  T.  h.  43  Chesnut 
Picquet  A.  F.  boards  9  Atkinson 
Pierce  Abraham,  laborer,  house  Leveret  lane 
Pierce  Abijah  H.,  W.  I  g'ds,  1 1  S.  Market,  h.  18  Sudbury 
Pierce  Aniasa,  laborer,  30  Garden 

Pierce  Amasa  {Whitney.  BrownSf  Co.),  h.  G8  Pleasant 
Pierce  Betsey,  widow,  B  street 

Pierce  Catharine  T.  widow  of  Jabez  W.  6  Wheeler's  ct. 
Pierce  {Edw.)  &  Bates  {Charles),  housevvr'ts,  Haverliill, 

house  5  Court  square 
Pierce  Ephraim,  watchman,  h.  4  Es.-^ex  place       ^ 
Pierce  George,  moulder,  h.  cor.  B  street  and  Broadway 
Pierce  Ira,  Fancuil  Hall  market,  h.  4  Cooper 
Pierce  James,  constable,  house  8  Havvi<ins 
Pierce  Joel,  instructer,  Salem,  h.  28  La  Grange  place 
Pierce  John,  optician,  102  Washington,  h.  11  Sturgis  pi. 
Pierce  John,  carpenter,  9  Salem  place 
Pierce  John,  mariner,  h.  rear  27G  Ann 
Pierce  Jonathan,  furniture,  21  Cornhill,  h.  C8  Pleasant 
Pierce  Jonathan,  well  digger,  rear  47  Sea 
Pierce  (Joseph)  Si.  Freema7i  (Elisha),  oysters,  204  Tretn't 
Pierce  Joshua  M.  {Everett  ^.^  P.),  h.  rear  150  Purchase 
Pierce  Joshua  Y.  oysters,  Congress  near  Milk 
Pierce  Jcisiah,  mason,  house  Tileston  near  Salem 
Pierce  Luther  B.  laborer,  22  Bridge 
Pierce  Lydia  R.  widow,  house  71  Temple 
Pierce  Nancy,  widow  of  Isaac,  h.  rear  185  Hanover 

DUaECTORY.  297 

Pieroe  Otis,  instructer,  Franklin  sch.  h.  28  La  Grange  pi. 

Pierce  Otis  S.  liouso  2  Portland 

Pierce  Parker  11.  Pies.  U.  S.  Ins.  Co.  h.  3  Otis  place 

Pierce  PriscillM,  widow,  Norfolk  place 

Pierce  Samuel  13.  &  Co.  (^.  French),  crockery,  14  Union. 

P.'s  house  o8  Essex 
Pierce  Samuel  S.  {IVurcesicr  &  P.),  house  4G  Poplar 
Pierce  Sarah  K.  dressmaker,  Berry- 
Pierce  Stephen  A   crockery  and  china,  370  Washington 
Pierce  Stepiien  H.  housewright,  house  Silver 
Pierce  {StiUman)   &   Coates   {John  H.),   housewrights, 

Haverhill.     Stillman's  h.  Springst.  court 
Pierce  Susan,  widow,  rear  61  South 

Fierce  (Thomas  T.)  &  Dexter  (Joseph  JF.),  bakers,  17 May 
Pierce  William,  hairdresser,  5  Marshall 
Pierce  William,  clerk,  house  20  Prince 
Pierce  William,  laborer,  house  Langdon  place 
Pierce  William  G.  house  715  Washington 
Pierce  William  T.  laborer,  Unity 
Pierce.     See  Peirce 

I'ierpont  Charles  H.  land  office,  21  State,  h.  8  Somerset  pL 
Pierpunt  John,  Rev.  opposite  25  Essex 
Pigeon  Henry  (AlUn,  P.  ^  Pool),  h.  Com.  near  Railway 
Pike  Ann,  rear  660  Washington 
Pike  Benjamin,  boarding  house,  651  Washington 
Pike  Benjamin,  housewright,  house  34  Charles 
Pike  C.  fancy  goods,  127  Court 
Pike  Charles,  baker,  George 
Pike  Chase,  laborer,  rear  Brooklinc  near  Suffolk 
Pike  Daniel,  grocer,  41,  house  39  Leveret 
Pike  David,  laborer,  rear  4th  near  B  st. 
Pike  Elias,  teiunster,  house  18  South  Bennet 
Pike  Ezekiel  W.  housewright,  Lancaster,  h.  27  Myrtle 
Pike  Hugh,  blacksmith,  h.  rear  57  Elliot 
Pike  Jacob,  housewright,  house  Broadway 
Pike  Jacob,  mariner,  house  2  Fleet 
Pike  Sarah,  widow  of  James,  house  12  Short 
Pike  John,  ropemaker,  38  Carver 
Pike  John  K.  housewright,  house  B  street 
Pike  Jonathan,  baker.  Poplar  rear  Spring 
Pike  Levi,  housewright,  rear  Broadway 
Pike  Perry,  bricklayer,  house  60  Elliot 
Pike  Rebecca,  widow,  house  39  Carver 
Pike  Thomas,  hatter,  rear  559  Washington,  h.  39  Carver 
Pike  William,  baker,  104  Cambridge 


Pike  Walter  R.  stable,  Pond,  h.  97  Tremorit 

Pilsbury  John  C.  mason,  house  Wheeler's  court 

Pilsburv  Moses  H.  mason,  house  Knox 

Pilsbury  Sarah  F.  boarding,  22  Pitts 

IMndar  Mary,  widow  of  John,  31  Fayette 

Pine  John,  housewrigiit,  h.  Bedford  corner  Columbia 

Pines  Eunice,  widow,  Lafa3^ette  avenue  n.  Prince 

Pipe  Mary  Ann,  boarding,  S.  Cedar  n.  Church 

Piper  George  C.  house  Salem 

Piper  Nathaniel  G.  machinist,  h.  44  Merrimac 

Piper  Solom.  &  Co.  (P.  Brioham),  wood  wf  30,  h.  11  Pea 

Piper  Stephen  ll.{Johnson  %■•  P.),  b'ds  6  Hay  ward  pi. 

Piper  Thomas,  housewright,  h.  3  Sudbury 

Piquot  Eliza,  nurse,  604  Washington 

Pitman  Abigail,  widow,  rear  4th  street 

Pitman  Benjamin,  blacksmith,  h.  rear  1  GO  Washington 

Pitman  Daniel,  stevedore,  opposite  145  Purchase 

Pitman  Ezekiel,  jr.  tailor,  40  Congress,  h.  13  Fleet 

Pitman  John  H.  cooper,  rear  135  Ann,  h.  59  Charter 

Pitman  Mary,  widow,  Sheafe  near  Snowhill 

Pitman  Sally,  boarding,  corner  Prince  and  Hanover 

Pitman  Thomas  S.  baker,  42  Salem 

Pittee  James,  laborer,  rear  110  Sea 

Pitts  Samuel,  hats,  12  Clinton,  house  17  Richmond 

Pitts  Sarah,  widow,  house  49  Allen 

Pitts  Sarah,  tailoress.  Mechanic 

Pitts  Thomas,  inspector  customs.  Custom  House 

Pitts  Walter,  grocer,  Causeway,  h.  29  Vernon 

Pitts  William,  farrier,  house  rear  67  Elliot 

Place  John  B.  {Mien  &  P.),h.  17  Vine 

Plaisted  David,  teamster,  606  Washington 

Plaisted  Mellen,  mason,  h.  19  Gibbs  lane 

Plimpton  Horace,  dry  g'ds,391  Wash   h.  57  Carver 

Plimpton  Job,  organ  builder,  h.  534  Washington 

Plimpton  Julia,  milliner,  420  Washington 

Plumb  Samuf^l,  flour,  house  220  Ann 

Plumer  Avery  {Robinson  &/  P.),  h.  5  Howard 

Plumley  George,  mariner.  Battery 

Plumley  John,  clothes,  79,  h.  72  Ann 

Plummer  Enoch,  labf)rer,  h.  109  Chambers 

Plummer  Farnham,  108  State,  h.  6  Howard 

Plummer  Roswell  {Raymond  i^  P.),  h.  3  Brattle  square 

Plevinski  Carrol,  fencing  master,  over  44  Court 

Plummer  Ignatius,  painter.  Turnpike,  h.  Broadway 

Plympton  Emmons,  60  F.  H.  market,  h.  10  Pitts 

DIRECTORY.  .    299 

Plympton  Henry,  balance  fac.  Theatre  al.  h.  43  Atkinson 

Plympton  Nath'l,  wine  store.  25  State,  h.  G5  Hancock 

Poland  Alexander  R.  mariner,  C  street 

Polk  Wm.  handcartman,  h.  Essex  cor.  Batterman  place 

Pollard  Aaron,  boarding  house,  Sears's  buildings,  Elm 

Pollard  Abner  W.  clothing,  34  Alerch'ts  row,  ]i.4  Centre 

Pollard  Albert,  mason,  Battery 

Pollard  Benjamin,  City  JVlarslial  and  coramis.  of  healthy 

office  City  Hall,  h.  cor.  Beacon  and  Charles 
Pollard  (Cummings)  &  Hatch  (/5a«c  J.),  50  F.  H.  market 
Pollard  Joshua  H.  grocer,  Pitts  corner  Merrimac 
Pollard  Luther,  storekeeper.  Boston  and  Prov.  rail  road, 

boards  469  Washington  / 

Pollard  (Merrick  R.)  &  Barry  {Hmrij),  hats,  50  Wash. 

Pollard's  house  70  Chambers 
Pollard  Thomas,  engineer,  29  Milk,  boards  5  do. 
Pollard  Thomas.     See  Darling  &  P. 
Polley  Azell,  housewright,  Haverhill 
Pollock  Allan,  philos.  inst.  maker,  house  and  shop  ]  Car- 
ver corner  Boylston 
Pollock  George,  70  Kilby,  house  3  Fruit 
Pollock  George  B.  merchant,  house  1  Carver 
Pollock  James,  cordwainer,  May 
Pollock  Thomas,  engraver,  h.  south  end  Washington 
Pomroy  Clarissa,  house  47  Temple 
Pomroy  Hannah,  widow.  Castle  near  Middlesex 
Pomroy  Harriet,  tailoress,  33  Boylston 
Pomroy  Lydia,  widow,  nurse,  h.  38  Prince 
Pomroy  Margaret,  widow,  h.  5  Belknap 
Pomroy  Samuel,  comb  carver,  house  5  Graphic  court 
Pond  James  M.  blacksmith,  23  Water,  h.  op.  10  Pearl  pi. 
Pond  Moses  &.  Co.  {John  Spence),  tinplate  workers,  30 

Merchants  row,  house  68  Sulem 
Pond  Prescott  P.  shoes,  corner  Williams  and  Federal 
Pond  William,  473  Washington 
Pook  Sarah  Ann,  house  19  Allen 
Pool  Benjamin  C  (Men,  Pigeon  8^  P.),  h.  Bartlett 
Pool  Frederick,  phil.  inst.  176  Tremont,  h.  Pearl  pi. 
Pool  Galen,  grocer,  4th  street  cor.  C 
Pool  Lot,  surveyor  of  work,  79  Pinckney 
Pool  Martha,  widow,  672  Washington 
Pool  Seth,  pianofortemaker,  house  Mason  cor.  West 
Pool  William,  iron  founder,  house  4th  street 
Pool  William,  stevedore,  Bartlett 
Pool  William  K.  moulder,  house  4th  street 

300  ^  DIRECTORY. 

Poor  Benj.  propri.  Rockbot'm  factVy,  3G  Water,  h.  4  Allen 

Poor  Henry.     See  Bayley,  P.  &  Richardson 

Poor  Henry,  carpenter,  house  58  Elliot 

Poor  Isaac  &  Son  {John),  painters,  Salem,  h.  217  Hanov. 

Poor  Nathaniel  C.  clerk,  h.  1  Garden  court  street 

Pope  Lemuel,  President  Boston  Ins.  Co.  h.  1  Dernc 

Pope  Micajah,  farmer.  South  Boston  Heights 

Pope  Otis,  stage  driver,  house  rear  5  Mason 

Pope  Park,  mariner,  house  8  Noyes  place 

Pope  Paschal  P.,  India  wharf,  boards  10  South 

Pope  Thomas,  housewright,  h.  Mechanic  place 

Pope  Thomas  B.  house  1  Derne 

Pope  William,  clerk,  boards  59  Pond 

Pope  William,  jr.     See  Higginson  iSt  P. 

Porter  Betsey,  milliner,  11-2  West 

Porter  Catherine,  tailoress,  11  Pleasant  street  court 

Porter  Charles  H.  cooper,  234  Hanover 

Porter  David,  house  Newrbern  place 

Porter  Edward  P.  hats,  1   Dock  sq.  h.  44  Cambridge 

Porter  George,  mariner,  rear  417  Washington 

I*orter  George  W.  grocer.  Sea  near  the  bridge 

Porter  Isaac,  physician,  114  Hanover 

Porter  John,  blacksmith,  house  2  Lyman  place 

Porter  John,  laborer,  rear  42  Congress 

Porter  Mary,  widow,  56  Pleasant 

Porter  Noah,  mason,  house  60  Pleasant 

Porter  Noah,  jr.  mason,  house  33  Fayette 

Porter  T.  J.  house  1  Noyes  place 

Porter  Royal  L.,  Ed.  Am.  Trav.  47  Court,  h.  20  McLean 

Porter  Stephen,  machinist,  house  42  Allen 

Porter  Thankful,  widow,  5  Petnberion  hill 

Porter  Thomas  J.  mason,  house  60  Pleasant 

Porter  William  B.  mason,  house  11  Fayette 

Porter  William  S...  N.  E.  Spectator,  10  Haskin's  build. 

Portington  Roger,  cabinetmaker,  Merrimac  c.  Ivers 

Potter  Alice,  widow,  6  Distil-house  square 

Poller  (Henry)   i&  Leiand  {Thomas  J.),   provisions,  CI 

Faneuil  Hall  market 
Potter  Lucy,  widow,  house  53  Spring 
Potter  Rodney,  housewright,  h.  Pinckney  c.  Charles 
Potter  William,  upholsterer,  house  1  Blossom  court 
Powars  Daniel,  h.  10  Gouch 
Powars  Daniel  E.  12  Tileston 
Powars  Eli,  teamster,  26  Charter 
Powars  Eliza,  milliner,  197  Washington 


Powars  John  G.,  Common.  Ins.  Off.  h.  34  Poplar 

Powars  Lnvi,  11011*0  12  Boylston 

Powell  Elizabeth,  widow  of  SnelJing,  20  Atkinson 

Powell  Jolin,  laborer  4th  street 

Powell  John,  grocer,  14(5  Ann 

Powell  John  T.  house  10  Pleasant  street  court 

Powell  Joseph,  house  2G  Belknap 

Powell  Michael,  scowman,  h.  4lh  street 

Powell  Robert  11.  machinist,  h.  rear  8  Pleasant 

Powell  Snelling,  clerk,  34  Cornhill,  h.  51  Poplar 

Powell  Stephen,  scowman,  B  street 

Powell  William,  laborer,  2  Hancock  row 

Power  James,  cordwainer,  h.  Harvard  place 

Power  James,  house  Bartlett 

Power  Thomas,  clerk  Police  Court,  h.  8  Barton 

Powers  Eliza,  upholstress,  Essex  corner  Columbia 

Powers  Honora,  widovv,  house  South  street  court 

.Powers  Heiman  {Hills  &  P.),  b'ds  at  Kilburn's  Coff.  H. 

Powers  James,  painter,  rear  67  Elliot 

Powers  James,  laborer,  south  of  97  Front  near  Castle 

Powers  Mary,  widow  of  John,  h.  Fayette  near  Jefferson 

Powers  Mary,  widow.  Broad  cor.  Cotton  place 

Powers  Nicholas,  laborer,  111  Broad 

Powers  Patrick,  blacksmith,  rear  83  Broad 

Powers  Susan,  widow,  C  Mason 

Powers  Thomas,  blacksmith,  h.  back  of  Humphrey  place 

Poyen  Charles,  teacher  French  language,  r.  176  Wash. 

Prassal  Hannah,  2  Lowell   place 

Pratt  Alfred  H.     See  Hovey  &  P. 

Pratt  A.  Foster,  21  Central,  boards  28  Hancock 

I'ratt  Asa,  captain,  Jefferson  corner  Tremont 

Pratt  Caleb,  housewright,  house  120  Sea 

Pratt  Caleb  I.  undertaker,  house  12  I'urchase 

Pratt  Charles,  mason,  house  17  Spring 

Pratt  {Calf^b  S.)   &  Nottage  (Samuel  C),  house wrights, 

Haverhill  cor.  Causeway 
Pratt  Cyrus,  grocer,  house  9  South  Russell 
Pratt  Daniel  E.  stable,  rear  of  Kilburn's,  Howard 
Pratt  (David)  &  Stevens  (^.  L.jr.),  sail  lofi,80  Comtn. 
Pratt  Ebenezer,  housewright,  h.  7  Second 
Pratt  (Elcazer  F.)  &  King  (Edioard),  druggists,  28  India. 

Pratt  boards  Salem  corner  Sheafe 
Pratt  Eleazer.     See  Wilkinson  &  P. 
Pratt  Esther,  widow,  h.  Clark  alley 
Pratt  Ezra,  soap  stone  worker,  rear  83  Pond 


J'ratt  George  (John  P.  8/  Son),  h.  146  Tremont 
Pratt  George  W.  86  State,  h.  8  Mount  Vernon- 
Pratt  Jabez,  38  Salem 

Pratt  (Jairus)   &  Gushing  (Sam'l  JV.),  railway,  Commer. 
Pratt  Jairus,  house  19  Gharter 

Pratt  John  &  Son  {George),  merchants,  19  India  wf. 
Pratt  {John,  jr.)  &  Davis  {John),  cabinetmakers,  73  Com- 
mercial.    P.'s  h.  98  Salem 
Pratt  Joseph,  mason,  Middlesex  near  Gastle 
Pratt  Lowell,  iron  founder,  4th  street 
Pratt  Mary,  widow  of  John,  High  cor.  Pearl 
Pratt  Minot,  printer,  19  Water,  h.  143  Pleasant 
Pratt  Obed,  housewright,  Merrimac 
Pratt  Samuel  B.  h.  Southac  op.  Southac  court 
Pratt  Samuel  H.  house  4  Hartford  place 
Pratt  Sarah,  tailoress,  Leveret  court 
Pratt  Sarah  T.  widow,  house  123  Gharles 
Pratt  Thomas,  laborer,  3  Henchman  lane 
Pratt  Thomas,  housevvright,  Gommercial,  h.  60  Gharter 
Pratt  William,  merchant,  house  26  Summer 
Pratt  William,  watchmaker,  34  Hanover  ' 
Pray  Benjamin,  h.  62  Gambridge 
Pray  Delia,  widow,  house  21  Leveret 
Pray  Edmund,  housewright,  house  Knox 
Pray  Isaac  G.  {Waterston,  P.^  Co.),  h.  40  Purchase 
Pray  Isaac  G.  jr.,  B.  Pearl,  124  Wash.  h.  40  Purchase* 
Pray  Jerry  R.  housewright,  h.  rear  26  Federal 
Pray  John  F.  shoes,  103  Washington,  h.  23  Blossom 
Pray  John  H.,  English  goods,  48  Wash.  h.  51  Belknap 
Pray  Joseph  G.  stable,  Turnpike,  house  4th  street 
Pray  Lewis  G.  shoes,  155  Washington,  h.  39  Allen 
Pray  Wilham  M.  bookkeeper  N.  Bank,  h.  3N.  Brighton 
Prentice  Wm.  H.  &  Son  {G.  IV.),  wood  wharf  and  coal, 

Broad  rear  43  Purchase,  house  71  Sea 
Prentice  W.  H.  jr.  mariner,  house  rear  8  East 
Prentiss  Henrj',  music  store,  2  Pemberton  hill 
Prentiss  Henry,  umbrellas,  52  Gourt,  h.  il  Prov.  H.  ct. 
Prentiss  Henry  J.  printer,  boards  477  Washington 
Prentiss  Margaret,  widow  of  Lsaac,  South  street  court 
Prescott  A.  H.  52  Gommercial 

Prescott  Benjamin  T.  dentist,  Portland  cor.  Hanover 
Prescott   {Daniel)   &    Ghapin   {David),  wood  and  coal, 

Baxter's  wf  92  Front 
Prescott  Daniel,  house  1  Plymouth  place 
Prescott  Edw.  wood  &  coal,  92  Front,  h.  Tremont  c.  Jeff. 


Prescott  Elisha,  3!)  Prince 
Prescott  H.  school,  Bedford  near  Washington 
Prescott  Harrison  (J.  P.  &  Sons),  house  :34  Warren 
Prescott  Isaac,  laborer,  Buinslead  court 
Prescott  Jonathan,  constable,  h.  83  Cambridge 
l*rescott  Jonathan   &  Sons  {Jerome  and  Harrison),  fur- 
riers, 1  Market  sq.  h.  12  Carver 
Prescott  (John  C.)   &  Maynard   (George),  truckmen,  b. 

33  Thacher 
Prescott  O.  B.  29  Prince 

Prescott  Samuel  J.  notary, office  8 Boylston  Hall,  upstairs 
Prescott  Sarah,  widow,  CI  Chaiter 
Prescott  William,  counsellor,  h.  22  Bedford 
Prescott  William  H.  house  22  Bedford 
Preston  Alonzo  F.  jeweller,  185  Wash.  h.  2  Williams 
Preston  (Elisha)  &<  Thayer  (Nathaniel,  jr .) ,  W.  I.  goods, 

6  Long  wharf 
Preston  John,  President  South  Bank,  and  Sec'ry  Ocean 

Ins.  Co.  h.  J 36  Tremont 
Preston  John  A.  clerk,  140  Wash.  h.  2  Williams 
Preston  Jonathan,  mason,  house  10  Short 
Preston  J.  P.  chemist  and  drug.  70  Federal,  h.  2  Williams 
Preston  Sarah  A.  2  Williams 
Preston  Simon,  cooper,  h.  rear  505  W^ashington 
Preston  T.  B.  house  4  Brattle  square 
Preston   W.   H.   &  T.  B.   dry   goods,  111   Washington, 

house  1  Sewall  place  *^ 

Preusch  Frederick,  baker,  102  Tremont 
Price  Abraham,  laborer,  rear  3d  street 
Price  Fitzjames,  house  COO  Washington 
Price  Henry,  house  Castle  opposite  Suffolk 
Price  Mary,  widow,  house  060  Washington 
Priest  Franklin,  house  B  street 
Priest  Joel,  116  Stale,  house  15  Chambers 
Priest  John  F.  iron  and  steel,  11  India,  h.  22  Winter 
Priest  John  L.  house  6  Morton  place 
Priest  Stillman  G.  house  6  Acorn 

Prince  Charles  A.  (Ballard  <^  P.),  h.  7  Waverley  place 
Piince  Hannah,  confectioner,  rear  Dedham 
Prince  Hezekiah,  stucco  worker,  58  Cambridge,  house  2 

W.  Second 
Prince  James,  merchant,  45  India,  h.  R6  Mt.  Vernon 
Prince   (Joseph   B.)    &    Hammond    (Thomas,  jr.),   dry 

goods,  30  Kilby.     P.  boards  3  Cambridge 
Prince  John,  grate  manufacturer,  62  Cambridge,  h.  Cross 

304  DIRECTORY.  - 

Prince  John  T.  clerk  Custom  House,  h.  49  Belknap 

Prince  Mary,  widow,  house  8  North  Russell 

Prince  Michael,  laborer,  3  Wheeler's  court 

Prince  Nathan,  mason,  liouse  U3  Front 

Prince  {J^atlil  S.)    &  Dillaway  (Francis),  housewrights, 

Theatre  alley.     Prince's  house  48  South 
Prince  Sam.sailmak.  22  India  wf.  h.Coaimer.  n.  Hanov. 
Prince  Wm.  G.  (Geo.  H.  Gray  &/-  Co.),  h.  23  Chambers 
Prince  William  E    clerk,  house  23  Chambers 
Proctor  Amos,  machinist,  Haverhill,  h.  4  N.  Bennet 
Proctor  Eben.  housewright.  Commercial,  h.  35  Leveret 
Proctor  Eliza,  widow,  house  rear  101  Tremont 
Proctor  George  B.  hats,  50  Union 

Proctor  {John  C),  Palmer  {A.  C.)  &  Felt  (0.  6'.),  hard- 
ware, 19  Merchants  row.     P.'s  h.  50  Bowdoin 
Proctor  Uriah,  stable,  36  Hanover,  house  98  Court 
Pronk  Edwin,  house  51  Pleasant 
Pronk  John  N.  D.  V.  physician,  51  Pleasant 
Pruuty  {Caleb  W.)  &  Chittenden  (CAar/e5./.),  truckmen, 

Arch  wf.     P.  boards  41  Purchase 
Prouty  (David  ^  Lorenzo)  &  Mears  {John),  ploughs  and 

iron,  12  Commercial.     L.'s  h.  34  Milk 
Prouty  Dwight,  painter,  Merrimac  c.  Market,  h.  Blossom 
Prouty  John  L.  5  Unity  court 

Pruden  Israel  R.  cooper,  32  Com.  wf.  h.  3  1-2  S.  Margin 
Puffer  Aaron,  pianoforte  maker,  h.  123  Pleasant 
Pully  Asa,  stairbuilder,  Charlcstown,  h.  25  Brattle 
Pulsifer  David,  77  F.  H.  market,  h.  213  Hanover 
Pulsifer  J.  F.  boarding,  I  Suffolk  place 
Pulsifer  Thomas  P.  house  6  Sheafe 
Purcell  Philip,  laborer,  117  Broad 

Purdy  Edward  C.  editor  Daily  Times,  h.  3  Haymarket  pi. 
Purkitt  Henry,  house  South  street  court 
Putnam  Charles  G.  physician,  house  9  Winter 
Putnam  Harriman,  truckman,  h.  16  N.  Margin 
Putnam    Edmund,  engraver,  96  Washington,  boarding 

house.  Pearl  corner  High 
Putnam  Jesse,  h.  3  Tremont  place 
Putnam  John,  printer,  39  Washington 
Putnam  John  P.,  40  State,  house  10  Essex 
Putnam  Mary,  milliner,  262  Washington 
Putnam  Mason,  bookbinder,  47  Wash.  h.  2  Staniford  pi. 
Putnam  Orpha,  widow  of  David,  h.  16  Second 
Putnam  Samuel,  J.  S.  J.  Court,  h.  10  Essex 
Putnam  Samuel  R.  merchant,  40  State,  li.  4  Winthroppl. 


Vutnam  Tfiomas  C.  laborer,  rear  12  Spring 

Putney  {Leonard)  &  James  (Gen.),  W,  I.  goods,   corner 

NVarreri  and  Treniont,  li.  20  La  (Jrange  place 
Pynclion  James  L.  dry  goods,  93  Water 

QUAID  JOHN,  innholder,  rear  147  Wasliington 

Q-ueney  Hugli  J.  laborer,  Gibbs  lane 

Quigley  Dennis,  laborer,  li.  JMecbanic 

Quigley  James,  furniture,  b.  49  Mount  Vernon 

Quigley  Martin,  laborer,  CO  Purcbase 

Q,uig!ey  Jobn,  cabinetmaker,  b.  Tbeatre  alley  near  Milk 

Quigley  Josepb,  laborer,  rear  57  Elliot 

Quimby  Amos,  bookseller,  bouse  107  Front 

Quinby  Dyer,  cooper,  li.  17  Second 

Quincy  Abigail  A.  widow  of  Jobn  W.  h    Essex  court 

Quincy  Edmund,  counsellor,  27  State,  h.  49  Beacon 

Quincy  Edmund,  brassfounder,  9  1-2  Suffolk  place 

Quincy  Josiab,  jr.  counsellor,  27  State,  h.  1  Hamilton  pi. 

Quincy  Samuel,  captain,  13  Purchase 

Quincy  Silas  A.  house  Mason  near  Avery 

Quincy  Thomas  D.  merch.  25  Commercial,  h.  Essex  ct. 

Quinland  Cornelius,  laborer,  88  Broad 

Quinland  John,  laborer,  90  Sea 

Quinland  Michael,  laborer,  rear  94  Sea 

Quinless  Mary,  widow,  h.  Tremont  corner  Warren 

Qurnn  Hannah,  widow  of  Michael,  h.  rear  61  Myrtle 

Quinn  James,  h.  rear  3  Pitts 

Quinn  Jerry,  laborer,  rear  74  Purchase 

Quinn  John,  laborer,  G  Salter  place 

Quinn  Morris,  laborer,  88  Broad 

Quinn  Nicholas,  housewrigbt,  h.  4  Milton 

Quinn  Patrick,  laborer,  22  Stillman 

Quinn  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  Church  near  the  railroad 

Quinn  Patrick,  laborer,  8  Oliver 

Quinn  Philip,  laborer,  rear  85  Pond 

Quinn  Tinjothy,  laborer,  137  Broad 

RADDIN  BENJ.  (T.  Raddln,jr.  ^Co.),  h.  202  Tremont 
Kaddin  Thos.  jr.  &.  Co.  (Benj.  Raddin),  shoes,  40  Wash. 
Rafferty  Bartholomew,  handcartman,  rear  Friend 
Rafferty  William,  laborer,  Ci  Cross 
Ragan  Daniel,  laborer,  rear  13  Sea 
Ragin  Donald,  Inborer,  Peck  lane 
Ramsdell  Daniel,  mariner,  Comnjercial 
Ramsdel!  Reuben,  grocer,  Poplar  c.  Brighton,  h.  44  Popl'r 


Rarasdell  Reubv°n,  jr.  painter,  h.  11  Second 

Ramsay  John,  grocer,  4  Cross 

Ramslead  John,  laborer.  Boylston  near  Carver 

Rand  Aaron,  inspector  provis.  721  Wash.  h.  Gorham  pi. 

Rand  {Beiij.)  &   Fiske  {.8ug.  //.),   counsellors,  5   Court, 

boards  Tremont  House 
Rand  Daniel,  jeweller,  h.  Bartlett 
Rand  Edward  S.  attorney,  IC  Court,  h.  Mt.  Vernon 
Rand  Eldred  {Otis  &  /?.),  h.  G  Brattle  square 
Rand  Haley,  house  GO  Popiar 
Rand  Isaac,  84  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Rand  John  W.  housewriglit,  h.  122  Court 
Rand  John,  painter,  Langdon  place 
Rand  Luther,  84  Faneuil  Hall  market,  house  49  Myrtle 
Rand  R.  R.  {R.  M  Morse  ^  Co.),  h.  Southac 
Randall  Beza,  plater,  b.  Batternian  place 
Randall  Ebenezer,  painter,  h.  113  Milk 
Randall  Elizabeth,  widow,  opposite  44  Pleasant 
Randall  Elizabeth,  paperhang'a,  399  Wash.  h.  78  Pleas. 
Randall  Henry,  dry  goods,  405  Wash.  h.  15  Ash 
Randall  James,  mason,  h.  Broadway 
Randall  John,  physician,  20  Winter 
Randall  John  W.,  20  Winter 
Randall  John,  housewright.  house  Broadway 
Randall  John  A.  C.  prinfer,  h.  Portland  cor.  Hanove'- 
Randall  Judith,  widow,  10  1-2  Fayette 
Randall  Mary  V.  widow  of  William,  78  Pleasant 
Randall  Mercy,  widow,  3  Hawley 
Randall  Moses  F.  physician  and  dentist,  15  Summer 
Randall  Nathaniel  H.  housewright,  h.  Leveret  court 
Randall  Otis  G.  &.  Co.  shoes,  51  Commer.  h.  North  sq. 
Randall  Sarah,  widow  of  Nathan,  rear  409  Washington 
Randall  Stephen,  housewright,  24  North  Russell 
Randall  William  S.  provisions,  50  Cambridge 
Rankin  F.  W.  A   shoemaker,  229  Ann 
Rankin  George,  sexton,  h.  IG  Province  House  ct. 
Ranney  David  S.  chairs,  40  Commercial,  h.  16  Hamilton 
Rawson  Charles,  grocer,  Merrimac,  h.  rear  43  Salem 
Ray  Abigail  H.  3  Church 

Ray  Charles  M.  cooper,  h.  rear  11  Distil-house  square 
Ray  Edwin,  h.  4  Brighton 
Ray  James,  laborer,  opposite  8  Norfolk  place 
Ray  James,  handcartman,  h.  High  st. place 
Ray  Jesse,  laborer,  h.  rear  9  Leveret 
Ray  Mary  &  Dorcas,  9  Columbia 


Kay  Robert,  Imndcartman,  li.  HIgjIi  street  place 

UaytTKjnd  Alinira,  tailoress,  ]7  Tiomont 

Raymond  E.  A.  &  Co.  (Z.  L.    liaymond),  W.    I.   goods, 

Elm,  h.  14  Briirhton 
Eayniond  (Emmons)  tSi  Plummer  (RosweU),W.  I.  goods, 

2  Faneuil  Hall.     Raymond's  li.  18  Allen 
Raymond  F.  F.  &  Co.  (T.  R.  Ray mond),  grocers, 230  Ann 
Raymond  John,  hairdresser,  2HJ  Ann  and  94  Commer. 
.Raymond  Tliatcher  R.  h.  4  Garden  court 
Raymond  William,  clerk  Oriental  Bank 
Raymond  Z.  L.  (E.  Jl.  R.  S/-  Co.),  h.  9  Distil-hoiise  sq. 
Rayner  John,  coachmaker,  3G  Hanover,  h.  1  Sudbury 
Rayner  Thomas  L.  slater,  rear  East  near  Sea 
Raynolds  Brewster,  \V.  I.  goods,  Turnpike,  h.  do. 
Rea  Rebecca,  boarding,  95  Summer 
Rea  Samuel  (Locke  4"  R-),  Exchange  Coffee  House 
Read  Alexander  H.  leatiier  dressq;-,  20  Elm,  ii.  7  Minot 
Read  Evert,  21  Elm,  boards  Fulton  House 
Read  James  B.  livery  stable,  Sudbury 
.Read  James  &  Co.  (Hoi-ace  Hall),  merchants,  4  Liberty 

sq.  cor.  Water,  h.  23  Franklin  place 
Read  John  H.  jr.  grocer,  102  Ajin,  h.  39  Brattle 
Read  Joseph  S.  jr.  saddler,  11  Exchange,  h.  13  Portland 
Read  (Micujah)  &,  Prescott  (Elisha),  grocers,  152  Ann 
Read  Rebecca,  Butolph 

R.ead  Willian),  wheelwright,  h.  Commercial  court 
Read  William.     See  Lane  &  R. 
Reade  Mary  J.  h.  7  Allen 
Readdy  Jeremiah,  mariner,  10  Boylston 
Ready  Thomas  E.  painter,  b.  28  Tremont  n.  Washington 
Redding  Charles,  painter,  84,  house  86  Court 
Redding  Geo.  &-  (Jo.  (Fran.  Richards),  painters,  38  Court, 

h.  Howard  corner  Court 
Redding  Hannah,  nurse,  opposite  145  Purchase 
Redding  Henrietta,  widow,  36  Elliot 
Redding  William,  glass  stainer,  88,  house  86  Court 
Redfern  Sarah,  widow,  house  12  May 
Redman  Alexander,  laborer,  Salutation 
Redman  John,  mason,  house  489  Washington 
Redman  Miles,  carpenter,  h.  rear  80  Elliot 
Redmond  Catharine,  boarding  house,  25  Williams 
Reed  Andrew,  printer,  h.  97  Purchase 
Reed  Augustus,  shoes,  36  Green,  h.  43  Myrtle 
Reed  Benj.  T.  mer.  43  Commer.  wf.  h.  11  Tremont  pi. 
Keed  Caleb,  2  Central  wharf,  h.  Louisburgh  square 


Reed  Chniles  E.  baker,  boards  4  Hay  market  place 

Reod  CI)ailFs  T.  provisions,  114  Cliiirles,  h.  2  Willow 

Reed  Clieen(!y,  carpenter,  h.  8  Stillnjan 

Reed  Daniel,  pattern  maker,  h.  East,  rear  schoolhouse 

Reed  David,  publisher  Chris.  Reg.  151  Wash.  h.  G8Q  do. 

Reed  Eiilm,  merclnint,  18  Long  vvf.  h.  2!)  Myrlle 

Reed  Elizabelh,  widow,  boarding.  G  Otis  place 

Reed  George,  constable,  h.  12  JMilton 

Reed  George,  "baker,  h.  12  Milton 

Reed  Henry,  painter,  Ii.  11  Norfolk  place 

Reed  John,  jr.  {Dijrr  &  /?.),  bouse  6  Beacon 

Reed  .John  T.  {Faulkner  S^^  R.).  Ii.  at  Treraont  House 

Reed  Josiab.     See  Stanley,  R.  &  Co. 

Reed  Leavitt,  10  Merchants  row,  h   28  Poplar 

Reed  Lucy,  boarding  house,  19  Hancork 

Reed  Lvdia,  widow  of  Abel,  h.  77  Cambridge 

Reed  Marshall,  40  Central 

Reed  Martin,  lighterman,  9  Cross 

Reed  Releaf,  widow  of  Thomas,  rear  Moon 

Reed  Reub.  chaise  and  harn.  mak.  32  Elm,  li.  5  Sudbury 

Reed  Sampson  {Lowe  &  R),  h.  Louisburgh  square 

Reed  Sarah,  milliner,  116  Hanover 

Reed  Sarah,  h.  7  Belknap 

Reed  Solomon,  housevvright,  h.  2  Aldcn  court 

Reed  Sophia,  widow  of  Lemuel  C.  house  57  Poplar 

Reed  Thomas  {Chandler  S^-  R.),  h.  rear  65  Charter 

Reed  Thomas,  jr.  captain,  rear  83  Hanover 

Reed  Timothy,  fruit,  1:)  Merchants  row,  h.  23  Poplar 

Reed  William,  wheelwright,  h.   Commercial  n.  Foster 

Reed  William,  Rev.  44  High 

Reed  William,  coach  trimmer,  Marlboro'  pi.  h.  51  Elliot 

Reed  William,  h.  108  Salem 

Reed  William  C.  jirovisions,  Willow,  h.77  Cambridge 

Reeves  Benj.  F.  hairdresser,  5  Brattle  sq.  b.8  Ballard pK. 

Reeves  Elizabeth,  widow,  rear  43  Prince 

Reeves  Richard,  teacher,  house  1  Oliver  place 

Reeves  Robert,  housevvright,  h.  5  Bath 

Reeves  Susan,  h.  8  Ballard  place 

Regally  .M.  clock  &■  watch  mak.  40  Milk,  h.  5  Sevvall  pi, 

Reibly  Anton(!,  6  Boylston  square 

Reid  Joshua  T.  cabinetmaker,  h.  6S  Tremont 

Remaly  Andrew,  hatter,  h.  12  S.  Russell 

Remich  Samuel  H.  housewright,  3  Kennard  avenue 

Remick  Ai,  housevvright,  26  Carver 

Remick  Alvah,  shipwright,  h.  Cotton  place 


Remick  Benjamin,  blacksmith,  h.  Gibbs  lane 
Remick  Polly,  milliner,  154  Hanover 
Restieaux  Robert,  tailor,  h.  Margaret  alley 
Restieaux  Robert,  jr.  tailor,  2G  Congress,  h.  71  Prince 
Restieaux  Thomas,  drug^gist  and  apoth.  132  Hanover 
Revere  Edward,  rear  113  Hanover 
Revere  George  {Rice  <^  R.),  h.  53  Warren 
Revere  Joseph  W.  h.  122  Tremont 

Reynolds  Charles  G.  32  Commercial,  h.  686  Washington 
Reynolds  Edward,  h.  5  Washington  place 
Reynolds  Edward,  jr.  physician,  29  Winter 
Reynolds  Elizabeth,  dressmaker,  95  Elliot 
Reynolds  Grjndail,  h.  33  Washington  place 
Reynolds  Jacob  K.  blacksmith,  h.  42  Bridge 
Reynolds  John^  binder,  h.  Broadway 
Reynolds  Martha,  widow,  43  Salem 
Reynolds  Nathaniel,  watchman,  h.  17  Gibbs  lane 
Reynolds  Nicholas,  laborer,  Barrett 

Reynolds  (S.  5.)&  Wailt(J]shbell),  moroc.  dealers,  36  N. 
Reynolds  William,  tailor,  9  W.  Centre  [Market 

Reynolds  William,  house  4  Washington  place 
Reynolds  William  B.  56  Commercial,  h.  6  Winthrop  pi. 
Reynolds  Winthrop,  h.  95  Elliot 
Rhoades  A.  H.  h.  25  Leveret 

Rhoades  Ebenezer  {Freeman,  Cobb  S,/-  Co.),  h.  3  Lynda 
Rhoades  Isaac,  house  Clark 
Rhoades  Jacob,  clerk,  house  17  Charter 
Rhoades  Stephen  &  Asa  H.  hats,  1  Court,  h.  4  Bulfinch 
Rhoades  Wilham,  cooper,  66  India  wf.  ii.  10  Batterym'h 
Rhodes  Ann  R.  widow,  8  Carver 
Rhodes  Daniel,  clerk,  house  8  Carver 
Rhodes  Zachariah,  rear  650  Washington 
Rice  Abigail  M.  widow,  4  North  Russell 
Rice  Aaron.     See  Fisk,  Rice  &  Co. 
Rice  Adam,  cabinetmaker,  h.  6  Boylston  square 
Rice  Alanson,  mason,  99  Charles 
Rice  Emery,  66  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Rice  George,  grocer,  Leveret,  h.  23  Brighton 
Rice  Henry  D.  cook,  h.  3  George 

Rice  {Henry)  &  Living  {R.  G),  hardw.  72  &  84  Water 
Rice  Henry,  English  goods,  54  Kilby,  h.  8'Bulfinch  pi. 
Rice  Henry  G.  house  59  Beacon 
Rice  Hannah  T.  widow  of  David,  2  Waverley  place 
Rice  Hosea  B.  mason,  boards  40  Federal 
Rice  Israel  C.  &  W.  69  Faneuil  H.  market,  h.  28  Allen 


Rice  John,  merchant,  h.  Arnold 

Rice  (John  H.)  &.  Revere  {Geo.),  stoves,  3  &  7  F.  Hall 
Rice  John  H.  house  21  Purchase 
Rice  John  P.  house  3  Cambridge 
Rice  Leonard,  machinist,  h.  837  Washington 
Rice  Louis,  milliner,  238  Washington,  h.  1  Central  court 
Rice  {Martin)  &  Gray  {Eihc.  L.jr.),  shipw'ts  and  caulk. 

south  side  Forthill  wf.     Rice's  h.  43  Sea 
Rice  Nancy,  nurse,  1  Beach  •, 

Rice  Nahum,  house  718  Washington 
Rice  (JVathan)  &  Thaxter  (Benj.),  merch.  27  Long  wf.| 
Rice  Nathan,  h.  10  Avon  place 
Rice  Nelson,  laborer,  rear  49  Allen 

Rice  (Prescott)  &  Hunt  (Moses),  machinists.  Cross  c.  Ann 
Rice  Richard  H.  housewright,  h.  Canton  n.  Suffolk 
Rice  Rufus,  clerk,  31  Water,  h.  42  Essex 
Rice  Timothy,  North  Margin 
Rice  William  D.  coppersmith,  h.  rear  Friend 
Rice  William  (/.  C.  &,  JV.),  h.  Franklin  House 
Rice  Zebulon,  truckman,  h.  2  Plymouth  place 
Rich  (Benjamin)  &  Son  (S.  H.),  merchants,  61  Commer- 
cial wharf,  h.  46  Summer 
Rich  Charles  H.  oyster  shop,  128  Hanover 
Rich  Edward  A.  clerk,  boards  102  Washington 
Rich  Elizabeth  A.  instructress,  h.  Wheeler's  court 
Rich  Isaac,  128  F.  H.  market,  h.  4  Wesley  place 
Rich  Isaiah  A.  house  10  Fleet 
Rich  James  P.  mariner,  1  Prince 
Rich  Obadiah,  Williams  court,  h.  4  Columbia 
Rich  Otis,  shoes  and  leather,  38  Broad,  h.  3  Sullivan  pi. 
Rich  Richard,  fisherman,  h.  Fulton  court 
Rich  Samuel  H.  (B.  Rich  &  So?i),  h.  13  South 
Rich  Seth,  fish  market,  Atkinson  near  Milk,  h.  10  East 
Rich  Thomas  P.  38  Broad,  boards  1  Somerset  court 
Richards  Calvin,  jr.  29  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Richards  David,  housewright,  Canal 
Richards  David,  druggist,  78  Broad 

Richards  Eliakim,  housew't,  S.  Foster  pi.  h.  81  Tremont 
Richards  Eliza,  milliner,  344  Washington 
Richards  Francis  (G.  Redding  <^  Co.),  h.  Haymarket  pi. 
Richards  Isaac  D.  house  144  Purchase 
Richards  Isaiah  D.,  W.  I.  goods,  38  Sea,  h.  36  Purchasa 
Richards  J.  L.  merch.  33  Commer.  wf  h.  op.  66  Tremont 
Richards  Jonathan  A.  bookkeeper  Washington  Bank 
Richards  Joseph,  cooper,  25  Thacher 


Richards  (Jos.)  «fe  Munn  (LMfAer),stoneci]t's,  Peirce'swf. 

Richards  Josiah  W.  dry  g'ds,  345  WasJi.  b'ds  1  Bradf 'd  pi. 

Richards  Leonard  (Bartleit  &  R.),  h.  5  Province 

Richards  Lucy,  widow,  Haymarket  place  cor.  Avery 

Richards  Mary,  widow,  Gibbs  lane 

Richards  Reuben,  jr.  hardware,  41  S.  Mark.  h.  6  Hancock 

Richards  Sarah,  widow,  rear  41  Pleasant 

Richards  Samuel,  musician,  boards  17  Franklin  place 

Richards  Sarah,  widow,  h.  Bumslead  court 

Richards  Thomas  P.  truckman,  Salter  place 

Richards  VVyatt,  mason,  h.  Garden  cor.  Myrtle 

Richardson  A.  &  H.  account's,  81  Wash.  h.  1  Brattle  sq. 

Richardson  Alfred,  merch.  16  Union  wf.  h.  144  Tremont 

Richardson  Alpha,  currier,  40  N.  Market 

Richardson  Asa  G.  teamster,  h.  15  Essex 

Richardson  Barbary,  widow,  h.  15  Essex 

Richardson  Benjamin,  mason,  house  Grove 

Richardson  Benjamin  P.  house  60  High 

Richardson  Bill,  housewright,  Commercial,  h.  33  Charter 

Richardson  Charles  (Whitney  <^  R-),  h.  71  Warren 

Richardson  {Charles  E.   H.)  &  Stratton  (William  F.), 

academy,  323  Washington 
Richardson  Eliza,  widow  of  Eleazer  T.  F.  h.  49  Chesnut 
Richardson  Elizabeth,  widow,  Barry's  wharf 
Richardson  Edward  G.  house  7  Suffolk  place 
Richardson  Francis,  laborer,  rear  Hamilton 
Richardson  George,  merchant,  16  Rowe's  wharf 
Richardson  George  B.  &  Co.  (Leiois   G.  ^  Josiah),  1 

Market  square 
Richardson  (George  C.)  &  Earl  (Henry),  dry  goods,  51 

Water.     R.'s  house  47  Front 
Richardson  George  P.  jr.  (Glover  <^  R.),  h.  1  Fruit 
Richardson  Jacob,  clerk,  35  Cornhill,  h.  rear  31  Allen 
Richardson  James,  confectioner,  h.  42  Warren 
Richardson  James,  cordwainer,  house  92  Tremont 
Richardson  James,  grocer,  235  Ann 
Richardson  James  B.  merchant,  2  Gridley 
Richardson  Jeffrey  &  Brothers   (James  B.  <^  Benj.  P.), 

iron  merchants,  2  Central  wf  h.  79  High 
Richardson  Joel,  gunsmith,  Faneuil  Hall,  h.  228  Hanover 
Richardson  John  D.  (L.  Maynard  ^  Co.),  h.  97  Broad 
Richardson  (Joseph)  &  Whitney  (B.  £>.),  merchants,  11 

Central  wharf.     Richardson's  h.  22  Lynde 
Richardson  Josiah,  house  3  Brattle  square 
Richardson  Lewis  G.  house  3  Brattle  square 


Richardson  Loa,  hats,  18  Washington 

Richardson  Natlianiel  W.  houspwright,  G,  h.  48  Bridge 

Richardson  (A'ath'l)  &.  Abbott  (John),  hydraulic  engines, 

14  MilU 
Richardson  JVathan  &.  VV.  clothing,  16  Congress,  house 

8  Crescent  place 
Richardson  Rebecca,  widow  of  Jeffrey,  h.  79  High 
Richardson  Rlioda,  widow,  house  42  Allen 
Richardson  Robert  T.  S.  mason,  h.  58  Pinckney 
RichardsoH  Robert,  jr.  shoes,  37  Central 
Richardson  Ruth,  472  Washington 
Richardson  Samuel,  93  State,  h.  24  Harvard 
Richardson  Samuel,  clerk,  house  53  Portland 
Richardson  Susan,  house  34  Prince 

Richardson  Thomas,  ironfounder,  Sea,  h.  1  Fourth  street 
Richardson  Thomas  {H.  JY.  Hooper  ^  Co.),  h.  4  Minot 
Richardson  Thomas  K.  house  6  Province 
Richardson  William,  housewright,  h.  7  Blossom 
Richardson  Wrn.  H.  (Bayleij,  Poor  ^^  R.),  h.  18  Winter 
Richardson  William  L.  apothecary,  Hanover  cor.  Charter 
Richardson  William,  housewright,  h.  (560  Washington 
Richardson  W^illiam,  student  ai  law,  h.  6  Montgomery  pi. 
Richardson  William,  merchant,  16  Rowe's  wharf 
Richardson  Winthrop,  boards  12  Bowdoin 
Richmond  William,  glassmaker,  rear  2d  street 
Ricker  Benjamin  F.  mason,  h.  103  Cambridge 
Ricker  George  W.  mason,  rear  253  Wash.  h.  Southac 
Rider  George,  painter,  foot  of  Richmond 
Rider  Margaret,  widow,  house  42  Warren 
Rider  Neheuiiah  M.  oysters,  12  Winter,  h.  South  st.  pi. 
Ridgley  George,  brassfounder,  h.  15  Carver 
Ridgley  Sarah,  house  1  Hawjey 
Ridgway  Abigail,  widow.  Castle  near  Middlesex 
Ridgway  H.  W.  merchant,  13  Long  wharf 
Ridgway  James,  house  back  49  Cambridge 
Ridgway  John,  silversmith,  34  Cambridge 
Ridgway  John  W.  boards  5th  street  near  Turnpike 
Ridgway  Sam'l  S.  lumb.  wf.  Sea  n.  Free  bridge,  h.  5th  st. 
Ridlon  Noah,  housewright,  Charlestown,  h.  7  N.  Centre 
Ridlon  Richard,  housewright,  S.  Margin,  h.  17  Gouch  • 
Riedel  James,  housewright,  boards  Sea  near  the  bridge 
Riedel  John,  house wri^iht,  house  Broadway 
Riley  Alex.  S.  (H.  Gassctt  &^  Co.),  boards  22  Beacon 
Riley  Andrew,  saddler,  19  Hanover 
Riley  Charles,  laborer,  13  Distil-house  square 


Riley  Daniel,  blacksmith,  4tli  street 

Riley  George,  rig^icr,  Battery 

Riley  {James)  &  Riniiey  (Geo.  T.),  saddlers,  70  Cornliill, 

house  84  Cliainbers 
Riley  James,  laborer,  Broad  corner  Cotton  place 
Riley  John,  brass  turner,  h.  8  Norfolk  place 
Riley  Margaret,  v/idow,  house  opposite  G5  Sea 
Riley  Mehitabel,  widow,  house  14  Redfiird 
Riley  Michael,  constable,  house  rear  28  Poplar 
Riley  Michael,  laborer,  rear  45  Pleasant 
Riley  Miles,  laborer,  11  Uistii-house  square 
Riley  Owen,  laborer,  rear  C3  Elliot 
Riley  Patrick,  blacksmith,  A  street  near  Turnpike 
Riley  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  12  Washington  place 
Riley  Patrick,  laborer,  opposite  IG  Ash 
Riley  Thomao,  laborer,  rear  24  Merrimac 
Riley  William,  h.  13  Stillman 
Rimmer  E.  (Sloper  ^^  R.),  house  104  Washington 
Rimmer  Samuel,  turner,  house  194  Washington 
Rimmer  Thomas,  bootmaker,  rear  46  Pleasant  ' 

Ring  Eliza,  milliner,  rear  lOG  Washington 
Ring  John,  bricklayer,  2d  street 
Ring  John,  laborer,  Barrett 
Ring  Nathaniel,  gilder,  house  1  North  Russell 
Ring  William  D.  paperstainer,  10  Summer 
Ringot  Joseph,  stevedore,  254  Hanover 
Rinney  G,  T.     See  Riley  &  R. 
Ripley  Francis,   10  Cross 
Ripley  George,  Rev.  house  3  Bedford  place 
Ripley  (George    C.)   &   Manning   (Joshua),  provisions, 

Summer  corner  Purchase.     R.'s  house  Lane  place 
Ripley  Isaac,  house  97  Purchase 
Ripley  Joseph,  housewright,  Cross,  h.  166  Hanover 
Ripley  Joseph,  cooper,  h.  Commercial  near  Foster    - 
Ripley  Joseph  W.  bookbinder,  h.  rear  119  Pleasant 
Ripley  Mary,  school,  JMiddlesex  cor.  Castle 
Ripley  Robert,  cooper.  Commercial  near  Foster 
Ripley  William  Z.  (Mams  S,^  R.),  bds  484  Washington 
Ritchie  James,  housewright,  4  Salutation 
Ritchie  Thomas  C.  accountant,  94  Commercial 
Rivers  Benjamin,  house  14  Vine 
Roach  Annastatia,  widow,  78  Purchase 
Roach  Cornelius,  stonecutter,  h.  rear  123  Broa^ 
Roach  John,  house  33  School 
Roach  Philip,  laborer,  rear  81  Sea 


Roath  Charles,  architect,  Rogers's  building,  h.  34  Fayette 

Bobbins  Abigail,  boarding  house,  1  Jackson  place 

Robbins  Asaph  R.  laborer,  h.  Tear  46  Pleasant 

Robbins  Chandler,  Rev.  house  173  Hanover 

Robbins  Charles,  master  House  of  Correction,  S.  Boston 

Robbins  Edw^ard  J.  painter,  house  Merrimac 

Robbins  Edward  H,  5  Phillips's  buildings,  h.  45  Summer 

Robbins  Elizabeth,  n'idow,  48  Sea 

Robbins  George  L.  C.  carpenter,  rear  Carver  n.  Elliot 

Robbins  Harriet,  boarding  house,  447  Washington 

Robbins  Henry,  grocer,  head  Wales's  wf  h.  10  Purchase 

Robbins  Levi,  teamster,  h.  6  Orange  lane 

Robbins  Lewis,  housewright,  h.  Grove  cor.  May 

Robbins  Margaret,  widow,  Mechanic  place 

Robbins  Nathan,  mason,  house  36  Myrtle 

Robbins  Nathan,  jr.  35  Faneuil  Hall  market 

Robbins  Nathaniel,  fruit,  34  Merch'ts  row,  h.  3  Leveret  ct. 

Robbins  Richard,  attor.  13  State,  h.  11  JMontgomery  pi. 

Robbins  Robert,  wharfinger,  Tileston's  wharf 

Robbins  S.  E.  {Leighton  ^^  R.),  house  26  Temple 

Robbins  Shepherd,  wood,  Tileston's  wf  h.  37  Atkinson 

Robbins  Stephen,  jr.  cigars.  Leveret  court 

Roberts  Benj.  P.  jeweller,  rear  87  Wash.  h.  47  Myrtle 

Roberts  Charles  L.     See  Freeman,  Cobb  &  Co. 

Roberts  E.  G.     See  Freeman,  Cobb  &  Co. 

Roberts  {George),  Cooke  {M.  M.)   &  Walton  (Calvin)^ 

proprietors  Boston  Daily  Times,  72  Washington 
Roberts  John,  mariner,  h.  23  Richmond 
Roberts  John,  marble  mason,  h.  Pimd  near  Thaeher 
Roberts  John,  housewright,  Friend,  h.  50  Friend 
Roberts  John  G.  bookbinder,  r.  39  Wash.  h.  r,  107  Pleasant 
Roberts  John  L.  mason,  34  School,  house  May 
Roberts  Malinda,  widow,  boarding,  104  Washington 
Roberts  Mary,  5  Arch 

Roberts  Richard  S.  furniture,  114  Cambr'ge,  h.  Fruit  st.  ct. 
Roberts  Susan,  house  Williams  court 
Roberts  Thomas  J.  mason,  house  10  Leveret  lane 
Roberts  Tobias  (Wiswell  &  R.),  h.  114  Sea 
Robertson  David,  carver,  h.  Dedham 
Robertson  John,  house  106  Pond 
Robertson  John,  laborer,  105  Broad 
Robertson  Joseph,  mariner,  rear  57  Elliot 
Robertson  Rebecca,  boarding,  25  Brattle  [way 

Robertson  Sam'l,  agent  Bost.^Beer  Co.  6  Lindall,  h.  Broad- 
Robins  Henry,  merchant,  9  Centra!  wf.  h.  U  Purchase 

DIRECTORY.  *       315 

Robins  Jonathan  D.  house  11  Purchase 
Robins  Richard,  counsel.  21  State,  h.  11  Montgomery  pi. 
Robinson  Andrew  G.  bootrnalcer,  1G7  Hanover,  h.  Ann 
Robinson  A.  L.  victualler,  r\i  N.  Market 
Robinson  Alexander,  h.  Friend  below  Travers 
Robinson  Charles,  bctokbinder,  38  Cornhill,  h.  25  Pinck. 
Robinson  Edward,  turner,  Friend  near  Causeway 
Robinson  Edward,  Rev.  house  08  Chesnut 
Rol)inson  George,  housewright,  4tli  street 
Robinson  George,  constable,  house  IIG  Salem 
Robinson  G.  \V.  machinist,  N.  Margin,  h.  5  Garden  court 
Robinson  (Geo.  JV.)  &  Wiggin  (James  S.),  W.  I.  goods, 

30  India.     R.'s  h.  18  Thacher 
Robinson  Henry,  Gas  Light  Conip.  office,  185  Washing. 

house  1  Winthrop  place 
Robinson  James,  iustructer,  house  8  Poplar 
Robinson  Joel  M.  blacksmith,  Charlestown 
Robirison  John,  stall,  5  Boylston  market,  h.  33  Boylston 
Robinson  John,  housevvright,  Robinson  lane 
Robinson  J.  F.  flour,  5  City  wf.  h.  22  Green 
Robinson  John  P.  brass  nail  maker,  I  street 
Robinson  John  R.  boards  IS  Thacher 
Robinson  John  T.  baker,  Clark 
Robinson  John  W.  stevedore,  39  Prince* 
Robinson  Jona.  P.  housevvright,  Salutation 
Robinson  Judith  H.  dressmaker,  4th  near  C  street 
Robinson  Lydia,  widow,  6  Norfolk  place 
Robinson  L3'man,  innkeeper,  18  Ann 
Robinson  Nancy,  widow  of" Josiah,  h.  Charlestown 
Robinson  R.  I.  (JV.  Eaton  &  Co.),  h.  Commer.  n.  Prince 
Robinson  Seth,  housewright,  h.  Court  sq. 
Robinson    (Shadrack)   &.    Plummer    (jlverjj),  flour  and 

grain,  7  City  wf.     R.'s  h.  53  Chambers 
Robinson  Simon  W.  grocer,  88  Prince,  h.  10  Sheafo 
Robinson  Thomas,  broker,  5  Exchange,  h.  100  Saleoa 
Robison  William,  h.  op.  37  S.  Russell 
Roby  Dexter  {Warren  <fe.  R.),  h.  2  S.  Margin 
Roby  Henry,  G2  Belknap 

Roby  Joseph,  physician,  IGl  Court,  b'ds  62  Belknap 
Roche  Maiy,  widow,  tailoress,  7  Province 
Rockwood  Calvin  P.  painter,  h.  4th  street 
Rodden  Elizabeth,  2  Elliot  court 
Rodden  Michael,  laborer.  Pond  cor.  N.  Margin 
Rodden  Rebecca,  widow,  15  Gouch 
Rodgers  Geo.  S.  shipping  office,  79  Broad,  h.  15  Wash.  pi. 

316       '  DIRECTORY. 

Rodgers  Wm.  M.  stock  maker,  6  Joy's  build,  li.  1 1  Nassau 

Roessle  John,  cordwainer,  3:28  VVaj^li.  h.  2  Norfolk  pi. 

Roffe  Elizabeth,  widow,  house  200  Washington 

Rofte  Matthew,  shoemaker,  '204,  h.  2DG  Washington 

Rogers  Abigail  Ann,  boarding,  7  Brattle 

Rogers  Benjamin  &  AUan,fish  and  flour,  41  Long  wf. 

Rogers  Benjamin,  Ixiuse  3  Sweeiser  court 

Rogers  Daniel  A.  h.  17  Green 

Rogers  Edward,  shipwright,  h.  I  street 

Rogers  Elii)halet,  mariner,  h.  4  Chambers  st.  court 

Rogers  Fitz  William,  furniture,  2  Union,  h.  37  South 

Rogers  (G.  B.),  Devens  (G.  J.)  &  Co.  (J.  L.  Hunntioell), 
drugs,  5  Conimcrcial.     R.'s  h.  24  Leveret 

Rogers  George,  merchant,  2  Union,  h.  12  Newton  place 

Rogers  Henry,  shipwright,  h.  P  st.  S.  Boston  Point 

Rogers  Henry  B.  attorney,  h.  5  Joy  place 

Rogers  Jacob  A.  broker,  h.  Castle 

Rogers  J.  D.  paper  hanger,  Marshall 

Rogers  John,  brokqr,  house  1  South  st.  court 

Rogers  John  Gorham,  agent  type  foundry,  37  &  39  Con- 
gress, h.  8  Grange.     See  advertisement 

Rogers  John  Gray,  Justice  Police  Court  and  counsellor, 
17  Court,  h.  Pearl  cor.  High 

Rogers  John  H.  shoes,  50  Court,  h.  10  Williams 

Rogers  {Joseph  S.)  &  Clark  {Wood),  wood  wf.  Leveret. 
R.'s  h.  13  Brighton 

Rogers  Leonard,  painter,  house  59  Carver 

Rogers  Lewis  B.  mason,  house  rear  7  Short 

Rogers  Luke,  housewrlght,  h.  11  Unity 

Rogers  Martha,  widow  of  John  William,  h.  605  Wash. 

Rogers  Mary,  widow,  Charter 

Rogers  Moses,  h.  Prince  cor.  Salem 

Rogers  Nathaniel,  innkeeper.  Eastern  Stage  House,  Ann 

Rogers  Robert,  tailor,  h.  5  Ninfolk  place 

Rogers  Robert,  notary  public.  Custom  H.  h.  Alt.  Vernon 

Rogers  Sally,  widow,  house  35  Blossom 

Rogers  Samuel,  physician,  17  Bedford 

Rogers  Sargent,  foreign  let.  office,  City  H.  h.  59  Pinckney 

Rogers  Shubael  G.  jr.  Sec.  Fireman's  Ins.  Company 

Rogers  William  S.  house  10  South 

Rogerson  Robert,  Am.  g'ds,53  Water,  h.  19  Somerset  pi. 

Rohan  Edward,  house  28  Fayette 

Roland  John,  grocer,  &d  Elliot 

Rolland  John  H.  painter,  house  1  North  Russell 

Rollins  Charles,  handeartman,  5  Pemberton  hill 


Rollins  Frances,  widow  of  Ebenezer,  h.  18  Beacon 
Rollins  Hannah,  widow  ofNoah,  h.  W.  Cedar  c.  Acorn 
Rollins  Jefferson,  laborer,  Clark  alley 
Rollins  John,  liousevvright,  h.  VV.  Centre 
Rollins  Meshach,  housewright,  h.  Leveret  court 
Rollins  William  (Atkinson  %■  K.),  h.  44  Summer 
Rollock  Jofjn,  laborer,  h.  West  Centre 
R(tom  William,  cabinetmaker,  Suffolk  near  Dover 
Rooney  Patrick,  waiter,  rear  22  Federal 
Roper  James,  ropemaker,  h.  A  street 
Roper  John  B.  74  Purchase 
Ropes  Hardy,  Treas.  Am.  Ed.  Soc.  15  Cornhill 
Rose  James,  laborer,  house  8  Portland 
Rose  John,  cordwainer,  h.  3  Humphrey  place 
Rose  Lydia,  dressmaker,  rear  351  Washington 
Rosevear  John,  housewright,  h.  Elliot  near  Pleasant 
Ross  Charles,  umbrella  maker,  228  Wash.  h.  East  n.  Sea 
Ross-  Charles,  teamster,  house  10  Essex  place 
Ross  Daniel,  laborer,  house  6  Essex  place 
Ross  Edward  M.  housewright,  h.  25  Blossom 
Ross  Francis,  laborer,  Essex  cor.  South 
Ross  Isaac,  tinplate  worker,  h.  rear  96  Purchase 
Ross  Jere.  &  Wm.  W.  tailors,  7  Congress,  h.  22  Bulfinch 
Ross  John,  hairdresser,  380  Wash.  h.  72  Tremont 
R(jss  John  T.  {Lewis  4"  /^),  h-  11  Province  House  court 
Ross  Joseph  L.  cabinetmaker,  7G  Court,  h.  Chardon 
Ross  Mary,  nurse,  rear  123  Pleasant 
Ross  Mary,  house  Battery 

Ross  Robert,  umbrella  maker,  h.Travers  c.  Charlestown 
Ross  William  W.  house  24  Brighton 
Ross  Wm.  clerk  Bos.  &  Prov.  rail  road,b'd3  Harvard  pi. 
Rotch  Susanna,  nurse,  055  Washington 
Rottey  Jeremiah,  rigger,  h.  18  Washington  place 
Roulstone  Charles  ?I.  trunkmaker,57  Milk,b'ds61  Poplar 
Roulstone  Michael,  glazier,  55  Milk,  h.  61  Poplar 
Roundy  Alvan,  truckman,  h.  South  street  court 
Rouse  Sarah,  tailoress,  14  Fleet 
Row  Benjamin,  bnishmaker,  house  rear  5  Belknap 
Rowan  John,  haudcartman,  rear  89  Broad 
Rowan  Rachel,  widow,  Berry 
Rowe  Daniel,  sashmaker,  h.  60  Fayette 
Rowe  Esther,  widow,  rear  732  Washington 
Rowe  Ichabod,  laborer,  Elliot  near  Tremont 
Rowe  Isaac  F.  house  7  Snowhill 
Rowe  Joseph,  stevedore,  h.  Bartlett 


Rowe  Joseph,  counsellor,  31  Court 

Rovve  Samuel  ( Lyford  &  R.),  h.  2  Vernon 

Rowell  Manly  A.  Iiousevvright,  house  Vino 

Rowell  True\vf)rthy,  patiernrnuker,  h.  34  High 

Rovven  Thomas,  painter,  boards  Church 

Rowland  David  S.  {Ptirsun  ^/-  /?.),  boards  2  Central  ct. 

Rowley  Reuben,  portrait  and  inin.  painter,  9  Pearl  place 

Rowley  Sam.  II.  G.,  City  Tav.  h.  3  Chambers  st.  court 

Rowson  William,  clerk  Custom  House,  h.  r.  5  Hollis 

Royalston  Francis,  weaver,  rear  Ann 

Royce  Elihu  M.  grocer,  Turnpike  street 

Royce  Jeremiah,  livery  stable,  444  Washington,  Ji.  do. 

Ruby  Isaiah,  laborer,  ii.  G  Bridge 

Ruddock  John,  carpenter,  h.  6  Barrett 

Ruggles  Levi,  cabinetmaker,  Charles,  h.  W.  Centre 

Ruggles  Samuel,  isinglass,  89  Cambridge,  h.  Blossom 

Ruggles  Seth  L.  currier,  h.  Rutland 

Ruggles  (Simon)  &.  Currier  (Jos.  B),  prov'ns,  60  Myrtle 

Rumney  Richard,  cooper,  h.  50  Allen 

Rumney  Richard  W.  caulker  and  graver.  Salutation 

Rumrill  Joseph,  jr.  painter,  East  near  Sea,  h.  5  Bartlett 

Rundle  Thomas,  carpenter,  21  Warren 

Runey  Janies,  wharfinger,  Gray's  wharf 

Rupp  Adam,  painter,  55  Allen 

Rupp  Jane,  widow,  house  49  Allen 

Rupp  John,  clerk  Boylston  market,  h.  rear  17  Boylston 

Russ  Daniel,  cordwainer,  h.  Batterman  place 

Russ  Daniel  H.  mason,  h.  8  Sweetser  court 

Russ  Hiram,  mason,  h.  I  Portland  place 

Russell  Benjamin,  cooper.  Salutation 

Russell  Benjamin,  house  12  Lincoln 

Russell  Benjamin,  jr.  house  12  Lincoln 

Russell  Calvin  S.  clerk,  ]8  State 

Russell  David,  plate  printer,  11  School,  h.  Elliot  c.  Carver 

Russell  David,  jr.  meal  store,  135  Ann 

Russell  Edward,  painter,  Ji.  Henchman  lane 

Russell  Harriet  G.  54  Belknap 

Russell  Isaac,  39  Prince 

Russell  I.  (Cutler  ^^  R.),  boards  at  Wildes's,  11  Elm 

Russell  Isaiah,  housewright,  h.  Fruit 

Russell  James,  bookkeeper  Atlas  Bank,  house  Mason 

Russell  James  D.  attorney,  5  Court,  h.  4  Walnut 

Russell  (James)  &  Thomas  (JVm),  19  Long  wharf 

Russell  Jolm,  mason,  house  4  McLean  court 

Russell  John,  butcher,  h.  rear  121  Pleasant 


Russell  {John  B.),  Shattuck   (L.   G.)   &  Co.  (J.  D.   TF. 

IVi.Uianis),    booksellers,   121    Wash.     11. 's  house    5 

Siillivnn   place 
Russell  John  P.  (Oakes  SfR),h.  Leveret  street  court 
Russell  J.  G.  furn.  and  feathers,  2  Dock  sq.  h.  21  Gouch 
Russell  Luther,  glass  maker,  rear  3d  near  Dorchester 
Russell  M.  B.  portrait  and  niin.  painter,  220  Wash. 
Russell  Martha,  widow  of  Walter,  jr.,  6  South  st.  place 
Russell  Martin,  laborer,  rear  18  South  Bennet 
Russell  JMary,  widow.  South  Margin 
Russell  Mary,  house- Silver 
Russell  Mary  S.,  Elliot  near  Pleasant 
Russell    (JYaf.han,  jr.)   &,   Bucknam   {Jesse),  shoes  and 

leather,  28  North  Market 
Russell  Nathaniel  P.  34  Beacon 
Russell    {Samuel   M.)    &  Groves  {Isaac),  pumpinakers, 

60  Front 
Russell  Samuel,  cordwainer,  Tremont,  h.  r.  87  Pleasant 
Russell  Timothy,  laborer,  44  Orange 
Rust  Enoch  H.  15  Prince 
Rust  William  P.  A.  housewright,  127  Pond 
Rutherford  Ann,  bonnet  maker.  Theatre  alley 
Ruthven  Robert  E.  brassturnor,  4  Marshall,  h.  10  Unity 
Rutter  Charles,  cordwainer,  26  Federal,  h.  Sister 
Rutter  William,  junk,  Snow's  wf.  h.  18  Merrimac 
Ruthven  Marion  and  Margaret,  Oliver  cor.  High 
Rutledge  James  S.  clothing  store,  28  Blackstone  n.  Ann 
Ryan  E.  widow,  B  street 
Ryan  Daniel,  laborer,  106  Sea 
Ryan  Elizabeth,  widow,  rear  65  Elliot 
Ryan  Isaac,  housewright,  152  Ann 
Ryan  James,  grocer,  119  Broad 
Ryan  James,  laborer,  vSea  near  East 
Ryan  James,  grocer,  Batterymarch 
Ryan  James,  Howard  street  House 
Ryan  John,  laborer,  rear  17  Sea 
Ryan  John,  coachman,  house  3  Sister 
Ryan  John,  grocer,  141  Broad 
Ryan  John,  carpenter,  rear  4lh  street 
Ryan  Joseph,  laborer,  rear  104  Purchase 
Ryan  Lawrence,  currier,  house  rear  Broadway 
Ryan  Mary,  widow,  house  20  Garden 
Ryan  Michael,  tailor,  30  Poplar 
Ryan  Michael,  laborer,  house  Leveret  court 
Ryan  Michael,  laborer,  Hobbs's  wharf 


Ryan  Michael,  rear  29  Milk 

Ryan  Patrick,  housewriglit.  Theatre  alley 

Ryan  Peter,  laborer,  corner  Silver  and  A  street 

Ryan  Timothy,  painter,  house  south  794  Washington 

Ryerson  Eliza  J.  dressmaker,  154  Washington 

Rynex  Samuel,  tailor,  house  1  Spring  st.  place 

SABIN  MARTHA,  house  17  South  Russell 
Sabine  Samuel  R.,  Pleasant,  1st  h.  north  Piedmont 
Sacket  Noah  E.  stair  builder,  house  Chambers 
Sackett  Ruhamah,  Indian  doctress,  15  Myrtle 
Saffbfd  Daniel  &  Co.  {JVm.  Low  fy  A.  W.  Smith),  black- 
smiths, Devonshire.     Safford's  house  Beacon 
SafFord  Henry  (T.  Gilhert  S^  Co.),  h.  Avery  c.  Wash. 
Salisbury  Ambrose,  wheelwright,  Creek  sq.  h.IMerrimac 
Salisbury  Samuel,  merchant,  h.  Temple  place 
Salmon  John  M.  coach  painter,  Marlboro'  pi.  h.  38  Short 
Salmon  Robert,  painter,  marine  railway 
Salmon  Stephen  D.  stable  keeper,  3  Sh*jt,  h.  50  South 
Salomon  George,  cabinetmaker,  h.  reai  80  Warren 
Salter  James,  cordwainer,  h.  15  N.  Margin 
Salter  Richard  H.  physician,  house  2  Bowdoin 
Samon  John  (Higgins  &  S.),  h.  9  fsiorth  square 
Sampson  Amos,  printer,  12  Federal 
Sampson  Calvin  C.     See  Hutchinson  &  S. 
Sampson  Ebenezer,  mess.  Eagle  Bank 
Sampson  John  S.  housfewright,  h.  r.  26  Belknap 
Sampson  Joshua,  house  16  Hawkins 
Sampson  Lucy,  widow  of  Joshua,  rear  Broadway 
Sampson  Martin,  hatter,  h.  Pinckney  near  Charles 
Sampson  Thomas,  founder,  5th  street 
Sampson  Zephaniah,  superintendent  streets,  Merrimac, 

house  37  Charter 
Samuels  Emanuel,  house  Cotton  place 
Samuels  Isaac,  dry  goods,  Kilby  cor.  State,  h.  3  Mason 
Sanborn  Amos  C.  &,  Co.  {Will'tum   S.),  stonecutters,  Ca- 
nal, house  Spring  street  place 
Sanborn  Charles,  farmer,  House  of  Industry 
Sanborn  Christopher  P.  housewright,  h.  Allen  c.  Spring 
Sanborn  Erastus  W.  house  Cooper 
Sanborn  (£.)  &,  Butler  («.  J.),  stoves,  8  Union,  house 

2  Carnes  court 
Sanborn  Greenleaf  C.  housewright,  Hanover,  h.Peck  1. 
Sanborn  G.  G.  housewright,  rear  3  Hanover 
Sanborn  Henry  A.  painter,  house  242  Hanover 


Sanborn  Amos  &  Win.  stonecut's,  Causew.  c.  Ilaverliill 

Sanborn  E.  VV.  b.  1(5  Cooper 

Sanbojrj  iSilas,  bousowriiibt,  r.  3  Hanover,  b.  17  Garden 

Sanborn  VVoodbridiie,  14  Cross 

Sancry  Francis,  cabinetmaker,  557  Wasbiiii^ton 

Sancry  Jolin,  17  Boylston  fisb  market,  li.  lU  Elliot 

Sancry  Eney,  widow,  4  Madison  place 

Sanders  Jobn,  sand  dealer,  G  Suffolk 

Sanders  Mary,  widow  of  Josepb,  Wnsbington  place 

Sanders  William,  giinsmilb,  91   Broad 

Sanders.     See  Saunders 

Sanderson  Abrabam,  grain  dealer.  !i.  Canton  n.  Suffolk 

Sanderson  James  G.  58  F.  IE  market,  h.  3  Myrtle 

Sanderson  Josepb,  bandcarlnian,  b.  67  Bedford 

Sanderson  Eutber,  W.  E  goods,  75,  b.  80  Pleasant 

Sanderson  William,  laborer,  li.  rear  Sbort  near  Bedford 

Sanford  Samuel,  mer.  3  Eidia  wf  b.  Eincoln  c.  Bedford 

Sandra  Francis,  ladies'  hairdresser,  2()7  Washington 

Sands  Edward,  88  F.  H.  market,  b.  8  Koyes  place 

Sands    {Theodore    T.)   &    Green   (J.    D.),   blacksmiths, 

Turnpike,  h.  3d  street 
Sanger  Calvin  F.  ( W.  H.  Melien  Sf  Co .),  b.  8  Morton  pi. 
Sanger  Eydia,  rear  1 1  Sbort 
Sanger  Zedekiab,  cooper,  b.  3d  street 
Sargeant  Stephen,  W.  E  goods,  549  Washington 
Sargent  {Budwell)  &  Patten   (James),  W.   E  goods,   54 

Chatham,  h.  3  Cambridge 
Sargent  Benjamin,  chaise  painter,  b.  4  Myrtle  court 
Sargent  Charles,  laborer,  5  Eucas  place 
Sargent  Darnel,  Pres.  Best.  M.  Eis.  Co.  b.  58  Mt.  Vernon 
Sargent  Dorcas,  widow  of  Epes,  h.  5  Poplar 
Sargent  Edward,  cooper,  b.  87  Salem 
Sargent  Ensign,  wine  store,  3  Ci)atbain,  h.  May 
Sargent  Epes,  merchant,  b.  5  Hartford  place 
Sargent  Gilman,  boards  117  Hanover 
Sargent  Henry,  10  Franklin  place 
Sargent  Henry,  h.  109  Purchase 

Sargent  Henry  J.  counsellor.  Court  sq.  h.  72  Beacon 
Sargent  Hosea,  grocer,  67  Eong  wf.  b.  East  Boston 
Sargent  Ignatius,  59  Commercial  wf  h.  Joy  place 
Sargent  James,  housewright,  b.  Ill  Purchase 
Sargent  Jauies  E.  baker,  b.  86  Warren 
Sargent  John,  dry  goods,  54  Hanover,  h.  12  Staniford 
Sargent  John,  plumber,  h.  Ill  Purchase 
Sargent  John,  branch  pilot,  Broad  op.  Howe's  wbaif 


Sargent  John,  jr.  cooper,  h.  78  Essex 

Sargent  John  O.  attorney,  4  Court,  h.  5  Hartford  place 

Sargent  John  T.  Rev.  h.  12  Chesnut 

Sargent  Joseph,  staves  &  tinware,  71  Broad,  li.  14G  Purch. 

Sargent  Joseph  R.  Commercial  near  I'rince 

Sargent  Loring,  house  U)  Prince 

Sargent  Leonard,  watchman,  Commercial   near  Prince 

Sargent  Lucius  M.  counsellor,  40  Slate,  h.  at  Roxbury 

Sargent  JNIercy,  widow,  North  IMargin 

Sargent  Nathaniel   B.  painter,  30  1-2  Cross 

Sargent  Sarah,  widow  of  Ignatius,  3  Franklin  place 

Sargent  Simeon,  baker,  h.  North  Hanover  court 

Sargent  Sumner,  grocer,  48  Crtttle 

Sargent  William,  joiner,  Packard's  wf  h.  lOf)  Purchase 

Sargent  (William  C.)  &  Moulton  {Jotham),  W,  L  goods, 

6  Rowe's  wharf 
Sargent  William  L.  tinplateworker,  h.  1  Bennet- place 
Sarzedas  David  A.  comedian,  h.  6  Blossom  court 
Saunders  Ann.  widow,  intiholder,  148  Ann 
Saunders  Edward  W.     See  Brooks  &  S. 
Saunders  Henry  T.  h.  2  Bowdoin 
Saunders  Jacob,  pilot,  Commercial  near  Hanover 
Saunders  Joshua,  wheelwright.  Beach,  b.  70  Pleasant 
Saunders  Kendall  P.  variety  store,  476  Washington 
Saunders  Lurena  M.  boarding  house,  74  Federal 
Saunders  Nancy,  widow,  5  Howard 
Savage  Cyrus,  fruit,  180,  h.  135  Hanover 
Savage  George,  merchant,  house  5  Castle 
Savage  James,  President  Savings  Bank,  h.  Temple  pi. 
Savage  Jeremiah,  laborer,  h.  llO  Broad 
Savage  Jacob  S.     See  Haskell  &  S. 
Savage  John,  boarding  house,  113  Milk 
Savage  Sarah,  widow  of  Edvv.  h.  op.  31  Trem.  n.  Wash. 
Savage  William,  mer.  45  Commer.  wf  h.   Beacon 
Savage 'William,  stone  cutter,  h.  Creek  square 
Savage  William,  laborer,  h.  Essex  place 
Sawin  Abigail,  widow,  h.  Prospect 
Sawin  Ezekiel.     See  Macomber,  S.  &■  Hunting 
Sawin  John,  clockmaker,  33  Cornhill,  house  4  Vernon 
Sawlell  Amos,  baker,  8  VVest  Centre 
Sawtell  Henry,  house  9  Blossom 
Sawtell  Isaac  B.  shoes,  619  Washington 
Sawyer  Alpha,  laborer,  14  Battery  march 
Sawyer  Amos,  baker,  17  Temple 
Sawyer  Benjamin  F.  cordwaiuer,  house  Hamilton 



Sawyer  Cephas,  housewright,  h.  31  Pinckney 

Sawyer  Dorcas,  h.  8  Bulolph 

Sawyer  Edward,  machinist,  Haverhill 

Sawyer  George  P.  captain,  house  2  Orange  lane 

Sawyer  {James)  &  Williams  {George  H.),  grocers,  55 

Commercial.     Sawyer's  h.  41  Atkinson 
Sawyer  John  M.  soapstone  cutter,  h.  103  Pond 
Sawyer  Joseph,  table  stand  maker,  Beverly 
Sawyer  Jesse,  clerk,  h.  South  street  court 
Sawyer  Leonard,  jr.  clerk,  35  Central 
Sawyer  Mary  C.  widow,  8  Kneeland 
Sawyer  Phineas,  victualling  cellar,  1  Long  wharf 
Sawyer  Sylvester,  mariner,  h.  9  Cress 
Sawyer  William,  merchant,  G3  Mount  Vernon 
Sawyer  William,  mariner,  opposite  1  Norfolk  place 
Sawyer  William  N.  80  Commercial,-h,  2  Foster 
Saxton  Charles  M.  h.  1  Pitts  place 

Saxton  Thomas  F.  physician,  41  Leveret,  h.  1  Pitts  pi. 
Sayer  Mathias,  cabinetmaker,  80  Warren 
Sayles  {Willard)  &.  Merriam  {Charles),  domestic  goods, 

83  Kilby.     Sayles's  h.  138  Tremont 
Schade  John,  pianolbrtemaker,  h.  80  Warren 
Scadding  John,  laborer.  South  Margin 
SchafFer  Andrew  W.  auctioneer,  13  Ann,  h.  r.  39  Essex 
Scharman  Cord,  h.  Gouch 
Schagen  Albert,  mariner,  Clark  alley 
Schaw  Edw.  hyg.  med.  79  Court,  h.  21  McLean.  See  adv. 
Schoener  J.  B.  miniature  painter,  19  Joy's  building 
Schram  Leonard,  laborer,  1  Norfolk  place 
Schinitz  Mary,  widow,  house  Lowell  place 
Scholfield  Isaac   &   Son    {Arthur),  carpet   warehouse,  7 

Cornhill,  h.  43  Pinckney 
Scholfield  Isaac,  jr.  {J.  Brown  &^  Co.),  h.  43  Pinckney 
Scholfield  Joseph,  h.  43  Pinckney 
Scholfield  Sarah,  widow,  Church 
Scollay  Catherine,  widow,  56  Bowdoiri 
Scolley  John,  lamps,  52  Cornhill 
Scotchler  {James)  &  Willard  {Geo.  W.),  chairmakers,  84 

Commercial.     S.'s  h.  2  Pitts  place 
Scott  Abigail,  widow  of  Benjamin,  rear  505  Washington 
Scott  Samuel  P.  1  Tilcston 

Scott  Ebenezer,  painter,  135  Ann,  h.  13  Salem  place 
Scott  George,  housewright,  south  end  Washington 
Scott  Joel,  boards  6  Hayward  place 
ScottJohn  G.  captain,  h.  18  Hull 


Scovcll  Ezekiel,  mariner,  North  Margin 

Scudder  (Charles),  Cordis  (T.  F.)  &  Co.  (D.  W.  Horton), 

hardware,  82  Milk.     Scudders  li.  Teinple  place 
Scudder  (David),  Park  (Jlmasa)  &.  Co.  (\J.  J.  Walicorth), 

hardware,  72  Kilby.     Scuddtir  b'ds  18  Franklin  pi. 
Scudder  Horace  &  Co.  (Barnabas  Davis),  merchants,  8 

City  wf.  h.  10  S.  Bennct 
Scuse  Richard,  laborer,  143  Broad 
Sealey  George,  bar  room  and  house,  37  Milk 
Scaley  John,  laborer,  1(5  Atkinson 

Searle  (George)  &  Upham  (Henry),  dry  g'ds,  79  Milk 
Searles  Curtis,  cordwainer,  58  Congress,  h.  24  Spring 
Searles  James  M.  pianofortemaker,  h.  Wheeler's  court 
Searles  James,  teamster,  h.  8  Elliot 
Sears  Clark,  laborer,  3  Scott  court' 
Sears  David,  41  Beacon 
Sears  Delight,  widow,  h.  Deacon 
Sears  Ebeu,  housewright,  h.  5  Ilaymarket  place 
Sears  Elizabeth  L.  widow  of  Zebina,  op.  7  Columbia 
Sears  (George)  &  Davis  (Joseph  Jl.),  merchants,  14  Cen- 
tral wf.     Sears's  h.  23  Orange 
Sears  Josiiua,  W.  I.  goods,  14  Long  wharf 
Sears  Judah,  house  carpenter,  rear  2d  street 
Sears  (Thomas  IV.)  &   Fales   (H.),  W.  I.  goods,  5  Long 

wharf,  h.  4th  street 
Sears  Willard,  housewright,  h.  7  Norfolk  place 
Sears  Wilfiarn,  cabinetmaker,  h.  S.  Margin 
Seary  Amy,  widow,  19  Hamilton 

Seaton  Ambrose,  physician  and  ov.  of  poor,  106  Purchase 
Seaton  Nathan  K.  inspector  of  customs,  h.  106  Purchase 
Seave  John,  mariner,  222  Hanover 
Seaver  Benj.  (IVhitweil,  Bond  S^  Co.),  h.  AQ  Chambers 
Seaver  Ebenezer,  h.  Friend  street  court 
Seaver  George  (Grant,  S.  ^''  Co.),  h.  38  Summer 
Seaver  Hannah,  widow,  8  Elliot 

Seaver  Hammond;  ornamental  painter,  h.  r.  123  Pleasaht 
Seaver  Joseph,  laborer.  Piedmont  near  Pleasant 
Seaver  Nathaniel.     See  Adams  &  S. 
Seaver  Norman.     See  Stone,  S.  &  Bush 
Seaver  Phebe,  widow  of  Ebenezer,  68  Tremont 
Seaver  Sarah,  nurse,  opposite  189  Hanover 
Seaver  Susan,  widow,  Barry's  wharf 
Seaver  T.  W.  .\:  Co.  dry  goods,  68  Hanover 
Seaver  William,  chaiimaker.  Sister,  h.  16  Williams 
Seaver  Williaut  J.  coppersmith, 25  Union,  h.  16  Willianjs 


Seaverg  Hammori,  h.  rear  13  Soiitli  M;irgin 
Seaverns  Abijali  &  Joel,  provision!^,  33  School 
Seaverns  Tlios.  VV.  groc(;r,  02'.  &  027  Wash.  h.  44  Pleas't 
Seaward  Goor;:fe  VV.  clerk,  h.  Hutnlph  cor.  Cambridge 
Seaward  Nathaniel,  laborer,  K!  North  lieiinet 
Seiberlich  Josepli,  coppersmith,  li.  rear  2  PlyinoiUh  pi. 
Senter  Stephen,  clieniisl,  Broadway 
Sennett  John,  laborer,  4th  street  corner  Turnpike 
Serisola  Guiiio,  boarding  liouse.  111  Cambridge 
Serrat  VVilliani  F.  grateinaker,  15  Cross 
Sessions  Chester,  messenger  Merchants  Bank,  h.  Arnold 
Setchell  VVillian),  cooper,  h.  Battery 
Severance  E.  H.  bookkeeper  Mercliants  Dank 
Severance  Nancy,  widow,  h.  113  Ciiambers 
Severance  Rnlus  O.  livery  stable,  Charles  cor.  Acorn 
Severance  Samuel,  stonccutl*  r,  h.  op.  4  Lowell  place 
Sevey  Sarah  C.  widow,  nurse,  52  Prince 
Sewall  Benjamin,  Pres.  Fishing  Ins.  Co.  20  Commercial 
Sewall  Benjamin  F.  fruit,  Merrimac  cor.  Causeway 
Sewall  Joseph,  21  State,  h.  4  Morton  place 
Sewall  Moses,  Sec.  Fishing  Ins.  Co.  h.  82  Federal 
Sewall  Samuel  E.  counsellor,  21  State,  h.  4  Morton  pi. 
Sewall  Thomas  R.  broker,  21  State,  h.  GO  Chesnut 
Seward  Joshua,  stable,  36  School,  h.  2  Travers 
Seward  Thomas,  assist,  overs.  H.  Industry,  h.  Broadway 
Sexton  John,  laborer,  opposite  61  Sea 
Sexton  John  M.  painter,  33  Federal,  li.  r.  Sister  n.  Berry 
Seymore  Friend.     See  Whitney  &  S. 
Seymour  Thomas,  south  end  Wasliington 
Shabot  John  A.  stevedore,  h.  rear  254  Hanover 
Shackford  Joseph,  siiin  painter,  43  Wash.  h.  29  Boylston 
Shackford  William  B.  {Mlwtt  ^  S.),  b'ds  29  Boylston 
Shackley  Rufus,  gardener,  h.  37  Brighton 
Sliakcjshaft  Henry,  laborer,  3d  street 
Shakeshaft  James,  laborer,  3d  street 
Shales  Edward,  cooper,  h.  Pleasant  near  Fayette 
Shales  John,  blacksmith,  rear  Boylston,  h.  10  S.  Cedar 
Shannon  Anthony,  rigger,  rear  Gibbs  lane 
Shannon  Oliver  N.  superin.  of  Mt.  Washington  Hotel 
Sharland  John,  cabinetmaker,  h.  Mechanic  place 
Shapleigh  Richard  W.  boards  8  Pearl 
Shapley  James  E.  jeweller,  110  Hanover 
Shapley  J.  Han)ilton,  110  Hanover 
Sharon  Steph.  &  Co.  (/.  D.  Foss)^  8  Merrimac 
Sharon  Stephen  S.  h.  5  Lancaster 


Sharp  Daniel,  Rev.  house  18  McLean 

Sharp  Edward,  teller  Massnchusetts  Bank 

Sluirp  Jainns,  ornamental  furniiure,  393  Washington,  h. 
4  Newbury  place 

Sharp  John,  stonecutter,  83  Merriinac 

Shattuck  Abie),  teamster,  h.  Spear  alley 

Shattuck  Abel  B.  cooper,  h.  3  W  iliiania 

Shattuck  Charles,  cabinetmaker,  h.  10  Cross 

Shattuck  Clark,  teamster,  boards  34  Federal 

Shattuck  Daniel,  teamster,  boards  34  Federal 

Shattuck  Daniel,  cooper,  Ann  cor.  Commercial 

Shattuck  George  C.  physician,  Staniford  cor.  Cambridge 

Shattuck  Lemuel  G.  {Russell,  S.  ^-  Co.),  h.  79  Front 

Shattuck  Louisa,  sempstress,  rear  30  Prince 

Shattuck  Rlioda,  widow,  Pleasant  st.  ct. 

Sliattuck  William  {llolhrook  ^^  S.),  h.  67  Leveret 

Shaw  Catherine,  rear  4th  street 

Shaw  (C.  B.),  Patterson  &.  Co.  ( IVm.  Blake  &f  M.  J.  Man- 
dell),  dry  goods,  67  Milk.     Shaw's  h.  8  McLean 

Shaw  Earl  &  Co.  {Syltanus  Thomas),  dry  g'ds,  31  Cen- 
tral, house  43  Spring 

Shaw  Edward,  architect,  4  State,  h.  87  Cambridge 

Shaw  Elizabeth,  widow  of  George,  h.  4th  st, 

Shaw  Francis  G.     See  R.  G.  S.  &  Co. 

Shaw  Isaac  L  musician,  h.  ]02  Warren 

Shaw  James,  founder,  rear  4th  street 

Shaw  Jesse,  housewright,  Chesnut,  h.  59  do. 

Shaw  Joel,  liousewriglit,  Oliver  place,  h.  5  do. 

Shaw  Joseph,  lamplighter,  25  Pleasant 

Shaw  Joseph,  printer,  h.  Vine  corner  Bridge 

Shaw  {Jos.  P.),  Briggs  {John  C.)  &  Crafts  {Francis  D.), 
saddlery,  7  Dock  square 

Shaw  Lemuel,  chief  justice  S.  J.  Court,  h.  37  Mt.  Vern. 

Shaw  Philip,  printer,  Bridge  corner  Vine 

Shaw  Robert  G.  &,  Co.  {IVm.  Perkins  t^  Francis  George 
Shaio),  merch.  51  Commercial  wf  h.  Bowdoin  sq. 

Shaw  Ruth,  nurse,  rear  2  Pitts 

Shaw  Samuel,  housewright,  h.  8  Bridge 

Shaw  Southworth,  jr.  h.  14  Purchase 

Shaw  Thomas,  mariner,  1  Cottage  place 

Shaw  William,  merchant,  house  18  Milk 

Shaw  (^JVm.  fV.)  &  Hutchins  {Horace  G.),  dry  goods,  24 
Kilby.     Shaw  boards  62  Federal 

Shay  William,  baker,  house  Spear  alloy 

Shea  Calvin,  cooper,  Broadway 


Shea  Mary  and  Catharine,  2  Theatre  alley  near  Milk 
Sheafe  Henry,  niiiilary  store  keeper,  Laboratory,  Plea»- 

ant,  house  Howard 
Sheaii  Eliza,  widow,  rear  8  Fayette 
Sliean  James,  laborer.  Theatre  alley  near  Milk 
Shean  John,  laborer,  Suftolk,  below  Lucas  place 
Shears  Samuel,  stonecutter,  Thacher  street  court 
Shed  ('alvin,  cooper,  rear  Broadway  near  E  street 
Shed  Edward,  house  131  Pleasant 
Shed  Eliza  Ann,  rear  142  Hanover 
Shed  Peter  C.  housewright.  Ii.  33  Leveret 
Shed  Samuel  A.  grocer,  41  31ilk 
Shed  Susan,  widow,  131  Pleasant 
Shedd  John  H.  dry  goods,  51  Hanover,  h.  9  Stillinan 
Sheerin  Thomas,  laborer,  house  Barrett 
Shehan  John,  laborer,  house  Salt  lane 
Shelly  Abner,  cordwainer,  h.  7  Madison  place 
Shelton  Fanny,  widow,  8  Hartford  place 
Shelton  John,  saddler,  45  Congress,  boards  92  Purchase 
Shelton  Philo  S.  44  India  wharf,  house  37  Chesnut 
Shelton  Stephen,  house  43  South 

Shelton  Thomas  J.  &.  Stephen,  pump  and  block  makers, 
Forthill  wharf  and  Sea.     T.  J.'s  house  92  Purchase 
Shelton  William,  house  86  Purchase 
Shepard  (Edicin),  Oliver  (Sam'l  W.  Jl  )  &  Co.  stereotype 

founders,  School 
Shepard  George  T.  coachman,  h.  41  Fayette 
Shepard  Green,  soda,  Franklin  avenue,  h.  20  Portland 
Shepard  James,  clerk,  h.  33  Chambers 
Shepard  Mary,  408  Washington 
Shepard  Nathaniel  T.  clerk,  h.  85  Charter 
Shepard  Preston,  innkeep.  Pearl  st.  House,  Pearl  c.  Milk 
Shepard  Thomas  R.  house  4lh  street  near  D  st. 
Shepard  Walter  B.  watchmaker,  144  Hanover 
Shepard  William  J.  house  116  Court 
Shepherd  Joseph,  laborer,  h.  opposite  38  Bedford 
Shepherd  Susan,  widow,  boarding,  110  (Cambridge 
Shepley  {Luke)  iSi.  Wright  (Albert  J.),  printers,  32  Congr. 
Sherburne  John,  cabinetmaker,  199  Hanover 
Sherburne  John,  Canal  Hotel,  91  Pond 
Sherburne  Jos.  M.  hat  store,  42  Washington,  h.  7  Oak 
Sherburne  Reuben  B.  clerk   B.   ^  Concord  Boating  Co. 
Sheridan  James,  handcartman,  h.  211  Hanover      [Cooper 
Sherman  Asa,  baker,  7  South  Margin 
SV««rman  Ebenozer,  housevvright,  rear  Broadway 


Sherman  Elizabeth,  widow,  177  Hanover 

Shertnan  F')i^,abeth  F.  h.  3  Spring  street  court 

Sliermari  Kanriah  R.  widow,  G  Brighton 

Sherman  James,  honsewright,  boards  B  street 

Sliernjan  Nathaniel,  lionsewr't,  Hawley,  ii.  2G  Pinckney 

yhcrman  Tliomas,  clerk,  4  Barllett 

Sherwin  Ferdinand,  printer,  B  street 

Sherwin  George  \V .  frnit,  7  Faneuil  Hall,  h.  22  Stillmaa 

Sherwin  (Joseph)  &   Merrifieid  {Jones),  grocers,  corner 

Pond  and  Stillman 
Sherwin  Ric-hard,  printer,  18  Cross 
Shillaber  Daniel,  h.  12  Crescent  place 
Shimmin  Win.  merchant,  34  Long  wf.  h.  4  Bowdoin  sq. 
Shipley  Horatio,  attorney,  33  Court,  h.  26  Hancock 
Shipley  Joel,  mason,  39  Myrtle 
Shipley  Thomas,  laborer.  Battery 
Shipley  S.  G.  baker,  Union 

Sfiipsey  Edward,  laborer,  opposite  145  Purchase 
Shirley  William  W.  laborer,  6ii4  Washington 
Shirwin  George,  honsewright,  h.  Kennard's  avenne 
Sholes  John,  rigger,  Commeicic.!  wharf,  h.  11  Hull 
Shorcy  John  &.  Co.  (John  Fussell),  dry  goods,  191  Wash» 

house  3  Province 
Short  Isaac,  cabinetmaker,  house  50  Orange 
Short  John,  laborer.  Cross  corner  Ann 
Short  Moses,  housewright,  73  Elliot 

Short ,  housewright,  Robinson  lane 

Shumway  Nelson  (Blood  <V  S.),  boards  680  Washington 
Shumway  Willard  A.  (Mams  ^  S.),  boards  11  Elm 
Shurtleft' Benjamin,  physician,  li.  134  Tremont 
SiiurtlefF Nathaniel  B.  physician,  2  Beacon 
Shurtleft' Samuel  A.  physician,  Pemberton  hill,  Tremont 
Shute  Caleb  B.   Mass.  Sabbath  School   Union,  47  Corn- 
hill,  house  rear  97  Salem 
Shute  Daniel,  teamster,  li.  711  Washington 
Shute  David,  housewright,  h.  149  Hanover 
Shute  Ebenezer,  constable,  h.  6  Leveret  court. 
Shurell  John,  house  81  Charter 
Shute  Ebenezer,  jr.  caulker  and  graver,  332  Ann 
Sibley  Henry,  mus.  inst.  190  Tremont,  h.  I  Foster  place 
Sibley  Jonas  L.,  U.  S.  Marshal,  20  Court,  h.  7  Avon  pi. 
Sibley  Richard  S.  watchmaker,  59  Commercial 
Sibley  Stephen,  house  13  Unity 
Siders  Sally,  widow,  425  Washington 
Siders  Susannah,  school,  Essex  near  Washington 


Siflion  Nicludns,  sailinaker,  h.  2  Friend  street  place 

Sigourney  Daniel  A.  cjisliier  Washington  Bank 

Sigourney  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Andrew,  25  JN.  Russell 

Sigourney  Henry,  rnerch.  47  India  wf.  h.  1  Hartford  pi. 

Sigourney  Mary,  widow  of  Charles,  9  Avon  place 

Signy  James,  boarding  house,  79  North  square 

Sikes  John.     See  Johnson  At  S. 

Silloway  James.     See  E.  Gunnison  &  Co. 

Silioway  Nathaniel  A.  carpenter,  Haverhill 

Silver  John,  laborer,  h.  North  square  near  Bethel  Churcli 

Silver  Joseph,  hatter,  Bartlett 

Silver  William,  laborer,  rear  89  Broad 

Simes  Joseph.     See  J.  McGregor  &  Co. 

Simmons  Benjamin,  brassfounder,  h.  7  Cross 

Simmons  Benj.  miller,  Pitts,  h.  5  Leveret  [Hous« 

Simmons  Benj.  F.  (Geo.  W.  <^  B.  F.  S.),  b'ds  at  American 

Simmons  David  A.  counsellor,  20  Court 

Simmons  {Geo  Ji.)  &  Thorndike  (Eben.),  oil,  21  Long  wf 

Simmons  George  S.  ironfounder,  Broadway 

Simmons  George  W.  &  B.  F.  dry  goods,  41  «5b4S  Water, 

house  13  Franklin 
Simmons  Geo.  W.  clothing,  34  Ann,  h.  28  I,a  Grange  pL 
Simmons  Hannah,  widow  of  Sylvanus,  25  Essex 
Simmons  Hiram,  housewright,  Charles,  h.  2  Pitts  court 
Simmons  John,  clothing,  51  N.  Market,  h.  17  Staniford 
Simmons  Joseph,  pump  &  block  maker,  h.  1  Salutation 
Simmons  Levi,  housewright.  Leveret  court 
Simmons  Nancy,  house  Essex  near  Short 
Simmons  Seth,  housewright,  rear  Charles,  h.  9  High 
Simmons  Thomas.     See  Orrok  &  S. 
Simmons  Valentine,  clothing,  37  Merchants  row,  house 

177  Hanover 
Simmons  W.  clothes,  36  Ann,  house  19  Salem 
Simmons  William  D.,  W.  I.  i^oods,  Broadway  cor.  C  at. 
Simmons  Wm.  jus.  P.  Court,  31  Court,  h.  51  Pinckney 
Simonds  Alvan,  dry  goods,  Turnpike,  house  do. 
Simonds  Artemas,  superintendent  House  of  Industry 
Simonds  Catharine,  boarding,  143  Court 
Simonds  Henry  C.  attorney,  10  Court,  h.  18  Ciiarnbera 
Simonds  Horatio  N.  house  rear  I'inckncy 
Simonds  John,  livery  stable,  9  N.  Russell 
Simonds  {John  H)  &  Atwell  {Pickering),  merch.  tailors, 

5  1-2  Congress.     Simonds's  house  (i  Avery  place 
Simonds  Joseph,  dry  goods,  265  Wash.  h.  59  Cambridge 
Simonds  Josiah,  3  N.  Market,  h.  20  Richmond 


Simonds  Luke,  cordwainer,  40  Portland,  h.  Friend 
Simonds  Mosely,  shoemaker,  h.  Friend  near  Portland 
Siraonds'Sheplierd,  cloth'g,  3  N.  Market,  h.  18  Chambers 
Simonds  (StUiman)  &  Tyler  (Jlsa),  boots  and  shoes,  27 

Cambridge.     S.'s  house  Butolph  cor.  Cambridge 
Simonds  Thomas  E.  teanjster,  h.  Beverly 
Simonds  William,  grocer,  55,  house  5!)  Cambridge 
Simonds  William,  jr.  dry  goods,  57  Cambridge 
Simpkins  (John)  &.  Jones  {Prescott),  leather,  22  Broad. 

Simpkins's  house  C  Staniford 
Simpkins   Samuel    G.   bookseller,   79   Court,    boards  6 

Howard.     See  advertisement 
Simpson  Daniel,  stabler,  2  South  Fester  place,  h.  do. 
Simpson  James,  shipwright.  Salutation 
Simpson  John  K.,  Pres.  Commonw.  Bank,  h.  26  Howard 
Simpson  John  K.  jr.  feathers,  1  Ann,  h.  12  Bulfinch 
Simpson  Joshua  T.  lobsterman,  h.  83  Sea 
Simpson  Maria  M.  16  Elliot 
Simpson  Mark,  laborer,  h.  Cedar  lane 
Simpson  Mary  Ann,  wid.  of  David,  h.  r.  339  Washington 
Simpson  Michael  H.  merchant,  53  India  wf.  h.  Cook  ct. 
Simpson  Paul,  physician,  12  Milk 

Simpson  Thomas,  broker,  14  Exchange,  h.  57  Belknap 
Simpson  Warren,  musician,  house  1st  street 
Simpson  (Williavi  M.)  &  Harrington  {E/jIi.  6'.),  crockery 

ware,  166  W^ashington.     S.'s  h.  1  Columbia 
Sims  Eleanor,  widow  of  Charles,  Fayette  near  Jefferson 
Sims  Stephen,  house  F'ayette  near  Jefferson 
Sinclair  Arthur,  rigger,  127  Broad 
Sinclair  Thomas,  brassfounder,  h.  6  Margaret 
Sinclair  William,  boarding  house,  17  Gibbs  lane 
Singleton  Thomas  C.  mastniaker,  h.  Charter  n.  Commer. 
Sinnat  Alice,  widow,  Piedmont  near  Church 
Sinnot  Arthur,  housewright,  h.  rear  146  Pleasant 
Sinnot  Mary,  widow,  rear  Custom-hotisue  st. 
Sinnot  Thomas,  laborer,  60  Purchase 
Skelton  Alfred,  teller  Globe  Bank 
Skelton  Eunice,  milliner,  Hancock 
Skerry  Clarissa,  house  6  Oliver 
Skerry  Edward  A.  H.  mason,  124  Hanover 
Skerry  George  W.  jeweller,  r.  87  Wash.  li.  124  Hanover 
Skilton  S.  P.  teller  State  Bank 

Skimmings  Wm.  provisions,  cor.  Elliot,  h.  102  Warren 
Skinner  Alvah,  watchmaker,  42  Merchants  row 
Skinner  Benjamin  H.     See  Hayden  &.  S. 



Skinner  B.  Hurd.     See  Fes^enden,  Thompson  &  Co 
Skinner  Elias,jr.  tailor,  51  VV.ishinglon 
Skinner  Francis  &  Co.  (IV.  S.  Lincoln  &  H.  K.  florton), 
An^er.  <r'ds.  23  and  25  (-ent.     S.  b'ds  Beacon  c.  Som. 
Skinner  J.  F.     See  Hurd,  Hutchins  &  S. 
Skinner  Lncian,  teller  Slate  B.  Iionse  52  Temple 
Skinner  (jVonh  K.)    &,  True  (IVm.  M.),  tailors,  29  Mer- 

cliants  row.     Skinner's  h.  15  Stillman 
Skir)ner  ( fVm.  S  )  &  Deblois  (Geo.  L),  rnerch.  4G  India 
Skinner  William  S.  ag't  for  Lloyd's,  Liverpool  and  Glas- 
gow Ins.  offices,  46  India,  b'ds  at  Exchange  C.  H. 
Skinner  William  H.     See  Stanley,  Reed  &  Co, 
Slack  Ruggles,  clerk,  21  Water,  h.  5  Province 
Slade  J?.mes,  housewright,  boards  Mechanic  place 
Slade  John  &  Wm.  J.  housevv'ts,  81  Portland,  h.  5  Minot 
Slade  John,  jr.  (Lambert  4"  S.),  h.  10  III.  Vernon 
Slade  Nancy,  widow,  rear  92  Federal 
Slade  Rob't  (C.  L.  BrlgliamS^^  Co.),U.  1  Church  n.Pied't 
Slade  W.  J.  housewright,  h.  rear  30  Chambers 
Slater  Jane,  widow,  house  Pemberton  hill 
Slater  Nancy,  widow,  boarding,  Canton  n.iar  Washington 
Slater  Persis,  widow  of  Andrew,  h.  3  Carnes  ct. 
Sleeper  Jacob,  tailor,  6  Congress  sq.  h.  12Montgom.  pL 
Sleeper  John  O.  provisions,  Commercial 
Sleeper  John  S.  editor  Mercantile  Journal,  26  State 
Sleeper  Mary,  vvidow,  house  1  Beach 
Sloan  Joseph,  coachman,  h.  rear  115  Tremont 
Sloan  Mary  Ann,  widow,  2  Cross 

Slocomb  Thomas  (JV.  H.  Milton^'  Co.),  h.  N.  E.  Coff.H. 
Sloper  (M.  A)  &.Rimmer  (£.),  milliners,  194  Washing. 
Slugjrett  Mary,  dressmaker,  10  Bedford 
Small  Benjamin  (Crnsby  Sf  S.),  h.  S.  Cedar  n.  Church 
Small  Sarah,  widow,  house  Spear  alley 
Smalley  George  R.  provisions,  8  Bedford,  h.  43  Essex 
Smalley  Isaac,  painter,  house  91  Merrimac 
Smallidge  Jeremiah,  painter,  55  Milk,  h.  6  Avery 
Smallidge  Samuel,  housewright,  rear  89  Broad 
Smart  Samuel,  clothing  store,  105  Broad 
Smith  Aaron,  auctioneer,  house  Dedhatn 
Smith  Abigail,  house  3  Pitts 

Smith  (Abigail)  &.  Harrington  (£.),  boarding,  8  Pearl 
Smith  Abner,  jr.  grocer,  head  Smith's  wf  h.  Salutation 
Smith  Albert,  clerk,  house  53  Pond 
Smith  Albert  T.  physician,  house  56  Belknap 
Smith  Albert  W.  (D.  Safford  ^^  Co.),  h.  66  Essex 



Smith  Alexander  E.  housewriglit,  h.  15  Blossom  pi. 

Smith  Allen,  blacksmith,  h.  22  Cross 

Smith  Amasa  G.     See  Taber  &  S. 

Smith  Andrew,  jr.  {fVchber  ^  S.),  b'ds  11  Atkinson 

Smith  Ann,  widow,  20  Cai  ver 

Smith  Archibald,  fisherman,  Bartlelt 

Smith  Benjamin  (Dexter  4"  S.),  h.  8  Garden  court 

Smith  Caroline,  widow  of  William,  school,  C2  Salem 

Smith  Catharine  S.  widow  of  Amos,  Sister  c.  Williams 

Smith  Charles,  com.  mer.  65  Broad,  house  Vernon 

Smith  Charles  A.  painter,  284  Washing,  h.  14  Prospect 

Smith  Charles  C.  liousewright,  h.  41  Poplar 

Smith  Charles  W.  clerk,  boards  1  Bradford  place 

Smith  Cyrus,  house  Wheeler's  court 

Smith  Daniel,  baker,  rear  42  Salem 

Smith  Daniel  C.  127  F.  Hall  market,  h.  Barrett 

Smith  David,  h.  Cedar  lane  corner  Pinckney 

Smith  David,  machinist,  house  rear  122  Hanover 

Smith  David  W.  groceries,  25  Cambridge,  ii.  Clark 

Smith  D.  D.  barber,  Clinton 

Smith  (Dennis)  &  Hine   (Francis  V.  J.),  stairbuilders, 

Smith  Donald,  clerk,  h.  2  Avery  place  [Haverhill 

Smith  Dustan  K.  mason,  h.  42  Brighton 

Smith  Ebenezer,  Blackstone,  house  3  Lynde 

Smith  Ebenezer,  jr.  counsellor,  20  Court,  h.  3  Lynde 

Smith  Edmund,  provisions,  Hanov.  c.  Fleet,  h.  Idl  Hano. 

Smith  Edmund  M.  truckman,  3d  street 

Smith  Edw'd,  shipwright,  Commercial  n.  Henchman  lane 

Smith  Elias,  physician,  .54  High 

Smith  Elisha,  cooper,  house  5  Bath 

Smith  Eliza,  rear  8  South  street  place 

Smith  Eliza,  rear  339  Washington 

Smith  Elizabeth  N.  house  5  Bridge  street  avenue 

Smith  Frances,  widow,  3  Foster 

Smith  Francis,  Commerci;il  near  Hanover 

Smith  Franklin,  baker,  14  Hawkins 

Smith  Frederic,  grocer.  Court  square 

Smith  George,  printer,  h.  Williauis  court 

Smith  George  G.  (Terry,  Pelton  &.  Co.),  h.  107  Purch. 

Smith  George  M.  house  21  S.  Ben  net 

Smith  Geo.  P.  cordw.  Purchase  c.  Liv.  vvf.  b'ds  128  Pure. 

Smith  George  W.  5  Kxchange,  house  t)  Atkinson 

Smith  George  W.  19G  Hanover 

Smith  Green,  soda,  39  N.  Market,  h.  144  Hanover 

Smith  Hannah,  boarding  house,  3  Cornhill  court 


Smith  Hannah,  widow,  (!!laik 

Smith  (Henry)  &  Gore  {  JVatsoti),  hosiery ,150  Waahiug. 

Smith  Henry,  house  Pine 

Smith  Henry,  carpenter,  h.  south  794  Washington 

Smith  Henry,  captain,  h.  4fh  st.  corner  F  stieet 

Smith  Henry,  hatter,  rear  559  VVasli.  h.  4G  Fayette 

Smith  Henry  B.  counsellor,  h.  2  Franklin  place 

Smith  Hilliard,  cabinetmaker,  h.  94  Warren 

Smith  tliram,  15  Lyman  place 

Smith  Hyman  J.  stonecutter,  rear  77  Sea 

Smith  Isaac  W.  boards  at  Kiiburn's  Coffee  Flouse 

Smith  (J.J.)  &  Brooks  (IV.  C),  W.  I.  goods,  53  Com- 

mercial.     Sjnith's  h.  2  Vernon 
Smith  Jacob,  furniture,  8,  h.  12  Milk 
Smith  James,  housewright,  h.  rear  11  Short 
Smith  (Jas.  IV.)  &  Bigelow  {Elijah),  flour,  33  Commer. 
Smith  Jeremiah,  housewright,;Mt.  Vernon,  h.  64  Belknap 
Smith  Jeremiah  P.  painter,  h.  4  Barre  place 
Smith  J.  V.  C.  quarantine  physician,  otfice  City  Hall 
Smith  J.  Cutts,  (358  Washington 
Smith  John,  bookbinder,  h.  8  Stillman  place 
Smith  John,  stevedore,  Battery 
Smith  John,  mariner,  h.  2  Sun  court 
Smith  John,  mariner,  Purchase  corner  Broad 
Smith  John,  innkeeper.  Wash.  Coff.  H.  158  Washington 
Smith  John,  Bartlett's  wf.  h.  Commercial  n.  Foster 
Smith  John,  painter,  h.  Castle  opposite  Middlesex 
Smith  John,  jr.  Bartlett's  wharf 
Smith  John  H.  teamster,  h.  18  Washington  place 
Smith  Jolin  R   painter,  r.  Bank,  Trem.  h.  3CornhilJ  sq. 
Smith  Joseph,  h.  4  Cooper 
Smith  Josepli,  h.  51  Portland 

Smith  Jos.  B.  com.  mer.  13  Foster's  wf  h.  145  Purchase 
Smith  Joseph  R.  counsellor,  h.  130  Pleasant  c.  Shawmul 
Smith  Joseplj  L.  G  Congress 
Smith  Joseph   M.  &  Co.   (Thto.  Dunn),  druggists,  13S 

Washington,,  h.  Pearl 
Smith  Joseph  P.  baker,  h.  18  Washington  place 
Smith  Joshua  R.,  W.  I.  goods,  179  Ann 
Smith  Josiah  A.  clerk,  boards  48  Orange 
Smith  Judith,  widow,  2d  street 
Smith  Laban  M.  merrhant,  h.  Gorliam  place 
Smith  Leonard  F.  vict.  Broad  op.  Arch  wf  h.  op.  Otis'  wf 
Smith  Leonard,  lastmaker,  h.  Wheeler's  court 
h.  41  Prince 


Smith  Lorenzo  G.  clothing,  23  Ann,  h.  Henchman  lane 
Smith  Lucy,  house  Robinson  lane 
Smith  Lydia,  dressmaker,  23  Fayette 
Smith  Lydia,  widow,  21  South  Bennet 
Smith  Mace,  coroner,  boarding,  Broadway 
Smith  Margaret,  widow,  S.Cedar  near  Church 
Smith  Maria,  widow  of  Joel,  Castle  near  Middlesex 
Smith  Maria,  confectionary,  Essex  near  Washington 
Smith  Martin,  undertaker,  h.  14  Prospect 
Smith  Mary,  widow,  rear  G3  Elliot 
Smith  Mary  Ann,  widow,  9  Franklin  place 
Smith  Mary  H.  dressmaker,  534  Washington 
Smith  Mary  L.  widow,  53  Warren 
Smith  Mary  S.  English  goods,  I'urchase  c.  Pearl 
Smith  (Melancthon),  Blanchard  {F.  H.)   &  Co.   (T.  A. 
Sumner),  dry  g'ds,  115  Wash.     S.'s  h.  136  Pleasant 
Smith  Mehitabel,  washwoman,  3  Mechanic 
Smith  Micah,  wheelwright,  h.  7  South  st.  place 
Smith  Michael  H   moulder,  4th  st.  near  Turnpike 
Smith  Mighill,  14  Washington  place 
Smith  Morris,  miniature  painter,  Hanover 
Smith  Moses,  handcartman,  h.  Merrimac 
Smith  Nancy,  widow,  h.  rear  730  Washington 
Smith  Nancy,  widow,  49  Atkinson 
Smith  Nathaniel,  stonecutter,  h.  2d  street 
Smith  Nath'l  P.,  W.  L  g'ds.  Milk,  house  51  High 
Smith  Orlando,  W.  L  g'ds,' 138  Pleasant,  b'ds  469  Wash. 
Smith  Pamelia  F.  boarding  house,  34  Federal 
Smith  (Patrick)  &  McQuaid  (I'Ao'i-)  dry  g'ds,  381  Wash. 
Smith  Perez  {IV.  Clark  ^^  Co.),  h.  18  Hanover 
Smith  Phebe,  widow  of  Adam,  83  Elliot 
Smith  Pliny,  provisions,  eor.  High  and  Atkinson,  h.  do. 
Smith  Ralph,  merchant,  108  State 
Smith  Richard,  clerk,  rear  Hawes  school 
Smith  (Rich'd)  Sc  Stetson  (Clement),  housew'ts,  Black- 
stone,  h.  23  S.  Margin 
Smith  Sally  G.  nurse,  73  Warren 
Smith  Samuel,  chair  painter,  h.  Lathrop  place 
Smith  Samuel,  collector,  h.  57  Pinckney 
Smith  Samuel  R.  boards  1  Bradford  place 
Smith  Sam'l  J.  H.  pocketbook  mak.  2  Milk,  h.  22  Croaa 
Smith  Sanford  R.  clerk,  boards  106  Purchase 
Smith  Sarah,  school,  Greenough  lane 
Smith  Sarah,  widow  of  Benjamin,  73  Purchase 
Smith  Sarah,  widow  of  Richard  H.  h.  50  Orange 


Smith  Sarah,  widow,  39  Front 

Siriitli  Simeon,  mason,  11  Sudbury  square 

Smith  Simeon  W.  housewright,  rear  21  Second 

Smitli  Standfast,  widow,  73  Summer 

Smith  Stephen,  mechanic,  c.  N.  Margin  and  Pond 

Smith  (Stephen)  &  Campbell  (John),  provisions,  99  Han. 

Smith  Stephen,  machinist,  h.  Pond  near  Charlestown 

Smith  Stephen,  cab.  mak.  Wilson  lane,h.  21  Atkinson 

Smith  Stephen,  provisions,  100  Hanover,  h.  17  Salem  pi. 

Smith  Susan,  widow,  Piedmont  near  Pleasant 

Smith  Thomas  G.  painter,  house  B  street 

Smith  Thomas  P.  (Parmele  &  S.),  h.  May  c.  W.  Centre 

Smith  Thomas,  laborer,  south  794  Washington 

Smith  Thomas  C.  merchant,  8C  State,  h.  2d  Green 

Smith  Tolman  G.  painter,  8  N.  Market 

Smith  Uriah,  typefounder,  boards  69  Congress 

Smith  Willard,  laborer,  house  Merrimac 

Smith  William,  messenger  Savings  Bank,  h.  op,  2  Bath 

Smith  William,  cooper,  house  Moon 

Smith  William,  shoes,  42  Union,  h.  4  1-2  Hawkins 

Smith  William,  waterman,  C  street 

Smith  William,  organist,  house  87  Cambridge 

Smith  William  H.  comedian,  house  Cook  court 

Smith  William  H.  merchant,  h.  13  Warren 

Smith  William  O.  clerk,  house  21  S.  Bennet 

Snell  Ephraim,  housewright,  house  717  Washington 

Snelling  Anna  Mary,  school,  Hull 

Sneiling  Edward  A.  house  4  W.  Cedar 

Snelling  Enoch  H.  glazier,  85  Ann,  h.  104  Salem 

Snelling  Ephraim,  shipwright.  Commercial 

Snelling  George  H.  counsellor.  Court  cor.  Tremont 

Snelling  (John)  &.  Dillaway  (IVm),  caulkers,  Commer. 

Snelling  John  W.  clerk,  house  116  Salem 

Snelling  Jonathan,  teacher  High  School,  h.  4  W.  Cedar 

Snelling  Nath'I  G.  Pres.  Mass.  F.  M.Ins.  Co.  h.  1 16  Salem 

Snelling  Nathaniel  P.  tailor,  10  Congress,  h.  16  Vine 

Snow  (Aaron  R.)  &  Loomis  (Geo.  A.),  tobac.2  N.  Market 

Snow  Asa  B.  physician,  132  Hanover 

Snow  Azel,  house  81  Court 

Snow  David  &  Co.  (5.  Eldredge),  W.  I.  goods,  9  City  wf. 

h.  1  Garden  court  street 
Snow  D.  F.  (Thos.  S.  &  Co.),  h.  18  Hanover 
Snow  Ephraim,  house  12  Sheafe 
Snow  Ephraim  L.  wood,  Dawes's  wf.  h.  19  Leveret 
Snow  Gideon,  merchant,  24  Long  wf.  h.  33  Chesnut 


Snow  Heruan,  laborer,  30  Stillman 

Snow  Hezekiah  H.  mariner,  2  Pond 

Snow  Horatio  G.  clerk,  h.  49  Spring 

Snow  Humphrey  L.  clerk,  30  Kilby 

Snow  Isaac,  housewright,  li.  rear  90  Warren 

Snow  (Isaac)  &  Gate  (Jlmmon),  soda,  14  Fulton.  Snow's 

h.  19  Gibbs  lane 
Snow  James  P.  boards  132  Hanover 
Snow  Jethro,  housewright,  h.  Thacher  st.  court 
Snow  (John  J\l.)  &  Wade  (Joseph  F.),  merchants,  13  Long 

wf.  h.  13  Sheafe 
Snow  Larkin  &.  Son  (Ephraim  L.),  wood  wharf,  Dawes's 

wf.  h.  19  Leveret 
Snow  Martin,  trucknmn,  91  Merrimac 
Snow  Philip,  housewright,  house  15  Hawkins 
Snow  Prince,  coro.  &  dep.  sheiiff,  31  Court,  h.  79  Prince 
Snow  Sarah,  nurse,  3G  Charter 
Snow  Tho's  &  Co.   (D.  F.  Snow),  wine  merchants,  18 

Merchants  row,  house  82  Tern  pie 
Snow  Wm.  &  James,  painters,  14  Frank,  h.  100  Charles 
Snow  William,  mariner,  house  Commercial 
Snow  Winthrop,  housewright,  house  48  Pond 
Snow  Zenas  (Dodd  &  S.),  house  3  Unity 
Sohier  Edward  D.  attorney,  27  State,  h.  21  Franklin  pi. 
Sohier  William  D.  counsellor,  40  State,  h.  8  Franklin  pi. 
Soley  J.  J.  49  State,  boards  40  High 
Soil  Caspar,  housewright,  h.  4th  street 
Somerby  Charles,  organ  builder,  house  54  Union 
Somerby  Horatio  G.  painter,  Spring  lane,  h.  3  Salem  pi. 
Somes  Edward,  cooper,  h.  8  Oliver 
Somes  John,  house  7  Province  House  court 
Somes  Nehemiah,  broker.  Congress,  boards  45  Milk 
Soper  Mary  Francis,  1  Quincy  place 
Soren  J.  J.  teller  Washington  Bank 
Soule  George  M.  (Sprague  &  S.),  h.  20  Atkinson 
Soule  Richard  (John  Broimi  <^  Co.),  h.  40  Chambers 
Southack  F.  W.  clerk,  103  Milk,  h.  GG  Cambridge 
Southack  Joseph,  baker,  house  GtJ  Cambridge 
Southack  Maria,  widow  of  Francis,  h.  C6  Cambridge 
Southard  Nathaniel,  house  2  Oliver 
Southard  (Ziheon)  &  Steele  (Julius  C),  W.  I.  goods,  C3 

Purchase.     Southard's  h.  64  Purchase 
Souther  Ezokiel,  housewright,  h.  Pinckney  n.  Charles 
Souther  Isaiah,  housewright,  Haverhill,  h.  37  Temple 
Souther  Job,  shipwright,  3d  street  near  Dorchester 


Souther  Jul*  T.  joiner,  liouse  4th  street 
Souther  Nathaniel  {Lane  *^-  6\),  h.  rear  44  Essex 
Souther  VVilHain,  bookbinder,  iJG  Wash.  h.  2  Minot 
Southgate  {Lyman),  Blake  {James  H.)  &  Co.  dry  goods, 

6  Kilby.     S.'s  house  11  Beacon 
Southvvick  Arnos  VV.  druggist,  93,  h   97  Cambridge 
Southwick  Ji.i^epli,  leather,  20  N.  Market,  h.  3G  High 
Southvvick  T.  L.  oysters,  52  Union 
Southworth  Clarina,  widow,  14  Short 
South  worth  Constant  {LnrkiiL  &/■  6'.),  h.  1  Cooper 
Southworth  N.  miniature  painter,  220  Washington 
Soward  John,  rigger,  house  17  Hamilton 
Sowdon  John,  intell.  office,  Court  square,  h.  Alden  court 
Spade  William,  tinplate  worker,  2G  Union 
Spalding  Benj.,  W.  I.  goods,  37  Hanover,  h.  20  Pinckney 
Sparks  Charles,  Williams  court 
SparJiawk  Daniel  O.  hatter,  4tli  street 
Sparliawk  {Stearns)  &  Buckman  {J.  C),  curriers,  7  North 

side  Faneuil  Hall.     S.'s  h.  15  Harvard  place 
Sparrell  John  T.  hats,  6  Market  square 
Sparrell  William,  architect,  64  Cornhill,  h.  22  Myrtle 
Sparrow  Mary,  boarding,  23  Williams 
Spaulding  B.  Prescott  &.  Solomon  R.  leather,  28  Broad. 

B    P.  S.  boards  Hanover  House 
Spaulding  John,  clerk,  341,  boards  447  Washington 
Spaulding  {Leonard)    &.  Hayden  {Otis),  wood,  Poplar 

Spaulding's  house  Gl  Leveret 
Spaulding'"Patrick,  laborer,  rear  123  Broad 
Spaulding  Rufus,  Rev.  house  7  Ballard  place 
Spaulding  Solomon  H.     See  Mason  &  S. 
Spaulding  Solomon  R.  {B.  P.S^S.  R.  S.),  h.  1  Federal  ct. 
Spaulding  William,  laborer,  rear  17  Sunjmer 
Spaulding(Z.  /-*.)&  Jacobs  (Geo.  C),  grocery,  Merrimac 

corner  Portland.     S.'s  h.  Lancaster 
Spear  Abigail  S.  school,  south  752  Wash.  h.  21  Bedford 
Spear  Benjamin  A.  typefounder,  h.  2  Sudbury 
Spear  Edward,  taliowchandler,  h.  1  Blake's  court 
Spear  Eliza,  widow,  G  Charter 
Spear  Hannah,  rear  Broadway 
S[)ear  Harriet,  widow,  Essex  coin-t 
Spear  Isaac,  silversmith,  h.  rear  Lancaster 
Spear  James,  cooper,  8()  Front,  house  45  do. 
Spear  James  E.  paper  stainer,  h.  Battery 
Spear  John  L  broker,  7  Exchange,  h.  47  Federal 
Spear  Lucy,  widow,  house  9  Bridge  st.  court 


Spear  Mary,  widow,  15  Essex 

Spear  Ruth,  widow,  1st  street 

Spear  S.ilatliiel,  blacksmith,  house  Charlestown 

Spear  Samuel,  teamster,  h.  5  Oraniie  h\iie 

Spear  Samuel  A.  pump  and  bloekmaker,  240  Hanover 

Spear  Thomas  Truman,  portrait  painter,  21  School,  b'd3 

20  Atkinson 
Spear  Warren,  blacksmith,  house  15  Essex 
Spear  William  A.,  stonecutter,  h.  3d  st.  near  Old  Road 
Spear  Wm.  T.  cordwainer,  30  Congress,  h.57  1-2  Prince 
Spence  John  (Moses  Pond  S,-  Co.),  h.  Baldwin  place 
Spencer  Hohart,  mason,  h.  3  Stur^is  place 
Spencer  Job,  coachmaker,  h.  3  Harvard  court 
Spencer  Peter  H.  mariner,  h.  9  N.  Margin 
Spencer  Robert  B.  tailor,  G  State,  h.  4  Southac  court 
Spiller  Moses,  India  wharf,  h.  3d  street  n.  school  house 
Spink  Ebenezer,  printer,  h.  rear  45  Congress 
Spinney  Harriet,  sempstress,  house  115  Essex 
Spinney  Mark,  victualler,  62  India  vvf.  h.  Spear  alley 
Spinney  Thomas,  penny  post,  house  C  street 
Spokesfield  Fernald  D.  clerk,  h.  4  Wendell 
Spooner  (Geo.  JV.)  &,  Thomas  (Isaac  /?.),  merchants,  40 

Long  wharf,  house  38  Milk 
Spooner  Sherlock,  cabinetmaker,  581,  h.  501  Wash. 
Spooner  Wm.  B.  leather  and  hides,  33  Broad 
Spoor  Elijah,  laborer,  h.  547  Wasliington 
Spose  Bartholomew,  boatman,  229  Ann 
Sprague  Charles,  cashier  Globe  Bank,  h.  25  Boylston 
Sprague  G.  J.  19  India,  house  583  Washington 
Sprague  John,  Tremonl  corner  Jefferson 
Sprague  Joseph,  tailor,  386  Washington,  h  46  Essex 
Sprague  Margaret,  widow,  Barry's  wharf 
Sprague  Mary,  straw  bonnet  manufacturer,  95  Cambridge 
Sprague  Matthew,  housewright,  3d  street 
Sprague  Peleg,  counsellor,  17  Court,  h.  AG  Chesnut 
Sprague  Perez,  laborer,  15  Hamilton 

Sprague   Piiineas  &   Seth    &   Co.    (E.   S.    TobrAj),  mer- 
chants, 13  Commercial  wf     P.  S.'s  h.  15  Milk 
Sprague  Samuel,  bricklayer,  583  Washington 
Sprague  Stephen,  chaisemaker,  house  Merrimac 
Sprague  William,  wood  wharfinger,  Bull's  wf  h.35  High 
Sprague  (IVm.  jr.)    &  Soule   (Geo.  M.),  W.  I.  goods,  T 

wf  house  35  High 
Sprague  VV^illiam  W.  bookbinder,  16  Bennet 
Spring  I.  H.     See  Cary  &  S. 


Spurr  William,  gilder,  h.  Commercial  op.  Gray's  wharf 

Slack  James,  house  Williams  court 

Stackpole  Charles,  hatter,  house  50  Tremont 

Stackpole  Reuben  M.  currier,  801  Wash.  h.  Arnold 

Stackpole  J.  Lewis,  5  Court 

Stacy  Joseph  H.  laborer,  15  S.  Russell 

Stacy  Mary,  widow,  house  Butolph 

Stacy  Polly,  widow,  rear  108  Purchase 

Stacy  Wra.  R.  refreshments,  Pemberton  hill,  h.  Province 

Standish  James,  mason,  boards  40  Federal 

Standish  Moses,  housewright.  Front,  house  3  Suffolk 

Stanford  Joanna  A.  widow,  h.  89  Mt.  Vernon 

Staniels  Hazen,  collector,  8  Piedmont 

Staniels  J.  P.  grain,  n.  Warren  Bridge,  h.  97  Chambers 

Stanley  (Gilman),  Reed  (Josiah)  &Co.  {IV.  H.  Skinner) ^ 

merchants,  10  City  wharf 
Stanley  Jos.  G.  boards  Boston  Hotel,  47  Brattle 
Stanley  Sarah,  widow,  101  Essex 
Stanley  William,  laborer,  rear  22  Carver 
Stanton  Barbara  C.  widow,  house  Castle 
Stanton  Catharine,  dressmaker,  Batterymarch 
Stanton  Jacob  C.  105  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Stanwood  Calvin,  stone  cutter,  h.  33  Thacher 
Stanwood  Lemuel,  5  Rogers's  building,  h.  22  Beacon 
Stanwood  Samuel,  painter,  Tremont   n.   Warren,  house 

rear  65  Elliot 
Stanwood  William,  h.  Williams  cor.  Atkinson 
Staples  George,  99  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Staples  Isaac,  house  4  Acorn 

Staples  J.  N.  &  Isaac,  wine  merchants,  7  City  Hall 
Staples  James  N.  h.  cor.  Gridley  and  Purchase 
Staples  John,  machinist,  h.  2d  street 
Stark  Anna,  widow,  Battery 

Stark  James,  hatter,  house  south  end  Washington 
Stark  John  S.  laborer,  164  Hanover 
Stark  Joseph,  tailor,  43  Congress,  h.  do. 
Starkweather  Charles,  laborer,  house  9  Blossom 
Starret  Jane,  widow  of  William,  rear  58  Prince 
Stavers  John,  iron  and  hardware,  49  Broad,  h.  2N.  Bennet 
Stearns  Amos  F.  clerk,  house  rear  80  Purchase 
Stearns  Asa,  W.  I.  goods.  Commercial  near  Hanover 
Stearns  Charles,  mes.  Tremont  Bank,  h.  Congress  court 
Stearns  Charles  H.  grocer.  Commercial  corner  Ann 
Stearns  Charles  J.  40  State,  house  1  Gouch 
Stearns  Curtis  and  Elijah,  grocers,  Salem  cor.  Prince 


Stearns  Curtis,  house  78  Salem 

Stearns  Eckley,  53  Faneiiil  Hail  market 

Stearns  Elijah,  house  63  Prince 

Stearns  George  B.  40  State,  h.  73  Mt.  Vernon 

Stearns  G.  &  H.  &  Co.  (I.  B.  Filch),  shipchandlers,  10 

Commercial  wharf 
Stearns  Hannali,  widow,  house  Merrimac 
Stearns  H.  L.  house  4  Bowdoin 
Stearns  Jacob,  merchant,  Green  corner  Gouch 
Stearns  James  VV.  distiller,  house  50  Salem 
Stearns  Jesso,  fruit,  26  Union 

Stearns  John  (Parks,  Blackburn  ^  Co.),  b.  55  Beacon 
Stearns  John,  cartman.  Leveret  court 
Stearns  John,  house  3  Travers 
Stearns  Josiah  A.     See  Light  &  S. 

Stearns  Simon,  VV.  I.  goods,  8  India,  h.  2  Sullivan  place 
Stearns  Timothy  D.  truckman,  rear  Moon 
Stearns  (/Fm)  &   Crosby   (Loammi),  W.  L  goods,  134 

State.     Stearns's  house  15  Staniford 
Stearns  William,  mason,  house  rear  43  Federal 
Stearns  William  G.  counsellor,  4  Court 
Stebbins  C.  F.  pumpmaker,  Otis's  wf  h.  South  st.  court 
Stebbins  J.  B.  physician,  Broadway  near  Dorchester 
Stebbins  Judah,  infirmary,  31  Chambers,  house  rear 
Stebbins  Roderick,  house  rear  Cross  near  Hanover 
Stebbins  Samuel,  pumpmaker,  Otis's  wf  h.  4th  street 
Stebbins  Thomas  H.  h.  10  Pleasant  street  court 
Stedman  Benjamin  S.  57  Washington,  h.  10  Ash 
Stedman  Daniel  B.  clerk,  133  Wash,  house  S3  Front 
Stedman  John,  57  Washington,  house  10  Ash 
Stedman  Josiah,  house  83  Front 

Stedman  Josiah,  jr.  (Talbot  &  S.),  h.  4  Brattle  square 
Stedman  Wm.  M.  &,  Co.  (Josiah  Stedman  and  Joseph^. 
White),   W.  L  goods,  3  Central  wf     Wm.  M.  S.'s 
house  Kneeland 
Steel  Robert,  fruit,  26  Dock  sq.  h.  2  Kennard  avenue 
Steel  Sarah,  widow,  house  22  Garden 
Steele  Charles,  housewright,  house  6  Southac  court 
Steele  Gurdon,  cashier  Nortli  Bank,  h.  3  N.  Brighton 
Steele  Julius  C.  (Southard  &  S.),  h.  117  Purchase 
Stenchfield  Henry,  rear  132  Hanover 
Stephens  Samuel,  carpenter,  h.  8  Sheafe 
Stephenson  Thomas,  dep.  sh'tF  and  jailor,  h.  Leveret 
Stetson  (Mpheus)  &.  Colburn  (Joseph),  wood  and  lum- 
ber, 1st  near  Dorchester 


Stetson  Angeline,  dressmaker,  35  Salem 
Stetson  Charles  A.  h.  15  Somerset  place 
Stetson  Clement  {Smith  ^  6'.),  h.  31  Brattle 
Stetson  Joshua  &  Co.  {Lehbeus  S.),  dry  goods,  85  Hano- 
ver, house  6  Leveret  court 
Stetson  {Lebbcus)   &.  Goodwin   {Joseph),  lumber,  Com- 
mercial.    S.'s  house  G9  Hanover 
Steven  Abel,  Rev.  h.  7  Ballard  place 
Stevens  Aaron,  h.  53  Poplar 
Stevens  Abraham  L.  smith,  h.  llG  Salem 
Stevens  A.  L.  jr.    See  Pratt  &.  S. 
Stevens  Amos,  bal.  fac.  5  south  side  Faneuil  Hall 
Stevens  Benjamin,  sergeant  at  arms,  h.  4G  Hancock 
.Stevens  B.  Franklin,  chairs,  113  Cambr.  h.  60  Myrtle 
Stevens  Charles  F.  blacksmith,  h.  Charlestovvn 
;Stevens  Caroline  A.  widow  of  Charles,  1  Stillman  place 
Stevens  Collins  {D.  Carter  Sf  Co.),  h.  3  May  place 
.Stevens  D.     See  Parkhurst  &  S. 
Stevens  Ebenezer,  13  Long  wharf,  h.  Broadway 
iStevens  Edward  L.  {Bridge  8f  S.),  h.  3  Arch 
Stevens  Eliza,  nurse,  15  Hawkins 
Stevens  Eliza,  widow  of  Ebenezer,  48  Orange 
Stevens  Franklin,  chairmaker,  Hi)  Cambridge,  h.  Myrtle 
Stevens  Franklin,  provisions,  G2;)  Washington 
Stevens  George,  cordwainer,  h.  3  Bridge  st.  avenue 
Stevens  Gideon,  laborer,  rear  13  Sea 
Stevens  Hiram,  h.  Charlestown 
Stevens  {Isaac),  Fisher  {Francis)  &  Co.  {fVm.  Parker), 

rner.  23  &  24  Central  wf  Stevens's  h.  135  Tremont 
Stevens  James,  planemaker,  5,  h.  6  Merrimac 
Stevens  John,  Sec.  Conunou.  Ins.  Co.  h.  C83  Washington 
Stevens  John  H.  printer,  h.  3d  street 
Stevens  Joseph,  inspector  of  Customs,  h.  77  Purchase 
Stevens  Luther,  cop'pl.  print.  6  State,  h.  r.  81  Mt.  Vern. 
Stevens  Mary,  widow,  opposite  6  Norfolk  place 
Stevens  Otis.     See  Mclnlire  &  S. 

Stevens  Serial),  chemical  worker,  1st,  h.  Dorchester  st. 
Stevens  Silas,  provis.  op.  40  Federal,  h.  5  1-2  Hawkins 
Stevens  Simeon,  teamster,  Cambridge,  near  the  bridge 
Stevenson  Emily,  h.  (3  Blossom  court 
Stevenson  Galen  L.  cabinetmaker,  h.  Canton  r.  Suffolk 
Stevenson  John,  laborer,  rear  80  Tremont 
Stevenson  J.  Thomas,  35  Central  wf  h.  24  Bulfinch 
Stevenson  William,  notary   public,  51    State,  boards  at 
25  Bulfinch 



Stevenson  (JFilllam)  &  Dyer  (Daniel  A.),  puinpmakers, 

hearl  Foster's  wharf.     IS.'s  h.4  Purchase 
Stewart  Abigail,  witlow,  h.  7  Bridge  st.  court 
Stewart  Alexander,  upholsterer,  32  Tremont  n.  Wash. 
Stewart  Andrew,  stotiec^uttcr,  h.  5(5  Pond 
Stewart  Adam,  physician,  h.  710  Washington 
Stewnrt  Charles,  laborer,  h.  Poplar 
Stewart  Edward,  printer,  h.  7  Bridge  street  court 
Stewart  James,  jr.  pianufortemaker,  h    88  Warren 
Stewart  John,  handcartman,  h.  Market  place 
Stewart  John,  housewright,  h.  60(1  Washington 
Stewart  Nathaniel,  mariner,  279  Ann 
Stewart  Robert  II.  upholsterer,  32  Tremont  n.  Wash. 
Stewart  Silas,  clothing,  7G  Ann 
Stewart  Thomas,  cordwainer,  Williams  court 
Stickney  Benjamin,  Bromfield  House 
Stickney  Josiah,  distillery.  Front,  W.I.  goods,  16  India, 

h.  IIG  Tremont 
Stickney  Samuel,  housewright,  house  4th  street 
Stickney  Silas,  jr.  h.  16  Brighton 
Stickney  (JVUlium)  &  Dean  {Henry),  12  Chatham,  h.  52 

Stieger  Conrad,  sugar  refiner,  h.  Short  street  court 
Stiles  Moses,  housewright,  Bennet  place 
Still  Joseph,  mason,  h.  Langdon  place 
Still  Lucy,  widow,  2  Murray  place 
Stillman  Samuel  {T.  fV.  Baldwin  &,  Co.),  h.  15  West 
Stimpson  Abigail,  school,  I  Harvard,  h.  do. 
Stimpson  Amelia,  laundress,  85  Prince 
Stimp.-*on  Andrew  B.  bookbinder,  h.  rear  2d  street 
Stimpson  Caroline  {Hobart  S,-  S.),  17  Temple 
Stimpson  Charles,  jr.  bookseller  and  .stationer,  72  Wash. 

house  20  Williams 
Stimpson  Frederick  H.  house  25  Atkinson 
Stimpson  H.  &-  F.  (Herbert   H.  S^  Fred.   H.),  stove  and 

tin    ware   manufactory,  127  State,  h.  in  Dorchester. 

See  advertisement  on  cover 
Stimpson  Isaac  H.  bookbinder,  boards  at  Floyd's,  4th  st. 
Stimpson   John,  clerk   to  Directors  House  of  Industry, 

Faneuil  Hall,  h.  27  Fayette 
Stimpson  John  C.  fruiterer,  1  City  Hall 
Stimpson  Joseph,  laborer,  Broadway 
Stimpson  Mary,  widow,  Barry's  wharf 
Stimpson  Samuel,  housewright,  h.  20  Spring 
Stimpson  Sarah,  widow,  28  Purchase 


Stimpson  William  C.  &  Co.  (Edw.  Brinley),  druggists,  3 

south  side  F.  Hall,  h.  12  Leveret 
Stimson  Ciileh,  h.  i;5  Avon  phue 
Stimson  Lovet,  dancing  master,  house  33  Alien 
Stinson  Aroliibald,  butciier,  4tli  street  near  D 
Stinson  Nathan,  portrait  painter,  li.  4  Nortii  JMargin 
Stinson  William,  h.  14  South  Margin 
Stinson  William,  housewright,  h.  4  North  Margin 
Stocker  Sarah,  1  West  Cedar 
Stockman  James,  captain,  h.  43  Essex 
Stockman  John,  housewright,  h.  4  Haymarket  place 
Stockvvell  Joseph,  truckman,  8  Mechanic 
Stokell  Sarah,  widow,  4  Short  st.  court 
Stoddard  Betsey,  widow  of  Ilezekiah,  h.  C4  Chesnut 
Stoddard  Betsy,  h.  (5  Garden 

Stoddard  Charles  (Edwards  ^  S.),  h.  3  Franklin 
Stoddard  David,  7  Central  wharf,  h.  13  Mount  Vernon 
Stoddard  Erastus,  blacksmith,  h.  2'^  South  Cedar 
Stoddard  Gridley,  housewright,  32  Cambridge 
Stoddard  Isaiah,  housevv't,  Bumstead  ct.  h.  3  Fayette  ct. 
Stoddard  John,  upholsterer,  h.  26  Short 
Stoddard  John  B.  house  3')  Friend 
Stoddard  Lewis  T.  (Gordon  ife  .S),  house  7  Staniford 
Stoddard  Mary  S.  school,  1  Bartletl 
Stoddard  Thomas,  151  Hanover 
Stodder  John  L.  tailor.  Congress,  h.  41  Atkinson 
Stodder  Joseph,  surveyor,  0  Richmond 
Stodder  R.  H.  (Thomas  TarhelL  &  Co.),  h.  3  Ceiitre 
Stodder  Samuel  C.  sailmaker,  h.  199  Hanover 
Stone  C.  J.  dry  goods,  53  Hanover 
Stone  (Daniel)  ''Sc  White  (Robert),  wood,  Cambridge. 

Sione's  h.  12  Charles 
Stone  Dan'l  P.  dry  g'ds,  25  Kilby,  b'ds  East.  Stage  House 
Stone  Ebenezer  VV.  clothing,  35  Brattle 
Stone  Edwin,  grocer,  Merrimac,  h.  39  Friend 
Stone  George,  h.  21  Merrimac 
Stone  George  C.     See  Thurston  Ai,  S. 
Stone  Henry  B.  Pres.  Suffolk  Bank,  house  31  Temple 
Stone  (./.  E.),    Seaver   (Norman)   &    Bush   (S.    L.),   dry 

g'ds,  29  &  31  Water.     Stone's  h.  65  Belknap 
Stone  John,  pianofortemakcr,  h.  44  Fayette 
Stone  John  S.  Rev.  h.  Temple  place 
Stone  Joseph,  h.  South  Russell  near  Cambridge 
Stone  Joseph  L.  measurer,  appraiser's  office,  Custom  H. 
Stone  Joshua,  pianofortemaker,  1j.  Essex  n.  Washington 


Stone  L.  M.  pension  clerk,  Commonwealth  Bank 
Stone  Luther,  cabinetmaker,  h.  53  Tremont 
Stone  Lucy,  widow,  30  Scliool  corner  Province 
Stone  Mary,  25  Pleasant 

Stone  Martha  and  Margaret,  laundresses,  4  Orange  lane 
Stone  Nathan,  wiieelwright,  Pond,  h.  North  Margin 
Sto-ne  Nathan,  prov.  Parkman's  mar.  h.  r.  113  Cambridge 
Stone  Nath'i,  jr.  dry  goods,  74  Hanover,  h.  30  School 
Stone  Otis  F.  &  Co.  {Thomas  Hoioe), grocers,  77  Cham- 
bers, h.  Leveret  court 
Stone  P.  A.  housewright.  Causeway,  h.  192  Hanover 
Stone  (P.  R.   L.)   &   Crosby  {Frederick),   W.   L   goods^ 

Charles  corner  Cambridge.     Stone's  h.  24  Bridge 
Stone  {Robert,  jr.)  &.   VVhitiier  {Daniel),  dry  goods,  7S 

Kilby,  up  stairs 
Stone  Sardine,  house  5  Chardon 

Stone  Sawyer  S.  dry  goods,  317  Washington,  h.  40  Essex 
Stone  Stephen  S.  innholder.  City  Tavern,  Brattle 
Stone  Thomas  J.  {Lecain  ^  S.),  h.  4  Causeway 
Stone  William.     See  Burr! II  &  S. 

Stone  Wm.  W.  {JV.  ^  S.  Lawrence  <^  S.),  h.  46  Bowdoia 
Storer  D.  Humphreys,  physician,  14  Winter 
Storer  Robert  B.  merchant,  47  India  wf.  h.  Hancock  av. 
Story  Franklin  H.  20  Chesnut 
Storey  John,  glasscutter,  rear  C  street 
Stoodley  William  F.  cooper,  h.  rear  200  Washington 
Stott  John,  stone,  seal  and  gem  engraver,  23(3  Washing. 
Stoughton  Anna  Margaret,  widow,  10  Summer 
Stove  David,  boarding  house,  Berry 
Stover  Sylvester,  furniture, 28  Milk,  b'ds  18  Prov.  H.  ct. 
Stow  Baron,  Rev.  11  Sheafe 
Stow  Edward,  clerk,  h.  rear  20  Charles 
Stow  John  P.  bookbinder,  rear  Broadway 
Stow  Truman, w'd  &  coal,  Packard's  wf.  b'ds  30  Wash.  pL 
Stowe  Freeman.     See  M.  S.  Lincoln  &,  Co. 
Stowell  Charles,  mason,  h.  33  South  Russell 
Stowell  Ephraim  C.  stage  agent,  7  Elm,  h.  7  Ballard  pi. 
Stowell  Jane,  widow,  4U  Pleasant 
Stowell  John,  painter,  house  46  Pleasant 
Stowell  Seth,  constable,  A  street 
Stowers  Benjamin,  laborer,  Blackstone 
Strange  Abiel,  housewright,  h.  12  Purchase 
Strand  Christian,  rigger,  h.  131  Broad 
Strain  John,  laborer,  143  Broad 
Straiten  Frederick,  grocer,  1,  house  3  George    - 


Stratton  Frink,  auctioneer,  5  Water,  house  42  Spring 
Stratton  John,  VV.  I.  goods,  50  Central,  li.  60  Purcliaso 
Stratton  Jonas,  teamster,  h.  55  Pond 
Stratton  Leonard,  h.  Commercial  near  Charter 
Stratton  William  F.  {Richardson  ^  S.),  h.  18  Vine 
Street  Margaret,  boarding  liouse,  73  Broad 
Streeter  Sally,  widow,  rear  585  Washington 
Streeter  Sebastian,  Rev.  h.  202  Hanover 
iStreeter  Sebastian,  Latin  teacher,  boards  6  Beach 
Strong  Alexander,  shoe  store,  401  Washington 
Strong  Charles  D.  bookbinder,  62  Cornhill,  h.  F  street 
Strong  Louisa  P.  boarding,  h.  84  Elliot 
Strong  Woodbridge,  physician,  18  Winter 
Stuart  Arthur,  ag't  Bos.  and  W.  railroad,  h.  10  Fayette 
Stuart  George.     See  Ordway  &  S. 
Stuart  Polly,  widow,  Tremont  corner  Jefferson 
Stuart.     See  Stewart 
Stubbs  John,  house  240  Ann 
Stubbs  William,  shipkeeper,  h.  Silver 
Studley  Warren,  tailor,  44  Court,  h.  196  Tremont 
Sturgis  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Russell,  11  South 
Sturgis  William  {Bryant,  S.  i^  Co.),  h.  52  Summer 
Sturtevant  Earl,  51  Brattle 
Sturtevant  William,  16  Long  wharf 
Sturtevant  Winslow,  carpenter,  h.  21  North  Margin 
Sullaway  John,  stagedriver,  h.  Bedford  cor.  Columbia 
Sullivan  Cornelius,  laborer,  rear  87  Broad 
Sullivan  Daniel,  boarding,  84  Broad 
Sullivan  Daniel,  laborer,  12  Stillman 
Sullivan  Dennis,  laborer,  104  Sea 

Sullivan  Dudley,  wool  stapler,  h.  S.  Cedar  near  Church 
SulHvan  James,  stevedore,  rear  12  Washington  place 
Sullivan  James,  laborer,  Dedham  near  Tremont 
Sullivan  James,  machinist,  h.  rear  714  Washington 
Sullivan  James,  laborer,  153  Broad 
Sullivan  James  V.     See  Adams  &  Sullivan 
Sullivan  Jeremiah,  blacksmith,  house  C  street 
Sullivan  Jeremiah,  laborer,  Humphrey  place 
Sullivan  Jeremiah,  laborer,  rear  120  Sea 
Sullivan  Jeremiah,  laborer,  rear  149  Broad 
Sullivan  John,  laborer,  153  Broad 
Sullivan  John,  laborer,  rear  83  Broad 
Sullivan  John,  house  102  Chambers 
Sullivan  John  J.  pilot,  house  2  Moon 
Sullivan  John  O,  laborer,  Broad,  opposite  Mame  wharf 


Sullivan  {John  W.)  &  Barbour  (JohnJ^.),  mer.  36  Com. 

Sullivan  Mary  Ann,  5  Lucas  place 

Sullivan  Michael,  laborer,  8  Wharf 

Sullivan  Michael,  laborer,  119  Broad — another,  88  do. 

Sullivan  Motley,  laborer,  88  Broad 

Sullivan  Patrick,  laborer,  rear  149  Broad 

Sullivan  Richard,  h.  1  Hancock  av.  c.  Mt.  Vernon  place 

Sullivan  Roger,  laborer,  33  Sea 

Sullivan  Simon,  gardener,  h.  Blackstone 

Sullivan  Timothy,  shoemaker,  Batterymarch 

Sullivan  William,  laborer,  Lane  place 

Sullivan  William,  counsellor,  Court  sq.  h.  15  Chesnut 

Summers  Ann,  A  street 

Sumner  Amos,  tailor,  h.  North  Grove 

Sumner  Bradford,  counsellor,  20  Court,  h.  25  Hancock 

Sumner  Charles,  attorney,  4  Court 

Sumner  Charles  P.  sheriff,  h.  20  Hancock 

Sumner  Ebenezer,  jr.  37  and  3!)  Faneuii  Hall  market 

Sumner  F.  A.  physician,  13  School 

Sumner  Jesse,  broker,  2  Exchange,  h.  25  Chesnut 

Sumner  Luther,  housevvright,  rear  6G0  Washington 

Sumner  Sarah,  widow,  h.  1  Belknap 

Sumner  Timo.  A.  {Smith,  BlanchardS/- Co.),  h.  102  Pleas. 

Suratt  Francis  I.  French  teacher,  h.  52  Cambridge 

Supple  John,  laborer,  rear  12  Washington  place 

Suter  John,  captain,  5  Avon  place 

Sutherland  George,  jeweller,  17  Friend 

Sutherland  George,  jr.  jevvi  Her,  130  Hanover,  h.  Crosg    . 

Sutton  Enoch,  watchmaker,  377  Washing,  h.  10  Avery 

Sutton  Maria,  milliner,  338  Washington 

Sutton  Samuel,  A  corner  of  4th  street 

Swain  Sally,  widow  of  Darius,  h  Commer.  n.  Board  al. 

Swallow  Asa,  mason,  Salem 

Swan  Thomas,  teller  Colutnbian  Bank 

Swan  Thomas,  carpenter,  house  Bartlett 

Swan  William,  jr,  clerk  Union  Bank 

Swartz  Michael,  foundei,  h.  rear  5th  street 

Swasey  J.  H.  {Boynton  8f  S.),  boards  4  Brattle  square 

Swasey  Mary,  widow  of  Joseph,  boarding,  10  South 

Swasey  Rufus,  clerk,  Portland  corner  Hanover 

Sweeney  Daniel,  laborer,  Humphrey  place 

Sweeney  James,  laborer,  Broadway 

Sweeney  John,  laborer,  Humphrey  place 

Sweeny  John,  h.  Friend  near  Causeway 

Sweeny  John,  laborer,  Middlesax  near  Castle 


Sweeny  John,  laborer,  110  Broad 

Sweeny  John,  tobaccon.  14  S.  Market,  h.  op.  37  S.  Rus. 

Sweeny  John,  hiborer,  A  street 

Sweeny  Terrence,  tailor,  h,  11  Summer 

Sweney  Charles,  lighterman,  h.  Sun  court 

Sweney  Dennis,  lighlorman,  h.  Istst.  near  I  street 

Sweney  Lawrence,  lighterman,  Sun  court 

Sweney  Miles,  lighterman,  house  Sun  court 

Sweet  Aaron,  clerk,  h.  10  Crescent  place 

Sweet  Jabez,  tailor,  liouse  5  Centre 

Sweet  James  S.  watchmaker,  cor.  Mer.  row,  h.  5  Centre 

Sweet  John  H.  jeweller,  9G  VVasiiington,  b'ds  17  Green 

Sweet  William  L.  house  27  Blossom 

Sweetland  Samuel,  machinist,  boards  Rutland 

Sweetser  Benjamin,  h.  21  Leveret 

Sweetser  Benjamin  G.  agent  Brewery,  house  S.  Cedar 

Sweetser  George,  butcher,  house  50  Tremont 

Sweetser  Isaac,  Secretary  Washington  Ins.  Company 

Sweetser  John,  fruit  &  groceries,  200  Wash.  h.  31  Fayette 

Sweetser  (Sam'l)  &  Penniman  (Henry),  shoes,  9  Wash. 

Sweetser  Sarah,  widow,  85  Salem 

Sweetser  Thomas,  h.  Howard  cor.  Somerset 

Sweetser  William,  physician,  137  Tremont 

Swett  Joseph,  cabinetmaker,  h.  Province  near  School 

Swett  Joseph,  Faneuil  Hall  market,  h.  17  N.  Margin 

Swett  Mary,  instructress,  12  Avery 

Swett  Moses  A.  cordwainer,  h.  8  Norfolk  place 

Swett  Samuel  (W.  B.  S.  k  Co),  h.  1  W.  Cedar 

Swett  Samuel  W.,  Vice  Pres.  National  Ins.  Company 

Swett  Sarah,  milliner,  485  Washington 

Swett  Silas,  cordwainer,  19  Essex,  h.  8  Norfolk  place 

Swett  Tasker  H.  merchant,  house  CO  Beacon 

Swett  Wm.  B.  &  Co.  (Samuel),  mer.  16  Custom-house  st. 

Swett  William  C.  printer,  h.  61  Pinckney 

Swift  John  J.  (Parker  S,^  S.),  house  28  Charter 

Swift  Mary,  house  12  Centre 

Swift  Mary  B.  widow,  277  Washinglon 

Swift  Peter,  house  Flagg  alley 

Swindell  John  C.  cordwainer,  135  Broad 

Swiney  John  D.  coppersmith,  h.  18  Myrtle 

Swinson  Peter,  captain,  h.  rear  126  Cambridge 

Swords  John,  handcartman,  h.  Bedford  near  Short 

Sylvester  Adam.     See  Gardner  &  S. 

Sylvester  Nancy,  widow,  8  W.  Centre 

Symmes  Edrnund,  dry  goods,  277  Wash.  h.  1  Sewall  pL 

348  Directory. 

Symmes  (John),  Eaton  (Charles  F.)  ScCo.  (James  Eaton)^ 

W.  I   goods,  1  Brimmer's  T 
Symmes  Luther,  14  Butler  row,  house  41  Boylston 
Symmes  Margaret,  widow,  of  John,  h.  16  Dislil-house  sq. 
Symonds  John  H.  hairdresser,  Congress  sq.  h.  26  Myrtle 
Symonds  Josseph,  jeweller,  1  Summer 

TABER  (JOB)  &  SMITH  (A.  G.),  carpets,  76  Wash. 
Taber  Job,  house  11  Green 
Taft  Joseph  R.  laborer,  opposite  65  Sea 
Taft  Samuel  J.  boarding  house,  484  Wasiiington 
Taft  Stiilman,  grocer,  1  Haverhill 
Taggard  John,  house  9  Sea 

Tainter  Albert,  barkeeper.  Globe  Hotel,  h.  Commercial 
Tainter  Daniel  A.  house  1  Ridgway  lane 
Tainter  William  C.  (Carlton  i^  T.),  house  3  Salt  lane 
Tak  J.  J.  V.  D.  crockeryware,  304,  h.  318  Washington 
Talbot  Abigail,  boarding,  11  Beacon 
Talbot  George,  housewright,  rear  730  Wasiiington 
Talbot  (G.  W.)  &  Stedman  (Josiah,jr.),  crock.  31  Union 
Talbot  Gilbert  L.     See  Goodrich  &  T. 
Talbot  John,  carpenter,  h.  Market  place 
Talbot  Solomon,  pianofortemaker,  b'ds  14  La  Grange  pi. 
Tallack  John,  mariner,  Hanover  avenue 
Tallant  Jacob  C.  watchman,  2  Oliver  place 
Talles  Thomas,  house  rear  253  Washington 
Talman  Peleg,  boards  23  Purchase 
Tank  Christian,  cabinetmaker,  h.  79  Tremont 
Tapley  Amos  P.     See  Daniel  Bingham  &  Co. 
Tapley  William,  provisions,  95,  h.  119  Chambers 
Tappan  Benjamin.     See  Hosmer  &  T. 
Tappan  John,  merchant,  76  State,  h.  30  Summer 
Tappan  John  G.  (Townsend  <^  T.),  h.  30  Summer 
Tappan  Lewis  W.  (Holbrook  4'  T.),  h.  30  Summer 
Tarbell  Eben,  brewer,  h.  rear  41  Pleasant 
Tarbell  John,  watchmaker  and  jeweller,  4  Elm 
Tarbell  Silas  P.  merchant,  liouse  Lyman  place 
Tarbell  Thomas  &  Co.  (R.  H.  Stodder  ^  Charles  Faulk- 
ner), Europ.  &  India  g'ds,  55  Water,  h.  11  Avon  pi. 
Tarbett  Lendall  F.  clothing,  83  Commercial 
Tarbox  Esther,  nurse,  2  High  street  place 
Tarbox  William,  housewright,  house  47  Leveret 
Tarlton  Harriet,  widow,  toy  shop,  Derne 
Tarr  David  S.  housewright,  house  37  S.  Russell 
Tasker  Ebcnezer,  grocer,  326  Ann,  h.  2  Bennet  place 


Tasker  Matthew,  painter,  rear  39  Essex 

Tales  Susan,  widow,  rear  G  Hoi  lis 

Tates  William,  mason,  rear  6  Holiis 

Tavares  Joseph,  stevedore,  h.  Hanover  avenue 

Taylor  Alvan  (Flaggy  T.  <^'  Horn),  h.  Broadway 

Taylor  Caleb,  housewright,  rear  Broadway 

Taylor  Cliarles,  rigger,  house  Barllett 

Taylor  Charles  W.  bookkeeper  City  Bank,  h.  6  Minot 

Taylor  Charles  VV.  house  Haymarket  place 

Taylor   (Daniel)    &    Waklron    (Samuel    JV.),    crockery 

ware,  59  Broad.     Taylor's  house   15  Leveret 
Taylor  Eber,  housewright,  37  West  Cedar 
Taylor  Edward  T.  Rev.  house  Prince  cor.  Hanover 
T:iylor  Frederick,  wood  wharf,  Canal,  h.  34  Friend 
Taylor  George,  pianofortemaker,  h.  17  Short 
Taylor  George,  teamster,  38  Friend 
Taylor  Henry,  painter,  house  82  Summer 
Taylor  Isaac,  laborer,  S.  Margin 
Taylor  James,  counting  room,  58  Commercial 
Taylor  James,  house  253  Washington 
Taylor  James,  laborer,  3  Scott  court 
Taylor  John,  baker,  house  105  Milk 
Taylor  John,  laborer,  house  195  Hanover 
Taylor  John,  laborer,  h.  Grove  corner  Southac 
Taylor  Joseph,'  house  190  Hanover 
Taylor  Lewis  (Bridge,  Wellington  &  Co.),  h.  9  Elm 
Taylor  Lewis,  laborer,  Clark  alley 
Taylor  Mary,  widow  of  ll4ifus  G.  16  Summer 
Taylor  Natharsiel,  housewright,  h.  Broadway 
Taylor  Philip,  housewright,  rear  Broadway 
Taylor  Ralph,  mariner.  Salutation 
Taylor  Simeon,  tinman,  house  2  Clark 
Taylor  Sophia,  widow,  boarding-house,  45  Federal 
Tayhjr  Warren,  cabinetmaker,  h.  4  Jefferson 
Taylor  William,  cabinetmaker,  house  rear  67  Elliot 
Taylor  Willjam,  hou.-^e  69  Bedford 
Taylor  William,  jr.  hardware,  408  Washington 
Tead  Edw.  L.  sailmaker,  3  1-2  Commer.  h.  r.  352  Wash. 
Teal  Elizabeth,  widow,  85  Tiemont 
Teal  J.  G.  periodical  publisher,  54  Cornhill 
Teal  Thomas  George,  bookseller,  h.  85  Tremont 
Tebbetts  F.noch,  housewright,  h.  Canton  near  Suffolk 
Tebbctls  John  C.  (Mariner,  T.  c^-  Co.),  h.  65  Chambers 
Teevaii  John,  laborer,  houne  High  street  place 
Temple  James  L.  handcartman,  h.  rear.  16  S.  Bennet 


Templeton  {John)  Sl  Avis  (Thos.),  stonecutters,  Ciiarles 

cor.  Cambridge.     Templeton's  h.  3  George 
Tenney  Amasa,  cooper,  24  Long  vvliarf,  li.  Riclimond 
Tenney  Amos,  boards  3  Kneeland  place 
Tenney  Asaph,  housewright,  li.  (J75  Washington 
Tenney  B.  Franklin  &  Amos,  dry  goods,  3D7  VVasIiington 
Tenney  John,  housewright,  C  street 
Tenney  John  H.  boards  30  Federal 

Tenney  Samuel,  assis.  Pres'.  Mer.  Ins.  Co.  h.  Commercial 
Tenney  Samuel  N.  hardware,  7  Union,  h.  Charter 
Tenny  Marshall,  mer.  4  Central  wf.  h.  6  Province  H.  ct. 
Tenny  Oliver,  cotton  wareli.  Atkinson;  h.  6  Kneelund  pi. 
Tenny  William,  house  3  1-2  S[)rii)g 
Tenny  William  P.  house  28  Prince 
Tent  James,  fruit,  69  Congress,  h.  115  Essex 
Terry  H.  G.  bookbinder,  flG  Washing,  h.  27  N.  Russell 
Terry  Timothy,  teamster.  Piper's  wharf 
Terry  (Wm.  D.),  Pelton  {Oliver)  &.  Co. {Geo.  G.  Smith), 

bank  note  engravers,  39  State 
Tewksbury  Ann,  widow,  South  Cedar  near  Church 
Tewksbury  A.  R.     See  Cutler  &  T. 
Tewksbury  Martin  W.  ballast  office,  85  Commercial 
Tewksbury  William,  jr.  captain,  127  rear  129  Pleasant 
Thacher  Caroline,  widow  of  Charles,  h.  40  Chesnut 
Thacher  Charles,  house  40  Chesnut 
Thacher  George  &  Co.   {Isaac   Thacher)^  W .  I.  goods, 

31  liOng  wharf,  house  4  Sewall  place 
Thacher  George  C.  iron  foundry,  S.Boston,  h.  Broadway 
Thacher  George  M.  41  State,  house  1  Arch 
Thacher  Isaac  {Geo.  Thacher  <^-  Co.),  h.  7  Morton  place 
Thacher  Mary,  5  Oliver  filace 
Thacher  Peter  O.,  Judge  Miniiti[)ril  Court  and  counsellor, 

Court  square,  house  10  Cliesnut 
Thacher  {Thovins)  &  Billing-;  {tVm    G.).  cotton  dealers, 

20  Long  wharf      Thacher's  h.  7  Milton  place 
Thatcher  B.  B.  attorney,  33  Court 
Thatcher  David,  dry  eoods,  2(1  Central,  h.  12  West 
Thatcher  {Peter)  &  Fearing  {.'Indrcw  C),  dry  goods,  DO 

State.     Thatcher's  house  34  Mt.  Vernon 
Thaxier  A.  W.  jr.  {Bates  S,-  Co.),  house  99  Tremont 
Thaxter  Adam  VV.  house  3  Allen 
Thaxter  Benjamin.     See  Rice  Sa  T. 
Thaxter  Jacob,  painter,  h.  rear  90  Front 
Thaxter  Jonathan,  house  42  Levnret 
Thaxter  Mary  Ann,  nurse,  S3  Warren 


Thaxter  Sam'l,  math,  inst  mak.  125  Stale,  h.  41  Pinckney 
Tliaxter  Setli,  ciirpeiitfir,  Nassau,  house  83  Warren 
Thaxter  Theodore,  harncssmaUor,  10  Boylston  sq.  house 

Wheeler's  court 
Thaxter  Warren,  cabinetmaker,  Sea,  house  51  South 
Tliaxter  Warren,  jr.  mariner,  house  Travers 
Thaxter  William  V.  housewright,  house  3  Jefferson 
Thayer  Ann,  laundress,  G  Lucas  place 
Tha^'er  Barnabas,  blacksmith,  house  4th  street 
7'hayer  Betsey  and  Deborah,  rear  676  Washington 
Thayer  Ciiarles.  shoemaker,  h.  2  Harvard  court 
Thayer  Charles'Lovvell  {Cartwright  §^  T.),  h.  Gridley 
Thayer  Charles  R.  boaids  40  Atkinson 
Thayer  Charles  W.  clerk,  h.  6  Blossom  court 
Thayer  Cotton,  Battery 
Tiiayer  Deborah,  h.  12  Somerset  place 
Thayer  Ebcnezer,  clerk,  Cook  court 
Thayer  Elias  B.  house  12  x\sh      .  • 

Thaj-er  Eli,  jr.  house  South  street  court 
Tliayer  {Elijah)  tt  Bates  (Joshua  C),  13  N.  Market 
Thayer  Elizabeth  F.  dressmaker,  2  Harvard  court 
Thayer  George,  housewright,  h.  Short  street  court 
Thayer  George  L.  house  11  Staniford 
Thayer  George  W.   &   Brothers  (Luther,  jr.  4^  Seth  T.\ 

shoes,  22  Merchants  row,  h.  11  Staniford 
Thayer  Gideon  F.  princip.  Chauncey  H.  sch.  Chauncey  pK 
Thayer  Henry  V.  printer,  house  South  Margin 
Tliaver  Hollis,  boards  at  Exchange 
Thayer  Joel  &  Hollis   i%   Co.   (C   R.    Thayer),   W.  L 

goods,  33  India 
Tliayer  Joel,  house  40  Atkinson 
Thayer  John  E.  broker,  49  State 

Thayer  J.  T.  clerk,  55  Washington,  h.  Somerset  place 
Thayer  Joseph  H.  house  9  Washington  place 
Thayer  Luther,  jr.  22  Mcrcliants  row,  li.  11  Chambers 
Thayer  Mary,  widow  of  Eli,  house  Cooper 
Thayer  Mary,  widow  of  John,  h.  77  CJiarter 
Thayer  Moses,  house  43  Allen 

Thayer  Nathaniel,  jr.  (Prestoii  S^^  T.),  h.  18  Lynde 
Thayer  Rachel  R.  school,  over  302  Washington 
Thayer  Rebecca,  laundress,  rear  f>l  Essex 
Thayer  Richard,  surveyor,  Short,  h.  rear  Broadway 
Thayer  Sarah,  house  Tileston  corner  Unity     » 
Thayer  Seth  T.     See  G.  W.  T.  &  Brotheis 
Thayer  Sylvanus,  Col.  Engineers,  U.  S.  A.,  h.  13  Allen 


Thayer  Stephen,  engine  builder,  From,  h.  r.  555  Wash. 

Thayer  Sumner,  blacksmith,  lintise  C  street 

Thayer  Susannah  T.  widow  of  Nathaniel  F.  h.  Gridley 

Tiiayer  Thoiuas  A.  sailtnaker,  Wales's  wf.  li.  4th  street 

Thayer  Warren,  hair  work,  22  Hanover 

Thayer  William  T.  housewriglit.h.  rear  0  Elliot 

Thayer  William  VV^  {Cciiant,  T.  4'-  Co.),  h.  18  Green 

Thayer  Zebah,  saddle  and  harness  maker,  Warren  place 

Thing  Joseph,  captain,  h.  30  Washington  place 

Thing  Samuel,  pump  and  bloek  maker,  2  North  square 

Thissell  Lucy,  nurse,  51  Temple 

Thom  Sophia,  v,  idow,  house  Dixadway 

Thomas  Alexander,  physician,  35  Tremont 

Thomas  Charles,  h.  I'oylston  place  [at  Park  House 

Thomas  Charles  A.,  W.  I.  goods,  326  W^ishington,  b'ds 

Thomas  George  P.  mer.  4  India  wf.  h.  11  Washington  pi. 

Thomas  Hannah,  widow.  Lane  place 

Thomas  Isaac  B.  {Spooner  Sf  T.),  h.  38  Milk 

Thomas  Josiah,  cnrdw.  11  VVater,  h.  Market  c.  Merrimac 

Thomas  Lewis  {King  S^f  T.),  h.  Thacher  cor.  Pond 

Thomas  Luke,  48  Tremont 

Thomas  JMark  W.  painter,  44  Congress,  h.  5  Southac  ct. 

Thomas  Martha,  widow,  (iOo  Washington 

Thomas  Peter  L.  captain  Chelsea  steamboat,  h.  S.  Russell 

Thomas  Seth  J.  hat  store,  GO  Wash.    h.  op.  GO  Tremont 

Thomas  Sylvanus  {E.  Shrav  S/-  Co.),  boarding,  44  Milk 

Thomas  Sylvanus,  assistant  House  of  Correction 

Thomas  Thomas  K.  house  133  Tremont 

Thomas  William,  house  1  Staniford 

Thompson  Abigail,  widow,  10  Bulfinch  place 

Thompson  Amasa,  pumpmaker,  house  82  Summer 

Thompson  Amos  G.  {M.  S.  Lincoln  ■^^  Co.),  h.  G  Otis  pi. 

Thompson  B.  L.  merchant,  58  Long  wf  h.  10  McLean 

Thompson  (Charles)  &  Lapham  {Luther), 'won  atid  steel, 

2  City  wharf 
Thompson  Cyrus  {Brigham  S^-  T.),  h.  Garden  cor.  May 
Thompson  Dolly  S.  corseimakcr,  3  Mavvley 
Thompson  Ebenezer,  boarding,  8  Centre 
Thompson  Erasmus,  shipwright,  Commer.  h.  4  Snowhill 
Thompson  Gabriel  H.  mathemat.   school,   over   Granite 
Thompson  George,  h.  13  Avon  place  [Bank 

Thompson  Geo.  C.  com.  mer.  41  Central  wf  h.  114  Pleas't 
Thompson  G.  <Sl  James  L.  com.  merch.  28  Long  wliarf 
Thompson  Henry  &  Co.  (G.  B.  Crane),  housewrights, 
Thompson  James,  whitesmith,  h.  62  Essex         [Commer. 


Thompson  James,  laborer,  Turnpike 

Thompson  James  M.  commis.  merchant,  41  Central  wf. 

house  7  Leveret  court 
Thompson  Jeremiah  R.  {Fcssciiden,  T.  ^  Co.),  h.Chardon 
Thompson  (Jalm)    &    Morton    (Jt'tu.),   W.  I.   goods,  25 

Foster's  wharf.     T.'s  liouse  571  Washington 
Thompson  John,  cordvvainer,  rear  26  Congress 
Thompson  John,  jr.  cordwainer,  52  Federal 
Thompson  John,  stevedore,  house  Hanover  avenue 
Thompson  J(»hn,  wheelwriglit,  h.  rear  28  Pleasant 
Thompson  Joseph,  cordvvainer,  rear  6  Charter 
Thompson  Moses,  mason,  90  VVarren 
Thompson  Newell  A.  17  Court,  house  14  W.  Cedar 
TJjompson  Ralph,  house  18  Gouch 
Thompson  Samuel,  musician,  22  Richmond 
Thompson  Simeon,  jr.  {Mann  »&  T.),  h.  45  Fayette 
Thompson  S.  T.  teller  New  England  Bank 
Thompson  Tliomas,  merchant,  10  Beacon 
Thompson  Thomas  H.  physician,  188  Hanover 
Thompson  Thos.  M.  hardware,  13  Merch.  row,  h.  5  Allen 
Thompson  William,  h.  12  Somerset  p'ace  c.  Bowdoin 
Thompson  William,  blacksmith,  h.  opposite  10  Pearl 
Thompson  William,  mastmaker,  h.  63  Salem 
Thomson  Samuel,  botanic  physician,  Infirmary,  23' Har- 
Thorn  James,  44  Pond  [yard 

Thorndike  Augustus,  merchant,  52  Beacon 
Thorndike  Ebenezer.     S^ic  Simmons  &  T. 
Thorndike  Edward,  druggist,  63  Cambridge,  h.  26  Spring 
Thorndike  Israel,  merchant,  h.  Beacon  cc»r.  Belknap 
Thorndike  James  F.  {Adams  i^-  T.),  h.  50  Boylston 
Thorndike  P.  leather,  14  Broad,  h.  W.  Cedar 
Thorndike  John  H.  (il  State,  house  .50  Boylston 
Thorndike  J(d)n  P.  61  State,  house  50  Boylston 
Thorndike  Mary  JM.  widow  of  Ciiarlcs,  h.  5  Otis  place 
Thorndike  Wiliiam,  President  Nat.  Insurance  Company 
Thornton  Elizabeth,  nurse,  h.  rear  58  Poplar 
Fhorp  Charles  M.  {]Vatcrman,  Jones  S^  Co.),  h.  100  Pond 
Thorp  Ezekiel,  housewriglit,  h.  69  Tremont 
Thorp  Joshua,  liouse  3  Fo.ster  place 
Thorp  Sarah,  widow,  Hanover  avenue 
Thorp  Thomas,  victualler,  house  139  Cambridge 
Thresher  Eben.,  cor.  sec.  N.  B.  Ed.  Soc.  13  Joy's  building 
Thresher  Mary,  widow,  39  C^arver 
Thurber  Maria  P.  milliner,  80  Hanover 
Thurlow  Elizabetli,  widow,  Church  near  S.  Cedar 


Thurston   (Caleh)   &    Stone    {George    C),   wharfingers, 

4th  street,  house  B  street 
Thurston  Daniel,  teamster,  house  Broadway 
Thurston  George  B.  and  Edwin,  h.  Suffolk  near  Dover  ~ 
Thurston  (fV.  S.)  &  Bird  (E.  B.),  dry  goods,  9  Central. 

Thurston's  house  6  Crescent  place 
Thwing  (5.  C.)  &  Perkins   {Steph.    H.),  merchants,  2S 

India  wharf.     Thwing's  house  in  Roxbury 
Thwing  VVm.,  VV.  I.  g'ds,  28  Cent.  wf.  h.  Green  c.  Gouch 
Tibbets  Clark  J.  housewriglit,  h.  Canton  near  Wash. 
Tibbetts  Isaac,  teamster,  h.  10  Hawkins 
Tibbetts  Timothy,  house  Franklin  avenue 
Ticknor  Wm.  D.  bookseller,  135  Wash.  h.  14  Pinckncy 
Tidd  Martha  T.  widow  of  Jacob,  h.  87  (Uiambers 
Tiff'any  Lyman,  83  Kilby,  house  40  Green 
Tighe  Francis,  laborer,  118  Ann 
Tighe  James,  grocer,  118  Ann 

Tighe  Lucy  A.  widow,  boarding  h.  cor.  Atkinson  Sl  IMilk 
Tighe  Peter,  laborer,  h.  20(5  Ann 
Tilden  Bryant  P.  merchant,  house  4  Bumstead  place 
Tilden  David,  mason,  41  Bridge 
Tilden  James,  merchant,  16  Long  wharf 
Tilden  Joseph,  President  Columbian  Bank,  h.  10  South 
Tilden  Joseph,  mason,  110  Charl-js 
Tilden  Joseph  W.  house  110  Charles 
Tilden  Nerissa,  widow,  boarding  house,  Broadway 
Tileston  Benjamin  L.  planemaker,  h.  75  Front 
Tileston  Harvey,  confectioner,  49  Hanover 
Tileston  Otis,  dry  goods,  174  Washington,  h.  May 
Tileston  Thomas,  house  23  Purchase 
Tileston  Timothy,  planemaker,  54,  house  75  Front 
Tileston  Timothy,  jr.  planemaker,  house  near  18  Ash 
Tileston  William  H.  house  3  Derne 
Tillson  David,  slater.  Friend  below  Travers 
Tillson  John,  shoe  stock,  44  N.  Market,  house  48  Poplar 
Tillson  Maria,  dressmaker,  276  Washington 
Tilson  Joseph,  instructer,  house  1  Pitts 
Tilt  Benjamin,  silk  weaver,  705,  h.  706  Washington 
Tilton  Benjamin,  dry  goods,  36  Central 
Tilton  Dearborn  W.  painter,  house  1  Orange 
Tilton  Ebenezer,  housewriglit.  Silver 
Tilton  John  P.  truckman,  boards  123  Purchase 
Timmins  Henry,  house  11  Mount  Vernon 
Timmins  Martin,  handcartman.  Friend  near  Travers 
Timmons  Henry,  teamster,  h.  Medford 


Timoney  Dennis,  clerk,  boards  Theatre  alley 

Timson  John,  jr.  stove  Iritiitner,  house  Brookllr.c 

Tinkham  Jeremiah,  captain,  44  F'ayette 

Tinkham  Sylvanus,  viclual'r,  123  Camhr.  h.  1  Southac  ct. 

Tirrell  Arteinas,  coal.  Cross,  h.  10  Stilhnan 

Tirrell  Cynthia  C.  dressmaker,  Belknap  cor.  Myrtle 

Tirrell  Edward  C.  shoe  store,  26  Ann,  house  rear  do. 

Tirrell  Isaac,  boxmaker,  Front,  h.  4  Blake's  court 

Tirrell  John  {Fay  &  T.),  house  3  Nassau 

Tirrell  Oakes,  boxmaker,  Front,  ii.  3  Blake's  court 

Tirrell  Samuel  L.  99  Charter  ^ 

Tirrell  Thomas,  shoes,  47  North  Market,  h.  9  Friend 

Tirrell  Tliomas  A.  shoes,  47  N.  Market,  h.  7  Sturiris  pi. 

Tisdale  (Mace)    &   Hevvins   (5.  K),    hides  and   leather, 

1  Long  wharf.     T.'s  house  15  Rowe  place 
Titcomb  Ephraim,  shipping  office,  72  Broad,  h.  117  Purch. 
Titcomb  George,  school,  5  Haskins  build   h.  1  Garland  pi. 
Titcomb  Robert,  pianoforte  maker,  h.  Gorham  place 
Titcomb  Samuel  B.  house  Elliot  near  Carver 
Titcomb  Stephen,  starch  maker,  11  Lyman  place,  house 

G  Myrtle  court 
Titcomb  Stephen  H.  clothing  store,  75  Broad 
Titus  Benjaaiin,  plasterer,  10  JMilton 
Tobey  Edward  S.     See  P.  &  S.  Sprague  &  Co. 
Tobey  Lemuel,  house  2  Grove 
Tobey  Joseph,  housewright,  4th  street 
Toby  Joseph,  laborer,  house  Creek  square 
Todd  Catherine,  widow  of  Jacob,  85  Purchase 
Todd  Charles  H.  importer  French  goods,  55  Congress, 

boards  9  Central  court 
Todd  Frederick  A.  55  Congress 
Todd  Nancy  S.  dressmaker,  2  Elliot  court 
Todd  Thos.,  W.  L  goods,  146,  h.  150  Pleasant 
Tolman  Adeline,  dressmaker,  585  Washington 
Tolman  Christopher,  paperstainer,  house  20  Cross 
Tolman  Henry,  painter,  h.  487  Washington 
Tolman  James  (jMacomber  <^  T.),  boards  27  Somerset 
Tolman  John,  clerk,  boards  14  La  Grange  place 
Tolman  Nath'l,  furniture,  380  &  384  Wash.  h.  11  Oak 
Tolman  Nathaniel,  housewright,  h.  1  Cedar  st.  court 
Tolman  Rachael,  nurse,  585  Washington 
Tombs  Michael,  99  F.  H.  market,  h.  20  Temple 
Tomlinson  James,  cordwainer,  h.  S.  Cedar  n.  Church 
Tonilinson  John  H.  house  Sumner  East  Boston 
Tompkins  Abel,  books,  32  Cornhill,  h.  36  Tremont 


Tompkins   (/.   S.)   &   Housely  (George),  coppersmiths, 

21  Union.     T.'s  house  33  Salem 
Tompkins  John  S.  spect.  man.  54  Cornhill,  h.  36  Trem. 
Tompkins  Lemuel,  collector,  h.  S.  (^edar  cor.  Church 
Tompkins  Mary,  widow,  op.  29  Tremont  near  Wasli. 
Toohey  Mary,  Ann  corner  Cross 
Toomy  Catherine,  widow,  house  Spear  alley 
Topliff  Benjamin,  liouse  26  Purchase 
Topliff  Samuel   &   Benjamin,   reading  and    news  room, 

City  Hall.     S.  T.'s  h.  32  Washinj^ton  place 
Torbetl  Charles  VV.  engraver,  house  Norfolk  place 
Torpey  Timothy,  bottler,  house  84  Sea 
Torrey  Charles,  broker,  49  State,  house  42  Hiijh 
Torrey  Eliza,  widow  of  Ebenezer  O.  h.  6  Unity 
Torrey  G.  VV.,  VV.  I.  goods,  25  S.  Market,  h.  Frank.  H. 
Torrey  Hammond,  house  47  Leveret 
Torrey  Havilen,  30  Wash.  h.  124  Charles 
Torrey  John  G.  house  53  Federal 
Torrey  Joseph,  grocer,  house  43  Salem 
Torrey  Joseph  G.     See  Adams  &  T. 
Torrey  Manassah  C.   portrait  painter,  2   Graphic  court, 

house  3  Howard 
Torrey  Samuel  &  John  G.  merchants,  61  State 
Torrey  Samuel,  house  102  Tremont 
Tolhill  William,  tailor,  29,  house  31  Brattle 
Totrnan  Isaac,  jr.  housewright,  h.  58  Pinckney 
Touig  Thomas,  laborer,  104  Broad 
Tower  D.  B.  teacher,  Bennet  school 
Tower  Elisha,  gilder,  house  15  Centre 
Tower  Elizabeth,  widow,  32  Fayette 
Tower  Job,  grocer,  654  VVash.  h.  Suffolk  n.  Dover 
Tower  Levi,  mason,  house  3  Blossom  ct. 
Tower  Nichols,  mason,  h.  3  Myrtle  court 
Towie  (Abraham)  >Sc  Jackson   (Ezra   S.),  housewrights, 

72Merrimac,  h.  31  Brattle 
Towle  Lsaac,  carpenter,  Oliver,  h.  4  Hartford  place 
Towle  John,  laborer,  h.  Barrett 
Towle  Lyman,  house  17  Salem 
Towle  Newel,  house  31  Garden 
Towle  Orel,  hats,  29  Hanover 
Town  Edmund,  laborer,  44  Green 
Town  Luther  (Harmon  Sf  T.),  house  Bennet  place 
Towne  John,  gas  works,  house  2  Snowhill 
Towns  Lydia,  widow  of  Solomon,  capt.  h.  31  Orange 


Towne  Orr  N.  hat  store,  34  Elm 

Tovvne  VV.  B   clerk,  85  Kin>y,  boards  at  American  H. 

^\)vviies  (jicorire,  mariner,  Battery 

Tovvnsend  (^liristuplier  F.  pianofurte  maker,  h.  Dedliam 

Townseiul  David,  couris-dlor,  3  Slate,  b'ds  130  Plensant 

Townsend  David,  jr.,  W.   I.  goods,  459  &   461   Wash. 

house  26  Harvard 
Townsend  David  S.  paymaster  U.  S.  army,  141  Pleasant 
Tovvnsend  Elbridge,  housewri^iht,  65  Charter 
Townsend  Eliza,  house  5  Hawkins 
Townsend  Elmer,  h.  2  VV.  Cedar 
Townsend  {Henry  B.)  &.  T.ippan  {John  G.),  French  g'ds, 

75  Stale  cor.  Kill)y.     Townsend's  h.  12  Avon  pi. 
Tovvnsend  Isaac   P.  &  Co.  {.Ilfred    Wmsor),  merchants, 

23  Commercial  vvf.  h.  62  Boylsion 
Townsend  Judith  B.  house  rear  22  N.  Russell 
Townsend  Sal  I}',  grocer,  Essex  corner  Front 
Tovvnsend  Satnuel,  housewright,  h.  rear  67  Charier 
Townsend  Solomon  D.  physician,  18  Somerset 
Townsend  Thomas,  housewright,  Avery,  h.  1  Mason 
Townsend  \V.  S.  clerk,  52  Chatham,  h.  2  VV.  Cedar 
Tozer  Samuel,  truckman,  house  75  Elliot 
Tracy  Charles,  housewright,  house  6  Southac  court 
Tracy  Joseph,  editor  Boston  Recorder,  9  Cornhill 
Tracy  Mary,  widow,  h.  rear  41  Congress 
Tracy  Nathaniel,  weigher  and  guager.  Custom  House 
Train  Enoch   &  Co.  {E.  N.  Train),  merchants,  50  Com- 
mercial vvf.  h.  70  Ml.  Vernon 
Trainer  Michael,  laborer,  Theatre  alley 
Traip  Robert  VV.  dry  goods,  39  Wash.  h.  28  Hancock 
Trask  Asa,  shipcarpenter,  h.  9  Richmond 
Trask  Benjamin,  mason,  house  42  Warren 
Trask  Edw.  merchant,  45  L(jng  wf  b'ds  22  T^a  Grange  pi. 
Trask  Elijah,  bar  room,  43  Brattle,  h.  80  Prince 
Trask  Elijah,  jr.  tailor,  45  Brattle,  h.  58  Poplar 
Trask  James',  h.  110  Warren 
Trask  James  I.  housewright,  h.  17  Blossom 
Trask  John,  blacksmith,  h.  2  Vine 
Trask  Joseph,  shoemaker,  h.  r.  5  N.  Margin 
Trask  Wm.  laborer,  rear  Church  near  the  rail  road 
Treadwell  John,  cabinetmaker,  Atkinson,  h.  15  do. 
Treadwell  John,  laborer,  h.  5  Lvman  place 
Treadwell    {Mnscs)   &.    Kendall"  {H.  A.),  W.  I.  goods, 

1-4  Commercial 
Treinere  John  B.  wharfinger  Sargent's  wf.  h.  189  Hanov. 


Tremfett  Jnim  B.  2G  Foster's  vvf.  h.  9  Soutliac 

Tremlett  Thomas,  counting  room,  2G  Foster's  wharf 

Trench  George,  mariner,  op.  4  E=;sex  place 

Trench  Hannah  R.  4!J  Prince 

Trench  Hannah,  widow  of  Othniel,  h.  2  Henchman  lane 

Trench  Sarah,  widow  of  Othniel,  h.  8  Tileslou 

Trescott  Eben.  constable,  2  Franklin  av.  h.  G4  Purchase 

Trescott  Elijah,  jr.  shoes,  171   Washington 

Triplett  Wm.  E.  cooper,  109  Commercial,  h.  3  Barllett 

Troffiter  Edward,  machinist,  h.  Turnpike  c.  Broadway 

Trott  Edward,  stucco  worker,  22  S.  Russell 

Trolt  Elizabeth  Jane,  widow,  5  Milton    place 

Trott  Elizabeth,  widow,  14  South  Bennet 

Trott  {George)  &  Bumstead  {John),  mer.  40  S.  Market 

Trott  George,  house  32  Winter 

Trott    {Charles   E.)  &  Bigelow   {Josiah),  druggists,  128 

State,  h.  6  Howard 
Trott  Jonathan,  clerk  Union  Bank,  h.  14  South  Bennet 
Trott  Peter  {Currier  it,  T.),  h.  Essex  court 
Troup  Alexander,  housewright,  h.  1  Alden  ct. 
Troup  William,  dry  goods,  50  Hanover,  h.  1  Alden  ct. 
Trout  William,  baker,  16  East 
Trow  Richard,  harnessmaker,  h.  355  Wasliington 
Trowbridge  Almarin,  clerk  Union  Bank,  b'ds  5  Mason 
Trowbridge  Edmund,  housewright,  h.  Brighton  n.  Poplar 
Trowbridge  James,  h.  22  Bridge 
True  Benjamin,    printer,   19  Water,   house   1  Portland. 

See  advertisement 
True  William  M.  {Skinner  ^  T.),  h.  27  Somerset 
Trueman  Jane,  house   199  Hanover 
Trueman  Robert,  house  3  West  Cedar 
Trull  Aaron,  distiller,  house  rear  81  Tremont 
Trull  Charles,  h.  Alden  lane  corner  Sudbury 
Trull  Ezra,  distiller,  junction  of  Merrimac  and  Portland, 

house  Alden  lane 
Trull  Ezra,  jr.  distiller,  Merrimac,  boards  at  Ezra  T.'s 
Trull  Frederi<;k,  grocer,  Salem  corner  Charter 
Trull  John  {Barnard  &  T.),  h.  9  Hawkins 
Trull  John  F.  house  67  Chambers 
Trull  J.  W.,  Pres.  North  Bank,  h.  29  Beacon 
Trull  Silas,  W.  I.  goods,  Salem,  house  109  do. 
Trumbull  Abigail,  widow,  h.  Butolph  near  Cambridge 
Trumbull  James,  lampliiihter,  Essex  cor.  Peck  lane 
Trumbull  William,  liouse  15  Ash 


Truss  Jfimes,  mariner,  127  Broad 

Tubbs  Benjamin,  iron  founder,  1st  street 

Tucker  Alanson,  jr.  counsellor,  4  State,  h.2  Q,uincy  pi. 

Tucker  Charles  L.  {Win.  T.  8^"  Sons),  h.  Rowe  place 

Tucker  Charles  C.  C.  (R.  D.  Tucker  \^  Son),  h.  4  High 

Tucker  Eleanor,  widow  of  Nathaniel,  2  Quincy  place 

Tucker  Elisha  G.  dentist,  house  18  Milk 

Tucker  Henry,  clerk,  house  2  Second  st.  ct. 

Tucker  James,  laborer,  Pleasant  near  Tremont 

Tucker  James,  handcartman.  Cross 

Tucker  John,  boards  at  Exchange 

Tucker  John  C.  whitewasher,  h.  Castle  n.  Middlesex 

Tucker  John  C.  h.  rear  48  Merrimac 

Tucker  Joseph  C.  guager,  29  India,  h.  Lafayette  Hotel 

Tucker  Joshua,  dentist,  house  145  Tremont 

Tucker  Lyman,  house  rear  Castle 

Tucker  Lyman,  jr.  turner,  Tremont  near  AVarren,  house 

10  1-2  Fayette 
Tucker  Mehitable,  house  1  Ballard  place 
Tucker  Rebecca,  widow  of  Wm.  h.  20  Friend 
Tucker  Richard  D.  «&  Son  (Charles  C.  C),  second  store 

above  the  arch,  Lidia  wf  h.  58  Summer 
Tucker  Seth,  clerk,  house  rear  Boylslon  near  Carver 
Tucker  Thomas  J.  house  6  Garden 

Tucker  William  &  Sons  {Wm.  K.  &    Charles  L.),  mer- 
chants, 37  &  38  Central  wf  h.  Rowe  place 
Tucker  Wm.  K.  (Wm.  T.  &  Sons),  house  Rowe  place 
Tucker  Zephaniah,  house  rear  50  Essex 
Tuckerman  Abraham,  10  Province  House  court 
Tuckerman  Edward,  5  Kilby,  huuse  33  Beacon 
Tuckerman  Gustavus  {W  &  G.  T.).  h.  15  Franklin  pi. 
Tuckerman  Henry  H.  merchant,  G87  Washingtpn 
Tuckerman  John,  house  30  Spring 
Tuckerman  Joseph,  Rev.  4  Mount  Vernon  place 
Tuckerman   VV^m.  &.   Gustavus,  hardware,  Milk   corner 

Tuckerman  William,  house  3  Bulfinch  place 
Tudor  Frederick,  merchant,  20  Court 
Tufis  Amos,  jr.  wharfinger.  Brown's  wharf 
Tufts  Asa,  cordwainer,  house  Snowhill 
Tufts  Charles,  9  Brimmer's  T  ^ 
Tufls  Charles,  mason,  house  5  Sturgis  place 
Tufis  Eliza,  widow  of  Ebenezer,  39  Charter 
Tufts  Francis,  distiller,  58  Essex 
Tufis  Gardner,  collector  bills,  &c.  58  Essex 


Tufts  Hannah,  widow,  58  Essex 

Tufts  James  (./.  Fullerton  &,  Co.),  house  20  Green 

Tufts  John,  carpenter,  house  5  Svveetser  court 

Tufts  Margaret,  widow,  73  Warren 

Tufts  Natlianiel,  tinphite    worker,  Bhickstone 

Tufts  Otis,  machinist,  Bromfield.  h.4  Province  H.  court 

Tufts  Quincy,  English  goods,  105  Wash.  h.  8  Pearl 

Tufts  William,  Sec.  Mass.  Mutual  Insurance  Company 

Tufts  Willi:ini,  paper  ruler,  house  5  Sewall  place 

Tufts  Wilham,  clerk  Sec.  State's  office,  h.  50  Leveret 

Tulley  Francis,  painter,  house  2  Piedmont 

Tullock   William    S.   clerk  Franklin    Hemp  and    Flax 

Man.  Co.  Plymouth 
Turish  William,  lahorer,  rear  19  Sea 
Turner  Ahby  D.  tailoress,  house  1  Marston  place 
Turner  Alice,  widow,  house  Carroll  place 
Turner  Azro,  lookingglass  frame  maker,  h.  84  Prince 
Turner  Charles,  ironfounder.  Haverhill,  h.  3  Sheafe 
Turner  Cornelius,  caulker,  Hanover  avenue 
Turner  Elizabeth,  dressmaker,  296  Washington 
Turner  Israel,  saddler,  119  Cambridge,  h.  81  Court 
Turner  James,  shoemaker,  rear  140  Pleasant 
Turner  Job,  bricklayer.  12  North  Bennet 
Turner  John,  mariner.  Henchman  lane 
Turner  John  N.  {Davis,  Bates  &,  T.),  b'ds  6  Otis  place 
Turner  Joshua,  huusewright,  15  Harvard  place 
Turner  Joshua,  jr.  housewright,  house  21  Merrimac 
Turner  Lois,  widow,  rear  45  Sea 
Turner  Margaret,  widow,  1  Lowell  place 
Turner  Mary,  nurse,  695  Washington 
Turner  Nancy,  widow,  rear  110  Sea 
Turner  Otis,  teller  Hamilton  Bank,  house  1  Tileston 
Turner  Paul  S.  housewright,  Canal 
Turner  Porter  G.  currier,  Fulton 
Turner  Sally,  rear  Snowhill 
Turner  Sarah,  5  1-2  Hawkins 
Turner  Thomas,  cordwainer,  19  Summer 
Turner  William,  grocer,  104  Broad,  h.  14  Wash,  place 
Turner  Williams,  chair  painter,  South  Russell 
Turpin  John  P.  collector,  house  2  Jefferson  place 
Tuttle  Cornelius  W.  housewright,  h.  rear  S.  Cedar 
Tuttle  Edward,  baker,  328  Ann  and  80  Salem 
Tuttle  Eliza,  widow  of  John  W.  house  G5  Charter 
Tuttle  (Hugh  H.),  Weeks  [Wni.  Jl)  «fc  Dennett  {C.  B.), 

printers,  School.     T.'s  h.  54  Allen 


TiJttle  Jededinh,  bouse  93  Summer 
Tiittle  John,  blacksinitli,  4  Braltlo  sq   I).  53  Porthmd 
Turtle  {Samuel,  jr.)  &  Joru-s  ( IVm.).  sail   l.'ft,  7d  Com- 
mercial.    T.'s  ii.  2(5  Prince 
Twist  Solomon,  10  North   Russell 

Twitchell  Josppli,  wood  wharf,  rear  East,  h.  2  Oliverpl. 
^^volnbiy  Alexan.  H.  hardware,  4  Union,  h.  G7  Summer 
Twonibly  Wm.  h.  Purchase  cor.  Belcher  lane 
Tyler  Asa,  house  Butolph  cor.  Cambridge 
Tyler  Geo.  W.  auctioneer,  42  Commercial 
Tyler  Jabez,  mariner,  Dedham 
T\!er  John,  merchant,  t)  Central  vvf.  h.  5  Rowe  place 
'jN  !(M-  John,  jr.  merchant,  9  Central  wf.  h.  5  Rowe  place 
Tyler  Jolin    S.  &  William   C.  brokers,   63  State.     J.  S. 

T.'s  house  Bowdoin 
Tyler  Laban  A.  binder,  h.  Turnpike 
Tyler  William,  Rev.  h.  cor.  Federal  and  Franklin  place 
T\  ler  William  F.  jr.  ropemaker,  h.  rear  660  Wash. 
'J\ylcr  William  N.  ropemaker,  h.  E  st.  near  Broadway 
Tylor  Sully,  widow,  boarding,  256  Hanover 

UART  MICHAEL,  house  109  Ann 

LJInian  Jacob,  housewright,  Marlboro'  place,  h.  Church 

Ulman  Maria,  wid(jw,  Piedmont  near  Church 

Ulman  Wm.  binder,  232  Wash.  h.  Piedmont  n.  Church 

Underbill  Samuel  G.  smith,  Beverly,  house  93  Pond 

Underwood  Jesse,  laborer,  opposite  15  Ash 

Underwood  Joseph,  mason,  2d  street 

Underwood  Nathan,  laborer,  opposite  15  Ash 

Underwood  Robert,  cordwainer,  95  Charier 

Underwood  William  &  Co.  (fV.  K.  Lctcis),(J7  Broad,  and 

4  Battery  march,  h.  5  Morton  place 
Unruh  Joseph  B.  silverplater,  3  Brornfield,  h.  243  Wash, 
Upham  Melinda,  widow,  house  61  Charier 
Upham  Samuel  E.  handcartman,  Commerci?.] 
Upham  Alfred  W.  auctioneer,  12  City  wf.  h.  11  Bulfineh 
Upham  Charles,  victualler,  head  Hancock  wharf 
Upham  Charles  &  Thos.  W^  I.  goods,  433  Washington, 

house  27  Bcylston 
Upham  Henry  {Searle  S^'-  U.),  h.  47  Mount  Vernon 
Upham  Pbineas,  h.  23  Mount  Vernon 
Upjohn  Richard,  architect,  47  Court,  h.  4  Myrtle  court 
Uran  Joseph,  weigher  and  giiager.  Com.  h.236  Hanover 
Urann  Richard,  patent  flooring  estab.  rear  746  Wasiiing. 


Urquhart  Alexander,  1  Otis  place 
Usher  Hannali,  widow  of  William,  house  4th  street 
Utley  Parley,  stable,  19  Hanover,  h.  5  Derne 
Uxford  Henry,  mariner,  Henchman  lane 

VALENTINE   CHARLES   &  Co.  {A.    Chamberlain), 

merchants,  12  Long  wharf 
Valentine  E.  school,  27  Joy's  buildinir,  h.  5  Brattle  sq. 
Valentine  J.  G.  upholsterer,  74  Wash.  h.  3  N.  Russell 
Valentine  John  J.  merchant,  15  Commer.  h.  31  Federal 
Valentine  J.  Y.  15  Commercial,  boards  11  1-2  Atkinson 
Vallette  Mary  M.  dry  goods,  167  Court,  h.  15  Hancock 
Van  Wart,  Son  &  Co.  commis.  merchants,  5  Doane 
Van  Wormer  (John)  &  Ashley  (Luke),   house   and   ship 

joiners.  Broad  n.  Purch,    Van  W.  b'ds  14  Batterym. 
Vannevar  Alex.  coop.  &  ins.  Sargent's  wf.  h.  (J  N.  Beniiet 
Vannevar  George,  housewright,  George,  h.  9  Hull 
Vannevar  James,  cooper,  h.  233  Hanover 
Vans  William,  h.  rear  G50  Washington 
Vansavv  John,  laborer,  4th  street 
Varney  Abigail,  widow,  40  iVince 

Varnum  Nath'l  J.  morocco  dresser,  h.  r.  Dedham  n.  SufF. 
Vaugh  William,  stonecutter.  East,  h.  rear  81  Sea 
Vaughan  James,  carpenter,  110  Sea 
Vaughan  Samuel,  housewright,  h.  16  Boylston  square 
Vaughan  William,  housewright,  h.  1  South  May 
Veasey  Thomas,  stonecutter,  h.  7  Friend  street  place 
Veasey  George  W.  bras.>ifounder,  h.  14  Castle 
Veazie  Antonio,  rigger,  h.  7  Bartlett 
Veazie  Charles,  shoe  store,  257  Washington,  h.  do. 
Veazie  Elijah  (Hunt  <^  V.),  h.  100  Sea 
Veazie  Joseph  A.  druggist,  11  Broad,  b'ds  24  Leveret 
Veazie  Rebecca,  Carroll  place 
Veazie  Susannah,  widow,  31  Thacher 
Vega  Antonio  G.  Span.  Con.  20  Joy's  build,  h.  Trem.  H. 
Veber  John,  wheelwright,  h.  10  Grove 
Verder  Daniel,  painter,  h.  S.  Russell  cor.  Cambridge 
Verge  Joseph,  cooper,  Hanover 
Very  Theodore  K.  blacksniith,  Charlestown 
Vesterman  Frederick,  baker,  Tremont  corner  Canton 
Veritress  Magnus,  shipjoiner,  h.  3d  street  n.  Dorchester 
Vialle  Stephen,  jr.  cordwainer,  Tileston  corner  Unity 
Vickars  Francis,  stevedore,  114  1-2  Broad 
Vickerman  Ann,  milliner,  4th  street 
Vila  James,  wool,  Batli,  h.  22  Beacon 


Vila  Josepli,  wool  and  domestic  goods,  63  Kilby 

Viles  (j\atha7i)  &  Allans  (Henry),  VV.  I.  goods,  37  S. 
Market.     Viles's  li.  Vl  Hnyward  place 

Vilnov  Sarah,  widow,  Clark  alh^y 

Viliiow  Peter,  caulker  and  graver,  rear  65  Charter 

Vinal  Ezra,  painter,  78  Commercial 

Vinal  (Gideon)  &  Sons  (Jjlbert  4/-  Gideon,  jr.),  lumber 
wf.  near  the  Canal,  Causeway,  h,  16  Poplar 

Vinal  Gideon,  jr.  h.  1!)  Poplar 

Vinal  (Nathaniel)  &  Johnson  (Otis),  grain  and  flour,  46 
and  47  Commercial 

Vinal  Nathaniel,  house  47  Portland 

Vinal  Otis,  merchant,  42  Long  wf.  h.  39  Hancock 

Vinal  (Robert)  &  Blanchard  (Wm.jr.)  flour,  17  Com.  wf. 

Vinal  Spencer  J.    See  Edgerly,  V.  &  Co. 

Vincent  Anna,  widow,  house  Carver 

Vincent  G.  \V.  captain,  Broadway 

Vincent  Isaac,  laborer,  Gibbs  lane 

Vincent  Mercy,  widow,  laundress,  rear  88  Warren 

Vincent  William  E.  clerk  in  the  State  Bank 

Vinson  Tho's  M.  weigher  and  gua.Cus.  H.  h.  Broadway 

Vinto  John,  cooper,  h.  North  Margin 

Vinto  Samuel,  cooper,  h.  S.  Cedar,  near  Church 

Vinton  Edward,  house  21  Somerset 

Vinton  Elisha,  dry  goods,  403  Wash.  h.  100  Tremont 

Vinton  George  &  Co.  (IV.  V.  Mden),  domestic  goods,  18 
Kilby.     Vinton's  h.  10  JVewton  place 

Vinton  George  W.  confectioner.  87,  house  85  Court 

Vinton  Josiah,  jr.  h.  B  street 

Vinton  Sarah,  boarding  house,  17  Pearl 

Vite  Joseph,  dealer  in  alabaster,  boards  48  Milk 

Voax  James  li.  bookbinder,  h.  7  Tileston 

Voax  Sarah,  widow  of  James,  7  Tileston 

Volentine  JNalhaniel,  rear  142  Pleasant 

Von  Hagen  P.  A.  instructer  of  music,  32  Fayette 

Vose  Abraham,  truckman,  55  Elliot 

Vose  Charles,  merchant,  11  Rogers's  building 

Vose  Charles  H.  niason,  house  604  Washington 

Vose  Ebenezer  &  Co.  (Ji.  T.  Newell),  shoes,  379  Wash. 

Vose  Edward  A.  painter,  head  of  Railway 

Vose  Elisha  &  Joshua,  hatters,  96  Water  and  559  Wash- 
ington, h.  559  Washington 

Vose  Jamt;s  VV.  grocer,  284  Washington,  h.  20  Harvard 

Vose  John,  housewriglit,  h.  rear  759  Washington 

Vose  John,  jr.  teamster,  h.  South  May 

364  DirtECTORY.  * 

Vose  Josopii  (Ciishmun  ^  V.),  house  43  Prince 

Vose  Joshua  {Elisha  ^  J.  F".),  Ii.  lOTreinont  n.  Wash. 

Voso  Jusiah,  h    50'J  VVa^^hington 

Vose  NathaiiH^I  D.  tnilkriian,  759  Wasliington 

Vose  Satnijt'l  D.  teamster,  3  Carney  place 

Vose  Tiioiiias,  merchant,  21  Commercial  wf.  h.  22  Elliot 

Vose  Thomas  B.  com.   mer.  98  Water,  li.  75  IMt.  Vernon 

Vuckley  James,  brassfounder,  h.  rear  2  Province 

WADE  (ABRAJLUI)  &  HUNT   (ALBERT),  shoes,  9 

Summer.     W.'s  h.  4  Norfolk  place 
Wade  Charles,  \vat(lim'ilver,9  Commercial 
Wade  Charles,  broUer,  2  Merchants  row,  cor.  State 
Wade  Eben  H.  (J.  Askton  4'  Co.),  boards  1  Somerset  ct. 
Wade  Jotham,  mason,  b.  11  Leveret 
Wade  John,  jr.  attorney,  b.  18  Winter 
Wade  John,  laborer,  h.  217  Ann 
Wade  John,  captain.  Commercial 
Wade  Joseph  F.     See  Snow  &  W. 
Wade  Levi,  housewrlght,  47  Boylston 
Wade  Mary  Ann,  widow,  h.  Leveret  ct. 
Wade  {mdlil)  &.  Middlelon   {Titos.),  dry  goods,  369  1-2 

Washington.     W.'s  li.  '^\)  Fayette 
Wadleigh  Albra,  bouse  89  Summer 
Wadleigh  G.  F.  R.  shoe  slock,  13  Elm,  h.  Thacher 
Wadleigh  {Isaiah),  Badger  (D.  D.)  &  Co.  (J.  B.  Holvies), 

blacksmiths.  Cross  c.  Ful'on.     W.'s  h.  2  Leveret  ct. 
Wadleigh  James,  gilder,  Soulh  Russell 
Wiidley  (Jona.)  &  Cowley  {Chns.  C.^,  housew'ts,  C  st. 
Wadsvvorih  Ale.^iander,  surveyor,  rear  60  State 
Wadsvvortli  G.  P.  painier,  82  Commercial,  h.  46  Union 
Wadsworth  Seth,  FnUdn  House,  Cross  cor.  Fulton 
W<idsworth  Wiswell,  boatman,  h.  (5  Slillman 
Wainvvright  Elizabeth,  nurse,  90  Federal 
Wainwright  Henry,  mer.  25  Cent.  wf.  h.  2  Mt.  Vernon  pi. 
Wainwrigbt  Jonathan  M.  Rev.  h   ]4  Summer 
Wait  Richai'd  G.  clerk  Conunon  Council,  City  Hall 
Wait  Thomas  C.  (Adams  &■  IV.),  h.  3  Champney  place 
Waiie  Thomas,  ir)nholder,  Province  H.  r.  105  Washing. 
Waitt  Asbbell.     See  Reynolds  &  \V . 
Waitt  George  P.  painter,  h.  2  Piedmont 
V/aitt  Henry,  shoes  *.V  leather,  lOU  Water,   h.  W.  Cedar 
Waitt  Lsaac  B    cordwainer,  5  School,  h.  Causeway 
Waitt  Jacob,  shoes  and  leather,  100  Water 
Waitt  Kendall  B.  housewright,  Commer.  h.  6Q  Pond 

»  '         DIRECTORY.  365 

Wakefeild  Terence,  h.  5  Newton  place 

Wakefield  Si.  Co.  {Cxjrus  &  Enoch  H.),  W.  I.  goods,  85 

Walcott  Aaron,  wlieelw't,  Tileston's  wf.  h.  7  South  st.  pi. 
Walcott  Josiah,  painter,  h.  54  Union 
Walcutt  Charles,  housevvright,  Haverhill,  h.  90  Ann 
Walcutt  {Lfiicis)  &  Cook  {Moses),  truckmen,  Long  wf. 

W.'s  house  75  Elliot 
Waldo  Henry  S.  merchant,  h.  2  Somerset  place 
Waldo  William  T.  boards  37  Purchase 
Waldock  James,  tailor,  342  Washington,  h.  do. 
Waldock  William,  laborer,  Market  place 
Waldren  Margaret,  widow,  12  Derne 
Waldron  Horatio  G.     See  Burgess  &  W. 
Waldron  John,  crock,  ware,  40  Broad,  h.  104  Chambers 
Waldron  Samuel,  h.  31  Vine 

Waldron  Samuel  W.  {Taylor  &,  W.),  h.  38  Chambers 
Wales  Amasa,  hats,  10  Washington 
Wales  Samuel,  10  Faneuil  Hall  market,  house  7  Friend 
Wales  Samuel  &  Co.  {Sam.  Wales,  jr.  Thos.  H.  WiUiams 

&  A.  JV  Moore),  dry  goods,  49  Kilby 
Wales  Samuel,  jr.  h.  5G  Federal 
Wales  Thomas  B.  &  Co.  {muh'l   H.   Emmons  &  T.  B. 

IV.  jr.),  Wales's  wf.  Sea.     W.'s  h.  24  Winter 
Wales  Thomas  C.  boots  and  shoes,  195  Washington 
Walker  Aaron  G.  h.  40  Brighton 
Walker  Amasa  &  Co.  {E.   C.  Emerson  &  JV.  Harris)^ 

merch.  22  S.  Market,  h.  5  Tremont  place 
Walker  Anna,  h.  Fleet 

Walker  Charles,  94  Faneuil  Hall  market,  h.  20  Thacher 
Walker  Charles  E.  leather,  37  N.  Mark.  h.  51  Leveret 
Walker  Cornelius,  teacher  in  Wells  school 
Walker  Daniel,  truckman,  h.  12  Pitts 
Walker  Edward  B.  house  Hull 

Walker  Elisha,  housewright.  house  rear  142  Pleasant 
Walker  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Ezekiel,  55  Warren 
Walker  Eliza,  widow,  boarding,  9  Central  court 
Walker  Ezra,  grocer,  Bedford  corner  Short 
Walker  Ira,  laborer,  house  76  Summer 
Walker  James,  cordwainer,  5th  street 
Walker  James  R.     See  Nathaniel  Whiting  &  Co. 
Walker  Jane,  widow,  S.  Cedar  cor.  Church 
Walker  John,  silverplatc  worker,  house  89  High 
Walker  John,  tinplate  worker,  h.  rear  41  Pond 
Walker  Lawrence,  house  28  Hancock 

366  DIRECTORY.  * 

Walker  Mary  R.  12  Oak 

Walker  Matthew,  pianofortemaker,  li.  Dedliam 

Walker  Moses  W.  scliuul,  Hawkins,  house  0  Vernon 

Walker  Nancy,  widow  of  Hamilton,  rear  104  Purchase 

Walker  Richard  J.  housewright,  h.  G  Pleasant  st.  court 

Walker  Robert,  laborer,  90  Broad 

Walker  Samuel,  school.  Leveret  court 

Walker  Susan,  widow,  rear  411  Washington 

Walker  S.  A.  dry  goods,  46  N.  Market,  Ji.  McLean  ct. 

Walker  Theo.  W.  hardw.  30  Dock  sq.  h.  1  Hancock  av. 

Walker  Thomas,  rigger,  h.  (iO  Purchase 

Walker  Warner,  Tliacher  court 

Walker  William  S.,  U.  S.  Navy,  house  13  Orange 

Walkins  Edwin  E.  cordwainer,  h.  4th  street 

Wall  Edward,  surveyor,  h.  12  Whaif 

Wall  John,  laborer,  108  Broad 

Wall  John,  moulder,  A  street 

Wall  Martin,  laborer,  Salutation 

Wall  Michael,  tallow  chandler,  rear  794  Washington 

Wall  Nicholas,  laborer,  rear  91  Broad 

Wallace  James,  marble  polisher,  h.  May  cor.  Garden 

Wallace  James,  pianofortemaker,  h.  r.  752  Washington 

Wallace  Jerome.     See  Palmer  &  W. 

Wallace  Robert  {Samuel  Parsons  ^  Co.),  b'ds  Amer.  H. 

Wallace  Sarah,  widow,  h.  8  Prince 

Wallcut  Thomas,  rear  4  Orange  lane 

Walley  Charles,  house  37  Hancock 

Walley  Samuel  H.  house  14  Beacon 

Walley  Samuel  H.  jr.  eoun.,  treas.  Sav.  Bank,  5  Wash. 

house  5  Sianiford 
Wallis  Ann,  widow,  74  Warren 
Wallis  Mordecai  L.  mason,  45  Poplar 
Wallis  Nancy,  widow,  52  Elliot 
Wallis  Thomas,  housewright,  h.  84  Broad 
Wallis  Thomas,  baker,  h.  G  Devonshire 
Wallis  William,  mason,  h.  rear  C  May 
Walmsley  Henry,  plasterer,  rear  55  Warren 
Walsh  John,  counsellor,  23  Court 
Walsh  Richard,  stucco  factory,  Brighton,  h.  17  do. 
Walter  Lynde,  merchant,  47  State,  house  58  Belknap 
Walter  Lynde  M.  ed.  Transcript,  10  Exch'ge,  h.  58  Belk. 
Walton  Calvin  (Roberts,  Cooke's,-  IV.),  h.  Bay  n.  Fayette 
Walton  Reuben,  housewright,  h.  23  Second 
Walworth  James  J.  {Scudder,  Park  &  Co.),  h,  4  Derne 
Ward  And.  H.  weigh  and  gua.  Cus.  H.  h.  13  Pearl  pi. 
Ward  Artemas,  leather,  15  N.  Market,  h.  11  Elm 


Ward  Artemas,  Cliief  Justice  C.  C.  P.  h.  6  Park 

Ward  Charles  T.  raerchaiit.  7  India  wharf 

Ward  Daniel,  hiborer,  rear  4G  Pleasant 

Ward  David,  house  207  Hanover 

Ward  Henry  S.  94  Faneuil  Hall  market 

Ward  Holbrook,  h.  10  Purchase 

Ward  .Tolin,  Tljealre  alley 

Ward  Mary,  widow  of  captTiin  William,  212  Hanover 

Ward  Patrick,  laborer,  house  rear  Hamilton 

Ward  Richard,  teller  Atlantic  Bank 

Ward  Samuel  D.  counsellor,  10  Court,  h.  G  Park 

Ward  Thomas  W.  3  Park 

Ward  William  &  Co.  {Josrph    W.  Ward),  druggists,  2G 

India  cor.  Milk,  h.  13  Pearl  place 
Ward  William,  sailmaker.  Commercial  near  Foster 
Ward  William  H.  commis.  mer.  75  Milk,  h.  20  Beacon 
Ward  (TVinthrop)  &  G\ovev  (Joseph  Z?.),  W.  I.  g'ds,  106 

Milk.     VV.'s  h.  70  Poplar 
Warden  Francis,  French  goods,  224  Washington 
Wardwell  George,  inspector  Ci]s.  H.  b'ds  Fulton  House 
Ware  Addison,  messenger  Fulton  Bank,  h.  60  Tremoat 
Ware  Bridget,  wddow,  rear  12  Washington  place 
Ware  Clarissa,  widow,  76  Summer 
Ware  Daniel  L.  painter,  97  Cambridge 
Ware  Edward  Y.  h.  27  Somerset 
Ware  Edwin,  bookbinder,  h.  39  South  RusseTl 
Ware  E.  A.  clerk,  Milk,  opposite  Kilby,  h.  40  High 
Ware  George,  h.  Southac 

Ware  Horatio  G.  grocer,  67  Cambridge,  h.  2  Fruit 
Ware  John,  housewright,  h.  20  Piedmont 
Ware  John,  physician,  h.  3  Hamilton  place 
Ware  Joshua,  clerk,  h.  20  Piedmont 
Ware  Leonard  {Everett  Sf  JV.),  house  77  Elliot 
Ware  Rhoda,  boarding  house.  Mason 
Ware  Sophia,  toy  shop,  322,  house  320  Washington 
Wareham  Olive  T.  h.  5th  street 
Warner  Bela,  W.  I.  goods,  19,  h.  rear  26  Belknap 
Warner  John,  99  Charter 
Warner  Jonathan  E.  cooper,  117  Hanover 
Warner  Richard,  slater,  h.  58  Congress. 
Warner  William,  house  A  street 
Warren  Asa,  musician,  rear  585  Washington 
Warren  Charles,  jew.  Her,  9  Commercial,  h.  41  Portland 
Warren  Charles  4&-  Co.  {Varnum  Warren),  dry  goods,  92 

Hanover,  house  93  Salera 


Warren  Edward,  physician,  13  Montgomery  place 
Warren  George,  marble  cutter,  li.  J02  Tremont 
Warren  Geo.'W.  {Warren  ^^  Brother),  h.  20  Bulfinch 
Warren  Henry,  stonecutter,  h.  33  Thacher 
Warren  &  Brother  (J.  L.  L.  F.  S^-   G.  IV.),  dry  goods, 

85  Washington 
Warren  James,  marble  cutter,  house  op.  18  Carver 
Warren  Jerry,  laborer,  87  Broad 
Warren  John  C.  physician,  2  Park 
Warren  John,  jr.     See  Whittier  &  Warren 
Warren  John,  bookseller,  186  Tremont,  h.  74G  Wash. 
Warren  John  W.  physician,  h.  18  Milk 
Warren  Jonas,  h.  5  Barre  place 
Warren  Joseph  R.  printer,  house  3  Barre  place 
Warren  Josiah,  jr.  cabinet  and  chairmaker,  10  Hawley  pi. 

house  8  Columbia 
Warren  Levi,  wood,  Haverhill,  house  13  Lynde 
Warren  Lydia,  widow,  48  Tremont 
Warren  (Moses)  &,  Roby  (D.),  woo(f  «St  lum.  Haverhill 
Warren  Thomas  (Woodcock  c^,'-  W.),  h.  93  Salem 
Warren  Thomas  {Henderson  «y-  W.),  h.  South  Cedar 
Warren  Thomas  B.  baker,  corner  A  and  4th 
Warren  Thomas  R.  bootmaker,  house  9  Fayette 
Warriner  Rebecca,  h.  55  Pcjrtiand 

Warwick  Thomas,  watchmaker,  123  Wash.  h.  r.  6  Elliot 
Washburn  Abiel,  jr.  dry  goods,  23  Kilby,  h.  57  Bowdoin 
Washburn  Caleb,  cooper,  h.  92  Tremont 
Washburn  Calvin   &  Co.   (./.   M.    Washburn),   English 

goods,  6S  Slate,  h.  2  Allen 
Washburn  James,  shipwright,  house  G6  Charier 
Washburn  Jeremiah  &  Brothers  {Theodore  &/•  William), 

housewrights,  Causeway,  h.  13  Derne 
Washburn  John  M.  {C.  Washburn  Sf  Co.),  h.  C9  Poplar 
Washburn  Salmon,  housewrigljt,  h.  rear  57  Temple 
Washburn  Theodore,  housewriglit,  Causew.  h.  32  Myrtle 
Washburn  W.  R.  P.  counsellor,  G  State,  h.  2  Quincy  pi. 
Waterhouse  William,  clothing,  (3  Clinton 
Waterman  Andrew  T.  sexton,  2  Pitts  place 
Waterman  Anthony,  engineer,  house  1(J8  Pleasant 
Waterman  Melzar,  silk  dyer  and  bookstore,  388  Wash. 
Waterman  Nath'l,  jr.  linplater,  87  Cornhill,  h.  10  Vine 
Waterman  {Thomas),  Jones  {Wm.)  &  Co.  {Cha's  Thorp), 

housewrights,  Barrett.     W.'s  h.  27  Commercial 
Waterman  Thomas,  h.  30  Fayette 
Waters  Ebenezer,  coppersniiiii,  Pond 

DIRECTORY.  -  369 

Waters  Francis  T.  liouse  rear  IVospect 

Waters  Hannah,  dry  goods,  21G  ilanover 

Waters  John,  Sec'y  N.  E.  Marine  Ins.  Co.  h.  26  Elliot 

Waters  Thomas  S.  liairdresser,  4th  street 

Waterston  (Rob.),  Pray  (Isaac  C.)  &  Co.  {John  IV.  Hall)^ 

dry  goods,  71  Kilby.     W.'s  \\.  High  cor.  Oliver 
Waterston  Rol>ert  C.  h.  High  cor.  Oliver 
Wutkins  Keziah,  widow  of  David,  rear  90  Warren 
Watriss  Sylvanus  F.  coachman,  324  Washington 
Watson  Abraham  A.  physician,  4G9  Washington 
Watson  Aclisa,  house  85  Tremont 
Watson  Andrew,  laborer,  Williams  court 
Watson  (David)  &  Bi^sbee  (Thomas),  turners,  Haverhill 
Watson  (Eihcard)  Si,  Brown  (Rob't  J^,  jewellers,  Wash. 

cor.  Milk.     W.'sh.  3  Jefferson  place 
Watson  Elias  D.  Merrimac 
Watson  George,  printer,  house  35  Chambers 
Watson  John,  mariner,  Prince  near  Hanover 
Watson  .John,  tailor,  house  D  near  4th  street  : 

Watson  Martha,  69  Tremont 
Watson  Thomas,  trunk  maker,  house  Clark 
Watson  Thomas,  laborer,  h.  3  Sister 
Watson  Wilham,  laborer,  125  Broad 
Watson  William,  dry  goods,  235  Washington 
Watts  Caleb  B.  shipwright,  h.  I  street  rear  Broadway 
Watts  Francis,  Pres.  Atlantic  Ins.  Co.  h.  5  Quincy  place 
Watts  Francis  O.  counsellor,  20  Court 
Watts  Rachael,  widow.  Commercial  near  Foster 
Watts*  Robert,  fish  dealer,  93  Chambers,  h.  Leveret  ct. 
Watts  William,  currier,  Turnpike,  h.  Broadway 
Watts  William,  rigger,  liouse  19  Hamilton 
Waugh  Abigail,  widow,  Warren  place 
Way  S.  A.  watches,  13  Court,  h.  57  Belknap 
Waymouth  Hepzibah  S.  nurse,  Elliot  near  Tremont 
Weafer  James,  h.  90  Warren 

Wear  John,  eordwainer,67  Pleasant,  h.  Suffolk  n.  Dover 
Weatherbee  Daniel,  painter,  h.  24  Charles 
Weatherbee  Elijah  T.  clothing,  &c.  100  Summer  corner 

Broad,  house  do. 
Weatherbee  Sarah,  house  80  Pinckney 
Weatherston  Margaret,  dry  goods,  16  Myrtle 
W«aver  Edward  H.  painter,  14  Sudbury 
Webar  John,  mariner,  45  Prince 

Webb  George  J.  professor  of  nousic  h.  33  Mt.  Vernon 
Webb  John,  house  40  Friend 


Webb  John,  boarding,  46  Union 

Webb  Lucy,  2  Bowdoin 

Webb  Mary,  83  Prince 

Webb  Michael,  jr.  house  1  Barton 

Webber  Aaron  D  housewr'ht,  Devonshire,  h.  127  Essex 

Webber  {Monzo  J.)  &  Smith  {A.),  tailors,  50  Congress 

Webber  Hannah,  house  Kuhn  place 

Webber  Philip,  baker,  4  George 

Webster  Amos,  house  104  Treinont 

Webster  Ann  Eliza,  boarding  house,  4  Bowdoin 

Webster  Benjamin.     See  Kimball  &  W. 

Webster  Daniel,  coun.  33  Court,  h.  Summer  cor.  High 

Webster  Daniel,  mason,  5th  st.  corner  D  street 

Webster  Hannah,  ^idow,  5  Milk 

Webster  {Joshua,  jr.),  Chase  {Hezekiah  S.)  &  Co.   (M. 

D.  Kimball  Sl  C.  L.  Gibson),  dry  goods,  16  Kilby. 

Webster's  house  5  Pearl  place 
Webster  Luther  J.  house  Batterymarch 
Webster  Mary,  widow.  Sun  court 
Webster  William,  h.  Friend  near  Causeway 
Webster  William,  jr.  boards  B  street 
Wedge  Betsey,  wid.  of  Lothrop,  boarding,  4  Norfolk  av. 
Wedger  Jacob,  mariner,  5th  street 
Wedger  John,  baker,  Kennard's  avenue 
Weed  John  H.  tailor,  rear  29  Commercial 
Weed  Otis,  h.  3  Friend  street  place 
Weeden  Eliza,  widow,  320  Ann 
Weeden  Susan,  nurse,  320  Ann 

Weeks  James  E.  P.  h.  Southac  2d  door  from  W.  Cfentre 
Weeks  John  S.  housewright,  h.  6  Madison  place 
Weeks  Joseph,  h.  2  George 
Weeks  Joshua  M.  cooper,  h.  10  Centre 
Weeks  Nathaniel  B,  refreshments,  Com.  h.  60  Temple 
Weeks  Sarah,  widow,  house  Southac 
Weeks  William  A.  (Tuttle,  W.  &  Dennett),  h.  85  Prince 
Weernan  Ebenezer,  blacksmith,  Merrimac,  h.  16  Gouch 
Welch  Benjamin,  jr.  laborer,  h.  50  Bridge 
Welch  David,  laborer,  h.  4  Bridge  street  avenue 
Welch  Edmund,  laborer,  rear  101  Broad 
Welch  Edward,  tailor,  house  rear  53  Cambridge 
Welch  Edward,  laborer.  Piedmont  near  Pleasant 
Welch  Elizabeth,  widow  of  William,  h.  14  Franklin  pi. 
Welch  Francis,  Pres.  Frank.  Ins.  Co.  h.  Louisburgh  sq. 
Welch  F.  O.     See  Dallinger  &  W. 
Welch  Hiram,  well  borer,  8  Leveret  lane 



Welch  John,  Beacon  corner  MoMnt  Vernon 

Welch  John,  victualler,  34  Long  wharf 

Welch  John,  laborer,  110  Broad 

Welch  John,  laborer,  170  Purchase 

Welch  John,  waiter,  h.  Lindall 

Welch  Michael,  laborer,  105  Milk 

Welch  Michael,  laborer,  house  310  Ann 

Welch  Richard,  boarding,  105  Milk 

Welch  Sarah,  widow,  60"Elliot 

Welch  Timothy,  laborer,  Williams  court 

Welch  Thomas,  cooper,  Peck  lane 

Welch  Thomas,  cooper,  rear  15  North  Centre 

Welch  William,  laborer,  108  Broad 

Welch    (William)    &    Griffiths    (Charles),    sawmakers, 

Congress  corner  Water 
Weld  Aaron  D.  jr.     See  Griggs  &  W. 
Weld  Benjamin,  112  Slate 

Weld  Daniel  &  Son  (David),  36  8.  Market,  h.  742  Wash. 
Weld  David  (D.  Weld  &  Son),  h.  6  Central  court 
Weld  George  M.  merchant,  5  1-2  India 
Weld  James  &  Co.  (Joseph  Leiois),  bakers,  95   Broad. 

See  advertisement 
Weld  .John  D.  (Emmons  &  W.),  house  11  Kneeland 
Weld  Sarah,  widow  of  Frederick,  h.  62  Temple 
Weld  Thomas  S.  hardware.  CO  Kilby 
Weld  Wm.  F.  mer.  25  Central  wf  h.  4  Montgomery  pi. 
Welden  Benjamin,  h.  55  Merrimac 
Welles  Arnold  F.  attorney,  17  Court,  h.  9  Rowe  place 
Welles  (Augustus  L.),  Delano  (Thomas  A.)  &Co.  (Geo. 

G.  Wilder),  dry  goods,  Pemberton  hill 
Welles  Alfred  &  Co^ (Mel  R.  JYevcrs),  silver  ware,  84 

Washington,  h.  19  Chesnut 
Welles  Benjamin,  merchant,  31  State,  h.  16  Chesnut 
Welles  Benjamin  Pratt,  h.  59  Summer 
Welles  John,  house  59  Summer 
Welles  Margaret,  12  Beach 

Welles  Titus,  President  Eagle  Bank,  house  3  Walnut 
Welles  William,  confectioner,  h.  12  Beach 
Wellman  George  B.  clerk  Custom  H.  h.  26  High 
Wellman  Nelson,  teamster,  boards  34  Federal 
Wellman  Samuel  E.  housewright,  h.  Spear  alley 
Wellman  William  A.  clerk  Custom  House,  h.  26  High 
Wells  Abigail,  variety  bread  store,  37  Leveret 
Wells  Charles,  Pres.  Mutual  Ins.  Co.  h.  20  Bowdoin 
Wells  Charles  A.  bookbinder,  8  Water 
Wells  Charles  B.  office  City  Hall,  h.  5  Barton 


Wells  E.  JM.  P.  rector  of  school  for  moral  discipline,  S. 

IJostori  point 
Wells  George  R.     See  Hodges  &  W. 
Wells  Hannah,  widow  of  Seth,  G  Lynde 
Wells  Jacob,  cabinetmaker,  boards  14  La  Grange  place  ^ 
Wells  John  B.  general  inspector  of  beef  and  pork,  IIG 

Milk,  house  23  Charter 
Wells  Lydia,  widow  of  Benjamin  T.  53  Salem 
Wells  Mary  Ann,  North  Margin 
Wells  Oliver  S.  house  1  Brighton 
Wells  Sarah,  fancy  bread  store,  85  Purchase 
Wells  Samuel  A.  President  Atlas  Ins.  Co. 
Wells  Thomas,  h.  1  Friend  street  place 
Wells  Thomas  G.  &  Co.  stereotypers,  c.  room  5  Exch. 
Wells  Wm.  A.  bookbinder,  3  School,  h.  45  Milk 
Wellington  A.  {Bridge,  W.  &.  Co.),  h.  1  Phillips  pi. 
Wellington  A.  A.  (G.  Murdoch  &,  Co.),  h.  96  Salem 
Wellington  Benjamin,  cordwainer,  h.  15  S.  Russell 
Wellington  Charles,  90  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Wellington  (David,  jr.),  Foster  (T.  R.)  &  Co.  (Leonard 

Wilson),  W.  I.  goods,  5  N.  ISIarket 
Wellington  E.  G.     See  Bridge  &  W. 
Wellington  John,  wheelwright,  h.  12  Bedford 
Wellington  Jonathan  F.  10  Boylston  market 
Wellington  Seth,  stall,  3  Boyls'ton  market 
Welsh  Henry,  tinplater,  boards  lOG  Purchase 
Welsh  Richard,  bricklayer,  A  street 
Welsh  Walter,  Gl  F.  H.  market,  h.  24  S.  Russell 
Weltch  Nancy,  widow,  G  Sweetser  court 
Wendell  John,  housewright,  rear  53  Broad,  h.  27 Myrtle 
Wentworth  Cyrus,  clerk,  boards  10  Federal  court 
Wentworth  Eliza  Ann,  widow,  78  Prince 
Wentworth  Frederic,  mason,  h.  10  Milton 
Wentworth  Henry,  stable  keeper,  rear  158  Washington 
Wentworth  James.     See  Dutton  &  D. 
Wentworth  Mary,  house  1  Hancock  avenue 
Wentworth  Moses,  housewright,  h.  3  Milton 
Wentworth  N.  P.  assistant  House  of  Correction 
Wentworth  Wm.  truckman,  7  Custom-h.  st.  h.  Merrlmac 
Wescott  Edward,  grocer,  lOG  Sea 
Wesson  Mary,  widow,  Suffolk  near  Lucas  place 
Wesson  William,  housewright,  rear  38  Short 
Wesson  Wm.  M.  jeweller,  h.  Suffolk  near  Lucas  place 
West  Ann,  widow  of  Joseph,  105  Purchase 
West  Charles,  house  15  N.  square 
West  John,  housewright,  house  Silver 


West  John,  India  rubbpr  dresser,  house  Church 

West  Joseph  &  Co.  (Jf'm.  Parkman),  hardware,  5  Dock 

square,  house  33  High 
West  Lucy,  widow,  57  Chambers 
West  Lucy,  widow,  h.  Sister 
West  Thomas,  confectioner,  159  Ann 
Westcott  Steph.  &  Co.  (/f  771  ff'estcott  and  W'm  Gibson), 

fact,  leather,  9  Merch.  r.    W.'s  h.  Merrimac  c.  Friend 
Weston  Alden  B.  merchant,  37  Commercial  wf 
Weston  Betsy,  widow,  19  Williams 
Weston  Caroline,  young  ladies"  school,  38  Boylston 
Weston  Deborah,  widow,  Washington  cor.  Bedford 
Weston  Ezra,  jr.  attorney,  17  Court,  h.  1  Hancock  av. 
W^eston  Geo.  W.  painter,  h.  3  W.  Centre 
Weston  James  {IVise  S^-  JV.),  house  5  Hanover 
Weslon  Mary,  tailoress,  Bedford  corner  Washington 
Weston  Richard  W.  9  Central  wharf 
Weston  William  P.  houscwright,  h.  rear  90  Front 
Wetherbee  Daniel,  painter,  over  29  Milk,-h.  24  Charles 
Wetherbee  Jeremiah,  stonecutter,  Causeway 
Wetherbee  Lucv,  boardins  house,  33  Union  : 

Wetherell  (John),  Fowle  {Charles  S.)  &  Barlow  (H.  S.), 

mer.  79  Kilby.     W.'s  h.  9  Hamilton  place 
Wetherston  M.  shop,  10  Myrtle 
Wey  James  C.  painter,  house  South  Russell 
Weymouth  Betsey,  19  Tremont 
Whaland  Martin,  laborer,  head  Ellis's  wharf 
Whalen  Catherine,  house  Broadway 
Whalen  Francis,  laborer,  206  Ann 
Whalen  John,  laborer,  rear  Castle  near  Middlesex 
Whall  Joseph,  whitesmith,  house  50  South 
Wharf  Joanna  R.  boarding,  25  Union 
Wharff  Susan,  nurse,  Castle  near  Middlesex 
Wheelden  Benj.  reedmaUer,  3  Lindall,  h.55  Merrimac 
Wheelden  James,  tinplate  worker,  h.  rear  39  Essex 
Wheeler  Abel,  instructor,  Boylston  school j  b'ds  44  High 
Wheeler  Abner  B.  physician,  633  Washington 
Wheeler  Abigail,  widow,  38  Elliot 
Wheeler  Benjamin,  merchant,  house  40  Boylston 
Wheeler  Cyrus,  housewright,  house  13  Shawmut 
Wheeler  Edward,  jr.  hatter,  boards  11  Shawmut 
Wheeler  Elizabeth,  widow,  Havmarket  place 
Wheeler  Elisha,  W.  I.  goods,  805,  h.  807  Washington   ^ 
Wheeler  Eliza  M.  dressmaker,  h.  1  Fayette  court 
Wheeler  Fordice  F.     See  Paine,  Wiieelock  &  Co. 
Wheeler  Gebrge  P.  (C  Lane  &  Co.),  h.  3  Hartford  place 


Wheeler  Gillam  B.  Itousewright,  Wheeler's  court,  house 

corner  Tretnont  and  Pleasant 
Wheeler  llunnah,  12  Tileston 
Wheeler  Jesse.     See  Bowker  &  W. 
Wheeler  Joel,  bricklayer,  Castle  cor.  Village  place 
Wheeler  Jona.  D.     See  Peirce,  Mills  &  W. 
Wheeler  John,  agent  East  Boston  Ferry,  h.  32  Allen 
Wheeler  John,  blucksniitii,  3d  street 
Wheeler  John  (j1.  S.  Lewis  ^  Co.),  b'ds  Bromfield  H. 
Wheeler  John  11.  housewright,  h.  Tremont  cor.  Pleasant 
Wheeler  Joseph,  paperlianger,  h.  17  Boylston  square 
Wheeler  Joseph,  broker,  8  Exchange,  h.  95  Salem 
Wheeler  Joseph  N.   tallow   chandler,  31  South  Market, 

house  5  Blake's  court 
Wheeler  Mary,  widow,  house  12  East 
Wheeler  Moses,  merchant,  79  State,  h.  142  Tremont 
Wheeler  Nathan,  house  2  George 
Wheeler  Rufiis,  snrg.  dentist,  439  Washington 
Wheeler  (Samuel)  «fe  Harrington  (Boioen),  W.  I.  goods, 

13  City  wharf 
Wheeler  Samuel,  Sec.  Protec.  Ins.  Co.  691  Wash. 
Wheeler  Warren,  laborer,  rear  Merrimac 
Wheeler  William  H.  mess.  South  Bank 
Wheeler  William,  clerk,  liouse  Northampton 
Wheeler  William,  publisher,  house  10  Avery 
Wheelock  C.  H.  99  Pond 
Wheelock  Dwight.     See  Paine,  W.  t&  Co. 
Wheelock  Gill,  dry  goods,  32  Central 
Wheelock  James  J.  20  Friend 
Wlieelock  Obadiah,  fruit  store,  h.  7  Cross 
Wheelock  William  A.  broker,  1  Rogers's  Buildings 
Wheelwright  Dnniel,  weigher,  42  India,  h.  81  Bedford 
Wheelwright   {Ehenezr/r),    McLellan    {Edward)    <fe  Co. 

{Isaac  McLdlan,  jr.),  merchants,  22  Central  wharf 
Wheelwright  Esther  and  Martha,  24  Atkinson 
Wheelwright  George,  turner,  19  Dock  sq.  h.  25  Vernon 
Wheelwright  Joseph,  woodsawyer,  Commer.  n.  Hanover 
Wheelwright  Lot,  jr.  house  22  CJiesnut 
W^heelwright  Mary  B.  boarding  house,  2  Morton  place 
Wheelwright  Samuel,  weigher  and  guager,  35  India,  h. 

28  Washington  place 
Wheelwright  Samuel,  jr.  41  Broad,  h.  28  Wash,  place 
Whelon  Stc;  hen,  blacksmith,  Medford 
Whipping  George,  rear  39  Prince 
W^hipple  Benjamin,  inspector  Custom  House 
Whipple  B.  F.  housewright,  h.  24  Pj-ince 



Whipple  James,  machinist,  h.  rear  Dedham  near  Suffolk 
Whipple  James  K.  agent  Am.  S.  S.  Union,  22  Court 
Whipple  John,  cabinetmaker,  h.  17  Hamilton 
Whipple  Joseph  L.  teamster,  h.  Ash  cor.  S.  Bennet 
Whipple  Lorinda,  widow,  house  3  tj.  Margin 
Whipple  Oliver  M.  1  City  wharf 
Whipple  Otis,  house  rear  53  Cambridge 
Whipple  William,  carpenter,  Jiouse  126  Ann 
Whipple  William,  housewright,  house  5  Bath 
Wliiston  Francis  C.  super.  H.  of  Reformation 
Whitaker  Edward  11.  painter,  Spring  lane,  h.  57  South 
Whitaker  E.  K;  123  Washington,  h.  42  Atkinson 
Whitaker  Nath.  H.  46  Wash.  h.  14  Province  H.  court 
Whicher  Luther,  mason,  C  street 
Whitcomb  Abigail,  nurse,  Haymarket  pi.  n.  Avery 
Whitcomb  A.  J,  P.  blacksmith,  h.  cor.  George  &  Southac 
Whitcomb  {Jsa)  &  Bent  {John  P.),  grocers,  Mt.  Vernon. 

Whitcomb's  house  1  JNlyrtle  court 
Whitcomb  John,  house  6  Sliort 
Whitcomb  Samuel,  28  South  Russell 
White  Abigail,  confectionary,  652  Washington 
White  Adonijah,  h.  4th  rear  Turnpike 
White  Alden,  North  Margin 
White  Arm,  widow,  2  Bridge  street  avenue 
White  Asa,  lead  pipes  and  copper  pumps,  10  Market  sq. 
White  Artemas,  larrier,  4  Brattle  sq.  h.  28  Friend 
White  Azell,  musician,  2  Haymarket  place 
White  Benj   C.  3  1-2  Commercial 
White  Benj.  F.  counting  room,  11  Kilby,  h.  64  High 
White  Charles,  druggist,  230  Wash.  h.  3  Avon  place 
White  Charles  A.     See  Cushing,  W.  &  Co. 
White  Charles  S.  mason,  7  Madison  place 
WJiite  Charlotte,  widow,  house  S.  Russell 
White  Christopher  C.  pianoforte  maker,  h.  37  Fayette 
White  Cromwell  W.  h.  Southac  cor.  W.  Centre 
White  David,  jr.  dry  goods,  293  Wash.  h.  4  S.  Cedar 
W'hite  Ebenezer,  housewright,  h.  3  Cedar  lane 
White  Edward,  clerk  in  Post  Otfice,  house  5  Columbia 
White  Elihu,  druggist,  549  Wash.  cor.  Tremont 
White  Elizabeth,  widow,  house  28  Orange 
White  Ferdinand  E.  merchant,  22  Long  wharf 
^White  Jacob,  fancy  painter,  house  14  Second 
White  Jas.  A.  rigger,  15  Foster's  wf  h.  r.  150  Purchase 
White  James,  laborer,  back  of  Humphrey  place 
White  James  C.  dry  goods,  45  Hanover,  h.  8  Howard 


White  Jatnes  L.  housevvright,  h.  8  Bridge  st.  court 

WItite  Jesse,  handcartman,  70  Pond 

White  John,  harnessinaker,  14  Dock  square 

White  John,  porter  State  Bank.  h.  Congress  court 

White  John,  cordvvainer,  rear  Columbia  near  Essex 

White  John,  saddler, rear  14  Dock  square,  ii.  rear  East 

White  John,  victualler,  Creek  square 

White  John,  house  52  Allen 

White  John,  cordwainer,  h.  11  Garden 

White  John,  jr.  druggist,  30  School,  h.  55  Temple 

White  John  L.  innholder,  21)  Union 

While  Joseph,  cashier  Atlas  Bank,  house  673  Wash. 

White  Jos.  A.     See  VVm.  M.  Stedman  &  Co. 

WJiite  K.  &  Co.  {V/illiam  Doicning  4^  M.   W.  IVright), 

leather,  21  N.  Market 
White  Lois,  widow  of  Benjamin,  h.  3  Province  H.  court 
White  Lyman,  painter,  h.  op.  2  Tremont  n.  Pleasant 
White  (Moody)  6l  Kent  (Job),  W.  L  goods,  72  Front 
While  Moody,  house  27  Harvard 
White  Mary  ^Ann,  widow,  71  Bedford 
White  Mary  T.  widow  of  James,  h.  47  Warren 
While  P.  H.  teller  North  Bank,  h.  3  Province  H.  court 
White  Rachel  C   tailoress,  7  Madison  place 
White  Reuben,  brickmaker,  rear  714  Washington 
White  Robert  {Stone  S^  IV.),  house  24  Charles 
White  Sarah,  widow,  16  Piedtnont 
White  Samuel,  caulker,  house  Hanover  avenue 
White  Samuel  D.  pianofortemaker,  h.  10  Lucas  place 
White  Sewall,  sugar  refiner,  North  Margin 
White  Stephen,  laborer,  rear  12  Lyman  place 
White  Stephen,  5S  State 
White  Thomas,  laborer,  106  Sea 
White  Thomas,  housewright,  house  15  Tileston 
White  Warren,' W.  I.  goods,  663,  h.  665  Wash. 
White  Willard  C.  24  Exchange,  house  2  Friend 
White  William  {Clarke,  W.  ii^  Kimball),  h.  2  Kingston 
White  William,  rigger,  24  Washington  avenue 
White  William,  laborer,  house  Peck  lane 
White  William  A.     See  Cushing,  W.  &  Co. 
White  William  B.  watchmaker,  4  Ann 
White  W.  F.  h.  rear  17  Hanover 
White  William  P.  laborer,  rear  13  S.  Margin 
White  William  S.  captain,  649  Washington 
WJiite.     See  Wight 
Whitehead  John,  liandcartman,  h.  n.  Bethel  Ch.  N.  sq. 


Whitcliead  Oliver,  Iruckmnn.  Canal 

Wliituheid  James,  h.  rear  253  Washington 

Wliileliouse  Benj.  C.  house  'J'ravers 

Whitehouse  Sally,  widow  of  Charltis  W.  h.  r.  Broadway 

Whithead  John,  mariner,  li.  17  North  square 

Whiting  Charles,  livery  stahlo,  Hawley  pi.  h.  9  Lincoln 

Whiting  Caleb,  paints,  55  Broad,  house  rear  65  Leveret 

Whiting  Calvin,  teller  Globe  Bank,  house  35  Warren 

W^luting  David,  jr.  comedian,  h.  Cotting  place 

Whiting  Elias,  machinist,  house  28  Blussom 

Whiting  Elizabeth,  widow,  house  65  Leveret 

Whiting  Ephraim  W.  clerk,  h.  154  Washington 

Whiting  George,  laborer,  65  Leveret 

Whiting  Harlous,  njercuant,  h.  1  Boylston  place 

W^hiting  Henry,  silversmith,  h.  115  Purchase 

Whiting  Hosea,  9d  Faneuil  Hall  market,  h.  25  Brattle 

Whiting  Lucy,  widow  ofjabez,  liouse  6  Howard 

Whiting  Marcus,  cashier  Oriental  Bunk 

Whiting  Nathaniel  »&  Co.  {J.  R.  Walker  and  C.  D.  Ha- 

zea),  dry  goods,  53  Kilby,  boards  4  Pearl 
Whiting    (O.   R.)   &,  Seymour   {Friend),  housewrights, 

Whiting  Ozias,  housewright,  h.  Brookline  near  Suffolk 
Whiting  Ruth,  boarding,  Williams  court 
Whiting  SamucJ,  boards  48  Milk 
Whiting  William,  mason,  house  rear  46  Merrimac 
Whitley  William  H.  blacksmith,  house  5  Knox 
Whitman  Alanson,  teamster,  house  Travers 
Whitman  Allen,  house  rear  101  Cambridge 
Whitman  Bancrofts,  laborer,  house  31  Cross 
Whitman  Benjamin,  counsellor,  house  39  Federal 
Whitman  C.  S.  physician,  61  Broadway  cor.  Dorchester 
Whitman  (Edw  )  &.Newhall  (Jo/tn),  wheelwrights,  Pond 
Whitman  Edward,  house  35  Salem 
Whitman  E.  P.  (Parks,  IVright  Sf  Co.),  h.  46  Pinckney 
Whitjnan  Ezra,  housejoiner,  rear  3d  street 
Whitman  Freedom,  housewright,  Merrimac,  h.  Prospect 
Whitman  G.  H.  counsellor,  9  Stale,  h.  39  Federal 
Whitman  Snow,  housewright,  2d  street 
Whitman  Thomas,  caulker  and  gra\er,  76  Prince 
Whitmarsh  Hannah,  widow,  95  Elliot 
Whitmarsh  Thomas,  wholesale  cloth,  store,  3  Cong.  sq. 
Whitmore  {Amos)  <fc  Holbrook  (Samuel  E.),  boatbuild- 

ers,  Sargent's  wf.     W.'s  h.  Hull 
Whitmore  C.  O.     See  Lombard  &  W. 


Whitney  Abel,  school,  Harvard  place,  h.  Sudbury 
Whitney  Abigail,  widow,  boardinjz;,  21  Bedford 
Whitney  Abraham,  laborer,  h.  6  Wheeler's  court 
Whitney  Barnabas,  instrucier,  29  Joy's  build,  h.  35  Myrtle 
Whitney  B.  D.  (Richardson  ^  JV.),  h.  3  Hartford  place 
Whitney  Berij.  L.  (Ball,  Baker  fy  Co.),  h.  104  Tremont 
Whitney  Charles,  truckman,  N.  ftlargin 
Whitney  Ebenezor  T.  teamster,  rear  2t)  Belknap 
Whitney  {EliM.)  &,  Richardson  (C\),  grocers,  37  School. 

W.'s  h.  71  Warren 
Whitney  Ephraim,  physician.  3  Bridge 
Whitney  Frances,  widow,  h.  4  Vernon 
Whitney  Franklin  {Parker  S^    W.),  h.  5  Court  square 
Whitney  (Geo.),  Brown  {Jilb.  H.)  &  Co.  {jlmasa  Pierce) y 

warehouse,  57  Cornhiil 
Whitney  (Georire  Ji.)    &   Fisk   (Josiah),  dry  goods,  37 

Kilby.     Whitney's  house  18  Winter 
Whitney  Israel  (MrJiols  Sr  W.),  h.  58  Chesnut 
Whitney  Israel,  house  2  Province 
Whitney  James  P.  shoes,  43  Court,  h.  14  Bridge 
Whitney  James  S.  provisions,  74  Court,  h.  2  Canton 
Whitney  John,  laborer,  GiLbs  lane 
Whitney  John,  stevedore,  h.  Gibbs  lane 
Whitney  John  A.  truckman,  house  Lancaster 
Whitney  John  H.  dry  goods,  193  Washington 
Whitney  Jonathan,  house  9  Bovvdoin  square 
Whitney  Jonathan,  jr.  house  9  Bowdoin  square 
Whitney  Joseph  &l  Co.  {Freeman  Allen  (^-  James  L.  Gar- 
ham),  wholesale  shoe  store;,  94  Water,  h.  59  High 
W^hitney  Joseph  A.  broker,  Merrimac  cor.  Market 
Whitney  Josiah,  merchant,  43  Central  wharf 
Whitney  Levi,  grocer,  Derne  cor.  Temple,  h.5  Derne 
Whitney  Moses,  jr.  leather,  34  N.  Market,  h.5  Federal  ct. 
Whitney  Nahum  P.  housevvright,  Lovett  place 
Whitney  (Paul)  &  Haskell  {Levi  B.),  English  goods,  99 

Washington.     Whitney's  house  21  Lynde 
Whitney  Prentiss,  auctioneer,  30  Wash.  h.  124  Charles 
Whitney  Salmon,  W.  I.  g'ds,28  Long  wf.  h.  14  Staniford 
Whitney  Samuel,  physician,  boards  300  Washington 
Whitney  Sarah,  widow,  boarding  house,  50  (/ambridge 
Whitney  Simri,  shoes,   hats,   &c.   head  Wales's  wharf, 

h.  head  of  Pearl 
Whitney  Sumner,  jeweller,  boards  102  Washington 
Whitney  William  (James  &,  W.),  boards  165  Court 
Whitney  Wm.  tnerch.  41  Broad,  h  Atkinson  n.  W^illiams 


Whitney  William  D.  cabinetmaker,  Suffolk  near  Dover 
Whitney  William  F.  (Delano  &  fV.),  h.  12  Allen 
Wbiton  David,  jr.  (^.  Fearing  &  Co.),  h.  8  Pearl 
Whiton  Ebed,  silversmith,  rear  87  Wash.  h.  64  Salem 
Whiton  Ezra,  jr.  New  York  packet  office,  21  India 
Whiton  {James  M.)  &  March   {Andrew   S.),  dry  goods, 

41  Kilby.     W.'s  h.  58  Federal 
W^hiton  John  P.  {Wni.  B.  Bradford  &  Co.),  h.  194  Trem. 
Whiton  Mary  Ann,  17  Pleasant  street  court 
Whittemore  Benjamin,  Rev.,  Broadway 
Whittemore  B.  F.  70  Slate,  house  55  Salem 
Whittemore  Geo.  mer.  32  Long  wf.  h.  27  Wash,  place 
Whittemore  Geo.  W,  (Emerson  ^r  IV.),  h.  13  Poplar 
Whittemore  Hiram,  housewright,  IG  Green 
Whittemore  James,  house  3  Brattle  square 
Whittemore  James,  housewright,  h.  110  Warren 
Whittemore  Joel,  handcartman,  h.  rear  50  Boylston 
Whittemore  John,  ropomaker,  house  711  Washington 
Whittemore  Thomas,  editor  Trumpet,  40  Cornhill 
Whittemore  Thomas  J.  50  N.  Market,  h.  8  Lynde 
Whittemore  William,  distiller,  rear  C  street 
Whittemore  William  &  Co.  (Thomas  J.),  card  manufac- 
turers, 50  North  Market 
Whitten  Francis,  baker,  53  Cambridge 
Whitten  Geo.  W.  stone  cutter,  House  of  Correction 
Whitten  Robert,  boarding,  39  Sea 
Whittey  John,  laborer,  rear  110  Sea 
Whittey  Michael,  laborer,  rear  17  Sea 
Whittier  Daniel  (Stone  &  fV.),  boards  11  Elm 
Whittier  (T.  G.)  &  Warren  (J.  jr.),  shoes,  14  Dock  sq. 
Whittington  George,  clerk,  118  Sea 
Whittle  James,  Henchman  lane 
Whitton  George,  boards  74  Essex 

Whittredge   Daniel  B.   &-  Co.    (William  Jidams),  black- 
smiths. Friend  cor.  Causeway 
Whittredge  Thomas,  shoes,  134  Hanover 
Whittum  Sarah,  widow,  rear  18  South  Bennet 
Whitwell  John  P.  druggist  and   apoth.  Milk  cor.  Bath, 

house  99  Tremont 
Whitwell  Lucy  C.  widow  of  Benj.,  Chesnut  cor.  Spruce 
Whitwell  (Sar?^^^e/),   Bond    (Geo.)    &  Cor  (B.  Seaver  ^ 

G.  W.  Bond),  auc.  11  Kilby.    W.'s  h.  Winthrop  pi. 
Whitwell- William,  housewright,  17  Pinckney 
Widdifield  Daniel  B.  optician,  139  Washington,  house  6 
Hawkins.     See  advertisement 


ddovvs  Henry,  boards  37  Purchase 

ggin  Asa  A.' grocery  &  wooden  ware,  61  Hanover 

ggin  Charles  E.  crockery,  4  Marshall,  h,  62  Salem 

ggin  Ezra,  grocer,  Hanover,  h.  41  Pond 

ggin  George  W.  mover  of  furniture,  h.  3  Marston  pi. 

ggin  James  S.  (Robinson  <^  W.),  h.  Foster 

ggin  Noah,  blacksmith,  h.  93  Elliot 

ggin  Samuel,  h.  Hancock  row 

gglesworth  Edward,  IG  India  wharf,  h.  57  Chesnut 

gglesworth  Thomas,  16  India  wf  h.  19  Franklin  place 

ght  Aaron  W.  musician,  house  South  Cedar 

ght  Aaron  W.  jr.     See  Denton  and  VV. 

ght  Charles,  lastmaker,  Fulton,  h.  90  Ann 

ght  Ebenezer,  druggist,  46  Milk,  opposite  Federal 

ght  Lothrop,  clerk,"77  Kilby,  h.  5  Shawmut 

ghtman  Joseph  M.     See  Claxton  &.  W.         . 

ghtman  Martha,  tailoress,  33  Warren 

Iber  Samuel,  tinplale  worker,  li.  2Stillman  place 

Icutt  John,  mason,  h.  rear  12  N.  Russell 

Icutt  Joseph,  jr.  undertaker  &  house wr't,  h.  Short  lane* 

Icutt  Levi  &  Co.  (J.  Murdoch),  housewr'ts,  313  Com- 

Id  Amasa  T.  laborer,  5  Belknap  [mercial 

id  Barnabas,  truckman,  opposite  84  Sea 

Id  Daniel,  broker,  Exchange,  h.  16  Hancock 

Id  James  C.  cashier  Boston  Bank,  h.  5  Acorn 

Id  John,  mastmaker,  h.  Commercial  near  Foster 

Id  Warren,  broker,  14  Exchange,  h.  25  Harvard 

Id  William  A.  handcartman,  9  Cross 

Ide  George  C.  clerk  Supr.  Court,  h.  19  La  Grange  pi. 

Ide  Samuel  S.,  Judge  Supr.  Court,  h.  60  Mt.  Vernon 

Ider  Benj.  G.  {Gould,  W.  S^  Co.),  h.  33  Orange 

Ider  Eleazer,  caulker  and  graver,  h.  Lane  place 

Ider  Enos,  engineer,  49  Chatham,  h.  19  Sudbury 

Ider  Daniel,  pianofortemaker,  h.  70  Pleasant 

Ider  George  G.     See  Wells,  Delano  &  Co. 

Ider  James  S.  wharfinger,  Long  wharf,  li.  Salem 

Ider  Lewis,  carpenter,  h.  33  Fayette 

Ider  Martin,  c.-arriagesmith,  Hawley  pl.  h.  4  Norfolk  pi. 

Ider  M.  P.,  VV.  I.  goods,  3  Central  wharf 

Ider  Sally,  widow,  75  Bedford 

Ider  Sarah,  widow,  rear  600  Washington 

Ider  Volney,  pianofortemaker,  house  Maiden 

Idermulh  Mary,  widow,  boarding  house,  74  Broad 

Ides  Solomon,  innholder,  11  Elm 

Ides  Solomon  L.  broker,  16  Exchange 


Wildes  Wm.  cooper,  25  Long  wf.  h.  13  VVasliington  pi. 

Wildes  William,  IG.North  Miirket 

Wiley  Daniel,  teamster,  h.  Canton  near  Washington 

Wiley  P.iiil,  laborer,  rear  75  Sea 

Wiley  Thomas,  teller  U.  S.  B.  B.,  h.  Myrtle,  cor.  Butolph 

Wiley  William,  Rev.  corner  Federal  and  Franklin  place 

Wiley  William,  mariner,  Well  corner  Wharf 

WilUins  Abijali,  liousevvright,  h.  7  Blossom 

Wilkins  Bruce,  liouse  rear  13  Hawkins 

Wilkins  Charles  &  William  B.,  W.  I.  goods,  33  Long 

wharf,  h.  7  Howard 
Wilkins  David,  laborer,  h.  10  Boylston 
Wilkins  Fanny,  widow,  82  Purchase 
Wilkins  Geor<ie  A.  housewriijht,  h.  Cooper  near  Pond 
Wilkins  Geo.  W.,  W.  I.  g'ds^4  Liverp.  wf  h.  82  Purch. 
Wilkins  James,  baker,  Salter  place 
Wilkins  James,  shipwright,  h.  82  Purchase 
Wilkins  Jeremiah,  victualler,  h.  14  Piedmont 
Wilkins  J.  H.  &  R.  B.  Carter,  paper  dealers,  Water 
Wilkins  Levi  {Gould,  Wilder  ^  Co.),  h.  119  Pleasant 
Wilkins  Samuel  C.  pianofortemaker,  boards  759  Wash. 
Wilkins  William,  34  Faneuil  Hall  market,  h.  10  Centre 
Wilkins  William,  cooper,  h.  82  Purchase 
Wilkins  Wm.  B.  (C.  ^^  W.  B.  Wilkins,)  h.  Allen  c.  Spring 
Wilkins  &  Co.  fish  store.  Brimmer's  T 
Wilkinson  Arthur  (T.  P.  Gushing  &.  Co.),  b'ds  8  Pearl 
Wilkinson  Michael,  cordwainer,  h.  Harvard  place 
Wilkinson  Thomas,  cabinetmaker,  house  Grove 
Wilkinson  (Simon)  &  Pratt  (Eleazcr),  caulkers  and  gra- 
vers, Wilkinson  &  Pratt's  wf.     W.'s  h.  7  Charter 
Wilkinson  Ware,  baker,  h.  8  W.  Centre 
Wilkinson  Westley,  cabinetmaker.  Salutation 
Wilkinson  William,  sexton,  Bartlett 
Willard  Aaron,  clockmaker,  843  Washington 
Willard  Aaron,  jr.  clockmaker,  815  Washington 
Willard  A.  T.  200  Tremont 
Willard  Abigail  B.  159  Hanover 

Willard  Alfred,  comb  store,  149  Wash.  h.  31  Tremont 
Willard  Augustus  H.  hackman,  h.  17  Boylston  square 
Willard  Benj.  F.  Sec'ry  Boylston  Ins.  Co.  b'ds  29  Orange 
Willard  prances  A.  widow  of  Henry,  h.  65  Chambers 
Willard  George  W.  (Scotchler  fy  JV.),  h.  39  Brattle 
Willard  Henry,  clock  case  maker,  rear  843,  h.  107  Wash. 
Willard  Henry,  portrait  paint.  77  Cornhill,  h.  125  Charles 
Willard  Joseph,  counsellor,  20  Court,  h.  45  Bowdoin 


Willard  Joshih,  115  Tremont 

Wilhird  Simon,  jr.  watchmaker,  9  Congress,  h.  3  South 

Willard  William  W.  bookkeeper  Oriental  Bank 

V/illcutt  Joseph,  housewright  and  undertaker,  98  Sea 

Willcutt  Joseph,  jr.  housewright,  rear  13  N.  Bennet 

Willett  William,  surveyor,  house  510  Washington 

Willey  Sarah,  tailoress,  Essex  corner  Oliver  place 

Williams  Ambrose,  laborer,  2  Bowdoin  square 

Williams  Augustus  L.  house  Lincoln  court 

Williams  Benjamin  S.  umbrella  maker,  rear  13  Milk 

Williams  Cecil  C.  widow  of  Henry,  5  Pemberton  hill 

Williams  Charles,  20  Cornhill,  h.  6  Bridge  street  court 

Williams  Daniel,  wire  worker,  411  Wash.  h.  124  Court 

Williams  David,  I  street 

Williams  David  W.  {J.  D.  &  M.  WilUams),  h.  744  Wash. 

Williams  Deodat,  refreshments,  Devonshire,  h.  112  Court 

Williams  Edward,  house  501  Washington 

Williams  Eli  C.  farrier,  23  Portland 

Williams  Elijah  &.  Co.  (£.  jr.),  23  Long  wf  h.  6  Avon  pi. 

E.  jr.'s  house  48  Pinckney 
Williams  Eliphalet,  cashier  City  Bank,  house  23  Pearl 
Williams  Elisha,  laborer,  4  Elliot  court 
Williams  Eliza,  15  Essex  place 

Williams  F.  H.  counsellor,  81  Wash.  h.  131  Tremont 
Williams  Francis,  mariner,  127  Broad  [Hanover 

Williams  (Franklin)  &.  Brewster   (John),  dry  goods,  46 
Williams  Frederick  G.  clerk,  Oliver  near  Milk 
Williams  (Geo.)  &  Barnes  (James  S.),  tailors,  1  Broadway 
Williams  George  F.  clerk,  23  Long  wf  h.  6  Avon  place 
Williams  G.  Foster,  37  Central  vvf  h.  744  Washington 
Williams  George  H.  (Sawijer  &  11'.),  h.  Chambers 
Williams  H.  &  R.   brokers  and   auctioneers,  4  Central 

wharf.     H.  W^'s  house  15  North  Russell 
Williams  Harck,  boarding  house,  rear  Gibbs  lane 
Williams  Henry  R.  &  Co  (H.  Cushing),  tailors,  67  Con- 
gress, house  Broadway 
Williams  Hiram,  teamster,  boards  09  Sea 
William  Horace,  8  Joy's  building,  h.  90  Mt.  Vernon 
Williams  Isaac,  shoes,  180  Washington,  h.  04  Tremont 
Williams  Isaac  F.  wireworker,  69  Cornhill,  h.  124  Court 
Williams  James,  hairdresser,  188  Ann 
Williams  James,  tailor,  21  Brattle,  house  91  Charles 
Williams  James,  harnessmaker.  West,  h.  62  Elliot 
Williams  Jane,  nurse,  h.  14  Second 
Williams  (Jer.)  &  Munroe  (Lewis),  stablers,  21  Hanover 
Williams  John,  house  14  South 


Williams  John,  counseHor,  Commercial,  h.  3  MrLean  f;t. 

Williams  John,  clothing,  37  Brattle,  li.  28  Commercial 

Williams  John,  painter,  13  Boylston  square 

Williams  John,  waterman,  h.  17  Fleet 

Williams  John  &  Co.  (S.  Langleyjr.  4'  J.  S.  Williams), 

dry  goods,  17  Kilby,  house  10  West 
Williams  John  D.  &  M.  wine  merch.  33  South  Market 
Williams  JoRn  D.  house  744  Washington 
Williams  John  D.  W.     See  Russell,  Shattuck  &  Co. 
Williams  John  W.  23  Long  wharf,  h.  40  High 
Williams  Jonathan  T.  clerk,  house  1  Jefferson  place 
Williams  Lucy,  widow,  Elliot  corner  Barre  place 
Williams  Mary,  instructress,  49  South,  h.  East  r.  school-h. 
Williams  Mary,  widow,  rear  18  South  Bennet 
Williams  Moses  (J.  D.  4"  M.  W.),  h.  Jamaica  plains 
Williams  Michael,  mason,  h.  5  Friend  street  place 
Williams  Nancy,  widow  of  Jonathan,  h.  1  Jefferson  pi. 
Williams  Nathaniel,  captain,  Murray  place 
Williams  Pardon,  tailor,  rear  39  Washington 
Williams  Peter,  rigger,  257  Ann 
Williams  Robert,  house  1  Minot 
Williams  Robert,  rigger,  h.  Spear  alley 
Williams  Robert  B.  Ocean  Ins.  office,  h.  G6  Pinckney 
Williams  R.  P.  &  C.  booksellers,  20  Cornhill,  house  6 

Bridge  street  court 
WilliamsRulh,  widow  of  Thomas  R.  5  Prov.  House  ct. 
Williams  Sam'l  G.  &  Co.  brokers,  40  State,  h.  7  Otis  pi. 
■  Williams  Samuel  K.  counsellor,  h.  8  Washington  place 
Williams  Samuel  S.  {Daggett  &  Co.),  h.  in  Roxbury 
Williams  Sarah,  widow,  14  Brattle 
Williams  Sophia  B.  house  Fruit  street  court 
Williams  Stephen  H.  merch.  37  India  wf  h.  in  Roxbury 
Williams  Susan,  widow,  nurse,  Gibbs  lane 
Williams  Susanna,  widow  of  Thomas,  h.  131  Tremont 
Williams  Susanna,  widow,  h.  rear  29  Belknap 
Williams  Thomas,  h.  24  South  Margin 
Williams  Thomas   A.    painter,    &i    Boylston,    house  5 

Province  House  court 
Williams  Thos.H.  {Savi'l  Jfa/c^.^^  Co.),  b'ds 25  N.Russell 
Williams  Timothy,  merchant,  48  India  wf  h.  14  South 
Williams  William  R.  stevedore,  house  rear  79  Purchase 
Williamson  Elizabeth,  widow,  Peck  lane 
Williamson  {Richard),  Flynn   {Roger)   &  Co.  {Patrick 

Flymi),  dry  goods,  37  1-2  Kilby.     W.'s  h.  r.  3  Mason 
Willis  Benjamin,  merchant,  118  Purchase 


Willis  Charles,  50  1-2  N.  Market,  b.  25  Prince 

Willis  Clement,  W.  I.g'ds,  Federal  c.  High,  h.  18  High 

Willis  Dean,  12  Derne 

Willis  Elisha,  baker,  house  8  Brighton 

Willis  Henry,  typefounder,  66  Congress,  h.  118  Purchase 

Willis  Horatio  M.  3i)  Court 

Willis  James,  pilot,  house  15  Gibbs  lane 

Willis  Martha,  widow,  138  Hanover 

Willis  Nath'l,  pro.  Recorder,  9  Cornhill,  h.  31  Atkinson 

Willis  Nathan,  jr.  inspector  Custom  H.  b'ds  35  Pleasant 

Willis  Richard,  shoemaker,  4th  street 

Willis  Robert  B.  merchant,  25  India  wf.  h.  31  Tremont. 

Willis  Royal  B.  cabinetmaker,  house  9  George 

Willis  Stiilman,  jeweller,  153  Wash.  h.  176  Tremont 

Williston  George  W.  ropemaker,  4th  street 

Williston  Joseph,  sugar  boiler.  Centre  corner  Hanover 

Williston  Joseph,  jr.  bousewright,  b.  16  North  Russell 

Willoughby  Ebenezer,  boarding,  Blackstone  cor.  Ann 

Willson  Harvey  {Withington  Sf  fV.),  h.  107  Pleasant 

Willson  William  H.  house  7  Green 

Wilmarth  Seth  (Graham  4"  fV-),  bouse  N.  Grove 

Wilmot  Nathaniel  N.  gunmaker,  rear  13  Court 

Wilson  Ann  N.  boarding,  3  Cambridge  near  Bowdoin 

Wilson  Betsy,  widow,  house  Silver 

Wilson  Charles,  mariner,  h.  Moon 

Wilson  Enoch,  blacksmitli,  3d  street 

Wilson  Hannah,  widow,  Batterman  place 

Wilson  Hannah,  boarding  house,  128  Purchase 

Wilson  James,  tollgatherer,  house  95  Charles 

Wilson  James,  crier,  Congress  square 

Wilson  John,  branch  pilot.  8  Fleet 

Wilson  John,  jr.  24  Court,  house  44  Federal 

Wilson  John  &  Son  (J- jr.),  tailors,  24  Court 

Wilson  John,  constable,  50  Allen 

Wilson  Leonard.     See  Wellington,  Foster  &  Co. 

Wilson  Lydia  &  Sarah,  dressmakers,  h.  168  Hanover 

Wilson  Peter,  laborer,  house  31  Carver 

Wilson  Robert,  florist,  bouse  9  Allen 

Wilson  Robert,  tailor,  house  20  Friend 

Wilson  Ruth,  widow,  53  Pond 

Wilson  Stephen  F.  joiner,  bouse  3  Southac  court 

Wilson  Thomas,  laborer,  137  Broad 

Wilson  William,  plasterer,  bouse  rear  321  Ann 

Wilson  William  H.  painter,  h.  88  Tremont  cor.  Elliot 

Wilson  William  H.  &  Co,  (JVm.  Forbes),  tailors,  21  State 


Wilson  W.  W.  eng.  &  plate  print.  9  State,  b'ds  158  Wash. 
Wilton  Rebecca,  nurse,  rear  Ljjficaster 
Wily  John,  surgeon  United  States  Navy,  Ann 
Winchester  Amasa  (E  ,  Jl.  &  W.),  house  20  Somerset 
Winchester  Augustus,  housewright.  Carver,  house  rear 

52  Tremont 
Winchester  A.  jr.,  W.  I.  g'ds,  15  S.  Mark.  h.  26  Somerset 
Winchester  E.,  A.  &  W.  provision  dealers,  15  S.  Market. 

E.  VV.'s  house  19  Richmond 
Winchester  Fitz  E.  saddler,  07  Pond 
Winchester  Hosea  (Magoon  ^  W.),  house  Mt.  Vernon 

cor.  Charles 
Winchester  Jacob  B.,  30  Fancuil  Hall  market 
Winchester  Stephen  (£.,  A.  c^  JV.),  h.  21  Commercial 
Wmchester  Wm.  P.  (£.,  A.  ^-  JV.),  h.  20  Franklin  place 
Winfield  James,  mariner,  Greenough  lane 
Wing  B.  F.  physician,  h.  1  Montgomery  pi.  cor. Tremont 
Wing  Israel,  laborer,  Market  place 
Wing  Joseph,  house  8  Garden 
Winkley  John  II.  mason,  7  Boylston  square 
Winkley  (Swain)  &.  Dickinson  (J.  F.),  clothes  and  hats, 

120  State.     Winklev's  h.  Atkinson 
Winn  C.  G.  {Butterfield  &/■  IV.),  h.  61  Pond 
Winn  Caroline,  widow,  1  Garland  place 
Winn  David,  cooper,  h.  8  Essex  place 
Winn  Elizabeth,  widow,  house  West  Centre 
Winn  Ezra,  teamster,  boards  83  Sea 
Winn  Mark  L.,  Pond  near  Massachusetts  Hotel 
Winn  William,  Commercial  cor.  Fiske's  wharf 
Winn  William,  inspector,  Custom  House 
Winning  Alexander,  grocer,  115  Ann 
Winship  Alice,  widow,  -^70  Washington 
Winship  F.  &  L.,  Boston  Coffee  House,  38  Milk 
Winship  Nancy,  milliner,  321  Wash.  h.  12  Bedford 
Winship  Stephen,  G5  F.  H.  market,  h.  52  Belknap 
Winslow  Benjamin,  broker,  4  Exchange 
Winslow  Benjamin  P.  44  Long  wf.  h.  13  Leveret 
Winslow  Charles,  housewright,  h.  53  Pond 
Winslow  Charles,  broker,  house  2G  Fayette 
Winslow  Ebenczer  D.  stonecutter,  Charlestown 
Winslow  Edward,  merchant,  6  Broad,  h.  4  Pearl 
Winslow  Elisha  D.  (E.  Cobb  ife  Co.),  h.  7  Morton  place 
Winslow  George,  44  Long  wharf 
Winslow  Hubbard,  Rev.  h.  3  Mount  Vernon  place 
Winslow  Isaac,  clerk,  boards  74  Summer 


Winslow  Isaac  &  Sons,  mer.  44  Long  wf.  h.  13  Leveret 
Winslovv  Isabella,  dressinaker,  116  Court 
Winslow  John,  boards  Iw  Purcliase 
Winslow  John,  cabinetmaker,  Greenough  lane 
Winslow  John  K.  stock  man.  6  Joy's  Build,  h.  21  Castle 
Winslow  Nathaniel,  mariner,  house  Battery 
Winslow  Samuel,  sexton,  Commercial  near  Hanover 
Winslow  Thomas,  mason,  house  rear  18  S.  Russell 
Winslow  William,  15  Faneuil  Hall  market 
Winsor  Edward,  merch.  14  Commer.  wf.  h.  20  Bulfinch 
Winsor  Joseph,  fish  dealer,  43  Long  wf.  h.  44  Warren 
Winsor  Nathaniel,  house  IG  Allen 

Winsor  W.  widow  of  Thomas,  h.  W.  Cedar  c.  Pinckney 
Winter  Francis  B.  mason,  cor.  Myrtle  ct.  and  Centre 
Winter  Ignatius,  houscwright,  house  50  Friend 
Winters  Thomas  W.  carpenter,  house  rear  89  Sea 
Winthrop  George  E.  counsellor,  h.  Beacon  c.  Walnut 
Winthrop  Grenville  T.  counsellor,  17  Court,  h.  Beacon 
Winthrop  Robert  C.  attorney,  11  Court,  h.  7  Tremont  pi. 
Winihrop  Thomas  L.  house  Beacon  corner  Walnut 
Wise  George  D.  laborer,  rear  Hull 

Wise  Isaac  K.  hardware,  23  IMerchants  row,  h.  26  Temple 
Wise  James,  victualler,  Northampton 
Wise  James,  house  3  Wesley  place 
Wise  John,  house  rear  63  Warren- 
Wise  (John)  &  Weston  (James),  hair  cutters,  56  Brattle 
Wise  John,  boarding,  137  Ann 
Wise  Jonathan,  ropemaker,  house  rear  63  Warren 
Wise  Richard  Owen,  rear  Hull 
Wise  William,  housevvright,  rear  4ih  street 
Wiswall  {Elisha)  &  Roberts  {Tobias),  ^xokqv?,,  Broad  op, 

Tileston's  wf.     W.'s  h.  36  VV'arren 
Wiswall  E.  G.  captain,  boards  53  Pond 
Wiswall  Samuel,  provision  dealer,  house  Arnold 
Wiswell  De.\ter  W.  shoes,  77  Broad 
Wiswell  Eliza,  widow,  12  Lyman  place 
Wiswell  Jeremiah.     See  Bates  &  W. 
Wiswell  xMary  Ann,  wido\y,  nurse,  h.  75  Pleasant 
Wiswell  William,  cordwainer,  house  rear  41  Prince 
Witham  Amos,  haudcartman,  house  rear  Ann 
Witherell  Richard,  mason,  50  Poplar 
Witherby  Jer.,  W.  I.  goods.  Commercial  cor.  Foster 
Withers  John,  housevvright,  house  rear  14  S.  Margin 
Withington  Betsey,  widow,  87  Pleasant 
Withinijton  Elizabeth,  widow,  house  29  Chambers 


Withington   (Henry  B.)    &  Collins  (John),  W.  I.  goods, 

Pond  cor.  Tliucher 
Withington  (Increase  S.)  &  Willson  (Harvey),  fur  deal- 
ers, 18  Central.     Witliin^ton's  h.  11  Poplar 
Witliingion  James,  house  5  Friend  street  court 
Withington  Josiali,  6  Boyl.ston  market 
Withinston  Nowell.  21)  Chambers 
Withington  Newell  '&  Co.  (C-  J.  F.  Eastman),  W.  I.  g'ds, 

39  Commercial 
Withington  Stephen,  mes.  Globe  Ins.  Co.h.  12  Boylston 
Withnm  Lydia,  widow  of  Joiin,  house  Kennard's  avenue 
Witt  Asa,  W.I.  goods,  Batterymarch,  h.  2  Hamilton  ct. 
Wivield  Niel,  musician,  liouse  36  Hancock 
Wolcott  Cliarles,  housewright,  house  56  Myrtle 
Wolcott  Emily,  widow  of  H.  D.  house  22  Beacon 
Wolcott  J.  H."(.'?.  <^  ^.  Lawrence  4"  Co.),  h.  at  Mrs.  Went- 

worlh's,  1  Hancock  avenue 
Wolcott  Josiah,  wheelwright,  Front,  h.  102  Warren 
Wolcott  Lucy,  widow,  house  11  Franklin  place 
Wolkins  J.  F.  43  Faneuil  H.  market,  h.  4th  near  A  st. 
Wood  Amos  &  Son  (Henry),  lumber  \vf.  &  h.  10  Charles 
Wood  Amos,  jr.  house  23  Bridge 

Wood  Arad  H.  housewricht,  1  Norfolk  av.  h.  Harvard  pi. 
Wood  B.  Clark  (Rogers^SL  fV.),  house  32  Poplar 
Wood  Bailey,  housewright,  27  1-2  Ann 
Wood  Benjamin,  2d,  33  Faneuil  H.  market,  h.  45  Ann 
Wood  C.  M.  veterinary  surgeon,  23  Portland 
Wood  Davids (Grisicold  &  IV.),  h.  at  Tremont  House 
Wood  Edmund  W.  laborer,  4th  street 
Wood  Ephraim.  tailor,  354  Wash.  h.  3  Avery  place 
Wood  Edward  E.  (Mattheics  &  W.),  b'ds  East.  Stage  H. 
Wood  'Henry,   paperhanger,   over    Boylston   vegetable 

market,  boards  4G'J  Wasliington 
Wood  Henry  (A.  Wood  &  Son),  house  20  Charles 
Wood  James,  engineer,  5  Chardon 
Wood  Matthew  F.  (Xorcross  &  W.),  h.  4  Pinckney 
Wood  Micajah  (Josseiyn  &  W.),  house  11  Southac 
Wood  JMoses,  housewright,  house  15  Harvard  place 
Wood  William  W.  founder,  2d  street 
Woodard  Rebecca,  widow,  house  Butolph 
Woodard  Warren,  housewright,  boards  4  Sturgis  place 
Woodberry  (Asa,  jr.).,  D\\(f.  B.)  &  Hartwell  (John  IV.), 

jewellers,  251  Wash.  h.  6  Otis  place 
Woodberry  Charles,  mason,  boards  38  Union 
Woodberry  John,  bricklayer,  13  North  Russell 


Woodbridge  Christoplier,  1  Stillman 
Woodbury  Elizabetii,  widow,  liouse  27  Thacber 
Woodbury  Moses,  liousewrigbt,  liouse  Lev«ret  court 
Woodbury  TJiomas,  painter,  rear  37  Prince 
Woodcock  (Joseph)  &.  Warren    (Tkomas),  wood,  Canal. 

W.'s  h.  39  Cliarter 
Woodford  P.  R.  {Carey,  Boynton  &  W.),  h.  3  Eaton 
Woodman  Abigail,  2]  1  Hanover 

Woodman  Cbarles,  caps,  75  CornbiJl,  house  30  Allen 
Woodman  David,  baker,  45  Hanover,  h.  18  Friend 
Woodman  David,  jr.  baker,  194  Hanover 
Woodman  Edvyin,  bats,  75  Cornbi!),  b.  30  Allen 
Woodman  Geo.  agent  S.  Bost.  In.  Rub.  wareh.  19  Central 
Woodman  Joseph,  ma?on,  15  Pinckney 
Woodman  Joseph  &  Wm.  dry  goods,  Pemberton  hill,  h. 

15  Pinckney 
Woodman  Sarah,  widow,  house  30  Charles 
Woodman  Wm.  dry  g'ds,  Pemberton  hill,  h.  15  Pinckney 
Woods  Daniel,  house  3  Bradford  place 
Woods  David  J.,  Turnpike 
Woods  Hepsibah,  widow,  103  Pond 
Woods  Hiram  H.  stage  driver,  h.  4  North  Centre 
Woods  John,  house  19  Cross 
Woods  Lucy,  boarding  house,  1  Central  court 
Woods  Nathaniel  B.  assistant  House  of  Correction 
Woods  Samuel,  merchant,  3  1-2  Commer.  h.  30  High 
Woodsum  Isaac  P.     Sec  Nevers  &  W. 
Woodward  Elisha,  grocer,  Travers,  h.  2  Oilman  place 
Wooifindale  Charles  M.  painter,  300  Ann 
Wooiley  Charles,  rear  85  Salem 
Woolner  William,  mariner,  rear  32  Ann 
Woolsey  Charles  W.,  East  Boston,  house  17  Sheafe 
Worcester  (Eldnd)  &   Pierce  (5.  S.),  Court  c.  Tremont. 

W.  boards  Boylston  hotel 
Worcester  Lydia,  widow  of  Joseph,  h.  rear  Broadway 
Worcester  Thomas,  Rev.,  Louisburgh  square 
Worcester  William,  teamster,  h.  44  Sea 
Wormell  Joseph,  boarding,  209  Ann 
Worrick  Levi  L.  housev/right,  Sr.uth  Margin 
Wormwood  E.  R.  clerk  Ocean  Ins.  Co.  h.  25  Blossom 
Wormwood  Ivory,  blacksmith,  h.  rear  Norihampton 
Worthley  Mark,  fincy  boxes,  CO  Washington 
Worster  John,  junk  store,  02  India  wf  h.  122  Purchase 
Worster  Stiilman,  cooper,  house  rear  39  Sea 
Worthen  Daniel,  house  rear  Lancaster 


Wortliirigton  Francis,  coal,  Drake's  wliarf,  40  Sea 
VVortliington  William,  merchant,  20  Central  wharf 
Wreaks  Joseph,  importer  British  Ince  goods,  01  Water 
Wriglit  Ann,  widow,  house  8  Bridge 
Wright  Ann  S.  widow  of  James,  h.  26  Charles 
Wright  Albert  J.     See  Shepley  &  W.  ' 
Wrigl)t  Archibald,  stone  cutler,  4th  street 
Wright  Caleb,  grocer,  37  Cambrid^';e,  h.  7  Lynda 
Wright  David,  exhibition  Diorama,  cor.  Trem.  &  Bojls. 
Wright  Edmund,  house  3'J  North  Allen 
Wright  Edm.  jr.  wharfinger  Brimmer's  T,  h.  Pemb.  hill 
Wright  Edward  (Chandler,  W.  &  Mailory),  h.  1  Bath 
Wright  Ellis,  house  48  Purchase 
Wright  Ephraim,  chairs,  38  Commercial 
Wright  Epin-aim,  painter,  liousc  Thacher  n.  Pond 
Wright  Eunice,  widow,  rear  8  W.  Centre 
Wright  Gad,  housewright,  boards  Dedharn 
Wright  George,  clerk,  h.  7  W.  Second 
Wright  George  B.  cordwainer,  17]  Ann,  h.  r.  30  Princo 
Wright  Geo.  B.  jr.  hindcartm;*n,  h.  9  N.  Margin 
Wright  Isaac  H.  (JrinsJow  IV.  ^^  Co.),  h.  31  Green 
Wright  James,  grocer,  4  Flagg  alley 
.Wright  James,  W.  I.  goods,  Broadway  op.  the  church 
Wright  James.  103  Hanover 

Wright  John  S.  (Parks,  W.  S^'-  Co.),  h.  22  Beacon 
Wright  Joseph  C.  cordwainer,  h.  W.  Centre  cor.  Southac 
Wright  Maverick  Wyman.     See  K.  White  &  Co. 
Wright  Nathaniel,  mess.  Stiff.  Ins.  Co.  h.  r.  26  Chambers 
Wright  Phineas,  grocer,  Bromfield,  house  do. 
Wright  Stephen,  liackman,  rear  17  Hanover     ^ 
Wright  William  (/?.  T.  Alden  4-  Co),  house  3  Hawley 
Wriglit  ^Villiam,  house  Broadway 
Wright  William,  painter,  Broadway  near  E  street 
Wright  William,  sailmaker,  house  rear  Foster 
Vvright  W^mslovv  &  Co.  {Isaac   H.  Wriglit),  merchants, 

12  Broad  and  6  India,  h.  31  Green 
Wyatt  William,  fancy  ccdorer.  h.  795  Washington 
Wyer  John,  rigger,  house  70  Temple 
Wyeih  {Joseph)  Si,  Bass   {Stephen    G.),   W.   I.  goods,  8 

Broad.     W.'s  house  110  ('liarles 
Wyman  Abraham  G.  grocer,  23  Green,  h.  14  Lynde 
Wyman  Elbridge,  grocer,  54  Pond 

Wyman  George  D.  painter,  95  Milk,  h.  9  Hartford  place 
Wyman  James,  leather  dresser,  529,  h.  537  Wash. 
Wyman  James  {Kitircdge  S^  W.),  h.  32  Slillnian 


Wytnan  John  G.  tailor,  71  Wasli.  li.  15  Green 
Wyman  L.  121  Wash.  h.  30  Federal 
Wyman  Mary,  widow  of  William,  h.  537  Wash. 
Wyman  Oliver  C.  clerk,  house  17  Williams 
Wyman  Otis,  dry  goods,  301 ,  h.  274  Washington 
Wyman  Sarah,  widow,  house  32  Charles 
Wyman  Susan,  nurse,  81  Elliot 

Wyse  {Ira  0.)  &,  Brown  (Thomas), saddhrs  and  harness 
makers,  400  Wash.     Wyse  boards  Wheeler's  court 

YATES  RICHARD,  bar  room,  Court,  h.  113  Cambridge 

Yeager  Charles,  printer,  house  122  Hanover 

Yeaton  Benjamin,  chaise  trimmer,  Hawley,  h.  10  Front 

Yendell  George,  painter,  15  Atkinson,  h.  3  Fruit  st.  ct. 

Yendell  Samuel,  grocer,  Commercial  near  Ann 

Yendley  Joseph.     See  Carroll  &  Y. 

Yerrington  James  B.  printer,  G5  Congress,  h.  11  Atkinson 

York  James,  boarding,  13  Myrtle 

York  Thomas,  laborer,  A  street 

Youlen  Aram,  coach  painter,  Brattle  sq.  h.  r.  6  Mason 

Young  Alexander,  Rev.  14  Rovve  place 

Young  Andrew  P.  painter,  180,  h.   157  Hanover 

Young  Bushrod  W.  J2  Cornhill,  h.  4  Stillman 

Young  Calvin,  clerk  in  Post  Office,  h.  5G  Pinckney 

Young  Daniel,  house  2  Staniford  place 

Young  James,  mason,  h.  229  Ann 

Young  Joseph,  3d  street 

Young  Mary,  widow  of  Alexander,  h.  1  Oliver 

Young  Moses,  stonecutter,  h.  East  rear  Engine  house 

Young  Samuel,  teamster,  iiouse  Commercial 

Young  Thomas,  lobstennan,  Commercial  near  Foster 

Young  William,  physician,  1  Oliver 

Younger  Isabella,  variety  shop,  80  Cambridge 

Younger  Levi,  mariner,  5  Salutation 

Yvonnet  Alexis,  hairdicsscr,  117  Court,  h.  56  Portland 

ZEUNER  CHARLES,  profess,  of  music,  3  Boylston  Hall 


ALEXANDER  S.  R.  cordwainer,  house  2  Belknap 
Allen  Jesse,  laborer,  house  Robinson  lane 
Anderson  Esther,  washwoman,  rear  245  Ann 

BARBADOES  ISAAC,  tailor,  h.  21  Belknap 

Barbadoes  James  G.  31  Exchange,  h.  5  Butolph 

Barbadoes  Joseph,  barber,  house  21  Belknap 

Barbadoes  Joseph,  hairdresser,  Salem 

Bassett  Benjamin  P.  hairdresser,  C8  Pond 

Beck  Samuel,  laborer,  house  3  George 

Beckit  Betsey,  widow,  h.  rear  29  Belknap 

Benjamin  Samuel,  h.  Belknap  near  Cambridge 

Berton  Pamelia,  washwoman,  Richmond 

Biner  Charles,  teamster,  S.  May  near  Washington 

Birley  William,  house  W.  Centre 

Bisbett  John  A.  mariner,  h.  1  Butolph 

Blue  James,  mariner,  house  6  May 

Bowen  Peter,  house  rear  21  Belknap 

Boston  Louisa,  washwoman,  Robinson  lane 

Bowman  Samuel  H.  hair  dresser,  Cambridge  c.  Bridge 

Brooker  Samuel,  h.  Grove  cor.  Southac 

Brooks  John,  Peck  lane 

Brown  Edward,  mariner,  house  Southac 

Brown  John  W.  17  Belknap 

Brown  Thomas,  waiter,  Flagg  alley 

Brown  Thomas,  waiter,  house  31  S.  Russell 

Brown  William,  waiter,  house  28  Belknap 

Brown  Diana,  widow,  house  13  Second 

Burr  J.  hairdresser,  5  Elm,  house  Southac 

Butler  J.  W.  waiter,  36  Federal,  h.  May  court 

CiESAR  ELT,  barber,  117  Broad,  house  Butolph 
Carroll  Henry,  West  Centre 


Caples  Charles  V.  house  12  Belknap 
Carroll   William,  house  Southac 

Cash  Jonatlian,  handcartinan,  103  Chambers  « 

Casttl  William,  house  4  May 
Chambers  Lettes,  washwoman,  rear  1G7  Ann 
Christian  James,  clolhinf^,  Ann 
Clark  Daniel,  house  Soulhac 
Clark  Peter,  dollies  dealer,  16  Brattle 
Clarke  Jonas  W.  clothes  dealer,  18  Brattle,  house  May- 
Cleaver  Jacob,  provisions,  W.  Centre  c.'Southac,  h.  11 

West  Centre  ♦ 

Coburn  John  P.  clothes  dealer,  8  Brattle,  h.  Southac 
Coburn  Smith,  Robinson's  lane 
Cole  Samuel,  boarding,  157  Ann 
Cole  Thomas,  hairdresser,  Congress,  house  Southac 
Cook  Samuel  S.  iiairdresser,  house  Derne 
Cooper  Tiiomas,  h.  Southac 
Copeman  Henry,  mariner,  house  Southac 
Curl  John,  house  West  Centre 
Cutler  John  B.  barber,  71  Chambers 
Cutler  Sarah,  widow.  South  May 

DALTON  THOMAS,  house  29  South  Russell 
Davis  John,  tailor,  3  Federal,  h.  Southac 
Durfy  William,  laborer,  house  Southac 

ELI  JOHN,  clothing,  38  Brattle 

FARMER  STEPHEN,  cook,  house  rear  29  Belknap 

Ferguson  Moses,  house  May 

Foster  Cyrus,  clothes,  36  Brattle,  house  rear  3  Vino 

Franklin  Clark,  liouse  Southac 

Frederick  Thomas,  mariner,  h.  rear  G  Bridge 

Freeman  Cato,  bootblack.  Elm,  h.  rear  704  Washington 

Freeman  John,  mariner,  rear  310  Ann 

GALL  ABRAHAM,  variety  shop,  h.  23  Belknap 

Gardner  Caesar,  bootblack,  Atkinson  near  Milk 

Gaskin  Henry  A.  Turlcpy  oil  stone  manufacturer,  97  Sea 

Goddard  Charlotte,  shop,  147  Ann 

Grandy  Moses,  laborer,  h.  96  Ciiarter 

Gray  John  B.  hairdresser,  Atkinson,  near  Milk 

Gray  Peter,  clothes,  12  Brattle,  house  2  Vine 

Green  Charles  W.  barber,  106  Commercial 

Green  Peter,  mariner,  house  Southac 


HALL  PRIMUS,  soap  boiler,  house  Southac 

Hammond  John,  house  Peek  lane 

Handliss  Affia,  house  rear  Southac 

Hanson  Thomas,  laborer,  house  9  Second 

Harris  Walter,  boarding  house,  11  West  Centre 

Heminenway  John,  Grove 

Hilton  John  T,  clothes  dealer,  20  Brattle,  h.  Southac 

Henson  Daniel,  clothing,  2G  Brattle 

Hogan  John,  laborer,  house -103  Chambers 

Holmes  Henry,  barber,  99  Hanover 

Holmes  Solomon,  hairdresser,  39  Leveret,  h.  Belknap 

Holmes  William,  hairdresser,  183  Hanover,  h.  Belknap 

Howard  Peter,  hairdr.  and  music,  82  Camb.  h.  18  Poplar 

Howe  Louis,  house  28  Spring 

IVES  JOHN,  mariner,  house  1  Butolph 

JACKSON  AMOS  S.  house  rear  3  Vine 

Jaspar  Samuel,  waiter,  house  1  George 

Jenkins  Lewis,  house  rear  17  May 

Jinnings  Thomas,  clothing,  57  Union 

Jinnings  William  S.  clothes  dealer,  Franklin  avenue 

Johnson  Lewis,  hairdresser,  C2  India  wharf,  h.  Belknap 

Johnson  Rob.  clothes  clean,  store,  5  Brattle,  h.  Belknap 

Johnson  Thomas,  mariner,  Charter 

Johnson  William,  house  rear  17  Belknap 

Johnson  William,  loariner,  Robinson  lane 

Jones  Arthur,  barber,  154  1-2  Ann,  h.  Langdon  place 

Junier  William,  waiter,  house  1  Butolph 

KENDAl.L  WILLIAM  B.  house  27  Belknap 

LAMKOS  MARGARET,  widow,  house  21  Belknap 

Lavvson  Edward,  laborer,  Peck   lane 

Leonard  John,  waiter,  rear  6  Bridge 

Lewis  A.  J.  iiairdresser,  13  Sea 

Lewis  Andress  V.  barber,  Howard 

Lewis  C.  I.  house  West  Centre 

Lewis  Joel  W.  blacksmith,  70  Cambridge,  house  Centre 

Lewis  Uriel,  house  rear  29  Belknap 

Lewis  William,  hairdresser,  203  Ann 

Le  Vonn,  Anna,  washwoman,  Robinson  lane 

MARSHALL  JOHN,  rear  152  A 
Martin  Luther,  boarding  house,  1 

152  Ann 

*8  North  square 


Mattrass  Ezekiel,  West  Cantre 

Mills  Jane,  boarding  house,  head  Ellis's  wharf 

Moody  Matilda,  Peck  lane 

NASH  OLIVER,  barber,  9  Hanover,  house  May 
Nell  Williajii  G.  tailor,  I'rattle  square,  h.  rear  Bridge 
Nibbs  William,  house  3  George 
Nichols  Henry,  laborer,  house  3  George 

OSBORN  JOHN,  hairdresser,  258  Hanover 

PAGE  SAMPSON,  house  4  Holden  place 

Patterson  Pierce,  laborer,  Southac 

Paul  Catharine,  widow  of  Thomas,  G  George 

Payne  Timothy,  laborer,  Soulh  May 

Pero  John  B.  hairdresser,  rer.r  1  Dock  sq.  h.  22  Belknap 

Pitts  Coffin,  clothes,  28  Brattle 

Potter  Anthony,  Wilson's  lane 

Putnam  George,  hairdresser,  2  Bromfield,  h.  IG  Belknap 

REDDING  CHARLES,  house  rear  Blay 
Redding  William,  house  Butolph 
Revinason  Ann  Mary,  house  rear  152  Ann 
Reynolds  Andrew  E.  cigar  maker,  2  Fleet 
Rider  John,  rear  732  Wasliington 

Riley  William,  clothes  dealer,  22  Brattle,  house  Southac 
-Roberts  B.  F.  cordwainer,  h.  9  Second 
Roberts  Chas.  H.  clothes  cleaner,  3G  Federal,  h.  May  ct. 
Roberts  Ralph,  laborer,  house  Robinson  lane 
Roberts  Robert,  house  9  Second 
Robinson  John,  clothes,  42  Brattle,  h.  George 
Rog(!rs-John,  clothe*,  14  Brattle,  h.  rear  29  Poplar 
Rowe  Charlotte,  widow,  h.  10  Second 

SAMPSON  PHILIP,  719  W^ashington 

Saunders  Joseph,  house  Butolph 

Scarlett  John  E.  shop  40  Brattle,  h.  9  South  May 

Schuyler  Samuel  F.  hairdres.  head  Arch  wf  h.  312  Ann 

Silver  John  D.  mariner,  Southac 

Silver  Joseph  A.  mariner,  704  \Vasliington 

Simpson  Violet,  Robinson  alley 

Smith  John,  house  West  Centre 

Smith  Lewis,  grain  measurer,  May 

Srnilh  Peter,  clothing,  82  Cambridge 

Snowden  Samuel,  preacher,  5  Belknap 


Standin  Francis,  house  13  West  Second 

Steward  Linea,  doctress,  house  rear  South  Russell 

Stockbridge  Adam,  house  Southac 

St.  Pierre,  John,  house  rear  JMay 

Surney  Susan  B.  Hobinson  alley 

TAYLOR  JOHN  R.  boarding  h.  Southac,  2d  door  from 

West  Centre 
Teford  Andrew,  barber,  h.  rear  29  Belknap 
Telford  Andrew,  hairdresser,  Mt.  Vernon,  h.  IMay  court 
Thacker  Henry,  bootblack,  3  Spring  lane,  h.  Southac 
Thompson  G..W.  hairdresser,  32  Hanover 
Thompson  Samuel  B.  house  rear  May 
Thomas  John,  clothing  store,  245  Ann 
Thurston  Pomp,  waiter,  2G  Belknap 
Tidd  Dudley,  laborer,  Southac 
Toliver  George,  house  Southac 
Tyler  Henry,  clothes  shop.  Blackstone 

WALLACE  WH.LL\M,  hairdresser,  82  Ann 

Washington  George,  bootblack,  Water,  h.  r.  29  Belknap 

Weeks  Maria,  house  Southac 

White  John,  tailor,  24  Belknap 

White  Samuel,  mariner,  Peck  lane 

White  Samuel,  mariner,  Robinson  lane 

W^illiams  Alfred,  house  20  Belknap 

Williams  Charles,  hairdresser,  Tremont  near  Warren 

Willuims  Isaac,  house  27  Belknap 

Williams  John,  shoeblack.  South  cor.  East,  h.  Butolph 

Williams  John,  laborer,  Southac 

Williams  John,  mariner,  house  Southac 

Wilson  Benjamin,  laborer,  Robinson  lane 

Wilson  William  J.  hairdresser,  174  Hanover  &,  241  Ann 

Winsor  Thomas,  Robinson  lane 

Woodland  Isaac,  house  17  Belknap 

Woodruff  William  F.  clothing,  151  Ann 

Woodson  Joseph,  blacking  maker,  George 

Wood  Robert,  boarding,  Butolph 

Wright  John,  clothes  cleans,  store,  5  Brat.  sq.  h.  Poplar 

YOUNG  HANNAH,  widow,  house  Southac 

Omissions,  Removals,  ^c. 

Barrett  George,  22  Broad 

Bennet  Benjamin,  bread  store,  62,  house  G  Myrtle 

Chapman  George  A.  printer,  house  15  Salem  place 

Dalton  Robert  H.  broker,  Excharige 

Ellison  Andrew,  house  C  Myrtle 

Ellison  William  S.  house  6  Myrtle 

Fish  Samuel,  physirian,  5G  Hanover,  at  Hanover  House 

Frothingham  (G.  JV.)  &  Blanchard  {W.  E.),  20  Water 

Hildreth  Charles  T.  physician,  1  La  Grange  place 

Hudson  Benjamin,  115  Pond,  h.  153  Court 

lasigi  (Joseph)  &  Goddard  (TJio's  J.),  mer.  30  Cent.  wf. 

Knapp  Isaac,  publisher  of  Liberator,  40  Washington 

Lamson  Samuel,  h.  4  Garland  place 

Lamson  Samuel,  Rev.  boards  4  Garland  place 

Leonard  Jonathan,  physician,  Pearl 

Magoon  Nathaniel  S.,  Thomsonian  infirmary,  554  Wash. 

Maynard  &  Noyes,  druggists,  11  Merchants  row 

Ruggles  Charles,  h.  15  Ash 

>N    DIRECTOJaY JULY,    1836. 



72  Washington  Street, 
TWO    DOORS    SOUTH     OF     CITY     HALL. 



M  E  S  S  E  R  '  S . 


•208   "WiiSHIKreTON    STBHET, 


Profossional  and  Visiting  Cards  neatly  engraved  and  printed 
■  D.  C'lapp,  jr.  Printer,  184  Washington  Street. 






Stocks,  Suspenders  * 3 

Boston  Wire  Work  Manufactory           ...  3 

Boston  Type  and  Stereotype  Foundry     -         .         .  4 

Paper  Warehouse         ......  4 

Sign  and  Ornamental  Painting        ....  4 

Drugs  and  Medicines            -         -         -        -         5,  8,  18 

Chart,  Stationary,  and  Nautical  Book  Ware  House  5 

Chaise,  Harness,  and  Painting  Establishment           -  6 

Silk,  Cotton,  Linen  and  Woollen  Dyeing,  &c.  6 

School  Book  and  Stationary  Depository            .        -  7 

Isinglass      .-...-..  7 

Bell's  Paste  Blacking 7 

Practice  of  Medicine 8 

Combs,  Jewelry  and  Fancy  Goods           -        -        -  8 

Book  Agency 8 

Auctioneer  and  Commission  Merchant             -         -  9 

Feather  Dressing  and  Purifying  Machine     -         -  9 

Furniture,  Chairs,  Beds,  Mattresses         -         -        -  10 

Bronzed  Lamps,  Gold  and  Silver  Watches           -  10 


Ploughs,  Plough  Castings,  Stoves^  &c.    -        -        •  10 

Shawls,  Silks,  Millinery  and  Staple  Goods           -  11 

Foreign  Bookstore 11 

Copper  and  Brass  Founder  and  Plumber       -         -  11 

Cast  and  Sheet  Iron  Stoves,  Tin  and  Brittania  Ware  11 

Pilot,  Navy,  Ship,  and  Wafer  Bread    -        -        -  12 

Thonosonian  Medicine             12 

Paints,  Oil  and  Window  Glass    -        -        -        -  13 

Fire  Insurance ;14, 16 

Books  and  Stationary           -        -        .        ,           14,  15 

Parker's  New  Semaphoric  Signal  Book   -        -        -  15 

Irish  Linens,  &c. 16 

English  and  French  Stationary,  &c.        -        -        -  17 

Hygeian  Medicine 17 

Furniture  and  Chairs 17 

Job  Printing 18 

Spectacles  and  Optical  Instrumentg         -        -        -  18 



Manufacturers  of  Drawing  Room  Furnituref 

Have  on  hand  and  are  constantly  manufacturing,  from 
the  very  best  materials,  at  their  ware  rooms,  No.  439 
Washington  Street,  PIER  and  CENTRE  TABLES, 
with  Rich  Marble  Slabs,  Commodes^  Lounges  and  So- 
fas.   Also  a  great  variety  of  high  and  low  priced  Ma- 

Boston  »^nnual  Advertiser.  3 

fVVV%  ^/V^/X 'VV^/X  VV%/V 'V^/V\  VVVV 'VVV% 'VV'^^  VX'V^ 'V\/%^  VV  X/VV^  VVX/X  ^/\^^% 

hogany  Chairs,  Study  and  Arm  Chairs,  Mahogany  Rock- 
ing Chairs  in  Plush,  Morocco  and  Hair  Cloth  ;  Music 
Stools,  Tabciays  and  Screens,  &c.  &c.  All  articles  in 
the  above  business  made  to  order  and  warranted,  and 
prices  as  low  as  at  any  other  establishment  in  the  city. 


manuf^lCTurer  or 




At  his  furnishing  store, 
JVb.   80    Washington    Street,   Boston. 





JVo.  69  Cornhill,  late  Market  Street,  Boston^ 

Makes  all  kinds  of  FENDERS  for  Fire  Places  of  every 
description.  Also,  Bird  Cages  of  all  kinda;  neat  Safes, 
Lattice  Wire  Work  for  Window  Guards;  Gravel 

jj^o,^  Weaves  all  kinds  t)f  Brass  and  Iron  Wire. 

Fenders  repaired  and  painted.  All  kinds  of  Wire 
Work  done  at  short  notice. 

N.  B.  Drum  Sieves  for  sifting  powder,  for  Apotheca- 
ries and  confectioners. 

4  Boston  Annual  Advertiser. 



JVo.  39    Congress   Street, 

Have  constantly  on  hand  a  largp  assortment  of  TYPES 
of  every  description,  for  Book,  Newspaper  and  Job 
Printing,  and  also  of  Printers'  Furniture,  generally. 

They  are  constantly  engaged  in  STEREOTYPING, 
and  are  prepared  to  execute  with  despatch  large  or  small 
works,  in  the  best  manner. 

All  orders  will  be  promptly  executed  by 


^gent  for  the  Company. 

GRANT     &     DANIELL, 

Jfo.  9  Union  Street, 

Have  constantly  for  sale — Printing  Paper  of  all  sizes  for 
Newspapers  ;  Royal,  Medium  and  Demy  for  Book  Print- 
ing 5  Royal,  Medium,  Demy,  Folio  Post,  Cap,  Pot  and 
Letter  Writing  Paper,  various  qualities;  Fancy  colored 
Medium,  Log  Book  and  Cartridge  Press  Paper  ;  Binders' 
and  Band  Box  Boards  ;  Wrapping  Paper,  of  all  sizes,  for 
Cloth,  Hard  Ware,  Cotton  Goods  and  Groceries. 

Also  for  sale, 
Rags,  Bleaching  Powder,  Oil  Vitriol,  Alum,  Felting, 
Brass  and  Copper  wove  Wire,  and  all  other  articles  re- 
quired by  paper  manufacturers. 



JSto.  4  State  Street,  opposite  City  Hall. 
Druggists'  Ware  and  Glass  Painting  neatly  executed. 

Constantly  on  hand,  a  good  assortment  of  Timepiece 
Dials  and  Glasses. 

Boston  Annual  Advertiser.  5 







Wholesale  and  retail. 





90  and  92  Washington  Street,  Boston. 




JVo.  122  State  Street,  Boston, 

(directly  opposite  broad  STREET,) 

Offer  for  sale,  on  good  terms,  a  great  variety  of 
Account  Books,    English   and    American    Sta- 
tionary,  ChartSj  JYautical  Books,  Fancy  Ar- 
ticles, Sfc.  Sfc. 

Blue  and  Brown  SKIVERS,  GOLD  LEAF,  and 

Incorporated  Companies,  Merchants  and  Manufactu* 
rers,  furnished  with  complete  sets  of  ACCOUNT 
BOOKS,  in  elegant  or  plain  Binding,  and  ruled  to  any 
pattern.  Old  Books  rebound. — Maps  and  Charts  neatly 
varnished  and  mounted. 

B.  L.  &  Co.  are  constantly  receiving  all  new  and 
valuahle  Nautical  Publications. 


Boston  Annual  Advertiser. 

k  VVVV\<  -  VW\i^>V«/« 





JVo.  18  Tremont  Street,  rear  of  Kew  Court  House, 


Will  attend  to  all  orders  in  the   above   branches,  with 
punctuality  and  despatch. 


[Cr  Repairing,  Painting,  and    Varnishing   second  hand 
Carriages,  &c.  attended  to  at  short  notice. 

H  O  T  1  O  E. 


Would  inform  her  friends  and  the  public,  that  she  still 
continues  to  carry  on  the  Silk,  Cotton,  Linen  and  Wool- 
len Dyeing  and  Scouring,  at  her  old  stand,  No.  560 
Washington  street,  Boston,  nearly  opposite  the  Boston 
and  Worcester  Rail  Road,  where  she  would  be  happy  to 
wait  on  all  who  would  be  pleased  to  favor  her  with  their 

N.  B.— E.  G.  B.  feels  grateful  for  past  favors,  and  soli- 
cits a  continuance  of  former  patronage. 

Goods  left  at  her  Agent's,  Mr.  Josiah  W.  Richards, 
345  Washington  street,  will  be  promptly  attended  to. 

Boston  Annual  Advertiser. 

•  vx/vvvv^^-^/w* 


ROBERT     S.     DAVIS, 


JVb.  77  Washington  Street^ 
[nearly  opposite  the  post  office],  BOSTON. 
ttU'  R.  S.  D.  publishes  several  highly  approved  School 
Books,  which,  together  with  a  complete  assortment  of 
School  and  Classical  Books,  are  offered  for  sale  to  coun- 
try merchants,  Teachers  and  School  Committees,  on  the 
most  liberal  terms. 


Sheet  Isinglass  for  Compass  Cards,  Signal,  Battle, 
Engine,  Common  and  other  Lanterns,  Stove,  Furnace 
Doors,  &c. 

The  above  article  is  superior  to  any  thing  ever  used 
for  the  above  purposes,  on  account  of  not  breaking  or 
burning,  but  standing  the  most  intense  heat. 

Also^  for  Mineralogists  and  others,  elegant  specimens 
of  Mica,  or  Talc,  constantly  for  sale,  on  the  most  rea- 
sonable terms,  at  store  No.  89  Cambridge  street,  direct- 
ly opposite  Crombie's  Tavern,  Boston,  Mass. 


5    FANEUIL    HALL. 

Factory  Washington  St.  near  the  Roxbury  Line. 

In  tropical  climates,  in  South  and  North  America,  no 
Blacking  has,  for  these  last  ten  years,  sustained  so  high 
a  reputation  for  uniform  excellence,  in  nourishing  the 
leather,  whilst  the  ease  with  which  its  beautiful  lustre 
is  produced  has  called  forth  the  admiration  of  the  most 
fastidious  observer.  Merchants,  and  shippers  to  foreign 
destinations,  liberally  supplied. 

8  Boston  Annual  Advertiser. 



May  be  consulted  at  any  time,  at  his  office,  No.  56, 
Hanover  street.  Having  been  extensively  engaged  in 
the  practice  of  medicine  for  nearly  thirty  years  in  an 
adjacent  state,  he  hopes  to  merit  the  confidence  of  those 
who  may  need  his  assistance.  Office  immediately  over 
door  in  second  story. 


JVo.  46  Milk  Street,  opposite  Federal  Street^ 



Maw  &  Co.'s  Domestic  Instruments — Prout's  Tooth 
Brushes — do.  Nail  do. — Medicated  Lozenges — Fancy 
Soaps — Perfumery —  Chemicals  —  Medicine  Spoons  — 
Hull's  Trusses — Moore's  Ess.  Life — Chlorine  Lozenges 
— Purified  Bear's  Oil — Quakers'  Herbs — Black  Currant 

\rT  Physicians'  prescriptions  and  family  medicines 
will  receive  strict  personal  attention. 

MEDICINE  CHESTS,  for  Ship  or  Family  use,  put  up 
with  suitable  directions. 

E.  W.  has  made  such  arrangements  as  will  enable  him 
to  be  constantly  supplied  with  the  genuine  EUROPEAN 





M.     BURNS, 

j9f  HiUiard  <^  Gray's,  112  Washington  Street, 

Agent  for  the  Writings  of  Washington  and  Franklin, 

edited  by  Jared  Sparks. 

Boston  Annual  Advertiser.  9 

J.     M.     ALLEN, 

Auctioneer  and  Commission  Merchant, 


Corner  of  Milk  and  Congress  Streets, 
Attends  lo  out-door  Sales  of  all  kinds  of  Merchandize. 
He  has  superior  accommodations  at  his  office  for  sales 
of  every  description  of  property.  Regular  sales  of  Dry 
Goods  are  held  every  Wednesday,  and  of  Furniture, 
Watches,  &c.  every  Saturday. 

Boston  Horse  and  Carriage  Auction  Mart. 

A  regular  sale  of  Horses,  Carriages,  &c.  is  held  by  the 
subscriber  every  Saturday  at  11  o'clock,  at  the  Horse 
and  Carriage  Mart,  Haymarket  square,  Union  street. 
He  has  taken  the  large  room  formerly  occupied  by 
"  the  Caravan,"  in  Union  street,  near  the  above  square, 
for  a  depository,  and  is  ready  to  receive  carriages,  &c. 
on  storage,  for  either  public  or  private  sale.  Liberal 
advances  made  on  property  consigned  for  sale,  and 
accounts  settled  with  promptness.        J.  M.  ALLEN. 

June,  1836. 


The  Subscriber,  at  No.  8  Milk  street,  4th  from  the  Old 
South,  continues  to  dress  and  purify  feathers  with  Rey- 
nold's patent  machine.  It  is  said  that  old  beds,  that  have 
been  thoroughly  dressed  in  the  above  named  machine, 
are  better  than  new  that  have  not  been  dressed.  Rights 
to  use  the  machine  in  the  counties  of  SuiFolk,  Norfolk, 
Middlesex  and  Essex,  are  for  sale  by  the  subscriber. 


Boston,  May  2,  1836. 
About  six  months  since  I  examined  Mr.  Smith's  ma- 
chine for  purifying  feathers,  and  being  satisfied  that  it 
must  produce  the  effect  for  which  it  was  intended,  I  sent 
a  bed  to  be  purified,  which  had  been  dressed  and  aired  in 
the  ordinary  way,  by  an  upholsterer,  four  times  in  four 
successive  years,  without  any  lasting  effect.  The  pro- 
cess of  Mr.  Smith's  machine  upon  this  bed  has  proved 
completely  effectual.  The  bed  continues  to  be  in  perfect 
order,  and  the  bulk  of  the  feathers  is  permanently  in- 
creased 25  per  cent.  F.  EMERSON. 

10  Boston  Annual  Mverliser. 

%%>V  V  VVVV  VVVV  "VVV^  >VV«^ 'VVX/X  VX/V^ 'VVWX -VVX^  VX/'VV  IVVX't  vvvv  v%  ^/vv« 


S.     BEAL     &     SONS, 

Cor.  of  Hanover  <^  Elm  Sts. 

Keep  constantly  on  hand,  as  large  an  assortment  of 

as  can  be  found  in  the  city,  and  on  as  reasonable  terms, 
consisting  of  every  pattern  and  variety — from  the  best  to 
the  cheapest. 

JONES,     LOWS     &    BALL, 


Import  from  the  lest  makers,  Silver,  Plated,  Brittania 
and  Japan  Ware — Fine  Cutlery — Bronzed  Lamps  of  all 
kinds,  ivarranted.  Gold  and  Silver  Watches,  from  the 
most  celebrated  makers,  and  of  the  finest  class — Paris 
Clocks  and  Mantel  Ornaments — Bronzed  and  Fancy 
Articles — in  great  variety. 

Manufacture  Silver  Plate  and  Rich  Jewelry  to  order, 
in  the  best  style  and  finish. 

%*  Fine  Watch  Repairing,  by  a  practical  experienced 


Ploughs,  Plough  Castings,  Cast  Iron  Hubs,  Boxes  and 
Axletrees. — Agricultural  Implements. 



Wood   and   Coal   Cooking   Stoves,   of  most  approved 

JVo.  12  Commercial  Street, 


Boston  Annual  Advertiser.  11 





JVo.  26  Water  St. 

Corner  of   Congress   Street. 


A  GOOD  collection  of  French,  Spanish,  Italian  and 
German  Books,  may  be  found  at  S.  BURDETT'S,  No. 
IS  Court  Street. 


Copper    and    jBrass    Founder,    and    Plumber^ 

No.  9  Fulton  Street, 

Continues  to  manufacture  Composition  Rudder  Braces, 
Spikes,  Wood  End  Bolts,  Clinch  Rings,  Coppering  and 
Sheathing  Nails,  of  all  kinds  suitable  for  ships'  use. — 
Also,  Factory  Castings,  large  Stop  Cocks,  Casters,  Rods 
and  Railing  for  folding  doors ;  also  copper  and  brass 
work  of  every  description,  such  as  House  and  Ship 
Water  Closets,  with  Glass  Bowls  (a  superior  article) ; 
Brass  Speaking  Trumpets,  Steam  Engine  Pipes,  Copper 
Gutters,  Trunks,  and  Boilers  ;  Clothiers'  and  Hatters' 
Kettles,  Suction  Pumps  and  Lead  Pipes,  Gutter  Pipes, 
Reservoirs;  Sinks,  lined  with  lead  or  zinc  ;  Zinc  Trunks; 
Vapor  Baths  ; — also,  Hawser  and  Scupper  Leads,  Head 
and  Bilge  Pumps,  and  Chemical  Apparatus  to  any  pat- 
tern given. 


Agent  jBlackstone  St.  3d  door  West  from  Hanover, 

Has  for  sale.  Cast  and  Sheet  Iron  Stoves,  Tin  and 
Brittania  Ware,  of  every  description,  Wholesale  and 
Retail,  at  the  lowest  prices. 

12  Boston  Annual  Advertiser . 



95  Broad  Street. 

FILOT,    NAVY,     SHIP,    AJVD     WAFER    BREAD, 

In  any  quantity,  furnished  by  the  Subscribers,  at  the 
above  Establishment,  at  the  shortest  notice. 



Fellow  Citizens  : — The  astonishing  and  unexampled 
increasing  popularity  of  the  Botanical  Medical  practice 
is,  and  must  continue  to  be  in  all  time  to  come,  an  in- 
tensely increasing  subject  of  contemplation  to  every 
friend  of  the  human  family.  The  system  originated  in 
the  fertile  and  inventive  mind  of  Dr.  Samuel  Thomson, 
who  more  than  forty  years  ago  introduced  it  to  the  world 
amidst  opposition  and  discouragements  that  would  have 
forever  paralyzed  the  efforts  of  a  less  stout  hearted,  perse- 
vering and  determined  individual.  The  limits  of  this  ar- 
ticle must  prevent  a  detail  of  the  struggles  which  the  be- 
nevolent author  had  with  power,  prejudice  and  persecu- 
tion, in  all  their  various  forms,  and  from  all  their  different 
sources,  before  he  could  overcome  such  hostility  and  es- 
tablish his  system  upon  a  permanent  foundation.  It  is 
enough,  however,  to  say,  that  through  his  own  exertions 
he  has  accomplished  his  object,  and  now  lives  to  behold 
the  perfect  and  triumphant  success  of  the  safe,  speedy 
and  efficacious  vegetable  remedies,  over  the  uncertain, 
dangerous  and  ever  fatal  operation  of  the  mineral  speci- 
fics. But  as  in  all  new  systems  that  have  been  attended 
with  signal  success,  trespassers  will  infringe  on  the  rights 
of  the  original  Patentee,  so  in  this  one,  numerous  indi- 
viduals without  authority  from  the  father  thereof,  and  re- 
gardless of  the  golden  rules  of  moral  and  equitable  jus- 
tice, have  entered  into  the  practice  of  establishing  public 
hospitals,  and  thus  grasped  at  a  division  of  the  honors  and 
profits  without  experiencing  any  of  the  trials  and  respon- 
sibilities that  awaited — or  possessing  any  of  the  know- 
ledge and  merits  of  the  founder.  A  more  flagrant  vio- 
lation of  the  moral  and  legal  right  cannot  well  be  ima- 

Boston  *^nnnal  Advertiser.  13 

The  consequence  of  this  infraction  of  Dr.  Thomson's 
Patentee  is,  that  numerous  mistakes  are  made  in  the  ad- 
ministration of  a  great  deal  of  spurious  medicine,  by  such 
trespassers,  which  result  fatally ;  and  such  effects  are 
charged  as  the  legitimate  consequences  of  the  Thomso- 
nian  remedies,  when  in  fact  they  are  caused  by  the  igno- 
rance and  malpractice  of  those  persons  who  are  not,  nor 
ever  will  be  the  legal  agentsof  the  Doctor.  These  things 
ought  not  so  to  be.  Be  not  deceived,  therefore.  To 
avoid  the  evils  described,  the  undersigned  gives  notice  to 
all  those  friendly  to  the  practice,  that  he  still  continues 
in  the  well  known  establishment,  No.  23  Harvard  Street 
(Harvard  Street  leads  from  Front  Street,  and  is  opposite 
No.  499  Washington  Street,  Boston),  where  every  varie- 
ty of  Thomsonian  Medicine,  prepared  by  the  author 
himself,  is  administered  in  its  purity.  It  would,  perhaps, 
be  needless  to  add  that  his  house  has  ever  been,  and  is 
now  filled  with  patients  in  various  degrees  of  convales- 
cence, because  his  infirmary  has  long  been  known  to  be 
the  resort  of  invalids  who  could  get  no  relief  from  tho 
regular  physicians.  He  would  state,  however,  that  Dr. 
Samuel  Thomson  himself,  when  in  the  city,  makes  this 
establishment  his  home,  and  can  be  consulted  at  any 
time  in  all  delicate,  critical  and  doubtful  cases. 

For  sale  at  the  Infirmary,  Family  Rights,  Robinson's 
Lectures,  and  all  other  books  explanatory  of  the  system, 
together  with  every  variety  of  pure  Tho'msonian  Medi- 
cine used  in  the  practice. 

WILLIAM  CLARK,  Botanic  Physician, 
And  Agent  for  Dr.  Samuel  Thomson. 

N.  B.— Among  the  trespassers  referred  to  in  the  above, 
are  Elias  Smith,  P.  D.  Badger,  Hosea  Winchester,  N.  S. 
Magoon  and  Mr.  Darling,  all  of  Boston — the  latter  has 
not  been  an  agent  of  mine  for  a  number  of  years. 







14  Boston  Annual  Jldvertxser. 

%/V^/V 'V%/VX  VX/VV 'VV'V/X  %/X/V^  X/X/X^V 'VX/V/X  V'X/%/V  VX''V^ -V'VX/V  X/VX/V 'V^ 


No.  20  State  Street,  in  Boston,  give  notice  that  their  cap- 
ital Stock  is 


which  is  all  paid  in  and  invested  according  to  law — and 
that  they  insure  against  loss  by  Fire,  upon  all  descriptions 
of  property  in  Boston  and  the  immediate  vicinity,  not 


nd  other  property 


and  on  Factories  and  other  property  at  a  distance,  not 

on  any  one  risk. 

[O^  They  will  also  insure  Buildings  and  other  Pro- 
perty, in  the  city  of  New  York. 

Section  8th  of  the  charter  of  this  Company  provides 
that  the  Directors  "  shall  annually  set  aside  one-tenth 
part  of  the  nett  income,  over  and  above  six  per  centum, 
to  be  appropriated  to  the  use  and  benefit  of  the  Boston 
Fire  Department,  in  such  manner  as  they  shall  see  fit." 
THOMAS  C.  AMOKY ,  President. 

S.  G.  ROGERS,  Jr.  Secretary. 



79  Court f  co7-^ier  of  Brattle  street, 

Keeps  constantly  for  sale,  a  general  assortment  of 


Ladies'    and    gentlemen's    Pocket    Books,    Wallets, 
Tooth  Brushes,  Rodgers'  Fine  Penknives,  &c.  &c. 

Boston  Jlnniial  Jldvertiser.  15 


JosT  published,  and  for  sale  at  the  Observatory,  28 
Central  wharf,  J.  R.  PARKER'S  New  Semaphoric 
Signal  Book,  in  three  parts,  containing  the  Marine 
Telegraph  System,  with  the  Appendix,  the  United  States 
Telegraph  Vocabulary,  and  embracing  the  Holyhead 
System,  to  which  is  appended  the  Boston  Harbor  Signal 
Book,  the  whole  adapted  to  the  use  of  the  Semaphoric 
Telegraph,  containing  thirty  thousand  words,  phrases 
and  sentences,  numerically  arranged  for  purposes  of  ge- 
neral conversation  at  sea  and  on  sliore,  together  with  the 
designating  numbers  of  all  vessels  who  have  adopted  the 
Marine  Telegraph  and  Holyhead  Signals. 

Also,  a  pocket  edition  of  the  Marine  Telegraph  Regis- 
ter, containing  all  the  vessels  designating  numbers  which 
have  adopted  the  Marine  Telegraph  Flags. 

(n?  Th